Revelation 18: the loud cry —2018-2030

“She has fallen, she has fallen, Babylon the Great! »
“Come out from among her, my people…”

Samuel presents

Daniel and Revelation to me

Prophetic Proofs That God Exists
His Ultimate Revelations for His Elect

In this work: His Project - His Judgment

Version: 23-09-2023 (7-7th-5994 )


And I heard the voice of a man in the midst of Ulai;

he cried and said, Gabriel, explain to him the vision ” Daniel 8:16.



Explanatory note of the cover

From top to bottom: Messages from the three angels of Revelation 14.

These are three truths from the book of Daniel revealed to the saints after the trial of the spring of 1843 and after that of October 22, 1844. Ignoring the role of the Sabbath, the early Adventists could not understand the true meaning of these messages. Adventists who were awaiting the return of Christ had linked their experience to the " midnight cry " or " middle of the night " cited in the parable of the " ten virgins " from Matt.25:1 to 13 where the announcement of the " return of the Bridegroom ” is mentioned.

1-     The theme of judgment developed in Dan.8:13-14 and subject of the first angel 's message in Rev.14:7: " Fear God and give him glory for the hour of his judgment has come and worship him who has done the earth, the heavens, and the springs of water! »: the return to Saturday, the only true seventh day of the divine order, the Jewish Sabbath and weekly day of rest, is required by God in the fourth of his ten commandments.

2-     The denunciation of papal Rome , " little horn " and " different king " of Daniel 7:8-24 and 8:10-23 to 25, which receives the name " Babylon the great " in the message of the second angel of Apo .14:8: “ Babylon the Great is fallen, she is fallen! ": mainly, because of Sunday, the former "day of the sun" inherited from Emperor Constantine I who established it on March 7, 321. But this expression " it fell " is justified by the revelation of its cursed nature by God as he introduced it to his Adventist servants after 1843, in 1844, by restoring the practice of the abandoned Sabbath. “ She has fallen ” means: “she is taken and defeated.” The God of truth thus announces his victory against the camp of religious lies.

3-     The theme of the last judgment where “ the fire of the second death ” strikes the Christian rebels. This is the image presented in Dan.7:9-10, the theme is developed in Rev.20:10-15, and it is the subject of the third angel 's message in Rev.14:9-10: " And another, a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice: If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, he also shall drink the wine of the wrath of God, poured out without mixture into the cup of his wrath, and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone, before the holy angels and before the Lamb ": Here, Sunday is identified with the " mark of the beast ".

Note the identical correspondence of the numbers of the targeted verses in Daniel 7: 9-10 and Revelation 14: 9-10 .


The fourth angel : he appears only in Apo.18 where he images the final proclamation of the three previous Adventist messages which benefit from all the divine light that has come to illuminate them since 1994 and until the end of the world, that is, until spring 2030 This is the role that this work must play. The light that came to illuminate it reveals the successive guilts: of the Catholic religion, since 538; of the Protestant religion, since 1843; and the official Adventist institution, since 1994. All these spiritual falls had the cause, in their time: the refusal of the light proposed by the Holy Spirit of God in Jesus Christ. “ At the time of the end ” mentioned in Dan.11:40, the Catholic Church brings together in its curse, all religious groups, Christian or not, which recognize its ministry and its authority; this under the aegis of its so-called “ecumenical” alliance which, after Protestantism, official Adventism joined in 1995.



2 Corinthians 4:3-4

…If our Gospel is still veiled, it is veiled to those who are perishing; for the unbelievers whose intelligence the God of this age has blinded, so that they do not see the splendor of the Gospel of the glory of Christ, who is the image of God . »

“And if the prophetic word remains misunderstood, it will only remain so for those who must be lost”

Also, in summary of the revelations presented in this document know that, to “ justify holiness ”,

since the spring of 1843 established by the decree of the creator and legislator God of Daniel 8:14, according to his “ everlasting Gospel ”,

throughout the earth, every man and every woman,

 must be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ by total immersion to obtain divine grace,


must observe Saturday , the seventh-day Sabbath rest, sanctified by God in Genesis 2, and 4th of his 10 commandments cited in Exodus 20; this, in order to preserve his grace,


must honor the divine moral laws and dietary laws prescribed in the Holy Bible, in Genesis 1:29 and Leviticus 11, (holiness of the body)


and must not “ despise his prophetic word ”, so as not to “ quench the Spirit of God (1 Thess.5:20).


Anyone who does not meet these criteria is condemned by God to suffer the “ second death ” described in Revelation 20.





Pagination of topics covered

First part: Preparatory notes

Uses automatic search of page numbers of the software used

Title page 

07  Presentation

12  God and his creations

13  The Biblical Foundations of Truth

16  Fundamental note : March 7, 321, the cursed day of sin

26  The testimony of God given on earth

28  Note : Do not confuse martyrdom with punishment

29  Genesis: a vital prophetic summary

30  Faith and unbelief

33  Food for the Suitable Weather

37  The Revealed History of True Faith

39  Preparatory notes for the book of Daniel

41  It all begins in Daniel – THE BOOK OF DANIEL

42  Daniel 1 - Arrival of Daniel in Babylon

45  Daniel 2 - The statue of the vision of King Nebuchadnezzar

56  Daniel 3 - The three companions in the furnace

62  Daniel 4 - the king humiliated and converted

69  Daniel 5 - The judgment of King Belshazzar

74  Daniel 6 - Daniel in the lions' den

79  Daniel 7 - The four animals and the little papal horn

90  Daniel 8 - Papal identity confirmed – the divine decree of Dan.8:14.

103  Daniel 9 - The announcement of the time of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ.

121  Daniel 10 - Announcement of the great calamity - Visions of the calamity

127  Daniel 11 - The seven wars of Syria.

146  Daniel 12 - The Adventist universal mission illustrated and dated.

155  Introduction to prophetic symbolism

158  Adventism

163  The First Look at the Apocalypse

167  The Symbols of Rome in Prophecy

173  Light on the Sabbath

176  God's decree of Daniel 8:14

179  Preparation for Apocalypse

183  The Apocalypse in Summary

188  Second part: the detailed study of the Apocalypse

188  Revelation 1 : Prologue-The Return of Christ-The Adventist Theme

199  Revelation 2 : The Assembly of Christ from its inception to 1843

199  1st period: Ephesus -  2nd period : Smyrna - 3rd period : Pergamon -

4th era : Thyatira

216  Revelation 3 : The Assembly of Christ since 1843 - the apostolic Christian faith restored

216  5th period : Sardis -  6th period : Philadelphia -

223  The Destiny of Adventism Revealed in Ellen G. White's First Vision

225  7th era : Laodicea

229  Revelation 4 : heavenly judgment

232  Note : DIVINE LAW prophesies

239  Revelation 5 : the Son of Man

244  Revelation 6 : Actors, divine punishments and signs of the times of the Christian era - The first 6 seals

251  Revelation 7 : Seventh-day Adventism sealed with the “ seal of God ”: the Sabbath and secret “ seventh seal ”.

259  Revelation 8 : The first four “ trumpets

268  Revelation 9 : The 5th and 6th “ trumpets

268  the 5th trumpet

276  the 6th trumpet

286  Revelation 10 : the “ little open book

291  End of the first part of the Revelation

Second part: the themes developed

292  Revelation 11 : papal reign - national atheism - the 7th “ trumpet

305  Revelation 12 : the great central plan

313  Revelation 13 : the false brothers of the Christian religion

322  Revelation 14 : The Time of Seventh-day Adventism

333  Revelation 15 : The end of the probationary period

336  Revelation 16 : The Seven Last Plagues of God's Wrath

345  Revelation 17 : the prostitute is unmasked and identified

356  Revelation 18 : the prostitute receives her punishment

368  Revelation 19 : the Armageddon battle of Jesus Christ

375  Revelation 20 : the thousand years of the 7th millennium and the last judgment

381  Revelation 21 : the glorified New Jerusalem symbolized

392  Revelation 22 : The Endless Day of Eternity

405  The letter kills but the Spirit gives life

408  The earthly time of Jesus Christ

410  Holiness and sanctification

424  The separations of Genesis – from Genesis 1 to 22 –

525  The fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham: Genesis 23 to…

528  The Exodus and Faithful Moses – From the Bible in General – The Hour of the Last Choice – Seventh-day Adventism: A Separation, a Name, a History – The Major Judgments of God – Divine from A to Z – Distortions of biblical texts – The Spirit restores the truth.

547  The final dedication

548 The Last Call




Note: translations into foreign languages being carried out using automatic translation software, the author is only responsible for texts in French, the language of the original version of the documents.

Explain Daniel and Revelation to me


I was born and live in this highly abominable country, since God symbolically names its capital “ Sodom and Egypt ” in Rev.11:8. Its model of society, republican, envied, was imitated, spread and adopted by numerous peoples throughout the world; this country is France, a dominating monarchical and revolutionary country, experimenter of five Republics with publican regimes condemned by God. Proudly, it proclaims and displays its tables of human rights, outrageously opposed to the tables of human duties written in the form of “ten commandments”, by the creator God himself. Since its origin and its first monarchy, it has taken up the defense of its enemy, the Roman Catholic religion whose teaching has never ceased to call "evil" what God calls "good" and to call "good" what which he calls “evil”. Continuing its inexorable fall, its Revolution led it to adopt atheism. Thus, as a creature, a pot of earth, France is engaged in a standoff which opposes it to the all-powerful God, an authentic pot of iron; the outcome was predictable and prophesied by him; she will experience the fate of “ Sodom ” guilty of the same sins before her. World history for the last 1700 years or so has been shaped by its evil influence, notably its support for the authority of the Roman Catholic papal regime, from its first monarch, Clovis I, the first king of the Franks. He was baptized in Reims, on December 25 in the year 498. This date bears the sign of a Christmas celebration linked by Rome, unfairly and outrageously, to a false date of birth of Jesus Christ, the incarnate God, creator of the world and everything that lives or exists; who rightly claims the title of “ God of truth ” because he abhors “ the lie which has the devil as its father ,” as Jesus declared.

Do you want undeniable proof that no Roman pope is legitimate in claiming to be a servant of Jesus Christ? Here it is, precise and biblical: Jesus said in Matt.23:9: “ And call no man your father on earth; for one is your father, who is in heaven. »

What is the pope called on earth? Everyone can see it, “holy father ”, or even, “very holy father ”. Catholic priests are also called “ fathers ”. This rebellious attitude causes the multitudes of priests to place themselves as supposedly indispensable intermediaries between God and the sinner, while the Bible teaches for him free access to God legitimized by Jesus Christ. In this way, the Catholic faith infantilizes human beings to appear indispensable and essential. This diversion from the direct intercession of Jesus Christ will be denounced by God in a prophecy, in Dan.8:11-12. Question-Answer : Who can believe that the powerful creator God could take as his servants human beings who disobey him with such outrageous “ arrogance ” denounced in Dan.7:8 and 8:25? The biblical response to this infantilization of human minds is in this verse from Jer.17:5: “ Thus says YaHWéH: Cursed is the man who trusts in man , who takes the flesh for his support , and who turns away his heart of YaHWéH ! »

Because it was France which greatly shaped the religious history of a large part of the Christian era, God gave a Frenchman the mission of revealing his cursed role; this, by illuminating the hidden meaning of his prophetic revelations encrypted in a strictly biblical code.

In 1975 I received the announcement of my prophetic mission through a vision, the true meaning of which I only understood in 1980, after my baptism. Baptized into the Seventh-day Adventist Christian faith, I have known, since 2018, that I have been placed in ministry for the time of a jubilee (7 times 7 years) which will end in the spring of 2030 with the return in glory of the Lord God Almighty, Jesus Christ.

Recognizing the existence of God or Jesus Christ is not enough to obtain eternal salvation .

I recall here, before returning to heaven, Jesus addressed to his disciples the words of these verses from Mat.28:18 to 20: “Jesus, having come near, spoke to them thus: All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations , baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit , and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you . And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world .” His divine Spirit inspired in the apostle Peter this other formal and solemn declaration of Acts 4:12: “ There is salvation in no other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved .”

Consequently, understand, the religion which reconciles us with God is not based on a religious heritage due to human traditions. Faith in the atoning voluntary sacrifice offered by God, through His human death in Jesus Christ, is the only way to obtain our reconciliation with the perfect righteousness of His divine holiness. Also, whoever you are, whatever your origin, your inherited religion, your people, your race, your color or your language, or even your status among men, your reconciliation with God only comes through Jesus Christ and adherence to his teaching which he addresses to his disciples until the end of the world; as evidenced by this document.

The expression “ Father, Son and Holy Spirit ” designates three successive roles played by the one God in his plan of salvation offered to guilty sinner man, condemned to the “ second death ”. This “trinity” is not a gathering of three Gods, as Muslims believe, thus justifying their rejection of this Christian dogma and its religion. As “ Father ”, God is our creator for all; as “ Son ” he gave himself a body of flesh to atone for the sins of his elect in their place; in “ Holy Spirit ”, God, Spirit of the resurrected Christ, comes to help his elect to succeed in their conversion by obtaining “ the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord ”, according to what the apostle Paul teaches in Heb.12: 14; “ sanctification ” is, being set apart for and by God. It confirms his acceptance of the chosen one and appears in the works of his faith, in his love for God and his inspired and revealed biblical truth.

Reading this document is essential to understand the very high level of curse that weighs on the peoples of the earth, their religious institutions and those of the Western Christian world, particularly, because of their Christian origin; because the path traced by Jesus Christ constitutes the unique and exclusive saving path of God's project; as a result, the Christian faith remains the prime target of attacks from the devil and demons.

Basically, the saving project designed by the creator God is simple and logical. But religion takes on a complex character due to the fact that those who teach it only think of justifying their religious conception and, practicing sin, often out of ignorance, this conception is no longer in conformity with the requirements of God. As a result, he hits them with his curse which they interpret to their advantage and do not hear the divine reproach.

This work is not intended to receive a literary prize; for the creator God, his sole role is to put his elect to the test of faith which will allow them to obtain eternal life won by Jesus Christ. You will find repetitions there, but this is the style that God uses by hammering out the same teachings that he reveals through different images and symbols. These numerous repetitions constitute the best proof of their authenticity and testify to the importance he gave to the illustrated truths concerned. The parables taught by Jesus confirm this emphasis and repetition.

You will find in this work revelations given by the great creator God who visited us under the human name of Jesus of Nazareth, who came under the title of “anointed”, or “messiah”, according to the Hebrew “mashiah” cited in Dan .9:25, or “christ”, from the Greek “christos” of the writings of the new covenant. In him, God came to offer his perfectly pure life as a voluntary sacrifice, to validate the rites of animal sacrifices which preceded his coming since the original sin committed by Eve and Adam. The term “ anointed ” designates one who receives the anointing of the Holy Spirit symbolized by the oil of olive trees. The prophetic revelation given by God in the sole name of Jesus Christ and his atoning work guides his elect on the path that leads to eternal life. Because salvation by grace alone does not prevent the elect from falling into traps of which he is unaware. It is therefore to complete his offer of grace, that in the name of Jesus Christ, God comes to reveal the existence of the main traps which allow his last servants of the time of the end, to analyze, judge, and understand clearly the confused situation of the universal Christian religion which prevails in this last epoch of earthly salvation.

But before sowing, it is advisable to uproot; because the nature of the creator God is distorted by the teaching of the great monotheistic religions prevalent on earth. They all have in common that they impose the one God by constraint and thus testify to their separation and from any relationship with him. The apparent freedom attached to the Christian faith is only due to the current circumstances of the time, but as soon as God allows the demons to act freely, this intolerance towards those who do not follow them will reappear. If God had wanted to act through constraint, it would have been enough for him, simply, to make himself visible to their eyes, to obtain from his creatures that they obey all his wills. If he did not act in this way, it is because his selection of elected officials rests, solely , on the free choice to love him or reject him; free choice that he gives to all his creatures. And if there is a constraint, it is only that of the natural character of the elect who are pushed and attracted, by their individual free nature, by the God of love. And this name love suits it well, because it sublimates it, by offering its creatures a demonstration put into action which makes it incontestable; this by offering his life to atone, in the person of Jesus Christ, for the sins inherited and committed by his elect alone at the time of their ignorance and weakness. Attention ! On earth, this word love only takes the form of feeling and its weakness. That of God is strong and perfectly just; which makes all the difference because it takes the form of a principle where feeling is totally controlled. The true religion approved by God therefore rests on free adherence to his person, his thoughts and his principles established in laws. All earthly life is built on its physical, chemical, moral, psychic and spiritual laws. Just as the idea of escaping the law of earthly gravity and making it disappear would not enter man's mind, his spirit can only flourish harmoniously in respect and obedience. to the laws and principles established by the creator God. And these words of the apostle Paul from 1 Cor.10:31 are thus perfectly justified: “ Whether you eat, or drink, or do anything else, do all for the glory of God .” The application of this free invitation is made possible by the fact that, in the Bible, and it alone, God has delivered and revealed his divine opinions. And it is important to take his opinion into account in accomplishing the work of “ sanctification without which ,” according to Heb.12:14, “ no one will see the Lord .” Sometimes his opinion takes the form of a prescription, but it is no more debatable than that provided by the specialist doctor to whom the human being hastens to obey, thinking that he is acting in his best interests for his health. physical or mental (even if he is wrong). The creator God is, far above all, the only and true physician of souls whom he knows in their smallest details. It hurts but heals whenever the situation is favorable. But ultimately, he will destroy and annihilate all celestial and earthly life that has proven incapable of loving him and therefore, of obeying him.

Religious intolerance is therefore the revealing fruit of the false monotheistic religion. It constitutes a very serious fault and sin because it distorts the character of God, and by attacking him, it does not risk obtaining his blessing, his grace and his salvation. However, God uses it like a scourge to punish and strike unbelieving or unfaithful humanity. I rely here on biblical and historical testimony. Indeed, the writings of the old covenant teach us that to punish the infidelity of his people, the nation called Israel, God used the “Philistine” people, his closest neighbor. In our time this people continues this action under the name “Palestinian”. Later, when he wanted to reveal his judgment and his final condemnation of this earthly carnal Israel, he called upon the services of the Chaldean king Nebuchadnezzar; this three times. In the third, in – 586, the nation was destroyed and the surviving people were taken into deportation to Babylon for a period of “70 years” prophesied in Jer.25:11. Later still, for its refusal to recognize Jesus Christ as its messiah, the nation was destroyed again by Roman troops led by Titus, the heir of Emperor Vespasian. During the Christian era, officially falling back into sin in 321, the Christian faith was given over to the intolerance of the popes from 538. And this dominant Catholic faith sought quarrel with the Middle Eastern peoples who had become religiously Muslim in the same 6th century . Infidel Christianity has found there a perpetual formidable adversary. Because the religious opposition of the two camps is like the poles, totally opposed until the end of the world. The unbeliever is also proud and seeks the glory of exclusivity; not obtaining it from God, he attributes it to himself and does not accept being challenged. This description of the individual characterizes, also collectively, the members who belong to the different assemblies and group together in the different false religions. Condemning intolerance does not mean that God is tolerant. Intolerance is a human practice inspired by the demonic camp. The word tolerant implies the thought of intolerance and the word of true faith is approval or disapproval according to the biblical principle "yes, or no." For his part, God supports the existence of evil without tolerating it; he supports it for a time of freedom planned in his project to select his elected officials. The word tolerance therefore only applies to humanity, and the term appeared in the Edict of Nantes of Henri IV of April 13, 1598. But after the end of the time of grace, evil and those who do will be destroyed. Tolerance had replaced the religious freedom given to man by God from the beginning.

The menu of this work is announced; the evidence will be presented and demonstrated throughout the pages.




























God and his creations


The spiritual lexicon used by men in Latin Europe hides essential messages delivered by God. So it is, first of all, with the word Apocalypse which, in this aspect, evokes the great catastrophe feared by men. Yet behind this frightening term lies the translation “Revelation” which reveals to His servants in Christ indispensable things necessary for their salvation. According to the principle that the happiness of some causes the misfortune of others, those of the opposite camp, the messages in absolute opposites are very rich in teaching and very often suggested in the very holy “Revelation” given to the apostle John.

Another term, the word “angel” hides important lessons. This French word comes from the Latin “angelus” itself taken from the Greek “aggelos” which means: messenger. This translation reveals to us the value that God gives to his creatures, his counterparts whom he created free and relatively independent. Life being given by God, this independence retains logical restrictions. But this term “messenger” reveals to us that God sees his free counterparts as living messages. Thus, each creature represents a message composed of a life experience marked by personal choices and positions which constitute what the Bible calls “a soul”. Every creature is unique as a living soul. Because what the first celestial counterparts created by God, those whom we traditionally call “the angels”, did not know is that the one who gave them life and the right to live can take them back. They were created to live forever and did not even know the meaning of the word death. It is to reveal to them what the word death means that God created our earthly dimension in which the human species, or Adam, would play the role of mortal after the sin of the Garden of Eden. The message we represent is pleasing to God only if it conforms to His standards of good and good. If this message meets its standard of evil and bad, the one who carries it is of the rebellious type whom it condemns to eternal death, to a final destruction and annihilation of his entire soul.
















The Biblical Foundations of Truth


God saw it good and right to reveal, first, the origins of our earth system to Moses, so that every human being would know about it. He indicates there, a priority of spiritual teaching. In this action he presents to us the bases of his truth which begin by regulating the order of time. For God is the God of order and noble consistency. We will discover, by comparison with its standards, the stupid and incoherent aspect of our current order established by the man of sin. Because it is indeed sin and already original sin that changes everything.


But it is essential to understand before anything else, that the “ beginning ” cited by God in the Bible, and first word of the book called “Genesis” is, “origin”, does not concern the “ beginning ” of life, but only that of his creation of our entire terrestrial dimension which includes the stars of the celestial cosmos all created on the fourth day after the earth itself. With this thought in mind, we can understand that this specific earth system, in which nights and days will follow one another, is created to become the environment where God and his faithful elect and the devil's enemy camp will confront each other. This fight of divine good against the evil of the devil, the first sinner in the history of life, is his reason for being and the basis of the entire revelation of his universal and multiversal saving project. During this work, you will discover the meaning of certain enigmatic words spoken by Jesus Christ during his earthly ministry. You will thus see how much meaning they take on in the great project set in motion by the one great God, creator of all forms of life and matter. Here I close this important parenthesis and return to the subject of the order of time established by this Supreme Sovereign of existence.


Before sin, Adam and Eve had their lives structured around a succession of seven-day weeks. In accordance with the model of the fourth of the ten commandments (or Decalogue) which recalls it , the seventh day is a day sanctified for rest by God and by man, and knowing today what this action prophesies, we can understand why God holds to respect this practice. In its overall project which explains the reasons for this specific earthly creation, the week, the proposed unit of time, prophesies seven thousand years during which the great project of the universal (and multiversal) demonstration of his love and justice will be accomplished. In this program, in analogy to the first six days of the week, the first six millennia will be placed under the demonstration of his love and patience. And like the seventh day, the seventh millennium will be devoted to the establishment of his perfect righteousness. I can summarize this program thus by saying: six days (of a thousand years = six thousand years) to save, and the seventh (= thousand years), to judge and annihilate the terrestrial and celestial rebels. This saving project will rest entirely on the voluntary expiatory sacrifice made by the creator God, in the earthly divine aspect of the person named, by his divine will, Jesus Christ in the Greek version or according to the Hebrew, Jesus the Messiah.

Before sin, in the original perfect divine order, the entire day is composed of two successive equal parts; 12 hours of lunar night are followed by 12 hours of sunlight and the cycle repeats itself perpetually. In our current condition, this situation only appears two days a year, at the time of the spring and autumn equinoxes. We know that the current seasons are due to a tilt of the earth's axis, and we can thus understand that this tilt appeared as a consequence of the original sin committed by the first couple, Adam and Eve. Before sin, without this inclination, the regularity of the divine order was perfect.

The complete revolution of the earth around the sun indicates the unit of the year. In his testimony, Moses tells the story of the Exodus of the Hebrews delivered by God from Egyptian slavery. And on the very day of this exit, God said to Moses, in Exo.12:2: “ This month will be the first month of the year for you; it will be for you the first month .” Such insistence testifies to the importance that God gives to the thing. The Hebrew calendar of twelve lunar months fluctuated with time, and behind the solar order, it was necessary to add an additional thirteenth month to regain concordance after several years of accumulation of this delay. The Hebrews came out of Egypt " the 14th day of the first month of the year ” which logically began on the spring equinox; name which means precisely “first time”.

This order given by God, “ this month will be the first month of the year for you ”, is not trivial, because it is addressed to all men who will claim his salvation until the end of the world ; Hebrew Israel, recipient of divine Revelation, being only the vanguard of the great universal saving project of its divine program. His lunar time will be followed by the solar time of Christ through which God's saving project is revealed in all its light.

The perfect restoration of these divine standards will never be accomplished on an earth populated by rebellious and wicked human beings. However, it remains possible, in the individual relationship we have with God, this powerful invisible creative Spirit who magnifies love as much as justice. And any relationship with him must begin with this search for his values and firstly, those of his order of time. This is an act of faith, quite simple and without particular merit; a minimum to offer from our human side. And our approach being pleasant to Him, the loving relationship of the creature and its Creator becomes possible. Heaven is not won by feats or miracles, but by signs of reciprocal attention, which express true love. This is what everyone can discover in the work of Jesus Christ, who gave his life, voluntarily, as a sign of a call, to save only his chosen beloved.

After this admirable picture of the divine order, let us look at the pathetic aspect of our human order. This comparison is all the more necessary because it will allow us to understand the reproaches that God prophesied through his prophet Daniel, whom Jesus in his hour authenticated as such. Among these reproaches we read in Dan.7:25: “ He will design to change the times and the law .” God knows only one standard of these things; those which he himself established since the creation of the world and then revealed to Moses. Who dared to commit such an outrage? A dominating regime to which he attributes “ arrogance ” and “ the success of its tricks ”. Also described as a “ different king ”, the synthesis of these criteria suggests religious power. Moreover, accused of " persecuting the saints ", the possibilities of interpretation narrow and enclose the Roman papal regime established, only , since 538 by a decree due to the emperor Justinian 1st . But the Revelation called Apocalypse will reveal the fact that this date 538 is only the consequence and the extension of an evil brought against “ the times and the divine law” from March 7, 321 by the Roman Emperor Constantine 1st . His crime will often be recalled in this study, because this evil date brings the curse into the pure and perfect Christian faith established in the time of the apostles. This sharing of guilt, in relay, of pagan imperial Rome and Roman Catholic papal Rome is a main key to the prophetic revelation constructed in the testimonies written by Daniel. For the pagan emperor established the first day's rest, but it is the Christian papal regime who religiously imposed it in its “ changed ”, particular and human form, of the ten commandments of God.
































Fundamental note: March 7, 321, the cursed day of sin


And powerfully cursed, because on March 7, 321, the rest of the holy seventh day of the Sabbath was, by order of a dated imperial decree, officially replaced by the first day. At the time, this first day was dedicated by the pagans to the worship of the Sun God, the SOL INVICTVS that is, the outrageous UNDEFEATED SUN, already the object of adoration on the part of the Egyptians at the time of the Exodus of the Hebrews , but also, in America, by the Incas and the Aztecs, and until today by the Japanese (land of the “rising sun”). The devil always uses the same recipes to lead humans into his fall and condemnation by God. It exploits their superficiality and their carnal mind which leads them to despise the spiritual life and the lessons of the historical past. Today, March 8, 2021, when I am writing this note, the news bears witness to the importance of this outrage, a true divine lèse-majesté, and once again, divine time takes on its full meaning. For God the time of a year begins in spring and ends at the end of winter, in our current Roman calendar, from March 20 to the following March 20. It thus appears that March 7, 321 was for God March 7, 320, i.e., 13 days before spring 321. Consequently, for God, it was the year 320 which was marked at its end, by the abominable act brought against his just and holy divine law. According to God's time, the year 2020 constitutes the 17th anniversary (17: number of judgment) in number of centuries since the year 320. It is therefore not surprising that from the beginning of the year 2020, the divine curse has entered an aggressive phase in the form of a contagious virus which has caused panic, in the West, the society of men whose trust and faith have been placed entirely in science and its progress. Panic is the consequence of the inability to present an effective cure or vaccine despite the high technical skills of current scientists. By giving these 17 centuries a prophetic value, I am not inventing anything, because for God the numbers have a spiritual meaning which he reveals and uses in the construction of his prophecies, and precisely in Revelation, chapter 17 is devoted to the theme of “the judgment of the harlot who sits on many waters .” “ Babylon the great ” is its name and the “great waters ” involved suggest the “ River Euphrates ” that God targets in the “ sixth trumpet ” message of Rev.9:13, symbol of the coming Third World War. Behind these symbols are papal Catholicism and unfaithfully Christian Europe, sources and targets of his anger. The struggle between God and men has just begun; the iron pot against the earthen pot, the outcome of the fight is predictable; better, it is prophesied and programmed. How was God going to mark the 17th centenary of March 7, 320 (320, for him and his elect; 321 for the falsely religious or profane world)? I have long believed that it would be through the entry into world war, but a world war which will end in atomic form, because God prophesied it, three times, in Dan.11:40 to 45, Ezekiel 38 and 39, and finally, in Rev.9:13 to 21. The struggle initiated by God against rebellious humanity since the spring of 2020 is of the same type as that which he engaged against the pharaoh of Egypt in the time of Moses ; and the end result will be the same; the enemy of God will lose his life there, like Pharaoh who, in his time, saw his firstborn son die and lost his own. This March 8, 2021, I note that this interpretation was not fulfilled, but I had been prepared for it for about a month, having realized by divine inspiration that 321 was for God 320 and that consequently, he had planned to curse, not just the day of March 7, 2020, but the entire year to which this cursed day is attached, thus applying, for this punishment, the principle cited in Nom.14:34: “Just as you have spent forty days exploring the land, you will bear the penalty of your iniquities forty years, a year for each day ".

But to this observation, one thing is added. Our false calendar is not only wrong about the beginning of the year, it is also wrong about the date of the birth of Jesus Christ. Incorrectly, in the 5th century , the monk Dionysius the Little placed it on that of the death of King Herod which really took place in – 4 of his calendar. To these 4 years, we must add the “ two years ” estimated by Herod as being the age of the Messiah whom he wanted to put to death according to Matt.2:16: “ Then Herod, seeing that he had been tricked by the wise men , became very angry, and he sent to kill all the children from two years old and under who were in Bethlehem and in all its territory, according to the date of which he had carefully inquired from the wise men . So, when he counts the years, God adds 6 years to our usual false and misleading date and the birth of Jesus took place in the spring of that year – 6. As a result, the year 320 was for him: 326 and the 17th secular anniversary of our year 2020 was for him the year 2026 from the true moment of the birth of Jesus Christ. This number 26 is the number of the tetragram “YHWH”, in Hebrew “Yod, Hé, Wav, Hé”, by which God named himself, following the question of Moses: “What is your name ? » ; this, according to Exodus 3:14. The great creator God therefore had one more reason to mark with his personal royal seal this day marked by his all-powerful divine curse; and this until the end of the world. The scourge of contagious disease appearing in this year 2026 of divine time has just confirmed the continuity of this curse which will take different forms during the last years of life on planet Earth. A Third Nuclear World War will mark “ the end ” of the “ times of the nations ” announced by Jesus Christ in Matt.24:14: “ This good news of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, as a testimony to all nations . Then the end will come .” This “ end ” will begin with the end of the grace period; the offer of salvation will end. A test of faith based on respect for his holy Sabbath will definitively separate the camp of the “ sheep ” from that of the “ goats ” of Matt.25:32-33: “ All nations will be gathered before him. He will separate one from another, as the shepherd separates the sheep from the goats; and he will put the sheep on his right hand, and the goats on his left .” The decree of a law making Roman Sunday obligatory will ultimately result in the true elect saints of Jesus Christ being condemned to death. This situation will fulfill these words of Dan.12:7: “ And I heard the man clothed in linen, standing above the waters of the river; he lifted up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and he swore by him who lives forever that it will be in a time, and times, and half a time, and that all these things will end when the strength of the people saint will be completely broken .” From a human perspective, their situation will be desperate and their death imminent. It is then that these words of Jesus Christ cited in Matt.24:22 come to light: “ And if these days were not shortened, no one would be saved; but, for the sake of the elect , these days will be shortened .” The year 6000 will end before April 3, 2036 of divine time, that is, April 3, 2030 of our false calendar which comes 2000 years after the day of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ accomplished on the 14th day after the beginning of spring . year 30. And these “ days ” must be “ shortened ” or diminished. This means that the date of application of the death decree will precede this date. For it is the emergency situation that requires Christ to intervene directly to save his elect . We must then take into account God's priority of glorifying the standard of " time " that He gave to His earthly creation. It is he who will inspire the rebels of the last days to choose a date which will exceed by a few days the first day of spring 2030 behind which closes the 6000 years of earthly history. Two possibilities then present themselves: a date which will remain unknown until the end, or April 3, 2030 which marks the maximum possible and spiritually meaningful limit. Consider that despite its extreme importance, the 14th day of the year of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ is not suitable to mark the end of 6000 years of world history, much less the beginning of the 7th millennium . This is why I place my preference and my faith on the spring date of March 21, 2030, the date of the “ abbreviated ” prophetic time of April 3 or an intermediate date. Marked by nature created by God, spring is decisive when we want to count the 6000 years of human history; which becomes possible from the moment Adam and Eve sinned. In the biblical account of Genesis, the days leading up to this first spring were eternal days. The time counted by God is that of the land of sin and the 6000 years that the week prophesies begin with the beginning of the first spring and they will end with the end of a last winter. It was one spring that the countdown to 6000 years began. Because of sin, the earth underwent a tilt of its axis of 23° 26' and the succession of seasons could begin. In the Jewish holidays of the old covenant, two holidays are dominant: the weekly Sabbath and Passover. These two festivals are placed under the symbolism of the numbers "7, 14 and 21" of the "7th , 14th and 21st " days which represent the three phases of the plan of divine salvation: The weekly Sabbath theme of Rev.7 which prophesies the reward of the chosen saints, for the “7”; the redemptive work of Jesus Christ which constitutes the means of offering this reward, for the “14”. Note that in the festival of Passover which lasts 7 days the 15th and the 21st day are two Sabbaths of profane inactivity. And the triple “7” or “21” designates the end of the first 7000 years and the entry into eternity of the new divine creation on the earth renewed according to Rev.21; this number 21 symbolizes the perfection (3) of the fullness (7) of the life project which was the goal desired by God. In Revelation 3, verses 7 and 14 respectively mark the beginning and end of the Seventh-day Adventist institution ; here again the two phases of the same sanctified subject. Likewise, Rev.7 deals with the subject of the sealing of the Adventist elect and Rev.14 presents the messages of the three angels which summarize their universal mission. Thus, in the year 30, the end of the 4000 years was accomplished in the spring, and for only symbolic reasons, Jesus was crucified 14 days after March 21 of this spring of the year 30, i.e., 36 for God . Through these examples, God confirms, the “7” of the Sabbath and the “14” of the redemption of the sins of the elect by Jesus Christ are inseparable. Thus, when at the end, the “7” of the Sabbath is attacked, Christ the Redeemer of “14” flies to his aid to give him glory, the maximum 14 “days” which will separate the two dates will be “abbreviated” or , suppressed to save its last elected faithful.

By rereading Matt.24, it appeared to me that Christ's message is addressed, particularly, to his disciples at the end of the world, to us who are living in these last years. Verses 1-14 cover the time up to the time of “ the end .” Jesus prophesies of successions of wars, the appearances of false prophets and the final spiritual cooling. Then, verses 15 to 20, in double application, concern both the destruction of Jerusalem accomplished by the Romans in 70 A.D. and the final aggression of the nations against the Jewishness of the elect who observe God's holy Sabbath. After this, verse 21 prophesies their final " great distress ": " For then shall be such great distress as has not been since the beginning of the world until now, and 'there will never be '; Note that this clarification " and there never shall be " prohibits application for the time of the apostles, because it would be contradicted by the teaching of Dan.12:1. This means that both quotes relate to the same accomplishment in the final earthly test of faith. In Dan.12:1 the expression is identical: “ At that time Michael, the great prince, the defender of the children of your people, will rise; and it will be a time of trouble, such as has not been since nations existed until that time . At that time those of your people who are found written in the book will be saved . ". The “ distress ” will be so great that “ the days ” will have to be “ shortened ” according to verse 22. Verse 23 indicates the standard of true faith which does not grow in the spontaneous appearances of Christ on earth: “ If then you said, Behold, he is in the wilderness; go not there; behold, he is in the chambers, believe it not .” In the same final era, spiritualism will multiply its “ prodigies ” and its deceptive and seductive appearances of the false Christ, which will subjugate poorly taught souls: “ For false Christs and false prophets will arise; they will perform great wonders and miracles, to the point of deceiving , if it were possible, even the elect ”; which is confirmed by Rev. 13:14: “ And she deceived the inhabitants of the earth by the signs which it was given to her to work in the presence of the beast, telling the inhabitants of the earth to make an image to the beast which had the wound of the sword and who lived . Verse 27 evokes the powerful and victorious appearance of the divine Christ and verse 28 prophesies “ the feast ” offered to the birds of prey after his intervention. For the rebels who survive until his coming will be exterminated and delivered to pasture “ to the birds of the air ” as Rev. 19:17-18 and 21 teaches.

I summarize here, this whole new understanding of divine creation. By establishing the first week, God fixes the unity of the day which is made up of a dark night and a light day, the sun will only illuminate it from the 4th day . The night prophesies the establishment of sin on earth because of the future disobedience of Eve and Adam. Until this act of sin, the earthly creation displays eternal characteristics . The sin committed, things change and the countdown of 6000 years can begin, because the earth tilts on its axis and the principle of the seasons begins. The earthly creation cursed by God then takes on its perpetual characteristic that we know. The 6000 years that began in the first spring marked by sin will end in the spring of 6001 with the return in divine glory of Jesus Christ. His final advent will be accomplished on “ the first day of the first month ” of the first year of the 7th millennium .

That said, March 7, 2021, of our false human calendar, has just been religiously marked by a visit by Pope Francis to Eastern Christians persecuted in Iraq by Muslim extremists. In this meeting, he reminded Muslims that they had the same God, that of Abraham, and he considered them his “brothers”. These words which delight Western unbelievers are no less an enormous outrage for Jesus Christ who gave his life as a sacrifice for the forgiveness of the sins of his elect. And this intrusion by the leader of the “ex-crusaders” Catholic “Christians” into their territory can only intensify the anger of the Islamists. This peaceful action of the pope will therefore bring dramatic consequences prophesied in Dan.11:40, the intensification of the “clash” of the Muslim “king of the south” against papal Italy and its European allies. And in this perspective, the economic collapse of France and all Western countries of Christian origin caused by their leaders, because of the Covid-19 virus, will change the balance of power and ultimately, allow the accomplishment of the “World War III” pushed back to the end of the last 9 years that are still ahead of us. In conclusion, let us remember that by causing the epidemic due to Covid-19 and its developments, God opened the way for the curse which was to characterize the last ten years of human history on earth.

March 7, 2021, however, was marked by acts of violence by youth between rival gangs and against the police authorities in several cities in France. This confirms the path towards a generalized confrontation; the positions of each being irreconcilable because they are incompatible. This is the consequence of the clash of two diametrically opposed cultures: Western secular freedom against the society of the bosses and capos of the southern countries, moreover traditionally and nationally Muslim. A tragedy is brewing like Covid-19, with no cure.


To complete the observation of the abominable order legitimized by humanity, we must note: the change of the year after the 12th month which bears the name of the 10th month (December), at the beginning of winter; the change of day in the middle of the night (midnight); only the precise and regular counting of hours remains positive. Thus, the beautiful divine order has disappeared because of sin, replaced by a sinful order which will disappear in turn, when the glorious creator God appears, for the settlement of accounts, that is to say at the end of the first six thousand years, in the spring of 2030 , for deceived humans, or spring 2036 of the true birth of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, for his elect.

The established and observed disorder testifies to the divine curse that weighs on humanity. Because since the tilt of the earth, the calculation of time has lost its stability and regularity, the hours of night and day being in perpetual succession of increase and decrease.

The order in which the creator God organizes his saving plan further reveals to us the spiritual priorities that he proposes to man. He chose to reveal his sublime love by giving his life in Jesus Christ as a ransom after 4000 years of human earthly experiences. By doing this, God says to us: “First, show me your obedience and I will show you my love.”

On earth, men follow one another reproducing the same character fruits, however the generation of the final time into which we entered in 2020 presents a particularity; after 75 years of peace in Europe, and an incredible recent evolution of genetic science, very logically, the Europeans and their outgrowths, from the USA, Australia and Israel, believed they could respond to all health problems, their societies being increasingly sanitized. It is not the attack of a contagious virus that is new, it is the behavior of the leaders of advanced societies that is new. The cause of this behavior of fear is their exposure to the peoples of the earth through the bombardment of the media, and among these media, the new media or social networks which appear on the spider's web that constitutes free internet communication, on in which we find more or less clear diffusers. Humanity is thus trapped by its excesses of freedom which fall as a curse on it. In the USA and Europe, violence pits ethnic communities against each other; there, it is the curse of the “ Babel ” experience which is renewed; another undeniable divine lesson which was not learned, because it is the descendant of a single couple necessarily speaking the same language, until this guilty experience, we still see it today, humanity is separated by multiple languages and dialects created by God and scattered throughout the earth. And yes, God did not stop creating after the first seven days of creation; he still created much to curse and sometimes to bless his elect, the manna offered in the desert, to the sons of Israel, is an example.

However, freedom is at its core, a wonderful gift from our Creator. It is on it that our free commitment to its cause rests . And there, it must be admitted, this integral freedom implies the existence of chance because God does not intervene in any way; a word that many believers do not believe at all. And they are wrong, because God leaves a large part to chance in his creation, and first of all, the role of arousing among the elect, the appreciation of his revealed celestial norms. Having identified his elect, the Creator takes charge of them to lead them and teach them his truths which prepare them for eternal celestial life. The malformations and monstrosities observed at the birth of human creatures prove the action of chance which produces genetic errors in the process of reproduction of the species with more or less serious consequences. The proliferation of species is based on the momentum of reproductive chains which generate conformity errors from time to time; this including the principle of heredity or independently due to the chance of life. In summary, if I owe my faith to the chance of free life, I owe, on the contrary, the reward and nourishment of this faith, to the love of God and to the initiatives already taken and which he continues to take to save me .

In the story of his earthly creation, the day which will be cursed by God comes first in the week; his destiny is written: his goal will be to “ separate light from darkness ”. Chosen by false Christians to contradict God's choice which sanctifies the seventh day, this first day will have fully fulfilled its role as a " mark " of the disobedient rebel camp in Rev.13:15. As much as the first Sunday is cursed by God, the seventh day Sabbath is blessed and sanctified by Him. And to understand this opposition, we must embrace the thought of God, which is a sign of sanctification by and for him. The Sabbath concerns the seventh day and this number seven, “7”, is symbolic of fullness. Under this term fullness, God places the thought of the purpose for which he created our earthly dimension, namely, the regulation of sin, its condemnation, its death and its disappearance. And in this plan, these things will be fulfilled in full during the 7th millennium that the weekly Sabbath prophesies. This is why this goal is more important for God than the means of redemption by which he will redeem the lives of the earthly elect and which he will accomplish in person, in Jesus Christ, at the cost of atrocious suffering.

Here is another reason why God says in Ecc.7:8: “ the end of a thing is better than its beginning .” In Genesis, the succession in the order “night-day” or “ evening-morning ” confirms this divine thought. In Isa.14:12, under the guise of the king of Babylon, God said to the devil: “ Here you are fallen from heaven, morning star , son of the dawn! You are cast down to the ground, you, the conqueror of the nations ! » The expression by which God designates him, “ morning star ” suggests that he compares him to the “sun” of our terrestrial system. He was his first creature and under cover of the king of Tyre, Ezé.28:12 relates his original glory: “ Son of man, utter a lament over the king of Tyre! You will say to him: Thus says the Lord Yahweh: You set the seal to perfection, you were full of wisdom, perfect in beauty . » This perfection had to disappear, replaced by rebellious behavior which made him become the enemy, the devil and the adversary, the Satan condemned by God because verse 15 declares: “You have been perfect in your ways, from the the day when you were created until iniquity was found among you .” Thus, the one who was considered the “ morning star ” pushed unfaithful men to honor as a divinity the “morning star ” of divine creation: “the Unconquered Sun” deified from the Roman cult to which almost the entire world Western Christianity worships paganly. God knew, even before his creation, that this first angel would rebel against him and despite this he created him. Likewise, the day before his death, Jesus announced that one of the 12 apostles was going to betray him, and he even said to Judas directly: “ Whatever you have to do, do it quickly!” ". This allows us to understand that God does not seek to prevent his creatures from expressing their choices, even when they are contrary to his own. Jesus also invited his apostles to leave him if that was their desire. It is by leaving his creatures complete freedom to express themselves and reveal their nature that he can select his elect for their demonstrated fidelity and ultimately destroy all his celestial and terrestrial enemies, the unworthy and the indifferent. .




The original sin

The rest of the first day takes on enormous importance in our Christian era because it constitutes the “ sin ” restored since March 7, 321 and because it becomes the mark of the camp which entered into rebellion against the sanctified camp of God. But this “ sin ” must not make us forget the original “ sin ” which condemns humanity to death by inheritance since Adam and Eve. Enlightened by the Spirit, this topic led me to discover important lessons hidden in the book of Genesis. At the level of observation, the book reveals to us the origin of creation in chapters 1, 2, 3. The symbolic meaning of these numbers is still perfectly justified: 1 = unit; 2 = imperfection; 3 = perfection. This deserves an explanation. Gen.1 relates the creation of the first 6 days. Their definition " evening morning " will only take on meaning after sin and the curse of the earth which becomes the domain dominated by the devil, which will be the theme of Gen.3 without which the expression " evening morning " has no meaning. no meaning at the terrestrial level. By delivering the explanation, chapter 3 puts the seal of perfection on this divine revelation. Likewise, in Gen.2, the theme of the seventh-day Sabbath or, more precisely, of the rest of God and man on the seventh day, also only takes on its meaning after "the original sin" committed by Eve. and Adam in Gen.3 which gives it its reason for being. Thus, paradoxically, without its justification given in Gen.3, the sanctified Sabbath deserves its “2” symbol of imperfection. It emerges from all this that the earth was created by God to be offered to the devil and his demons so that the evil fruits of their souls could materialize and appear in the eyes of all, God, angels and men, and that the angels and the men choose their side.

This analysis leads me to point out that the establishment of the seventh day sanctified at rest prophesies the curse of earthly " sin " established in Gen.3, because the earth itself is cursed by God, and it is therefore only from from the moment death and its process strike it, its time of six thousand years and the thousand years of the seventh millennium take on a meaning, an explanation, a justification. It is appropriate to note this: before earthly creation, in heaven, the conflict already pits the devil's camp against God's camp but only the death of Jesus Christ will make individual choices definitive; which will be made visible by the expulsion from heaven of the rebels condemned from then on to die in earthly creation. Now, in heaven, God did not organize the lives of the angels on “ evening morning ” alternations , this because heaven represents his eternal norm; that which will prevail and continue for its elect eternally. Faced with these data: what about the earth before sin? Apart from the “ evening-morning ” alternations, its norm is also that of heaven, apparently life unfolds in an eternal norm; vegan animals, vegan humans and without death which will be the wages of sin, days follow days and it could last forever.

But in Gen.2, God reveals to us his order of the time of the week which ends on the seventh day with a rest for God and for man. This word rest comes from the verb “to cease” and it applies to the work done by God as well as to the works done by humans. You can understand, before sin, neither God nor human beings could feel tired. Adam's body suffered no ailment, fatigue, or pain of any kind. Now, the seven-day weeks followed one another and reproduced themselves like an eternal cycle, except that the “ evening morning ” successions marked the difference with the celestial standard of the kingdom of God. This difference was therefore intended to prophetically reveal a program designed by the great creator God. Just as the festival of “Yom Kippur” or “Day of Atonement” was renewed each year among the Hebrews and it prophesied the end of sin through its atonement accomplished by the death of Jesus Christ, so the weekly Sabbath prophesies the coming of the seventh millennium, when God and his elect will enter into real rest because the rebels will have died and wickedness will have been defeated. However, the elect are still concerned with " sin " since with Christ they must judge " sins " and sinners, who will at that time be asleep in mortal sleep. This is why, like the previous six days, the seventh is placed under the sign of “ sin ” which covers and concerns the seven days of the entire week. And it is only at the beginning of the eighth millennium, after sinners have been consumed in " the fire of the second death " that eternity without " sin " will begin on the renewed earth. If the seven days are marked by sin and they prophesy 7000 years, the counting of these 7000 years can only begin with the establishment of sin revealed in Gen.3. Thus, the earthly days without sin are not in the norm and logic of the succession “ evening morning ” or “ darkness light ” and since this time is without “ sin ”, it cannot enter into the 7000 years programmed and prophesied. for “ sin ” by the seven-day week.

This teaching highlights the importance of this action that God attributes to the Roman papacy in Dan.7:25: “ he will form the plan to change the times and the law ”. " Changing the times " established by God results in the impossibility of discovering the prophetic character of the weekly Sabbath of God's " law ." And this is what Rome has done since Constantine I , since March 7, 321, by ordering the weekly rest on the first day instead of the seventh. By following the Roman order, the sinner is not delivered from the original “ sin ” inherited from Adam and Eve, but in addition he takes on an additional “ sin ”, this time voluntary , which increases his guilt towards God .

The order of time “ evening morning ” or “ darkness light ” is a concept chosen by God and obeying this choice favors and authorizes access to the prophetic mystery of the Bible. Nothing forces man to adopt this choice and the proof is that humanity has chosen to mark its change of day at midnight, that is, 6 hours after spring sunset; which prophesies the camp of those who wake up too late for the glorious return of Christ, the Bridegroom in the parable of the ten virgins. The subtle messages given by God are thus beyond his intellectual reach. But for his chosen ones, the order of divine time illuminates all his prophecies and especially that of Revelation at the beginning of which Jesus presents himself as being " the alpha and the omega ", " the beginning or beginning and the end ". Each day that passes in our lives prophesies God's plan which he summarizes in Gen.1, 2 and 3 since " night " or " darkness " represents the six profane days presented in Gen.1, while rest divine established in Gen.2 announces the “ light ” time. It is on this principle that according to Dan.8:14, the time of the Christian era is divided into two parts: a time of spiritual “ darkness ” between 321, when “ sin ” against the Sabbath is established, and 1843 where a time of “ light ” begins for the elect from this date until the return of Jesus Christ in the spring of 2030 where, as in Gen.3, in Almighty creator God, he comes to judge between the elect and rebels, “ sheep and goats ,” as he judged between the “ serpent, the woman, and Adam .” Likewise, in Revelation, the themes of “ Letters to the seven Churches, of the seven seals, and of the seven trumpets ” prophesy “ darkness ” for the first six and divine “ light ” for the seventh and last degree of each of these themes. . It is so true that in 1991, the official refusal of this last “light” by institutional Adventism, the light that Jesus has given me since 1982, led him to say, in the Letter addressed to “ Laodicea ” in Rev.3:17: “ Because you say: I am rich, I am enriched, and I have need of nothing , and because you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked ,… ”. Official Adventists have forgotten this quote given in 1 Peter 4:17: “ For this is the time when judgment will begin on the house of God . Now, if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? » The institution has been in place since 1863 and Jesus blessed its establishment in the " Philadelphia " era, in 1873. According to the divine principle " evening morning " or " light darkness ", the last and seventh era symbolized by the name “ Laodicea ” was to be a time of great divine “ light ” and the present work constitutes proof of it, a great “ light ” has indeed come to illuminate the prophesied mysteries, in this final era, at the expense of the official world Adventist institution. The name “ Laodicea ” is well justified since it means “judged people or people of judgment”. Those who do not or no longer belong to the Lord are condemned to join the supporters of the “day cursed by God”. Showing themselves incapable of sharing with God his just condemnation of the Roman “Sunday”, the Sabbath will no longer appear to them as important as in the blessed time of their baptism. A message given by Jesus Christ to his servant Ellen G. White, in her book "Early Writings" and in her first vision, translated this situation thus: "they lost sight, and the goal, and Jesus... They sank into the wicked world and we never see them again.”

Genesis 2 prophesies the time of “ light ” and this chapter of Genesis begins with the sanctification of the “ seventh day .” It ends with this verse 25: “ The man and his wife were both naked, and they were not ashamed .” The link between these two themes shows that the discovery of their physical nudity will be the consequence of the imputation of the “ sin ” that they will commit and which recounted in Gen.3, thus appears as the cause of a mortal spiritual nudity. Comparing this teaching with that of “ Laodicea ”, we find the Sabbath associated with “ sin ” which makes one “ naked ”. In this final context, the practice of the Sabbath is therefore no longer sufficient to preserve the grace of Christ, because by offering its full prophetic light to the official Adventist authorities between 1982 and 1991 the requirement of Jesus Christ has increased and he wants for this era that with the practice of his holy Sabbath the elect worthy of his grace gives his interest, his time, his life, and his whole soul for his revelations prophesied in Daniel and Revelation; but also throughout the revealed Bible which constitutes its “ two witnesses ” according to Rev. 11:3.




The testimony of God given on earth


As important as it is, God's visitation of humanity in the form of Jesus Christ should not make us forget His previous visitation in the time of Moses. Because it is in this distant context that God revealed to him the origins of the terrestrial dimension. And as a revelation given by God, the account of Genesis is as important as that of Revelation revealed to the apostle John. The form chosen by God to organize earthly life prophesies his plan of love for creatures to whom he gives complete freedom, so that they can respond to his love and live with him eternally or reject it and disappear into the nothingness of death, in accordance with the conditions of his salutary offer.

If Adam is created alone, first, it is because he is presented as " the image of God (Gen.1:26-27)" in search of love from a free counterpart to his image, because all the time of his past eternity was one of absolute solitude. This became unbearable to him to the point that he was ready to bear the consequences of the freedom he was going to give to his living creatures. The creation of Eve from one of Adam's ribs, while he is immersed in a deathly sleep, prophesies the creation of his Church, the Chosen One composed of his faithful elect, the fruit harvested by his death atonement in Jesus Christ; this justifies the role of “ helper ” that God attributes to the woman who came from him and whose name Eve means “ life ”. The Chosen One will “ live ” eternally, and on earth, she has the vocation to offer God her “ help ” to collaborate humanly in the accomplishment of her project which aims to establish perfect shared and undisturbed love in its eternal universes.

The sin of disobedience enters humanity through Eve or through the “ woman ” symbol of her chosen ones who will inherit this original sin. Also, like Adam, out of love for Eve, in Jesus Christ, God becomes human to share and bear in place of his Chosen One, the mortal punishment that her sins deserve. The story of Genesis is therefore both a historical testimony which reveals our origins and their circumstances, and a prophetic testimony which reveals the saving principle of the great loving project of the almighty creator God.

After the first six days of creation mentioned in Genesis 1, six days which prophesied the six thousand years reserved by God for his selection of earthly elect, in Genesis 2, under the image of an eternal Sabbath, the unlimited seventh day will open to welcome the proven and selected elect.

God knows from the beginning the outcome of his project, the names of his elect who will appear over the course of six thousand years. He had all the power and authority to judge and destroy the rebellious angels without having to create our earthly dimension. But it is precisely because he respects his creatures, who love him and whom he loves, that he organizes a universal demonstration on the earth created for this purpose.

God elevates above all, the principle of truth. As announced in Psa.51:6, Jesus defines his elect as being " born again " or "born of the truth" so that they may be conformed to the standard of divine truth. According to John 18:37, he himself came to “ bear witness to the truth ” and presents himself in Rev. 3:14 under the name “ Truthful One ”. This exaltation and glorification of the principle of truth is in absolute opposition to the principle of lies, and the two principles take multiple forms. The principle of lying has constantly seduced the inhabitants of the earth throughout its history. In modern times, lying has become the norm of existence. It is adopted under the term “bluff” in the trading mind, but it is nonetheless the fruit of the devil, “ father of lies ” according to John 8:44. On the religious level, lies appear in the form of multiple different religious counterfeits depending on the peoples and places on earth concerned. And the Christian faith has itself become the perfect image of “confusion” (= Babel) as its dark counterfeits are so numerous.

Lying is taught scientifically. Because contrary to its authoritarian approach, scientific thought is incapable of providing real proof of its evolutionary theories of species, and of the millions and billions of years that its scientists attribute to the existence of the earth. Contrary to this scientific thought, the testimony of the creator God offers many proofs of his reality, because terrestrial history bears witness to his actions, of which the flood of waters constitutes the first example, attested by the presence of marine fossils in the plains and even on the summits of the highest mountains on earth. Added to this natural testimony is the testimony left by human history, the life of Noah, the life of Abraham, the liberation of the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery and the birth of the Jewish people, living eyewitnesses to its history. until the time of the end of the world; there is also the eyewitness testimony of the apostles of Jesus Christ who witnessed his miracles, his crucifixion and his resurrection; this to the point that the fear of death left them, and they followed on the path of martyrdom, their Master and their Model Jesus of Nazareth.

By evoking this word “martyrdom” I must here open an explanation.
















Note: do not confuse martyrdom with punishment


The two things have the same external appearance and can therefore be easily confused. However, this confusion has serious consequences since the punitive action risks being imputed to the truly chosen one of God and conversely the child of the devil can be imputed to a martyrdom for a very deceptive God. So, to see clearly, we must take into account the following analysis which starts from this principle; First, let's ask the question: what is martyrdom? This word comes from the Greek “martus” which means: witness. What is a witness? It is the one who reports faithfully or not what he has seen, heard, or what he has understood on a subject. The subject that interests us here is religious, and among those who testify for God, there are true and false witnesses. What is certain is that God makes the difference between the two. The truth is known to him and he blesses it because for his part, this true witness strives to show himself faithful by practicing in “ works all his revealed truth and he perseveres on this path until the acceptance of the truth. dead. And this death is authentic martyrdom, because the life offered to death conformed to the standard of holiness required by God for his time. If the life offered is not in this conformity, then it is not a martyrdom, it is a punishment which strikes a living being delivered to the devil for his destruction, because he does not benefit from protection and the blessing of God. Dependent on conformity to the standard of truth required by God for each age, the identification of "martyrdom" will rest on our knowledge of the divine judgment revealed in its prophecies which target the time of the end; which is the aim and subject of this work.


It is important to understand that the truth does not have the capacity to convert a rebellious mind; the experience of the first created angel, named by God, Satan, since his rebellion, proves it. The truth is a principle towards which the elect will naturally feel attracted, those who love it and are ready to fight alongside God in Jesus Christ, the lie that harms him.

In conclusion, Divine Revelation is built progressively over six thousand years of experiences and testimonies lived in the best and worst conditions. A time of six thousand years may seem short, but for the man who only gives real interest to the years of his own life, it is in reality a long enough time which allows God to extend over centuries, and more precisely over six thousand years, the different phases of the accomplishments of his global project. Exclusively in Jesus Christ, God gives to his end-time elect, concerning his mysteries and works, a clear understanding reserved for this end time.








Genesis: a vital prophetic summary


In this understanding, the Genesis account delivers the fundamental keys to the biblical prophecies of Daniel and Revelation; and without these keys, this understanding is impossible. These things will be recalled when necessary, during the prophetic study, but from now on, we must know that the words, " deep, sea, earth, woman ", will carry a specific idea of divine thought in its revelation “Apocalypse”. They are linked to three successive stages of terrestrial creation. “ The abyss ” refers to planet earth entirely covered in water without any life. Then, on the second day, that of the separation of the elements, “ the sea ”, as a synonym and symbol of death, will be populated only by marine animals on the 5th day ; its environment is hostile for human beings created to breathe air. “ The earth ” comes out of “ the sea ” and will also be inhabited on the fifth day by animals and finally, on the sixth day, by “ the man formed in the image of God ” and “ the woman ” who will be formed on a human rib. Together, the man and woman will conceive two children. The first " Abel ", type of the spiritual chosen one ( Abel = Father is God) will be killed out of jealousy by his elder " Cain ", type of the carnal, materialistic man (= acquisition) thus prophesying the destiny of the typical chosen one , Jesus Christ and his elect, who will suffer and die as martyrs because of the "Cains", Jews, Catholics and Protestants, all "merchants of the temple", whose successive and aggressive jealousies are demonstrated and accomplished during the earthly history. The lesson given by the Spirit of God is therefore the following: from the “abyss ” emerge, successively , the sea and the earth” symbols of false Christian religions which lead to the perdition of souls. To designate his Elected assembly, he gives her the word " woman " who is, if she is faithful to her God, the " Wife ", of the "lamb " pictorial symbol of Christ himself prophesied by the word " man » (the Adam ). If she is unfaithful, she remains a “ woman ”, but takes on the image of a “ prostitute ”. These things will all be confirmed in the detailed study presented in this work and their vital importance will become apparent. You can easily understand, in 2020, the events prophesied in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation have, for the most part, already been fulfilled in history, and they are known to men. But they were not identified for the spiritual role God gave them. Historians note historical facts, but only God's prophets can interpret them.












Faith and disbelief


By nature, human beings, from their origins, are of the believing type. But belief is not faith. Man has always believed in the existence of God or divinities, superior spirits whom they had to serve and whom they had to please so as not to have to suffer damage caused by their anger. This natural belief extended from centuries to centuries and millennia to millennia until modern times, where scientific discoveries took possession of the brain of Western man who has since become incredulous and unbelieving. Note that this change mainly characterizes people of Christian origin. Because at the same time, in the East, the Far East and Africa, beliefs in invisible spirits remained. This is explained by supernatural manifestations witnessed by the people who practice these religious rites. In Africa, clear evidence of the existence of invisible spirits prohibits disbelief. But what these people do not know is that the spirits which manifest powerfully among them are in reality demonic spirits rejected by the God creator of all life, and condemned to death on probation. These people are not unbelieving, nor unbelieving, like the Westerners, but the result is the same, since they serve demons who seduce them and hold them under their tyrannical domination. Their religiosity is of the idolatrous pagan type which has characterized humanity since its origins; Eve having been his first victim.

In the West, unbelief is really the result of a choice, because few people are unaware of their Christian origins; and among the defenders of republican liberty, there are people who quote words from the Holy Bible, thus testifying that they are not ignorant of its existence. They are not ignorant of the glorious facts to which it testifies for God, and yet, they choose not to take them into account. It is this type of unbelief that the Spirit calls unbelief and which is the absolute rebellious opposition to true faith. Because if he takes into account the proofs that life gives him throughout the earth and particularly in the supernatural manifestations of African peoples, man has no possibility of justifying his disbelief. The supernatural actions carried out by demons therefore condemn Western unbelief. The creator God also gives proof of his existence, acting with power through phenomena produced by the nature which is subject to him; earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, destructive tidal waves, deadly epidemics, but all these things now receive scientific explanations which mask and destroy the divine origin. To the eye, this great enemy of faith, is added the scientific explanation which convinces the human brain and both encourage it in its choices which lead it to its perdition.

What does God expect of his creatures? He will select among them those who approve of his conceptions of life, that is, who embrace his thoughts. Faith will be the means, but not the goal. This is why “ faith without works ”, which it must carry, is said to be “ dead ” in James 2:17. Because if true faith does exist, false faith also exists. Right and wrong make all the difference, and God has no trouble identifying obedience to distinguish it from disobedience. In any case, he remains the only judge whose opinion will decide the eternal future of each of his creatures, since the purpose of his selection is unique and his offer of eternal life is obtained exclusively through Jesus Christ. The passage on earth is only justified to offer the possibility of this selection of eternal elect. Faith is not the fruit of formidable efforts and sacrifices, but that of a natural state obtained or not by the creature from its birth. But when it exists, it must be nourished by God, otherwise it dies and disappears.

True faith is a rare thing. Because contrary to the deceptive aspect of the official Christian religion, it is not enough to place a cross above the grave of a creature for the doors of heaven to be open to him. And I point this out because it seems overlooked, Jesus said in Matt.7:13-14: “ Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction , and there are many who enter through it . But narrow is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life , and there are few who find it. » This teaching is further confirmed in the Bible in the example of the deportation of the Jews to Babylon, since God finds worthy of his election only Daniel and his three companions and five powerful kings; and Ezekiel who lives in this era. Then we read in Ezek.14:13-20: “ Son of man, if a country sins against me in unfaithfulness, and I stretch out my hand against it, if I break for it the staff of bread, if I sent famine upon it, if I destroyed man and beast from it, and there were among it these three men, Noah, Daniel and Job , they would save their souls by their righteousness , says the Lord Yahweh. If I caused wild beasts to roam the country which would depopulate it, if it became a desert where no one would pass because of these beasts, and there were these three men in its midst, I would be alive! says the Lord Yahweh, they would not save sons or daughters, but they alone would be saved , and the land would become a desert. Or if I brought the sword against this land, if I said: Let the sword run through the land! If I exterminated men and beasts, and there were these three men in its midst, I would be alive! says the Lord Yahweh, they would not save sons or daughters, but they only would be saved . Or if I sent a plague into this land, if I poured out my fury against it through mortality, to exterminate from it men and beasts, and there were among it Noah, Daniel and Job, I am alive ! saith the Lord Yahweh, they would not save sons or daughters, but by their righteousness they would save their own souls. » We thus learn that at the time of the flood of waters, only Noah was found worthy of salvation among the eight people protected by the ark.

Jesus further said in Matt.22:14: “ For many are called, but few are chosen. » The reason is simply explained by the high standard of holiness required by God who wants to take first place in our heart or nothing. The consequence of this requirement is opposed to humanist thinking about the world which places man above everything. The apostle James warned us against this opposition, telling us: “ You adulterers! Do you not know that the love of the world is enmity against God ? He therefore who wants to be a friend of the world makes himself an enemy of God . » Jesus tells us again in Matt.10:37: “ He who loves his father or his mother more than me is not worthy of me , and he who loves his son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me .” Also, if like me, you invite a friend to respond to this religious criterion required by Jesus Christ, do not be surprised if he calls you a fanatic; This is what happened to me, and I then understood that I only had Jesus as my true friend; him, “ the True One ” of Rev.3:7. We will also call you a fundamentalist, because you show yourself to be honest with God, a legalist, because you love and honor his most holy law through your obedience. This will be, in part, the human price to pay to please the Lord Jesus, so worthy of our self-sacrifice and our complete devotion that he demands.

Faith allows us to receive from God his secret thoughts until we discover the magnitude of his prodigious project. And to understand his overall project, the chosen one must take into account the celestial life of the angels which preceded the earthly experience. Because in this celestial society, the division of creatures and the selection of good angels faithful to God were not carried out on faith in Christ crucified or on his rejection as would be the case on earth. This confirms that at the universal level, the crucifixion of Christ who remained sinless is for God the means of condemning the devil and his followers and that on earth, faith in Jesus Christ represents the means chosen by God to have the love he feels for his chosen ones who love and appreciate him. The purpose of this demonstration of his total self-sacrifice was to be able to legally condemn to death rebellious celestial and terrestrial creatures who do not share his sense of existence. And among his earthly creatures, he selects those who embrace his thoughts, approve his actions and his judgments because they are fit to share his eternity. In the end, he will have solved the problem created by the freedom given to all his heavenly and earthly creatures, for without this freedom, the love of his selected creatures would be worthless and even made impossible. Indeed, without freedom, the creature is nothing more than a robot, with automated behavior. But the price of freedom will, in the end, be the extermination of rebellious creatures of heaven and earth.


The proof is thus given that faith does not rest on a simple: “ Believe on the Lord Jesus and you will be saved ”. These biblical words are based on what the verb “believe” implies, namely, obedience to divine laws which characterizes true faith. For God, the goal is to find creatures who obey Him out of love. He found some among the celestial angels and among his earthly human creatures, he selected some and will continue to select some until the end of the time of grace.













Food for the right weather


Just as the human body needs nourishment to prolong its life, the faith produced in its spirit also needs its spiritual nourishment. Every human being sensitive to the demonstration of love given by God in Jesus Christ feels the desire to in turn do something for him. But how can we do something that pleases him if we don't know what he expects of us? It is the answer to this question which will constitute the nourishment of our faith. Because “ without faith it is impossible to please God ” according to Heb.11:6. But this faith must still be made alive and pleasant for him by its conformity to his expectations. For the Lord God Almighty is its Finisher and its Judge. Multitudes of Christian believers long to have a good relationship with the God of heaven, but this relationship remains impossible because their faith has not been properly nourished. The answer to the problem is given to us in Matt.24 and 25. Jesus focuses his teaching on our last days which shortly precede the time of his second appearance, this time, in the glory of his divinity. He describes it by multiplying the images in parables: parable of the fig tree, in Matt.24:32 to 34; parable of the night thief, in Matt.24:43 to 51; parable of the ten virgins, in Matt.25:1 to 12; parable of the talents, in Matt.25:13 to 30; parables of the sheep and the goats, in Matt.25:31 to 46. Among these parables, the mention of “ food ” appears twice: in the parable of the night thief and in that of the sheep and the goats because, despite the appearances, when Jesus says, " I was hungry, and you gave me something to eat ," he is speaking to us of spiritual food, without which man's faith dies. “ For man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God . Matt.4:4”. The purpose of the food of faith is to protect him against the “ second death ” of Rev. 20, which causes one to lose the right to live eternally.

As part of this reflection, direct your gaze and attention to this parable of the night thief:

V.42: “ Watch therefore, since you do not know on what day your Lord is coming .”

The theme of the return of Jesus Christ is defined and its "waiting" will provoke a spiritual awakening in the United States of North America, between 1831 and 1844. It is called "Adventism", the members of this movement being them -themselves designated by their contemporaries by the term “Adventists”; word taken from the Latin “adventus” which means: advent.

V.43: “ Know this well, if the master of the house knew on what watch of night the thief must come, he would watch and not allow his house to be broken into .”

In this verse, the “ master of the house ” is the disciple who is waiting for Jesus to return, and the “ thief ” refers to Jesus himself. Through this comparison, Jesus shows us the advantage of knowing the date of his return. He therefore encourages us to discover it, and our listening to his advice will condition our relationship with him.

V.44: “ Therefore you also be ready, for the Son of Man comes at an hour when you do not think .”

I have corrected, in this verse, the future tense of the verbs because in the original Greek, these verbs are in the present tense. Indeed, these words are said by Jesus to his contemporary disciples who question him on this subject. The Lord will, in the time of the end, use this “Adventist” theme to sift Christians by putting them to the test of prophetic faith; for this purpose, he will successively organize over time, four “Adventist” expectations; each time justified by new lighting given by the Spirit, the first three concerning the prophetic texts of Daniel and Revelation.

V.45: “ Who then is the faithful and prudent servant, whom his master has set over his people, to give them food at the proper time? »

Be careful not to make a mistake in your judgment, because the “ food ” spoken of in this verse is currently before your eyes. Yes, it is this document to which I gave the name “Explain Daniel and Revelation” which constitutes this spiritual “ food ” essential to nourish your faith, because it provides, from Jesus Christ, all the answers to the questions that you can legitimately ask, and beyond these answers, unexpected revelations, such as the true date of the return of Jesus Christ which commits us until the spring of 2030 in the fourth and last “Adventist” “wait”.

Being personally concerned by this verse, I present this document, the fruit of my fidelity to the God of truth and of my prudence, because I do not want to be surprised by the return of Jesus Christ. Jesus here reveals his end-time plan. He has planned for this time, “ food ” which is suitable to nourish the faith of his elect who faithfully await his glorious return. And this “ food ” is prophetic.

V.46: “ Blessed is that servant, whom his master, when he arrives , will find doing so! »

The context of his glorious return is confirmed here, it is that of the fourth “Adventist” expectation. The servant concerned is indeed already very happy to know the revealed thought of God, his judgment on the faith of men. But this beatitude will extend and concern all those who, receiving this last divine light, will in turn propagate it and share it with the elect scattered throughout the earth, until the effective return of Jesus Christ.

V.47: “ I tell you the truth, he will establish it over all his possessions. »

The Lord's goods will concern, until his return, spiritual values. And the servant becomes for Jesus, the guardian of his spiritual treasure; the exclusive depositary of its oracles and its revealed light. After reading this entire document, you will be able to see that I am not exaggerating in giving its biblical prophetic revelation the name “treasure”. What other name could I give to a revelation that protects against the “ second death ” and opens the way to eternal life? Because it dissipates and makes disappear the possibility of doubt which is fatal for faith and salvation.

V.48: “ But if it be an evil servant, who says within himself: My master delays in coming,

The life created by God is of the binary type. Everything has its absolute opposite. And God presented humans with two paths, two paths to guide their choices: life and good, death and evil; the wheat and the chaff; the sheep and the goat, the light and the darkness . In this verse, the Spirit targets the wicked servant, but a servant nonetheless, which designates the false faith not nourished by God and above all, the false Christian faith which ends up reaching and concerning the Adventist faith itself, in our time of the end. No longer receiving light from Jesus Christ because he refused that which was presented to him between 1982 and 1991 and which announced his coming for 1994, this Adventism produced a fruit of wickedness which resulted in by the radiation of the messenger of God in November 1991. Note that Jesus reveals the hidden thoughts of the heart: “ who says in himself ”. Because the appearances of external religious behavior are extremely deceptive; religious formalism replaces true living faith full of zeal for the truth.

V.49: “… if he begins to beat his companions, if he eats and drinks with the drunkards,

The image is a little anticipated to date, but the radiation expresses, clearly, in times of peace, the opposition and the fight which express and precede the real persecution which will come; it's just a matter of time. Since 1995, institutional Adventism has been “ eating and drinking with drunkards ” to the extent that it has made an alliance with Protestants and Catholics by entering into the ecumenical alliance. For in Rev.17:2, targeting the Catholic faith called " Babylon the Great ", and the Protestant faith called " earth ", the Spirit says: " It is with her that the kings of the earth have given themselves over to the fornication, and it is of the wine of his fornication that the inhabitants of the earth got drunk .”

V.50: “ …the master of this servant will come on a day he does not expect, and at an hour he does not know,

The consequence of the rejection of the light concerning the third Adventist expectation, and the date 1994, finally appears in the form of ignorance of the time of the true return of Jesus Christ, that is, the fourth Adventist expectation of the divine project. This ignorance is the consequence of the rupture of the relationship with Jesus Christ, so we can deduce the following thing: the Adventists placed in this tragic situation are no longer in the eyes of God or, in his judgment, “Adventists” .

V.51: “ …he will tear him in pieces, and give him his portion with the hypocrites : there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth. »

The image expresses the wrath that God will inflict on false servants who have betrayed him. I note in this verse the term " hypocrites " by which the Spirit designates false Christians in Dan.11:34, but a broader reading is required to understand the context of the time targeted by the prophecy, which includes the verses 33 and 35: “ and the wisest among them will instruct the many. There are some who will succumb for a time to the sword and the flame, to captivity and plunder. In the time when they succumb, they will be helped a little, and many will join them out of hypocrisy . Some of the wise men will fall, that they may be purified, purified and whitened, until the time of the end , for it will not come until the appointed time. » The “ wicked servant ” is therefore indeed the one who betrays the expectations of God, his Master, and he joins, “ until the time of the end ”, the camp of the “ hypocrites ”. He shares, from then on, with them, the wrath of God which strikes them until the last judgment, where they are annihilated, consumed in the “lake of fire ” which gives “ the second death ” definitively, according to Rev. 20: 15: “ Whoever was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire .”





































The Revealed History of True Faith


The true faith

There are many things to say on the subject of true faith, but I am already proposing this aspect which seems to me to be a priority. Anyone who wants to establish a relationship with God must know that his or her conception of life on earth and in heaven is the extreme opposite of our system established on earth which is built on proud and wicked thoughts inspired by God. devil ; his enemy, and that of his true elect. Jesus gave us the way to identify true faith: “ By their fruits you will know them . Do we pick grapes from thorns, or figs from thistles? (Matt.7:16).” On the basis of this statement, be assured that all who claim his name and who do not present, his gentleness, his helpfulness, his self-sacrifice, his spirit of sacrifice, his love of truth and his zeal for obedience to the commandments of God, have never been and never will be his servants; this is what 1 Cor.13 teaches us by defining the charisma of true holiness; that which is required by the righteous judgment of God: verse 6: “ she does not rejoice in injustice, but she rejoices in the truth ".

How can we believe that the persecuted and the persecutor are judged by God in the same way? What is the resemblance between Jesus Christ, voluntarily crucified, and the Roman papal inquisition or John Calvin, who subjected men and women to torture until their death? To not see the difference, we must ignore the words inspired by biblical writings. This was the case, before the Bible was spread throughout the world, but since it has been available everywhere on earth; what excuses can justify the errors of judgment of human beings? There are not any. Therefore, the coming divine wrath will be very great and uncontrollable.

The three and a half years during which Jesus labored in his earthly ministry are revealed to us in the Gospels, that we may know the standard of true faith in God's opinion; the only one that matters. His life is offered to us as a model; a model that we must imitate to be recognized by him as his disciples. This adoption implies that we share his conception of the eternal life that he proposes. Selfishness is banished there, as well as devastating and destructive pride. There is no place for brutality and wickedness in the eternal life offered only to the elect recognized by Jesus Christ himself. His behavior was peacefully revolutionary, because he, the Master and Lord, made himself the servant of all, stooping to the point of washing the feet of his disciples, in order to give concrete meaning to his condemnation of the proud values manifested by the leaders. Jewish religious figures of his time; things that still characterize Jewish and Christian religious people today. In absolute opposition, the standard revealed in Jesus Christ is the standard of eternal life.

By showing his servants the means to identify themselves, their enemies, the false servants of God, Jesus Christ acted to save their souls. And his promise to be, until the end of the world, “ in the midst ” of his elect, is kept and it consists of enlightening and protecting them throughout their earthly life. The absolute standard of true faith is that God remains with his elect. They are never deprived of his light and his Holy Spirit. And if God withdraws, it is because the chosen one is no longer one; his spiritual status changed in God's righteous judgment. Because his judgment adapts to human behavior. On an individual level, changes remain possible in both directions; from good to evil or from evil to good. But this is not the case, at the collective level of religious groups and institutions, which only change from good to evil, when they do not adapt to the changes established by God. In his teaching, Jesus tells us: “ A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, just as a bad tree cannot bear good fruit (Matt.7:18).” He thus gave us to understand that because of its abominable fruit, the Catholic religion is a “ bad tree ” and that it will, through its false doctrine, remain so, even when, deprived of monarchical support, it ceases. to persecute people. And it is the same with the Anglican religion created by Henry VIII to justify his adulteries and his crimes; what value can God give to his descendants and successor monarchs? This is also the case of the Protestant Calvinist religion, since this founder, John Calvin, was feared, because of the reputation of his harshness of character and the numerous executions to death that he legitimized in his city of Geneva, of way very similar to the Catholic practices of his time, to the point of going beyond them. This Protestantism was not likely to please the sweet Lord Jesus Christ, and it cannot in any way be taken as a model of the true faith. It is so true that in his revelation given to Daniel, God ignores the Protestant reformation, targeting only the papal regime of 1260 years, and the time of the establishment of the messages of Seventh-day Adventism , bearer of revealed divine truths, since 1844, until the end of the world, which comes, in 2030.


Historical evil religious counterfeits all have aspects of God's approved model, but they never match it. True faith is constantly nourished by the Spirit of Christ, false faith is not. True faith can explain the mysteries of God's biblical prophecies, false faith cannot. Multitudes of interpretations of prophecies circulate in the world, each more fanciful than the last. Unlike them, my interpretations are obtained solely from quotations from the Bible; the message is therefore precise, stable, coherent and consistent with the thought of God from which it never strays; and the Almighty watches over it.









Preparatory Notes for the Book of Daniel



The name Daniel means God is my Judge. Knowledge of God's judgment is a principal basis of faith, because it leads the creature towards obedience to his revealed and understood will, the only condition for being blessed by him at all times. God seeks the love of his creatures who make it concrete and demonstrate it through their obedient faith. God's judgment is therefore revealed through his prophecies which use symbols as in the parables of Jesus Christ. God's judgment is first revealed by the book of Daniel but it only lays the main basis for His judgment on Christian religious history which will be revealed in detail in the book Revelation.

In Daniel, God reveals little, but this quantitative little is of great qualitative importance, because it constitutes the foundation of the overall prophetic Revelation. Building architects know how decisive and determining the preparation of the building site is. In prophecy, this is the role given to the revelations received by the prophet Daniel. Indeed, when their meanings are clearly understood, God achieves the dual goal of proving his existence and giving his elect the keys to understanding the message delivered by the Spirit. In this “few things” we find all the same: the announcement of a succession of four universal dominating empires since the time of Daniel (Dan.2, 7 and 8); the official dating of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ (Dan.9); the announcement of the Christian apostasy in 321 (Dan.8), the papal reign of 1260 years between 538 and 1798 (Dan.7 and 8); and the “Adventist” alliance (Dan. 8 and 12) from 1843 (until 2030). I add to this, Dan.11 which, as we will see, reveals the form and evolution of the ultimate terrestrial nuclear World War which still remains to be accomplished before the glorious return of the Savior God.

Subtly, the Lord Jesus Christ evoked the name of Daniel to recall its importance for the new covenant. “ Therefore, when you see the abomination of desolation, of which the prophet Daniel spoke , established in the holy place, let him who reads it take heed! (Mat.24:15) »


If Jesus testified in favor of Daniel, it is because Daniel had received from him the teachings concerning his first coming and his glorious return, more than any other before him. So that my words are well understood, you must know that the Christ who came from heaven previously presented himself to Daniel under the name “ Michael ”, in Dan.10:13-21, 12:3 and this name is taken up by Jesus -Christ in Rev.12:7. This name “ Micaël ” is better known in its Latin Catholic form Michel, the name given to the famous Mont Saint-Michel in Breton France. The book of Daniel adds numerical details which allow us to know the year of his first coming. I would also like to point out that the name “ Micaël ” means: Who is like God; and the name “ Jesus ” translates as: YaHWéH saves. Both names concern the great creator God, the first with the celestial title, the second with the earthly title.

The Revelation of the Future is presented to us as a multi-story construction game. At the beginning of cinema, to create relief effects in cartoons, filmmakers used glass plates whose different painted patterns, once superimposed, gave an image on several levels. So it is with the prophecy designed by God.

































It all starts in Daniel




You who read this work, know that the unlimited Almighty God is alive, although he is hidden. This testimony of the “ prophet Daniel ” was written to convince you of this. It bears the seal of the testimony of the old and new covenant because Jesus evoked it in the words addressed to his disciples. His experience reveals the action of this good and just God. And this book allows us to discover the judgment that God carries on the religious history of his monotheism, Jewish in a first alliance, then Christian, in his new alliance, built on the blood shed by Jesus Christ, on April 3, 30 of his era. Who better than “ Daniel ” can reveal God’s judgment? His name means “God is my judge”. These lived experiences are not fables, but testimony to the divine blessing of his model of fidelity. God presents him among the three people he would save in misfortune in Ezek.14:14-20. These three types of the chosen one are “ Noah, Daniel and Job ”. God's message clearly tells us that even in Jesus Christ, if we do not resemble these models, the door to salvation will remain closed to us. This message confirms the narrow way, narrow path, or narrow gate through which the elect must pass to enter heaven, according to the teaching of Jesus Christ. The story of “ Daniel ” and his three companions is presented to us as the model of the faithfulness that God saves in days of trouble.

But there is also in this story of the life of Daniel, the conversion of three powerful kings whom God succeeded in snatching from the devil whom they were worshipers in complete ignorance. God made these emperors the most powerful spokespersons for his cause in human history, the first, but also the last, because these model men will disappear and religion, values, morality will ceaselessly decline. For God, snatching a soul is a long struggle and the case of King “ Nebuchadnezzar ” is an extremely revealing model of its kind. It confirms the parable of Jesus Christ, this “ Good Shepherd ” who leaves his flock to search for the lost sheep.






Daniel 1


Dan 1:1  In the third year of the reign of Jehoiakim king of Judah, Nebuchadnezzar king of Babylon marched against Jerusalem and besieged it.

1a-  The third year of the reign of Jehoiakim, king of Judah

Reign of Jehoiakim of 11 years from – 608 to – 597. 3rd year in – 605.

1b-  Nebuchadnezzar

This is the Babylonian translation of the name of King Nebuchadnezzar, "Nabu protects my eldest son." Nabu is the Mesopotamian god of knowledge and writing. We can already understand that God intends to have this power over knowledge and writing restored to him.

Dan 1:2 And the Lord delivered into his hand Jehoiakim king of Judah, and part of the vessels of the house of God. Nebuchadnezzar took the utensils to the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, and put them in the treasure house of his god.

2a-  The Lord delivered into his hands Jehoiakim, king of Judah 

God's abandonment of the Jewish king is justified. 2Ch.36:5: Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. He did what was evil in the sight of Yahweh his God .

2b-  Nebuchadnezzar took the utensils to the land of Shinar, to the house of his god, he put them in the treasure house of his god.

 This king is pagan, he does not know the true God whom Israel serves but he takes care to honor his god: Bel. After his future conversion, he will serve the true God of Daniel with the same faithfulness.

Dan 1:3 The king ordered Ashpenaz, the chief of his eunuchs, to bring some of the children of Israel of royal birth or of noble family,

Dan 1:4 young boys without blemish of body, handsome in appearance, endowed with wisdom, understanding and instruction, capable of serving in the king's palace, and who would be taught the letters and language of the Chaldeans .

4a-  King Nebuchadnezzar appears friendly and intelligent, he only seeks to help Jewish children successfully integrate into his society and its values.

Dan 1:5 The king assigned to them for each day a portion of the food of his table and of the wine which he drank, intending to bring them up for three years, at the end of which they would be in the service of the king.

5a-  The king's good feelings are obvious. He shares with the young people what he offers himself, from his gods to his food.

Dan 1:6 Among them were Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah of the children of Judah.

6a-  Of all the young Jews taken to Babylon, only four of them showed model fidelity. The facts which follow are organized by God in order to show the difference in the fruit borne by those who serve him and whom he blesses and by those who do not serve him and whom he ignores.

Dan 1:7 And the chief of the eunuchs gave them names: Daniel Belteshazzar, Hananiah Shadrach, Mishael Meshach, and Azariah Abednego.

7a-  Intelligence is shared by these young Jews who agree to bear pagan names imposed by the winner. Naming is a sign of superiority and a principle taught by the true God. Gen.2:19: And Yahweh God, who formed out of the ground every beast of the field and every fowl of the air, brought them to man to see what he would call them, and that every living creature should be named what man would give him.

7b-  Daniel “God is my judge” is renamed Belteshazzar: “Bel will protect”. Bel designates the devil that in complete ignorance these pagan peoples served and honored, victims of demonic spirits.

 Hanania “Grace or Given from YaHWéH” becomes “Shadrach “inspired by Aku”. Aku was the moon god in Babylon.

 Mishaël “Who is the righteousness of God” becomes Meschac “who belongs to Aku”.

 Azariah “The Help or Help is YaHWéH” becomes “Abed-Nego” “Servant of Nego” , and there already, the solar god of the Chaldeans.

Dan 1:8 Daniel determined not to defile himself with the king's food and with the wine the king drank, and he begged the chief eunuch not to force him to defile himself.

8a-  Having a pagan name does not pose a problem when you are defeated, but defiling yourself to the point of casting shame on God is too much to ask. The loyalty of the young men led them to abstain from the king's wines and meats because these things were traditionally presented to the pagan deities honored in Babylon. Their youth lacks maturity and they do not yet reason like Paul, the faithful witness of Christ who considers false deities to be wind (Rom.14; 1Co.8). But for fear of shocking those who are weak in faith, he acts like them. If he acts in the opposite way, he does not commit a sin, because his reasoning is correct. God condemns defilement committed voluntarily with all knowledge and conscience; in this example, the intentional choice to honor pagan gods.

Dan 1:9 God gave Daniel favor and grace before the chief eunuch.

9a-  The faith of young people is demonstrated by their fear of displeasing God; He can bless them.

Dan 1:10 The chief of the eunuchs said to Daniel, I fear my lord the king, who has appointed you what you should eat and drink; because why should he see your face more dejected than that of young people of your age? You would expose my head to the king.

Dan 1:11 Then Daniel said to the steward to whom the chief eunuch had entrusted the supervision of Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael and Azariah:

Dan 1:12 Test your servants for ten days, and give us vegetables to eat and water to drink;

Dan 1:13 Then you shall look on our faces and on the faces of the young men who eat the king's food, and you shall deal with your servants according to what you have seen.

Dan 1:14 And he granted them what they asked, and tested them ten days.

Dan 1:15 At the end of ten days they were better looking and more plump than all the young men who ate the king's food.

15a-  We can establish a spiritual comparison between the “ ten days ” of the experience of Daniel and his three companions, with the “ ten days ” of prophetic years of persecutions of the message of the “ Smyrna ” era of Apo. 2:10. Indeed, in both experiences, God reveals the hidden fruit of those who claim to be from him.

Dan 1:16 The steward took away the food and wine that were intended for them, and he gave them vegetables.

16a-  This experience shows how God can act on the minds of men so that they favor his servants according to his holy will. Because the risk taken by the king's steward was great and God had to intervene so that he accepted the proposals made by Daniel. The faith experience is a success.

Dan 1:17 God gave to these four young men knowledge, understanding in all letters, and wisdom; and Daniel explained all the visions and dreams.

17a-  God granted these four young men knowledge, intelligence in all letters, and wisdom

Everything is a gift from the Lord. Those who do not know him do not know how much it depends on him whether they are intelligent and wise or ignorant and foolish.

1 7 b-  and Daniel explained all the visions and all the dreams.

First to show his faithfulness, Daniel is honored by God who gives him the gift of prophecy. This was the testimony he gave in his time to faithful Joseph, captive of the Egyptians. Among God's offerings, Solomon also chose wisdom; and for this choice, God gave him everything else, glory and wealth. Daniel will in turn experience this elevation built by his faithful God.

Dan 1:18 At the time appointed by the king for bringing them to him, the chief of the eunuchs presented them to Nebuchadnezzar.

Dan 1:19 The king talked with them; and among all these young men there was none like Daniel, Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah. They were therefore admitted to the service of the king.

Dan 1:20 Concerning all the things that required wisdom and understanding, and about which the king questioned them, he found them ten times superior to all the magicians and astrologers who were in all his kingdom.

20a-  God thus shows the difference between those who serve him and those who do not serve him ”, which is written in Mal.3:18. The names of Daniel and those of his companions will enter into the testimony of the Holy Bible, for their demonstrations of faithfulness will serve as models to encourage the elect until the end of the world.

Dan 1:21 So was Daniel until the first year of king Cyrus.








Daniel 2



Dan 2:1 In the second year of Nebuchadnezzar's reign Nebuchadnezzar dreamed dreams. His mind was restless and he could not sleep.

1a-  So, in – 604. God manifests himself in the spirit of the king.

Dan 2:2 The king called the magicians, the astrologers, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans, to tell him his dreams. They came and presented themselves before the king.

2a-  The pagan king then turns to the people in whom he has, until then, trusted, each being a specialist in his field.

Dan 2:3 And the king said unto them, I have dreamed a dream; my mind is agitated, and I would like to know this dream.

3a-  The king said well: I want to know this dream ; he doesn't talk about its meaning.

Dan 2:4 The Chaldeans answered the king in the Aramaic language, O king, live forever! Tell your servants about it, and we will explain it.

Dan 2:5 And the king answered again, and said unto the Chaldeans, The thing hath escaped me; If you do not make me aware of the dream and its explanation, you will be torn to pieces, and your houses will be reduced to a heap of rubbish.

5a-  The intransigence of the king and the extreme measure he takes are exceptional and inspired by God who creates the means to confound pagan charlatanism and to reveal his glory through his faithful servants.

Dan 2:6 But if you tell me the dream and its explanation, you will receive from me gifts and gifts and great honor. Therefore, tell me the dream and its explanation.

6a-  These gifts, presents, and great honors , God prepares for his faithful elect.

Dan 2:7 They answered the second time, Let the king tell the dream to his servants, and we will explain it.

Dan 2:8 And the king answered and said, Truly I perceive that you are trying to gain time, because you see that the matter has escaped me.

8a-  The king asks his wise men something that has never been asked and he does not achieve it.

Dan 2:9 Therefore if you do not make me know the dream, the same sentence will cover you all; you want to prepare to tell me lies and falsehoods, while waiting for times to change. Therefore, tell me the dream, and I will know if you are able to give me the explanation.

9a-  you want to prepare to tell me lies and falsehoods, while waiting for the times to be changed

 It is on this principle that until the end of the world, all false seers and diviners get rich.

9b-  Therefore, tell me the dream, and I will know if you are able to give me the explanation

 For the first time this logical reasoning manifests itself in the thought of a man. Charlatans have a great time being able to tell anything to their naive and overly gullible customers. The king's request unmasks their limit.

Dan 2:10 The Chaldeans answered the king, There is no one on earth who can say what the king asks; no king, however great and powerful he may have been, has ever demanded such a thing from any magician, astrologer or Chaldean.

10a-  Their words are true, since until then, God had not intervened to unmask them, so that they understand that he is the only God, and that their pagan divinities are nothing but nothing and idols constructed by hands and the spirits of men given over to demonic spirits.

Dan 2:11 What the king asks is difficult; there is no one who can tell the king, except the gods, whose dwelling is not among men.

11a-  The wise here express an undeniable truth. But by making these remarks, they admit to having no relationship with the gods , while all the time, they are consulted by duped people who think they will obtain answers from hidden deities through them. The challenge launched by the king unmasks them. And to achieve this, it required the unpredictable and infinite wisdom of the true God, already sublimely revealed in Solomon, this master of divine wisdom.

Dan 2:12 At this the king was angry, and was very angry. He ordered all the wise men of Babylon to be put to death.

Dan 2:13 The sentence was published, the wise men were put to death, and they were looking for Daniel and his companions to destroy them.

13a-  It is by placing his own servants before death that God will raise them in glory with King Nebuchadnezzar. This strategy prophesies the last experience of Adventist faith where the elect will await death decreed by the rebels on a decided date. But here again, the situation will be reversed, because the dead will be those rebels who will kill each other when the powerful and victorious Christ appears in heaven to judge and condemn them.

Dan 2:14 Then Daniel spoke wisely and wisely to Arjoch, captain of the king's guard, who had gone out to kill the wise men of Babylon.

Dan 2:15 And he answered and said to Arjoch the king's commander, Why is the king's sentence so severe? Arjoc explained the matter to Daniel.

Dan 2:16 And Daniel went to the king, and begged him to give him time to give the king the explanation.

16a-  Daniel acts according to his nature and his religious experience. He knows that his prophetic gifts are given to him by God, in whom he is accustomed to placing all his trust. Learning what the king asks, he knows that God has the answers, but is it his will to make them known to him?

Dan 2:17 Then Daniel went to his house, and told Hananiah, Mishael, and Azariah his companions about this matter,

17a-  The four young men live in Daniel's house. “ Those of like flock together ” and they represent the assembly of God. Already before Jesus Christ, “ where two or three gather in my name, I am in their midst ” says the Lord. Brotherly love unites these young people who demonstrate a beautiful spirit of solidarity.

Dan 2:18 urging them to implore mercy from the God of heaven, so that Daniel and his companions would not be destroyed with the rest of the wise men of Babylon.

18a-  Faced with such a strong threat against their lives, ardent prayer and sincere fasting are the only weapons of the elect. They know it and will wait for the response from their God who has already given them so much proof that he loves them. At the end of the world, the last chosen ones targeted by the decree of death will act in the same way.

Dan 2:19 Then the secret was revealed to Daniel in a vision in the night. And Daniel blessed the God of heaven.

19a-  Requested by his elect, the faithful God is there, because he organized the test to testify to his faithfulness for Daniel and his three companions; in order to raise them to the highest positions in the king's government. He will, experience after experience, make them indispensable for this king whom he will lead and finally convert. This conversion will be the fruit of the faithful and irreproachable behavior of the four young Jews sanctified by God for an exceptional mission.

Dan 2:20 Daniel answered and said, Blessed be the name of God from everlasting to everlasting. Wisdom and strength belong to him.

20a-  A well-justified praise because the proof of his wisdom is, in this experience, undeniably demonstrated. Her strength delivered Jehoiakim to Nebuchadnezzar and she imposed her ideas in the minds of the men who were to favor her project.

Dan 2:21 He it is who changes times and circumstances, who overthrows and establishes kings, who gives wisdom to the wise, and knowledge to those who have understanding.

21a-  This verse clearly expresses all the reasons to believe in and in God. Nebuchadnezzar will eventually convert when he fully realizes these things.

Dan 2:22 He reveals what is deep and hidden, he knows what is in darkness, and the light abides with him.

22a-  The devil can also reveal what is deep and hidden, but the light is not in him. He does it to seduce and turn humans away from the true God who, when he does so, acts to save his elect by revealing to them the deadly traps set by the demons condemned to earthly darkness, since the victory of Jesus Christ over the sin and death.

Dan 2:23 God of my fathers, I glorify and praise you, that you have given me wisdom and strength, and that you have made known to me what we have asked of you, that you have revealed to us the king's secret.

23a-  Wisdom and strength were in God, in Daniel's prayer, and God gave them to him. We see in this experience the principle taught by Jesus being fulfilled: “ ask and it will be given to you ”. But it is clearly understood that to obtain this result, the loyalty of the applicant must withstand all tests. The force received by Daniel will take a form acting on the thoughts of the king who will be subjected to an undeniable obvious proof which will force him to admit the existence of the God of Daniel unknown to him and his people until then.             

Dan 2:24 After this Daniel went to Arjoch, to whom the king had commanded to destroy the wise men of Babylon; and he went and spake unto him thus: Do not destroy the wise men of Babylon! Take me before the king, and I will give the king the explanation.

24a-  Divine love is read in Daniel who thinks of obtaining life for the wise pagans. This is again a behavior which testifies to God of his goodness and compassion, in a state of mind of perfect humility. God may be satisfied, his servant glorifies him by the works of his faith.

Dan 2:25 Arjoch brought Daniel quickly before the king, and spoke to him thus: I have found among the captives of Judah a man who will give explanation to the king.

25a-  God holds the king in great anguish, and the mere prospect of obtaining the answer he so desired will make his anger subside immediately.

Dan 2:26 And the king answered and said to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, Are you able to shew me the dream which I have had, and the explanation thereof?

26a-  The pagan name given to him changes nothing. It is Daniel and not Belteshazzar who will give him the expected answer.

Dan 2:27 Daniel answered in the presence of the king and said, What the king asks is a secret, which the wise men, the astrologers, the magicians and the diviners, are not able to reveal to the king.

27a-  Daniel intercedes on behalf of the wise. What the king asked of them was beyond their reach.

Dan 2:28 But there is a God in heaven who reveals secrets, and who has made known to Nebuchadnezzar the king what will happen in the end of time. This is your dream and the visions you had in your bed.

28a-  This beginning of the explanation will make Nebuchadnezzar attentive, because the subject of the future has always tormented and distressed men, and the prospect of obtaining answers on this subject is exciting and comforting. Daniel directs the king's attention to the invisible living God, which is surprising for the king who worshiped materialized deities.

Dan 2:29 On your bed, O king, thoughts have come up to you concerning what will be after this time; and he who reveals secrets has made known to you what will happen.

Dan 2:30 If this secret has been revealed to me, it is not because there is in me wisdom greater than that of all living; but it is that the explanation may be given to the king, and that you may know the thoughts of your heart.

30a-  it is not that there is in me a wisdom superior to that of all living people; but it is so that the explanation is given to the king

Perfect humility in action. Daniel steps aside, and tells the king that this invisible God is interested in him; this God more powerful and effective than those he has served until then. Imagine the effect of these words on his mind and heart.

30b-  and know the thoughts of your heart

 In pagan religion, the standards of good and evil of the true God are ignored. Kings are never questioned, because they are feared and dreaded because their power is great. The discovery of the true God will allow Nebuchadnezzar to gradually discover his character defects; what no one would have had the audacity to do among his people. The lesson is also addressed to us: we can only know the thoughts of our heart if God acts in our conscience.

Dan 2:31 O king, you looked and saw a great image; this statue was immense, and of extraordinary splendor; she stood before you, and her appearance was terrible.

31a-  you saw a large statue; this statue was immense, and of extraordinary splendor

 The statue will illustrate the successions of the great earthly empires which will succeed one another until the return in glory of Jesus Christ, hence its immense appearance . Its splendor is that of successive rulers covered with wealth, glory and honors rendered by men.

31b-  she stood before you, and her appearance was terrible.

 The future prophesied by the statue lies in front of the king and not behind him. Its terrible aspect prophesies the multitudes of human deaths that will cause, the wars and the persecutions which will characterize human history until the end of the world; the rulers walk over corpses.

Dan 2:32 The head of this image was pure gold; his chest and arms were of silver; his belly and his thighs were of brass;

32a-  The head of this statue was of pure gold

 Daniel will confirm it in verse 38, the head of gold is King Nebuchadnezzar himself. This symbol characterizes him because first, he will convert and serve with faith the true creator God. Gold is the symbol of purified faith in 1 Peter 1:7. His long reign will mark religious history and justify his mention in the Bible. In addition, he constitutes the head of the construction of the successions of earthly rulers. The prophecy begins in the first year of his reign in – 605.

32b-  his chest and his arms were of silver

 Silver is of less value than gold. It alters, gold remains unalterable. We are witnessing a degradation of human values that follows the description of the statue from top to bottom. From – 539, the empire of the Medes and Persians will succeed the Chaldean empire.

32c-  his belly and his thighs were of brass

 Brass is also of less value than silver. It is a copper-based metal alloy. It deteriorates terribly and changes appearance over time. It is also harder than silver, itself harder than gold which alone remains very malleable. Sexuality is at the center of the image chosen by God, but it is also the image of human reproduction. The Greek empire, because it is indeed it, will indeed prove to be very prolific, giving humanity its pagan culture which will continue until the end of the world. The Greek statues in molten and cast brass will be admired by people until the end. The nudity of the body is revealed and its depraved morals are limitless; these things make the Greek empire a typical symbol of sin which will endure through the centuries and millennia until the return of Christ. In Dan.11:21 to 31, the Greek king Antiochos 4 known as Epiphanes, persecutor of the Jewish people for “7 years” between – 175 and – 168, will be presented as a type of the papal persecutor whom he precedes in the prophetic account of this chapter. This verse 32 successively grouped and evoked the empires which led to the Roman empire.

Dan 2:33 his legs of iron; his feet, partly of iron and partly of clay.

33a-  his legs, of iron

 As the fourth prophesied empire, that of Rome is characterized by maximum hardening represented by iron. It is also the most common metal which oxidizes, rusts and is destroyed. Here again the deterioration is confirmed and it is increasing. The Romans are polytheists; they adopt the gods of vanquished enemies. This is how Greek sin will, through their extension, extend to all the peoples of its empire.

33b-  his feet, partly iron and partly clay

 In this phase, a clay part weakens this hard domination. The explanation is simple and historical. In 395, the Roman Empire broke up and after it the ten toes of the statue's feet would accomplish the establishment of ten independent Christian kingdoms but all placed under the religious supervision of the Bishop of Rome who would become the Pope from 538 . These ten kings are mentioned in Dan.7:7 and 24.

Dan 2:34 As you were looking, a stone fell out without hands and struck the feet of iron and clay of the image, and broke them in pieces.

34a-  The image of the stone that strikes is inspired by the practice of death by stoning. This was the standard for the execution of guilty sinners in ancient Israel. This stone therefore comes to stone earthly sinners. The last plague of God's wrath will be hailstones according to Rev.16:21. This image prophesies Christ's action against sinners at the time of his glorious divine return. In Zec.3:9, the Spirit gives to Christ the image of a stone, the main one of the corner, the one with which God begins the construction of his spiritual building: For behold, as for the stone which I placed before Joshua, there are seven eyes on this one stone; behold, I myself will engrave that which shall be engraved therein, saith the LORD of hosts; and I will remove the iniquity of this land in one day. Then we read in Zac.4:7: Who are you, great mountain, before Zerubbabel? You will be smoothed out. He will lay the main stone amid acclamations: Grace, grace for her! In this same place, in verses 42 and 47, we read: He said to me: What do you see? I answered, I look, and behold, there is a candlestick all of gold, with a vase on top, and holding seven lamps, with seven pipes for the lamps which are on the top of the candlestick ; … For those who despised the day of weak beginnings will rejoice when they see the level in the hand of Zerubbabel. These seven are the eyes of the Lord, which run through all the earth . To confirm this message, we will find in Rev.5:6, this image, in which the seven eyes of the stone and the candlestick are attributed to the Lamb of God, namely, Jesus Christ: And I saw, in the middle of the throne and the four living beings and in the midst of the elders, a lamb which was there as if slain. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent through all the earth. The judgment of sinful peoples being carried out by God in person, no human hand intervenes.

Dan 2:35 Then the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver, and the gold were broken together, and became like chaff that escapes from a summer threshing floor; the wind carried them away, and no trace was found of them. But the stone that struck the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth.

35a-  Then the iron, the clay, the brass, the silver and the gold were broken together, and became like chaff that escapes from a threshing floor in summer; the wind carried them away, and no trace was found of them.

At the return of Christ, the descendants of the peoples symbolized by gold, silver, brass, iron and clay all remained in their sins and worthy of destruction by him, and the image prophesies this annihilation.

35b-  But the stone that struck the image became a great mountain, and filled the whole earth

 Revelation will reveal that this announcement will only be completely fulfilled after the thousand years of heavenly judgment, with the installation of the elect on the renewed earth, in Rev. 4, 20, 21 and 22.             

Dan 2:36 This is the dream. We will give the explanation before the king.

36a-  The king finally hears what he dreamed of. Such an answer cannot be invented, because it was impossible to deceive him. He who describes these things to him has therefore himself received the same vision. And he also responds to the king's request by showing himself capable of interpreting the images and giving their meaning.

Dan 2:37 O king, you are the king of kings, for the God of heaven has given you dominion, power, strength and glory;

37a-  I really appreciate this verse where we see Daniel speaking informally to the powerful king, which no man would dare to do in our perverted and corrupted days. The informal address is not insulting, Daniel has respect for the Chaldean king. Tuinality is only the grammatical form used by an isolated subject who expresses himself to a single third party. And “as great as the king is, he is no less a man” as the actor Molière was able to say in his time. And the drift of unjustified vows was born in his time with Louis 14 , the proud “sun king”.

37b-  O king, you are the king of kings, for the God of heaven has given you the empire

 More than respect, Daniel brings to the king a celestial recognition that he was unaware of. In fact, the heavenly King of kings attests to having built the earthly king of kings. Ruling over kings constitutes the imperial title. The symbol of the empire is " the eagle's wings " which will characterize it as the first empire in Dan.7.

37c-  power,

 It designates the right to dominate over multitudes and is measured in quantity, i.e. mass.             

It can turn the head and fill a powerful king with pride. The king will sometimes give in to pride and God will heal him through a severe trial of humiliation revealed in Dan.4. He must accept the idea that he did not obtain his power by his own strength, but because the true God gave it to him. In Dan.7, this power will take the symbolic image of the Bear of the Medes and Persians.

Power being obtained, sometimes, by feeling an emptiness in themselves and in their lives, men commit suicide. Power makes you fantasize about obtaining a great happiness that does not come. “All new, all beautiful” goes the saying, but this feeling hardly lasts. In modern life, renowned and admired and enriched artists end up committing suicide despite an apparent, dazzling and glorious success.

37d-  strength

 It designates the action, the pressure under constraint which makes the opponent bend in a fight. But this fight can be waged against oneself. We then talk about strength of character. Strength is measured in quality and efficiency.

It also has its symbol: the lion according to Judges 14:18: “ what is stronger than the lion, what is sweeter than honey ”. The strength of the lion is in his muscles; those of its paws and claws but especially those of its mouth which grips and suffocates its victims before devouring them. The diverted revelation of this answer to the riddle posed to the Philistines by Samson will become the consequence of an action of unparalleled force on his part against them.

37th-  and glory .

 This word changes meaning in its terrestrial and celestial conceptions. Nebuchadnezzar obtained human glory until this experience. The pleasure of dominating and deciding the fate of all creatures on earth. It remains for him to discover the celestial glory that Jesus Christ will obtain by making himself, the Master and the Lord, the servant of his servants. For his salvation, he will eventually accept this glory and its heavenly conditions.                                         

Dan 2:38 He has given into your hand, wherever they dwell, the children of men, and the beasts of the field, and the birds of the air, and has made you ruler over them all: you are the one who you are the golden head.

38a-  This image will be used to designate Nebuchadnezzar in Dan.4:9.

38b-  you are the head of gold.

 These words show that God knows in advance the choices Nebuchadnezzar will make. This symbol, the head of gold , prophesies his future sanctification and his election for eternal salvation. Gold is the symbol of purified faith according to 1 Peter 1:7: so that the testing of your faith, more precious than perishable gold (which however is tested by fire), may result in praise, glory and honor, when Jesus Christ appears . Gold , this malleable metal, is the image of this great king who allows himself to be transformed by the work of the creator God .

Dan 2:39 After you there will arise another kingdom, less than yours; then a third kingdom, which will be of bronze, and will rule over all the earth;

39a-  Over time, human quality will deteriorate; the silver of the chest and two arms of the statue is less than the gold of the head. Like Nebuchadnezzar, Darius the Mede will convert, Cyrus 2 the Persian also according to Esd.1:1 to 4, all also loving Daniel; and after them Darius the Persian and Artaxerxes 1 according to Esd.6 and 7. In trials, they will rejoice to see the God of the Jews come to the aid of his own.

39b-  then a third kingdom, which will be of bronze, and which will rule over all the earth.

 Here, the situation seriously deteriorates for the Greek empire. Brass, the symbol which represents it, designates impurity, sin . The study of Dan.10 and 11 will allow us to understand why. But already, the culture of the people is in question as the inventor of republican freedom and all its perverse and corrupt deviations which according to the principle have no limit, this is why God says in Pro.29:18: When there is no revelation, the people are without restraint; Happy if he keeps the law! 

Dan 2:40 There will be a fourth kingdom, strong as iron; just as iron breaks and breaks everything, so it will break and break everything, like iron that breaks everything in pieces.

40a-  The situation worsens with this fourth kingdom which is that of Rome which will dominate the previous empires and adopt all their divinities, so that it will accumulate all their negative characteristics bringing a novelty, an iron discipline of implacable hardness . This makes it so effective that no country can resist it; so much so that his empire will extend from England in the west to Babylon on the eastern side. Iron is truly its symbol, from its double-edged swords, its armor and its shields, so that when attacking, the army takes on the appearance of a carapace bristling with spear points, formidably effective against disorderly attacks . and dispersed from his enemies.

Dan 2:41 And as thou hast seen the feet and the toes, partly of potter's clay, and partly of iron, this kingdom shall be divided; but there will be in it something of the strength of iron, because you saw iron mixed with clay.

41a-  Daniel does not specify it but the image speaks. Feet and toes represent a dominant phase that will succeed the pagan Roman empire imaged by iron . Divided, this Roman empire will become the battlefield for the small kingdoms formed after its breakup. The alliance of iron and clay does not create strength, but division and weakness. We read potter's clay . The potter is God according to Jer.18:6: Can I not act towards you like this potter, O house of Israel? saith the Lord. Behold, as clay is in the potter's hand, so are you in my hand, O house of Israel! This clay is the peaceful component of humanity from which God selects his elect and makes them vessels of honor.

Dan 2:42 And as the toes of the feet were partly of iron and partly of clay, so this kingdom shall be partly strong and partly fragile.

42a-  Notes that Roman iron continued until the end of the world, although the Roman Empire lost its unity and its domination in 395. The explanation lies in its resumption of domination by the religious seduction of the Roman Catholic faith. This being due to the armed support given by Clovis and the Byzantine emperors to the bishop of Rome around 500. They built his prestige and his new papal power which made him, but only in the eyes of men, the earthly leader of the Christian church since 538.

Dan 2:43 You have seen iron mixed with clay, because they will be mixed by human alliances; but they will not be united to each other, just as iron is not combined with clay.

43a-  The fingers of the feet, ten in number , will become ten horns in Dan.7:7 and 24. After the body, and the feet, they represent the western Christian nations of Europe in the final time, that is, our era. Denouncing the hypocritical alliances of European nations, God revealed 2,600 years ago the fragility of the agreements that unite the people of today's Europe, precisely united on the basis of the "Treaties of Rome".

Dan 2:44 In the days of these kings the God of heaven will raise up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, nor will it pass under the dominion of another people; he will break and destroy all these kingdoms, and he himself will endure forever.

44a-  In the time of these kings

 The thing is confirmed, the ten toes are contemporary with the glorious return of Christ.

44b-  the God of heaven will raise up a kingdom that will never be destroyed

 The selection of the elect is done under the name of Jesus Christ since his ministry, during his first coming to earth, to atone for the sins of those he saves. But during the two thousand years that followed this ministry, this selection was accomplished in humility and persecution from the diabolical camp. And since 1843, those whom Jesus saves are few in number, as the study of Dan.8 and 12 will confirm.

The 6000 years of the time of selection of the elect coming to an end, the 7th millennium opens the Sabbath of eternity only to the elect redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ since Adam and Eve. All will have been selected because of their faithfulness because God takes with him faithful and obedient humans, delivering the devil, his rebellious angels and disobedient humans to the complete destruction of their souls.

44c-  and which will not pass under the domination of another people

 Because it puts an end to earthly human dominations and successions.

44d-  he will break and destroy all these kingdoms, and he himself will endure forever

 The Spirit explains the meaning it gives to the word end; absolute meaning. There will be an elimination of all humanity. And Rev.20 will reveal to us what happens during the 7th millennium . We will thus discover the program planned by God. On the desolate earth, the devil will be held prisoner, without any heavenly or earthly company. And in heaven, for 1000 years, the elect will judge the wicked dead. At the end of these 1000 years, the wicked will be resurrected for the final judgment. The fire that destroys them will purify the earth that God will make new by glorifying it to welcome his throne and his redeemed elect. The image of the vision therefore summarizes more complex actions that the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ will reveal.

Dan 2:45 This is indicated by the stone that you saw falling out of the mountain without the help of any hand, and which broke in pieces the iron, the brass, the clay, the silver and the 'gold. The great God has made known to the king what must happen after this. The dream is true, and its explanation is certain.

45a-  Finally, after his coming, Christ being symbolized by the stone , the celestial judgment of a thousand years and his execution of the last judgment, on the new earth restored by God, the great mountain announced in the vision will take shape and place for him. eternity.

Dan 2:46 Then king Nebuchadnezzar fell on his face and worshiped Daniel, and commanded sacrifices and incense to be offered to him.

46a-  Still a pagan, the king reacts according to his nature. Having received from Daniel everything he had asked for, he bowed down before him and honored his commitments. Daniel does not object to the idolatrous actions he practices towards him. It is still too early to contradict and question it. Time, which belongs to God, will do its work.

Dan 2:47 And the king spoke to Daniel, saying, Truly your God is the God of gods and the Lord of kings, and he reveals secrets, since you have been able to discover this secret.

47a-  This was the first step of King Nebuchadnezzar towards his conversion. He will never be able to forget this experience which forces him to admit that Daniel is in relationship with the true God, in fact, the God of gods and the Lord of kings . But the pagan entourage who assists him will delay his conversion. His words testify to the effectiveness of the prophetic work. The power of God to say in advance what will happen puts normal man up against the wall of compelling evidence to which the chosen one gives in and the fallen resists.

Dan 2:48 Then the king raised up Daniel, and gave him many rich gifts; he gave him command over the whole province of Babylon, and made him supreme ruler over all the wise men of Babylon.

48a-  Nebuchadnezzar acts towards Daniel in the same way as Pharaoh before him had done towards Joseph. When they are intelligent and not stubbornly closed and blocked, great leaders know how to appreciate the services of a servant with valuable qualities. They and their people are beneficiaries of the divine blessings that rest on his elect. The wisdom of the true God thus benefits everyone.

Dan 2:49 Daniel asked the king to hand over the stewardship of the province of Babylon to Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. And Daniel was in the king's court.

49a-  These four young people stood out, by their particularly faithful attitude towards God, from the other young Jews who came with them to Babylon. After this ordeal, which could have become dramatic for everyone, the approval of the living God appears. We thus see the difference that God makes between those who serve him and those who do not serve him. He elevates his elected officials who have shown themselves worthy, publicly, in the eyes of all people.














Daniel 3



Dan 3:1 King Nebuchadnezzar made an image of gold, sixty cubits high and six cubits wide. He set it up in the valley of Dura, in the province of Babylon.

3a-  The king was convinced but not yet converted by the living God of Daniel. And megalomania still characterizes him. The adults around him encourage him in this path as the fox in the fable does with the raven, they adore him and venerate him like a god. Also, the king ends up comparing himself to a god. It must be said that in paganism, the drift is easy because the other false deities are immobile and frozen in the form of statues while he, the king, being alive, is already superior to them. But how poorly this gold is used in the raising of a statue! Obviously, the previous vision has not yet borne fruit. Perhaps even the honors that the God of gods showed him helped to maintain and even grow his pride. Gold, the symbol of faith purified by trial according to 1 Peter 1:7, will help reveal the presence of this type of sublime faith in Daniel's three companions, in the new experience recounted in this chapter. This is a lesson that God addresses in particular to his elect in the last Adventist trial when a decree of death prophesied in Rev.13:15 will be about to take their lives.

Dan 3:2 King Nebuchadnezzar summoned the satraps, the stewards and governors, the chief judges, the treasurers, the lawyers, the judges, and all the magistrates of the provinces, to come to the dedication of the image which King Nebuchadnezzar raised.

2a-  Unlike Daniel's ordeal in Dan.6, the experience is not due to the conspiracies of the people surrounding the king. Here, it is the fruit of his personality that is revealed.

Dan 3:3 Then the satraps, the stewards and the governors, the chief judges, the treasurers, the lawyers, the judges, and all the magistrates of the provinces, gathered together to dedicate the image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up . They stood before the image that Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

Dan 3:4 And a herald cried with a loud voice, This is what they command you, people, nations, and men of every tongue!

Dan 3:5 When you hear the sound of the trumpet, the pipe, the guitar, the sambuque, the psaltery, the bagpipes, and all kinds of musical instruments, then you will fall down and worship the golden statue erected by King Nebuchadnezzar.

5a-  At the moment when you hear the sound of the trumpet

 The signal of the trial will be given by the sound of the trumpet , just as the return of Jesus Christ is symbolized in Rev. 11:15 by the sound of the 7th trumpet , and the six previous punishments are also symbolized by trumpets.

5b-  you will prostrate yourself

 Prostration is the physical form of honor rendered. In Rev.13:16, God symbolizes it by the hand of men which will receive the mark of the beast, which consists of practicing and honoring the day of the pagan sun which replaced the holy divine Sabbath .

5c-  and you will love it

 Worship is the mental form of honor rendered. In Rev.13:16, God images it through the forehead of the man who receives the mark of the beast .

 This verse allows us to discover the keys to these symbols cited in the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ. The forehead and hand of man summarize his thoughts and his works and among the elect, these symbols receive the seal of God as opposed to the mark of the beast , identified with the "Sunday" of Roman Catholicism, accepted and supported by the Protestants since their entry into the ecumenical alliance.

 The entire organization of this measure imposed by King Nebuchadnezzar will be renewed at the end of the world in the test of fidelity for the Sabbath of the creator God. Every Sabbath, the refusal to work of the elected will testify to their resistance to the law of men. And on Sunday, their refusal to participate in imposed common worship will identify them as rebels who must be gotten rid of. A death sentence will then be pronounced. The process will therefore be perfectly consistent with what Daniel's three companions will experience, themselves being fully blessed by God for their already demonstrated fidelity.

 However, before the end of the world, this lesson was offered, first, to the Jews of the old alliance who were subjected to a similar ordeal between – 175 and – 168, persecuted to death by the Greek king Antiochos 4 known as Epiphanes. And Dan.11 will testify that certain faithful Jews preferred to be killed rather than commit an abomination before their true God. Because in those days, God did not intervene to miraculously save them, any more than he did subsequently for the Christians killed by Rome.

Dan 3:6 Whoever does not bow down and worship will be immediately thrown into a fiery furnace.

6a-  For Daniel's companions, the threat is the fiery furnace . This death threat is the image of the final death decree. But there is a difference between the two experiences of the beginning and that of the end, because in the end, the fiery furnace will be the punishment of the last judgment of the aggressors persecutors of the chosen saints of God.

Dan 3:7 Therefore when all peoples heard the sound of the trumpet, and the pipe, and the guitar, and the sambuque, and the psaltery, and of every instrument of music, all the people, the nations and people of all languages fell down and worshiped the golden image that King Nebuchadnezzar had set up.

7a-  This behavior of almost general and unanimous submission of the masses to human laws and ordinances still prophesies their behavior at the time of the last test of earthly faith. The last universal government of the earth will be obeyed with the same fear.

Dan 3:8 On this occasion, and at the same time, certain Chaldeans came and accused the Jews.

8a-  God's elect are the targets of the wrath of the devil who dominates all souls that God does not recognize as his elect. On earth, this diabolical hatred takes shape in the form of jealousy and at the same time, great hatred. They are then held responsible for all the evils from which humanity suffers, although it is the opposite which explains these evils which are simply the consequences of the absence of their protection by God. Those who hate the elected officials hatch plots to make them the popular execration that must be gotten rid of by killing them.

Dan 3:9 They answered and said to King Nebuchadnezzar, O king, live forever!

­9a-  The agents of the devil enter the scene, the plot becomes clearer.

Dan 3:10 You have given a commandment that everyone who hears the sound of the trumpet, the pipe pipe, the guitar, the sambuque, the psaltery, the bagpipes, and all kinds of instruments, should to bow down and worship the golden image,

10a-  They remind the king of his own words and the order of his royal authority to which obedience is required.

Dan 3:11 and whoever does not bow down and worship will be thrown into a fiery furnace.

11a-  The threat of death is also recalled; the trap closes on the chosen saints.

Dan 3:12 Now there are Jews to whom you have entrusted the stewardship of the province of Babylon, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, men who have no regard for you, O king; they do not serve your gods, nor worship the golden image that you have set up.

12a-  The thing was predictable, the high positions being entrusted to Jewish foreigners, the perfidious jealousy ignited was to manifest its fruit of murderous hatred. And thus, God's chosen ones are singled out and condemned by popular vindictiveness.

Dan 3:13 Then Nebuchadnezzar, angry and angry, ordered Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego to be brought. And these men were brought before the king.

13a-  Remember that these three men obtained from Nebuchadnezzar the highest positions in his kingdom, because they appeared to him wiser, more intelligent than the people of his people. This is why his “ irritated and furious ” state will explain his momentary forgetting of their exceptional qualities.

Dan 3:14 Nebuchadnezzar answered and said to them, Is it deliberate, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, that you do not serve my gods, and do not worship the golden image which I have high?

14a-  He doesn't even wait for them to answer his question: Are you deliberately disobeying my orders?

Dan 3:15 Now be ready, and when you hear the sound of the trumpet, the pipe, the guitar, the sambuque, the psalter, the bagpipes, and all kinds of instruments, you will you will bow down and worship the image that I have made; if you do not worship him, you will be immediately thrown into the midst of a fiery furnace. And who is the god who will deliver you from my hand?

15a-  Suddenly realizing how useful these men are to him, the king is ready to offer them a new chance by obeying his universal imperial order.

The question asked will receive an unexpected answer from the true God whom Nebuchadnezzar seems to have forgotten, taken by the activities of his imperial life. Furthermore, there is nothing to establish the date of the affair.

Dan 3:16 Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego replied to King Nebuchadnezzar, We need not answer you on this matter.

16a-  These words made to the most powerful king of his time seem outrageous and irreverent, but these men who said them are not rebellious people. On the contrary, they constitute models of obedience to the living God to whom they have firmly decided to remain faithful.

Dan 3:17 Behold, our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the fiery furnace, and he will deliver us out of your hand, O king.

17a-  Unlike the king, the faithful elect retained the proofs that God gave them to show that he was with them in the test of the vision. Associating this personal experience with the glorious memories of their people delivered from the Egyptians and their slavery, by this same faithful God, they push boldness to the point of defying the king. Their determination is total, even if it comes at the cost of their death. But, the Spirit makes them prophesy his intervention: he will deliver us from your hand, O king .

Dan 3:18 Otherwise, know, O king, that we will not serve your gods, nor worship the golden image which you have set up.

18a-  And in the event that God's help does not come, it is better for them to die as faithful elect than to survive as traitors and cowards. This fidelity will be found in the test imposed by the Greek persecutor in – 168. And after that, throughout the Christian era among true Christians who until the end of the world will not confuse the law of God with the law of evil men.

Dan 3:19 Whereupon Nebuchadnezzar was filled with wrath, and he changed his face, turning his face against Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego. He spoke again and ordered the furnace to be heated seven times more than it should be heated.

19a-  It must be understood that this king never during his lifetime saw or heard anyone oppose his decisions; which justifies his fury and the change in the appearance of his face . The devil enters him to lead him to kill God's elect.

Dan 3:20 Then he commanded some of the strongest soldiers in his army to bind Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, and throw them into the fiery furnace.

Dan 3:21 And these men were bound in their breeches, their tunics, their cloaks, and their other garments, and were thrown into the midst of the fiery furnace.

21a-  All these materials mentioned are combustible as are their flesh bodies.

Dan 3:22 As the king's command was severe, and the furnace was extraordinarily hot, the flame killed the men who had thrown Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego into it.

­22a-  The death of these men testifies to the deadly effectiveness of the fire of this furnace.

Dan 3:23 And these three men, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, fell bound in the midst of the fiery furnace.

23a-  The king's order is executed, even killing his own servants.

Dan 3:24 Then king Nebuchadnezzar was afraid, and rose up quickly. And he answered and said unto his counsellors, Have we not cast three bound men into the midst of the fire? They answered the king: Certainly, O king!

24a-  The king of kings of his time cannot believe his eyes. What he sees is beyond human imagination. He feels the need to reassure himself by asking those around him if the action of throwing three men into the fire of the furnace is a reality. And these confirm the thing to him: It is certain, O king!

Dan 3:25 He answered and said, Well, I see four men without bonds, walking in the midst of the fire, and having no harm; and the figure of the fourth resembles that of a son of the gods.

25a-  It seems that only the king had the vision of the fourth character which terrified him. The exemplary faith of the three men is honored and answered by God. In this fire, the king can distinguish men and he sees a figure of light and fire standing with them. This new experience surpasses the first. The reality of the living God is still proven to him.

25b-  and the figure of the fourth resembles that of a son of the gods

 The appearance of this fourth character is so different from that of men that the king identifies him with a son of the gods . The expression is happy because it is indeed a direct intervention of the one who will become for men, the Son of God and the Son of man , Jesus Christ.

Dan 3:26 Then Nebuchadnezzar came near to the entrance of the fiery furnace, and speaking, he said, Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, servants of the Most High God, come out and come! And Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego came out of the midst of the fire.

26a-  Once again, Nebuchadnezzar transforms himself into a lamb in the face of a lion king immensely stronger than him. This reminder awakens the testimony of the experience of the previous vision. The God of heaven makes a second appeal to him.

Dan 3:27 The satraps, the stewards, the governors, and the king's counselors assembled together; they saw that the fire had had no power over the bodies of these men, that the hair on their heads had not been burned, that their underpants were not damaged, and that the smell of the fire had not affected them. not reached.

27a-  In this experience, God gives us and Nebuchadnezzar proof of his real omnipotence. He created earthly laws that condition the lives of all human beings and all animals that live on his soil and in his dimension. But he has just proven that neither he nor the angels are subject to these earthly rules. Creator of universal laws, God is above them and can, at his will, order miraculous cases which will, in his time, bring glory and reputation to Jesus Christ.

Dan 3:28 Nebuchadnezzar answered and said, Blessed be the God of Shadrach and Meshach and Abednego, who sent his angel and delivered his servants who trusted in him, and who violated the commandment of the king and surrendered their body rather than serve and worship any god other than their God!

28a-  The anger of the king is gone. Once back on his feet as a man, he learns from the experience and issues an order which will prevent the thing from happening again. Because the experience is bitter. God showed the Babylonians that He is alive, active, and full of strength and power.

28b-  who sent his angel and delivered his servants who trusted in him, and who violated the king's command and surrendered their bodies rather than serve and worship any god other than their God!

 In a high degree of lucidity, the king realizes how admirable is the loyalty of the men whom his mad pride wanted to kill. There is no doubt that he realizes that by reason of his power, it would have been possible for him to avoid this stupid ordeal caused by his pride which only makes him make mistakes at the risk of innocent people.             

Dan 3:29 Now this is my command: Every man, of whatever people, nation, or tongue, that shall speak evil of the God of Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego, shall be cut in pieces, and his house will be reduced to a heap of rubbish, because there is no other god who can deliver like him.

29a-  By this declaration, King Nebuchadnezzar provides his protection to God's chosen ones.

 At the same time, he threatens anyone who speaks evil of the God of Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego, and he specifies, he will be torn to pieces, and his house will be reduced to a heap of rubbish, because he does not there is no other god who can deliver like him. Faced with this threat, it is certain that as long as King Nebuchadnezzar reigns, God's faithful elect will not have trouble due to plots.

Dan 3:30 After this the king made Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego prosper in the province of Babylon.

30a-  “All is well that ends well” for the faithful elect of the living God, the creator of all that lives and exists. For his chosen ones will rise last, and they will walk on the dust of the dead, their former enemies, on the restored earth, for eternity.

 In the last test, this happy ending will also be obtained. Thus, the first trial and the last benefit from the direct intervention of the living God in favor of his elect whom he comes to save in Jesus Christ, the Savior, since his name Jesus means “YaHWéH saves”.










Daniel 4


Dan 4:1 Nebuchadnezzar king to all peoples, nations, and languages, that dwell in all the earth. May peace be given to you in abundance!

1a-  The tone and form prove it, the king who speaks is the one who converted to the God of Daniel. Its expressions resemble the writings of the epistles of the new covenant. He offers peace, because he himself is now at peace, in his human heart, with the God of love and justice, the true, the only, the unique.

Dan 4:2 It seemed good to me to show the signs and wonders that the Most High God has done toward me.

2a-  The king now acts as Jesus said to the blind and crippled healed by him, “ go and show yourselves in the temple and make known what God has done for you ”. The king is animated by the same desire inspired by God. Because conversions are possible every day, but God does not give to all of them the impact of that experienced by a king of kings, a powerful and strong emperor.

Dan 4:3 How great are his signs! How powerful are his wonders! His reign is an everlasting reign, and his dominion endures from generation to generation.

3a-  Understanding and certainty of these things gives him the peace and true happiness already available here below. The king learned and understood everything.

Dan 4:4 I, Nebuchadnezzar, lived peacefully in my house, and happy in my palace.

4a-  Quiet and happy? Yes, but still an unconverted pagan for the true God.

Dan 4:5 I had a dream that frightened me; the thoughts with which I was pursued on my bed and the visions of my mind filled me with terror.

5a-  This king Nebuchadnezzar is truly presented to us as the lost sheep that God in Christ comes to seek to help and save it from misfortune. For after this peaceful and happy earthly time, the future of the king would be perdition and eternal death. For his eternal salvation, God comes to disturb and torment him.

Dan 4:6 And I commanded that all the wise men of Babylon should be brought before me, that they might give me the explanation of the dream.

6a-  Obviously, Nebuchadnezzar has serious memory problems. Why doesn't he call on Daniel immediately?

Dan 4:7 Then came the magicians, the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the diviners. I told them the dream, and they did not give me the explanation.

7a-  Things happen as with the first vision, the pagan diviners prefer to recognize their incapacity rather than tell fables to the king who has already threatened their lives.

Dan 4:8 Finally, Daniel appeared before me, named Belteshazzar after the name of my god , and who has in him the spirit of the holy gods. I tell him the dream:

8a-  The reason for forgetting is given. Bel was still the king's god. I recall here that Darius the Mede, Cyrus the Persian, Darius the Persian, Artaxerxes 1st , according to Esd.1, 6 and 7, all in their time will appreciate the elected Jews and their one God. Including Cyrus about whom God prophesies in Isa.44:28, saying: I say of Cyrus: He is my shepherd, and he will do all my will; he will say of Jerusalem: Let it be rebuilt! And of the temple: Let it be founded! - The prophesied shepherd will fulfill the prophetic will of God to whom he acknowledges obeying. This other text confirms his prophesied conversion: Isa.45:2: Thus says the Lord to his anointed, to Cyrus , and in verse 13: It is I who have raised up Cyrus in my righteousness, And I will make straight all his ways ; He will rebuild my city, and set my captives free, without ransom or bribe, says the LORD of hosts. And the fulfillment of this plan appears in Esd.6:3 to 5: In the first year of king Cyrus, king Cyrus gave this command concerning the house of God in Jerusalem: Let the house be built again, to be a place where sacrifices are offered, and that it has solid foundations. It will be sixty cubits high, sixty cubits wide, three rows of hewn stones and one row of new wood. The costs will be paid by the king's household . Moreover, the vessels of gold and silver of the house of God, which Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem and carried to Babylon, will be returned, taken to the temple in Jerusalem to the place where they were, and placed in the house of God. The costs will be paid by the king's household. God grants him the honors that he had given to King Solomon. However, be careful! This decree will not allow the calculation proposed in Dan.9:25 to be used to obtain the date of the first coming of the Messiah; it will be that of King Artaxerxes the Persian. Cyrus had the temple rebuilt, but Artaxerxes authorized the reconstruction of the walls of Jerusalem and the return of the entire Jewish people to their national land.

Dan 4:9 Belteshazzar, chief of the magicians, who I know have in you the spirit of the holy gods, and to whom no secret is difficult, give me the explanation of the visions which I saw in dream.

9a-  We need to understand where the king is. In his mind , he remained a pagan and only recognized the God of Daniel as another god, except that he was capable of explaining dreams. The idea of having to change gods did not occur to him. The God of Daniel was just another god compared to the others.

Dan 4:10 These are the visions of my mind while I lay. I looked, and, behold, there was a tree of great height in the midst of the earth.

10a-  In the images that Jesus will use to give his lessons to the spiritual people he wants to teach, the tree will be the image of man, from the reed that bends and bends to the powerful and majestic cedar. And just as man can appreciate the tasty fruit of a tree, God appreciates or not the fruit borne by his creatures, from the most pleasant to the least pleasant, even detestable and loathsome.

Dan 4:11 And this tree became great and strong, its top reaching up to the heavens, and it was seen from the ends of all the earth.

11a-  In the vision of the statue, the Chaldean king was already compared to a tree according to the image of the power, the strength, and the empire which had been given to him by the true God.

Dan 4:12 Its foliage was beautiful, and its fruit abundant; he carried food for everyone; the beasts of the field sheltered under its shade, and every living creature drew food from it.

12a-  This powerful king shared with all those in his empire the wealth and food produced under his directives.

12b-  the birds of the air made their home among its branches,

 The expression is a reprise of Dan.2:38. In the literal sense, these birds of the sky represent the peace and serenity that reign under his governance. In the spiritual sense, they mean the heavenly angels of God, but in this single reference from Ecc.10:20, it is God himself who is in question, for he alone searches the thoughts of each person: Do not curse not the king, even in your mind, and do not curse the rich in the room where you sleep; for the bird of the sky would carry away your voice, the winged animal would publish your words . In the majority of quotes, the birds of the sky evoke eagles and birds of prey, dominant among the winged species. Birds settle where their food is abundant; the image therefore confirms prosperity and food satiation.             

Dan 4:13 In the visions of my spirit, which I saw while lying, I saw, and, behold, one of them that watch and are holy came down from heaven.

13a-  Indeed, the celestial angels have no need to sleep, they are therefore in permanent activity. Those who are holy and serving God come down from heaven to carry His messages to His earthly servants.

Dan 4:14 And he cried with might, and spake thus: Cut down the tree, and cut off the branches thereof; shake off the foliage, and scatter the fruits; let the beasts flee from beneath it, and the birds from among its branches!

14a-  The vision announces that the king will lose his kingdom and his domination over him.

Dan 4:15 But leave the stem where the roots are in the ground, and bind it with chains of iron and brass among the grass of the field. Let him be drenched in the dew of heaven, and like the beasts, let him have the grass of the earth as his portion.

15a-  But leave the trunk in the ground where the roots are

 The king will stay in his kingdom; he will not be expelled.

15b-  and bind him with chains of iron and brass, among the grass of the field

 There is no need for chains of iron or brass, because God will simply make his malleable creature lose his reason and common sense in all his aspects, physical, mental and moral. The powerful king will take himself for a beast of the field. The great ones of his kingdom will therefore be forced to remove domination of the kingdom from him.

15c-  May he be drenched with the dew of heaven, and may he have, like the beasts, the grass of the earth as his portion

 We can imagine the consternation of his adults who will see him eating grass from the ground, like a cow or a sheep. He will refuse covered dwellings, preferring to live and sleep in the fields.

Dan 4:16 His human heart will be taken away from him, and the heart of a beast will be given to him; and seven times will pass over him.

 In this experience , God once again gives proof of his real omnipotence. Because Creator of the lives of all his creatures, he can at any time, for his glory, make one intelligent or, on the contrary, dumb it down. Because it remains invisible to their eyes, men ignore this threat which constantly weighs on them. But it is true that he rarely intervenes, and when he does, it is for a specific reason and purpose.

 The punishment is measured. It will apply to King Nebuchadnezzar for seven times , only seven years. There is no legitimacy in using this duration on anything other than the king himself. Here again, by making this choice of the number “7”, the creator God initials with his “royal seal” the action which is about to be accomplished.

Dan 4:17 This sentence is a decree of those who watch, this resolution is a command of the saints, that the living may know that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men, and gives it to whomever he pleases, and that he raises there the vilest of men.

17a-  This sentence is a decree of those who watch

 The Spirit underlines the exceptional character of this divine intervention to which he gives a role of “decree” due to those who watch . Man must learn that despite deceptive appearances, he is constantly watched by celestial beings. God wants to make this example a lesson for human beings until the end of the world. By citing those who watch , he reveals the perfect collective unity of the angels of God's camp which associates them in his projects and his actions.

17b- so that the living may know that the Most High has dominion over the kingdom of men, that he gives it to whomever he pleases

 God directs everything and controls everything. Often, forgetting this hidden reality, man believes himself to be master of his destiny and his decisions. He thinks he chooses his leaders, but it is God who puts them in office, according to his good will and his judgment on things and beings.

17c-  and that he raises there the vilest of men

 The saying is true: “people have the leaders they deserve”. When the people deserve a vile man as leader, God imposes it on them.

Dan 4:18 This is the dream that I, King Nebuchadnezzar, dreamed. You, Belteshazzar, give the explanation, since all the wise men of my kingdom cannot give it to me; you can, because you have within you the spirit of the holy gods.

18a-  Nebuchadnezzar is making progress, but he is still not converted. He still remembered that Daniel serves holy gods . Monotheism is not yet understood by him.             

Dan 4:19 Then Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar, was stunned for a moment, and his thoughts troubled him. The king answered and said, Belteshazzar, let not the dream and the explanation trouble thee; And Belteshazzar answered: My lord, let the dream be to your enemies, and its explanation to your adversaries!

19a-  Daniel understands the dream and what is going to happen is so terrible for the king that Daniel would prefer to see the thing accomplished on his enemies.

Dan 4:20 The tree which you saw, which grew great and strong, whose top reached to the heavens, and which was seen in every part of the earth;

Dan 4:21 This tree, whose foliage was beautiful and its fruit abundant, which bore food for all, under which the beasts of the field sheltered, and among whose branches the birds of the air made their home,

21a-  the foliage was beautiful

 Physical appearance and clothing.

21b-  and abundant fruits

 The abundance of prosperity.

21c-  who carried food for all

 Who ensured the food sustenance of all his people.

21d-  under which the beasts of the field sheltered

 The king protector of his servants.

21st-  and among whose branches the birds of the air made their home

 Under his rule, his people lived in great security. The birds fly away and leave the tree at the slightest danger.

Dan 4:22 It is you, O king, who have become great and strong, whose greatness is increased and exalted to the heavens, and whose dominion extends to the ends of the earth .

Dan 4:23 And the king saw one of the holy watchers come down from heaven, saying, Cut down the tree, and destroy it; but leave the trunk in the ground where the roots are, and bind it with chains of iron and brass, among the grass of the field; let him be drenched with the dew of heaven, and let his portion be with the beasts of the field, until seven times be passed upon him.

Dan 4:24 This is the explanation, O king, this is the decree of the Most High, which will be fulfilled on my lord the king.

Dan 4:25 They will cast you out from among men, and you will dwell with the beasts of the field, and they will give you grass to eat like oxen; you will be drenched with the dew of heaven, and seven times will pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he pleases.

25a-  until you know that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he pleases.

 Daniel mentions God as “the Most High”. He thus directs the king's thoughts on the existence of the one God; an idea that the king has great difficulty understanding, due to these polytheistic origins inherited from father to son.

Dan 4:26 The command to leave the trunk where the roots of the tree are means that your kingdom will remain with you when you recognize that He who rules is in heaven.

26a-  When he recognizes that the one who rules is in heaven, the experience of humiliation will cease because the king will be convinced and converted.

Dan 4:27 Therefore, O king, may my counsel please you. Put an end to your sins by practicing justice, and to your iniquities by showing compassion towards the unfortunate, and your happiness may continue.

27a-  When the king puts into practice the things that Daniel lists in this verse, he will truly be converted. But this character is given over to pride, his uncontested power has made him capricious and often unjust, as previous revealed experiences have taught us.

Dan 4:28  All these things were accomplished on King Nebuchadnezzar .

28a-  This declaration by Daniel prohibits any other interpretation of this prophecy, which condemns to nullity the prophetic bases taught by Jehovah's Witnesses and any other religious group which contravenes the rule defined by Daniel. Moreover, the content of the entire chapter provides proof of this. Because the story will teach us why the king is hit by a curse in the prophecy of the tree.

Dan 4:29 At the end of twelve months, as he was walking in the royal palace in Babylon,

29a-  12 months, or a year or “ a time ” passes between the vision and its accomplishment.             

Dan 4:30 the king answered and said, Is not this Babylon the great, which I have built for a royal habitation by the power of my might, and for the glory of my magnificence?

30a-  This is the fateful moment when the king would have done better to remain silent. But we can understand it because his Babylon was truly a pure marvel still listed as one of the “seven wonders of the world”. Hanging gardens lush with greenery, ponds, spacious squares and ramparts on a square of 40 km on each side. Ramparts on the top of which two tanks could pass each other along the entire length of the ramparts; the highway of the time. One of its gates, reconstructed in Berlin, is in the center of two walls made up of blue enameled stones on which the king's emblem is engraved: a lion with eagle's wings that Dan.7:4 mentions. He had something to be proud of. But God does not see pride in his words, he sees pride but above all forgetfulness and contempt for his previous experiences. Certainly, this king is not the only proud being on earth, but God has set his sights on him, he wants him in his heaven and he will have him. This deserves explanation: God judges his creatures beyond appearances. He searches their hearts and their minds, and recognizes, without ever being mistaken, the sheep worthy of salvation. This leads him to insist and sometimes work miracles but the method is justified by the quality of the final result obtained.

Dan 4:31 While the word was still in the king's mouth, a voice came down from heaven: Hear, King Nebuchadnezzar, that the kingdom is going to be taken away from you.

31a-  Nebuchadnezzar is a victim of the love of God who set a trap for him and warned him of it in his prophetic dream. The sentence from heaven can be heard, but let us rejoice because the evil that God will do to him will save his life and make it eternal.

Dan 4:32 They will cast you out from among men, you will dwell with the beasts of the field, and they will give you grass to eat like oxen; and seven times will pass over you, until you know that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he pleases.

32a-  For seven years, seven times , the king loses his lucidity and his mind convinces him of being only an animal.

Dan 4:33 At the same time the word was fulfilled on Nebuchadnezzar. He was cast out from among men, he ate grass like oxen, his body was drenched with the dew of heaven; until her hair grew like the feathers of eagles, and her nails like those of birds.

33a-  The king testifies that everything that had been announced in the vision was well accomplished on him. In writing his testimony, the converted king evokes this humiliating experience, speaking of himself in the third person. Shame still pushes him to step back. Another explanation remains possible, which is that this testimony was written together by the king and Daniel, his new brother in the true God.

Dan 4:34 After the appointed time, I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes toward heaven, and reason returned to me. I have blessed the Most High, I have praised and glorified him who lives forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and whose kingdom endures from generation to generation.

34a-  The wise and almighty God obtains the love of the lost sheep. She has joined his flock, and multiplies her praises for his glory.

34b-  he whose dominion is an eternal dominion, and whose reign endures from generation to generation

 The formula concerns the 5th kingdom , this time, eternal, of the vision of the Son of man of Dan.7:14: To him were given dominion, glory and kingdom; and all peoples, nations, and men of every language served him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and his kingdom shall never be destroyed . And also in the vision of the image in Dan.2:44: In the days of these kings the God of heaven will raise up a kingdom which will never be destroyed, nor will it pass under the dominion of another people; he will break and destroy all these kingdoms, and he himself will endure forever .

Dan 4:35 All that dwell on the earth are nothing in his sight: he doeth as he pleaseth with the host of heaven, and with them that dwell on the earth: and there is none that can withstand his hand. and who says to him: What are you doing?

35a-  Glory to the living God! Because this time the king understood everything and he was converted.

Dan 4:36 At that time sanity returned to me; the glory of my kingdom, my magnificence and my splendor were restored to me; my advisors and my elders asked me again; I was restored to my kingdom, and my power only increased.

36a-  Like the just and upright Job, to whom God gave sons, daughters and posterity at the end of his ordeal, the king regains the confidence of his great ones and resumes his now wise reign among the true wise men enlightened by the living God . This experience proves that God gives the kingdom to whomever he wants. It was he who inspired the great Chaldeans to ask for their king again.

Dan 4:37 Now I, Nebuchadnezzar, praise and exalt and glorify the King of heaven, whose works are all true and whose ways are righteous, and who is able to humble those who walk in pride.

37a-  He can say it, because he paid to be able to say it.

 To avoid the worst, pulling out a tooth can hurt a lot; but the stakes can justify the suffering. To gain eternity, it may be necessary to go through hard or very hard trials; the uprooting of pride will justify them when it is possible. Knowing his potential, Jesus Christ made Paul blind on the road to Damascus, so that the spiritually blind “persecutor of his brothers” would become his faithful and zealous witness after having regained the sight of his eyes, but above all, the sight of his spirit.

Daniel 5



Dan 5:1 King Belshazzar gave a great feast to his nobles, a thousand in number, and he drank wine in their presence.

1a-  King Nebuchadnezzar fell asleep in the peace of God when he was quite old and his son Nabonidus succeeded him, reluctant to govern, so he let his son Belshazzar reign in his place. Do not confuse this name which means “Bel protects the king”, a challenge that God intends to take up, with the one that Nebuchadnezzar gave to Daniel: Belteshazzar which means “Bel will protect”. At the origin of these names is the worship of Bel or Bélial behind whom is the sole organizer of polytheism: Satan, the devil. As we will see, the successors of the converted king did not follow him on this path.

Dan 5:2 Belshazzar, when he had tasted the wine, brought the vessels of gold and silver that his father Nebuchadnezzar had taken from the temple in Jerusalem, so that the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines, They were used for drinking.

2a-  For this pagan king, these vessels of gold and silver are only spoils taken from the Jews. Having chosen to ignore the true God to whom Nebuchadnezzar had converted, he ignores the fact that this living God judges all his actions. By using for a base and profane use these things consecrated and sanctified in the service of the creator God, he commits the last error of his short life. In his time, Nebuchadnezzar knew how to take into account the active power of the God of the Jews because he understood that his national gods in truth did not exist. All the peoples subject to the king of Babylon had heard his powerful testimony in favor of the King of heaven, especially his immediate family. God therefore has every reason to now show himself to be just and merciless.

Dan 5:3 Then they brought the vessels of gold which were taken out of the temple, out of the house of God in Jerusalem; and the king and his nobles, his wives and his concubines, used it to drink.

3a-  Daniel insists on the origin of these vessels which were removed from the temple, from the house of God in Jerusalem. Already, seeing that the Jewish God allowed these things to be removed from his temple, the young king should have understood that the true God punishes and severely chastises those who serve him badly. Pagan gods do not do such things and their officiants only seek to please men whose credulity they exploit.

Dan 5:4 They drank wine, and praised the gods of gold, silver, brass, iron, wood, and stone.

4a-  Profane use is outdated, it is idolatrous use, the height of abomination for God. Important detail, in a great display of carelessness, the king feasts with his friends, while his city is threatened by the Medes and Persians who are besieging it.

Dan 5:5 At that moment there appeared the fingers of a man's hand, and they wrote opposite the candlestick on the limestone of the wall of the royal palace. The king saw this end of the hand which was writing.

5a-  The miracles of the time of Nebuchadnezzar having been despised, this new miracle does not aim to convert, but to destroy the lives of the guilty as we will see. In front of evil accusers who wanted the death of a sinner, Jesus Christ will also write in the sand with his finger the sins they commit in secret.

Dan 5:6 Then the king changed his color, and his thoughts troubled him; the joints of his back relaxed, and his knees knocked against each other.

6a-  The miracle immediately produces its effects. Despite the intoxication, his mind reacts, he is terrified.

Dan 5:7 And the king cried out loudly for the astrologers, the Chaldeans, and the diviners; and the king answered and said to the wise men of Babylon, Whosoever shall read this scripture, and give me the explanation thereof, shall be clothed in purple, and shall wear a necklace of gold upon his neck, and shall have third place in the government of the kingdom. .

7a-  Once again, Daniel is ignored; his testimonies were scorned by the royal succession. And again, in extreme anguish, the young king promises the highest honors to the one who proves capable of deciphering the message written on the wall in a supernatural way. Whoever does this will get third place in the kingdom because Nabonidus and Belshazzar occupy first and second place.

Dan 5:8 All the wise men of the king came in; but they could not read the writing and give the king the explanation.

8a-  As under Nebuchadnezzar, this remains impossible for pagan wise men.

Dan 5:9 Whereupon king Belshazzar was greatly afraid, and changed his color, and his nobles were dismayed.

Dan 5:10 And the queen, because of the words of the king and his nobles, entered into the banquet hall, and spake thus: O king, live forever. May not your thoughts trouble you, and may not your face change color!

Dan 5:11 There is a man in your kingdom who has the spirit of the holy gods in him; and in the days of your father there were found in him lights, understanding, and wisdom like the wisdom of the gods. Also King Nebuchadnezzar, your father, the king, your father, made him leader of the magicians, of the astrologers, of the Chaldeans, of the diviners,

Dan 5:12 because in him, Daniel, named by king Belteshazzar, was found a superior spirit, knowledge and understanding, the ability to interpret dreams, to explain riddles, and to solve difficult questions. Therefore let Daniel be called, and he will give the explanation.

12a-  This testimony from the queen is confusing and it condemns the entire royal family: we knew that... but we chose not to take it into account.

Dan 5:13 Then Daniel was brought before the king. The king answered and said to Daniel, Are you this Daniel, one of the captives of Judah, whom my father the king brought out of Judah?

Dan 5:14 I have heard of you that you have the spirit of the gods within you, and that in you there is light, understanding, and extraordinary wisdom.

Dan 5:15 They have just brought before me the wise men and the astrologers, that they may read this writing and give me the explanation; but they could not give the explanation of the words.

Dan 5:16 I have learned that you can give explanations and resolve difficult questions; now, if you can read this scripture and give me the explanation, you will be clothed in purple, you will wear a necklace of gold on your neck, and you will have the third place in the government of the kingdom.

16a-  Third place after Nabonidus his father and himself.

Dan 5:17 Daniel answered in the presence of the king, Keep your gifts, and give your gifts to another; nevertheless I will read the writing to the king, and I will give him the explanation.

17a-  Daniel is old and does not give importance to honors or to goods and values of silver and gold, but the opportunity to remind this young king of his faults, his sins that he will have to pay for his life, does not refuse and he is the servant of God for this type of action.

Dan 5:18 O king, the supreme God gave to Nebuchadnezzar your father dominion, greatness, glory and magnificence;

18a-  The reign of Nebuchadnezzar had been the work and gift of the true God, as was his magnificence which he had attributed, wrongly, to his own strength , out of pride, before being stupid by God for seven years .

Dan 5:19 and because of the greatness which he had given him, all the peoples, the nations, the men of all languages feared and trembled before him. The king killed those he wanted, and he allowed those he wanted to live; he raised those he wanted, and he lowered those he wanted.

19a-  The king put to death those he wanted

 In particular, this God-given power led him to punish the rebellious Jewish people and put many of their representatives to death.

19b-  and he left the lives of those he wanted

 Daniel and the captive Jews benefited.

19c-  he raised those he wanted

 Daniel and his three faithful companions were raised above the Chaldeans by King Nebuchadnezzar.

19d-  and he lowered those he wanted

 The greats of his kingdom had to consent to be governed by young strangers from Jewish captivity. By his mighty hand Jewish national pride was humbled and destroyed.

Dan 5:20 But when his heart was lifted up and his spirit hardened to arrogance, he was cast down from his royal throne and stripped of his glory;

20a-  The experience of King Nebuchadnezzar allows us to understand the arrogance attributed to the papal king of Dan.7:8. Daniel demonstrates to the king that absolute power is given by God to whomever he pleases, according to his program. But, in recalling the abasement of King Nebuchadnezzar, he reminds him that however powerful he may be, an earthly king depends on the unlimited power of the heavenly king.

Dan 5:21 He was cast out from among the children of men, and his heart became like the heart of beasts, and his dwelling place was with wild asses; they gave him grass to eat like oxen, and his body was drenched with the dew of heaven, until he recognized that the supreme God rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he likes him.

21a-  I note, in this verse alone, the mention “ wild donkeys ”. The donkey is a typical symbol of stubbornness: “stubborn like a donkey”, especially if it is “wild” and not domesticated. It is the symbol that represents the spirit of man who refuses to hear the lessons given by God through the experiences of his life and through his biblical revelations.

Dan 5:22 And you, Belshazzar his son, have not humbled your heart, although you knew all these things.

22a-  In fact, it was Belshazzar who behaved like a “wild donkey” by taking no account of the experience lived by his “father” (his grandfather).

Dan 5:23 You have exalted yourself against the Lord of heaven; the vessels of his house have been brought before you, and you have used them to drink wine, you and your elders, your wives and your concubines; you have praised the gods of silver, gold, brass, iron, wood, and stone, who see not, and hear not, and know nothing, and have not glorified the God who has in his hand your breath and all your ways.

23a-  Belshazzar desecrated the golden vessels that were sanctified for the creator God for the religious service of his temple. But by using them to praise the false pagan gods, he has accomplished the height of abomination . This image prepares that of Rev.17:4: This woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup, filled with abominations and the impurities of her prostitution . She receives the name “ Babylon the great ” in verse 5.

Dan 5:24 Therefore he sent this end of the hand which traced this writing.

24a-  In turn, Belshazzar discovers too late the existence of the true living God who acts and reacts in a miraculous way to the behavior of men.

Dan 5:25 This is the writing that was written: minnow, minnow, tekel, oupharsin.

25a-  Translation: counted, counted, weighed and divided

Dan 5:26 And this is the explanation of these words. Numbered: God has numbered your kingdom, and has put an end to it.

26a-  The first “ counted ” targets the beginning of the reign, and the second “ counted ”, the end of this reign.

Dan 5:27 Weighed: You have been weighed in the balance, and you have been found wanting.

27a-  The scale is here the symbol of divine judgment. Men have adopted it to designate the services of justice; a very imperfect justice. But God's is perfect and based on the image of a double scale, he weighs the actions of good and evil that the being judged has accomplished . If the plateau of good is lighter than that of evil, divine condemnation is justified. And this is the case with King Belshazzar.

Dan 5:28 Divided: Your kingdom will be divided, and given to the Medes and the Persians.

28a-  While he was indulging in abominable drinking bouts in his royal palace, led by King Darius, the Medes entered Babylon by the river bed, temporarily diverted and dried up.

Dan 5:29 And Belshazzar immediately gave orders, and they clothed Daniel in purple, and put a gold necklace around his neck, and it was announced that he would be third in the government of the kingdom.

Dan 5:30 That same night Belshazzar king of the Chaldeans was killed.

Dan 5:31 And Darius the Mede took possession of the kingdom, being sixty-two years old.

31a-  This precise eyewitness testimony of Daniel is not recognized by historians who attribute this action to the Persian king Cyrus 2 the great in – 539.






























Daniel 6


 The teaching of this chapter 6 is identical to that of Daniel 3. It presents to us, this time, Daniel in a test of model fidelity , to imitate and reproduce for all the elect called by God in Jesus Christ. Comments are helpful, but just read and learn the lesson. King Darius acts like Nebuchadnezzar in his time and, in his turn, aged 62 , he will confess the glory of the living God of Daniel; a conversion obtained by Daniel's testimony of faithfulness when God protected him from the lions . From the beginning of their relationship, he has affection and interest in Daniel who serves him faithfully and honestly and in whom he discerns a superior mind .


Dan 6:1 It was good for Darius to set over the kingdom one hundred and twenty satraps, who should be throughout the whole kingdom.

1a-  King Darius reveals his wisdom by entrusting the governance of the kingdom to 120 governors established over 120 provinces.

Dan 6:2 And he appointed three chiefs over them, among whom was Daniel, that these satraps might give account unto them, and that the king might not suffer any harm.

2a-  Daniel is still among the main leaders who supervise the satraps.

Dan 6:3 Daniel excelled the princes and the satraps, because there was a superior spirit in him; and the king thought of establishing it throughout the kingdom.

3a-  Darius, in turn, notices Daniel's superiority in terms of his intelligent and wise mind. And his plan to establish him above all will arouse jealousy and hatred against Daniel.

Dan 6:4 Then the rulers and the satraps sought an opportunity to accuse Daniel concerning the affairs of the kingdom. But they could find no occasion, nor anything to rebuke, because he was faithful, and neither fault nor anything bad was seen in him.

4a-  Daniel serves God where he places him, so that he serves the king with the same dedication and faithfulness. It thus appears irreprehensible ; a criterion found among “Latter-day Adventist” Saints according to Rev.14:5.

Dan 6:5 And these men said, We will find no occasion against this Daniel, except we find one in the law of his God.

5a-  These reasonings reveal the thinking of the diabolical camp of the last earthly test of faith in which, the sabbatical rest of the seventh day of the law of God will allow the killing of its faithful servants, since they will not consent to honor the rest of the first day made obligatory, Sunday under Roman religious law.             

Dan 6:6 Then these princes and these satraps came to the king in tumult, and spoke to him thus: King Darius, live forever!

6a-  This tumultuous entry aims to remind the king of the strength of numbers, its capacity to create disturbances, and therefore the need for him to strengthen his domination.             

Dan 6:7 All the princes of the kingdom, the stewards, the satraps, the counselors, and the governors are of opinion that there should be issued a royal edict, with a severe prohibition, that anyone within thirty days, who prays to any god or to any man, except you, O king, will be thrown into the den of lions.

7a-  Until then, King Darius did not seek to force the men of his kingdom to serve one god rather than another. In polytheism, religious freedom is complete. And to convince him, the plotters flatter him, honoring him, King Darius, as a god. Here again, as with all great rulers, pride awakens and makes him approve of this order which, however, did not come from his mind.

Dan 6:8 Now, O king, confirm the prohibition, and write the decree, that it may be irrevocable, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which is immutable.

8a-  This decree admirably prophesies the one who will make Roman Sunday obligatory at the end of days. But let us note that this immutable character of the law of the Medes and Persians established by fallible and sinful men is totally unjustified. Immutability belongs to the true and living God, the Creator.

Dan 6:9 Thereupon King Darius wrote the decree and the decree.

9a-  This step is essential, because having himself written the decree and the defense , the immutable law of the Medes and Persians will have to be respected.

Dan 6:10 When Daniel knew that the decree was written, he withdrew into his house, where the windows of the upper room were open towards Jerusalem; and three times a day he knelt down, he prayed, and he praised his God, as he did before.

10a-  Daniel does not change his behavior, and does not allow himself to be influenced by this human measure. By opening his window, he shows that he wants his loyalty to Almighty God to be known to all. At this time, Daniel turns in the direction of Jerusalem where even destroyed, the temple of God is located. For the Spirit God manifested himself for a long time in this holy temple which he had made his home, his earthly habitation.

Dan 6:11 Then these men entered in a tumultuous manner, and found Daniel praying and calling upon his God.

11a-  The plotters lay in wait and watched him to catch him in the act of disobedience to the royal decree ; currently a “flagrant delicto”.

Dan 6:12 And they stood before the king, and said unto him concerning the royal defense, Have you not written a defense that whosoever within thirty days should pray to any god or to any would any man, except you, O king, be thrown into the lions' den? The king replied: The thing is certain, according to the law of the Medes and Persians, which is immutable.

12a-  The king can only confirm the decree that he himself wrote and signed.

Dan 6:13 And they spoke again, and said unto the king, Daniel, one of the captives of Judah, hath not heeded thee, O king, nor the defense which thou hast written; prayer three times a day.

13a-  Caught in the act, in the action of his prayer, Daniel is denounced. The king appreciates Daniel for his faithful and honest behavior. He will immediately make the link between himself and this God whom he serves with so much zeal and fidelity since he prays to him regularly three times a day . This explains the pain and affliction that Daniel's condemnation will cause him and the beginning of his coming conversion.

Dan 6:14 The king was greatly distressed when he heard this; he took it to heart to deliver Daniel, and until sunset he strove to save him.

14a-  The king then realizes that he has been manipulated and he goes to great lengths to save Daniel, whom he greatly appreciates. But his efforts will be in vain and the king sadly discovers before all that: the letter kills, but the spirit gives life . By later giving men this expression, God shows the limit of respect for the laws. Life cannot be regulated on letters of texts of law. In his divine judgment, God takes into account details that the dead letter of his written law ignores and men without God do not have the wisdom to do the same.

Dan 6:15 But these men insisted upon the king, and said unto him, Know, O king, that the law of the Medes and of the Persians requires that every prohibition or decree confirmed by the king be irrevocable.

15a-  The plotters recall the irrevocable (unjustified) nature of the decisions taken by the king of the Medes and the Persians. He himself is trapped by his inherited culture. But he understands that he was the victim of a plot against Daniel.

Dan 6:16 Then the king ordered Daniel to be brought and thrown into the lions' den. The king answered and said to Daniel, May your God, whom you serve with patience, deliver you!

16a-  The king is forced to have Daniel thrown into the lions' den, but he wishes with all his heart that the God he serves so faithfully would intervene to save him.

Dan 6:17 They brought a stone and put it on the opening of the pit; the king sealed it with his ring and with the ring of his nobles, so that nothing would be changed with regard to Daniel.

17a-  Here, the experience lived by Daniel presents similarities with the burial of Christ, the circular stone door of which was also sealed to prevent human intervention.

Dan 6:18 Then the king went to his palace; he spent the night fasting, he did not bring a concubine to him, and he could not fall asleep.

18a-  This behavior of the king testifies to his sincerity. By doing these things, he shows that he wants to please the God of Daniel and obtain his salvation from him. This is the beginning of his conversion to the one God.

Dan 6:19 The king rose up at daybreak, and went with haste to the lions' den.

19a-  A preparation of purity followed by a sleepless night because of his mind tormented by the thought of Daniel's death and this rush towards the lions' den at dawn are not the actions practiced by a pagan king but those of a brother who loves his brother in God.

Dan 6:20 As he came near the pit, he called to Daniel in a sad voice. The king answered and said to Daniel, Could Daniel, servant of the living God, your God, whom you serve with patience, deliver you from the lions?

20a-  As he approached the pit, he called to Daniel in a sad voice

 The king hopes but he fears and fears the worst for Daniel. However, his hope is demonstrated by the fact that he calls her and asks her a question.

20b- Was  Daniel, servant of the living God, your God, whom you serve with patience, able to deliver you from the lions?

 By designating him as “ living God ”, Darius testifies to the beginning of his conversion. However, his question “ was he able to deliver you from the lions? » shows us that he doesn't know him yet. Otherwise he would have said “ did he want to deliver you from the lions?” » .

Dan 6:21 And Daniel said to the king, King, live forever!

21a-  In the mouths of the plotters, in verse 6, the expression had little meaning, but in that of Daniel, it prophesied access to eternal life reserved for God's elect.

Dan 6:22 My God sent his angel and stopped the mouths of the lions, who did me no harm, because I was found innocent before him; and neither before you, O king, have I done anything evil.

22a-  In this experience, King Darius realizes how stupid, unjustified and disapproved of the immutable conception of human royal decrees is by the true Living God whom Daniel serves without hiding.

Dan 6:23 Then the king was very glad, and ordered Daniel to be brought out of the pit. Daniel was taken out of the pit, and no wound was found on him, because he trusted in his God.

23a-  Then the king was very joyful

 This reaction of natural and spontaneous joy reveals a future chosen by God because the king now has the certainty of his existence and his power.

23b-  Daniel was taken out of the pit, and no wound was found on him

 Just as the clothes of Daniel's three companions thrown into the superheated furnace were not burned.

23c-  because he had trusted in his God

 This confidence was revealed in his decision not to obey the royal decree which would have deprived God of his prayers; an impossible and inconceivable choice for this purely human model of faith.

Dan 6:24 The king ordered that those men who had accused Daniel should be brought and thrown into the lions' den, they and their children and their wives; and before they reached the bottom of the pit, the lions seized them and broke all their bones.

24a-  God turned the situation against the wicked who planned evil. During the time of the Persian kings who will come, the experience will be renewed for the Jew Mordecai whom the leader Haman will want to put to death with his people in the time of Queen Esther. There too, it is Haman who will end up hanged on the gallows set up for Mordecai.

Dan 6:25 And after this King Darius wrote unto all people, and to all nations, and to all tongues, that dwell in all the earth, Peace be to you in abundance.

25a-  This new writing from the king is that of a man conquered by the living God. Being now at perfect peace in his heart, he uses his dominant position to speak to all the people of his kingdom, the testimony of his peace which he received from the true God.

Dan 6:26 I command that throughout all my kingdom there should be fear and fear of the God of Daniel. For he is the living God, and endures forever; his kingdom will never be destroyed, and his dominion will last until the end.

26a-  I command that throughout the extent of my kingdom

The king orders but he does not force anyone.

26b-  fear and fear for the God of Daniel

But enriched by this experience, he imposes the fear and fear of the God of Daniel in order to dissuade the authors of a new plot fomented against Daniel.

26c-  For he is the living God, and he endures forever

He hopes that this testimony will be received in the hearts of the people of the kingdom, and to do so he praises and exalts it.

26d-  his kingdom will never be destroyed, and his dominion will last until the end

The eternal character of the 5th kingdom of the statue is once again proclaimed.

Dan 6:27 It is he who delivers and saves, who works signs and wonders in heaven and on earth. It was he who delivered Daniel from the power of the lions.

27a-  It is he who delivers and who saves

 The king testifies to what he has observed but this deliverance and this salvation only concern the physical body, the life of Daniel. We will have to wait for the coming of Jesus Christ to understand God's desire to deliver and save from sin. But let us point out that the king naturally felt the need to purify himself in order to please the living God.

27b-  who works signs and wonders in the heavens and on the earth

 The book of Daniel testifies to these signs and wonders, supernatural actions that God performed, but be careful, the devil and his demons can also counterfeit certain divine miracles. To identify between the two possible origins, it is enough to understand who benefits from the delivered message. Does it lead to obedience to the creator God, or to his disobedience?

Dan 6:28 Daniel prospered in the reign of Darius, and in the reign of Cyrus the Persian.

28a-  We understand, Daniel will not return to his national native land, but the lessons that God taught him in Dan.9 will have made him accept without suffering this fate decided by his God.












Daniel 7


Dan 7:1 : In the first year of Belshazzar king of Babylon, Daniel dreamed and saw visions while he was lying. Then he wrote down the dream, and related the main things.

1a-  The first year of Belshazzar, king of Babylon

 That is to say in – 605. Since the vision of Dan.2, 50 years have passed. Death, the great king Nebuchadnezzar is replaced by his grandson Belshazzar.

Dan 7:2 : Daniel began and said, I looked in my night vision, and, behold, the four winds of heaven burst upon the great sea.

2a-  the four winds of heaven broke in

 These are the universal wars which lead dominators to extend their power in the direction of the four cardinal points , towards the North, the South, the East and the West.

2b-   on the great sea

 The image is not flattering for humanity, because the sea, even large, is a symbol of death. It is not, in God's project, the environment prepared for man made in his image, according to Gen.1. Its environment is the earth. But humanity has lost, since original sin, through its disobedience, its divine image and it is no longer in its pure and holy eyes than impure and voracious marine animals which devour each other under the inspirations of the devil. and demons. In this vision, the sea symbolizes the anonymous mass of human beings.

 Furthermore, the area covered by the prophecy concerns peoples connected by their coastal aspects bordering the Mediterranean Sea. The sea therefore plays a large role in the warlike actions of the dominators' conquests.

Dan 7:3 And four great beasts came out of the sea, different ones from each other.

3a-  And four great animals came out of the sea

We find in a new vision the teaching given in Daniel 2, but there, animals replace the body parts of the statue .

3b-  different l e s from each other

 Like the materials of the statue of Dan.2.

Dan 7:4 The first was like a lion , and had the wings of eagles; I watched until his wings were torn off; he was taken up from the earth and made to stand on his feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to him.

4a-  The first was like a lion , and had eagles' wings

Here the golden head of the Chaldean king of Dan.2 becomes a lion with eagles' wings ; emblem engraved on the blue stones of Babylon, the pride of King Nebuchadnezzar in Dan.4.

4b-  I looked, until his wings were torn off

The prophecy refers to the seven years or seven times during which King Nebuchadnezzar was made stupid by God. During these 7 years ( seven times ) of humiliation prophesied in Dan.4:16, his human heart was removed, replaced by the heart of a beast.

4c-  he was taken up from the earth and made to stand on his feet like a man, and the heart of a man was given to him.

  His conversion to the creator God is here confirmed. His experience allows us to understand that, for God, man is man only when his heart bears the image of that of God. He will reveal it in his incarnation in Jesus Christ the perfect divine model of love and obedience.

Dan 7:5 And, behold, a second beast was like a bear , and stood on one side; he had three ribs in his mouth between his teeth, and they said to him: Get up, eat a lot of flesh.

5a-  And behold, a second beast was like a bear , and stood on one side

 After the Chaldean king, the silver chest and arms of the Medes and Persians become a bear . The precision “ which stood on one side ” illustrates the Persian domination which appeared second after the Mede domination, but its conquests obtained by King Cyrus 2 the Persian gave it much greater power than that of the Medes.

5b-  he had three ribs in his mouth between his teeth, and they said to him: Get up, eat a lot of flesh

The Persians will dominate the Medes and conquer three countries: Lydia of the rich king Croesus in – 546, Babylonia in – 539, and Egypt in – 525.

Dan 7:6 After this I looked, and, behold, another was like a leopard , and had four wings on his back like a bird; this animal had four heads, and dominion was given to it.

6a-  After this I looked, and behold, another was like a leopard

Idem, the brazen belly and thighs of the Greek rulers become a leopard with four bird's wings ; The Greek leopard 's spots make it a symbol of sin .

6b-  and had four wings on his back like a bird

The four bird wings associated with the leopard illustrate and confirm the extreme speed of the conquests of its young king Alexander the Great (between -336 and -323).

6c-  this animal had four heads, and dominion was given to it

 Here, “ four heads ” but in Dan.8 it will be “ four great horns ” which designate the Greek rulers, successors of Alexander the Great: Seleucus, Ptolemy, Lysimachus, and Cassander.

Dan 7:7 After this I looked in my night visions, and, behold, there was a fourth beast, terrible , terrible, and exceedingly strong; he had large iron teeth, he ate, broke, and trampled underfoot what was left; it was different from all previous animals, and it had ten horns.

7a-  After this, I looked in my night visions, and behold, there was a fourth beast, terrible , terrible and extraordinarily strong

Here again, the iron legs of the Roman Empire become a monster with iron teeth and ten horns . Because according to Rev.13:2, it alone bears the criteria of the 3 previous empires: Strength of the lion , confirmed in this verse where it is specified: extraordinarily strong ; the power of the bear , and the speed of the leopard with the inheritance of his sin symbolized by his stains.

7b-  he had large iron teeth, he ate, broke, and trampled underfoot what was left;

 These details attribute to him carnage and massacres carried out by the symbol of Roman iron which will continue until the end of the world, by his papal domination.

7c-  it was different from all previous animals, and it had ten horns.

The ten horns represent the Franks, the Lombards, the Alemanni, the Anglo-Saxons, the Visigoths, the Burgundians, the Suevi, the Heruli, the Vandals, and the Ostrogoths. These are the ten Christian kingdoms which will be formed after the collapse of the Roman Empire from 395, according to the explanations given by the angel to Daniel in verse 24.

Dan 7:8 And I considered the horns, and, behold, another little horn came out from among them, and three of the first horns were plucked out before that horn; and, behold, she had eyes like the eyes of a man, and a mouth, which spoke arrogantly.

8a-  I looked at the horns, and behold, another little horn came out from among them

The little horn comes out of one of the ten horns, which designates the Italy of the Ostrogoths where the city of Rome is located and the so-called papal "holy see", at the Lateran Palace on Mount Caelius; Latin name meaning: the sky.

8b-  and three of the first horns were torn off in front of this horn

The torn off horns are chronologically: the three kings lowered from verse 24, namely, the Heruli between 493 and 510, then successively, the Vandals in 533, and the Ostrogoths in 538 who were chased from Rome by general Belisarius on the orders of Justinian 1st, and definitively defeated at Ravenna in 540 . Because we must note the consequence of the expression before this horn . This means that the Horn has no personal military power and benefits from the armed force of monarchs who fear it and its religious power and thus prefer to support and obey it. This reasoning will be confirmed in Dan.8:24 where we will read: his power will increase, but not by his own strength and verse 25 will specify: because of his prosperity and the success of his tricks, he will have arrogance in the heart . It is thus demonstrated that the truth receives confirmation only by grouping together similar messages scattered in the different chapters of the book of Daniel and more broadly of the entire Bible. Separated, the chapters of the book “seal” the prophecy and its messages, the most subtle and most important remain inaccessible.

8c-  and behold, she had eyes like the eyes of a man

In Rev.9, the Spirit precedes his descriptions with the term like . In this way, it suggests a resemblance of appearance which is not a reality. Here, likewise, we must note the resemblance with man incarnate in his perfection in Jesus Christ, but he only has the pretension of it. But there is more, because the “ eyes ” are symbolic of the clairvoyance of the prophets of which Jesus is also the perfect model. And the Spirit alludes to the prophetic pretension of the papacy which will eventually establish its official headquarters in the city of the Vatican, a word which means: to prophesy, from the Latin “vaticinare”. The thing will be confirmed in Rev.2:20, when the Spirit compares this Roman Catholic church to the Jezebel who had the prophets of YaHWéH killed, the foreign woman worshiping the Baals, married by King Ahab. The comparison is justified because popery causes the true prophets of God in Christ to die at the stakes of the inquisition.

8d-  and a mouth, which spoke with arrogance.

In this chapter 7, the divine Filmmaker and Director presents in “zoom” the Christian era which particularly concerns him, the period between the end of the Roman Empire and the glorious return of Christ in Michael, his celestial name with Angels. He announces the coming of an arrogant king, persecutor of the saints of the Most High , which attacks divine religious norms attempting to change times and the law , the ten commandments but also other divine ordinances. The Spirit announces his final punishment; he will be “ consumed by fire because of his arrogant words .” Therefore, the scene of the heavenly judgment of the seventh millennium is immediately presented after the mention of his arrogant words . Before her, King Nebuchadnezzar had also shown arrogance but he humbly accepted the lesson of humiliation that God gave him.


Heavenly Judgment


Dan 7:9 I looked while thrones were being set up. And the Ancient of Days sat down. His garment was white as snow, and the hair on his head was like pure wool; his throne was like flames of fire, and the wheels like blazing fire.

9a-  I looked, while thrones were placed

This scene represents the time of judgment which will be carried out by the redeemed saints of Jesus Christ in his presence, seated on thrones , in heaven according to Rev.4, during the thousand years cited in Rev.20. This judgment prepares the conditions for the final judgment , the execution of which is illustrated in verse 11.

9b-  And the ancient of days sat down.

 It is the deified Christ, the only creator God. The action of the verb sit indicates the cessation of a standing activity, it is the image of rest. The sky is in absolute peace. On earth, the wicked were destroyed at the return of Christ.

9c-  His garment was white as snow, and the hair of his head was like pure wool

 White is the symbol of the perfect purity of God which concerns his entire nature at the level of his clothes , symbols of his works and the hair of his head which is a crown of pure and perfect wisdom free from all sin .

This verse suggests Isa.1:18: Come and let us plead! says YaHWéH. If your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow; if they are red like purple, they will become like wool.

9d-  his throne was like flames of fire,

 The throne designates the place of the great Judge, the judgment of the mind of God. It is placed under the image of the flames of fire which will be the eyes of Christ the justice in Rev.1:14 where we find the descriptions of this verse. The fire destroys, which gives this judgment the purpose of destroying the enemies of God and his elect. Because they are already dead, this judgment concerns the second death which will definitively strike the condemned.

9th-  and the wheels like a blazing fire.

The throne has wheels compared to a blazing fire which will be kindled on the earth: Rev.20:14-15: the second death is the lake of fire . The wheels therefore suggest the movement of judges from heaven to earth for the execution of the verdicts pronounced. The living God, the great Judge, moves and when the earth is renewed and purified, he will move again to install his Royal throne there according to Rev.21:2-3.

Dan 7:10 A river of fire flowed and came out from before him. A thousand thousands served him, and ten thousand millions stood in his presence. The judges sat down, and the books were opened.

10a-  A river of fire flowed and came out from before him

 The purifying fire which will come down from heaven to devour the souls of the fallen dead and then resurrected, according to Rev.20:9: And they went up on the face of the earth, and they surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city . But fire came down from heaven and devoured them .

10b-  A thousand thousands served him

 That is, a million souls, of the elect redeemed from the earth.

10c-  and ten thousand millions stood in his presence

 Ten billion earthly souls called by God are resurrected and summoned before him and his judges to suffer the just divine sentence of the second death , something confirmed in Luke 19:27: And the rest, bring here my enemies , who have not wanted me to reign over them, and kill them in my presence . In this way, the Spirit confirms the words he spoke through Jesus in Matt.22:14: For many are called, but few are chosen . This will be particularly the case in the last days according to Luke 18:8: … But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on the earth?

10d-  The judges sat down, and the books were opened

 The supreme court will judge on the basis of the testimonies which allowed the judgment and the indictments adapted individually for each condemned soul. His books contain the life of a creature, kept in memory by God, with faithful angels as witnesses, currently invisible to Earthlings.

Dan 7:11 Then I looked, because of the arrogant words which the horn spoke; and as I looked, the animal was killed.

11a-  Then I looked, because of the arrogant words that the horn uttered

Like the words “ because of arrogant words " indicate, this verse wants to show us the cause and effect relationship which defines God's judgment. He does not judge without cause.

11b-  and while I looked, the animal was killed

If the fourth animal representing the succession, Imperial Rome - ten European kingdoms - Papal Rome, is destroyed by fire, it is because of the arrogant oral activity of Papal Rome; activity which will continue until the return of Christ.

11c-  and his body was destroyed , delivered to the fire to be burned

The judgment strikes at the same time the little horn and the ten civil horns which supported it and participated in its sins according to Rev.18:4. The Lake of Fire of the second death will devour and destroy them .

Dan 7:12 The other animals were deprived of their power, but they were given prolongation of life until a certain time.

12a-  The other animals were stripped of their power

Here, as in Rev. 19:20 and 21, the Spirit reveals that a different fate is provided for the ordinary sinners of paganism, being heirs of the original sin passed down from Adam to the human masses throughout earthly history.

12b-  but an extension of life was granted to them until a certain time

 This precision means the advantage of previous empires in not having experienced the end of their domination at the end of the world as is the case for the 4th Roman animal under its last form of Christian universal government at the time of return. of Jesus Christ. The end of the 4th is marked by its complete destruction. After this, the earth will remain formless and empty in the image of the abyss of Gen.1:2.


Jesus Christ, the son of man

Dan 7:13 I looked in the night visions, and, behold, in the clouds of heaven came one like the son of man; he came to the Ancient of Days, and they brought him near to him.

13a-  I looked in my night visions, and behold, on the clouds of heaven came one like a son of man

This appearance of the son of man sheds light on the meaning given to the judgment just mentioned. Judgment belongs to Christ. But in Daniel's time, Jesus had not yet come, so God pictures what he will accomplish through his earthly ministry during his first coming to the earth of men.

13b-  he came to the ancient of days, and they brought him near to him.

After his death, he will resurrect himself, to present his perfect righteousness which was sacrificed as an offering to the offended God, to obtain the forgiveness of his faithful elect, sorted and selected by himself. The picture presented teaches the principle of salvation obtained through faith in God's willing sacrifice in Christ. And it confirms its validity with God.

Dan 7:14 And they gave him dominion, and glory, and a kingdom; and all peoples, nations, and men of every language served him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which shall not pass away, and his kingdom shall never be destroyed.

14a-  He was given dominion, glory and kingdom

The data of this verse are summarized in these verses of Matt.28:18 to 20 which confirm that the judgment indeed belongs to Jesus Christ: Jesus, having approached, spoke to them thus: All authority has been given to me in heaven and earth . Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world .

14b-  and all peoples, nations, and men of every language served him

 In absolute terms, it will be on the new earth, the old renewed and glorified after the seventh millennium. But the redeemed will have been selected from all peoples, nations, and languages by the one salvation obtained by Jesus Christ because they served him during their life. In Rev.10:11 and 17:15 this expression refers to Christianized Europe and the Western world. In this group we find the one million saved elect who serve God in verse 10.

14c-  and his reign will never be destroyed

The details cited in Dan.2:44 concerning him are confirmed here: his reign will never be destroyed.

Dan 7:15 As for me, Daniel, my spirit was troubled within me, and the visions of my head terrified me.

15a-  I, Daniel, had a troubled spirit within me

Daniel's trouble is justified, the vision announces a peril for the saints of God.

15b-  and the visions in my head frightened me.

Soon his vision of Michael would have the same effect on him, according to Dan.10:8: I was left alone, and saw this great vision; my strength failed me, my face changed color and was decomposed, and I lost all vigor. Explanation: the son of man and Michael are one and the same divine person . Fear will characterize the reign of Rome, because in these two successive dominations, it will not give the people of holy rulers like Nebuchadnezzar, Darius the Mede and Cyrus 2 the Persian.

Dan 7:16 And I came near to one of them that stood there, and asked him the truth concerning all these things. He told me, and gave me the explanation:

16a-  Here begin the additional explanations given by the angel


Dan 7:17 These four great beasts, these are four kings which will arise from the earth;

17a-  Note that this definition applies as much to the successions revealed in Dan.2 by the image of the statue as here in Dan.7, by that of the animals .

Dan 7:18 But the saints of the Most High will receive the kingdom, and they will possess the kingdom forever, from everlasting to everlasting.

18a-  Same comment as for the four successions. Again, the fifth concerns the eternal kingdom of the elect that Christ builds on his victory over sin and death.

Dan 7:19 Then I desired to know the truth about the fourth beast, which was different from all the others, extremely terrible, having teeth of iron and nails of bronze, which ate and broke and trampled underfoot what was remained;

19a-  who had iron teeth

We find here, in the teeth , the iron already symbol of the hardness of the Roman Empire designated by the legs of the statue of Dan.2.

19b-  and nails of brass .

In this additional information, the angel specifies: and nails of brass . The heritage of Greek sin is thus confirmed by this impure material, an alloy which symbolized the Greek empire in the belly and thighs of the statue of Dan.2.

19c-  who ate, broke, and trampled what was left

 Eating , or taking advantage of things conquered, what makes them grow – breaking , forcing and destroying – trampling on , despising and persecuting – These are the actions that the two successive “Romes” and their civil and religious supporters will practice until at the return of Christ. In Rev.12:17: the Spirit designates the last “Adventists” by the word “ remnant ”.

Dan 7:20 And of the ten horns which were on his head, and of the other which came out, and before which three fell, on that horn which had eyes, a mouth speaking arrogantly, and a greater appearance than the others .

20a-  This verse brings a contradictory detail to verse 8. How does the “ little horn ” take here a greater appearance than the others? This is all his difference from the other kings of the ten horns . She is very weak and fragile and yet, through credulity and the fear of God that she claims to represent on earth, she dominates and manipulates them as she pleases, except in rare exceptions.

Dan 7:21 And I saw this horn making war against the saints, and prevailing over them,

21a-  The paradox continues. She claims to embody the highest holiness and God accuses her of persecuting his saints. Only one explanation then: she lies like she breathes. Its success is that of an immense deceptive and devastating lie , very destructive of the path traced by Jesus Christ.

Dan 7:22 until the Ancient of Days came and gave right to the saints of the Most High, and the time came when the saints possessed the kingdom.

22a-  Fortunately, the good news is confirmed. After the dark actions of papal Rome and its civil and religious supporters, the final victory will come to Christ and his elect.


 Verses 23 and 24 specify the order of succession

Dan 7:23 Thus he spoke to me: The fourth beast is a fourth kingdom which shall exist on the earth, different from all kingdoms, and which shall devour the whole earth, and tread it down, and break it in pieces.

23a-  The pagan Roman empire in its imperial form between – 27 and 395.

Dan 7:24 The ten horns are ten kings who will arise from this kingdom. Another will arise after them, different from the first, and will bring down three kings.

24a-  It is thanks to this precision that we can identify these ten horns with the ten Christian kingdoms formed on the western territory of the collapsed and shattered Roman Empire. This territory is that of our current Europe: the EU (or EU).

Dan 7:25 He will speak words against the Most High, and he will oppress the saints of the Most High, and he will hope to change the times and the law; and the saints shall be delivered into his hands for a time, and times, and half a time.

25a-  He will speak words against the Most High

God concentrates in this verse his denunciation of the sins which he attributes to the Roman papal regime and to its predecessor bishops of Rome by whom the evil committed was popularized, justified and taught to the ignorant multitudes. The Spirit lists the accusations starting with the most serious: words against the Most High himself. Paradoxically, popes claim to serve God and represent him on earth. But it is precisely this pretension that constitutes the fault because God in no way approves of this papal pretension. And as a result, everything that Rome falsely teaches about God affects him in person.

25b-  he will oppress the saints of the Most High

The unrighteous persecution of the saints of verse 21 is here recalled and confirmed. Judgments are pronounced by religious tribunals bearing the name of “Holy Inquisition”. Torture is used to force innocent people to admit their guilt.

25c-  and he will hope to change the times and the law

 This accusation gives the reader the opportunity to reestablish the fundamental truths of worship given to the true, living and only God.

The beautiful order established by God was changed by the Roman monks. According to Exodus 12:2, God said to the Hebrews at the exodus from Egypt: This month will be the first of months for you; it will be for you the first month of the year . This is an order, not a simple proposal. And since salvation comes from the Jews according to Jesus Christ, since the Exodus, every being who enters salvation also enters the family of God where his order must reign and be respected. This is the true doctrine of salvation, and has been since the time of the apostles. In Christ, the Israel of God took on a spiritual aspect, it is no less his Israel for which he established his order and his doctrines. According to Rom.11:24, the pagan convert is grafted into the Hebrew root and trunk of Abraham, not the other way around. He is warned by Paul against unbelief which has become fatal for the rebellious Jews of the old covenant and it will be just as fatal for the rebellious Christians of the new; which directly concerns the Roman Catholic faith, and the study of Dan.8 will confirm it, since 1843, Protestant Christians.

 We are only at the beginning of a long prophetic revelation where the divine accusation made in this verse is omnipresent because the consequences are terrible and dramatic. The times changed by Rome concern:

 1 – the sabbatical rest of the 4th commandment of God. The seventh day has been replaced since March 7, 321 by the first day, held as a secular day and start of the week by God. Moreover, this first day was imposed by the Roman Emperor Constantine I when it was dedicated to the adoration of the "venerable unconquered sun", the sun deified by the pagans, already in Egypt, biblical symbol of sin . Daniel 5 showed us how God punishes the outrages done to him, man is thus warned and he knows what awaits him when God judges him as he judged and killed King Belshazzar. The Sabbath sanctified by God from the foundation of the world has the dual characteristics of being about time and divine law, as our verse mentions.

 2 – The beginning of the year, which originally took place in spring, a word which means first time, was changed to take place at the beginning of winter.

3 – According to God, the change of day occurs at sunset, in the order night day, not at midnight, because it is rhythmic and marked by the stars that he created with this intention.

The change in the law goes much deeper than the subject of the Sabbath. Rome did not desecrate the golden vessels of the temple, it authorized itself to change the original text of the words written by God with his finger on the stone tables given to Moses. Things so holy that to touch the ark, in which they were found, was struck by God with immediate death.

25c-  and the saints will be delivered into his hands for a time, times, and half a time

 What does a time mean ? The experience of King Nebuchadnezzar gives us the answer in Dan.4:23: They will drive you out from among men, you will dwell with the beasts of the field, they will give you grass to eat like oxen; and seven times will pass over you , until you know that the Most High rules over the kingdom of men and gives it to whomever he pleases. After this hard experience, the king said in verse 34: After the appointed time , I, Nebuchadnezzar, lifted up my eyes to heaven, and reason returned to me . I have blessed the Most High, I have praised and glorified him who lives forever, whose dominion is an everlasting dominion, and whose kingdom endures from generation to generation . We can deduce that these seven times represent seven years since the duration begins and ends in the course of his life. What God calls time is therefore the time it takes for the earth to complete one complete revolution of the sun. From there many messages emerge. God is symbolized by the sun and when a creature rises in pride, to put it in its place, God says to it: “Circular around my divinity and learn who I am”. For Nebuchadnezzar, seven turns are necessary but effective. Another lesson will concern the duration of the papal reign also prophesied by the term “ time ” in this verse. Comparing with the experience of Nebuchadnezzar, God punishes Christian pride by delivering it to stupidity for a time, times, and half a time of prophetic years. From March 7, 321, pride and ignorance in stupidity made men agree to respect the order which changed a commandment of God; what the humble slave of Christ cannot obey, otherwise he would cut himself off from his savior God.

 This verse leads us to seek the real value and the dates of the beginning and end of this prophesied duration. We will discover that it represents 3 years and six months. In fact, this formula will reappear in Rev.12:14 where it is paralleled with the formula 1260 days from verse 6. The application of the code of Ezé.4:5-6, one day for a year, will make it possible to understand that these are really 1260 long and terrible years, of suffering and death.             

Dan 7:26 Then judgment will come, and his dominion will be taken away from him, and it will be destroyed and destroyed forever.

2a-  Highlights the interest of this precision: the judgment and the end of the domination of the popes occur at the same time. This proves that the judgment mentioned will not begin before the return of Christ. In 2021, popes are still active, so the judgment cited in Daniel did not begin in 1844, Adventist brethren.

Dan 7:27 The kingdom and dominion and greatness of all kingdoms under heaven shall be given to the people of the saints of the Most High. His reign is an everlasting reign, and all rulers will serve and obey him.

27a-  The judgment is therefore well implemented after the return in glory of Christ and the rapture to heaven of his elect.

27b-  and all rulers will serve him and obey him

 As examples, God shows us the three rulers presented in this book: the Chaldean king Nebuchadnezzar, the Mede king Darius, and the Persian king Cyrus 2.

Dan 7:28 Here ended the words. I, Daniel, was extremely troubled by my thoughts, I changed color, and I kept these words in my heart.

28a-  Daniel's trouble is still justified, because at this level the proofs of the identity of papal Rome still lack strength; his identity still remains an already very convincing “hypothesis”, but all the same, a “hypothesis”. But Daniel 7 constitutes only the second of the seven prophetic plates presented in this book of Daniel. And already, we have been able to see that the messages delivered in Dan.2 and Dan.7 are identical and complementary. Each new page will bring us additional elements which will be superimposed on the studies already carried out , will reinforce and reinforce the message of God which will thus become more and more clear.


 The hypothesis that the “ little horn ” of this chapter 7 is papal Rome remains to be confirmed. The thing will be done. But let us already remember this historical succession which concerns Rome, “ the 4th monstrous animal with iron teeth ”. It designates the Roman Empire followed by the “ ten horns ” of free and independent European kingdoms which were succeeded, in 538, by the “ little horn ” presumed papal, this “ different king ”, before which “ three horns or three kings ”, the Herules, the Vandals and the Ostrogoths are debased between 493 and 538 in verses 8 and 24.






















Daniel 8


Dan 8:1 In the third year of the reign of King Belteshazzar, I Daniel saw a vision, besides the one I had seen before.

1a-  Time has passed: 3 years. Daniel receives a new vision. In this one, there are only two animals which are clearly identified in verses 20 and 21 with the Medes and Persians and the Greeks who were in the previous visions the 2nd and 3rd Empires of the prophesied successions. Over time, in the visions, the animals conform more and more clearly to the rites of the Hebrews. Dan.8 presents a ram and a goat ; the animals offered in the sacrifice of the Day of Atonement of the Jewish rite. We can thus notice the symbol of sin in the superposition of the Greek empire: the brazen belly and thighs of Dan.2, the leopard of Dan.7 and the goat of Dan.8.

Dan 8:2 When I saw this vision, it seemed to me that I was in Shushan, the capital, in the province of Elam; and during my vision I was near the river Ulai.

2a-  Daniel is in Persia near the river Karoun which in his time was the Ulai. The Persian capital and the river symbol of a people indicate a geographical place of reference for the vision that God will give them. The prophetic messages therefore provide valuable geographical data in this chapter that was missing in chapters 2 and 7.

Dan 8:3 And I lifted up my eyes, and looked, and, behold, a ram stood before the river, and it had horns; these horns were high, but one was higher than the other, and it rose last.

3a-  This verse summarizes the history of Persia illustrated by this ram whose horn the highest represents it because having been initially dominated by its ally Mede, it rose above it last by the arrival to power of King Cyrus 2 the Persian, in 539, the last contemporary of Daniel according to Dan.10:1. But here, I point out a problem of real date, because historians completely ignore the eyewitness testimony of Daniel who attributes, in Dan.5:31, the conquest of Babylon to the Mede king Darius who organized Babylon into 120 satrapies according to Dan.6: 1. Cyrus came to power after the death of Darius, therefore not in 539 but a little later, or on the contrary, the conquest by Darius could have taken place a little before the date – 539.

3b-  A divine subtlety appears in this verse, in the form used to designate a small and a large horn. This confirms that the carefully avoided expression “ little horn ” is specifically and exclusively attached to the identity of Rome.

Dan 8:4 I saw the ram striking with his horns to the west, and to the north, and to the south; no animal could resist him, and there was no one to deliver his victims; he did what he wanted, and he became powerful.

4a-  The image of this verse illustrates the successive phases of the Persian conquests which lead them towards the empire, the domination of the king of kings.

 In the West : Cyrus 2 made an alliance with the Chaldeans and the Egyptians between – 549 and – 539.

 In the north : Lydia of King Croesus is conquered in – 546

 At noon : Cyrus conquers Babylonia by succeeding the Mede king Darius after – 539 and later the Persian king Cambyses 2 will conquer Egypt in – 525.

4b-  and he became powerful

 He achieved the imperial power which made Persia the first empire prophesied in this chapter 8. It was the 2nd empire in the visions of Dan.2 and Dan.7. In this power the Persian Empire extended to the Mediterranean Sea attacked Greece which stopped it at Marathon in – 490. The wars resumed.

Dan 8:5 As I looked closely, behold, a he-goat came from the west, and ran over all the earth on its face, without touching it; this goat had a large horn between its eyes.

5a-  Verse 21 clearly identifies the goat: The goat is the king of Javan, The great horn between his eyes is the first king . Javan, is the ancient name of Greece. Ignoring the weak Greek kings, the Spirit builds its revelation on the great Greek conqueror Alexander the Great.

5b-  behold, a goat came from the west

Geographical indications are still given. The goat comes from the West in relation to the Persian Empire taken as a geographical reference location.

5c-  and traveled all over the earth on its surface, without touching it

 The message is analogous to the four bird wings of the leopard of Dan.7:6. He underlines the extreme speed of the conquests of this young Macedonian king who will extend his domination as far as the Indus River in ten years.

5d-  this goat had a large horn between its eyes

 The identity is given in verse 21: The great horn between his eyes is the first king. This king is Alexander the Great (– 543 – 523). The Spirit gives it the appearance of the Unicorn, a fabulous mythical animal. He thus denounces the inexhaustible fertile imagination of a Greek society which invented fables applied to religion and whose spirit has crossed the centuries until our time in the deceptively Christian West. It is an aspect of sin which is confirmed by the image of the goat , the animal which played the role of sin in the sacred annual rite of the "day of atonement". The crucifixion of the Messiah Jesus accomplished in his divine perfection this rite had to cease after him... by force, through the destruction of the temple and the Jewish nation by the Romans in 70.

Dan 8:6 And he came unto the ram which had horns, which I saw standing before the river, and he ran upon him in all his fury.

6a-  Alexander the Great launches his attack against the Persians whose king is Darius 3. The latter is defeated at Issus, he flees leaving behind his bow, his shield, and his cloak, as well as his wife and his heir, in – 333. He will be killed later by two of his greats.

6b-  and he ran at him in all his fury

 This fury is historically justified. It was preceded by this exchange between Darius and Alexander: “Before Alexander met Darius, the Persian king sent him gifts intended to underline their respective positions as king and child – Alexander was still a young man at the time. prince novice in the art of war (branch I, leash 89). Darius sends him a bullet, a whip, a horse's brake and a silver box full of gold. A letter accompanying the treasure glosses the elements: the ball is so that he continues to play like the child he is, the brake to teach him to control himself, the whip to correct him and the gold represents the tribute that the Macedonians must pay to the Persian emperor.

Alexander shows no sign of anger, despite the fear of the messengers. On the contrary, he asks them to congratulate Darius on his finesse. Darius, he says, knows the future, since he gave Alexander a ball which represents his future conquest of the world, the brake means that all will submit to him, the whip will be to punish those who dare to stand up against him and the gold suggests the tribute he will receive from all his subjects.” Prophetic detail, Alexander had a horse to which he gave the name “Bucephalus” which means, with an augmentative prefix, “head”. In all his battles, he will be at the “head” of his army, weapon in hand. And he will become for “ten years” the ruling “head” of the world covered by the prophecy. Its notoriety will promote Greek culture and the sin that stigmatizes it.

Dan 8:7 I saw him approaching the ram and being angry with him; he struck the ram and broke its two horns, without the ram having the strength to resist him; he threw him to the ground and trampled him, and there was no one to rescue the ram.

7a-  The war launched by Alexander the Great: in – 333, at Issus, the Persian camp was defeated.

Dan 8:8 And the goat became very strong; but when he was strong, his great horn broke. Four great horns rose up to replace it, to the four winds of heaven.

8a-  his great horn broke

 In 323, the young king (– 356 – 323) died without an heir at the age of 32, in Babylon.

8b-  Four great horns rose up to replace it, in the four winds of heaven.

 The dead king's replacements were his generals: the diadochi. There were ten of them when Alexander died and for 20 years they fought among themselves to the point that at the end of 20 years only four survivors remained. Each of them founded a royal dynasty in the country over which he dominated. The greatest is Seleucus known as Nicator, he founded the “Seleucid” dynasty which reigned over the kingdom of Syria. The second is Ptolemaios Lagos, he founded the “Lagid” dynasty which reigned over Egypt. The third is Cassandros who reigns over Greece, and the fourth is Lysimachus (Latin name) who reigns over Thrace.

 The prophetic message based on geography continues. The four cardinal points of the four winds of the heavens confirm the identity of the countries of the combatants concerned.


The return of Rome, the little horn

Dan 8:9 Out of one of them came a little horn , which grew greatly toward the south, toward the east, and toward the most beautiful land.

9a-  The aspect of this verse describes the extensions of a kingdom which will in turn become a dominating empire. However, in the previous lessons and in the history of the world the successor kingdom of Greece is Rome. This identification is further justified by the expression “small horn” which is this time, contrary to what was done for the shorter Median horn, clearly cited. This allows us to say that this “little horn” symbolizes, in this context, the growing republican Rome. Because, it intervenes towards the east, as policemen of the world, often because it is called to resolve a local conflict between opponents. And this is the precise reason which justifies the image which follows.

9b-  From one of them came a small horn

 The previous dominator was Greece, and it is from Greece that Rome comes to dominate in this eastern zone where Israel is located; Greece, one of the four horns.

9c-  which expands greatly towards the south, towards the east, and towards the most beautiful of countries.

 Roman growth begins from its geographical location towards the south first. History confirms this               , Rome entering the Punic Wars against Carthage, present-day Tunis, around – 250.

The following phase of extension takes place towards the east by intervening in one of the four horns : Greece, around – 200. It was called there by the Aetolian Greek league to support it against the Achaean league (Aetolia against Achaia ). Arriving on Greek soil, the Roman army would never leave it and the whole of Greece would become a Roman colony from – 160.

From Greece, Rome will continue its expansion by setting foot in Palestine and Judea which will become in – 63 a province of Rome conquered by the armies of General Pompey. It is this Judea, which the Spirit designates by this beautiful expression: The most beautiful of countries , expression cited in Dan.11:16 and 42, and Ezé.20:6 and 15.

The hypothesis is confirmed, the “ little horn ” is Rome


This time, doubt is no longer permitted, the papal regime of Dan.7 is unmasked, so, skipping the unnecessary centuries, the Spirit leads us to the tragic hour when, abandoned by the emperors, Rome resumes its domination under a religious form of Christian appearance to which he attributes the actions revealed by the symbols of verse 10 which follows. These are the actions of the “ different ” king of Dan.7.


Imperial Rome then Papal Rome persecute the saints

Two successive readings for this single verse

Dan 8:10 She rose up to the host of heaven, and she brought down part of that host and some of the stars to the earth, and trod them underfoot.

10a-  She rose up to the army of heaven

 By saying " she ", the Spirit keeps as a target the identity of Rome, in the chronological sequence of its extensions, after various forms of government to which he alludes in Rev. 17:10, Rome reached the empire under the reign of the Roman emperor Octavian known as Augustus. And it was during his time that Jesus Christ was born of the Spirit, in the still virgin body of Mary, the young wife of Joseph; both chosen for the sole reason of their belonging to the lineage of King David. After his death, once resurrected by himself as he had announced, Jesus entrusted to his apostles and his disciples the mission of announcing the good news of salvation (the Gospel) in order to make elect people throughout the world. earth. At this time Rome confronted meekness and Christian pacifism; she in the role of the butcher, the disciples of Christ in that of the slaughtered lambs. At the cost of much martyr blood shed, the Christian faith spread throughout the world and particularly in the capital of the empire, Rome. Persecuting imperial Rome rises against Christians. In this verse 10, two actions of Rome overlap. The first concerns the imperial and the second, the papal.

In the imperial regime we can already attribute the actions cited to him:

She rose up to the army of heaven : she confronted the Christians. Behind this symbolic expression, armed with heaven , is the Christian Elect according to which Jesus had already named his faithful: citizens of the kingdom of heaven . Furthermore, Dan.12:3 compares the true saints to the stars which are also, the seed of Abraham of Gen.15:5. On first reading, daring to martyr the sons and daughters of God already constitutes for pagan Rome an arrogant action and an unworthy and unjustified elevation . On second reading, the claim of the Bishop of Rome to rule as pope the Chosen One of Jesus Christ from 538 is also an arrogant action, and an even more unworthy and unjustified elevation .

She caused part of this army and the stars to fall to the ground, and she trampled them : She persecuted them and put them to death to distract her population in her arenas. The persecutors are mainly Nero, Domitian and Diocletian the last official persecutor between 303 and 313. On first reading, this dramatic period is covered in Apo.2 under the symbolic names "of Ephesus", the time when John receives his divine Revelation called " Apocalypse” and “ Smyrna ”. On second reading, attributed to papal Rome, these actions are placed in Apo.2 under the periods named " Pergamum " i.e. broken alliance or adultery and "Thyatira" i.e. abominations and deaths. Saying, and she trampled them, the Spirit imputes to both Romes the same type of bloodthirsty actions. The verb trampled and its expression trampled underfoot are attributed to pagan Rome in Dan.7:19. But the action of treading will continue until the end of the 2300 evening-morning of verse 14 of this chapter 8 according to the statement of verse 13: Until when will the holiness and the army be trodden ? This action was accomplished in the time of the Christian era and we must therefore attribute it to papal Rome and its monarchical supports; which history confirms. Let us nevertheless note an important difference. Pagan Rome only literally makes the saints of Jesus Christ fall to the ground , while papal Rome, through its false religious instruction, makes them fall to the ground spiritually, before literally persecuting them in turn.


The sporadic persecutions continued with alternations of peace until the arrival of Emperor Constantine I who put an end to the persecutions against Christians with the edict of Milan, his Roman capital, in 313, which constitutes the term of the period of " ten years " of persecutions which characterize the " Smyrna " era of Rev.2:8. Through this peace, the Christian faith will gain nothing, and God will lose a lot. Because without the barrier of persecution, the commitments of the unconverted to this new faith abound and multiply throughout the empire and especially in Rome where the blood of the martyrs flowed the most.

 It is therefore to this time that we can connect the beginning of the second reading of this verse. The one where Rome becomes Christian by obeying the orders of the Emperor Constantine who, in 321, has just issued an edict which orders the change of the weekly day of rest: the seventh day Sabbath is replaced by the first day of the week; at the time, dedicated by the pagans to the worship of the god “ venerable unconquered sun ”. This action is as serious as drinking in the golden vessels of the temple , but this time, God will not react, the hour of final judgment will be enough. With his new day of rest, Rome will extend its Christian doctrine throughout the empire, and its local authority, the bishop of Rome will gain in prestige and support, until the supreme elevation the papal title gives him by decree, in 533 , the Byzantine emperor Justinian I. It was not until the expulsion of the hostile Ostrogoths that the first reigning pope, Vigilius, took up his papal seat in Rome, at the Lateran Palace built on Mount Caelius. The date 538 and the arrival of the first pope marks the accomplishment of the actions described in verse 11 which follows. But it is also the beginning of the 1260 day-years of reign of the popes and everything that concerns them and which was revealed in Dan.7. A continuing reign during which the saints are, once again, trampled underfoot , but this time, by Roman papal religious domination and its civil supporters, the monarchs, and the height of it... in the name of Christ.


Specific actions of popery established in 538

Dan 8:11 She rose up to the captain of the army, and took away from him the perpetual sacrifice , and overthrew the place the foundation of his sanctuary.

11a-  She rose to the head of the army

 This leader of the army is logically and biblically Jesus Christ, according to Eph.5:23: for the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church , which is his body, and of which he is the Savior. The verb “ she rose ” is well chosen, because precisely, in 538, Jesus is in heaven while the papacy is on earth. The sky is beyond her reach but “ she rose ” by making men believe that she replaces him on earth. From heaven, Jesus has little chance of avoiding men from the trap set for them by the devil. Moreover, why would he do it, when he himself delivers them to this trap and all its curses? For we have well read, in Dan.7:25, “ the saints shall be delivered into his hands for a time, times (2 times) and a half time ”; they are delivered intentionally by the God Christ, because of the changed times and the law . The law modified in 321 by Constantine regarding the Sabbath, of course, but above all, the law changed by Roman popery, after 538 where there, it is not only the Sabbath which is affected and attacked, but the entire law which is reworked Rome version.

11b-  took away the perpetual sacrifice from him

 I point out the absence of the word sacrifice in the original Hebrew text. That said, its presence suggests the context of the old alliance, but this is not the case as I have just demonstrated. Under the new covenant sacrifice and offering ceased, the death of Christ, in the middle of the week cited in Dan.9:27, having rendered these rites useless. However, something remained of the old covenant: the ministry of the high priest and intercessor for the sins of the people who also prophesied the celestial ministry that Jesus accomplished in favor of only his elect purchased by his blood since his resurrection. Christ returned to heaven, what was left to take from him? His priestly function is his exclusive role as intercessor to forgive the sins of his elect. Indeed, since 538, the establishment on earth, in Rome, of a leader of the Church of Christ made the celestial ministry of Jesus vain and useless. Prayers no longer pass through him and sinners remain bearers of their sins and their guilt towards God. Heb.7:23 confirms this analysis, saying: “ But he, because he abides forever, has a priesthood which is not transferable .” The change of ruler on earth justifies the abominable fruits borne by this Christianity without Christ; fruits prophesied by God to Daniel. Why were Christians hit by this terrible curse? The following verse 12 will give the answer: because of sin .

 The identification of the perpetual which has just been carried out will serve as a basis for the calculations using the durations 1290 and 1335 day-years which will be proposed in Dan.12:11 and 12; the established basis being the date 538, when the perpetual priesthood was stolen by the earthly papal leader.

11c-   and overthrew the place the base of his sanctuary

 Because of the context of the new covenant, between the two possible meanings of the Hebrew word "mecon" translated by "place" I retained its translation "base" just as legitimate and better adapted to the context of the Christian era targeted by the prophecy.

sanctuary is often discussed , which is confusing. However, it is possible not to be deceived depending on the verb that marks the action that is done at the sanctuary .

 Here in Dan.7:11: its basis is overthrown by the papacy.

 In Dan.11:30: he is desecrated by the Greek king persecutor of the Jews Antiochos 4 Epiphanes in – 168.

 In Dan.8:14 and Dan.9:26 it is not a question of sanctuary but of holiness . The Hebrew word “qodesh” is systematically mistranslated in all translations of the most common versions. But the original Hebrew text remains unchanged to testify to the original truth.

 You should know that the term “ sanctuary ” refers exclusively to the place where God stands in person. Since Jesus was resurrected and returned to heaven, there is no longer any sanctuary on earth . Overturning the basis of his sanctuary therefore means undermining the doctrinal foundations which concern his celestial ministry which illustrates all the conditions of salvation. Indeed, once baptized, the person called must be able to benefit from the approval of Jesus Christ who judges his faith on his works and agrees or not to forgive his sins in the name of his sacrifice. Baptism marks the beginning of an experience lived under the just judgment of God and not its end. Which means that when the direct relationship between the earthly elect and his heavenly intercessor is interrupted, salvation is no longer possible, and the holy covenant is broken. It is a terrible spiritual drama ignored by the deceived and seduced human masses since March 7, 321 and the year 538 in which the perpetual priesthood of Jesus Christ was removed by the pope for his benefit. Overturning the basis of his sanctuary also means attributing to the 12 apostles who represent the base or foundation of the Elect, spiritual house, a falsely Christian doctrine which justifies and legalizes sin against divine law; what no apostle would have done.

Dan 8:12 And the army was delivered up with the perpetual sacrifice because of sin; the horn threw the truth to the ground, and succeeded in his undertakings.

12a-  The army was delivered with the perpetual sacrifice

In more symbolic language this expression has the same meaning as that of Dan.7:25: the army was delivered ... But here the Spirit adds with the perpetual

12b -  because of sin

 Either, according to 1 John 3:4, because of the transgression of the law changed in Dan.7:25. For John said and wrote: Whoever sins transgresses the law, and sin is transgression of the law .              This transgression dates back to March 7, 321 and it concerns, firstly, the abandonment of the holy Sabbath of God; the Sabbath sanctified by him, since the creation of the world, on the unique and perpetual “ seventh day ”.

12c-  the horn threw the truth to the ground

 Truth is still a spiritual word which designates the law according to Psa.119:142-151: Your law is the truth...all your commandments are the truth .             

12d-  and succeeds in his endeavors

 If the Spirit of the creator God announced it in advance, then do not be surprised to have ignored this deception, the greatest spiritual fraud in all the history of men; but also, the most serious in its consequences of loss of human souls for God. Verse 24 will confirm saying: His power will increase, but not by his own strength; he will wreak incredible havoc, he will succeed in his undertakings , he will destroy the powerful and the people of the saints.


Preparation for Sanctification

In the lessons given by the religious rites of the old covenant this subject of preparation for sanctification appears constantly. First, between the time of slavery and the entry into Canaan, the celebration of Passover was necessary to sanctify the people whom God was going to lead to his national soil, Israel, the promised land. In fact, it took 40 years of trial of purification and sanctification for the entry into Canaan to be accomplished.

Likewise, regarding the Sabbath marked on the seventh day from one sunset to the next, a prior time of preparation was necessary. The six days of secular activities required a washing of the body and a change of clothing, these things were also imposed on the priest so that he could, without danger to his life, enter the holy place of the temple to officiate his ritual service there. .

The seven-day, 24-hour week of creation is modeled on the seven thousand years of God's plan of salvation. So that the first 6 days represent the first 6 millennia during which God selects his elect. And the 7th and last millennium constitutes the great Sabbath during which God and his elect gathered in heaven enjoy true and complete rest. The sinners being temporarily all dead; except Satan, who remains isolated on a depopulated earth during this period of “a thousand years” revealed in Rev.20. Before entering “heaven” the elect must be purified and sanctified. Purification rests on faith in the voluntary sacrifice of Christ, but sanctification is obtained by his help after baptism because, purification is imputed, or obtained in advance in the name of a principle of faith, but sanctification is the fruit obtained in reality in his entire soul by the elect through his real cooperation with the living God Jesus Christ. It is obtained through a fight he wages against himself, against his bad nature, in order to resist sin.

Daniel 9:25 will teach us, Jesus Christ came to die on a cross in order to get his elect to sin no more, because he came to put an end to sin . Now we have just seen in verse 12, the Christian Chosen was delivered over to papal despotism because of sin. Purification is therefore necessary to obtain the sanctification without which no one will see God as it is written in Heb.12:14: Pursue peace with all, and sanctification, without which no one will see the Lord .

Applied to the 2000 years of the Christian era from the death of Jesus Christ until his return in 2030, this time of preparation and sanctification will be revealed in verses 13 and 14 which follow. Contrary to the original belief of the Adventists, this era is not that of judgment that Daniel 7 describes but that of sanctification made necessary because of the centuries-old legacy of sins legitimized by the abominable teaching of papal Rome. I specify that the work of the Reformation initiated from the 13th century did not accomplish the purification and sanctification demanded in all justice by the thrice holy and perfectly pure savior God.


Dan 8:13 I heard a saint speak; and another saint said to him who spoke, How long will the vision about the perpetual sacrifice and about the devastating sin be fulfilled? How long will the sanctuary and the army be trodden down?

13a-  I heard a saint speak; and another saint said to him who spoke

 Only true saints become aware of the sins inherited from Rome. We will find them again in the vision scene presented in Dan.12.

13b-  For how long will the vision be fulfilled?

 The saints demand a date that will mark the end of Roman abominations.

13c-  on the perpetual sacrifice

 The saints ask for a date which will mark the resumption of the perpetual priesthood by Christ.

13d-  and about devastating sin ?

 The saints ask for a date which will mark the return of the seventh-day Sabbath, the transgression of which is punished by Roman devastation and that of wars; and for its transgressors this punishment will last until the end of the world.

13th-  How long will the sanctuary and the army be trampled?

 The saints are asking for a date that will mark the end of the papal persecutions applied against them, God's chosen saints.

Dan 8:14 And he said to me, Two thousand and three hundred evenings and mornings; then the sanctuary will be purified.

14a-  Since 1991, God has directed my study on this poorly translated verse. Here is his true translation of the Hebrew text.

 And he said to me: Until evening-morning two thousand three hundred and justified will be holiness.

 You can see, the term of the 2300 evening-morning is aimed at the sanctification of the elect selected by God from the date which will be determined for this term. The eternal justice obtained by baptism until then is called into question. The requirement of the thrice holy God, as Father, Son and Holy Spirit, has changed and been strengthened by the need for the elect to no longer sin against the Sabbath or against any other ordinance coming from the mouth of God. . The narrow path of salvation taught by Jesus is thus restored. And the model of the elect presented in Noah, Daniel, and Job justifies the chosen million for the fallen ten billion of the last judgment of Dan.7:10.

Dan 8:15 While I, Daniel, saw this vision and sought to understand it, behold, there stood before me one who had the appearance of a man.

15a-  Logically, Daniel would like to understand the meaning of the vision and this will earn him in Dan.10:12, a justified approval from God, but he will never be fully granted in his wish like the response from God in Dan.12:9 shows it: He answered: Go, Daniel, for these words will be kept secret and sealed until the time of the end .

Dan 8:16 And I heard the voice of a man in the midst of Ulai; he cried out and said: Gabriel, explain to him the vision.

16a-  The image of Jesus Christ in the middle of Ulai anticipates the lesson given in the vision of Dan.12. The angel Gabriel, a close servant of Christ, is responsible for explaining the meaning of the entire vision from its beginning. Let us therefore carefully follow the additional information that will be revealed in the verses that follow.

Dan 8:17 Then he came near the place where I was; and as he approached I was frightened, and I fell on my face. He said to me, Pay attention, son of man, for the vision concerns a time which will be the end.

17a-  The vision of celestial beings will always cause this effect on the man of flesh. But let us be attentive as he invites us to do. The relevant end time will begin at the end of the entire vision.

Dan 8:18 As he spoke to me, I stood stunned on my face. He touched me, and made me stand where I was.

18a-  In this experience, God underlines the curse of the flesh which does not equal the purity of the celestial bodies of faithful angels.

Dan 8:19 Then he said to me, I will teach you what will happen at the end of the wrath, for there is a time appointed for the end .

19a-  The end of God's wrath will come, but this wrath is justified by Christian disobedience, heritage of Roman papal doctrine. The cessation of this prophesied divine wrath will therefore be partial since it will only truly cease after the entire destruction of humanity at the return in glory of Christ.             

Dan 8:20 The ram which you saw, which had horns, are the kings of the Medes and the Persians.

20a-  It is a question of God giving reference points to his chosen ones so that they understand the principle of the succession of symbols presented. The Medes and Persians mark the historical context of the beginning of the revelation. In Dan.2 and 7 they were in second position.

Dan 8:21 The goat is the king of Javan, the great horn between his eyes is the first king.

21a-  In turn, Greece is the second succession; the third in Dan.2 and 7.

21b-  The big horn between his eyes is the first king

 As we have seen, it concerns the great Greek conqueror, Alexander the Great. The great horn, image of its offensive and belligerent character that King Darius 3 was wrong to humiliate, because it cost him his kingdom and his life. By placing this horn not on the forehead but between the eyes, the Spirit shows his insatiable lust for conquest that only his death will stop. But the eyes are also prophetic clairvoyance, and since his birth, an exceptional destiny has been announced to him by a clairvoyant and he believes in his prophesied destiny throughout his life.

Dan 8:22 The four horns that have arisen to replace this broken horn are four kingdoms that will arise from this nation, but they will not be as strong.

22a-  We find the four Greek dynasties founded by the four generals who succeeded Alexander, still alive after 20 years of wars between the ten that they were at the beginning.

Dan 8:23 At the end of their rule, when the sinners are consumed, there will arise a king who is impudent and crafty.

23a-  Skipping the intermediate times, the angel evokes the Christian era of the domination of papal Rome. Doing so, he indicates the main purpose of the revelation given. But this explanation brings another teaching which appears in the first sentence of this verse: At the end of their domination, when sinners will be consumed. Who are these consumed sinners who precede the time of the papal regime? These are the rebellious national Jews who refused Jesus Christ as Messiah and savior, liberator, yes, but only of sins committed and only in favor of those whom he recognizes by the quality of their faith. They were in fact consumed in 70 by the troops of Rome, they and their city of Jerusalem, and this for the second time after the destruction wrought under Nebuchadnezzar in – 586. By this action, God gave proof that the ancient alliance had ended since the death of Jesus Christ where in Jerusalem the veil of separation of the temple was torn in two, from top to bottom, thus showing that the action came from God himself.

23b-  there will arise an impudent and artful king

 This is God's description of popery characterized according to Dan.7:8 by its arrogance and here by its impudence . He adds and is artful . The artifice consists of veiling the truth and taking on the appearance of what we are not. The artifice is used to deceive one's neighbor, this is what successive popes do.

Dan 8:24 His power shall increase, but not by his own strength; he will wreak incredible havoc, he will succeed in his undertakings, he will destroy the powerful and the people of the saints.

24a-  His power will increase

 Indeed, described in Dan.7:8 as a “ little horn ”, verse 20 attributes to it “ a greater appearance than the others ”.

24b-  but not by his own strength

 Here again, history confirms that without the armed support of the monarchs, the papal regime could not have existed. The first support having been Clovis the king of the Franks of the Merovingian dynasty and after him, that of the Carolingian dynasty and lastly, that of the Capetian dynasty, the support of the French monarchy has rarely been lacking. And we will see that this support has a price to pay. This will be done as an example by the beheading of the French King Louis 16, Queen Marie Antoinette, the monarchist courtiers and the Roman Catholic clergy mainly responsible, by the guillotine installed in France in the capital and provincial towns, by French revolutionaries between 1793 and 1794; two eras of “Terrors” inscribed in letters of blood in the memory of humanity. In Rev.2:22 this divine punishment will be prophesied in these words: Behold, I will cast her upon a bed, and send great tribulation has those who commit adultery with her , unless they repent of their works. I will put her children to death ; and all the churches will know that I am he who searches the minds and the hearts, and I will reward each one according to your works.

24c-  he will wreak incredible havoc

 On earth, no one can count them, but in heaven, God knows the exact number and at the hour of the punishment of the last judgment, they will all be expiated, from the smallest to the most terrible, by their authors.

24d-  he will succeed in his undertakings

 How could he not succeed, when God gave him this role to punish the sin committed by his people who claim salvation won by Jesus Christ?

24th-  he will destroy the mighty and the people of the saints

 By passing themselves off as the representative of God on earth and threatening them with excommunication which would close their entrance to heaven, the papacy obtains the submission of the great and the monarchs of the western earth, and even more by the small, rich or poor, but all ignorant, because of their unbelief and indifference to divine truths.

 From the beginning of the era of the Reformation initiated since Peter Valdo in 1170, the papal regime reacted with fury by inciting against the faithful servants of God, the only true saints always peaceful and peaceful, the murderous Catholic leagues supported by the courts of the inquisition of his false holiness. The hooded judges who thus ordered terrible tortures to the saints and others, all accused of heresy against God and Rome, will all have to account for their exactions before the true God at the hour of the just prophesied final judgment. in Dan.7:9 and Rev.20:9 to 15.

Dan 8:25 Because of his prosperity and the success of his devices, he will have arrogance in his heart, and he will destroy many who lived peacefully, and he will exalt himself against the chief of princes; but it will be broken, without the effort of any hand.

25a-  Because of his prosperity and the success of his tricks

 This prosperity suggests his enrichment which the verse links to his tricks . We must, in fact, use trickery , when we are small and weak to obtain rich people, money and riches of all kinds that Rev. 18:12 and 13 lists.

25b-  he will have arrogance in his heart

 This, despite the lesson given by the experience of King Nebuchadnezzar in Dan.4 and that, more tragic, of his grandson Belshazzar in Dan.5.

25c-  he will destroy many men who lived peacefully

 Peaceful character is a fruit of true Christianity, but only until 1843. For before that date, and mainly, until the end of the French Revolution, at the end of the 1260 years of papal reign prophesied in Dan.7:25 , false faith is characterized by brutality that attacks or responds to brutality. It is only in these times that gentleness and peace make the difference. The rules set by Jesus have not changed since apostolic times, the chosen one is a sheep who accepts to be sacrificed, never a butcher.

25d-  and he will rise up against the chief of chiefs

 With this precision, doubt is no longer permitted. The leader , cited in verses 11 and 12, is indeed Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords who appears in the glory of his return in Rev.19:16. And it was from him that the legitimate perpetual priesthood was taken away by Roman popery.

Dan 8:26 And the vision of the evening and the morning which is spoken of is true. For your part, keep this vision secret, because it relates to distant times.

26a-  And the vision of the evenings and the mornings, in question, is true

 The angel attests to the divine origin of the prophecy of the “2300 evening-morning” of verse 14. He therefore draws attention, lastly, to this enigma which must be illuminated and understood by the chosen saints of Jesus Christ when the time will have arrived to do it.

26b-  For your part, keep this vision secret, because it relates to distant times

 Indeed, between the time of Daniel and ours, approximately 26 centuries have passed. And so we find ourselves in the time of the end where this mystery must be illuminated; the thing will be done, but not before the study of Dan.9 which will provide the essential key to carrying out the proposed calculations.

Dan 8:27 I, Daniel, was many days languishing and sick; then I got up and attended to the king's affairs. I was amazed at the vision, and no one knew of it.

27a-  This detail which concerns Daniel's health is nothing personal. It translates for us the extreme importance of receiving information from God concerning the prophesied 2300 evenings-mornings; for just as illness can lead to death, ignorance of the enigma will condemn the last Christians who will live in the time of the end to eternal spiritual death .







Daniel 9



Dan 9:1 In the first year of Darius the son of Ahasuerus, of the race of the Medes, who became king of the kingdom of the Chaldeans,

1a-  According to the eyewitness testimony of Daniel, therefore undeniable, we learn that King Darius of Dan.5:30 is the son of Ahasuerus, of the race of the Medes; the Persian king Cyrus 2 has therefore not yet replaced him. The first year of his reign was the one in which he conquered Babylon, thus taking it from the Chaldeans.

Dan 9:2  in the first year of his reign, I, Daniel, saw by the books that seventy years were to pass for the ruins of Jerusalem, according to the number of years of which the Lord had spoken to Jeremiah, the Prophet.

2a-  Daniel refers to the prophetic writings of Jeremiah, the prophet. He gives us a beautiful example of faith and trust which unites the servants of God under his gaze. He thus confirms these words of 1 Cor.14:32: The spirits of the prophets are subject to the prophets . Daniel lived in Babylon for much of the 70 years prophesied of the deportation of the Hebrew people. He is also interested in the subject of his return to Israel which, according to him, should be quite close. In order to obtain answers from God he addresses a magnificent prayer that we are going to study.


The model prayer of the faith of a saint


The first lesson of this chapter 9 of Daniel is to understand why God wanted it to appear in this part of the book of Daniel.

In Dan.8:23 through the prophetic announcement of the consumed sinners , we received confirmation that the Jews of the nation Israel were again condemned and destroyed by fire by the Romans in 70, because of all the things that Daniel goes to confess in his prayer. Now who was this Israel presented in the first alliance with the living God from Abraham to the 12 apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ, himself being Jewish? Only a sample of all humanity, because since Adam, men have been the same apart from their skin color which ranges from very light to very dark. But whatever their race, their ethnicity, things transmitted genetically from father and mother to sons and daughters, their mental behavior is identical. According to the principle of stripping the leaves of the daisy, "I love you, a little, a lot, passionately, madly, not at all", men reproduce this range of feelings towards the living God creator of all things when he discovers its existence. Also, the great Judge sees among those who claim to be from him, faithful people who love him and obey him, others who claim to love him, but disobey him, others who live their religion in indifference, still others who live it with a hard and acerbic heart which makes them fanatics and in the extreme, they cannot stand contradiction and even less reproaches and support the killing of the unbearable opponent. These behaviors were found among the Jews, as they are still found among men throughout planet Earth and in all religions which, however, are not equal.

Daniel's prayer comes to question you, in which of these behaviors do you recognize yourself? If it is not that of one who loves God and obeys him as a testimony of his faithfulness, question your conception of faith; repent and give to God a sincere and real fruit of repentance as Daniel will do.

The second reason for the presence of this prayer in this chapter 9 is that the cause of the last destruction of Israel, in the year 70 by the Romans, is treated and developed there: the first coming of the Messiah on the earth of men . And having rejected this Messiah whose only faults were the perfection of his works which condemned them, the religious leaders aroused the people against him, with slanderous accusations all dismantled and contradicted by the facts. So they based their final accusation on a divine truth, accusing him, a man, of claiming to be the Son of God. The souls of these religious leaders were black like the coal of a burning hearth which will consume them in the time of righteous anger. But the Jews' greatest fault was not in having killed him, but in not having recognized him after his divine resurrection. Faced with the miracles and good works that were carried out by his twelve apostles, they hardened themselves like Pharaoh in his time and testified to this by putting to death the faithful deacon Stephen whom they stoned themselves without resorting this time to the Romans. .

The third reason for this prayer is that it takes the role of a final saddening observation at the end of a long experience lived in relationship with God ; a testimony, a sort of testament left by the Jewish alliance to the rest of humanity. For it is in this deportation to Babylon that the demonstration prepared by God ceases. It is true that the Jews will return to their national soil, and that for a time God will be honored and obeyed, but loyalty will quickly disappear, to the point that their survival can only be justified as their last test of faith based on first coming of the Messiah, because he must be, a son of Israel, a Jew among the Jews.

The fourth reason for this prayer is based on the fact that the faults stated and confessed have all been accomplished and renewed by Christians in their era, from the abandonment of the Sabbath on March 7, 321 until our time . The last official institution blessed since 1873 and individually since 1844 has not escaped the curse of time, since Jesus vomited it out in 1994. The study of the last chapters of Daniel and the book Revelation will explain these dates and the last mysteries .

Now let's listen carefully to Daniel speaking to Almighty God.



Dan 9:3 I set my face toward the Lord God, that I might turn to prayer and supplication, fasting, and taking sackcloth and ashes.

3a-  Daniel is now old, but his faith does not weaken, and his connection with God is preserved, nourished and maintained. In his case, his heart being deeply sincere, the fast, the sackcloth and the ashes carry real meaning. These practices indicate the strength of one's desire to be heard and granted by God. Fasting shows the superiority given to God's response compared to the pleasures of eating. In this approach there is the idea of telling God I no longer want to live without your answer, without going so far as to commit suicide.

Dan 9:4 I prayed to the LORD my God and confessed to him: Lord, great and awesome God, who keeps your covenant and has mercy on those who love you and keep your commandments.

4a-  Lord, great and awesome God

 Israel is in exile in Babylon and has paid to learn that God is great and awesome.

4b-  you who keep your covenant and have mercy on those who love you and keep your commandments!

 Daniel shows that he knows God since he draws his arguments from the text of the second of the ten commandments of God, which the unfortunate Catholics do not know over the centuries of darkness, because sovereignly, the papacy took the initiative of remove it from his version of the ten commandments, because a commandment focused on the flesh was added to keep the number at ten; a fine example of impudence and deception denounced in the previous chapter.

Dan 9:5 We have sinned, we have done iniquity, we have been wicked and rebellious, we have turned away from your commandments and your judgments.

5a-  We could not be more true and clearer because these are the faults which led Israel to deportation, except that Daniel and three of his companions were not guilty of this type of fault; this does not prevent him from espousing the cause of his people while carrying with him the burden of his guilt.

 It is then that we must in 2021 realize that we too, Christians, serve this same God who does not change according to his declaration in Mal.3:6: For I am the Lord, I do not change; and you, children of Jacob, have not been consumed . It would be appropriate to say “not yet consumed”. For since Malachi wrote these words, Christ appeared, the children of Jacob rejected him and put him to death, and in accordance with the word prophesied in Dan.8:23, they ended up being consumed in 70 by the Romans. And if God does not change, this means that unfaithful Christians who transgress his commandments, including, first of all, the sanctified Sabbath, will be hit even harder than the Hebrews and the national Jews in their time.

Dan 9:6 We have not listened to your servants the prophets, who spoke in your name to our kings, to our princes, to our fathers, and to all the people of the land.

6a-  It is true, the Hebrews are guilty of these things, but what can we say about the Christians who, even in the last institution established by him, are guilty of the same actions?

Dan 9:7 Yours, O Lord, is righteousness, and ours is shame in this day, to the men of Judah, and to the inhabitants of Jerusalem, and to all Israel, both those who are near and those who are far away, in all the countries where you chased them because of the unfaithfulness of which they were guilty towards you.

7a-  The punishment of Israel was terrible, there were many deaths and only the survivors had the chance to be deported to Babylon and from there scattered throughout the countries of the Chaldean empire and the empire Persian who succeeded him. The Jewish nation has been dissolved in foreign lands and yet, according to his promise, God will soon reunite the Jews on their national soil, the land of their fathers. What power and power does this living God have! In his prayer, Daniel expresses all the repentance that these people must demonstrate before returning to their holy land, but only when God is at their side.

 Daniel confesses Jewish infidelity punished by God but then what punishment for Christians who do the same? deportation, or death?

Dan 9:8 Lord, to us shame of face, to our kings, to our princes, and to our fathers, because we have sinned against you.

8a-  The terrible word, the word “sin” is cited. Who can put an end to the sin that causes such great suffering? This chapter will give the answer. A lesson is worth learning and remembering: Israel suffered the consequences of the choices and behaviors of the kings, leaders and fathers who ruled it. So here is an example where disobedience to corrupt leaders can be encouraged to remain in God's blessing. This is the choice that Daniel and his three companions made and they are blessed for it.

Dan 9:9 With the Lord our God be mercy and forgiveness, for we have been disobedient to him.

10a-  In a situation of sin there remains only one hope; rely on the good, merciful God so that he grants his forgiveness. The process is perpetual, the Jew of the old alliance and the Christian of the new have the same need for forgiveness. Here again God is preparing a response for which he will have to pay dearly.

Dan 9:10 We have not obeyed the voice of the LORD our God, to follow his laws which he set before us by his servants the prophets.

10a-  This is also the case for Christians in the year 2021.

Dan 9:11 All Israel have transgressed your law, and have turned away from hearing your voice. Then curses and imprecations were poured out on us, which are written in the law of Moses, the servant of God, because we have sinned against God.

11a-  In the law of Moses, God indeed warned Israel against disobedience. But after him, the prophet Ezekiel, contemporary of Daniel, deported 13 years after Daniel, that is to say, 5 years after King Jehoiachin, brother of Jehoiakim, whom he succeeded, found himself captive at the River Chebar located between the Tigris and the Euphrates. There God inspired him and made him write messages that we find today in our Bible. And it is in Ezé.26 that we find a succession of punishments whose model is found applied spiritually but not only, in the seven trumpets of the Apocalypse in Rev.8 and 9. This surprising resemblance confirms that God does not really change not. Sins are punished in the new covenant as they were in the old.

Dan 9:12 He has fulfilled the words that he spoke against us and against our rulers who ruled us, and he has brought upon us a great calamity , such as has never happened under all heaven. the one who arrived in Jerusalem.

12a-  God has not weakened, he fulfills his announcements to bless or curse with the same care, and the “ calamity ” which struck the people of Daniel is intended to warn the nations who learn these things. But what do we see? Despite the testimony written in the Bible, this lesson remains ignored even by those who read it. Remember this message: God is preparing for the Jews and after them, for the Christians, two other great calamities which will be revealed in the rest of the book of Daniel.

Dan 9:13 As it is written in the law of Moses, all this calamity has come upon us; and we have not prayed to the LORD our God, nor have we turned away from our iniquities, nor have we heeded thy truth.

13a-  Contempt for the things that God had written in the Bible is perpetual, too, in 2021 Christians are also guilty of this fault and they believe that God is not going to contradict them. Nor do they turn away from their iniquities and are not more attentive to the biblical truth but so important for our time of the end, its prophetic truth revealed intensely and understandably, since the keys to understanding are in the Bible itself. even.

Dan 9:14 The LORD has watched over this calamity, and has brought it upon us; for the LORD our God is righteous in all that he has done, but we have not obeyed his voice.

14a-  What more can I say? In truth ! But know well that a much greater calamity has been prepared by God for present-day humanity, and for the same cause. It will come, between 2021 and 2030, in the form of a nuclear war whose divine mission is to kill a third of men according to Rev.9:15.

Dan 9:15 And now, O Lord our God, who brought out thy people out of the land of Egypt by thy mighty hand, and made thy name as it is this day, we have sinned, we have committed iniquity.

15a-  Daniel reminds us why unbelief is condemnable by God. On earth, the existence of the Jewish people testifies to this extraordinary fact due to a supernatural power, the exodus from Egypt of the Hebrew people. Their entire story is based on this miraculous fact. We do not have the opportunity to witness this exodus, but no one can deny that the descendants of this experience are still among us today. And to better exploit this existence, God delivered these people to Nazi hatred during the Second World War. The attention of humanity was thus directed to the survivors who in 1948 obtained their resettlement on the soil of their ancient homeland lost since 70. God only let fall on their heads the words of their fathers who had said to the Roman governor Pontius Pilate about Jesus, in order to obtain his death, I quote “may his blood fall on us and on our children”. God answered them to the letter. But Christians of all denominations have shamefully ignored this divine lesson, and we can understand why, since they all share their curse. The Jews refused the Messiah, but the Christians despised his laws. God's condemnation of both is therefore perfectly justified.

Dan 9:16 Lord, according to your great mercy, let your anger and your fury turn away from your city Jerusalem, from your holy mountain; for because of our sins and the iniquities of our fathers, Jerusalem and your people are a reproach to all those around us.

16a-  Daniel here takes up an argument that Moses had presented to God: what will the people who witness the punishment of his people say? God is aware of the problem since he himself declares about the Jews, through the mouth of Paul in Rom.2:24: For the name of God is blasphemed among the Gentiles because of you, as it is written . He alludes to the text of Eze.16:27: And, behold, I have stretched out my hand against you, I have reduced the portion which I appointed you, I have delivered you to the will of your enemies, the daughters of the Philistines, who were ashamed of your criminal conduct . In his compassion, Daniel still has much to learn about God's judgment on his city Jerusalem. But when he says " Jerusalem and your people are a reproach to all those around us " he is not wrong, for if the punishment of Israel had produced in the pagans a salutary fear and a desire to serve this true God, the punishment would have had a real interest. but this sad experience bore little fruit, not insignificant, since we owe it the conversion of King Nebuchadnezzar and King Darius the Mede. 

Dan 9:17 Now therefore, O our God, hear the prayer and the supplications of thy servant, and for the sake of the Lord let thy face shine upon thy desolate sanctuary.

17a-  What Daniel asks will be granted but not because God loves him, but simply because this return to Israel and the rebuilding of the temple are in his project. However, Daniel is unaware that the temple, which will in fact be rebuilt, will be destroyed again in 70 by the Romans. This is why the information he will receive in this chapter 9 will cure him of the very Jewish importance that he still gives to the stone temple built in Jerusalem; the temple of Christ's flesh will soon make it vain, and for this reason it will be destroyed again in 70 by the Roman armies.

Dan 9:18 My God, give ear and listen! Open your eyes and look at our ruins, look at the city over which your name is invoked! For it is not because of our righteousness that we present our supplications to you, but because of your great mercies.

18a-  It is true that God had chosen Jerusalem to make it the place sanctified by his glorious presence. But the place is holy only when God stands there, and since the year – 586, this was no longer the case. And, on the contrary, the ruins of Jerusalem and its temple testified to the impartiality of his justice. This lesson was necessary for men to look at the true God as a living being who sees, judges, and reacts unlike the idolatrous pagan deities who only relate to the bad angels of the devil's camp. The faithful man serves God but the unfaithful man uses God to give himself religious legitimacy towards those around him. The compassion of God to which Daniel appeals is real and he will soon give the most beautiful proof of it, in Jesus Christ.

Dan 9:19 Lord, listen! Lord, forgive! Lord, pay attention! Act and do not delay, for love of you, O my God! For your name is called upon your city and upon your people.

19a-  Daniel's advanced age justifies his insistence because, like Moses, his dearest personal desire is to be able to experience this return to his “holy” land. He wishes to witness the rebuilding of the holy temple which will once again bring glory to God and Israel.

Dan 9:20 And yet I spake, and prayed, and confessed my sin, and the sin of my people Israel, and presented my supplications unto the LORD my God for the holy mountain of my God;

20a-  It is not surprising that God loves Daniel, it is a model of humility which enchants him and meets the criterion of holiness which he demands. Every man is fallible as long as he lives in a body of flesh and Daniel is no exception. He confesses his sins, aware of his extreme weakness as we all have to do. But his personal spiritual quality cannot cover the sin of the people, because he is only a man, himself imperfect. The solution will come from God in Jesus Christ.

Dan 9:21 I was still speaking in prayer, when the man Gabriel, whom I had previously seen in a vision, came flying towards me at the time of the evening offering.

21a-  The time chosen by God for Gabriel's visit is that of the evening offering, that is, that of the perpetual sacrifice of a lamb which prophesies evening and morning the future voluntary offering of the perfectly holy and innocent body of Jesus Christ. He will die crucified to atone for the sins of his only elect who constitute his only true people. The link with the revelation which will be given below, to Daniel, is therefore established.


 End of prayer: God's answer

Dan 9:22 He taught me, and talked with me. He said to me: Daniel, I have come now to open your understanding.

22a-  The expression “open your intelligence” means that until then, intelligence was closed. The angel speaks on the subject of God's saving plan which was kept hidden until the time of his meeting with God's chosen prophet.

Dan 9:23 When you began to pray, the word went out, and I have come to tell you; for you are beloved. Pay attention to the word, and understand the vision!

23a-  When you began to pray, the word came out

 The God of heaven had organized everything, the moment of the meeting at the hour of the perpetual and the angel Gabriel designates Christ by “the Word” as John will do at the beginning of his Gospel: the word was made flesh . The angel comes to announce to him “the Word” which means that he comes to announce to him the coming of Christ prophesied from Moses according to Deut.18:15 to 19: The Lord, your God, will raise you up from among you, 'among your brothers, a prophet like me: you will listen to him! Thus will he answer the request that you made of the LORD your God in Horeb on the day of the assembly, when you said: Let me no longer hear the voice of the LORD my God, and let me see no more this great fire, so as not to die. The LORD said to me: What they have said is good. I will raise up for them from among their brothers a prophet like you , I will put my words in his mouth, and he will speak to them whatever I command him . And if anyone does not listen to my words that he speaks in my name, I will hold him accountable . But the prophet who has the audacity to speak in my name a word that I have not commanded him to speak, or who speaks in the name of other gods, that prophet will be punished with death.

 This text is fundamental to understanding the guilt of the Jews in their refusal of the Messiah Jesus because he met all the criteria prophesied about his coming. Taken among men and transmitter of the divine word, Jesus corresponded to this description and the miracles he performed testified to divine action.

23b-  for you are a beloved

 Why does God love Daniel? Quite simply because Daniel loves him. Love is the reason why God created life for free creatures in front of him. It is his need for love that has justified the very high price that he will have to pay to obtain it from some of his human earthly creatures. And at the price of his death, which he will have to pay, those he will select will become his eternal companions.

23c-  Pay attention to the word, and understand the vision!

 Which word is it, the word of the angel or the divine “Word” hidden in Christ? What is certain is that both are possible and complementary because the vision will concern “the Word” who will come in the flesh in Jesus Christ. Understanding the message is therefore of the utmost importance.


The 70 Week Prophecy

Dan 9:24 Seventy weeks have been appointed for your people and for your holy city, to stop transgressions and to put an end to sins, to atone for iniquity and to bring everlasting righteousness, to seal the vision and the prophet, and to anoint the Holy of Holies.

24a-  Seventy weeks have been cut off from your people and from your holy city

 The Hebrew verb “hatac” means in the first sense to cut or slice ; and only figuratively, “to determine or fix.” I retain the first meaning, because it gives meaning to this action of Abraham who concretizes his alliance with God through a sacrifice, in Gen.15:10: Abram took all these animals, cut them in the middle, and put each piece one towards the other; but he did not share the birds . This rite illustrated the alliance between God and his servant. This is why this verb “to cut” will take on its full meaning in “the alliance made with many for a week” in verse 27. These “many” are the national Jews for whose benefit, the benefit of faith in Christ crucified is presented first. The second interest of this verb cut is that the 70 weeks of years of this chapter 9 are cut on the “2300 evening-morning” of Dan.8:14. And a lesson emerges from this chronology which places the Christian faith before the Jewish faith. In this way, God teaches us that in Jesus Christ he gives his life to offer it as redemption for every believer worthy of his salvation in all humanity. The old covenant had to disappear when Jesus shed his blood               to break his new covenant with the elect of the whole earth.

 The book of Daniel aims to teach this universal salvation by presenting us with the conversions of Daniel's contemporary kings; Nebuchadnezzar, Darius the Mede and Cyrus the Persian.

The message is a solemn warning that threatens the Jewish people and their holy city Jerusalem, to whom a deadline of 70 weeks is given. Here again the code of Ezé.4:5-6 gives one day for one year the duration represents in all 490 years. Daniel must have difficulty understanding the meaning of a threat against his city which is already in ruins.

24b-  to stop transgressions and put an end to sins

 Imagine what was going through Daniel's mind hearing these things when he had just called upon God in prayer for forgiveness of his sins and the sins of his people. He will quickly understand what it is. But we ourselves understand well the divine requirement expressed. God wants to obtain from his elect that he saves, that they no longer sin, that they put an end to their transgressions of his laws thus putting an end to sins in accordance with what will be written by the apostle John in 1 John 3 :4: Whoever sins transgresses the law, and sin is the transgression of the law . This objective is addressed to men who must fight their evil nature to no longer sin.

24c-  to atone for iniquity and bring eternal justice

 For the Jew Daniel , this message evokes the rite of the “day of atonement” an annual festival where we celebrate the removal of sins through the sacrifice of a goat. This typical symbol of sin represented Greece in Dan.8 and its presence placed the prophecy in the spiritual atmosphere of this "day of atonement." But how can the death of a goat remove sins if the death of other animals sacrificed throughout the year has not succeeded in removing them? The answer to this dilemma is given in Heb.10:3 to 7: But the remembrance of sins is renewed every year by these sacrifices; for it is impossible for the blood of bulls and goats to take away sins . Therefore Christ, entering into the world, said: Sacrifice and offering thou wouldest not, but a body thou hast formed for me ; You have not accepted burnt offerings or sacrifices for sin. Then I said: Behold, I come (in the scroll of the book it speaks of me) to do, O God, your will . The explanations given by the apostle Paul are very clear and logical. It follows that God has reserved for himself, in Jesus Christ, the work of atonement for the sins announced by the angel Gabriel to Daniel. But where was Jesus Christ in this rite of the “day of atonement”? His perfect personal innocence, which symbolically made him the paschal lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world, took care of the sins of his elect symbolized by the goat of the rite of atonement. The lamb was hidden by the goat so that the lamb died for the goat he had taken care of. By accepting his death on the cross to atone for the sins of his elect, sins for which he was responsible, in Christ God gave them the most beautiful proof of his love for them.

24d-  and bring eternal justice

 This is the happy consequence of the death of the savior Messiah. This righteousness that man, since Adam, could not produce is imputed to the elect so that through their faith in this demonstration of divine love, by pure grace, the perfect righteousness of Jesus Christ may be imputed to them, initially . , until the fight of faith overcomes sin. And when this disappears entirely, the justice of Christ is said to be imparted. The student becomes like his Master. It is on these doctrinal bases that the faith of the apostles of Jesus was built. Before time and dark powers transform them, thus widening the narrow path taught by Jesus Christ. This righteousness will be eternal only for the faithful elect, those who hear and respond in obedience to God's righteous demands.

24th-  to seal the vision and the prophet

 Or, so that the vision is fulfilled by the appearance of the announced prophet. The verb to seal alludes to the seal of God which thus gives to the prophecy and to the prophet who will present himself a complete and indisputable divine authority and legitimacy. The work that is about to be accomplished is sealed with its divine royal seal. The symbolic number of this seal is “seven: 7”. It also designates the fullness which characterizes the nature of the creator God and that of his Spirit. The basis of this choice is the construction of his project over seven thousand years, which is why he divided time into weeks of seven days like the seven thousand years. The prophecy of the 70 weeks thus gives a role to the number (7), the seal of the living God in Rev.7. The verses that follow will confirm the importance of this number “7”.

24f-  and to anoint the Holy of Holies

 This is the anointing of the Holy Spirit that Jesus will receive at the time of his baptism. But let us make no mistake, the dove that landed on him from heaven had only one goal, that of convincing John that Jesus was indeed the announced Messiah; heaven bears witness to him. On earth, Jesus was always the Christ and in the form of selected questions asked of the priests, his teaching in the synagogue at the age of 12 is proof of this. For his people, among whom he was born and raised, his official mission was to begin at his baptism in the fall of the year 26 and he was to give up his life in the spring of the year 30. The title Holy of Holies designates with dignity since he embodies in the form of flesh the living God who terrified the Hebrews in the time of Moses. But the living Holy of Holies had a material symbol on earth; the most holy place or sanctuary of the temple of Jerusalem. It was a symbol of heaven, this dimension inaccessible to humanity where God and his angels stand. Seat of divine judgment and place of his throne, God as Judge awaited the blood of Christ to validate the forgiveness of the sins of the elect selected during the 6 millennia set for this selection. The death of Jesus thus fulfilled the ultimate “feast of atonement.” Forgiveness has been obtained and the ancient sacrifices approved by God have all been validated. The anointing of the Holy of Holies was done on the Day of Atonement by sprinkling the blood of the goat killed on the mercy seat, an altar placed above the ark containing the transgressed commandments of God. For this action, once a year, the high priest was authorized to penetrate beyond the veil of separation, into the most holy place. Thus after his resurrection, Jesus brought to heaven the atonement of his blood in order to receive dominion, the legitimacy to save his elect by the imputation of his justice and the right to condemn unrepentant sinners, including evil angels and their leader Satan, the devil. The Holy of Holies, also designating heaven, the blood shed by Jesus on earth, will allow him, in Michael, to cast out the devil and his demons from heaven, something revealed in Rev.12:9. Thus, the error of the Jewish religious people was not to understand the prophetic character of the annual “day of atonement”. They wrongly believed that the animal blood offered in this celebration could validate another animal meaning shed during the year. Man made in the image of God; the animal produced by terrestrial life, how can we justify equality of value for the two species?

Being God, Jesus Christ was himself the oil of anointing as the Holy Spirit and in ascending to heaven he brings with him the anointing of his legitimacy won on earth.


The key to calculations

Dan 9:25 Know therefore, and understand! From the time when the word declared that Jerusalem would be rebuilt to the Anointed, to the Leader, seven weeks and threescore and two weeks ago, the places and the ditches will be restored, but in difficult times.

25a-  Know this then, and understand!

 The angel is right to invite Daniel to attention because he addresses data that requires great spiritual and intellectual concentration; because calculations will have to be made.

25b-  From the time when the word announced that Jerusalem will be rebuilt to the Anointed, to the Leader

 This part of the verse alone is of utmost importance because it summarizes the purpose of the vision. God gives his people who are waiting for their Messiah the means of knowing in what year he will present himself to them . And this moment when the word announced that Jerusalem will be rebuilt must be determined according to the duration of the prophesied 490 years. For this decree of reconstruction, in the book of Ezra, we find three possible decrees ordered successively by three Persian kings: Cyrus, Darius, and Artaxerxes. It turns out that the decree established by the last in – 458, allows the culmination of the 490 years in the year 26 of our era. It will therefore be this decree of Artaxerxes that should be retained taking into account the season in which it was written: spring according to Esd.7:9: he left Babylon on the first day of the first month, and he arrived at Jerusalem on the first day of the fifth month, the good hand of his God being upon him . The year of the king's decree is given in Ezra.7:7: Many of the children of Israel, priests and Levites, singers, doorkeepers, and Nethinites, came also to Jerusalem in the seventh year of King Artaxerxes .

 The departure of the decree being a spring, the Spirit targets for its prophecy, the Easter of the spring where Jesus Christ died crucified. The calculations will lead us to this objective.

25c-  seven weeks and sixty-two weeks ago, the places and the ditches will be restored, but in difficult times.

We initially have 70 weeks. The angel evokes 69 weeks; 7 + 62. The first 7 weeks culminate in the time of recovery of Jerusalem and the temple, in unfortunate times because the Jews work under the permanent adversity of the Arabs who came to settle in the area left free by their deportation. This verse from Neh.4:17 describes the situation well: Those who built the wall, and those who carried or loaded the burdens, worked with one hand and held a weapon in the other . This is a detail that is specified, but the main one is found in the 70th week counted.


 The 70th week

Dan 9:26 And after the sixty-two weeks shall an Anointed One be cut off, and he shall have no successor , nothing for him. The people of a ruler who comes will destroy the city and the holy sanctuary , and their end will come as by a flood; It is decided that the devastations will last until the end of the war.

26a-  After the sixty-two weeks, an Anointed One will be cut off

 These 62 weeks are preceded by 7 weeks , which means that the real message is "after the 69 weeks" an anointed one will be cut off , but not just any anointed one, the one who is thus announced embodies the divine anointing himself. Using the formula “ a anointed ”, God prepares the Jewish people for their encounter with an ordinary-looking man, far from divine constraints. In accordance with his parable of the winegrowers, the Son of Man, son of the Master of the vineyard, presents himself to the winegrowers after sending his messengers who preceded him and whom they mistreated. From a human perspective, Jesus is only an anointed one who presents himself after other anointed ones.

 The angel said “ after ” the total duration of 69 weeks thus indicating the 70th . Thus, step by step, the angel's data directs us towards the spring Passover of the year 30 which will be located in the middle of this 70th week of day-years.

26b-  and he will have no successor for him

 This translation is all the more illegitimate as its author, L.Segond, specifies in the margin that the literal translation is: nobody for him . And for me the literal translation suits me perfectly because it says what really happened at the hour of his crucifixion. The Bible testifies that the apostles themselves had stopped believing that Jesus was the expected Messiah because, like the rest of the Jewish people, they were waiting for a warrior messiah who would throw the Romans out of the country.

26c-  The people of a leader who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary holiness

 This constitutes God's response to the observed Jewish national unbelief: no one for him . The outrage against God will be definitively paid for by the destruction of Jerusalem and its false holiness ; because since the year 30, there has been no more holiness on Jewish soil; the sanctuary no longer being one. For this action, God used the Romans, those through whom the Jewish religious leaders had the Messiah crucified, not daring and not being able to do it themselves, while they knew, without them, to stone the deacon Stephen “three years and six months” later.

26d-  and its end will come like a flood

It was therefore in 70, that after several years of Roman siege, Jerusalem fell into their hands, and filled with destructive hatred, animated by divine ardor, they frantically destroyed, as announced, the city and the holiness which was no longer, until there was no longer one stone left upon another as Jesus had announced before his death in Matt.24:2: But he said to them: Do you see all this? Truly I tell you, there will not be one stone left upon another here that will not be torn down .

26th -  it is decided that the devastations will last until the end of the war

  In Matt.24:6, Jesus said: You will hear of wars and rumors of wars: take care not to be troubled, for these things must come to pass. But that will not be the end yet. After the Romans, wars continued throughout the two thousand years of the Christian era and the long time of peace that we have enjoyed since the end of the Second World War is exceptional but programmed by God. Humanity can thus produce the fruits of its perversion to the end of its fantasies before mortally paying the price.

 However, we must not forget when speaking of the Romans that their papal succession will prolong the works of the pagan “ devastator or desolator ” and there too until the end of the war waged against the elect of Christ God.

Dan 9:27 He will make a strong covenant with many for a week , and for half the week he will cause sacrifice and grain offering to cease; And [there will be] on the wing of the abominations of desolation and even to an extermination (or utter destruction), and it will be broken, [ according to] that which has been decreed, in the desolate [earth] .

27a-  He will make a strong alliance with many for a week

 The Spirit prophesies the establishment of the new covenant ; it is solid because it becomes the basis of the salvation offered until the end of the world. Under the term many, God targets Jewish nationals, his apostles and his first Jewish disciples who will enter into his covenant during the last seven years of the deadline given to the Jewish nation to officially accept or reject the crucified Messiah. It is this covenant that is “ cut ” in verse 24 between God and the repentant Jewish sinners. In the fall of 33, the end of this last week will be marked by this other unjust and odious act represented by the stoning of Stephen the new deacon. His only wrong was to tell the Jews truths that they could not bear to hear, while Jesus put his words in his mouth. Seeing a follower of his cause killed, Jesus recorded the official national refusal of his intercession. From the fall of the year 33, the Jewish rebels fueled the Roman anger which was emptied of a block on Jerusalem in the year 70.

27b-  and for half the week he will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease

 This moment in the middle or half of the week is spring 30 targeted by the prophecy of the 70 weeks. This is the moment when all the actions mentioned in verse 24 are accomplished: The end of sin, its atonement, the coming of the prophet who fulfills the vision by establishing his eternal justice and the anointing of the resurrected Christ who ascends to heaven Victorious and Almighty . The atoning death of the Messiah is mentioned here under the aspect of a consequence that it entails: the definitive cessation of animal sacrifices and offerings made evening and morning in the Jewish temple, but also from morning until evening , for the sins of the people. The death of Jesus Christ renders obsolete the animal symbols which prefigured him in the old covenant, and this is the essential change brought about by his sacrifice. The tearing of the veil of the temple that God carries out at the moment when Jesus expires confirms the definitive cessation of earthly religious rites, and the destruction of the temple, in 70, reinforces this confirmation. In turn, the annual Jewish festivals, all prophetic of his coming, had to disappear; but in no case, the practice of the weekly Sabbath which receives in this death its true meaning: it prophesies the celestial rest of the seventh millennium which, through his victory, Jesus Christ obtains for God and his true elect to whom he imputes his perfect eternal justice cited in verse 24.

 The beginning of this “ week ” of days-years occurs in the fall of 26 with the baptism of Jesus who was baptized by John the Baptizer.

27c-  And [there will be] on the wing of the abominations of desolation

 Sorry, but this part of the verse is poorly translated in the L.Segond version because it was misinterpreted. Taking into account the revelations provided in the Apocalypse of John, I present my translation of the Hebrew text which other translations confirm. The phrase " on the wing ", symbol of heavenly character and dominion, suggests a religious responsibility that directly targets papal Rome, which " rises " in Dan.8:10-11, and its religious allies of the last days. Eagle wings symbolize the supreme elevation of the imperial title, for example the lion with eagle wings which concerns King Nebuchadnezzar, or of God himself, who carried on eagle wings his Hebrew people whom he delivered from Egyptian slavery. All empires have adopted this symbol of the eagle including , in 1806, Napoleon 1st , which will be confirmed by Apo.8:13, then the Prussian and German emperors, the last being the dictator A.Hitler. But since then, the USA has also had this imperial eagle on the greenback of its national currency: the dollar.

 Leaving the previous subject, the Spirit returns to target its favorite enemy: Rome. After the earthly mission of Jesus Christ, the targeted actor of the abominations which cause the final desolation of the earth is indeed Rome whose pagan imperial phase has just destroyed Jerusalem in 70 in verse 26. And the action of committing " abominations of desolation ” will continue in time until the end of the world. The abominations, in the plural, are therefore attributable, first of all, to Imperial Rome which will persecute the faithful elected by putting them to death in spectacular “stages” to entertain the bloodthirsty Roman people, things which will cease in 313. But another abomination comes next and it consists of putting an end to the practice of the seventh-day Sabbath, March 7, 321; this action is still attributable to the Roman Empire and its imperial leader Constantine I. With him, the Roman Empire came under the domination of the Byzantine emperors. In 538, in turn, the emperor Justinian 1st committed another abomination by establishing on his Roman seat the papal regime of Vigilius 1st , and this prolongation of the abominations until the end of the world must then be attributed to this phase papal law that God has denounced since Dan.7. We remember that the name “ little horn ” designates the two dominant phases of Rome in Dan.7 and Dan.8. God sees in these two successive phases only the continuity of the same abominable work.             

The study of the previous chapters has allowed us to identify the different kinds of abominations that this verse imputes to him.

27d-  and until an extermination (or complete destruction ) and it will be broken , [according to] what has been decreed, in the desolate [land] .

 She will be broken [according to] that which has been decreed ” and revealed in Dan.7:9-10 and Dan.8:25: Because of his prosperity and the success of his wiles, he will have arrogance in his heart, he will do many men who lived peacefully will perish, and he will rise up against the chief of chiefs; but it will be broken, without the effort of any hand.

The Hebrew text offers this divine thought different from current translations.

This nuance is based on God's project to place the blame of men on the planet Earth on which they live; what Rev.20 teaches us. Let us note the fact that the false Christian faith ignores this divine project which will consist of exterminating men from the face of the earth, at the glorious return of Christ. Ignoring the revelations given in Revelation 20, they wait in vain for the establishment of Christ's kingdom on earth. However, complete destruction of its surface is planned here and in Rev.20. The return in glory of the victorious Christ in all his divinity will return to the earth its chaotic appearance from the beginning of its history described in Genesis 1. Gigantic earthquakes will shake it and it will return under the name abyss to its chaotic state “ formless and empty ” , “tohu wa bohu”, initial. There will be no living man left on her, but she will be the prison of the devil isolated on her for a thousand years until the hour of his death.


At this stage of the study, I must provide additional information concerning firstly the “70th week ” which has just been studied. Its fulfillment in prophetic days-years is coupled with a literal fulfillment. Because thanks to the testimony of a Jewish calendar, we know the configuration of the Easter week of the year 30. Its center was a Wednesday eve of the occasional Sabbath justified by the Jewish Passover which fell in that year on Thursday. Thus we can completely reconstruct the course of this Passover in which Jesus died. Arrested on Tuesday evening, Judged during the night, Jesus was crucified on Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock. It expires at 3 p.m. Before 6 p.m., Joseph of Arimathea placed his body in the tomb and rolled away the stone that closed it. The Easter Sabbath of Thursday passes. On Friday morning, pious women buy spices which they prepare during the day to embalm the body of Jesus. On the evening of Friday at 6 p.m. the weekly Sabbath begins, one night, a day passes in rest sanctified by God. And on Saturday evening at 6 p.m., the first day of the secular week begins. The night passes and at the first light of dawn, the women go to the tomb hoping to find someone to roll away the stone. They find the stone rolled away and the tomb open. Entering the tomb, Mary Magdalene and Mary, the mother of Jesus, see an angel sitting who tells them that Jesus is resurrected, the angel tells them to go and warn his brothers, his apostles. While lingering in the garden, Mary Magdalene sees a man dressed in white whom she takes for a gardener; in the exchange she recognizes Jesus. And here, a very important detail which destroys a very widespread belief, Jesus says to Mary: “ I have not yet returned to my Father ”. The thief who was on the cross and Jesus himself did not enter paradise, the kingdom of God, on the same day of their crucifixion, since 3 whole days later, Jesus still has not yet returned to heaven. So can I say in the name of the Lord, let those who have nothing to say from Him, be silent! So as not to have to suffer ridicule or shame one day.


The second thing is to take advantage of the date – 458 which first marks the beginning of the 70 weeks of day-years fixed for the Jewish people to whom God gave two main signs of identity: the Sabbath and the circumcision of the flesh.

According to Rom.11, pagan converts entered into the new covenant are grafted into the Hebrew and Jewish root and trunk. But the bases of the new alliance are purely Jewish and Jesus made a point of recalling this in John 4:22: You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation comes from the Jews. Today, this message takes on a living relevance because Jesus addresses it to falsely converted pagans in all ages. To better ruin them, the devil pushed them to hate the Jews and their alliance; which turned them away from the commandments of God and his holy Sabbath. We must therefore rectify this error and look at the new covenant with a Jewish identity . The apostles and the new converted Jewish disciples are these “ many ” who make a solid alliance with Jesus , in Dan.9:27, but their base remains Jewish, they are also concerned by the beginning of the period of the “ 70 weeks ” given by God to the Jewish nation to accept or reject the standard of the new covenant based on the human blood shed voluntarily by Jesus Christ. In deduction from these reasonings the date – 458 becomes the beginning of the “2300 evening-morning” of Dan.8:14.

At the end of this long prophetic duration, 2300 years, three things had to cease according to Dan.8:13.

1-     the perpetual priesthood

2-     the devastating sin

3-     the persecution of holiness and the army.

The three things are identified:

1-     the perpetual earthly priesthood of the pope

2-     the rest of the first day renamed: Sunday.

3-     The persecution of Christian holiness and saints, citizens of the kingdom of heaven.

These changes aimed to:

1-     Restore to Jesus Christ his holy perpetual celestial priesthood.

2-     Restore the entire divine law including the 7th day sabbatical rest .

3-     See an end to the persecutions of Christian holiness and saints.


The calculation proposed for the “2300 evening-morning” starting from the date – 458, the end of this duration ends in the spring of 1843: 2300 – 458 = 1842 +1. In this calculation we have 1842 whole years to which we must add +1 to designate the spring at the beginning of the year 1843 where the prophesied “2300 evening-morning” ends. This date marks the beginning of a return of the intervention of God who thus wants to free his true saints from the religious lies inherited from Roman papal Catholicism for 1260 years. Thus, taking the initiative to create a spiritual awakening in the USA where Protestants have found refuge, the Spirit inspires in William Miller an interest in the prophecy of Daniel 8:14 and two successive proposed dates announce the return of Jesus Christ , the first for the spring of 1843, the second for the fall of 1844. For him, the purification of the sanctuary means that Jesus returns to purify the earth. After two disappointments on the scheduled dates, the Spirit gives a sign to the most persevering who took part in the two tests of faith. A celestial vision was received on the morning of October 23, 1844 by one of the saints who was crossing the fields. Heaven opened to a scene showing Jesus Christ as High Priest officiating in the heavenly sanctuary. In the vision he passed from the holy place to the most holy place. Thus after 1260 years of darkness, Jesus Christ reconnected with his faithful sorted by the two successive trials.

1-     The resumption of the perpetual . It is therefore through this vision that God officially took back control of his perpetual celestial priesthood on October 23, 1844.

2-     The Return of the Sabbath . In the same month, another of the Saints began observing the seventh-day Sabbath, following a visit from Mrs. Rachel Oaks who gave him a pamphlet from her church: "The Seventh-day Baptists." One by one, over time, the saints selected by the two tests also adopted the seventh-day Sabbath. This is how God put an end to the devastating sin established by pagan Rome, but legalized by papal Rome under its name “Sunday”.

3-     Stopping the persecutions . The third subject concerned holiness and Christians persecuted for 1260 years. And there again, in 1843 and 1844, religious peace reigned everywhere in the Western world concerned by the prophecy. This is because revolutionary France silenced with its guillotine those responsible for the religious abuses committed. Thus after the last bloody years of the punishment of religious adulterers according to Apo.2:22-23, at the end of the 1260 years begun in 538, the date linked to the removal of the perpetual by the establishment of the papal regime, i.e. in 1798, the religious peace reigns. And the freedom of conscience established allows the saints to serve God according to their choice and their knowledge that God will increase. In 1843, the holiness and the army of saints , these citizens of the kingdom of heaven selected by Jesus Christ, are no longer persecuted, as the prophecy of Daniel 8:13-14 announced.


All these experiences were organized and guided by the Almighty God who in total invisibility guides the minds of men so that they accomplish his plans, his entire program, until the end of the world when his selection of elect will have ended. It emerges from all this that man does not choose to honor the Sabbath and its light, it is God who gives him these things which belong to him as a sign of his approval and his real love for him as Ezé teaches. .20:12-20: I also gave them my sabbaths as a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD who sanctifies them...Sanctify my sabbaths, and that they may be between me and you one sign by which it is known that I am the LORD your God . Because it is he who is looking for his lost sheep, let us be sure that no elected official will miss the call.


In Dan.8, in the unique answer that God gives in verse 14 to the question in verse 13, the word " holiness " fits perfectly because holiness generally concerns everything that is God's property and which particularly affects him. This was the case of his perpetual heavenly priesthood, of his sanctified sabbath from the foundation of the world the day after the creation of Adam, and of his saints , his faithful elect.

The experiences prophesied in Daniel 8:13-14 were fulfilled between 1843 when the divine decree came into effect and the fall of 1844, both based on the expectation of the return of Jesus Christ on those dates, so relying on the idea of the advent of Jesus Christ, the contemporaries of this experience gave the participants who were followers of these expectations the name “Adventist”, from the Latin “adventus” which precisely means “advent”. We will find this “Adventist” experience in chapter 12 of this book of Daniel, where the Spirit will underline the importance of this last formalized “covenant”.







































Daniel 10


Dan 10:1 In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a word was revealed to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar. This word, which is true, announces a great calamity. He listened to this word, and he understood the vision.

1a-  In the third year of Cyrus, king of Persia, a word was revealed to Daniel, whose name was Belteshazzar

 Cyrus 2 reigned since – 539. The date of the vision is therefore – 536.

1b-  This word, which is true, announces a great calamity.

 This term, great calamity, announces the massacre on a great scale.

1c-  He listened to this word, and he understood the vision.

 If Daniel understood the meaning, we will understand it too.

Dan 10:2 At that time I, Daniel, mourned for three weeks.

 This personal mourning which affects Daniel, confirms the funereal nature of the massacre which will be carried out when the great calamity announced takes place.

Dan 10:3 I did not eat any delicacy, neither meat nor wine entered my mouth, nor did I anoint myself until the three weeks were completed.

 This preparation of Daniel who seeks increased holiness prophesies the dramatic situation that the angel will prophesy in Dan.11:30.

Dan 10:4 On the twenty-fourth day of the first month I was by the great river Hiddekel.

 Hiddékel has the name Tiger in French. This is the river which watered Mesopotamia with the Euphrates which crossed and watered the Chaldean city Babylon because of the punished pride of King Nebuchadnezzar. Daniel couldn't understand it, but this clarification was intended for me. Because it was only in 1991 that I made known the true explanations of Daniel 12 where the Tigris River will play the role of a “ tiger ” eating human souls. A test of faith is illustrated by its perilous crossing. Only the elect can cross it and continue their journey with Jesus Christ. It is again, an image copied from the crossing of the Red Sea by the Hebrews, an impossible and fatal crossing for Egyptian sinners. But the one that Daniel 12 evokes selects the last elected “Adventists” whose mission will continue until the return of Christ. The last of them will experience the last great calamity , its extreme form which will require the intervention of Christ in a powerful and glorious saving and vengeful return.


The first calamity announced to Daniel is mentioned in Dan.11:30. It concerns the Jewish people of antiquity, but another similar calamity will be announced by an analogous image in Rev.1. This will be accomplished after the Third World War in which a third of men will be killed . And this conflict is presented in Rev.9:13 to 21 by symbols, but it is developed in plain language in this book of Daniel at the end of chapter 11 in verses 40 to 45. So that we will find successively, in this chapter 11, the great calamity of the Jews, then in Dan.12:1, the great calamity which will target the elect of Christianity and the faithful Jews of the end time who will convert to Christ This calamity is mentioned there under the terms “times of trouble” and the main focus will be the practice of the God-sanctified Sabbath.


Comparison of the two visions of the predicted calamities

1-     To the children of Daniel's people of the old covenant: Dan.10:5-6.

2-     To the children of Daniel's people of the new covenant: Rev.1:13-14.

To fully appreciate the interest that we must give to these two calamities, we must understand that although they follow one another in time, the first is a type which prophesies the second, which will be targeted at the return of Jesus Christ , the last faithful children of God of the type of Daniel and his three companions. After decades of peace, followed by a terrible and terribly destructive atomic war, the day of rest of Roman Sunday will be imposed by the universal government organized by the survivors of the disaster. Then again, death will come to threaten the lives of the faithful elect, as in the days of Daniel, Hananias, Mishael, and Azariah; and as in the time of the “Maccabees” in –168, which the calamity announced in this chapter of Daniel targets; and in the end, the last Adventists remaining faithful to the seventh-day Sabbath in 2029.

But before this last ordeal, the long papal reign of 1260 years will have already caused multitudes of creatures to die in the name of God.

In summary, understanding the message delivered by this vision given to Daniel will allow us to understand the meaning of the one he gives to John in Rev.1:13 to 16.


Dan 10:5 And I lifted up my eyes, and looked, and, behold, there was a man clothed in linen, and having upon his loins a girdle of gold from Uphaz.

 5a-  there was a man dressed in linen

 A work of justice symbolized by the linen will be carried out by God through a human being. In the image described God takes the appearance of the Greek king Antiochos 4 known as Epiphanes. He will be the persecutor of the Jews between – 175 and – 164, duration of his reign.

5b-  having on the loins a golden belt of Uphaz

­ Placed on the kidneys, the belt designates forced truth. Furthermore, the gold of which it is made comes from Uphaz, which in Jer.10:9 targets its pagan idolatrous use.

Dan 10:6 His body was like chrysolite, his face shone like lightning, his eyes were like flames of fire, his arms and his feet were like polished brass, and the sound of his voice was like the sound of noise of a multitude.

6a-  His body was like chrysolite

 God is the author of the vision but he announces the coming of a pagan god hence this glorious supernatural aspect.

6b-  his face shone like lightning

 The Greek identity of this God is confirmed. This is Zeus, the Greek god of King Antiochos 4. Lightning is the symbol of the Olympian god Zeus; the god of the Olympian gods of Greek mythology

6c-  his eyes were like flames of fire

 He will destroy what he looks at and does not approve of; his eyes will be on the Jews according to Dan.11:30: … he will look on those who have abandoned the holy covenant. Calamity does not come without reason, apostasy defiles the people.

6d-  his arms and feet looked like polished brass

 The executioner who will be sent by God will be as sinful as his victims. His destructive actions symbolized by his brass arms and feet are the symbol of Greek sin in the statue of Dan.2.

6th-  and the sound of his voice was like the noise of a multitude

 The Greek king will not act alone. He will have behind and in front of him a multitude of soldiers as pagan as himself to obey his orders.

 The climax and climax of this prophetic announcement will be reached at the hour of Dan's fulfillment. 11:31: Troops will appear at his command; they will desecrate the sanctuary, the fortress, they will put an end to the perpetual sacrifice , and will set up the abomination of the destroyer. For biblical honesty, I crossed out the word sacrifice which is not written in the Hebrew text, because God has provided for the “ perpetual ” two different successive roles in the old covenant and in the new. In the ancient it consists of offering a lamb in the evening and morning as a burnt offering. In the short story, it designates the celestial intercession of Jesus Christ which recalls his sacrifice to intercede for the prayers of the elect. In this context of Dan.11:31, that of the old covenant, the Greek king will put an end to the perpetual offerings of the law of Moses. Thus, it is only the context of the time in which it is evoked which determines the interpretation of the ministry of perpetual intercession of an earthly priest or that of the heavenly high priest: Jesus Christ. The perpetual is therefore linked to a human ministry or, secondarily and definitively, to the divine celestial ministry of Jesus Christ.


Dan 10:7 I, Daniel, saw the vision alone, and the men who were with me did not see it, but were greatly afraid, and fled and hid themselves.

7-  This collective fear is only the faint image of the accomplishment of the vision. For on the day of the predicted carnage, the righteous would do well to flee and hide, even if it were in the belly of the earth.

Dan 10:8 I was left alone, and saw this great vision; my strength failed me, my face changed color and was decomposed, and I lost all vigor.

8a-  Through his feelings, Daniel continues to prophesy the consequences of the misfortune that will come.

Dan 10:9 I heard the sound of his words; and as I heard the sound of his words, I fell stunned, face down on the ground.

9a-  In the day of misfortune, the voice of the persecuting king will cause the same terrifying effects; the knees will collide and the legs will bend, unable to carry the bodies which will fall to the earth.

Dan 10:10 And, behold, a hand touched me, and shook my knees and my hands.

10a-  Fortunately for him, Daniel is only the prophet responsible for announcing to his people the coming of this great calamity and he is not himself targeted by the just wrath of God.

Dan 10:11 Then he said to me, Daniel, beloved man, pay attention to the words that I will speak to you, and stand where you are; for I am now sent to you. When he had thus spoken to me, I stood trembling.

11a-  Daniel, beloved man, pay attention to the words that I will speak to you, and stand where you are

 A beloved of God has no reason to fear his heavenly interventions. God's wrath is against wicked and cruel aggressive rebellious sinners. Daniel is the opposite of these people. He must remain standing because it is the very sign of the difference in fate which will ultimately fall to the elected. Even lying in the dust of earthly death, they will be awakened and put back on their feet. The wicked will lie down and the wicked will be awakened for the final judgment to be destroyed forever. The angel specifies “in the place where you are”. And where is he? In nature on the banks of the river “Hiddekel”, in French, the Euphrates, which will designate the Christian Europe of the new alliance in Revelation. The first lesson is that man can meet God anywhere and be blessed by Him there. This lesson overturns the idolatrous prejudices that for many people, God can only be encountered in churches, sacred buildings, temples, altars, but here, there is none of that. In his time, Jesus will renew this lesson saying in John 4:21 to 24: Woman, Jesus said to her, believe me, the hour is coming when it will be neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem that you will worship the Father . You adore what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation comes from the Jews. But the hour is coming, and has already come, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for these are the worshipers whom the Father requires. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

 The second lesson is more subtle, it is based on the river Hiddekel because the Spirit has planned to open the understanding of his book only to his last faithful servants whose experience and the test by which their selection is carried out is illustrated by the image of the perilous crossing of the river Hiddékel in French, the Tiger, like the animal of this name, also in the test of faith, eater of men's souls.

11b-  for I am now sent to you. When he had thus spoken to me, I stood trembling.

 The encounter is no longer a vision; it is transformed into a dialogue, an exchange between two creatures of God, one coming from heaven, the other still being from the earth.             

Dan 10:12  He said to me: Daniel, do not be afraid; for from the first day that you set your heart to understand, and to humble yourself before your God, your words were heard, and it is because of your words that I come .

 On this entire verse, I only have one thing to say. If you were to lose your memory, at least remember this verse which tells us how to please our creator God.

 The verse is an example of its kind; a logical sequence based on the fact that each cause has its effect with God: the thirst for understanding accompanied by true humility is heard and fulfilled.


Here begins a long revelation which will not end until the end of the Book of Daniel, that of chapter 12 .


Dan 10:13 and The ruler of the kingdom of Persia withstood me twenty-one days; but, behold, Michael, one of the chief leaders, came to my aid, and I remained there with the kings of Persia.

13a-  and The leader of the kingdom of Persia resisted me twenty-one days

 The angel Gabriel assists Cyrus 2 the Persian king and his mission for God consists of influencing his decisions, so that the actions taken do not oppose his great project. The example of this failure of the angel proves that God's creatures are indeed left free and independent and therefore responsible for all their choices and works.

13b-  but behold, Michael, one of the chief leaders, came to my aid

The example revealed also teaches us that in case of real necessity “ one of the main leaders, Michael ”, can intervene to force the decision. This superior help is divine help since Michael means: “Who is like God”. It is he who will come to earth to be incarnated in Jesus Christ. In heaven, he was for the angels the representation of the Spirit of God with them. In this case, the expression “ one of the main leaders ” can legitimately surprise us. Well, this is not surprising, because the humility, gentleness, sharing and love that Jesus will demonstrate on earth, were already put into practice in his celestial life with his faithful angels. The laws of heaven are those that He demonstrated during His earthly ministry. On earth, he became the servant of his servants. And we learn that in heaven he made himself equal to other chief angels.

13c-  and I remained there with the kings of Persia

 The domination of the dynasty of Persian kings will therefore continue for some time until Greek domination.

Dan 10:14 Now I come to show you what will happen to your people in the future; for the vision still concerns those times.

14a-  Until the end of the world, the people of Daniel will be concerned, in the old as in the new covenant, because his people are Israel whom God saves from Egyptian sin , from the sin of Adam by Jesus Christ and of the sin established by Rome in Christianity purified by the blood of Jesus.

 The purpose of the revelation brought by the angel to Daniel is to warn his people of the tragedies to come. Daniel can already understand that what is revealed to him no longer concerns him personally, but he is also certain that these teachings will be profitable in the future to the servants of his people and therefore to all those to whom God addresses them and destines them through him.

Dan 10:15 While he spoke these words to me, I looked toward the earth, and kept silent.

15a-  John still has in his mind the terrible vision of the calamity and he tries to concentrate on hearing what he hears, he no longer dares to raise his head to look at the one who speaks to him.

Dan 10:16 And, behold, one in the likeness of the sons of man touched my lips. I opened my mouth and spoke, and said to him who stood before me: My lord, the vision has filled me with fear, and I have lost all strength.

1a-  And behold, one who had the appearance of the sons of man touched my lips

 While the terrible vision was an unreal fictional image created in Daniel's mind, on the contrary, the angel presents himself in human form identical to earthly man. First, he too was created in the image of God, but in a celestial body free from earthly laws. His celestial nature gives him access to both dimensions by having an active capacity in each. He touches Daniel's lips who feels this touch.

Dan 10:17 How can my lord's servant speak to my lord? Now my strength is failing me, and I have no more breath.

17a-  For the purely earthly human being, the situation is very different, earthly laws are imposed and fear has made him lose his strength and his breath.

Dan 10:18 Then he who had the appearance of a man touched me again, and strengthened me.

18a-  With gentle insistence, the angel manages to restore strength to Daniel by calming him down.

Dan 10:19 Then he said to me, Fear not, beloved man, peace be with you. courage courage ! And as he spake unto me, I gained strength, and said, Let my lord speak, for thou hast strengthened me.

19a-  A message of peace! Identical to the one that Jesus will address to his disciples! Nothing like reassuring a frightened mind. The words courage, courage, help him catch his breath and regain his strength.

Dan 10:20 He said to me, Do you know why I have come to you? Now I return to fight the ruler of Persia; and when I depart, behold, the ruler of Javan will come.

20a-  Now I return to fight the leader of Persia

 This leader of Persia is Cyrus 2 the Great whom God considers his anointed; which does not prevent him from having to fight against him to direct his decisions in his direction.

20b-  and when I go, behold, the ruler of Javan will come

 When the angel leaves Cyrus 2, an attack from the Greek leader of the time will open the growing hostility between the two Persian and Greek dominations.

Dan 10:21 But I will make known to you what is written in the book of truth. No one helps me against these, except Michael, your leader.

21a-  This revelation that Daniel will receive is called the book of truth. Today in 2021, I can confirm the fulfillment of all that is revealed therein, for its understanding has been fully given by the immortal Spirit of Michael our leader, for Daniel in the old covenant and for me, in the new covenant, since Jesus Christ claims this name to judge the demons still active until his Glorious return.







Daniel 11


Attention ! Despite the change of chapter, the discussion between the angel and Daniel continues in continuity with the last verse of chapter 10 .


Dan 11:1 And I, in the first year of Darius the Mede, was with him to help and support him.

1a-  Created by God to live eternally, the angel who speaks to Daniel tells him that he helped and supported Darius, the Median king, who captured Babylon at the age of 62 and who still reigned in Dan.6. This king loved Daniel and his God but, trapped, he put his life in danger by delivering him to the lions. So it was he who intervened to close the lions' mouths and save his life. It was therefore also he who helped this king Darius to understand that the God of Daniel is the only true God, creator of all that is, who lives and that there is no other like him.

Dan 11:2 Now I will make you know the truth. Behold, there will still be three kings in Persia. The fourth will amass more wealth than all the others; and when he is powerful in his riches, he will raise all against the kingdom of Javan.

2a-  Now I will make you know the truth

 The truth is known only to the True God and it is the name that God gives himself in his relationship with his last chosen ones in Christ according to Rev.3:14. The truth is not only the divine law, its ordinances and its commandments. It also encompasses everything that God scrupulously plans and causes to be accomplished in His time. We are only discovering every day of our life, a part of this great program in which we progress until the end of our life and collectively, until the end of the final saving project which will see the elect access eternity. promised.

2b-  Behold, there will still be three kings in Persia

 1st king after Cyrus 2: Cambyses 2 (– 528 – 521) slaughters his son Bardiya nicknamed Smerdis by the Greeks.

 2nd king: the false Smerdis, the mage Gaumâta usurper of the name Smerdis only reigns for a short time.

 3rd king: Darius 1st the Persian (– 521 – 486) son of Hystape .

2c-  The fourth will amass more wealth than all the others

 4th king: Xerxes 1st ( – 486 – 465). Just after him, Artaxerxes I will reign and free all Jewish captives in the seventh year of his reign, in the spring – 458 according to Esd.7:7-9.             

2d-  and when he is powerful by his riches, he will raise everything against the kingdom of Javan

 Xerxes I repressed and pacified revolted Egypt then he waged war against Greece, invaded Attica and ruined Athens. But he was defeated at Salamis in – 480. Greece will retain domination over its territory. And the Persian king remained in Asia, nevertheless launching attacks which proved his desire to conquer Greece.

Dan 11:3 But there shall arise a mighty king, who shall rule with great power, and do whatsoever he pleaseth.

3a-  Defeated on his territory, the hunted Persian king Xerxes I will end up dying, assassinated by two of his great men. He was defeated by a young man whom he had deceptively mocked. Greece chose as its king, Alexander the Great, a young Macedonian of 20 years old (born in – 356, reigned in – 336, – died in – 323). The prophecy mentions him as founder of the 3rd empire of the statue of Dan.2, third animal of Dan.7 and second animal of Dan.8.

Dan 11:4 And when he is exalted, his kingdom shall be broken in pieces, and divided toward the four winds of heaven; it will not belong to his descendants, nor will it be as powerful as it was, for it will be torn, and it will pass to others than to them.

4a-  We find there, the exact definition given on the large broken horn of the Greek goat of Dan.8:8 and its explanation of verse 22: The four horns which arose to replace this broken horn, these are four kingdoms which will arise from this nation, but who will not have as much strength .

 I recall what the “ four great horns ” represent.

 1st horn : the Greek Seleucid dynasty founded in Syria by Seleucus 1st Nicator .

 2nd horn: the Greek Lagid dynasty founded in Egypt by Ptolemy I Lagos .

 3rd horn: the Greek dynasty founded in Trace by Lysimachus .

 4th horn : the Greek dynasty founded in Macedonia by Cassandra

Dan 11:5 The king of the south will become strong. But one of his leaders will be stronger than him, and will dominate; his dominion will be powerful.

5a-  The king of the south will become strong

 Ptolemy I Soter Lagos –383 –285 king of Egypt or “ king of the south ”.

5b-  But one of his leaders will be stronger than him, and will dominate; his dominion will be powerful.

 Seleucus 1st Nicator –312–281 king of Syria or “ king of the north ”.

Dan 11:6 After a few years they will form an alliance, and the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to restore harmony. But she will not retain the strength of her arm, and he will not resist, neither he nor her arm; she will be delivered with those who brought her, with her father and with the one who was her support at that time.

6a-  The prophecy skips the reign of Antiochos 1st ( –281–261), the second “ king of the north ” who initiated the first “Syrian War” (–274-271) against the “ king of the south ” Ptolemy 2 Philadelphus (– 282 –286). Then comes the 2nd "Syrian War" (- 260 - 253) which opposes the Egyptians the new " king of the north " Antiochos 2 Theos (- 261 - 246).

6b-  After a few years they will ally themselves, and the daughter of the king of the south will come to the king of the north to restore harmony.

 Scabrous behavior begins. To marry Berenice, Antiochos 2 divorces his legitimate wife named Laodice. The father accompanies his daughter and stays with her at his son-in-law's house.

6c-  But she will not retain the strength of her arm, and he will not resist, neither he nor her arm; she will be delivered with those who brought her, with her father and with the one who was her support at that time.

 But just before his death, Antiochos 2 disinherits Bérénice. Laodicea takes revenge and has her killed with her father and her little daughter ( the arm = child). Note : in Rev.3:16, Jesus is going to divorce his official Adventist wife symbolically named Laodicea; all the more so since Antiochos 2 calls himself “Theos”, God. In England, King Henry 8 did better, he divorced by separating himself from the religious authority of Rome, created his Anglican church and caused his seven wives to die one after the other. Then comes the 3rd “ Syrian War” (-246-241).

Dan 11:7 A shoot from his roots will arise in his place; he will come to the army, he will enter the fortresses of the king of the north, he will dispose of them as he pleases, and he will make himself powerful.

7a-  A shoot from its roots will rise in its place

 Ptolemy 3 Evergetes -246-222 brother of Berenice.

7b-  he will come to the army, he will enter the fortresses of the king of the north

 Seleucus 2 Kallinicos -246-226

7c-  he will dispose of it as he pleases, and he will make himself powerful 

 Domination belongs to the king of the south. This Egyptian domination is favorable to the Jews unlike the Seleucid Greeks. We must immediately understand that between the two opposing rulers is the territory of Israel which the two warring camps must cross in their offensives or in their retreats.

Dan 11:8 He will even take away and carry into Egypt their gods and their molten images, and their precious objects of silver and gold. Then he will stay away from the king of the north for a few years.

8a-  In recognition, the Egyptians will add to his name, Ptolemy 3, the name “Evergetes” or benefactor.

Dan 11:9 And he shall go against the kingdom of the king of the south, and shall return to his own land.

9a-  The response of Seleucus 2 failed until the start of the 4th “Syrian War” (-219-217) which pitted Antiochos 3 against Ptolemy 4 Philopator .

Dan 11:10 His sons will go out and gather a great multitude of troops; one of them will come forward, spread like a torrent, overflow, then return; and they will push hostilities to the fortress of the king of the south.

10a-  Antiochos 3 Megas (-223 -187) against Ptolemy 4 Philopator (-222-205). The added nicknames reveal the state of derision of the Lagid people, because Philopator means in Greek, love of the father; a father that Ptolemy had killed... Once again, the Seleucid attacks failed. Domination will remain in the ugly camp.

Dan 11:11 The king of the south will be angry, and will go out and attack the king of the north; he will raise up a great multitude, and the troops of the king of the north will be delivered into his hands.

11a-  This crushing Seleucid defeat is a good thing for the Jews who prefer the Egyptians because they treat them well.

Dan 11:12 And this multitude shall be proud, and the heart of the king shall be lifted up; he will bring down thousands, but he will not triumph.

12a-  The situation will change with the 5th “Syrian War” (-202-200) which will pit Antiochos 3 against Ptolemy 5 Epiphanes (-205 -181).

Dan 11:13 For the king of the north will come again and will gather a multitude greater than the first; after a while, a few years, he will set out with a large army and great wealth.

13a-  Unfortunately, for the Jews, the Seleucid Greeks returned to their territory to attack Egypt.

Dan 11:14 At that time many will rise up against the king of the south, and violent men among your people will rebel to fulfill the vision, and they will fall.

14a-  The new king of the Egyptian south Ptolemy 5 Epiphanes - or Illustrious (-205-181) aged five is put in difficulty by the attack of Antiochos 3 supported by opponents. But Jews support the Egyptian king by fighting the Seleucids. They are, not only defeated and killed, but have just made the Syrian Seleucid Greeks mortal enemies for life.

The Jewish revolt revealed in this verse is justified by a Jewish preference for the Egyptian camp; they are therefore hostile to the Seleucid camp which regains domination of the situation. But, didn't God warn his people against alliances with the Egyptians? “Egypt, that reed that pierces the hand of him who leans on it,” according to Isa.36:6: “ Behold, you have placed it in Egypt, you have taken for support this broken reed, who penetrates and pierces the hand of everyone who leans on it: this is Pharaoh, king of Egypt, to all who trust in him .” This warning seems to be ignored by the Jewish people and their relationship with God is at its worst; the punishment draws near and strikes. Antiochus 3 makes them pay dearly for their hostility.

Please note : this Jewish revolt aims to “accomplish the vision ” in the sense that it prepares and builds the hatred of Syrians against the Jewish people. Thus the great calamity announced in Dan.10:1 will come to strike them.

Dan 11:15 And the king of the north shall come forth, and build up terraces, and take the strong cities. The southern troops and the king's elite will not resist, they will lack the strength to resist.

15a-  Domination has changed sides permanently, it is in the Seleucid camp. In front of him, the Egyptian king is only five years old.

Dan 11:16 Whoever goes against him will do whatever he wants, and no one will resist him; he will stop in the most beautiful country, exterminating whatever comes under his hand.

16a-  Antiochos 3 still fails to conquer Egypt and his thirst for conquest makes him irritated, the Jewish people become his pain. He empties the surplus of his anger on the martyred Jewish nation referred to by the expression " the most beautiful of lands " as in Dan.8:9.

Dan 11:17 He will propose to come with all the forces of his kingdom, and to make peace with the king of the south; he will give him his daughter to wife, with the intention of bringing about his ruin; but this will not happen, and will not succeed.

17a-  Since the war does not succeed, Antiochos 3 tries the path of alliance with the Lagid camp. This change in strategy has a cause: Rome became the protector of Egypt. So he tries to settle the differences by giving his daughter Cleopatra, the first of the name, in marriage with Ptolemy 5. The marriage takes place, but the married couple wants to maintain their independence from the Seleucid camp. Antiochus 3's plan to seize Egypt failed again.             

Dan 11:18 He will set his sights on the isles, and he will take many of them; but a leader will put an end to the opprobrium he wanted to attract, and will make it fall on him.

18a-  He will conquer lands in Asia but ends up finding on his route the Roman army, here designated as in Dan.9:26 by the term “ leader ”; this because Rome is still a republic which sends its armies in muscular pacification operations under the direction of the Legates representing the power of the senators and the people, the plebs. The transition to imperial rule will not change this type of military organization. This leader is called Lucius Scipio known as African, King Antiochos took the risk of confronting him and he was defeated at the Battle of Magnesia in 189 and condemned to pay Rome as war compensation a huge debt of 15,000 talents . In addition, his youngest son, the future Antiochos 4 Epiphanes, persecutor of the Jews who will fulfill in verse 31 the “ calamity ” prophesied in Dan.10:1, is taken hostage by the Romans.

Dan 11:19 Then he will go to the strongholds of his country; and he will stumble and fall, and he will be found no more.

19a-  The dreams of conquest ended with the death of the king, replaced by his eldest son Seleucus 4 (-187-175).

Dan 11:20 Whoever takes his place will bring an exactor into the most beautiful part of the kingdom, but in a few days it will be broken, and not by wrath or by war.

20a-  In order to settle the debt owed to the Romans, the king sends his minister Heliodorus to Jerusalem to seize the treasures of the temple, but victim of a terrible vision in the temple, he abandons this frightened project. This exactor is Heliodorus who will then assassinate Seleucus 4 who had charged him with his mission to Jerusalem. The intention is worth the action, and God made him pay for this desecration of his holy temple by the death of his leader who, murdered, died neither by anger nor by war .


Antiochos 4 the man imaged in the vision of the great calamity


Dan 11:21 A despised man will take his place, without being clothed with royal dignity; he will appear in the midst of peace, and will seize the kingdom by intrigue.

21a-  This is Antiochos, the youngest son of Antiochos 3. Captive and hostage of the Romans, we can imagine the effects produced in his character. Having become king, he had revenge to take on life. Furthermore, his stay with the Romans allowed a certain understanding with them. His arrival to the throne of Syria is based on intrigues, because another son, Demetrius, older, had priority over him. Seeing that Demetrius made a pact with Perseus, the king of Macedonia, enemy of the Romans, the latter favored and placed their friend Antiochos on the throne.

Dan 11:22 And the troops that are poured out like a torrent shall be overwhelmed before him, and destroyed, even as a prince of the covenant.

22a-  The troops which spread like a torrent will be submerged before him, and destroyed

Hostility resumes with the 6th “Syrian War” (-170-168 ) .

This time the Romans let Antiochos 4 resume his father's war against the ugly camp of Egypt. She has never so deserved her symbol of sin, Greek it is true in this context. Rather judge the facts, as God did then. In the Lagid camp Ptolemy 6 is incestuously married to his sister Cleopatra 2. Their younger brother Ptolemy 8 known as Physcon is associated with them. We can then understand why God lets Antiochus crush their army.

22b-  as well as a leader of the alliance.

Menelaus, collaborator of the Seleucids, covets the position of the legitimate high priest Onias, he has him assassinated by Andronicus, and takes his place. Is this still the Israel of God? In this drama, God begins to recall actions that Rome will perform over the centuries. Indeed, Imperial Rome will kill the Messiah and Papal Rome will covet and take away His perpetual priesthood, just as Menelaus killed Onias to replace him.

Dan 11:23 And after he is joined to him, he will use deceit; he will set off, and he will have the upper hand with few people.

23a-  Antiochus makes alliances with everyone, ready to break them if it is in his interest. This character alone is an image of the history of the kings of France and Europe; alliances made, alliances broken, and bloody wars interspersed with short periods of peace.

 But this verse also continues, in double reading, to give us a sketch of the papal regime which will persecute the saints for 120 years. Because the Greek king and popery are very similar: deceptions and tricks in both.

Dan 11:24 He will enter in peace into the most fertile places of the province; he will do what his fathers, nor his fathers' fathers, had not done; he will distribute the spoils, spoils and riches; he will form projects against the fortresses, and this for a certain time.

24a-  The enormous debt owed to the Romans must be paid. To this end, Antiochus 4 taxes his provinces and therefore the Jewish people over whom he dominates. He takes where he has not sown and strips the enslaved peoples who came under his domination of their wealth. He did not abandon his goal of conquering Egypt by hook or by crook. And to be appreciated by his soldiers and obtain their support, he shares the spoils with his troops and he lavishly honors his Greek deities, the main one of which: the Olympian Zeus, the god of gods of Greek mythology.

 In double reading, the Roman papal regime will act the same. Because he is weak by nature, he must seduce and enrich the greats of the kingdoms to be recognized and supported by them and their armed forces.

Dan 11:25 At the head of a great army he will use his strength and his ardor against the king of the south. And the king of the south will engage in war with a numerous and very powerful army; but he will not resist, because evil plans will be planned against him.

25a-  In – 170, Antiochos 4 snatches Pelusium and takes possession of all of Egypt except its capital Alexandria.

Dan 11:26 Those who eat of his table will destroy him; his troops will spread like a torrent, and the dead will fall in great numbers.

26a-  Ptolemy 6 then engages in negotiations with his uncle Antiochos 4. He joins the Seleucid camp. But disapproved by the Egyptians, he was replaced, in Alexandria, by his brother Ptolemy 8, therefore betrayed by his family who ate food from his table . The war continues and the dead fall in large numbers .

Dan 11:27 Both kings shall seek evil in their hearts, and at the same table they shall speak falsely. But this will not succeed, because the end will not come until the appointed time.

27a-  Once again the intrigues of Antiochos 4 fail. His relationship with his nephew Ptolemy 6 who joined him is based on deception.

27b-  But this will not succeed, because the end will only come at the appointed time.

What purpose is this verse talking about? In truth, it suggests several endings and firstly, the end of the war between Antiochos 3 and his Egyptian nephews and niece. This end is near. Other endings will concern the duration of the 1260 years of papal reign in Dan.12:6 and 7 and the time of the end of verse 40 of the current chapter which will see the fulfillment of the Third World War which prepares the context for the last great universal calamity.

But in this verse, this expression has no direct link with “ the time of the end ” cited in verse 40 as we will discover and demonstrate. The structure of this chapter is cleverly deceptive in appearance.

Dan 11:28 He will return to his land with great riches; he will be hostile in his heart to the holy alliance, he will act against it, then return to his country.

28a-  He will return to his country with great riches

 Responsible for the wealth taken from the Egyptians, Antiochos 4 sets out on his way back to Antioch, leaving behind Ptolemy 6 whom he has placed as king over half of conquered Egypt. But this half-victory irritates the dissatisfied king.

28b-  The annoyance encountered by the king made the Jews the targets of his anger. Also, by visiting their home, he will vent some of this anger on them, but he will not be appeased.             

Dan 11:29 At an appointed time he will go again against the south; but this last time things will not happen as before.

29a-  We are entering the year of the great calamity.

 In – 168, Antiochos learned that his nephews had again reconciled against him, Ptolemy 6 made peace with his brother Ptolemy 8. The conquered Egyptian lands returned to the Egyptian camp. He therefore sets off again on campaign against his nephews, determined to break all resistance, but...

Dan 11:30 The ships of Chittim shall come against him; discouraged, he will turn back. Then, furious against the holy alliance, he will not remain inactive; when he returns, he will look at those who have abandoned the holy covenant.

30a-  Ships of Chittim will advance against him

 The Spirit thus designates the Roman fleet based on the current island of Cyprus. From there they control the peoples of the Mediterranean Sea and the coastal peoples of Asia. After his father Antiochos 3 is faced with the Roman veto. He suffers a humiliation which will enrage him. The Roman legate Popilius Laenas draws a circle on the ground around his feet and instructs him not to leave it unless he decides to fight Rome or obey it. Antiochos, the former hostage, has learned the lesson given to his father and he must renounce his conquest of Egypt, entirely placed under the Roman protectorate. In this context of explosive anger, he learns that the Jews, believing dead, rejoice and celebrate. They will learn terribly the hard way that he is still very much alive.

Dan 11:31 Troops will come at his command; they will desecrate the sanctuary, the fortress, they will put an end to the perpetual sacrifice , and will set up the abomination of the desolator (or destroyer).

31a-  This verse confirms the facts related in the apocryphal account of 1 Macc.1:43-44-45: Then king Antiochus wrote to all his kingdom, so that all would become one people, and that each should abandon his particular law. All nations consented to this command of King Antiochus, and many in Israel consented to this bondage, sacrificed to idols, and broke (defiled) the Sabbath. We find in this description the trials experienced by Daniel and his three companions in Babylon. And God presents to us in 1 Maccabees, a description of what will be the last great calamity that we who are alive in Christ will have to face just before the return in glory of Jesus Christ. Between our time and that of the Maccabean Jews, another great calamity caused the saints of Jesus Christ to die for 120 years.

31b-  they will desecrate the sanctuary, the fortress, they will put an end to the perpetual sacrifice , and will set up the abomination of the desolator (or destroyer).

 These actions will be confirmed in this historical testimony recorded by the Jewish and Roman historian Josephus. The importance of the thing justifies it, so let's look at this testimony in which we find details identical to the Sunday law of the last days proclaimed by the universal regime formed by the survivors of the Third World War.

Here is an early version of 1 Macc.1:41 to 64:

1Ma 1:41 Then the king gave orders that all in his empire should become one people :

1Ma 1:42 everyone was to renounce their customs. All the pagans submitted to the king's orders

1Ma 1:43 and even in Israel many people welcomed his worship: they sacrificed to idols and profaned the Sabbath.

1Ma 1:44 The king sent messengers to Jerusalem and to the cities of Judah to carry his orders there: from now on it was necessary to follow customs foreign to the country,

1Ma 1:45 to cease the burnt offerings of the Temple, the sacrifices and the drink offerings. Sabbaths and festivals were to be profaned,

1Ma 1:46 defile the Sanctuary and all that is holy,

1Ma 1:47 raising altars and places of worship and temples to idols, slaughtering swine and unclean animals.

1Ma 1:48 They were to leave their sons uncircumcised and thus make themselves odious by all kinds of impurities and profanations.

1Ma 1:49 In a word, we were to forget the Law and neglect all its observances:

1Ma 1:50 Anyone who did not obey the king's orders must be put to death.

1Ma 1:51 Thus were the letters of the king sent throughout his kingdom; he appointed overseers over all the people and commanded all the cities of Judah to offer sacrifices.

1Ma 1:52 Many of the people obeyed, all who forsook the Law; they did evil in the land,

1Ma 1:53 forcing Israel to seek refuge.

1Ma 1:54 On the fifteenth day of the month Kisleu, in the year 145, the king set up the Abomination of Desolation on the altar of burnt offerings, and they raised altars in the neighboring cities of Judah.

1Ma 1:55 They burned incense in the doors of houses and in the squares,

1Ma 1:56 The books of the law were torn up and thrown into the fire when they were found,

1Ma 1:57 And if a book of the Covenant was found in anyone, or if anyone obeyed the law of God, they would put him to death according to the decree of the king.

1Ma 1:58 They punished the Israelites who were caught in violation month after month in their cities,

1Ma 1:59 and on the 25th of every month sacrifices were offered on the high altar in place of the altar of burnt offerings.

1Ma 1:60 According to this law they put to death women who had their children circumcised,

1Ma 1:61 with their babies hanging on their necks; their relatives and those who had performed the circumcision were also put to death.

1Ma 1:62 Despite all this, many in Israel remained faithful and were courageous enough not to eat unclean foods.

1Ma 1:63 They would rather die than make themselves unclean with foods that contravened the Holy Covenant, and in fact they were put to death.

1Ma 1:64 It was a great trial for Israel.

 In this story, let us note verses 45 to 47 which confirm the cessation of the offerings of the perpetual intercession and verse 54 which testifies to the desecration of the sanctuary: the king set up the Abomination of Desolation on the altar of burnt offerings.

At the origin of these evils, this apostasy of Israel : 1Ma 1:11  It was at that time that a generation of misguided people arose in Israel who brought many people behind them: “Let us make an alliance with the nations around us,” they said, “because since we separated ourselves from them , many misfortunes have happened to us .” Misfortunes were already the consequence of their unfaithfulness to God and they were going to bring even more misfortunes upon themselves through their rebellious attitude.

 In this bloody tragedy, Greek domination well justified its omnipresent symbol of sin in the bronze of the statue of Dan.2; the spotted leopard of Dan.7; and the stinking goat of Dan.8. But one detail still needs to be noted. The person in charge of the punitive mission sent by Antiochos 4 to Jerusalem in – 168 is called Apollonius, and this Greek name which means in French “Destroyer” will be chosen by the Spirit to denounce in Apo.9:11, the destructive use of the Holy Bible by false, latter-day Protestant Christianity; or, the very ones who will organize the ultimate great final calamity . Apolonius came to Jerusalem with 22,000 soldiers and on a Sabbath day , during a spectacular public uprising, he massacred all the Jewish spectators. They defiled the Sabbath with this profane interest, and God had them killed. And his anger does not subside because behind this bloody fact the Hellenization of the Jews is ordered. The Athenian Gerontes, the royal delegate, imposed for all the people the Hellenization of worship and morals in Jerusalem as in Samaria . The temple of Jerusalem was then dedicated to Olympian Zeus and that of Mount Gerizim to hospitable Zeus. We thus see God withdrawing his protection from his own temple, from Jerusalem, and from the entire nation. The holy city is full of outrages, each more abominable than the last. But it was only the will of God that applied, so great was the moral and religious relaxation after the warning represented by the deportation to Babylon.

Dan 11:32 He will deceive the traitors of the covenant with flattery. But those of the people who know their God will act steadfastly,

32a-  He will seduce the traitors of the alliance with flattery

 This clarification confirms that the divine punishment was deserved and justified. In holy places, desecration had become the norm.

32b-  But those of the people who know their God will act with firmness,

 In this tragedy, sincere and worthy believers distinguished themselves by their faithfulness and preferred to die as martyrs rather than renounce honoring the creator God and his holy laws.

 Once again, on second reading, this bloody experience of 1090 actual days resembles the conditions of the papal reign of 1260 day-years prophesied successively in different forms in Dan.7:25, 12:7 and Rev.12:6- 14; 11:2-3; 13:5.


Looking back on current events in the context of antiquity

To clearly understand what is happening, I will take the image of a cameraman who is filming with his camera a scene that he was following closely. At this point he zooms out while gaining height and the viewed field widens more and more. So that when applied to religious history, the gaze of the Spirit supervises the entire religious history of Christianity, from its small beginnings, its hours of suffering, the time of the martyrs, to its glorious end marked by the return of the expected Savior.

Dan 11:33 and the wisest among them shall instruct the many. There are some who will succumb for a time to the sword and the flame, to captivity and plunder.

33a-  and the wisest among them will instruct the multitude

 The apostles of Jesus Christ, as well as Paul of Tarsus to whom we owe 14 epistles of the new covenant. This new religious instruction has a name “the Gospel” or, the Good News of the salvation offered by divine grace to the elect. In this way, the Spirit moves us forward in time and the new target examined becomes the Christian faith.

33b-  There are some who will succumb for a time to the sword and the flame, to captivity and plunder.

 For a time said the Spirit through the angel and this time will be 1260 long years prophesied but under certain Roman emperors Caligula, Nero, Domitian and Diocletian being a Christian meant having to die as a martyr. In Rev.13:10, the Spirit recalls the times of papal Roman exactions, saying: If anyone leads into captivity, he will go into captivity; if anyone kills with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. This is the perseverance and faith of the saints .

Dan 11:34 In the time when they fail, they will be helped a little, and many will join them in hypocrisy.

34a-  It is indeed in this time of the cruel domination of the papacy that the help of the hypocrites of this verse appeared. Their identification is based on their disregard for the values and commands taught by Jesus Christ, and in this case for this targeted era, the prohibition against killing by the sword. By revisiting history, you can then understand that the broad Protestant movement from the 15th century until our time was judged hypocritical by the just Judge Jesus Christ. Their complete abandonment since 1843 will therefore be easier to understand and accept.

Dan 11:35 Some of the wise men will fall away, that they may be purified, purified, and made white, until the time of the end, for it will not come until the appointed time.

35a-  Some of the wise men will fall, that they may be purified, purified and made white, until the time of the end

 Judging from this statement, the standard of the Christian life is trial and selection , by the ability to endure and suffer persecution until the end of the world. In this way, modern man accustomed to peace and tolerance no longer understands anything. He does not recognize his life in these messages. This is why explanations will be given on this subject in Rev.7 and 9:5-10. A long period of religious peace of 150 real years, or “five prophetic months”, was programmed by God, but since 1995 this period has ended and religious wars have started again. Islam kills in France and elsewhere all over the world; and its action is intended to intensify until it ignites the entire earth.

35b-  because it will only arrive at the appointed time

 This end will be that of the world and the angel tells us that no sign of peace or war allows anyone to see it coming. It depends on a single factor: the “ time marked ” by God, the end of the 6000 years devoted to his selection of earthly elect. And it is because we are less than ten years from this term that God has given us the grace to know the date: March 20 of the spring which precedes April 3, 2030, that is, 2000 years later the atoning death of Christ. He will appear powerful and victorious to save his chosen ones and destroy the murderous rebels who intended to kill them.



The Catholic papal regime of “Christian” Rome: The great persecutor of the religious history of the Western world.

It is towards him that the Antiochos 4 model should lead us. The type has prepared its antitype and what can we say about this comparison? Certainly on a phenomenal scale, the Greek persecutor acted for 1090 real days, but popery will rage for almost 1260 real years, thus surpassing all historical models.


Dan 11:36 The king will do what he wishes; he will exalt himself, he will glory above all gods, and he will say incredible things against the God of gods; it will prosper until the wrath is completed, for that which is determined will be accomplished.

36a-  The words of this verse remain ambiguous and can still be adapted to the Greek king and the Roman papal king. The revealing structure of the prophecy must be carefully concealed from superficial readers. A small detail nevertheless designates the papal target; it is precision: because what is decided will be accomplished. This quote echoes Dan.9:26: After the sixty-two weeks, an Anointed One will be cut off, and he will have nothing for himself. The people of a ruler who comes will destroy the city and the holy sanctuary , and their end will come as by a flood; It is decided that the devastations (or desolations) will last until the end of the war .

Dan 11:37 He will not respect the gods of his fathers, nor the god who delights in women; he will have no regard for any god, for he will glorify himself above all.

37a-  He will not respect the gods of his fathers

 Here it is, the little detail that clarifies our intelligence. We have here the formal proof that the king targeted by his words cannot be Antiochos 4 who had regard for the gods of his fathers and among them the greatest, Zeus the god of the gods of Olympus to whom he offered the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. We thus obtain undeniable proof that the targeted king is indeed the Roman papal regime of the Christian era. From now on, all the words revealed will therefore concern this king different from Dan.7 and impudent and cunning from Dan.8; I add, this devastating or desolating king of Dan.9:27. The “rocket stages” all support the head of a papal man , small and arrogant placed at the top of dominations.

 Did Papal Rome respect the gods of its fathers? Officially no, because her conversion to Christianity led her to abandon the names of pagan Roman deities. However, she retained the forms and style of their worship: the carved, sculpted or molded images before which her worshipers bow and kneel to pray. To preserve this behavior condemned by God in all his laws, she made the Bible inaccessible to ordinary mortals and removed the second of the ten commandments of the living God because it prohibits this practice and reveals the punishment planned for its transgressors. Who can want to hide the punishment incurred if not the devil? The personality of the papal regime therefore falls into the box of the definition proposed in this verse.

37b-  nor to the divinity who delights women

 It is by thinking of the pagan Roman religion abandoned by popery that the Spirit of God evokes this scabrous subject. Because she turned her back on her overtly sexual heritage to display values of holiness. This suggested deity is Priapus, the male phallus honored as divinity by the pagan church fathers of Rome. It was still a legacy of Greek sin. And to break with this sexual heritage, she excessively defends the purity of the flesh and the spirit.

Dan 11:38 However he will honor the god of fortresses on his pedestal; to this god, whom his fathers did not know, he will pay homage with gold and silver, with precious stones and precious objects.

38a-  However he will honor the god of fortresses on his pedestal

 A new pagan god is born: the god of fortresses . Its pedestal is in human minds and its height is as high as the impression made.

Pagan Rome built pagan temples open to all winds; capitals supported by columns were sufficient. But by acceding to Christianity, Rome aims to replace the destroyed Jewish model. The Jews had a closed temple in powerful appearance which gave them glory and prestige. Rome will therefore imitate him and in turn build Romanesque churches resembling fortified castles, because insecurity reigns and the richest Lords fortify their homes. Rome does the same. It built its churches in an austere style until the time of the cathedrals, and there, everything changed. The rounded roofs become arrows pointing towards the sky, and this, higher and higher. The exterior facades take on the appearance of lace, they are enriched by stained glass windows of all colors which bring inside an iridescent light which impresses the celebrants, followers and visitors.

38b-  to this god, whom his fathers did not know, he will pay homage with gold and silver, with precious stones and valuable objects.

 To make them even more attractive, the interior walls are adorned with gold, silver, precious pearls, expensive objects : the prostitute Babylon the great of Rev.17:5 knows how to showcase herself to attract and attract its customers.

The true God does not allow himself to be seduced because this magnificence does not benefit him. In his prophecy he denounces this papal Rome with which he has never had the slightest relationship. For him, his Romanesque or Gothic churches are just more pagan divinities which only serve to seduce spiritual people whom it turns away from him: a new god is born: the god of fortresses and he seduces multitudes who believe they have found God entering its walls under disproportionately high ceilings.

Dan 11:39  It is with the foreign god that he will act against the fortified places And he worked on the fortifications of the fortresses with the foreign god and he will fill with honors those who recognize him, he will make them dominate over many, he will distribute lands to them for reward.

39a-  And he worked on the fortifications of the fortresses with the foreign god

 For God, there is only one active god facing him, that is to say who is foreign to him : it is the devil, Satan against whom Jesus Christ warned his apostles and his disciples. In the Hebrew text, it is not a question of “acting against” but of “doing to”. The same message will be read in Rev.13:3, in the form: ...the dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority . The dragon which is the devil in Rev.12:9 but at the same time imperial Rome according to Rev.12:3.

 Furthermore, by converting to the Christian religion, the Roman authority adopted the true God who was foreign to it since it was originally the God of the Jews, of the Hebrews descendants of Abraham.

39b-  and he will fill with honors those who recognize him

 These honors are religious. Popery brings to the kings who recognize him as the representative of God on earth, the seal of divine authority for their own authority. Kings only truly become kings when the church has consecrated them in one of its deified fortresses , in France, Saint-Denis and Reims.

39c-  he will make them dominate over many

 Popery awards the imperial title which designates a suzerain king dominating over other vassal kings. The most famous: Charlemagne, Charles V, Napoleon I , Hitler.

39d-  he will distribute land to them as a reward.

 This earthly and celestial temporal superpower, according to his claim, suited the kings of the earth well. Because he resolved their differences, particularly regarding conquered or discovered lands. This is how in 1494, Alexander 6 Borgia, the worst of popes, an assassin in office, was led to fix a meridian line in order to share between Spain and Portugal the attribution and possession of the territory of the South America rediscovered since antiquity.


The Third World War or 6th trumpet of Rev.9 .

It reduces humanity by a third of its population and putting an end to national independence, it prepares the universal regime which will establish the ultimate great calamity announced in Apo.1. Among the aggressive actors is Islam in Muslim countries, so I offer you the biblical view on this subject.


The role of Islam

Islam exists because God needs it. Not to save, this role rests exclusively on the grace brought by Jesus Christ, but to strike, kill, massacre his enemies. Already, in the old covenant, to punish the infidelity of Israel, God had recourse to the “Philistine” people. In the story, to punish Christian infidelity, he appeals to Muslims. At the origin of Muslims and Arabs is Ishmael, the son of Abraham and Hagar, the Egyptian servant of Sarah, his wife. And already at that time, Ishmael was in dispute with Isaac the legitimate son. This is so much so that with God's agreement, at the request of Sarah, Hagar and Ishmael were chased out of the camp by Abraham. And God took care of the expelled people whose descendants, half-brothers, would maintain a hostile attitude towards the posterity of Abraham; the first, Jewish; the second, in Jesus Christ, Christian. Here is how God prophesied about Ishmael and his Arab descendants in Gen.16:12: “ He will be like a wild donkey; his hand will be against all, and the hand of all will be against him; and he will dwell opposite all his brothers .” God wants to make known his thoughts and his judgment on things. Christ's elect must know and share this plan of God who uses the peoples and powers of the earth according to his supreme will. It should be noted that the prophet Muhammad, founder of Islam, was born at the end of the 6th century after the establishment of Roman Catholic popery in 538. Islam appeared to attack pagan Catholicism and the Christians of generally when they are struck by God's curse. And this has been the case since March 7, 321, since Emperor Constantine I caused the seventh-day Sabbath rest to be abandoned in favor of his first day dedicated to the “unconquered sun” (Sol Invictvs), our current Sunday. Like many Christians today, Constantine wrongly wanted to mark a break between Christians and Jews. He criticized the Christians of his time for Judaizing by honoring God's holy Sabbath. This unjustified judgment coming from a pagan king was paid for and will continue to be paid until the end by the punishments of the “ seven trumpets ” revealed in Revelation 8 and 9, an uninterrupted succession of misfortunes and tragedies. The final punishment will come in the form of terrible disillusionment, when Jesus Christ appears to remove His elect from the earth. But the theme which has just been treated, that of the “Third World War” is itself, the sixth of these prophesied divine punishments in which Islam is an important actor. For God also prophesied about Ishmael, saying in Gen.17:20: “ As for Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I will bless him, and make him fruitful, and multiply him exceedingly; he will beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation .” I close this parenthesis to resume the study in Dan.11:40.


Dan 11:40 In the time of the end shall the king of the south strike against him. And the king of the north shall whirl upon him like a storm, with chariots and with horsemen, and with many ships; it will go into the land and spread like a torrent and overflow.

40a-  At the time of the end

 This time it is indeed the end of human history; the end of the time of the present nations of the earth. Jesus announced this time, saying in Matt.24:24: This good news of the kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations. Then the end will come.

40b-  the king of the south will strike against him

 Here we must admire the immense divine subtlety which allows his servants to understand what remains hidden from other human beings. Apparently, but only in appearance, the conflict between the Seleuci kings and the Lagid kings seems to resume and continue in this verse, which could not be more misleading. Because in reality, we left this context from verses 34 to 36 and the time of the end of this new confrontation concerns the Christian era of the papal Catholic regime and universal Protestantism which entered into its ecumenical alliance. This change in context requires us to redistribute roles.

 In the role of “ him ”: papal Catholic Europe and its allied Christian religions.

 In the role of the “ king of the south ”: the conquering Islam which must convert humans by force or put them into slavery, according to the actions led by its founder Mohammed.

 Let us note here the choice of the verb: to collide ; in Hebrew, “nagah” which means to strike with one’s horns. As an adjective, it designates a furious aggressor who usually strikes. This verb fits perfectly with Arab Islam which has been aggressive against the Western world without interruption since the end of the Second World War. The possible verbs “ to fight, to fight, to collide ” indicate a very close proximity, hence the idea of national neighborhood or neighborhood of towns and streets. Both possibilities confirm Islam, well established in Europe because of the religious disinterest of Europeans. Struggles have intensified since the return of Jews to Palestine in 1948. The plight of the Palestinians has pitted Muslim peoples against Western Christian colonials. And, in 2021, Islamist attacks are increasing and creating insecurity among European peoples, first and foremost France, the former colonizer of North African and African peoples. Will a bigger national clash occur? Perhaps, but not before the internal situation deteriorates to the point of producing brutal group-on-group clashes on the soil of the metropolis itself. On that day, France will be in a situation of civil war; in reality, an authentically religious war: Islam against Christianity or unbelievers without God.

40c-  And the king of the north will whirl upon him like a storm , with chariots and horsemen, and with many ships

 In Ezek.38:1, this king of the north is called Magog, prince of Rosh (Russia) of Meshech (Moscow) and Tubal (Tobolsk) and we read in verse 9: And you will go up, you will come like a storm , you will be as a cloud to cover the land, you and all your bands, and many peoples with you.

Redistribution of roles: In the role of the “ king of the north ”, Orthodox Russia and its Muslim allied peoples . Here again, the choice of the verb “ tourera sur him ” suggests a sudden massive surprise attack from the air. Moscow, the capital of Russia, is in fact a good distance from Brussels, the European capital, and Paris, its military spearhead. European prosperity has made its leaders blind, to the point of underestimating the military potential of powerful Russia. It will launch in its aggression, planes and thousands of tanks on land routes and multitudes of marine and submarine warships. And so that the punishment is expressed forcefully, these European leaders have not stopped humiliating Russia and its leaders from the fiery Vladimir Zhirinovsky to its new current “Tsar”, Vladimir Putin (Vladimir: prince of the world in Russian).

 The actors having been identified, the three “kings” concerned will confront each other in what takes the form of a 7th Syrian War” in which the new national Israel will be involved; which the following verse will confirm. But for the moment, the “king” ( him ) attacked by Russia is the Europe of the Treaty of Rome.

40d-  it will advance into the lands, will spread like a torrent and overflow.  Its overwhelming military superiority allows Russia to invade Europe and occupy its entire territorial extent. Facing it, the French troops are no match; they are crushed and destroyed.

Dan 11:41 He will enter into the most beautiful land, and many will fall; but Edom, Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon shall be delivered out of his hand.

41a-  He will enter the most beautiful country, and many will succumb

 Russian expansion is taking place towards its south where Israel is located , the ally of Western countries which is in turn invaded by Russian troops; Jews will still die.

41b-  but Edom, Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon will be delivered from his hand

 This is a consequence of the military alliances which will place these names which represent modern Jordan on the Russian side. In 2021, Russia is already the official ally of Syria, which it arms and protects.

Dan 11:42 And he shall stretch out his hand over divers countries, and the land of Egypt shall not escape.

42a-  It is only since 1979 that this political configuration has come to confirm the prophecy. Because that year, at Camp David in the USA, Egyptian President Anwar El Sadat officially made an alliance with Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin. The strategic and political choice made at that time was to embrace the cause of the strongest of the day because Israel was powerfully supported by the USA. It is in this sense that the Spirit of God imputes to him the initiative of trying to “ escape ” ruin and disaster. But over time, the game changes hands, and Israel and Egypt find themselves, since 2021, almost abandoned by the USA. Russia imposes its law on the Syrian area.

Dan 11:43 He will possess the treasures of gold and silver, and all the precious things of Egypt; the Libyans and Ethiopians will follow him.

43a-  He will become master of the treasures of gold and silver, and of all the precious things of Egypt

 Thanks to the revenue from tolls paid to use the Suez Canal, Egypt became greatly enriched. But this wealth is only good in times of peace because in times of war the trade routes become deserted. Egypt grew rich through tourism. From the four corners of the earth, people come to contemplate its pyramids, its museums enriched by continual discoveries of Egyptian tombs hidden underground since antiquity. In these tombs, that of the young king Tutankhamun revealed objects in solid gold of an unknown value. Russia will therefore find in Egypt something to satisfy its desire for spoils of war.

At the end of the Sabbath of January 22, 2022, the Spirit brought me an argument which confirms without possible dispute , the interpretation that I give to Daniel 11. Let us note in the two verses 42 and 43, the importance of the clear mention not coded, from the name “ Egypt ” which is in this context a different country from that which is called “ king of the south ”. However, in verses 5 to 32, the lagid “Egypt ” of the Ptolemies was masked but identified as “ king of the south ”. The change in historical context is thus confirmed and proven irrefutably . Beginning with the context of antiquity, the story of Daniel 11 ends with “ the time of the end ” of the world, in which “ Egypt ”, an ally of the Christian and agnostic Western camp since 1979, is the target. of the new king of the south ” that is, warlike Islam, and especially that of the new king of the north ”, Russian Orthodoxy.

43b-  the Libyans and Ethiopians will follow him

 The translator has correctly translated the words " Puth and Cush " of the prophecy which designate for "Libya", the Muslim countries located north of the Sahara, the coastal countries of the African coast and for Ethiopia, black Africa, all countries located south of the Sahara. A large number of them also accepted and adopted Islam; in the case of Ivory Coast, with the complicity of French President Nicolas Sarkozy, to whom we also owe the Libyan chaos.

 Thus, struck by Russia, " Egypt " becomes the prey of all predators, and the Muslim vultures, its brothers, descend on it, to clean its corpse and take their share of the spoils which still remain, after the Russian puncture.

 By clearly citing " Libya and Ethiopia ", the Spirit designates African religious allies of the " king of the south " who should be identified with Arabia, where the prophet Mohammed appeared in 632, to spread, since Mecca, his new religion called Islam. It is supported by powerful Turkey, which has returned, in this final context, to a fundamentalist, conquering, and vengeful Muslim religious commitment, after the humiliation of its momentary submission to Western secular values. But other Muslim countries, not located in the “ south ”, such as Iran, Pakistan, Indonesia, can join the “ king of the south ” to fight Western peoples with moral values hated by all Muslim peoples. This hatred is in truth only that of the true God Jesus Christ despised by Western Christians. It thus punishes, through Islam and Orthodoxy, Jewish, Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant, and even Adventist infidelity in the Western world; all the monotheistic faith guilty towards him.

Dan 11:44 News from the east and the north will come and terrify him, and he will go out in great wrath to destroy and destroy multitudes.

44a-  News from the east and the north will come to frighten him

 These two cardinal points " east and north " concern the Russian country alone, depending on whether it is mentioned from papal Europe or from Israel, because the prophecy designates them as being successively attacked by Russia in verses 40 and 41. This means that the fear cited comes from Russian territory, but what can frighten such a conqueror? What happened to his country to scare him so much? The answer is not in the book of Daniel, but in Revelation 9, which reveals and targets the Protestant religion whose global stronghold is in the USA. The mystery will become clearer, taking into account this existence of the USA. Since the year 1917 when rebellious Russia adopted its socialist and communist regime, a gap has lastingly separated it from the imperialist capitalist USA. The individual cannot enrich himself at the expense of his neighbor if he is a communist; this is why the two options are irreconcilable. Beneath the ashes of peace, the fires of hatred smolder and beg to be expressed. Only competition and the nuclear threat have managed to prevent the worst. It was the balance of Nuclear Terror. Only, without using nuclear weapons, Russia will take over Europe, Israel and Egypt. The balance being disrupted, the USA will feel cheated and threatened, so, in order to reduce the number of its deaths, it will enter the war, striking hard first. A nuclear destruction of Russia will cause fear among the Russian armies scattered across the occupied territories.

44b-  and he will go out with great fury to destroy and exterminate multitudes.

 Until that moment, Russia will be in the spirit of conquest and taking spoils, but suddenly its state of mind will change, the Russian army will no longer have a homeland to return to and its despair will transform in desire to “ destroy and exterminate multitudes ”; which will be the “ third of the men slain ” of the 6th trumpet of Rev.9. All nations equipped with nuclear weapons will thus be forced by the facts to use them against their personal potential enemies.

Dan 11:45 He will pitch the tents of his palace between the seas, towards the glorious and holy mountain; then he will reach the end, without anyone to help him.

45a-  He will pitch the tents of his palace between the seas, towards the glorious and holy mountain

 Tents between the seas , because its palaces are no longer on earth. The desperate situation of the Russian troops is clearly described by the Spirit who condemned them to this fate. Under the fire of their adversaries they are pushed back to the land of Israel. Hated by everyone, they benefited from no support or pity and were exterminated on Jewish land. Russia will thus pay a heavy dispute that God attributes to it since its support of the spiritual enemies of Israel in the old alliance, at the time of its deportation to Babylon. She sold horses to the people of Tire, a city of pagan lust. Ezek.27:13-14 confirms, God saying to Tyre: Javan, Tubal (Tobolsk) and Meshech (Moscow) traded with you; they gave slaves and brass utensils in exchange for your goods. Those of the house of Togarma (Armenia) supplied your markets with horses, riders and mules. It was also a commercial stumbling block for the Jews who also traded with it: Ezek.27:17: Judah and the land of Israel traded with you; they gave the wheat of Minnith, the pastry, the honey, the oil and the balsam, in exchange for your goods. Tire therefore enriched itself at their expense. Later, in Ezek.28:12, under the title “ king of Tyre ,” God speaks directly to Satan. We understand that it was he who took advantage of the luxury and wealth accumulated in the great pagan cities which served him under the guise of multiple pagan deities, rather unconsciously, but always and everywhere in cult forms that God considers abominable. He carries on his heart the weight of a frustration accumulated, also, over the length of centuries and millennia of human history. This frustration justifies his anger which is partially emptied in the form of this latest terribly destructive international conflict.

 But this divine anger against the mercantile traffic of ancient times invites us to understand what God may think of contemporary international traffic in an international context entirely built on the market economy. I think the destruction of the World Trade Center towers in New York on September 11, 2001 is an answer. All the more so since, in Rev. 18, the prophecy underlines the harmful role of enrichment due to commerce and international exchanges before which any rule or divine religious right collapses so great is the impiety.

At the end of Dan.11, the USA's hereditary adversary, Russia, is destroyed. This will therefore give them absolute power over all survivors of the international conflict. Woe to the vanquished! He must bow and submit to the law of the victor wherever he is on earth, surviving. 

Daniel 12


Dan 12:1 At that time Michael will rise up, the great prince, the defender of the children of your people; and it will be a time of trouble, such as has not been since nations existed until that time. At that time those of your people who are found written in the book will be saved.

1a-  At that time Michael will arise,

 This time is that of the end of the world when having the last word, Jesus Christ returns in the glory and power of his divinity long contested by competing religions. We read in Rev.1:7: Behold, he comes with the clouds. And every eye will see it, even those who pierced it; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. Yes. Amen! We must get used to this idea, because for each of his roles, God gave himself a different name, which is why in Daniel and Rev. 12:7 he presents himself as Michael , the supreme head of angelic celestial life. which gives him authority over the devil and demons. His name, Jesus Christ, only represents it for the elect of the earth whom he came to save under this name. 

1b-  the great leader,

 This great leader is therefore YaHWéH Michael Jesus Christ and it is from him that in its characterized impudence, the papal regime took away for its benefit, his mission as perpetual celestial intercessor until 1843, this since the year 538, dates from the beginning of the papal regime and its installation in the city of Rome, at the Lateran Palace on Mount Caelius. This subject was covered in Daniel 8.

1c-  the defender of the children of your people;

 A defender intervenes when there is an attack. And this will be the case for the last hours of earthly life of the chosen ones who remained faithful, even condemned to death by the last rebels. Here, we can find all the models proposed in the stories of Daniel because they are fulfilled in a final tragic situation. In this last great calamity , we will relive the miraculous interventions recounted in Dan.3, the furnace and its four living characters, in Dan.5, the capture of Babylon the great by God, in Dan.6, the lions rendered harmless but also the end of the great calamity prefigured by that which struck the Jews in – 168, on Kisleu 15, that is, December 18, on a Sabbath day.

1d-  and it will be a time of distress, such as has not been since the nations existed until that time.

 Judging from this statement, the last great calamity will surpass that of the Jews organized by the Greeks. Indeed, the Greeks only beat Jews they found in the streets or their homes. At the end of the world, things are very different, and modern technology allows absolute control over the people who live on the earth. Using human detection techniques, we can therefore find anyone anywhere, in whatever place they are hiding. Lists of people resisting the decreed orders can therefore be established precisely. In this final context, the eradication of the elected will be made humanly possible. Although full of faith and hope in their deliverance, the elect will experience painful hours; for those who will still be free, deprived of everything, the others being in the rebel prisons awaiting their execution. Distress will reign in the hearts of elected officials who are mistreated if not killed.

1e-  At that time, those of your people who are found written in the book will be saved.

 It is the book of life, because without a computer, God also made a list of all the creatures that Adam and Eve and their descendants generated. At the end of each person's life, the final fate was decided by God who retained two lists: that of the elect and that of the fallen , in accordance with the two paths presented to humanity in Deut.30:19-20 : I call heaven and earth to witness against you this day: I have set before you life and death, blessing and curse. Choose life, so that you and your descendants may live, to love the LORD your God, to obey his voice, and to cleave to him: for on this depends your life and the prolongation of your days... It is according to his choice for evil that the fate final end of Roman popery, burned in fire , is revealed to us in Dan.7:9-10; this because of his arrogant words towards the God of gods according to Dan.11:36.

In Rev.20:5, the return of Christ is accompanied by the resurrection of the dead in Christ which is called, the first resurrection : Blessed and holy are those who participate in the first resurrection , for the second death has no power on them .             

Dan 12:2 Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to everlasting life, and some to reproach and everlasting shame.

2a-  Many of those who sleep in the dust of the earth will wake up, some to eternal life,

Let us first note that in common normality, the dead sleep well in the dust of the earth and not in a marvelous paradise or a burning hell as false Christian or pagan religions teach and believe. This clarification restores the true status of the dead as taught in Ecc.9:5-6-10: For all who live there is hope; and even a living dog is better than a dead lion. The living, in fact, know that they will die; but the dead know nothing, and there is no more pay for them, since their memory is forgotten. And their love, and their hatred, and their envy, have already perished; and they will never again have any part in anything that is done under the sun . … Whatever your hand finds to do with your strength, do it; for there is no work, nor thought, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in hell, whither thou goest. ( Residence of the dead which is the dust of the earth ).

There is no thought after death because thought lives in the brain of man, only, when he is still alive and nourished by the blood sent by the beating of his heart. And this blood must itself be purified by pulmonary respiration. God never said anything else, since he said to Adam who became a sinner through disobedience, in Gen.3:19: In the sweat of your face you will eat bread, until you return to the earth, from which you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you will return . To confirm this state of nothingness of the dead, we read in Psa.30:9: What do you gain by shedding my blood, by making me go down into the pit? Has the dust praised you? Does it speak of your loyalty? No, because it cannot according to Psa.115:17: It is not the dead who celebrate the Lord, it is not any of those who go down into the place of silence. But this does not prevent God from being able to give rise again to a life which previously existed and it is this creative power which makes him God and not angel or man.

The two paths have two final outcomes and Rev.20 tells us that they are separated by the thousand years of the seventh millennium. While all human life disappears from the face of the earth at the beginning of these thousand years , the fallen will only be resurrected after their judgment carried out by the saints and Jesus Christ in his celestial kingdom. By this message attached to the 7th trumpet , Rev.11:18 confirms, saying: The nations were angry; and your wrath has come , and the time has come to judge the dead , to reward your servants the prophets, the saints and those who fear your name, both small and great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth . In this verse, the judgment of the dead leads God to resurrect, first, his faithful dead elect so that they can judge the wicked kept in the state of death.

2b-  and the others for reproach, for eternal shame.

 Eternity will only belong to the living. After their final annihilation at the Last Judgment , the reproach and shame of the fallen will remain only in the eternal memory of the elect, the angels and God.             

Dan 12:3 Those who understand will shine like the brightness of the sky, and those who teach righteousness to many will shine like the stars for ever and ever.

3a-  Those who are intelligent will shine like the splendor of the sky

 Intelligence elevates man above animals. It is revealed by its ability to reason, to draw conclusions by observing facts or by simple deduction. If humans were not rebellious in the freedom that God gives them, intelligence would lead all humanity towards the same recognition of the existence of God and his laws. Because since Moses, God has had the most significant events of his revelation to men recorded in writing. Here is the route of reasoning to follow. The monotheistic faith appeared in the history of the Hebrew people. His testimony and his writings therefore have priority over all other writings attributed to this same unique God. That the people of God should be fought against remains a normal possibility, but that the holy scriptures should be fought against becomes a diabolical work. The faith established by Jesus Christ takes its sources and references from the Hebrew scriptures of the old covenant, which gives it legitimacy. But the Roman Catholic doctrine does not respect this principle, which is why neither it nor the Koran of Islam can claim to be the living God, creator of all that lives and exists. Jesus confirmed the principle by recalling in John 4:22 that salvation comes from the Jews : You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation comes from the Jews .             

In this first group of elect, God designates men saved without particular knowledge because of their fidelity manifested at the risk of their lives since Adam and Eve; and this until 1843. They are saved because their works testified to their intelligence and their reception of divine laws manifested by their obedience. In this group, the most faithful and peaceful Protestants benefited until the spring of 1843 from the patience of God who only made the practice of his holy Sabbath obligatory from that date. Rev.2:24-25 will confirm this exception: To you, to all others in Thyatira, who do not receive this doctrine , and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they call them , I say to you: I do not place any other burden on yourself; only hold on to what you have until I come.

3b-  and those who teach righteousness to the multitude will shine like the stars, forever and ever

 This second group is set apart because of the high level of sanctification that it represents on earth since 1843. Selected by means of a test of faith, based initially on the hope of the return of Jesus Christ, successively for the spring of 1843 and the fall of 1844, his sanctification by God was made official by his restoration of the Sabbath which he practiced again, after long centuries of darkness, forgetfulness and contempt for him.

 In this division into two groups , what makes them different is their situation towards the justice of God, their status towards his ten commandments and his other health and other ordinances. In its original text of Exo.20:5-6, the second commandment deleted by Rome, clearly reveals the importance that God gives to obedience to his commandments and he recalls the two paths and the two opposing final fates: … I am a jealous God who punish the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation on those who hate me and transgress my commandments, and have mercy on those who love me and keep my commandments to a thousand generations .

 In this verse, Spirit reveals the reason for the existence of stars in our earthly creation. They only had reason to exist to serve as a symbol of the earthly elect selected by God; and it is Gen.1:17 which reveals their message: God placed them in the expanse of the sky, to give light to the earth. Then God uses them to show Abraham the multitude of his descendants in Gen.15:5: Number the stars of heaven if you can number them; such will be your descendants.

However, the status of these spiritual stars can change depending on the works carried out by the redeemed believer. By falling spiritually through its disobedience, the star falls , it falls from the sky . The image will be evoked to image the fall of the Protestant faith in 1843, announced by a real celestial sign in 1833, in the 6th seal of Rev.6 :13: and the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as when 'a fig tree shaken by a violent wind throws away its green figs. And again in Rev.12:4: His tail dragged away a third of the stars of the sky, and threw them to the earth. This message renews that of Dan.8:10: She rose up to the army of heaven, and she brought down part of that army and the stars to the earth, and she trampled them . The Spirit attributes to the Roman papal regime the spiritual fall of a third of redeemed believers; deceived people who will believe in vain in the salvation of Christ and claim his justice.

Dan 12:4 You, Daniel, keep these words secret, and seal the book until the time of the end. Many will then read it, and knowledge will increase.

4a-  This end time knows several successive phases but it began, officially, in the spring of 1843, with the entry into application of the divine decree pre-written in Dan.8:14: Until evening-morning 2300 and the holiness will be justified . In 1994, the second era of the end was marked by the condemnation of the universal Adventist institution. Since 1843, the book of Daniel has been read, but it has never been interpreted correctly before this work which I am still preparing in 2021 and this since 2020. It is therefore this date which marks the peak of his knowledge and therefore there, the true final time of the end which will end with the true return of Jesus Christ, known and expected, for the spring of 2030. We see that this year 2020 has already been well marked by God since all of humanity is hit by the mortality of the Covid-19 Virus which appeared in China in 2019, but in Papal Catholic Europe, only since 2020. In 2021, viruses mutate and continue to strike guilty and rebellious humanity.


The Adventist Test of Faith Illustrated


Dan 12:5 And I, Daniel, looked, and, behold, two other men stood, one on this side of the river, and the other on the other side of the river.

5a-  Remember! Daniel is on the banks of the river “Hiddekel”, the Tiger, this man-eater. However, there are two men on either side of the river, which means that one was able to cross it and the other is preparing to do so. Already in Dan.8:13, a discussion took place between two saints.

Dan 12:6 And one of them said unto the man clothed in linen, which stood above the waters of the river, When shall the end of these wonders be?

6a-  In Dan.8:14 the questions of the saints had received from God the answer of 2300 evening-morning which determined the date 1843. The approach is repeated here and the question this time concerns the end of the world; the moment when prophecy will cease to be useful. The question is asked of Christ represented by this man dressed in linen who stands above the river observing its crossing by men. God uses the image of the crossing of the Red Sea which saved the Hebrews but drowned their Egyptian enemies.

Dan 12:7 And I heard the man clothed in linen, standing above the waters of the river; he lifted up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and he swore by him who lives forever that it will be in a time, and times, and half a time, and that all these things will end when the strength of the people saint will be completely broken.

7a-  And I heard the man clothed in linen, who stood above the waters of the river; he raised his right hand and his left hand to the heavens,

 In the position of Arbitrator, Jesus Christ raises his blessing right hand and his punishing left hand towards the sky to make a solemn declaration.

7b-  and he swore by him who lives forever that it will be in a time, times, and half a time

 By citing the prophetic duration of the papal reign, Christ shows and recalls his judgment which, in the past, condemned his church to suffer the exactions of the papal regime and the curses of the barbarian invasions which preceded it ; this because of the abandonment of the Sabbath since March 7, 321. Believers in times of Adventist trials are thus warned. But a second reason leads God to evoke this papal reign; this is the date of its beginning, 538 AD. The choice is judicious since this date 538 will serve as the basis for the calculations that the prophecy will propose to us by presenting us with new prophetic durations in verses 11 and 12.

7c-  and that all these things will end when the strength of the holy people is completely broken

 This short sentence well sums up this time the true moment of the end: the one where at the end of the last great calamity , the elect will find themselves on the verge of being exterminated, eradicated from the face of the earth; notes the precision: entirely broken .

Dan 12:8 I heard, but understood not; and I said: My lord, what will be the outcome of these things?

8a-  Poor Daniel! If the understanding of his book is still a mystery to those living in 2021, how beyond his reach and useless was this understanding for his own salvation!

Dan 12:9 He said, Go, Daniel, for these words will be kept secret and sealed until the time of the end.

9a-  The angel's response will leave Daniel hungry but it confirms the late fulfillment of the prophecy reserved for the time of the end of the Christian era.

Dan 12:10 Many will be cleansed, whitened and refined; the wicked will do evil, and none of the wicked will understand, but those who have understanding will understand.

10a-  Many will be purified, whitened and purified

 By repeating here the exact quotation close to the word of Dan.11:35, the angel confirms the papal identity of the arrogant and despotic king who elevates himself above all the gods and even the only true God , in the verse 36.

10b-  the wicked will do evil and none of the wicked will understand,

 The angel evokes a principle which will continue until the end of the world, the prolongation of evil is imaged in the prophecies of Daniel by the extension of the “ brass ” of Greek sin and the “ iron ” of Roman force until the return of Christ. The wicked will be doubly prevented from understanding: firstly by their personal disinterest, and secondly, by a power of delusion given by God which enables them to believe a lie according to 2 Thess.2:11-12: Also God sends them a power of confusion, that they might believe a lie , that as many as believed not the truth, but had pleasure in unrighteousness, they might be condemned .

10c-  but those who have understanding will understand.

 This example proves that spiritual intelligence is a special gift given by God, but it is preceded by a good use of the basic intelligence given to all normal people. Because even in this standard, humans confuse education and its diplomas with intelligence . So I recall this difference: instruction allows data to be entered into human memory but only intelligence allows their good and wise use.

Dan 12:11 From the time that the continual sacrifice shall cease , and an abominable desolation shall be established, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.

11a-  From the time when perpetual sacrifice ceases

 I still have to remind you, but the word “ sacrifice ” does not appear in the original Hebrew text. And this precision is crucial because this perpetual concerns the celestial priesthood of Jesus Christ. By reproducing his intercession on earth, popery removes from Jesus Christ his role as intercessor for the sins of his elect.

This usurped parallel earthly ministry begins in 538; date when Vigilius I , the first pope in title, settled in Rome, at the Lateran Palace, on Mount Caelius (the sky).

11b-  and where an abominable desolation will be established

 papal Roman reign cited in Dan.9:27 begins : and there will be on the wing of abominations of desolation, even to destruction, and it will be destroyed [according to] that which has been decreed, in the desolate [earth] .

In this verse, targeting the date 538, the Spirit only targets papal Rome, which explains the singularization of the word "abomination". This was not the case in Dan.9:27, where both phases of Rome, pagan and then papal, were involved.

 Let us note the interest and importance of the grouping in this verse of two things: the rapture of the perpetual ” to Christ in Dan.8:11 and the papal “wing ” which carries “ the abominable desolation ” cited in Dan. .9:27. By linking these two actions to the same date 538 and to the same entity, the Spirit confirms and proves that the author of these misdeeds is indeed Roman popery.

 In Dan.11:31, the action attributed to the Greek king Antiochus 4 presented us with the typical model of what God calls " the abomination of desolation ." Popery reproduces it, but for 1260 long bloody years.

11c-  there will be one thousand two hundred and ninety days.

 In order to make the cited prophetic durations which concern the end time unfalsifiable, the unit is placed before the number in all of Daniel's prophecies: days 1290 ; days 1335 (next verse); Dan.8:14: evening-morning 2300 ; and already in Dan.9:24: weeks 70.

We only have a very simple calculation to perform: 538 + 1290 = 1828.

 The interest of this date 1828 is to give the Adventist event a universal character since it targets the third of the five years of the Adventist conferences held in Albury Park in London in the presence of the royal family of England.

Dan 12:12 Blessed is he who waits and arrives until one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days.

12a-  It is only this verse which gives us the meaning of these two prophetic durations. The theme is that of waiting for the return of Christ, but a particular waiting based on numerical propositions given by the Bible. A new calculation is necessary: 538 + 1335 = 1873. The angel presents to us two dates which mark respectively the beginning and the end of the Adventist test of faith accomplished between the years 1828 and 1873. In this way, our attention is directed on the dates 1843 and 1844 which were precisely the causes of two successive expectations of the glorious return of Jesus Christ to the USA, therefore to Protestant lands.

In the image of the crossing of the "Tiger" river, the tiger eating human souls is these dates 1843-1844 which make the reprobate Protestant pass from spiritual life to spiritual death. On the other hand, the one who has passed the test emerges alive and blessed by God from this perilous crossing. He obtains from God a specific beatitude: “ Blessed is he who reaches 1873! »

Dan 12:13 And you, walk towards your end; you will rest, and you will stand for your inheritance at the end of the days.

13a-  Daniel will discover after the first resurrection in which he will be resurrected, the meaning of all the things he transmitted to us. But for the Adventist still alive, his teaching will still be supplemented by the revelations contained in the Apocalypse of John.


The book of Daniel hides its enormous wealth well. We have noted there the lessons of encouragement that the Lord addresses to his chosen ones of the very last days because these last days will return to the norm of fear and insecurity which has prevailed throughout all of human history on earth. Once again but the last, the elected officials will be singled out and held responsible for the misfortunes which will befall the rebellious survivors of the Third World War announced in Dan.11:40-45 and Rev.9:13. Ezekiel 14 presents the standard models of faith: Noah, Daniel, and Job. Like Noah, we will have to escape and resist the world's current of thought by building our ark of faithfulness to God. Like Daniel, we must remain firmly committed to doing our duty as elected officials by refusing the standard established by false religion. And like Job, we will have to accept suffering physically and mentally whenever God allows it, having an advantage over Job: through his experience, we learned why God allows these trials.

The book of Daniel also allowed us to better understand the invisible celestial life. This, by discovering this character named Gabriel, a name which means “the one who sees the face of God”. He is present in all the important missions of the plan of divine salvation. And we must realize that, in the celestial kingdom of God, he and all the good angels were deprived of the presence of Michael, the angelic expression of God, during the time of his earthly incarnation, namely, 35 years. In a great sharing of love, Micaël also shares his authority, agreeing to be only “ one of the main leaders ”. But Gabriel also presented him to Daniel, the chosen one among the chosen ones, as “ the Leader of your people ”. And Dan.9 reveals to us very clearly everything that Jesus comes to accomplish to save his faithful elect. The divine saving project is thus clearly announced, then accomplished on April 3, 30 by the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.

The book of Daniel showed us that faith is only demonstrable by an adult. And that according to God, the child becomes an adult upon entering his thirteenth year. So we can only see the bitter fruit borne by infant baptism and religious birth inheritance in all false religions. Jesus said in Mark 16:16: He who believes and is baptized will be saved; whoever does not believe will be condemned . This therefore means that before baptism, faith must be present and demonstrated. After baptism, God tested her. Also, another pearl revealed in Daniel, these words of Jesus from Matt.7:13 are confirmed: Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate, broad is the way that leads to destruction and there are many who pass that way ; and also in Matt.22:14: For many are called, but few are chosen ; according to Dan.7:9, ten billion called to account to God for only one million of the redeemed elect saved, because they will have truly served the creator God well, in Christ in the Holy Spirit.


 Chapter 12 has just laid the foundations for the structure of the book Apocalypse by recalling the dates 538, 1798, 1828, 1843-1844 hidden and suggested but fundamental for the division of time in Apocalypse, and 1873. Another date, 1994, there will be built for the misfortune of some and the happiness of others.

Introduction to prophetic symbolism


In all biblical parables, the Spirit uses earthly elements whose certain criteria can symbolize anonymous entities which present common criteria. Each symbol used must therefore be examined in all its aspects, in order to extract from it the lessons hidden by God. Take for example the word “ sea ”. According to Gen.1:20, God peopled it with animals of all kinds, innumerable and anonymous. Its environment is fatal for the man who lives by his breathing in the air. It thus becomes a symbol of death for man who, rightly, can also fear its salinity which makes the earth sterile. Obviously, this symbol is not favorable for humanity and, because of its meaning of death, God will give his name to the Hebrew ablution tank which prefigures the waters of baptism. Now to baptize means to immerse, to die drowned to live again in Jesus Christ. The unjustified old man rises again bearing the righteousness of Christ. We see there, all the richness of a single element of divine creation: the sea . Under this teaching, we will better understand the meaning that God gives to this verse from Daniel 7:2-3: “… and behold, the four winds of heaven burst upon the great sea . And four great beasts came out of the sea , different from each other . Know that “ the four winds of the heavens ” suggest the universal wars which bring the victorious peoples to dominant power. Here, “ the great sea ” symbolizes the human masses of pagan peoples who, not honoring God, are, in his eyes, equal to the animals of “ the sea ”. In the expression, “ four winds of the heavens ”, “ four ” represents the 4 cardinal points of the directions North, South, East and West. The “ winds of heaven ” bring changes in the appearance of the sky, blowing clouds, causing storms and bringing rain; pushing aside the clouds, they promote sunshine. Likewise, wars cause great societal political changes, enormous upheavals which give domination to the new victorious people chosen by God, but without them being blessed by him. Because designated as an “ animal ,” he is not entitled to the blessings intended to be offered to true men; his faithful elect who walk in the divine light since Adam and Eve, and this until the end of the world. And who are its elected officials? Those in whom he recognizes his image since man was made in the image of God according to Gen.1:26. Note this difference: man is made or created by God in his image , while the animal is produced by its environment, marine, terrestrial, or celestial, by the order given by God. The choice of verb marks the difference in status.

As a second example, let's take the word " earth ". According to Gen.1:9-10, this name " earth " is given to the dry ground which came out of the " sea "; an image that God will exploit in Rev.13, to symbolize the Protestant faith which came out of the Catholic faith. But let's look at other aspects of the " earth ". It is favorable to man when it nourishes him, but unfavorable when it takes the form of an arid desert. It therefore depends on good watering from the sky to be a blessing to man. This watering can also come from the rivers which cross it; this is why the word of God is itself compared to “ a spring of living waters ” in the Bible. It is the presence or absence of this “ water ” which determines the nature of the “ earth ”, and spiritually, the quality of the faith of man composed of 75% water.

As a third example, let's take the stars in the sky. First, “ the sun ”, on the positive side, it illuminates; according to Gen.1:16, it is the luminary of the “ day ”, it warms and promotes the growth of the plants from which man makes his food. On the negative side, it burns crops due to excess heat or lack of rain. Galileo was right, it is at the center of our universe and all the planets in its system revolve around it. And above all he is the biggest, the Bible refers to him as “ the greatest ” in Gen.1:16, the hottest and he is not affordable. All these criteria make him the perfect image of God in whom all these characteristics are found. No one can see God and live, any more than he can place his feet on the “ sun ”; the only masculine star, the others all being planets or feminized stars. After him, “ the moon ”, “ the least ”: according to Gen.1:16, it is the luminary of the night, of the darkness over which he presides. “ The moon ” therefore only has a negative message for it. Although the closest to us, this star has long kept the mystery of its hidden side. It does not shine on its own but like all the other planets, it sends back to us, in a progressive cycle, a faint light that it receives from the “sun”. By all of these criteria, "the moon" is the perfect symbol to represent, firstly, the Judaic religion, and secondly, the false Christian religion of Roman Catholic popery, from 538 to the present day, and Lutheran Protestantism, Calvinist and Anglican, since 1843. There are also in the sky, the “ stars ” which according to Gen.1:14-15-17 have two roles that they share with “ the sun and the moon ”. That of “ marking epochs, days and years ", and that of "illuminating the earth ". The majority of them only shine in times of darkness, at night. It is the ideal symbol to represent the servants of God, the true ones, until the prophecy attributes a fall to them; which indicates a change in their spiritual status. This will be the message that God will use to evoke the fall of Christianity victim of the Roman lie in Dan.8:10 and Rev.12:4; and the fall of universal Protestantism in Rev.6:13 and 8:12. Isolated, the “star ” designates the Catholic papacy in Rev.8:10-11, the Protestant faith in Rev.9:1; and gathered in a crown to the number of 12, the victorious Chosen Assembly, in Rev.12:1. Dan.12:3 designates them as the symbol of “ those who teach righteousness to the multitude ”, that is, “ those who enlighten the earth ” with the light given by God.

These five symbols will play an important role in the prophecy of the Apocalypse. You can therefore practice discovering the hidden messages carried by the criteria of the symbols presented. But some would be difficult to discover, so God himself indicates the key to the mystery, in verses of the Bible, such as the words “head and tail ” which can only be understood by the meaning that God gives them in Isa.9:14, where we read: " the magistrate or elder is the head, the prophet who teaches lies is the tail ." But verse 13 proposes in parallel, therefore carrying the same meanings, “ the palm branch and the reed ”; “ a reed ” which will represent the Roman papacy in Rev.11:1.


There is also a symbolic meaning of figures and numbers. As a basic rule, we have in ascending order:

For the number “1”: uniqueness (divine or digital)

For the number “2”: imperfection.

For the number “3”: perfection.

For the number “4”: universality (4 cardinal points)

For the number “5”: man (the masculine or feminine human being).

For the number “6”: the celestial angel (the celestial being or messenger ).

For the number “7”: fullness. (Also: seal of the creator God)

Above this figure we have combinations of additions of the first seven basic digits; examples: 8 =6+2; 9 =6+3; 10 =7+3; 11 =6+5 and 7+4; 12 =7+5 and 6+6; 13 =7+6. These choices have spiritual meaning in relation to the themes treated in these chapters of Revelation. In the book of Daniel we find the prophetic messages concerning the Messianic Christian era in chapters 2, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12.

In the book Revelation revealed to the Apostle John, the symbolic code of the chapter numbers is extremely revealing. The Christian era is divided into two main historical parts.

The first, attached to the number "2", covers the majority time of the doctrinal "imperfection" of the Christian faith represented from 538 by Roman Catholic popery, heir to the religious norm established since March 7, 321 by the pagan Roman emperor Constantine I. Chapter 2 covers the entire time between 94 and 1843.

The second part represented by the number “3” concerns, from 1843, the “Adventist” time, a time when God demands apostolic doctrinal “perfection” restored in accordance with the program prophesied by the divine decree cited in Dan.8:14. This perfection will be achieved gradually until the return of Christ expected in the spring of 2030.

Above the number 7, the number 8, 2+6, evokes the time of imperfection (2) of diabolical works (6). The number 9, 3+6, indicates the time of perfection (3) and equally diabolical works (6). The number 10, 3+7, prophesies for the time of perfection (3), the fullness (7) of the divine work.

The number “11” or, mainly, 5+6, targets the time of French atheism in which man (5) is associated with the devil (6).

The number “12”, i.e. 5+7, reveals the association of man (5) with the creator God (7 = fullness and its royal seal).

The number “13” or 7+6, designates the fullness (7) of the Christian religion associated with the devil (6); papal first ( sea ) and Protestant ( land ) in the last days.

The number “14” or 7+7, concerns the Adventist work and its universal messages ( Eternal Gospel ).

The number “15”, i.e. 5+5+5 or 3x5, evokes the time of human (3) perfection (5). It is the one which marks the end of the time of grace. The spiritual “ wheat ” is ripe to be harvested and stored in the celestial barns. The preparation of the elect is completed because they have reached the level required by God.

The number “16” concerns in Revelation, the time when God pours out “ the seven last bowls of his wrath ” on his religious enemies, unfaithful Christianity in chapter 13.

The number “17” takes its meaning, like the previous one, from the theme that God gives it in his prophecy: in Revelation 17, the symbol of “the judgment of the great harlot ” by God. In the Bible, the first use of this symbolic number concerns the Easter week which begins on the 10th day of the first month of the year and ends on the 17th day . Accomplished to the letter at the level of days for the death of the “lamb of God ” Jesus Christ, the Passover is prophesied in day-years in the 70th of the “ 70 weeks ” of years of Dan.9:24 to 27. The prophecy of the 70th week of verse 27 therefore covers the time of the seven years between dates 26 and 33. The target indicated by the prophecy is the Passover located in the spring, " in the middle " of these seven years of the prophetic week cited in Dan.9:27.

For the last true “Adventists”, the number 17 will concern 17 centuries of practice of Roman Sunday, a sin established on March 7, 321. Anniversary date of the end of these 17 centuries, March 7, 2021 opened the “time of the end ” prophesied in Dan.11:40. This “ time ” is favorable to the fulfillment of this last warning punishment which, designating the Third World War, is also prophesied by God by the “ sixth trumpet ” revealed in Rev.9:13 to 21. The economic ruin caused by the Covid-19 virus marks the year 2020 (March 20, 2020 to March 20, 2021) as that of the beginning of divine punishments.

The theme of chapter “18” is the punishment of “ Babylon the Great ”.

Chapter “19” targets the context of the return in glory of Jesus Christ and his confrontation with human rebels.

Chapter “20” evokes the seventh millennium, on the desolate earth where the devil is held prisoner and in heaven, where the elect proceed to judge the lives and works of the wicked dead rebels rejected by God.

Chapter “21” finds the symbolism 3x7, that is, the perfection (3) of divine sanctification (7) reproduced in its elect redeemed from the earth.

We thus see that the prophecy takes as its theme the elect of Adventism in Rev. 3, 7, 14 =2x7 and 21 =3x7 (growth towards the perfection of sanctification).

Chapter “22” inaugurates the time when, on the regenerated and renewed earth, God installs his throne and the elect of his eternal kingdom.











Who then are these sons and daughters of God? We might as well say it straight away, because this document will provide all the desirable proof, this divine Revelation is addressed by God to “Adventist” Christians. For like it or not, the will of God is sovereign, and since the spring of 1843, when a decree prophesied in Daniel 8:14 came into effect, the "Seventh-day Adventist" standard has been the exclusive channel which still connects God and his human servants. But beware ! This norm is constantly evolving, and the refusal of this evolution, willed by God, has caused its official institutional representation to be vomited up by Jesus Christ since 1994. What is Adventism? This word comes from the Latin “adventus” which means: advent. That of Jesus Christ, for his great final return in the glory of the Father, was expected in the spring of 1843, in the fall of 1844, and in the fall of 1994. These false expectations provided for in God's project, nonetheless carried serious consequences. tragic spiritual consequences for those who despised these prophetic announcements and their expectations, because they were organized, sovereignly, by the great creator God. Thus, anyone who recognizes in this document the lights proposed by Jesus Christ will become, as a direct consequence, an “Adventist”, “of the seventh day”, if not among men, this will be the case for God; this, as soon as he abandons the religious rest of the first day, to practice the rest of the seventh day, called the Sabbath, sanctified by God since the creation of the world. Belonging to God implies complementary divine requirements; with the Sabbath, the elected Adventist will have to realize that his physical body is also the property of God, and as such, he will have to nourish and care for it as a precious divine possession, a carnal sanctuary. For God has prescribed for man, in Gen.1:29, his ideal diet: “ And God said: Behold, I give you every herb that bears seed, that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree having in him the fruit of the tree and bearing seed: this shall be your food .”

Adventist thought is inseparable from the Christian project revealed by God. The return of Jesus Christ is mentioned in numerous biblical quotations: Psa.50:3: “ He is coming, our God , he does not remain in silence; before him is a devouring fire, around him a violent storm ”; Psa.96:13: “ …before the Lord! For he comes, for he comes to judge the earth ; he will judge the world in righteousness, and the people according to his faithfulness. » ; Isa.35:4: “ Say to those who are troubled in heart: Take courage, do not be afraid; here is your God, vengeance will come, the retribution of God; He himself will come and save you ”; Hos.6:3: “ Let us know, let us seek to know the LORD; its coming is as certain as that of the dawn. He will come for us like rain , like the spring rain that waters the earth ”; in the scriptures of the new covenant we read: Matt.21:40: “ Now when the Lord of the vineyard comes , what will he do to these tenants? » ; 24:50: “ the master of this servant will come in a day he does not expect, and at an hour he does not know, ”; 25:31: “ When the Son of Man comes in his glory , with all the angels, he will sit on the throne of his glory. » ; Jea.7:27: “ However, we know where this one comes from; but Christ, when he comes , no one will know where he is from. » ; 7:31: “ Many of the crowd believed on him, and said, Will the Christ, when he comes , do more mighty works than this one has done? » ; Heb.10:37: “ A little while longer: he who is to come will come , and he will not delay .” The last testimony of Jesus: John 14:3: “ And when I go and prepare a place for you , I will come again, and I will take you to myself , that where I am you may be there. be also ”; The testimony of the angels: Act.1:11: “ And they said: Men of Galilee, why do you stop looking into heaven? This Jesus, who has been taken up from among you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him going into heaven. ". The Adventist project of the Messiah appears in: Isa.61:1-2: “ The spirit of the Lord, YaHWéH, is upon me, for YaHWéH has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and deliverance to the prisoners; to proclaim a year of favor of YaHWéH, ... " Here, reading this text in the synagogue of Nazareth, Jesus stopped his reading and closed the book, because the rest, concerning the " day of vengeance ” was only to be accomplished 2003 years later, for his glorious divine return: “ and a day of vengeance from our God ; to comfort all the afflicted; »

Adventism today has multiple faces, and firstly, the official institutional aspect which rejected in 1991, the last lights that Jesus offered it, through the humble human instrument that I am. Details will appear where appropriate in this document. Numerous dissident Adventist groups exist scattered across the earth. This light is addressed to them as a priority. She is the “great light” toward which our elder spiritual sister, Ellen White, wanted to lead the Adventist people. She presented her work as the “little light” that leads to the “big one”. And in her last public message, brandishing the Holy Bible in both hands, she declared: “Brothers, I recommend this book to you.” His wish is now granted; Daniel and Revelation are entirely deciphered by strict use of biblical codes. Perfect harmony reveals the great wisdom of God. Reader, whoever you are, I urge you not to make the mistakes of the past, it is you who must adapt to the divine plan, because the Almighty will not adapt to your point of view . The refusal of light is a mortal sin without any remedy; the blood shed by Jesus Christ does not cover it. I close this important parenthesis and return to the “ calamity ” announced.




Before approaching the story of the Apocalypse, I must explain to you why, in general, the prophecies inspired by God are for us, human beings, vital to the greatest extent, since their knowledge or contempt will result in eternal life or permanent death. The reason is as follows: human beings like stability and as such, they fear change. Consequently, he protects this stability and transforms his religion into tradition, discarding everything that presents itself in an aspect of novelty. This is how, to their ruin, the Jews of the old divine alliance acted first, whom Jesus does not hesitate to denounce as being “ a synagogue of Satan ” in Rev. 2:8 and 3:9 . By adhering to the tradition of the fathers, they believed that by this means they would manage to protect their relationship with God. But what happens in this case? Man no longer listens to God when he speaks to him, but he asks God to listen to him speak. In this situation, God no longer finds his account, all the more so since, if it is true that he himself does not change in his character and his judgment which remains eternally the same, it is also true that his project is constantly growing and constantly changing. One verse is enough to confirm this idea: “ The path of the righteous is like the resplendent light, whose brightness increases until the middle of the day. (Pro 4:18).” The “ path ” of this verse is equivalent to the “ way ” embodied in Jesus Christ. This proves that the truth of faith in Christ also evolves over time, according to God's choice, in accordance with his plan. Candidates for eternity should give the words of Jesus the meaning they deserve when he said to them: “ To him who keeps my works until the end will I give… (Rev.2:26)”. Many people think that it is enough to keep what you have learned from the start until the end; and this was already the error of the national Jews and the lesson of Jesus in his parable of the talents. But this is to forget that true faith is a permanent relationship with the Spirit of the living God who takes care to give his children this food which comes out of his mouth at all times and at all times. The word of God is not restricted to the holy writings of the Bible, after it, there remains permanently, the living “Logos”, the Word momentarily made flesh, Christ acting in the Holy Spirit to continue his dialogue with those who have him. love and seek him with all their soul. I can testify to these things since I have personally benefited from this contribution of new light that I share with those who love it as much as I do. The novelty received from heaven constantly improves our understanding of its revealed project and we must know how to decide and abandon outdated interpretations when they become obsolete. The Bible invites us to do this: “ Examine everything; hold fast to what is good; (1Th.5:21).”

God's judgment is continually adapted to this progressive evolution of the light inspired and revealed to the elected depositaries of his oracles. Thus, strict respect for tradition causes loss, because it prevents human beings from adapting to the evolution of the saving program gradually revealed until the end of the world. There is an expression which takes on its full value in the religious domain, it is: the truth of the present time or the present truth . To better understand this thought, we must look into the past, where in the time of the apostles we had a perfect doctrine of faith. Later, in prophesied times of extreme darkness, the doctrine of the apostles was replaced by those of the two "Romes"; the imperial and the papal, the two phases of the same divine project prepared for the devil. Therefore, the work of reform justifies its name, because it involves uprooting false doctrines and replanting the destroyed good seeds of apostolic doctrine. With great patience, God gave time, lots of time, for His light to be restored to full completion. Unlike the pagan gods who do not react, because they do not exist, the creator God lives eternally, and he shows that he exists, by his reactions and his inimitable actions; unfortunately for man, under the guise of harsh punishments. He who commands nature, who directs lightning, thunder and lightning, who awakens volcanoes and makes them spew fire on guilty humanity, who causes earthquakes and causes destructive tidal waves, is also the one who comes to whisper in the minds of his elected officials, the progress of his project, what he is preparing to do, as he had announced in advance, long before. “ For the Lord GOD does nothing until he has revealed his secret to his servants the prophets ,” according to Amos 3:7.



































The first look at the Apocalypse


In his presentation, John, the apostle of the Lord Jesus Christ, describes to us the images that God gives him in vision and the messages that he hears. In appearance, but in appearance only, Revelation, translation of the Greek "apocalupsis", reveals nothing, because it retains its mysterious aspect incomprehensible to the multitudes of believers who read it. The mystery discourages them, and they are reduced to ignoring the secrets revealed.

God does not do this without reason. By acting in this way, He teaches us how holy his Revelation is and, as such, it is intended only for his elect. And this is where it is appropriate to be clear on the subject, his chosen ones are not those who claim to be so, but exclusively those whom he himself recognizes as his servants, because they stand out, false believers, by their faithfulness and obedience.

Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants the things which must happen quickly , and which he made known, by sending his angel, to his servant John, who testified the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, all that he saw. (Rev.1:1-2).”

So he who declared in John 14:6, “ I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father except through me ”, comes, through his Apocalypse, his Revelation, to show his servants the path of truth which allows them to obtain eternal life offered and proposed in his name. Therefore, only those whom he judges worthy of receiving it will obtain it. After having concretely shown through his earthly ministry what constitutes the model of true faith, Jesus will recognize those who are worthy of him and of his voluntary atoning sacrifice, in that they have truly committed themselves to this model path in which he walked before them. His full consecration to the service of God is the standard proposed. If the Master said to Pilate: “ …I have come into the world to bear witness to the truth… (John 18:37),” in this same world, his chosen ones must do the same.


Every mystery has its explanation, but to obtain it you must use the keys that open and close access to the secrets. But alas for the superficially curious, a main key is God himself, in person. At his leisure and according to his infallible and perfectly just judgment, he opens or closes human intelligence. This first obstacle makes the revealed book incomprehensible and the Holy Bible in general becomes, when subjected to the reading of false believers, a collection of articles of religious alibis. And there are very many of these false believers, which is why, on earth, Jesus had multiplied his warnings about the false Christs who would appear until the end of the world, according to Matt.24:5-11-24 and Matt. .7:21 to 23, where he warns against the false claims of those who clamor for him.

The Apocalypse is therefore the revelation of the history of the true faith recognized by Jesus Christ in the Father and in the Holy Spirit coming from the Father, the only creator God. This true faith qualifies its chosen ones who go through times of extreme religious confusion over the dark centuries. This situation justifies the symbol of stars that God attributes to the elect whom he recognizes, even momentarily, because like them, according to Gen.1:15, they shine in the darkness, " to light the earth ." »


The second key to Revelation is hidden in the book of the prophet Daniel, one of the books of the old covenant, which constitutes the first of the “ two witnesses ” of God cited in Rev.11:3; the second being Revelation and the books of the new covenant. During his earthly ministry, Jesus drew the attention of his disciples to this prophet Daniel whose testimony is classified in the historical books in the holy Jewish “Torah”.

Divine Revelation takes the form of two spiritual columns. It is so true that the books of Daniel and that of the Apocalypse given to John are interdependent and complementary to carry, like two columns, the capital of a divine celestial revelation.

Revelation is therefore the story of true faith that God defines in this verse: “ Blessed is he who reads and those who hear the words of the prophecy, and who keep the things that are written therein! For the time is near (Rev.1:3).”

The verb “read” has a precise meaning for God which associates the fact of understanding the message read. This thought is expressed in Isa.29:11-12: “ All revelation is to you as the words of a sealed book which are given to a man who knows how to read, saying, Read this! And who answers: I cannot, because it is sealed; or like a book that one gives to a man who does not know how to read, saying: Read this! And who answers: I don’t know how to read .” By these comparisons, the Spirit confirms the impossibility of understanding the divine messages coded for those who “ honor Him with mouth and lips, but whose hearts are far from Him ”, according to Isa.29:13: “ The Lord said: When this people comes near to me, They honor me with their mouth and their lips; but his heart is far from me , and the fear he has of me is only a precept of human tradition ".


A third key joins the first. It is also found in God who sovereignly chooses from among his elect, the one he will enable to “read” the prophecy to enlighten his brothers and sisters in Jesus Christ. For Paul recalled it in 1 Cor.12:28-29: “ And God has appointed in the church first apostles, secondly prophets, thirdly teachers, then those who have the gift of miracles, then those who have the gifts of healing, of helping, of governing, of speaking various languages. Are all apostles? Are all prophets? Are they all doctors? ".

In the order led by God, one does not improvise as a prophet by personal human decision. Everything is happening as Jesus taught in the parable, we must not rush to take the first place at the front of the stage, but on the contrary, we must sit in the back of the room, and wait, if that is necessary. happen, that God invites us to go to the front row. I did not aspire to any particular role in his work, and I had only a great appetite for understanding the meanings of these strange messages that I read in Revelation. And it was God who, before I understood the meaning, called me in a vision. So don't be surprised by the exceptionally luminous character of the works that I present; it is the fruit of an authentically apostolic mission.

The momentary inability to understand its secrets revealed in code is therefore normal and expected in the order established by God. Ignorance does not constitute a fault, as long as it is not the consequence of a refusal of the given light. In the case of refusal of what he reveals through the prophets he commissions for this task, the divine sentence is immediate: it is the rupture of relationship, protection and hope. Thus, a missionary prophet, John, received from God a coded vision, at the end time, another missionary prophet presents to you today the decoded visions of Daniel and Revelation, offering you all the guarantees of divine blessing through their sublime clarity. For this decoding, only one source: the Bible, nothing but the Bible, but the whole Bible, under the lighting of the Holy Spirit. God's attention and his love are focused on the simplest human creatures, like obedient children, who have become rare in the time of the end. Understanding divine thought can only be achieved in a close and intense collaboration between God and his servant. The truth cannot be stolen; she deserves it. It is received by those who love it as a divine emanation, a fruit, an essence of the beloved and adored Lord.

The complete construction of the great Revelation brought in a complementary manner by the books Daniel and Revelation is gigantic and deceptively complex. Because in reality, God often mentions the same subjects under different and complementary aspects and details. At the level of mastery I have of the subject today, revealed religious history is actually very simple to summarize.

There still remains a fourth key: it is ourselves. We must be chosen, because our soul and our entire personality must share with God, all his conceptions of good and evil. If someone does not belong to him, it is certain that he will challenge his doctrine on one point or another. The glorious Revelation only appears clear in the sanctified minds of the elect. The truth is such that it cannot be bargained for, it cannot be negotiated, it must be taken as it is or left. As Jesus taught, everything is decided by “yes” or “no”. And what man adds comes from the Evil One.

There still remains a fundamental criterion that is required by God: total humility. Pride in a work is legitimate but pride never will be: “ God resists the proud but he gives grace to the humble (Jac.4:6).” Pride being the root of evil which caused the devil's downfall with its monstrous consequences for himself and for all God's heavenly and earthly creatures, it is impossible for a proud being to obtain election in Christ.

Humility, true humility, consists of recognizing our human weakness and believing the words of Christ when he tells us: “ without me you can do nothing (John 15:5)”. In this “ nothing ” is found, primarily, the possibility of understanding the meaning of its coded prophetic messages. I'll tell you why and give you the explanation. In his wisdom, his divine sapience, the Lord inspired Daniel with his prophecies in elements separated by decades. Before he inspired me with the idea of making a comparative synthesis of all of these prophecies separated into chapters, no one had done it before me. For it is only through this technique that the accusations presented by God gain precision and clarity. The secret of light is based on the synthesis of all the prophetic texts, the parallel study of the data from its separate chapters, and above all to search throughout the Bible for the spiritual meaning of the symbols encountered. Until this method was used, the book of Daniel, without which the prophecy of Revelation remains completely incomprehensible, the divine accusations mentioned did not worry too much those to whom they concerned. It is in order to change this situation that the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ inspired me to make clear what was until then kept obscure. The identification of the four main targets of divine wrath is thus revealed in an indisputable manner. God recognizes no other authority than that of his written word, and it is this which denounces and accuses, under the title of its “ two witnesses ” according to Rev. 11:3, terrestrial and celestial sinners. Let us now look at this revealed prophetic story in summary.


Part one : the history of Israel in deportation since – 605


Daniel arrives in Babylon (-605) Dan.1

Daniel's visions of successive rulers

1-The Chaldean empire: Dan.2:32-37-38; 7:4.

2-The Mede and Persian empire: Dan.2:32-39; 7:5; 8:20.

3-The Greek empire: Dan.2:32-39; 7:6; 8:21; 11:3-4-21.

4-The Roman empire: Dan.2:33-40; 7:7; 8:9; 9:26; 11:18-30.

5-The European kingdoms: Dan.2:33; 7:7-20-24.

6-The papal regime: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dan.7:8; 8:10; 9:27; 11:36.


Part Two : Daniel + Revelation


Prophecy about the first coming of the Messiah rejected by the Jews: Daniel 9.

Persecutions of the Jews by the Greek king Antiochos IV Epiphanes (-168): announcement of a great calamity : Dan.10:1. The fulfillment: Dan.11:31. Roman persecutions (70): Dan.9:26.

After the Chaldeans, the Medes and the Persians, the Greeks, the domination of Rome, imperial, then papal, from 538. In Rome, the Christian faith meets its mortal enemy in its two successive imperial and papal phases: Dan.2 :40 to 43; 7:7-8-19 to 26; 8:9-12; 11:36-40; 12:7; Rev.2; 8:8-11; 11:2; 12:3 to 6-13 to 16; 13:1-10; 14:8.

From 1170 (Pierre Valdo), the work of Reformation until the return of Christ: Apo.2:19-20-24 to 29; 3:1 to 3; 9:1-12; 13:11 to 18.

Between 1789 and 1798, the punitive action of French revolutionary atheism: Rev.2:22; 8:12; 11:7-13.

The empire of Napoleon I : Apo.8:13.

From 1843, the test of the Adventist faith and its consequences: Daniel 8:14; 12:11-12; Rev.3. Fall of traditional Protestantism: Rev.3:1 to 3; his punishment: Rev.9:1 to 12 (the 5th trumpet ). Blessed Adventist Pioneers: Rev.3:4-6.

From 1873, the official blessing of the universal Seventh-day Adventist institution: Daniel 12:12; Rev.3:7; the seal of God : Rev.7; its universal mission or messages from the three angels: Rev.14:7 to 13.

From 1994, subjected to a test of prophetic faith, the institutional Adventist faith fell: Rev.3:14 to 19. The consequence: it joined the Protestant camp rejected since 1844: Rev.9:5-10. His punishment: Rev.14:10 ( he too will drink ... ).

Between 2021 and 2029, World War III: Daniel 11:40 to 45; Rev.9:13 to 19 (the 6th trumpet ).

In 2029, the end of the time of collective and individual grace: Apo.15.

The universal test of faith: the Sunday law imposed: Rev.12:17; 13:11-18; 17:12-14; the seven last plagues: Rev.16.

In spring 2030, “ Armageddon ”: decree of death and glorious return of Christ: Daniel 2:34-35-44-45; 12:1; Rev.13:15; 16:16. The seventh trumpet : Rev.1:7; 11:15-19; 19:11 to 19. The seventh last plague : Rev.16:17. The harvest or rapture of the elect: Rev.14:14 to 16. The vintage or punishment of false religious teachers: Rev.14:17 to 20; 16:19; 17; 18; 19:20-21.

From spring 2030, the seventh millennium or great Sabbath for God and his elect: defeated, Satan is chained on the desolate earth for a thousand years : Rev.20:1 to 3. In heaven, the elect judge the fallen: Daniel 7 :9; Rev.4; 11:18; 20:4-6.

Around 3030, the Last Judgment: the glory of the elect: Apo.21. The second death on earth: Daniel 7:11; 20:7 to 15. On the renewed earth: Rev.22; Dan.2:35-44; 7:22-27.

















The Symbols of Rome in Prophecy


The obscure aspect of the prophecies is based on the use of different symbols even though they concern the same entity. They therefore become complementary, instead of excluding each other. This allows God to keep the mysterious aspect of the texts and to construct in a sketch, the different aspects of the targeted subject. So it is with its main target: Rome.

In Dan.2, in the vision of the statue, it is the fourth empire with the symbol “ legs of iron ”. The “ iron ” reflects its harsh character and its Latin motto “DVRA LEX SED LEX”, translated as: “the law is hard, but the law is the law”. In addition, the “ iron legs ” recall the appearance of Roman legionaries clad in iron breastplates on the torso, on the head, on the shoulders, on the arms and on the legs , advancing on foot in long, organized and disciplined columns. .

In Dan.7, Rome, in its two pagan phases, the republican and the imperial, is still the fourth empire described as " a terrible monster with iron teeth ". The iron of her teeth connects her to Dan's iron legs.2 . It also has " ten horns " which represent ten independent European kingdoms which will form after the fall of the Roman Empire. This is the teaching given in Dan.7:24.

Dan.7:8 describes the appearance of an eleventh “ horn ” which will become in the prophecy, the main target of all divine wrath. It receives the name “ little horn ” but, paradoxically, Dan.7:20 attributes to it “ a greater appearance than the others ”. The explanation will be given in Dan.8:23-24, “ this impudent and artful king... will succeed in his undertakings; he will destroy the mighty and the people of the saints .” This is only part of the actions that God attributes to this second Roman domination, which was accomplished from 538, with the establishment of the papal regime which imposed the Roman Catholic faith through the imperial authority of Justinian I. . We will have to take note of all the accusations that God presents in a scattered manner, throughout the prophecy, against this autocratic and despotic, but religious, regime that Roman popery represents. If Dan.7:24 calls him " different from the first ", it is precisely because his power is religious and that it rests on the credulity of the powerful who fear him and dread his influence with God; which Dan.8:25 attributes to the “ success of his wiles ”. Some may find it abnormal that I link the king of Daniel 7 to the king of Daniel 8. I must therefore demonstrate the justification of this link.

In Dan.8, we no longer find the four imperial successions of Dan.2 and 7, but only two of these empires, moreover clearly identified in the text: the Mede and Persian empire, designated by a “ram and the Greek empire imaged by a “ goat ” which precedes the Roman empire. In 323, the great Greek conqueror Alexander the Great died, “ the great horn of the goat broke ”. But without an heir, his empire is divided between his generals. After 20 years of war between them, only 4 kingdoms remain " four horns rose to the four winds of heaven to replace it ". These four horns are, Egypt, Syria, Greece and Thrace. In this chapter 8, the Spirit presents to us the birth of this fourth empire which, initially, was only a western city, first monarchist, then republican since - 510. It is in its republican regime that Rome gradually gained power by transforming the peoples who appealed for its help into Roman colonies. This is how, in verse 9, under the name “ little horn ” which already designates the Roman papal regime in Dan.7, the arrival of republican Rome in the history of the East where there is Israel, accomplished through its intervention in Greece, “ one of the four horns ”. As I have just said, it was called in – 214 to settle a dispute between two Greek leagues, the Achaean league and the Aetolian league, and the result was for Greece, the loss of its independence, and the colonial enslavement to the Romans in – 146. Verse 9 evokes the successive conquests which will make this small town of Italy the fourth empire imaged by “ iron ” in previous prophecies. The geographical location of the reasoning is that of Italy where Rome is located. The birth of its founders Romulus and Remus features a she-wolf who would have breastfed them. In Latin the word Louve is “lupa” which means she-wolf but also prostitute. Thus from its creation this city was marked by God for its double prophetic destiny. We will find her as a wolf in the sheepfold of Jesus, who will compare her to a prostitute in Rev.17. Then, its extension towards its " south ", was accomplished by conquering Southern Italy (- 496 to - 272), then emerging victorious from the wars waged against Carthage, present-day Tunis, from 264 B.C. time. The next phase towards its “ east ” is that of its intervention in Greece as we have just seen. It is there that it is described as “ rising from one of the four horns ” of the shattered Greek empire inherited from Alexander the Great. Increasingly powerful, in – 63, Rome will end up imposing its presence and its colonial power on Judea which the Spirit calls “ the most beautiful country ” because it has been its work since its creation after the exit of his people of Egypt. This expression is repeated in Ezek.20:6-15. Historical precision: once again, Rome was called by Hyrcanus to fight against his brother Aristobulus. The three Roman conquests described, in the same geographical form as those of the Medo-Persian “ ram ” of the same chapter, are consistent with the historical testimony. The goal set by God is therefore achieved: the expression “ little horn ” of Dan.7:8 and Dan.8:9 concerns, in both references, Roman identity. The thing is demonstrated and indisputable. On this certainty, the divine Spirit will be able to complete its teaching and its accusations brought against this papal religious regime, which concentrates all the thunderbolts of heaven on itself. The succession from papal Rome to imperial Rome having been demonstrated in Dan.7, here, in Dan.8, the Spirit skips the centuries which separate them, and from verse 10, he again targets the papal entity , his favorite mortal enemy; and not without cause. Because it accesses the Christian religion of the citizens of the kingdom of heaven assembled by Jesus Christ: “ rose up to the army of heaven ”. The thing was accomplished in 538 by the imperial decree of Justinian I who offered Vigilius I religious authority and the papal throne of the Vatican. But armed with this power, he acts against the saints of God, whom he persecutes in the name of the Christian religion, as his historical successors will do for almost 1260 years (between 538 and 1789-1793). Historical precision confirms the accuracy of this duration, knowing that the decree was written in 533. The 1260 years therefore ended, in this calculation, in 1793, the year when in the revolutionary "Terror", the abolition of the Roman church was decreed. “ She caused some of the stars to fall to the ground and trampled them .” The image will be taken up in Rev.12:4: “ His tail dragged away a third of the stars of the sky and threw them to the earth ”. The keys are given in the Bible. Concerning the stars , they are in Gen.1:15: “ God placed them in the expanse of the sky to give light to the earth ”; in Gen.15:5 they are compared to Abraham's seed: “ Look up toward heaven and count the stars , if you can number them; such will be your posterity ”; in Dan.12:3: “ those who teach righteousness to many will shine like the stars forever and ever ”. The word " tail " will take on great importance in the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, since it symbolizes and designates " the prophet who teaches lies ", as Isaiah 9:14 reveals to us, thus opening our understanding of the coded message divine. The papal regime of Rome is therefore, throughout the centuries of its domination and since its origin, led by false prophets, according to the holy and just judgment revealed by God.

In Dan.8:11, God accuses the papacy of rising against Jesus Christ, the only " Chief of rulers ", as will be clarified in verse 25, also cited as " King of kings and Lord of lords ", in Rev. .17:14; 19:16. We read: “ She rose up to the captain of the army, took away the perpetual from him and overturned the base of his sanctuary .” This translation differs from current translations, but it has the merit of strictly respecting the original Hebrew text. And in this form God's message takes on consistency and precision. The term “ perpetual ” does not concern “sacrifice” here, because this word is not written in the Hebrew text, its presence is illicit and not justified; moreover, it distorts the meaning of the prophecy. Indeed, the prophecy targets the Christian era in which, according to Dan.9:26, sacrifices and offerings were abolished. This term “ perpetual ” concerns an exclusive property of Jesus Christ which is his priesthood, his power as intercessor in favor of only his elect whom he identifies and selects. However, by seizing this claim, the papal regime blesses the accursed and curses those blessed by God whom it falsely accuses of heresy, setting itself up as a model of divine faith; a claim totally contested by God in his prophetic revelation which accuses him, in Dan.7:25, of " forming the design to change the times and the law ". Heresy is therefore in the entire work of the papal regime, thus rendered unworthy of carrying or rendering any religious judgment. The perpetual is therefore in accordance with the teachings of Heb.7:24, the “ intransmissible priesthood ” of Jesus Christ. This is why popery cannot claim a transmission of its power and authority from God in Jesus Christ; he could therefore only steal it illegally from him with all the consequences that such theft will have, for him and those he seduces. These consequences are revealed in Dan.7:11. At the last judgment, he will suffer the " second death, thrown alive into the lake of fire and sulfur ", with which he has long threatened himself, monarchs and all men, so that they would serve and fear him. " I looked then because of the arrogant words that the horn was speaking, and as I looked, the beast was killed, and its body was destroyed, delivered to the fire to be burned. " In turn, the Revelation of the Apocalypse will confirm this sentence of the just judgment of the outraged and frustrated true God, in Rev.17:16; 18:8; 19:20. I chose to translate, “ and overthrew the base of his sanctuary ” because of the spiritual nature of the accusations against the papal regime. Indeed, the Hebrew word “mecon” can be translated as: place or base . And in the case that arises, it is indeed the basis of the spiritual sanctuary which is overturned. This term “ base ” concerns, according to Eph.2:20-21, Jesus Christ himself, “ main stone of the corner ”, but also, the entire apostolic foundation compared to a spiritual building, namely, a “ sanctuary ” property of Jesus Christ, built by God on him. The alleged heritage of Saint Peter is therefore contradicted by God himself. For Popery, Peter's only heritage is the continuation of the work of his executioners who crucified him after his divine Master. His inquisition regime faithfully reproduced the initial pagan model. Having “ changed the times and the law ” that God established, this intolerant and cruel regime, of which certain papal heads were assassins, notorious criminals, like Alexander VI Borgia and his son Caesar, executioner and Cardinal, testifies to the integral diabolical nature of the Roman Catholic papal institution. Huge massacres of peaceful people were unleashed by this religious authority, by forced conversions, under penalty of death, and the religious orders of the crusades led against the Muslims who occupied the land of Israel; a land cursed by God since the year 70, where the Romans came to destroy " the city and the holiness ", in accordance with what is announced, in Dan.9:26, as a result of the rejection of the Messiah by the Jews. The “ basis of his sanctuary ” concerns all the doctrinal truths received by the apostles who transmitted them to future generations through the scriptures of the new covenant; the second of God's " two witnesses ", according to Rev.11:3. From this silent witness, Popery has only retained the names of the heroes of the biblical faith whom it makes adore and serve in multitude by its multitudes of followers. The truth according to Rome is recorded, in part, in its “missal” (the guide to the mass), which replaces God’s “ two witnesses ”; the writings of the old and new covenants which together constitute the Holy Bible which she fought against by killing her faithful followers.

Verse 12 of Dan.8 will reveal to us why God himself was forced to create this odious and detestable religion. “ The army was handed over with the perpetual because of sin .” Thus the horrible and abominable actions of this regime existed, by the desire of God, in order to punish “ sin ” which is, according to 1 John 3:4, the transgression of the law. And it is an action attributable already to Rome but in its pagan imperial phase, because the sin so serious, which deserves such punishment, touched God on two extremely sensitive points: his glory as creator God and Victor in Christ. We will see in Rev.8:7-8 that the establishment of the papal regime in 538 constitutes the second punishment, inflicted by God, and prophesied by the warning symbol of the “ second trumpet ”. Another punishment precedes it, accomplished by the barbarian invasions of Europe which had become unfaithfully Christian. These actions extending between 395 and 476, the cause of the punishments inflicted is still found before 395. Thus, the date of March 7, 321 is confirmed, in which, the pagan Roman emperor, Constantine I, by whom peace was was offered to the Christians of the empire, ordered by decree the abandonment of the practice of the Sabbath which he replaced by the rest of the first day. Now, this first day was devoted to the pagan worship of the unconquered deified sun. God suddenly suffered a double outrage: the loss of his Sabbath, memorial of his work as creator and his final victory over all his enemies, but also, in its place, the extension of the pagan honor rendered on the first day, in the very ranks of the disciples of Jesus Christ. Few people will understand the importance of the fault, because we must realize that God is not only the creator of life, he is also the creator and organizer of time, and it is only for this purpose that he created the stars of the sky. The sun appears on the fourth day to mark the days, the moon to mark the night, and the sun again and the stars to mark the years. But the week is not marked by the stars, it is based solely on a sovereign decision of the creator God. It will therefore represent the sign of his authority and God will see to it.
































Light on the Sabbath


The internal organization of the week is also the expression of his divine will and God will recall this in due time in the text of his fourth commandment: “ Remember the day of rest to keep it holy. You have six days to do all your work, but the seventh is the day of Yahweh your God; you shall not do any work in that day, neither you, nor your wife, nor your children, nor your animals, nor the stranger who is within your gates, for Yahweh made heaven and earth and sea and all that is in them in six days; therefore he blessed the seventh day and sanctified it ".

Look carefully, in this quote, it is only about the numbers “ six and seven ”; the word sabbath is not even mentioned. And in its “ seventh ” form , an ordinal number, the Creator Legislator insists on the position that this seventh busy day . Why this insistence? I will give you a reason to change, if necessary, your view on this commandment. God wanted to renew the order of time that he established from the foundation of the world. And if he insists so much, it is because the week is constructed in the image of the full time of his saving project: 7000 years or more precisely, 6000 + 1000 years. For having distorted his plan of salvation, by striking twice the rock of Horeb, Moses was prevented from entering earthly Canaan. This was the lesson God wanted to give about his disobedience. Since 1843-44, the first day's rest carries the same consequences, but this time it prevents entry into heavenly Canaan, the reward for the faith of the elect offered by the atoning death of Jesus Christ. This divine judgment falls on the rebels, because, like the action of Moses, the rest of the first day is not in accordance with the plan programmed by God. Names can be changed without much consequence, but the character of numbers is their immutability. For the creator God, who supervises his creation, the progressive progression of time is carried out by a succession of weeks of seven days. Immutably, the first day will remain the first day and the “ seventh ” will remain the “ seventh ”. Each day will perpetually retain the value that God gave it from the beginning. And Genesis teaches us, in chapter 2, that the seventh day is the object of a particular fate: it is “ sanctified ” that is, set apart. Until now, humanity has ignored the true cause of this special value, but today, in its name, I give God's explanation. In its light, God's choice is clarified and justified: the seventh day prophesies the seventh millennium of the divine global project of 7000 solar years, of which the last "thousand years" cited in Apo.20, will see the elect of Jesus- Christ enter into the joy and presence of their beloved Master. And this reward will have been obtained thanks to Jesus' victory over sin and death. The sanctified Sabbath is no longer only the memorial of the creation of our earthly universe by God, it also marks each week the advance towards entry into the kingdom of heaven where, according to John.14:2-3, Jesus “ prepare a place ” for his beloved elect. Here is a very beautiful reason to love him and honor him on this holy seventh day, when he appears to mark the end of our weeks, at sunset, at the end of the 6th day .

From now on, when you read or hear the words of this fourth commandment, you must hear behind the words of the text, God saying to human beings: “You have 6000 years to produce the works of faith of the elect, because you have reached the end from this time, the time of 1000 years of the seventh millennium will no longer belong to you; it will only continue for my elect who have entered my celestial eternity, by means of the true faith recognized by Jesus Christ.”

The Sabbath thus appears as a symbolic and prophetic sign of eternal life reserved for the redeemed of the earth. Also, Jesus illustrated it by “the pearl of great price ” of his parable cited in Matt.13:45-46: “ The kingdom of heaven is still like a merchant who seeks beautiful pearls. He found a pearl of great price ; and he went and sold all that he had, and bought her .” This verse can receive two inverse explanations. The expression “ kingdom of heaven ” designates God’s saving project. In picturing his project, Jesus Christ compares himself to a “ pearl ” “ merchant ” who is looking for the pearl , the most beautiful, the most perfect and therefore, consequently, the one that fetches the highest price. To find this rare , and therefore precious, pearl, Jesus left heaven and its glory and on earth at the price of his terrible death, he bought back these spiritual pearls so that they would become his property for eternity. But conversely, the merchant is the chosen one who thirsts for the absolute, for the divine perfection which will be the reward of true faith. Here again, to win this prize of the celestial vocation, he abandons vain and unjust earthly values to devote himself to rendering to the creator God a worship that is pleasing to him. In this version, the pearl of great price is eternal life offered by Jesus Christ to his elect in the spring of the year 2030.

This pearl of great price can therefore only concern the last era of Adventism; the one whose last representatives will live until the true return of Jesus Christ. This is why this pearl of great price brings together the Sabbath, the return of Christ and the holiness of the last elect. The doctrinal perfection found in this last era gives the saints the image of the pearl . Their specific experience of entering eternity alive confirms this pearl image . And their attachment to the seventh-day Sabbath which they know to prophesy the seventh millennium gives to the Sabbath and the seventh millennium the image of a unique precious jewel to which nothing can be compared except a “ pearl of great price ”. This idea will appear in Rev.21:21: “ The twelve gates were twelve pearls ; each door was of a single bead . The town square was pure gold, like transparent glass .” This verse emphasizes the uniqueness of the standard of sanctification required by God, and at the same time, the unique reward of obtaining eternal life by their entry into the Sabbath of the seventh millennium through symbolic "gates " which depict Adventist trials of faith. The last redeemed are no better than those who preceded them. It is only the doctrinal truth that God made known to them which justifies their image of pearl which succeeds that of cut precious stones . God never makes an exception for people but, depending on the time concerned, he has reserved the right to make an exception on the standard of holiness required to obtain salvation. The Christian era examined mainly concerns the time marked by the return of sin, religiously formalized since the establishment of the Roman papal regime, that is, since 538. Also, the beginnings of the Reformation are covered by its compassion and mercy, and the transgression of the Sabbath was not imputed before the decree of Dan.8:14 came into force, since the spring of 1843. In subtle allusion, the purchase of the pearl is proposed by Jesus in Rev.3:18: " I advises you to buy from me gold tested in the fire, that you may become rich, and white garments, that you may be clothed and the shame of your nakedness may not appear, and salve to anoint your eyes , so that you may see .” These things, which Jesus offers to those who lack them, constitute the elements which give to the chosen one his symbolic aspect of “ pearl ” in the sight and judgment of the Lord Jesus Christ. The “ pearl ” must be “ purchased ” from Him, it is not obtained for free. The price is that of self-denial, the basis of the fight for faith. In the respective order, Jesus proposes to sell a faith tested by trial which gives the chosen one his spiritual wealth; his pure and spotless righteousness which covers the spiritual nudity of the pardoned sinner; the help of the Holy Spirit who opens the eyes and intelligence of sinful man to the project revealed by God in his holy Scriptures of the Bible.

In the time of 6000 years of the Christian era, God waited until the end of this earthly cycle to make his last elect discover the magnificence of his holy seventh day or Sabbath sanctified for his rest. The elected officials who understand its meaning now have every reason to love and honor it as a gift from Jesus Christ. As for those who do not like it and fight it, they have and will have every reason to hate it because it will mark the end of their animal earthly existence.























The decree of Daniel 8:14


Dan.8:12 continues, saying, “ the horn cast down the truth, and succeeded in his undertakings .” The “ truth ” is, according to Psa.119:142, “ the law .” But it is also the absolute opposite of the “ lie ” which, according to Isa.9:14, characterizes the papal “ false prophet ” by the term “ tail ” which directly accuses him in Rev.12:4. In fact, she throws the truth to the ground to install her religious “ lies ” in its place. His “ undertakings ” could only “ succeed ”, since God himself caused his appearance to punish Christian infidelity practiced since March 7, 321.

Verses 13 and 14 will take on vital importance until the end of the world. In verse 13, saints wonder about how long the extortion of “ perpetual ” and “ devastating sin ” will last; things that we have just identified. But let’s dwell a little on this “ devastating sin ”. The devastation in question is that of human souls or lives. Ultimately, the entire decimated humanity will leave, during the “ thousand years ” of the seventh millennium, the planet earth in its original form “ formless and empty ” which will be worth to it, in Apo.9:2-11, 11: 7, 17:8 and 20:1-3, the name “ deep ” of Gen.1:2.

The “ saints ” also ask how long will “ Christian” “ holiness and host ” be trampled? ". In this scene, these “ saints ” behave as faithful servants of God, animated like Daniel, who is given as an example in Dan.10:12, of the legitimate desire “ to understand » the divine project. They obtain for the three subjects mentioned, a single answer given in verse 14.

According to the corrections and improvements that God led me to make from the original Hebrew text, the answer given is: “ Until the evening of morning, two thousand three hundred, and holiness will be justified .” It is no longer there, the obscure text of tradition: “ Until two thousand three hundred evenings and mornings and the sanctuary will be purified ”. It is no longer a question of sanctuary but of holiness ; furthermore, the verb “ purified ” is replaced by “ justified ", and the third change concerns the expression " evening morning " which is indeed singular in the Hebrew text. In this way, God removes all justification from those who try to change the total number by dividing it by two, claiming to separate the evenings from the mornings. His approach consists of presenting the unit of calculation the “ evening morning ” which defines a 24-hour day in Gen.1. Only then does the Spirit reveal the number of this unit: “2300”. The total number of prophetic days cited is thus protected. The verb “ justified ” has as its root, in Hebrew, the word “justice” “tsedek”. The translation that I propose is therefore itself justified. Then, an error concerning the Hebrew word “qodesh” renders this term as “ sanctuary ” which in Hebrew is “miqdash”. The word “ sanctuary ” is well translated in verse 11 of Daniel 8, but it has no place in verses 13 and 14 where the Spirit uses the word “qodesh” which must be translated as “holiness .

When we know that the “ devastating sin ” specifically targets the abandonment of the Sabbath, itself the object of a particular divine sanctification , this word “ holiness ” considerably illuminates the meaning of the prophetic message. God announces that at the end of the “ 2300 evenings and mornings ” cited, respect for the rest of his true “ seventh day ” will be demanded by him, from every person who claims holiness and “ eternal justice ” obtained by Jesus. Christ. The end of the “ devastating sin ” involves the renunciation of the religious worship of Sunday, the former day of the sun, established by Constantine I , the pagan emperor. God thus reestablishes, in turn, the doctrinal norms of salvation which prevailed in the time of the apostles. This term “ holiness ” alone encompasses all the doctrinal truths of the foundations of the Christian faith. Having as its model and origin the teaching given to the Jews, the Christian faith only brings new, the replacement of animal sacrifices, by the blood shed by Jesus Christ on the mercy seat hidden in an underground cave located under his feet at Golgotha , as it pleased our Savior to reveal and show, to his servant Ron Wyatt, in 1982. The discovery of the subjects concerned by the word " holiness " is progressive and extends over the time of a lifetime, but since 2018, this time is counted and limited, and today, in 2020, there are only 9 years left to restore all aspects.

Daniel 8:14 is a soul-killing decree, for changing God's judgment results in the loss of Christ's offer of salvation for all practicing Roman Catholic Sunday Christians. The spirit of inherited tradition will therefore cause the eternal death of multitudes, who are most often unaware of their condemnation by God. It is here that the demonstration of love of the truth allows God to mark “ the difference ”, concerning the fate which affects “ those who serve him and those who do not serve him (Mal.3:18)” .

Some rebellious spirits will want to challenge the very idea of a change attributable to God who himself declares: “ I do not change ”, in Mal.3:6. It is then that we must realize that the change accomplished in 1843-44 only consists of reestablishing an original norm long distorted and transformed . This is why the blessing of the elect of the Reformation, imputed despite their imperfect works, presents an exceptional character, the doctrinal aspect of which cannot be presented as the model of the true faith. This particular judgment for the early reformers is so exceptional that God picks it up and reveals it in Rev.2:24 where he said to the Protestants, before 1843, "I lay no other burden on you, only what you have keep it until I come .”

The “ woe ” attached to the entry into force of this decree of Dan.8:14 is so “ great ” that God signals it by the announcement of three “ great woes ” in Rev.8:13. And with such serious consequences, it is urgent to know the date of its entry into force. This was precisely the concern of the “ saints ” of Dan.8:13. The duration is now revealed as prophetic “ 2300 days ”, or 2300 real solar years, according to the code given to Ezekiel, a contemporary prophet of Daniel (Ezek.4:5-6). This chapter 8, whose theme consists of putting an end to Roman “ sin ”, will find the elements it lacks in Dan.9 where, there too, it will be a question of “ putting an end to sin ”, but this time, to “ original sin which caused the loss of eternal life, since Adam and Eve. The operation will be based on the earthly ministry of Messiah Jesus and on the voluntary offering of his perfect life, in redemption for the sins of his elect, and I specify, of them alone. The time of his coming among men is fixed by prophecy in prophetic days. The message concerns the priority Jewish people since they are in alliance with God. He gives the Jewish people, to “ put an end to sin ”, a period of “ seventy weeks ” which represent 490 real day-years. But it also indicates the means of dating the starting point of the calculation. “ Since the word announced that Jerusalem would be built, until the anointed, there are… (7 + 62 = 69 weeks )”. Three Persian kings gave this authorization, but only the third, Artaxerxes I , fulfilled it entirely according to Ezra 7:7. His royal decree was promulgated in the spring of 458 BC. The term of 69 weeks places the beginning of the ministry of Jesus Christ in the year 26. Particularly targeting the last “seven years” reserved for the work of Jesus, who established, through his atoning death, the foundations of the new covenant , the Spirit presents in verse 27 of Dan.9, this “ week ” of days-years “ in the middle ” of which, by his voluntary death, “ he causes the sacrifice and the offering to cease ”; the things offered until Jesus Christ, for the atonement of sins. But his death comes above all else to “ put an end to sin ”. How should we understand this message? God offers a demonstration of his love which will capture the hearts of his elect who, by return of love and recognition, will fight with his help against sin. 1 John 3:6 confirms, saying, “ Whoever abides in him does not practice sin; whoever sins has not seen him, nor known him .” And he reinforces his message with many other quotes.

On a doctrinal level, the new alliance built by Jesus Christ only replaces the old one. Thus, both covenants rest on the same prophetic basis revealed in Dan.9:25. The date – 458 can therefore serve as a basis for calculating the 70 weeks fixed for the Jewish people, but also for that of the 2300 actual day-years of Dan.8:14 which concern the Christian faith. Thanks to this dated precision, we can establish for the year 30 the death of the Messiah and for the year 1843 the entry into application of the decree of Dan.8:14. Both messages come to " put an end to sin " with eternal mortal consequences for those who persist in ignoring them, one like the other, until death strikes them, or after the end of the time of the collective and individual grace which will precede the glorious return of Jesus Christ. Until this final point, life permits sincere conversions which allow access to the status of the elect.











Preparation for Apocalypse


The writing of the book is entirely done by God. It is he who chooses the words and in Rev.22:18-19, he warns the translators and scribes who will be responsible for transmitting or transcribing the original story, from generation to generation, that the slightest change in the words will affect them. will be worth the loss of salvation. So here we have a very particular work of very high holiness. I can compare it to a gigantic “puzzle” whose assembly could not be completed if the slightest original piece were to be modified. The work is therefore divinely colossal and according to its nature, everything that God says therein is true, but true for the completion of his saving project; because he addresses this prophecy to his “servants”, more precisely, “ his slaves ”, of the end of the world. The prophecy will only be interpretable when the prophesied elements are about to be fulfilled or, for the most part, accomplished.

The length of the overall time that the divine saving project was to last has always been ignored by men. In this way, at all times, the servant of God could hope to witness the end of the world, and Paul testifies to this by his words: “ This is what I say, brothers, that the time is short ; that henceforth those who have wives may be as if they had none, those who weep as not weeping, those who rejoice as not rejoicing, those who buy as not possessing, and those who use the world as not. not using it, for the shape of this world passes away (1 Cor.7:29 to 31).”

We have, over Paul, the advantage of finding ourselves in this time when God is going to put an end to his selection of eternal elect. And today his inspired counsel should be implemented by the true elect of our final age. The world will pass away, and only the eternal life of the elect will continue. Also, the words of God in Christ, " I come quickly ", in Rev.1:3, are true, perfectly justified and adapted for this final time that is ours; nine years after his return, at the time of writing this text.

We saw in Dan.7:25 that Rome's purpose was to " change the times and the divine law." The understanding of the mysteries of the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ, given to the apostle John detained on the island of Patmos, is essentially based on the knowledge of the true time established by God. The subject of time is therefore fundamental to understanding the Apocalypse, which God structures on this notion of time. He will therefore play on the imprecision of this data so that the book retains its harmless mysterious character which will allow it to cross the 20 centuries of our era without being destroyed by the entities accused and denounced. The changed times, and especially the calendar established by Rome on a false date linked to the birth of Jesus, have not allowed the elect to be deceived when they interpret divine prophecies; this because God presents in his prophecies, durations whose beginning and end are based on historical actions easily identifiable and dated by specialist historians.

But in the Apocalypse, the notion of time is essential, because the entire structure of the book rests on it. Therefore, its understanding depended on the correct interpretation of the Sabbath demanded and restored by God in 1844. My ministry, begun in 1980, aimed to reveal the importance of the prophetic role of the Sabbath, which prophesies the great rest of the seventh millennium, of God and his elect, the theme of Rev.20. According to verse 2Pe.3:8, " one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years are like one day ", the link established between the image of the seven days of creation revealed in Gen.1 and 2 and the seven thousand years of the overall time of the divine project, alone made possible my understanding of the assembly of the structure of the book. With this knowledge, the prophecy becomes clearer and reveals, pearl by pearl, all its secrets.

Thus, prophecy comes to life and effectiveness only if the message can be linked to a date in the history of the Christian era. This is what the inspiration of the Holy Spirit of God in Jesus Christ allowed me to realize. Also, may I declare this “ little book, open ”, confirming the accomplishment of the divine plan announced in Rev.5:5 and 10:2.


In terms of its architecture, the Apocalypse vision covers the time of the Christian era between the end of the apostolic time, around 94 and the end of the seventh millennium which will succeed the final return of Jesus Christ in 2030. It therefore shares with Daniel chapters 2, 7, 8, 9, 11 and 12 overview of the Christian era. For Christians, the main teaching obtained from the study of this book is the pivotal date of the spring of 1843 established by Dan.8:14, but also of the fall of 1844 in which the trial of faith ended. It was again from the fall of 1844 that God laid the foundations of the Seventh-day Adventist faith. These two dates are so important that God will use them to structure his vision of Revelation. To fully understand the value of these two close dates, we must relate to 1843 the beginning of a test of faith for the prophetic word. The first spiritual victims fell on this date through their contemptuous rejection of William Miller's first Adventist announcement. But the time of trial offers them a second chance with its second announcement of the return of Jesus for October 22, 1844. On October 23 the trial ends and God's judgment can thus be formulated and revealed. The collective test is over, but individual conversion is still possible. Moreover, in fact, Adventists all observe the Roman Sunday rest not yet identified as a sin. And the Sabbath is gradually adopted by Adventists individually, without its major role being realized by all Adventists. This reasoning leads me to favor for the end of the false Protestant faith, the date of spring 1843 and for the beginning of Adventism blessed by God, the autumn date of October 23, 1844. Already, among the Hebrews, spring and Autumn were linked by giving rise to festivals which celebrated diametrically opposed complementary themes; the eternal justice of the slain “lamb ” of the “Passover” of spring, on the one hand, and the end of the sin of the “ goat ” killed for “the day of atonement” of sins, of autumn, of somewhere else. The two religious festivals found their fulfillment in the Passover of the year 30 in which the Messiah Jesus gave his life. The spring of 1843 and October 22, 1844 are also linked in meaning since the goal of the test of faith is to “ put an end to sin ” according to Dan.7:24; that which constitutes the odious practice of weekly rest on the first day, while God ordained it for the seventh which he even sanctified for this use, from the end of the first week of earthly creation; in 2021, 5991 years before us.

We can also favor the date of the decree of Daniel 8:14 which defines the date of spring 1843. To justify this choice, we must consider that this moment cuts all the relationships established until then between God and his creatures; God who has undertaken, since this date, a final selection built on two successive Adventist announcements. From the spring of 1843, the Sabbath was due, but God was not going to give it to the winners of the test until the fall of 1844, as a blessed and sanctified sign that they belonged to him, in accordance with the biblical teaching of Eze.20:12-20, as we saw earlier.

In this book, chapter 5 aims to remind us that, without the victory paid so dearly by Jesus Christ, " the Lamb of God ", all divine help, all revealed light would have been impossible, and therefore, no soul human could not be saved. His prophetic light saves his elect as much as his voluntarily accepted crucifixion. Faith in his sacrifice imputes to us his “ eternal justice ” according to Dan.7:24, but his Revelation illuminates our path and shows us the spiritual traps set by the devil, to make us share his terrible fate. In this case, salvation takes a concrete form.

Here is an example of these subtle traps. The Bible is rightly viewed and considered to be the written Word of God. However, these words were written by men immersed in the context of their time. However, if God does not change, his enemy the devil, Satan, opportunely changes his strategy and behavior towards God's elect, over time. This is why the devil acting as a “ dragon ” image of his open persecuting war, in his time, but only for that time, John could declare in 1John 4:1 to 3: “ Beloved, do not believe in all spirit; but test the spirits, whether they are of God, for many false prophets have gone out into the world. Recognize the Spirit of God in this: every spirit that confesses Jesus Christ come in the flesh is of God; and every spirit that does not confess Jesus is not of God, it is that of the antichrist, of whose coming you have heard, and who is now already in the world. » In his words, John specifies “ come in the flesh ” only to identify Christ from his eyewitness testimony. But his affirmation " every spirit which confesses Jesus Christ come in the flesh is of God " has lost its value since the Christian religion fell into apostasy and sin from March 7, 321, by abandoning the practice of the true Sabbath of true seventh day sanctified by God. The practice of sin, until 1843, reduced the value of “ confessing Jesus Christ come in the flesh ” and since that same date, it has stripped it of all value; the last enemies of Jesus Christ claim to use his name ” as he announced in Matt.7:21 to 23: “ Not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in your name ? Have we not cast out demons through your name ? And have we not done many miracles through your name ? Then I will say to them openly: I never knew you , depart from me, you who work iniquity .” “ Never known ”! These “ miracles ” were therefore performed by the devil and his demons.


































The Apocalypse in summary


In the prologue to chapter 1, the beginning of His glorious Revelation, the Spirit presents to us the menu of the feast prepared. There we find the theme of the announcement of the glorious return of Jesus Christ, organized already in 1843 and 1844, to test the universal and mainly American Protestant faith; this theme is omnipresent: verse 3, For the time is near ; verse 7, behold he comes with the clouds… ; verse 10, I was taken by the Spirit on the day of the Lord and I heard behind me a loud voice like the sound of a trumpet . Transported by the Spirit, John finds himself on the day of Jesus' glorious return, the Day of the Lord , " great and fearful day " according to Mal.4:5, and he has behind him , the historical past of the Christian era presented under the symbol of seven names borrowed from seven cities in Asia (present-day Turkey). Then, as in Daniel, the three themes of letters, seals and trumpets will cover the entire Christian era in parallel, but each of them is divided into two chapters. Detailed study will reveal that this division takes place on the pivotal date of 1843 established in Dan.8:14. Within each theme, messages adapted to the spiritual standards established in Daniel, for the targeted eras, mark 7 moments of the time covered; 7, the number of divine sanctification which serves as its “ seal ” and which will be the theme of Rev.7.

The explanation which comes was never made effective because the notion of time is revealed only by the meaning of the names of the "seven churches" cited in the first chapter. In the theme of the letters, of Rev. 2 and 3, we find no precision in the form: “the first angel, the second angel…etc. » ; as will be the case with “ the seals, the trumpets, and the seven last plagues of the wrath of God .” In this way some were able to believe that the messages were addressed, really and literally, to Christians living in these cities of ancient Cappadocia, of present-day Turkey. The order in which the prophecy presents these city names follows chronologically the order in which religious historical facts were fulfilled throughout the Christian era. And it is according to the revelations already obtained by the book of Daniel, that God defines the character that he gives to each era by the meaning of the name of his city. Successively, the revealed order is translated as follows:

1- Ephesus : meaning: launch (that of the Assembly or sanctuary of God).

2- Smyrna : meaning: myrrh (pleasant smell and embalming of the dead for God; Roman persecutions of the faithful elect between 303 and 313).

3- Pergamon : meaning: adultery (since the abandonment of the Sabbath on March 7, 321. In 538, the papal regime established religiously formalized the rest of the first day renamed Sunday).

4- Thyatira : meaning: abomination and mortal suffering (designates the time of the Protestant Reformation which openly denounced the diabolical nature of the Catholic faith; time concerning the 16th century when thanks to mechanical printing, the dispersion of the Bible was favored).

5- Sardis : double and opposite meanings: convulsive and precious stone. (It reveals the judgment that God carries on the test of faith of 1843-1844: the convulsive meaning concerns the rejected Protestant faith: "You are dead ", and the precious stone designates the elect winners of the test: " they will walk with me in white clothing because they are worthy .”)

6- Philadelphia : meaning: Brotherly love (the precious stones of Sardis have been collected in the Seventh-day Adventist institution since 1863; the message is awarded for the year 1873 defined by Dan.12:12. Blessed at this time, she is however warned against the risk of having one's crown "taken ").

7- Laodicea : meaning: people judged: “ neither cold nor hot but lukewarm ” (it is Philadelphia who has “ his crown taken ”: “ You are unhappy, miserable, poor, blind, and naked ”. The institution had not imagined that it would be tested and tested, between 1980 and 1994, by a test of faith identical to that which earned its pioneers of 1844 their divine blessing: in 1994, the institution fell, but the message continued by scattered Adventists whom God identifies and selects by their love for his revealed prophetic light, and by the meek and submissive nature which characterizes true disciples of Jesus Christ in all ages ).

In the continuation ” of earthly time which ended with the glorious return of Christ God, Apo.4 will image by the symbol of “24 thrones”, a scene of celestial judgment (in heaven) where God will bring together his elect so that 'they judge the wicked dead. In parallel with Rev.20, this chapter covers the “thousand years” of the seventh millennium. Clarification: why 24, and not 12, thrones? Because of the division of the Christian era into two parts on the dates 1843-1844 of the beginning and the end of the test of faith of the time.

Then, as an important aside, Rev.5 will highlight the importance of understanding the book of prophecies; which will be made possible only by the victory obtained by our divine Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

The time of the Christian era will be surveyed again in Rev.6 and 7 under the gaze of a new theme; that of the “seven seals”. The first six will present the main actors on stage and the signs of the times which characterize the two parts of the division of the Christian era: until 1844, for Apo.6; and from 1844, for Apo.7.

Then comes the theme of " trumpets " which symbolize warning punishments for the first six of Rev. 8 and 9, and definitive punishment, for " the seventh trumpet ", always set apart, in Rev. 11:15 at 19.

Behind Apo.9, Apo.10 targets the time of the end of the world, evoking the spiritual situation of the two great enemies of Jesus Christ who claim to be him: the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith, joined by official Adventism fallen since 1994. Chapter 10 closes the first part of the book's revelations. But important main topics will be addressed and developed in the chapters that follow.

Thus Apo.11 will resume the overview of the Christian era and develop, mainly, the important role of the French Revolution, whose established national atheism is used by God, under the symbolic name of "the beast which rises from the deep ", to destroy the power of the Catholic regime of " the beast that rises from the sea ", in Rev.13:1. Universal religious peace, mentioned in Apo.7, will thus be obtained and noted in 1844. Then, taking this revolutionary regime as an image of the imminent Third World War or "6th trumpet" of Apo.9:13 , which constitutes the true “ second woe ” through the announcement of Rev.8:13, the final theme of the “ seventh trumpet ”, which is accomplished by the return in glory of Jesus Christ, is presented.

In Rev.12, the Spirit presents us with another overview of the Christian era. He completes his information, particularly on the situation of the devil and his angelic supporters. He teaches us that after his victory on the cross, in the celestial name of Michael already cited in Dan.10:13, 12:1, the name he bore in heaven before his human incarnation in Jesus, our Lord cleansed the heaven from their evil presence and that they have forever lost access to the celestial dimensions created by God. Here's some good news! Jesus' victory had happy heavenly consequences for our heavenly brothers delivered from the temptations and thoughts of demons. They have, since this expulsion, been confined to our earthly dimension, where they will be killed with the earthly enemies of God, in 2030 at the glorious return of Christ God. In this overview, the Spirit images the successions of the " dragon " and the " serpent " which designate, respectively, the two strategies of the devil's combat: open war , of denounced imperial or papal Rome, and the deceptive religious seduction of the Roman Vatican papacy, unmasked, almost humanist. In subtle images borrowed from the experiences of the Hebrews, “ the earth opens its mouth ” to swallow up the papal aggression of the Catholic leagues. As we have just seen, the work will be carried out by the French atheist revolutionaries. But it will also be started by the Protestant troops of an aggressive, warlike false Christianity. The overview will end with the mention of “ the rest of the posterity of woman ”. The Spirit then gives his definition of the true saints of the final time: “ This is the perseverance of the saints who keep the commandments of God and retain the testimony of Jesus ”. The Spirit designates in these terms those who, like me, cling to his prophetic Revelation and do not let anyone snatch it away, collecting until the end, the pearls given by heaven.

Chapter 13 presents the two aggressive religious enemies carrying the Christian faith. As such, he images them, by two “ beasts ” of which the second emerged from the first as suggested by the relationship of the words “ sea and earth ” from the story of Genesis which define them in this chapter 13. The first acted before 1844 and the second will only appear in the last year of earthly time, thus marking the end of the time of grace offered to humans. These two “ beasts ” are, for the first, Catholic, the mother church, and for the second, the Protestant Reformed churches that came from it, its daughters.

Covering only the second part of the Christian era since 1844, Rev. 14 evokes the three messages of Seventh-day Adventist truths to eternal conditions: the glory of God which demands the restoration of the practice of his holy Sabbath, his condemnation of Roman Catholicism, and his condemnation of Protestantism which honors its Sunday which he designates as a " mark " of the human and diabolical authority of both imperial and papal Rome. When the time of the preparatory mission ends, successively, with the rapture of the elect saints imaged by " the harvest ", and the destruction of the rebellious teachers and all unbelievers, actions imaged by " the vintage ", the earth will once again become the “ abyss ” of the first day of creation, deprived of all forms of terrestrial life. It will keep alive, however, for " a thousand years ", an inhabitant of choice, Satan, the devil himself, awaiting his destruction at the last judgment as well as all the other rebels men and angels.

Rev.15 focuses on the timing of the end of probation.

Rev. 16 reveals " the seven last plagues of the wrath of God " which strike, after the end of the time of probation, the last unbelieving rebels who become more and more aggressive, to the point of decreeing the death of the observers of the righteous divine Sabbath. before the seventh plague.

Rev.17 is entirely devoted to the identification of the “great harlot” called “ Babylon the Great ”. It is in these terms that the Spirit designates the “ great city ” imperial and papal, Rome. God's judgment on her is thus clearly revealed. The chapter also announces her future judgment and destruction by fire, because the Lamb and his faithful elect will overcome her.

Revelation 18 targets the time of the “ harvest ” or punishment of “ Babylon the Great ”.

Rev. 19 depicts the glorious return of Jesus Christ and his confrontation with the terrified earthly rebel forces.

Rev.20 targets the time of the thousand years of the seventh millennium experienced very differently, in heaven by the elect, and on the desolate earth, in isolation by Satan. At the end of the thousand years, God will organize the last judgment: the annihilation by celestial and underground terrestrial fire of all terrestrial human and celestial angelic rebels.

Apo.21 depicts the glory of the Assembly formed by the gathering of the elect redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. The perfection of the chosen ones is illustrated by comparisons with what the earth offers most precious to men: gold, silver, pearls and precious stones.

Apo.22 evokes in image the return to the lost Eden, found and installed for eternity on the earth of sin regenerated and transformed to become the universal throne of the one and only great God, creator, legislator and redeemer who dominates over all its universes with its earthly redeemed.

Here ends this rapid overview of the book Revelation, the detailed study of which will confirm and reinforce what has just been said.

I add this highly spiritual explanation which reveals the hidden reasoning of God's mind. He delivers unsuspected messages through subtle allusions that the Bible will enlighten us. By following, in the construction of the Apocalypse, the same processes that he used for the construction of his revelations given to Daniel, God confirms that he “does not change ” and that he will be “ eternally the same ”. Also, I found in the Apocalypse the same method of paralleling three themes which are the “ letters to the Assemblies ”, the “ seals ” and the “ trumpets ”. According to Apo.5, where the Apocalypse is imaged by a book closed by " seven seals ", only the opening of the " seventh seal " will authorize access to the evidence which will confirm in chapters 8 to 22, the interpretations and the suspicions raised by the study of chapters 1 to 6. Chapter 7 is therefore the key to entering into the understanding of the mysteries revealed. And do not be surprised, because its theme is precisely the Sabbath, which has made all the difference between true and false holiness since 1843. We therefore find in Apo.7, the great truth which riddled the Protestant religion in the spring 1843. The Apocalypse will only confirm this fundamental teaching revealed to Daniel. But, for Adventism, which emerged on this date as a victor, the Apocalypse will reveal for 1994, a test which will sift it in turn. This new light will, once again, “ again ”, make “ the difference between those who serve God and those who do not serve him ”, or more.

























Part two: the detailed study of the Apocalypse



Revelation 1: Prologue – The Return of Christ –

the Adventist theme



The presentation

Verse 1: “ Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave him to show to his servants slaves the things which must happen quickly , and which he made known, by sending his angel, to his servant John,… ” .

John, the apostle whom Jesus loved, is the depositary of this divine Revelation which he obtains from the Father in the name of Jesus Christ. John, in Hebrew “Yohan”, means: God gave; and it's also my first name. Didn't Jesus say: " To him who has, will be given "? This message is “ given ” by “ God ” the Father, therefore with unlimited content. Because since his resurrection, Jesus Christ has resumed his divine attributes, and it is as a heavenly Father that he can, from heaven, act in favor of his servants or more precisely his “ slaves ”. As the saying goes, “forewarned is forearmed.” God is of this opinion and he proves it, by addressing to his servants revelations about the future. The expression “ what must happen promptly ” may be surprising when we know that the message was given in 94 AD and that we are now in 2020-2021, the time this document was written. But by discovering his messages, we will understand that this “ promptly » takes on a literal meaning, because their recipients will be contemporary with the glorious return of Jesus Christ. This theme will be in the omnipresent Revelation, because Revelation is addressed to the last "Adventists" selected by God, by faith demonstrated in a final test built on the data of Rev.9:1-12, which deals with the theme of the “ fifth trumpet ”. In this chapter, verses 5 and 10 cite a prophetic period of “ five months ” misinterpreted until me. In my study of the subject, this duration determined a new date supposed to announce the return of Jesus for 1994, the real year 2000 of the true birth of Christ. This test of faith has tested, for the last time, official Adventism, which has become lukewarm and formalistic, and which was preparing to enter into a pact with those whom God reveals to be his enemies in his Apocalypse. Since 2018, I have known the date of the true return of Jesus Christ and it is not based on any data from the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, the quantified durations of which were all accomplished by fulfilling their sifting role at the appointed times. The true return of Jesus can be understood from the Genesis account, believing that the seven days of our weeks are built on the image of the 7,000 years of the entire plan designed by God, to eliminate sin and sinners, and bring into his eternity his beloved chosen ones selected during the first 6000 years. Like the proportions of the Hebrew sanctuary or tabernacle, the time of 6000 years is made up of three thirds of 2000 years. The beginning of the last third was marked, on April 3, 30, by the atoning death of our Savior Jesus Christ. A Jewish calendar confirms this date. Its return is therefore set for spring 2030, 2000 years later. Knowing that the return of Christ is before us, so near, the word " promptly " » of the words of Jesus is perfectly justified. Thus, although it remained known and read over the centuries, the book Revelation remained closed, frozen, sealed, until the time of the end, which concerns our generation.

Verse 2: “… who testified the word of God and the testimony of Jesus Christ, all that he saw .”

John testifies that he received his vision from God. A vision which constitutes the testimony of Jesus Christ which Rev.19:10 defines as being “ the spirit of prophecy ”. The message is based on images “ seen ” and words heard. John was torn from earthly contingencies by the Spirit of God who revealed to him in images the great themes of the religious history of the Christian era; it will end with his glorious and formidable return for his enemies.

Verse 3: “ Blessed is he who reads and hears the words of the prophecy, and keeps the things that are written therein! For the time is near .”

I take for myself the part that is due to me, the beatitude for “ he who reads ” the words of the prophecy, because the Lord gives the verb read a precise logical meaning. He gives the explanation in Isa.29:11-12: “ All revelation is to you as the words of a sealed book which are given to a man who knows how to read, saying: Read this! And who answers: I cannot, because it is sealed; or like a book that one gives to a man who does not know how to read, saying: Read this! And who answers: I don’t know how to read .” Verse 13, which follows, reveals the cause of this inability: “ The Lord said: When this people come near to me, they honor me with their mouth and with their lips; but his heart is far from me, and the fear he has of me is only a precept of human tradition .” The term “ sealed ” or sealed describes the aspect of the Apocalypse, illegible because it is sealed. It is therefore to open and unseal it entirely that I, another John of the final time, was called by God; this so that all his true elect, “ hear and keep ” the truths revealed in the words and images of the prophecy. These verbs mean “to understand and put into practice”. In this verse, God warns his elect that they will receive, from one of their brothers in Christ, " the one who reads ", the light which explains the mysteries of the prophecy so that they can, in turn, rejoice and put his teaching into practice. As in the time of Jesus, faith, trust and humility will therefore be necessary. By this method, God sifts and removes people who are too proud to be taught. So, I say to the elected: “Forget man, this little official translator and transmitter, and look at the true Author: the Almighty God Jesus Christ.”

Verse 4: “ John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is, and who was, and who is to come, and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, …”

The mention of " seven Assemblies " is suspect, because the Assembly with a capital A is, one, perpetually. “ Seven Assemblies ” therefore necessarily designates the unified Assembly of Jesus Christ in seven marked and successive eras. The thing will be confirmed and we already know that God divides the Christian era into 7 particular times. The reference to Asia is useful and justified, since the names presented in verse 11 are those of cities which exist in Asia Minor, in ancient Anatolia located to the west of present-day Turkey. The Spirit already confirms the limit of Europe and the beginning of the Asian continent. But the word Asia like the word Anatolia hides a spiritual message. They mean: rising sun in Akkadian and Greek, and thus suggest the camp of God visited by Jesus Christ, the “ rising sun ”, in Luke 1:78-79: “ Thanks to the bowels of the mercy of our God, in by virtue of which the rising sun has visited us from on high, to give light to those who sit in darkness and in the shadow of death, to direct our steps in the way of peace. » He is also the “ sun of righteousness ” of Mal.4:2: “ But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise , and healing will be under his wings; you will go out and jump like calves from a stable. ” The formula of the greeting is consistent with the letters that Christians exchanged in John's time. However, God is designated by a new expression, hitherto unknown: “ from him who is, who was, and who is to come ”. This expression only reflects, in the original Greek language and other translations, the meaning of the Hebrew name of God: “YaHWéH”. It is the verb “to be” conjugated in the third person singular in the imperfect tense of Hebrew. This tense called imperfect expresses the accomplished which extends in time, because the present tense does not exist in the Hebrew conjugation. “ and who comes ”, further confirms the theme of the return of Jesus Christ, Adventism. The opening of the Christian faith to pagans is thus confirmed; for them God adapts his name. Then, another novelty appears to designate the Holy Spirit: “ the seven Spirits who are before his throne ”. This quote will appear in Rev.5:6. The number 7 designates sanctification, in this case, that of the divine Spirit poured out in his creatures, therefore, “ before his throne ”. In Rev.5:6, the “slain lamb ” is connected to these symbols, the prophecy thus confirms the divine omnipotence of Jesus Christ. The “ seven spirits of God ” are symbolized by “ the seven-branched candlestick ” of the Hebrew tabernacle which prophesies God’s plan of salvation. His program was thus clearly outlined. Since Adam, 4000 years, and by his death Jesus expiates the sins of the elect on April 3, 30, he thus tears the veil of sin and opens access to heaven to the elect redeemed during the last two thousand of the six thousand years programmed for the selection of the elect scattered, until the end of the world, among the nations of the whole earth.

Verse 5: “ …and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth! To him who loves us, who has delivered us from our sins by his blood .

The name “ Jesus Christ ” is linked to the earthly ministry that God came to accomplish on earth. This verse reminds us of his works accomplished to obtain salvation by grace which he offers only to his elect. In his perfect fidelity to God and his values, Jesus was “ the faithful witness ” proposed as the model to imitate, to his apostles and disciples of all times, including ours. His death was prophesied by the death of the first animal killed to put on the nakedness of Adam and Eve after their sin. Through him, he was therefore indeed the “ firstborn of the dead ”. But he is also, because of his divine importance, his death alone had the effectiveness and power to condemn the devil, sin and sinners. He remains the “ firstborn ” above all the “firstborns” in religious history. It was in thinking of his death, made necessary to redeem the sin of his elect, that God put to death all the " firstborn " humans and animals of rebellious Egypt, the image of sin, to " deliver " his Hebrew people from slavery, already a symbol and image of “ sin ”. As the “ firstborn ,” the spiritual birthright belongs to him. By presenting himself as “ prince of the kings of the earth ” Jesus becomes a servant of his redeemed. The “ kings of the earth ” are those who enter his kingdom redeemed by his blood; they will inherit the renewed earth. It is an astonishing thing to discover the level of humility, compassion, friendship, brotherhood and love of celestial beings who have remained faithful to the divine standards of celestial life. On earth, Jesus washed the feet of his apostles, while confirming that he is “ the Master and the Lord ”. In heaven, he will eternally be “ the prince ” of its “ kings ”. But “ kings ” will also be servants of their brothers. Also, by giving himself the title of " prince ", Jesus puts himself on the level of the devil, his adversary and defeated competitor, whom he calls, " the prince of this world ". The incarnation of God in Jesus was motivated by the face to face of the two “ princes ”; the fate of the world and that of its creatures depends on the power of the great victor Jesus Michael YaHWéH. But Jesus owes his victory only in part to his divinity, because he fought against the devil on equal terms, in a body of flesh identical to ours, 4000 years after the fight lost by the first Adam. His state of mind and his determination to win to save his chosen ones alone gave him his victory. He opened the way for his chosen ones showing that a docile “ lamb ” can defeat “ the wolves ” devouring flesh and spirits, with the help of the faithful and true God.

Verse 6: “ And who has made us a kingdom, priests to God his Father, to him be the glory and the power for ever and ever! Amen! »

It is John who defines what constitutes the Assembly of the elected. In Jesus Christ, ancient Israel continues in spiritual forms prophesied in the rites of the old covenant. By serving the “ King of kings and Lord of lords ,” the true elect share in his kingship, and with him, they constitute citizens of the kingdom of heaven. They are also spiritual “ priests ,” for they officiate in the temple of their body, in which they serve God, offering themselves in holiness for his service. And through their prayers to God, they relay the perfumes offered on the altar of incense of the ancient temple of Jerusalem. The separation between Jesus and the Father is misleading, but it corresponds to the conception that many false Christians have of the subject. This is to the point of claiming to “honor” the Son at the expense of the Father. This has been the fault, or sin, of the Christian faith since March 7, 321. For many, the Sabbath rest is an ordinance that only concerned Jews of the old covenant, the Father's dispensation. The Father and Jesus being only one person, they will suffer the wrath of Jesus whom they thought they were honoring. In his divine nature as Father, Jesus holds, and for eternity, “ the glory and the power, forever and ever! Amen! » “ Amen ” which means: it’s true! In truth !



The Adventist theme

Verse 7: “ Behold, he comes with the clouds. And every eye will see it, even those who pierced it; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. Yes. Amen! »

It is precisely, when he returns, that Jesus will demonstrate his glory and his power. According to Acts 1:11, he will return “ in the same way as he ascended into heaven ,” but his return will be in extreme heavenly glory that will terrify his enemies; “ those who pierced him ” by opposing his real project. Because this expression only concerns human beings contemporary with his coming. When his servants are threatened with death or put to death, Jesus shares their fate because he identifies with them: “ And the king will answer them: I tell you the truth, as often as you have done these things to one of these least of my brothers, you made them for me. (Matt.25:40).” The Jews and the Roman soldiers who crucified him are not included in this message. The Spirit of God imputes this action to all humans who hinder His work of salvation and frustrate for themselves and others His offer of grace and eternal salvation. By citing “ the tribes of the earth ,” Jesus targets the false Christians through whom the tribes of Israel are supposed to be extended into the new covenant. Discovering on his return that they were preparing to kill his true elect, they will have just reason to lament, discovering themselves enemies of the God who was to save them. The details of the program for the very last days will be revealed scattered throughout the chapters of the book Revelation. But I can say that Rev.6:15-16 describes the scene in these words: " The kings of the earth, the great ones, the military commanders, the rich, the mighty, all the slaves and the free, hid themselves in caves and in mountain rocks. And they said to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; ".

Verse 8: “ I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty. »

The one who expresses himself thus is the sweet Jesus who found his divine glory in heaven, he is “ the Almighty ”. It is enough to connect this verse with those of Rev.22:13-16 to have proof: “ I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end… /… I, Jesus, I have sent my angel to attest these things to you in the Churches. I am the root and seed of David, the bright morning star .” As in verse 4, Jesus presents himself under the attributes of the creator God, the friend of Moses, whose Hebrew name is “YaHWéH” according to Exo.3:14. But I specify that the name of God changes depending on whether it is he who names himself or whether men name him: “I am” becomes “He is” in the form “YaHWéH”.

Note added in 2022: The expression “ alpha and omega ” summarizes the entire revelation offered by God in his Bible, from Genesis 1 to Revelation 22. However, since 2018, the prophetic meaning of “six thousand” years given to the six days of the week was confirmed without questioning its value as six real days, during which God created the earth and the life it was to support. But, retaining their prophetic meaning, these six days or “6000” years made it possible to define for the spring of 2030 the final victorious return of Jesus Christ and the rapture of his faithful saints. Through the expression “ alpha and omega ”, Jesus gives his Latter-day Saints a key that will allow them to discover the real time of his second coming. But we had to wait until spring 2018 to understand how to use these 6,000 years, and on January 28, 2022, to associate them with these expressions: “alpha and omega ”, “ the beginning and the end ”.

Verse 9: “ I John, your brother, who shares with you the tribulation and the kingdom and the perseverance in Jesus, was on the island called Patmos, because of the word of God and the testimony of Jesus. »

For a true slave of Jesus Christ, these three things are connected: the portion in tribulation, the portion in the kingdom, and the portion in perseverance in Jesus. John testifies to the context where he received his divine vision. Finding him apparently indestructible, the Romans finally isolated him, in exile on the island of Patmos, in order to limit his testimony to men. Throughout his life, he never stopped testifying for the word of God in order to glorify Jesus Christ. But we can also understand that John was taken to Patmos to receive, in tranquility, the testimony of Jesus which constitutes Revelation, which he received there from God.

Let us note in passing that the two authors of the two prophecies Daniel and Revelation were miraculously protected by God; Daniel being saved from the teeth of lions and John being released unharmed from a vat filled with boiling oil. Their experience teaches us a lesson: God makes a difference among his servants by protecting in a powerful and supernatural way those who glorify him the most and present the aspect of a model that he particularly wishes to encourage. The prophetic ministry is thus designated in 1Cor.12:31 as the “ more excellent way ”. But there are prophets and prophets. Not all prophets are called to receive visions or prophecies from God. But all the elect are exhorted to prophesy, that is to say, to bear witness to the truths of the Lord to their neighbors to lead them to salvation.



John's view of Adventist times

Verse 10: “ I was in the Spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard behind me a loud voice, like the sound of a trumpet,

The expression “ day of the Lord ” will favor tragic interpretations. In his translation of the Bible, JN Darby, does not hesitate to translate it by the word “Sunday”, which God considers to be the withering “ mark ” of “ the beast ” led by the devil in Rev.13:16; this directly opposing his royal “ seal ”, his seventh day of sanctified rest. Etymologically, the word "Sunday" means "day of the Lord", but the problem comes from the fact that it devotes the first day of the week to rest, which God has never ordered, having for his part, perpetual manner, sanctified for this use on the seventh day. So what does “ the day of the Lord ” cited in this verse really mean ? But the answer has already been given in verse 7 saying, “ Behold, he comes with the clouds.” » Here it is the “ day of the Lord ” targeted by God: “ Behold, I will send you Elijah the prophet, before the day of YaHWéH comes, that great and dreadful day . (Mal.3:5)” ; the one who created Adventism and its three “expectations” of the return of Jesus, already accomplished with all the good and bad consequences brought by these three trials, in 1843, 1844, and 1994. Thus living in 94, John is transported by the Spirit at the very beginning of the seventh millennium, where Jesus returns in his divine glory. So what does he have “ behind ” him? The entire historical past of the Christian era; since the death of Jesus, 2000 years of Christian religion; 2000 years during which Jesus stood among his elect, helping them, in the Holy Spirit, to defeat evil as he himself had defeated the devil, sin, and death. “ The loud voice ” heard “ behind ” him is that of Jesus who, like “ a trumpet ”, intervenes, to warn his chosen ones and reveal to them the nature of the diabolical religious traps that they will encounter in their lives in all the “seven” eras which the following verse will name.

Verse 11: “ Who said, What you see, write it in a book, and send it to the seven churches, to Ephesus, to Smyrna, to Pergamum, to Thyatira, to Sardis, to Philadelphia, and to Laodicea. ".

The apparent form of the text seemed to present as addressees, literally, the named cities of Asia of John's time; each has its own message. But this was only a deceptive appearance intended to mask the true meaning that Jesus gives to his messages. Throughout the Bible, the proper names attributed to men have a hidden meaning in their root, from Hebrew, Chaldean, or Greek. This principle also applies to the Greek names of these seven cities. Each name reveals the character of the era it represents. And the order in which these names are presented corresponds to the order of advancement in time programmed by God. We will see in the study of Rev. 2 and 3 where the order of these names is respected and confirmed, the meaning of these seven names, but those of the first and the last, "Ephesus and Laodicea", reveal to them alone, the use that the Spirit makes of them. Meaning, respectively, "to launch" and "judged people," we find " the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end ," of the era of Christian grace. It is no wonder that Jesus introduced himself in verse 8, under this definition: “ I am the alpha and the omega ”. He thus registers his presence with his faithful slaves, throughout the entire Christian era.

Verse 12: “ I turned to know what voice was speaking to me. And when I turned around, I saw seven golden candlesticks ,

The action of “ turning around ” leads John to look at the entire Christian era since he himself was transported to the moment of Jesus' return in glory. After the precision “ behind ”, we have here “ I turned around ”, and again, “ and, after having turned around ”; the Spirit strongly insists on this look towards the past, so that we follow it in its logic. And what then does Jean see? “ Seven golden candlesticks ”. Here again the thing is suspect like the “ seven Assemblies ”. For the model “ candlestick ” was found in the Hebrew tabernacle and it had seven branches which already symbolized, together, the sanctification of the Spirit of God and his light. This observation means that, like the “ seven Assemblies ”, the “ seven candlesticks ” symbolize the sanctification of the light of God, but in seven moments marked during the entire Christian era. The candlestick represents the elect of an era, it receives the oil of the Spirit of God on which it depends to enlighten the elect with its light.




Announcement of a great calamity

Verse 13: “ And in the midst of the seven lampstands , one like a son of man, clothed in a long robe, and having a girdle of gold on his breast. »

Here begins the symbolic description of the Lord Jesus Christ. This scene illustrates the promises of Jesus: Luke 17:21: “ No one will say: He is here, or: He is there. For behold, the kingdom of God is among you . » ; Matt.28:20: “ And teach them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. ". This vision is very similar to that of Daniel 10 where verse 1 presents it as the announcement of a “ great calamity ” for its Jewish people. That of Revelation 1 therefore also announces a “ great calamity ”, but this time, for the Christian Assembly. The comparison of the two visions is very edifying, because details are adapted to each of the two very different historical contexts. The symbolic descriptions that will be presented concern Jesus Christ in the context of his final glorious return. The two “ calamities ” have in common that they occur at the end of the two alliances established successively by God. Let us now compare the two visions: “… a son of man ” in this verse was “ a man in Daniel, because God had not yet become incarnate in Jesus. On the contrary, in “ son of man ”, we find the “ son of man ” whom Jesus constantly names when speaking of him in the Gospels. If God insisted so much on this expression, it is because it legitimizes his ability to save men. He is here “ clad in a long robe ,” “ clad in linen ” in Daniel. The key to the meaning of this long robe is given in Rev.7:13-14. It is carried by those who die as martyrs of the true faith: “ And one of the elders answered and said to me: Those who are clothed in white robes, who are they, and whence have they come? I said to him: My lord, you know it. And he said to me: These are they who come from the great tribulation; they have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the lamb. ". Jesus wears “ a belt of gold on his chest ” or, on his heart, but “ on his loins ”, symbols of strength, in Daniel. And the “ golden girdle ” symbolizes the truth according to Eph.6:14: “ Stand therefore: have the truth girded about your loins ; put on the breastplate of righteousness ; ". Like Jesus, the truth is only honored by those who love it.

Verse 14: “ His head and his hair were white as white wool, like snow; his eyes were like a flame of fire; »

White, symbol of perfect purity, characterizes the God Jesus Christ who, consequently, has a horror of sin. However, the announcement of a “ great calamity ” can only have the aim of punishing sinners. This cause concerns both calamities, so we find, here and in Daniel, God, the great Judge, whose “eyes are like flames of fire ”. His gaze consumes the sin or the sinner, but the chosen one of Jesus chooses to renounce sin, unlike the false Jew and false Christian rebel whom the judgment of Jesus Christ will ultimately consume. And the final context of this “ calamity ” designates its historical enemies, all identified in the chapters of this book, and in that of Daniel. Apo.13 presents them to us under the aspect of two “ beasts ” identified by their names “ sea and earth ” which designates the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith coming from it, as their names suggest according to Gen.1:9- 10. On his return, the two allied beasts become one, united to fight his Sabbath and his faithful. His enemies will be terrified, according to Rev.6:16, and they will not stand.

Verse 15: “ His feet were like burning bronze, as if he were burning in a furnace; and his voice was like the sound of many waters. »

Jesus' feet are as pure as the rest of his body, but in this image they become defiled by treading on the blood of rebellious sinners. As in Dan.2:32, “ brass ”, an impure alloy metal, symbolizes sin. In Rev.10:2 we read: “ He had a small open book in his hand. He placed his right foot on the sea , and his left foot on the earth ; ". Rev.14:17 to 20 gives this action the name “ grape harvest ”; a theme developed in Isaiah 63. The “ many waters ” symbolize, in Rev. 17:15, “ peoples, multitudes, nations, and tongues ” who make an alliance with “ the harlot Babylon the Great ”; name which designates the papal Roman Catholic church. This eleventh-hour alliance will unite them to oppose the Sabbath sanctified by God. They will go so far as to decide to kill his faithful observers. We therefore understand the symbols of his righteous anger. In the vision, Jesus shows his chosen ones that his one personal divine “ voice ” is more powerful than that of all the peoples of the earth combined.

Verse 16: “ He had in his right hand seven stars. From his mouth came a sharp, two-edged sword; and his face was like the sun when it shines in its strength. »

The symbol of the “ seven stars ” held “ in his right hand ” recalls his permanent domination which alone could give God’s blessing; so often and massively wrongly claimed by its infidel enemies. The star is the symbol of the religious messenger since like the star of Gen.1:15, its role is to “enlighten the earth ”, in his case, of divine justice. On the day of his return, Jesus will resurrect (re-suscitate, or raise again after a total momentary annihilation called death) his elect from all eras symbolized by the names of the seven Assemblies . In this glorious context, for him and his faithful elect, he presents himself as “ Word of God ” whose symbol “ of a sharp two-edged sword ” is cited in Heb.4:12. This is the hour when this sword will give life and death, according to the faith shown in this divine word written in the Bible which Rev. 11:3 symbolizes as being " the two witnesses " of God. In human beings, only the appearance of the face identifies them and allows them to be differentiated; it is therefore the element of identification par excellence. In this vision, God also adapts his face to the targeted context. In Daniel, in the vision, God symbolizes his face by " lightning ", a typical symbol of the Greek god Zeus, because the enemy of the prophecy will be the Greek Seleucid people of King Antiochos IV, who fulfilled the prophecy in – 168 In the vision of the Apocalypse, the face of Jesus also takes on the appearance of his enemy who this time is “ the sun when it shines in its strength ”. It is true that this last attempt, to eradicate from the earth any observer of the holy divine Sabbath, constitutes the apogee of the rebel fight in favor of respecting the "day of the unconquered sun" established on March 7, 321, by the emperor Constantine 1 er . This rebel camp will find in front of it “ the sun of divine justice ” in all its divine power, and this, on the first day of spring 2030.

Verse 17: “ When I saw him, I fell at his feet as if dead. He laid his right hand on me, saying: Do not be afraid! »

By reacting in this way, John is only anticipating the fate of those who will confront him at the time of his return. Daniel had the same behavior, and in both cases, Jesus reassures and strengthens his faithful servant, his slave. “ His right hand ” confirms his blessing and in his faithfulness, unlike the rebels of the other camp, the chosen one has no reason to fear God who comes to save him out of love. The expression “ fear not ” confirms the final context characterized since 1843 by this Adventist message from the first angel of Rev. 14:7: “ He said with a loud voice: Fear God, and give glory to him , for The hour of his judgment has come; and bow down before him who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and springs of waters. » ; that is, the creator God.

Verse 18: “ I am the first and the last, and the living one. I was dead; and behold, I live forever and ever. I hold the keys to death and hell. »

It is indeed Jesus, the conqueror over the devil, sin and death who expresses himself in these terms. His words " the first and the last " confirm the message of the beginning and end of time covered by the prophecy, but at the same time, Jesus confirms his life-giving divinity from his first to the last of his creatures. human. He who “ holds the keys of death ” has the power to decide who should live and who should die. The hour of his return is when his saints will be resurrected in the “ first resurrection ” reserved for the “ blessed dead in Christ ” according to Rev.20:6. Let us evacuate all the myths of the traditions of false Christianity of Greek and Roman heritage, and understand that “ the grave of the dead ” is quite simply the soil of the earth which collected the dead transformed into dust, as it is written in Gen. .3:19: “ In the sweat of your face you will eat bread, until you return to the earth from which you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you will return. ". These remains will never again be of any use, because their Creator will resurrect them with all their personality engraved in his divine memory, in an incorruptible celestial body (1Cor.15:42) identical to that of the angels remaining in fidelity to God: “ For in the resurrection men will neither marry nor marry, but will be like the angels of God in heaven. Matt.22:30”.


The prophetic message about the future is confirmed

Verse 19: “ Write therefore the things which you have seen, and those which are, and those which shall come to pass after them,

In this definition, Jesus confirms the prophetic coverage of the global time of the Christian era which will end with his return in glory. The apostolic time is concerned with the expression " which you have seen " and God thus designates John as an authentic eyewitness of the apostolic ministry. He witnessed the “ first love ” of the Chosen One cited in Rev.2:4. “… those who are ” concerns the end of this apostolic time in which John remains alive and active. “… , and those which are to come after them ” designates the religious events which will take place until the time of the return of Jesus Christ, and beyond, until the end of the seventh millennium.

Verse 20: “ the mystery of the seven stars which you saw in my right hand, and of the seven golden candlesticks. The seven stars are the angels of the seven Churches, and the seven lampstands are the seven Churches. ".

The angels of the seven Assemblies ” are the elect of all these seven eras. Because the word “ angel ”, from the Greek “aggelos”, means messenger, and it designates the celestial angels only if the word “celestials” clarifies it. Likewise, the “ seven candlesticks ” and the “ seven Assemblies ” suspected in my commentary are brought together here. The Spirit therefore confirms my interpretation: the “ seven candlesticks ” represent the sanctification of the light of God in the seven eras designated by the names of the “ seven Assemblies ”.
























Revelation 2: The Assembly of Christ

from its launch until 1843


In the theme of letters , we find in Revelation 2, four messages targeting the time between 94 and 1843, and in Revelation 3, three messages covering the time from 1843-44 to 2030. Let us note with interest this revealing precision concerning the names of the first and last letters : “ Ephesus and Laodicea ” which mean, respectively: throwing, and judged people; the beginning and end of the era of Christian grace. In Rev.2, at the end of the chapter, the Spirit evokes the beginning of the “Adventist theme of the return of Christ” which targets the date 1828 preestablished in Dan.12:11. Also, in succession of time, the beginning of chapter 3 of Revelation can be legitimately linked to the date 1843 which marked the beginning of the Adventist test of faith. An adapted message comes to sanction the proven Protestant faith: “ You are dead ”. These explanations were necessary to confirm the connection of the messages to the dates established in Daniel. But the vision of Revelation brings revelations about the beginning of the Christian era that Daniel did not develop. The letters or messages that Jesus addresses to his servants throughout our era dispel the religious misunderstanding of false and misleading illusions that concern multitudes of Christian believers. There we find the real Jesus with his legitimate demands and his always justified reproaches. The four letters of Rev.2 target, successively, four eras located between 94 and 1843.


1st period : Ephesus

In 94, the last witness to the launch of the Assembly of Christ

Verse 1: “ Write to the angel of the congregation of Ephesus : This is what he who holds the seven stars in his right hand says, who walks among the seven golden lampstands:

By the name Ephesus , from the first, translation of the Greek "Ephesis" which means to launch, God speaks to his servants from the time of the launching of the Assembly of Christ, at the time of the Roman emperor Domitian (81-96). The Spirit thus targets the time when John receives from God the revelation that he describes to us. He is the last apostle to remain miraculously alive and alone represents the last eyewitness to the launch of the Assembly of Jesus Christ. God recalls his divine power; it is he alone who “ holds in his right hand ”, symbol of his blessing, the life of his elect, the “ stars ”, whose works he judges, fruits of their faith. Depending on the case, he blesses or curses. God " walks ", understand that he advances in the time of his project by accompanying, generation after generation, the lives of his elect and the events of the world that he organizes or fights: "and teach them to observe everything that I have prescribed to you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. Matt.28:20.” Until the end of the world, his elect will have to accomplish the works that he has prepared in advance for them: “ For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God has prepared from advance, so that we may practice them. Eph.2:10.” And they will have to adapt to the particular conditions required in each of the seven eras. For the lesson given in “ Ephesus ” is valid for the seven eras; the “ seven stars being held in his right hand ” he can let fall and fall to the ground, those which concern rebellious Christians. Remember the idea that a “ candlestick ” is only useful when it illuminates, and to illuminate, it must be filled with oil, symbol of the divine Spirit.

Verse 2: “ I know your works, your labor, and your perseverance. I know you can't stand bad guys; that you have tested those who call themselves apostles and who are not, and that you have found liars; »

Attention ! Verb conjugation tenses are extremely important, as they determine the targeted time of the apostolic era. In this verse the verb conjugated in the present tense refers to the year 94 while those in the past tense relate to the time of persecutions inflicted by the Roman emperor Nero, between the year 65 and 68.

In 94, Christians love the truth which is still intact and undistorted, and they hate the " evil " pagans and particularly among them, the domineering Romans of the time. There is a reason for this, and that is because the Apostle John is still alive, as are many other ancient witnesses to the truth taught by Jesus Christ. “ Liars ” are thus easily unmasked. For in every age, the unconverted tares try to mix with the wheat, because the fear of God is still great, and the message of salvation is seductive and attractive. They introduce false ideas into the doctrine. But in the test of love of truth, they fail and are unmasked by the truly enlightened elect. Likewise, regarding the past of the apostolic era, " you have tested ", the Spirit recalls how the trial of death brought down the deceptive masks of false Christians, the true " liars " targeted in this verse, between 65 and 68, when Nero delivered Christ's Elect to the wild beasts in his Colosseum, to offer a bloody spectacle to the inhabitants of Rome. But let us point out, Jesus evokes this zeal of a past era.

Verse 3: “ that you have patience, that you have suffered for my name’s sake, and have not grown weary.” »

Here again, pay attention to the tenses of verb conjugations!

If the testimony of perseverance is still preserved, that of suffering is no longer. And God is obliged to recall the acceptance of suffering which was manifested and sublimely honored about 30 years earlier, between 65 and 68, when the bloodthirsty Roman, Nero, delivered Christians to death, offered as a spectacle, to his people perverse and corrupt. It was only at this time that the Chosen camp “ suffered ” in its “ name ” and did not “ weary ”.

Verse 4: “ But what I have against you is that you have abandoned your first love. »

The suggested threat becomes clearer and confirmed. At this time the Christians were faithful, but the zeal demonstrated under Nero had weakened or no longer existed; what Jesus calls " losing your first love ", thus suggesting for the era 94, the existence of a second love, much inferior to the first.

Verse 5: “ Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do thy former works; if not, I will come to you, and remove your lampstand from its place, unless you repent. »

Mere respect or simple recognition of the truth does not bring salvation. God demands more from those he saves to make them his eternal companions. Faith in eternal life implies the devaluation of the first life. The message of Jesus remains perpetually the same according to Matt.16:24 to 26: “ Then Jesus said to his disciples: If anyone wants to come after me, let him deny himself, let him take responsibility for his cross, and let him follow me. For whoever wants to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it. And what will it profit a man to gain all the world, if he loses his soul? Or, what would a man give in exchange for his soul? » The threat to remove his Spirit, symbolized by the “ candlestick ”, shows that, for God, true faith is far from being a simple label stuck on a soul. In the Ephesian era, the symbolic candlestick of the Spirit of God was in the East, in Jerusalem where the Christian faith was born and in the churches created by Paul in Greece and present-day Turkey. The religious center will soon be moved to the West and mainly to Rome in Italy.

Verse 6: “ Yet you have this, that you hate the works of the Nicolaitans, works which I also hate. »

In this letter, the Romans are named symbolically, after " the wicked ": " the Nicolaitans ", which means, victorious people or people of Victory, the dominators of the time. In Greek, the term “Nike” is the name of victory personified. What then are “ the works of the Nicolaitans ” hated by God and his elect? Paganism and religious syncretism. They honor hosts of pagan deities, the greatest of which have a day of the week dedicated to them. Our current calendar, which assigns to the seven days of the week the names of the seven stars, planets or stars of our solar system, is a direct heritage of Roman religion. And the cult of the first day dedicated to the “unconquered sun” will give in time, from 321, a particular reason to the creator God to hate the religious “works ” of the Romans.

Verse 7: “ Let him who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the churches: To him who overcomes I will give to eat of the tree of life, which is in the paradise of God. »

Two messages in this verse evoke the earthly time of victory, “ he who overcomes ,” and the heavenly time of his reward.

This formula is the last message that Jesus addresses to his servants in one of the seven eras targeted by the prophecy. The Spirit adapts it to the particular conditions of each era. That of Ephesus marks the beginning of the time covered by the prophecy, so God presents eternal salvation to it in the form of the beginning of earthly history. The image of Jesus was evoked there under that of the tree of life of the earthly garden that God had created to place innocent and pure man there. Apo.22 prophesies this restoration of a renewed Eden for the happiness of the victorious elect on the new earth. The formula presented each time concerns an aspect of eternal life offered by Jesus Christ to his elect alone.


2nd period : Smyrna

Between 303 and 313, the last Roman “imperial” persecution

Verse 8: “ Write to the angel of the congregation of Smyrna : This is what the first and the last, who was dead and is alive, says:

By the name " Smyrna " of the second letter, translated from the Greek word "smurna" which means " myrrh ", God targets the time of terrible persecution led by the Roman emperor Diocletian. “ Myrrh ” is a perfume which embalmed the feet of Jesus shortly before his death and which was brought to him as an offering at his birth by the wise men from the East. Jesus finds in this ordeal the zeal of real faith that he no longer found in 94. Those who agree to die in his name must know that Jesus has conquered death, and that once again alive, he will be able to resurrect them as he did. 'did it for himself. The prophecy is addressed only to Christians of whom Jesus is himself the “ first ” representative. By assimilating his person to the life of his servants, he will also be represented by “ the last ” Christian.

Verse 9: “ I know your tribulation and your poverty (although you are rich), and the slander of those who call themselves Jews and are not, but are a synagogue of Satan. »

Persecuted by the Romans, Christians were deprived of their property and most often put to death. But these material and carnal poverty make them spiritually rich in the criteria of faith of God's judgment. On the other hand, he does not hide his judgment and reveals, in very clear terms, the value he gives to the Jewish religion which refused the divine standard of salvation, by not recognizing Jesus Christ, as the Messiah prophesied by the holy Scriptures. Abandoned by God, the Jews are taken over by the devil and his demons and they become for God and his true elect, “ a synagogue of Satan ”.

Verse 10: “ Do not fear what you will suffer. Behold, the devil will cast some of you into prison, that you may be tested, and you will have tribulation ten days. Be faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. »

In this verse, the devil is called Diocletian, this cruel Roman emperor and his associated “tetrarchs” had a fierce hatred against the Christians whom they wanted to exterminate. The announced persecution or " tribulation " continued for " ten days " or "ten years" in reality between 303 and 313. To some of them who were " faithful unto death " as highly martyrs blessed, Jesus will give “ the crown of life ”; eternal life a sign of their victory.

Verse 11: “ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches: He who overcomes will not suffer the second death. »

The theme of the end-of-period message is: death. This time, the Spirit evokes salvation by reminding us that those who do not accept the first death of martyrdom for God will have to suffer, without being able to escape, “the second death” of the “ lake of fire ” of the last judgment. A “ second death ” which will not touch the elect because they will have entered eternal life forever.


3rd period : Pergamum

In 538, the establishment of the papal regime in Rome

Verse 12: “ Write to the angel of the congregation in Pergamos : This is what he who has the sharp two-edged sword says:

By the name Pergamos , God evokes the time of spiritual adultery . In the name Pergamum , two Greek roots, “pérao, and gamos”, translate as “to transgress marriage”. It is the fateful hour of the beginning of the misfortunes which will strike Christian peoples until the end of the world. By targeting the date 313, the previous era suggested the access to power and the pagan reign of Emperor Constantine I , son of the tetrarch Constantius Chlorus, and victor against Maxentius. By imperial decree of March 7, 321, he abandoned the weekly rest of the holy Sabbath of the seventh divine day, our current Saturday, preferring the first day dedicated, at that time, to the pagan cult of the solar god, the “Sol Invictus” , the Unconquered Sun. By obeying him, Christians committed “spiritual adultery”, which from 538 onwards would be the official norm of Roman popery linked to the Pergamon period . The unfaithful Christians follow Vigilius , the new religious leader established by Emperor Justinian I. This intriguer took advantage of his relationship with Theodora, the prostitute married by the emperor, to obtain this papal position enlarged by his new universal religious power, that is, Catholic. Thus, under the name Pergamum , God denounces the practice of "Sunday", a new name and cause of spiritual adultery , under which the former "day of the sun" inherited from Constantine continues to be honored by a Roman Christian church. . It claims to be Jesus Christ and claims it, by the title of its papal head, “vicar of the Son of God” (Replacement or substitute of the Son of God), in Latin “VICARIVS FILII DEI”, the number of letters of which is “ 666 ”; a number consistent with that which Rev.13:18 attributes to the religious element of " the beast ." The era called Pergamos therefore begins with the intolerant and usurping papal reign which removes from Jesus Christ, the almighty God incarnate, his title of Head of the Assembly, according to Dan.8:11; Eph.5:23: “ For the husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church, which is his body, and of which he is the Savior. " But beware ! This action is inspired by God himself. In reality, it was he who withdrew and handed over to the papal regime the Christian faith which had become officially unfaithful. The impudence of this regime, denounced in Dan.8:23, goes so far as to make it take the initiative to “ change the times and the law ” established by God, in person, according to Dan.7:25. And furthermore, disregarding his warning not to call any human being spiritually "father", he makes himself adored with the title of "Most Holy Father", thus elevating himself above the creator God, legislator, and he will one day find it profitable: “ And call no man your father on earth; for one is your Father, who is in heaven. (Mat.23:9).” This human king has successors through whom the regime and its excesses will continue until the day of judgment programmed by the greatest, the strongest and the most just, the true “Most Holy Heavenly Father”.

Emperor Justinian I therefore established this religious regime that God considered “adultery” towards him. The importance of the outrage must therefore be marked and engraved in history. We noted in 535 and 536, during his reign, two gigantic volcanic eruptions which will darken the atmosphere and cause in 541 a fatal epidemic of plague which will not die out until 767, with a peak of maximum attack, in 592 The divine curse could not take a more terrible form, and details on this subject will be provided in the verse which follows.

Verse 13: “ I know where you dwell, I know that there is the throne of Satan. You remember my name, and you did not deny my faith, even in the days of Antipas, my faithful witness, who was put to death among you, where Satan has his dwelling. »

The prophecy emphasizes the “ throne ” and the location of its location because of its fame and the honors that sinners still pay it today. It is again “Rome” which resumes its domination, this time, under this falsely Christian and entirely pagan religious aspect. The one who claims to be his “replacement” (or vicar), the pope, does not even get God to address him personally. The recipient of the prophecy is a chosen one, not a fallen one, nor a usurper glorifying pagan rites. This high place of the Roman Catholic faith has its papal throne in Rome, in the Lateran Palace which, generously, Constantine I offered to the Bishop of Rome. This Lateran palace is located on Mount Caelius, one of the “seven hills of Rome” which is located in the southeast of the city; The name Caelius means: sky. This hill is the longest and largest of the seven, in area. Near the Lateran Church, which still represents today, for the papacy and its clergy, the most important Catholic church in the world, stands the largest obelisk that exists in Rome where there are 13, since it reaches a height of 47 meters. Discovered under 7 meters of earth and broken into three parts, it was set up in 1588 by Pope Sixtus V who, at the same time, organized the domination of the Vatican State in the following prophetic era called Thyatira . This symbol of the Egyptian solar cult has a large inscription on the stele which bears it which recalls Constantine's offer. In reality, it was his son Constantius II who, after the death of his father, brought it from Egypt to Rome, to partly fulfill a wish of his father who wanted to bring it to Constantinople. This dedication to the glory of Constantine I is more due to the desire of God than to Constantine's son. Because the entire obelisk with its high pedestal confirms the prophesied link, which makes Constantine I the civil authority who installs the rest of the "day of the sun", and the pope, at the time simple bishop of the The Christian church of Rome, the religious authority, which will impose, religiously, this pagan day under the name "Sunday" or, the Lord's day. At the top of this obelisk are four revealing symbols which follow one another in this ascending order: 4 lions seated on its tip, oriented to the four cardinal points, above which are four mountains surmounted by solar rays, and above this together dominates a Christian cross. Directed at the four cardinal points, the symbol of the lions designates royalty in its universal force; which confirms, its description revealed in Dan.7 and 8. Rev.17:18 will confirm saying about Rome: “ And the woman whom you saw, it is the great city which has royalty over the kings of the earth. » In addition, the Egyptian cartouche engraved on the obelisk evokes “the impure wish that a king addresses to Amon” the sun god. All these things reveal the real nature of the Christian faith which has dominated in Rome since Constantine I , since 313, the date of his victory. This obelisk, and the symbols it bears, testify to the “success ” of the servant of the devil prophesied in Dan.8:25, who, through Constantine I , succeeded in giving the Christian faith the appearance of syncretism religious firmly condemned by God in Jesus Christ. I summarize the message of these symbols: “cross”: Christian faith; “solar rays”: solar worship; “mountains”: earthly power; “four lions”: universal royalty and strength; “obelisk”: Egypt be, sin, since the rebellion of the Pharaoh of the exodus, and for the sin which constitutes the idolatrous adoration of the solar god Amon. God attributes these criteria to the Roman Catholic faith developed by Constantine I. And to these symbols, through the Egyptian cartouche, he adds his judgment on the religious commitment of the bishops of Rome, both of whom he considers impure; they are already called “popes” by the religious brothers of the city. The association of the Christian faith with the solar cult already practiced and honored by Constantine himself, is at the origin of a terrible curse that humanity will pay, continually, until the end of the world. This Lateran throne is not in competition with the Roman emperors, because since Constantine I , they no longer reside in Rome, but in the East of the empire, in Constantinople. Thus, by ignoring the prophetic revelation given by Jesus Christ to John, multitudes of human beings are falling victim to the greatest religious deception of all time. But their ignorance is sinful because they do not love the truth and are thus, by God himself, given over to lies and liars of all kinds. The lack of education of the populations of the Pergamon period explains the success of the papal regime imposed and supported by the successive Roman emperors of the time. Which does not prevent certain truly elected officials from refusing and rejecting this new illegitimate authority; which leads Jesus to recognize them as his true servants. The Roman location of the elect having been made, note that the Spirit found there in 538 servants who kept the faith in the name of Jesus while honoring Sunday. However, in this place of Rome, the last martyrs or "faithful witnesses" were only seen during the time of Nero, in 65-68 and that of Diocletian between 303 and 313. Targeting the city of Rome , the Spirit recalls the fidelity of “ Antipas ” his “ faithful witness ” of times gone by. This Greek name means: against all. It seems to designate the apostle Paul, the first herald of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in this city where he died as a martyr, beheaded, in 65, under the emperor Nero. God thus contests the false and misleading title of “vicar of the Son of God” of the popes. The true vicar was the faithful Paul, and not the unfaithful Vigilius, nor any of his successors.

The almighty creator God has engraved in nature the important moments of the religious history of the Christian era; moments when the curse takes on an intense character with serious consequences for the Christian people. Already during his earthly ministry, Jesus Christ gave his twelve amazed and astonished apostles proof of his control of a storm on the Lake of Galilee; a storm that he calmed in an instant, at his command. During our era, the period between 533 and 538 took on this particularly cursed character, since by establishing the papal regime by the Emperor Justinian I, God wanted to punish the Christians who obeyed the decree promulgated by the Emperor Constantine 1st , which made rest obligatory on the “day of the Unconquered Sun” of the first day of the week, since March 7, 321. In this period cursed by him, God caused the awakening of two volcanoes which asphyxiated the hemisphere North of the planet and left traces on the Southern hemisphere also as far as Antarctica. A few months apart, located at the antipodes of each other in the area of the equator, the spread of darkness was very effective and very deadly. Billions of tons of dust spread into the atmosphere, depriving humans of light and their usual food crops. The sun at its zenith offering the same light as the full moon which itself disappeared entirely. Historians have noted this testimony according to which Justinian's armies retook Rome from the Ostrogoths thanks to a snowstorm in the middle of July. The first volcano named “Krakatoa” is located in Indonesia and woke up in October 535 with an unimaginable magnitude transforming a mountainous area into a maritime area over 50 km. And the second, named “Ilopango” is located in Central America and it erupted in February 536.

Verse 14: “ But I have something against you, because you have people there who hold to the doctrine of Balaam, who taught Balak to put a stumbling block before the children of Israel, so that they ate things sacrificed to idols and committed sexual immorality. »

The Spirit describes the spiritual situation established in Rome. Since 538, the faithful elected officials of the time have witnessed the establishment of a religious authority that God compares to the prophet “ Balaam ”. This man served God but allowed himself to be seduced by the lure of gain and earthly goods; all things shared by the Roman papal regime. Furthermore, “ Balaam ” caused the downfall of Israel by revealing to “ Balak ” the means by which he could bring it down: it was enough to push it to accept marriages between Jews and pagans; things that God strongly condemned. By comparing him to “ Balaam ”, God gives us a sketch of the papal regime. The chosen one then understands the meaning of the actions that God himself causes the devil and his celestial and earthly partners to perform. The curse of the Christian church rests on the adoption of the pagan "day of the unconquered sun", observed since 321 by unfaithful Christians. And the papal regime, like “ Balaam ”, will work towards their downfall and intensify their divine curse. “ Meats sacrificed to idols ” is only the image compared with the pagan “day of the sun”. Rome brings paganism into the Christian religion. But what you must understand is that they are of the same nature and bear the same serious consequences under the judgment of God…. Especially since the curses caused by the “ Balaam ” of the Christian era will continue until the end of the world, marked by the return in glory of Jesus Christ. The infidelity of Christians is also compared to that of the Hebrews who gave themselves over to “ fornication ” after God made them understand his ten commandments. Between 321 and 538, unfaithful Christians acted like them. And this action continues to this day.

Verse 15: “ Even so, you also have people who hold to the doctrine of the Nicolaitans. »

In this message, the name of the “ Nicolaitans ” cited in Ephesus reappears in this letter. But “ the works ” which concern them in Ephesus become “ the doctrine ” here. Certain Romans have in fact, since Ephesus , become Christians, then unfaithful Christians since 321, and this, in an official religious way since 538, by honoring the Roman Catholic " doctrine ".

Verse 16: “ Repent therefore; if not, I will come to you quickly , and I will fight against them with the sword of my mouth. »

By evoking “ the combat ” led by his “Word”, “ the sword of his mouth ”, the Spirit prepares the context for the fourth message that comes. It will be that of the 16th century , where the Bible, its holy written word, its “ two witnesses ” according to Rev. 11:3, will propagate divine truth and unmask the false Roman Catholic faith.

Verse 17: “ Let him who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the churches: To him who overcomes I will give hidden manna, and to him I will give a white stone; and on this stone is written a new name, which no one knows except the one who receives it. »

As always, the Spirit evokes an aspect of eternal life. Here he presents it to us in the image prophesied by the manna given to the hungry Hebrews in the arid, barren and dry desert. God then taught that he could protect and prolong the lives of his elect by his creative power; which he will accomplish in giving eternal life to his redeemed elect. This will be the culmination of his entire saving project.

The chosen one of the time will have as a reward eternal life that the Spirit describes in images. “ Manna ” image of heavenly food is hidden in the kingdom of heaven, God himself being its producer. In ancient symbolism, manna was in the most holy place which already symbolized heaven where God reigns sovereignly on his throne. In Roman practices, the “ white pebble ” represented the “yes” vote, the black one denoted the “no”. The “ white stone ” also designates the purity of the life of the chosen one who has become eternal. His eternal life is a divine yes which reflects an enthusiastic and massive welcome from God. Because the chosen one is resurrected in a celestial body, his new state is compared to a “ new name ”. And this celestial nature is, for its chosen ones, perpetually mysterious and individual: “ no one knows it ”. We will therefore have to inherit and enter into this nature to discover what it is.


4th era : Thyatira

Between 1500 and 1800, the wars of religion

Verse 18: “ Write to the angel of the congregation in Thyatira : This is what the Son of God says, whose eyes are like a flame of fire, and whose feet are like burning bronze:

The fourth letter evokes under the name “ Thyatira ” a time when the Christian faith of the Catholic and Protestant leagues offered an abominable spectacle through their bloody clashes. But this message holds huge surprises. In the name Thyatira , two Greek roots “thuao, téiro” translate “the abomination and to bring death with suffering”. The Greek term which justifies this interpretation of abomination designates, in the Bailly Greek dictionary, the pig or the wild boar when they are in heat. And here, clarifications are necessary. The 16th century was marked by the awakening of Protestants who challenged the authority of the Roman papal regime. Also, in order to strengthen its temporal authority, the papacy represented by Pope Sixtus V established its State of the Vatican which will give it civil legitimacy linked to its religious authority. This is why, since the 16th century , the papal regime transferred its headquarters, previously located at the Lateran Palace, to its property in the Vatican, which already constituted an independent papal state. But this transfer is only deception, because the one who claims to be from the Vatican State still sits in the Lateran Palace; because it is there, in the Lateran, that the popes welcome the emissaries of foreign states who visit it. And so, in 1587, the repaired obelisk reerected near the Lateran Palace since August 3, 1588 was discovered under 7 meters of earth and in three pieces. The Vatican State is located outside of Rome, on the Vaticanus hill, on the western bank of the Tiber which borders the city from North to South. As we looked at the plan of this Vatican city, I was amazed to discover the shape of a pig's head, the ears to the north, and the snout to the southwest. The message of the Greek “thuao” is thus doubly confirmed and justified by God, the organizer of these things. The Catholic faith inherited from Pergamum reaches the peak of its abominations. She reacts violently with hatred and cruelty against those who, enlightened by the Bible, finally disseminated thanks to the printing press, denounce its sins and its abuses. Better still, until then, guardian of the Holy Scriptures which she had reproduced by her monks in monasteries and abbeys, she persecuted the Bible which denounced her iniquity. And she puts the denouncers to death by the power of blind and complacent monarchs; the docile executors of his will. The expressions under which Jesus presents himself quoting, “ he who has eyes like a flame of fire and whose feet are like fiery brass ", reveal his punitive action towards his religious enemies whom he will destroy on his return to earth. These are precisely the two Christian ideologies which fought each other to the death “by sword” and firearms in this historical context of the Thyatira era . “ His feet ” will then rest on “ the sea and on the earth ” symbol of the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith in Rev.10:5 and Rev.13:1-11. Catholicism and Protestantism, both sinful (sin = brass ), unrepentant, are described as “ burning brass ” which attracts the wrath of the judgment of the God Jesus Christ. By taking up this image by which he announces the great “ calamity ” in Rev. 1:15, God reveals the hour when the last persecutors united against his faithful children fought each other to the death like wild “beasts” which will symbolize them in the whole prophecy. From François 1st to Louis XIV, religious wars have followed one another. And we must note how God reveals the curse of the French people, armed support of the papacy since Clovis the first king of the Franks. To mark the apogee of this curse, God placed the young Louis XIV, aged “five” years old, on the throne of France. This Bible verse from Ecc.10:16, expresses its message: “ Woe to you, land whose king is a child, and whose princes eat in the morning! » Louis XIV ruined France with his lavish spending on the Palace of Versailles and his costly wars. He left behind him a France plunged into poverty and his successor Louis XV lived only for the libertinism shared with his inseparable companion in debauchery, Cardinal Dubois. An abominable character, Louis By targeting a gentle and peaceful man as the target of this anger, God revealed his intention to strike the hereditary monarchical regime, for the blind trust it has unjustly placed in papal religious pretensions since Clovis.

Verse 19: “ I know your works, your love, your faith, your faithful service, your steadfastness, and your latter works more than the first. »

These words, God addresses to his servants “ faithful unto death ”, offering themselves to sacrifice in the image of their Master; their “ works ” are accepted by God because they testify to their authentic “ love ” for their Savior. Their “ faith ” will be justified since it is accompanied by “ faithful service ”. The word “ constancy ”, cited here, takes on appreciable historical importance. It was in “the Tower of Constance” in the town of Aigues-Mortes that Marie Durand lived her captivity for 40 long and trying years, as a model of faith. Many other Christians gave the same testimony, often remaining unknown to history. This is because the number of martyrs increased over time. The latest works concern the time of the reign (1643 to 1715) of King Louis Note clearly the revealing role of the name “ dragon ” which designates “the devil” and the open aggressive action of imperial Rome and papal Rome in Rev.12:9-4-13-16. The one who called himself the “sun king” brought to its peak the fight for Catholicism, defender of the “day of the sun” inherited since Constantine I. However, to testify against him, God plunged the entire duration of his long reign into darkness, denying him the warmth and full light of the true sun with serious consequences for the diet of the French people.

Verse 20: “ But what I have against you is that you let the woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess, teach and seduce my servants to commit sexual immorality and eat meats sacrificed to idols. »

In 1170, God had the Bible translated into the Provençal language by Pierre Vaudès. He was the first Christian who rediscovered the doctrine of integral apostolic truth, including respect for the true Sabbath and adoption of vegetarianism. Known under the name Pierre Valdo, he is at the origin of the “Vaudois” who settled in the Italian Alpine Piedmont. The work of Reformation that they represented was opposed by popery and the message disappeared. So much so that God delivered the whole of Europe to a murderous Mongol invasion followed by a terrible epidemic of plague caused by the Mongols which destroyed, from 1348, a third and almost half of its population. The message of this verse, “ you leave the woman Jezebel… ”, is a reproach addressed to the reformers who did not give the work of Pierre Valdo the importance it deserved, because it was perfect. Between 1170 and 1517, they ignored the perfect doctrine of the truth of Christian salvation and their Reform undertaken at the end of this era is partial and very incomplete.

Note : the doctrinal perfection understood and applied by Pierre Valdo shows that in him, God presented the complete program of the Reformation which needed to be carried out. In fact, things were accomplished in two stages, the requirement of the Sabbath not beginning until 1843-1844, in accordance with the time marked by the decree of Dan.8:14.

To depict the papal Roman Catholic faith, God compares it to the foreign wife of King Ahab, the terrible " Jezebel " who killed God's prophets and shed innocent blood. The copy conforms to the model and it also has the disadvantage of lasting much longer in operation. By naming her “ prophetess ”, God targets the name of the new place of his “throne”: Vatican, which means in Old French and Latin, “vaticinare”: to prophesy. Historical details about the place are extremely revealing. Originally, this place was marked by the presence of a Roman temple dedicated to the “ serpent ” god Aesculapius. This symbol will designate the devil and the papal regime in Rev.12:9-14-15. Emperor Nero placed his chariot racing circuits there, and “Simon the Magician” was buried in a cemetery there. It is, it seems, his remains, which would be honored as those of the Apostle Peter crucified in Rome. Here again, a basilica offered by Constantine celebrated Christian glory. The area was originally swampy. The lie thus constructed will justify the new name of this Vatican basilica which, enlarged and embellished in the 15th century , will take the misleading name of “Basilica of Saint Peter of Rome”. This honor, actually given to a magician and to the “ serpent ” Aesculapius, will justify the name “ magic ” that the Spirit attributes to Roman Catholic religious rites in Rev.18:23 where the biblical Darby version tells us: “ And the light of the lamp will no longer shine in you; and the voice of the bridegroom and the wife will no longer be heard in you; for your merchants were the great ones of the earth; for by your magic all nations have been led astray. » Precisely, the completion of the work on this basilica “Saint-Pierre de Rome”, which required enormous sums of money, will lead the prelate Tetzel to sell his “indulgences”. Seeing forgiveness of sins sold for money, monk teacher Martin Luther discovered the true nature of his Roman Catholic church. He thus denounced his diabolical nature and some of his errors by displaying his famous 95 theses in 1517 on the door of the German church in Augsburg. He thus formalized the work of the Reformation proposed by God to Pierre Valdo since 1170.

Speaking directly to his reformed servants of the time, the true, resigned peaceful victims, the Spirit reproaches them for allowing Jezebel to teach and seduce his servants . We can read in this reproach all the doctrinal imperfection of this beginning of reform. She “ teaches and seduces ” her “ servants ”, those of Jesus, which makes her a Christian church. But his teaching is that of the Pergamon period where the accusation of “fornication ” and the image of “ meat sacrificed to idols ” were already denounced. Despite deceptive appearances, in this verse the important entity is not " the woman Jezebel " but the Protestant Christian himself. From the beginning by telling him “ you leave the woman Jezebel… ” the Spirit suggests faults shared by the first Protestants. He then reveals the character of this fault: pagan idolatry. In doing so, he reveals the nature of the “ burden ” that he did not yet impose on him, at that time, but that he will demand from 1843. And in this message, the creator God targets the Roman “Sunday” whose practice is in his eyes a pagan idolatrous work which honors a false solar divinity of the oldest paganism in human history. From 1843, he would have to renounce “Sunday” or his relationship with Jesus Christ, the only Savior of earthly sinners.

Verse 21: “ I gave her time, that she might repent, and she will not repent of her fornication. »

This time is revealed since Dan.7:25 and it is confirmed in three forms in the Apocalypse in chapters 11,12, and 13. These are the expressions: " a time of times and half a time ; 1260 days, or 42 months " which all designate the intolerant papal reign in action between 538 and 1798. The propagation of the truth by means of the Bible and the preaching of true reformers offered the Catholic faith its last chance to repent and to abandon one's sins. She did nothing, and persecuted and tortured, in the name of her inquisitive power, the peaceful messengers of the living God. Thus, it reproduced the rebellious works of the Jewish people giving Jesus' parable a second fulfillment: it is the parable of the winegrowers who kill the first ones sent by God, and then kill, when he comes to them, the son of the Master of the vineyard to steal his inheritance.

Verse 22: “ Behold, I will cast her upon a bed, and send great tribulation upon them that commit adultery with her, unless they repent of their works. »

God will treat her as a “ prostitute ” “ cast on a bed ”, which allows us to connect “ the woman Jezebel ” of this theme with “ the harlot Babylon the great ” of Rev.17:1. The predicted “ great tribulation ” will come after the failure of the biblical proclamation. This same message will confirm the identification of this “ great tribulation ” with “ the beast that ascends out of the deep ” in Rev.11:7. It rises after the work of God's " two witnesses " which are the writings of the old and new divine covenants of the Holy Bible. Spiritual “ adultery ” is confirmed and named and “ those ” whom God accuses of committing it with “ Jezebel ” are the French monarchs and monarchists. Along with the Catholic priests, the monarchists will become the main targets of the wrath of revolutionary national atheism which was only the expression of the wrath of the almighty God Jesus Christ. They did not repent, so the double wrath struck them at the time appointed by God for the end of the papal reign between 1793 and 1798.

The word “ tribulation ” designates the consequence of the divine curse according to Rom.2:19: “ Tribulation and anguish upon every soul of man that does evil , upon the Jew first, and then upon the Greek!” ". But the “ tribulation ” which punishes the sins of the Catholic monarchy and its ally the Roman Catholic Church symbolized in Rev.17:5, by the name “ Babylon the great ”, is, logically, a “ great tribulation ”.

Verse 23: “ I will kill her children with death; and all the churches will know that I am he who searches the minds and the hearts, and I will reward each one according to your works. »

To die a death ” is the expression that the Spirit uses to evoke the two “terrors” of the revolutionary regime of 1793 and 1794. With this expression, he dismisses any idea of a simple spiritual death which will concern the Protestants in 1843 in the message delivered to the angel of the time “ Sardes ” in Rev.3:1. Humanity has never known such bloody work carried out by killing machines, invented by Doctor Louis, but appreciated by Doctor Guillotin whose name was attributed to the instrument itself, called from then on: the guillotine . Summary judgments then pronounced multitudes of death orders, with the addition of the principle of striking the judges and accusers of the day before with death. According to this principle, humanity seemed to have to disappear and it is for this reason that God called this exterminating revolutionary regime “ abyss ”. Ultimately, he would have made the earth, “ the abyss ” without any form of life from the first day of Creation, according to Gen.1:2. But it is only, in heaven, during the celestial judgment exercised by the assembled elect that “ all the Churches ( or Assemblies )” be, the elect of the seven eras, will discover these historical facts with the meaning that God gave them . God's justice is perfect; those who judged falsely were struck by his righteousness, “ according to their ” own “ works .” They caused people to die unjustly and were in turn stricken with death by perfect divine justice: “ and I will repay each of you according to your works .”

Verse 24: “ To you and to all the rest of Thyatira, who do not receive this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they call them, I say to you: I will not lay upon you other burden; »

Those who denounce the Catholic faith and give its religious rites the name " depths of Satan " can only be the reformers who appeared from around 1200 until the French revolution of 1789. Whatever their behavior, their doctrine was very far from the pure truth taught by the Spirit to the apostles and disciples of Jesus Christ. We note to their advantage only three positive things: faith in the sacrifice of Jesus alone, trust given to the Bible alone, and the gift of their person and their life; all other doctrinal points were inherited from Catholicism and therefore subject to questioning. Thus, although imperfect at the level of the doctrine of the truth of the Christian faith, the elected reformers knew how to deliver their lives offered to God in living sacrifices and while waiting for 1844, the date of the entry into force of the decree of Dan. 8:14, God has temporarily approved their service. This he expresses very clearly when he says: “ I lay no other burden on you .” The situation of an exceptional divine judgment clearly emerges in these words.

Verse 25: “ Only what you have, hold on until I come.” »

The reasons which allow God to bless the imperfect Protestant faith must be preserved and practiced by the elect until the return of Jesus Christ.

Verse 26: “ To him who overcomes, and keeps my works to the end, will I give authority over the nations. »

This verse reveals what will cause the loss of salvation from this time of the Reformation until the return of Christ. The elect must keep to the end the works prepared and revealed by Jesus Christ continuously until the end of the world. The called fall by refusing God's new demands. However, he never hid his intention to gradually increase his light until the time of his coming in glory. “ The path of the righteous is like the resplendent light, whose brightness increases until the middle of the day (Pro.4:18)”; this Bible verse proves it. And it is therefore within the framework of his project, that from 1844, the divine requirements will appear on the dates planned and prophesied by his uniquely biblical prophetic word. It is only in the capacity of celestial judge that the chosen one will receive from God “authority over the nations”.

Verse 27: “ He will rule them with a rod of iron, as one breaks clay vessels, just as I myself have received power from my Father. »

This expression suggests the right to sentence to death. Right that the elect will share with Jesus Christ in their judgment of the wicked established for the last judgment, during the “ thousand years ” of the great Sabbath of the seventh millennium.

Verse 28: “ And I will give him the morning star. »

God will give it its full divine light symbolized on our current earth by that of the sun. But Jesus said, “I am the light.” He thus announces the light of celestial life, where God himself is the source of light which no longer depends on a celestial star like our sun.

Verse 29: “ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches! »

The construction of the Apocalypse is like a tower made up of seven floors, the seventh will be the time of meeting God. In this construction, chapters 2 and 3 constitute the basic framework of the entire Christian era between 94 and 2030. All the themes mentioned in the Apocalypse find their place in this basic framework. But in this framework the first floors only play the role of stairs which lead to the upper floor. The importance of the revelation appears at level 3 called Pergamum . This importance is further reinforced at level 4 called Thyatira . It is in this era that the Christian faith becomes confused and misleading. God's judgment on the spiritual situation of this age will have consequences until the end of the world. This is why, in order to solidify your understanding of this judgment, I will summarize this message addressed by God to his elected Protestants during the reign of Louis XIV.

Summary : At the time of the Reformation, Christian behaviors were multiple. We find true saints persecuted, but always peaceful, and people who confuse religion and politics, who arm themselves and return blow for blow to the royal Catholic armies. In Daniel 11:34, the Spirit designates them as “hypocrites.” Few religious people have understood that to be Christian is to imitate Jesus in all things, to obey his orders and submit to his prohibitions; the use of weapons is one of them, and this was his last lesson given at the time of his arrest. Jesus' reproach is justified by the fact that, continuing to practice Catholic heritage, Protestants themselves promote, by their example, the teaching and seduction which belongs to the Catholic Jezebel . Their imperfect religious practice discredits them in the judgment of God whom they dishonor before his enemies. This phase at the beginning of the Reformation led him to make exceptional judgments; which he emphasizes by saying: “ I lay no other burden on you, only keep what you have until I come .” But doctrinal imperfection is legitimate at this beginning and God accepts the service of those who accept persecution and death in his name. They could not give more, giving the maximum: their lives. God underlines this spirit of sacrifice which he designates as “ works more numerous than the first (verse 19)”. The paganism of Roman Catholicism has been compared to meats sacrificed to idols . The denunciation of Roman deception began with the perfectly enlightened works of Pierre Valdo (Vaudés) who, from 1170, wrote a version of the Bible in a language other than Latin, Provençal. His knowledge and understanding of divine requirements was astonishingly complete and after him the Protestant faith deteriorated. Under the inspiration of John Calvin, the Protestant faith even hardened, taking the image of its Catholic adversary. And the expression “Wars of Religion” testifies to an abomination for God, because the elect of Jesus Christ, the true ones, do not return the blows dealt to them. Their vengeance will come from the Lord himself. By arming themselves, the Protestants, whose motto was “sola scriptura”, “Scripture alone”, showed contempt for the Bible which prohibited their violence. Jesus went very far in this area by teaching his disciples that they should turn the “other cheek” to the one who hits them.

This period when Catholic persecution caused the faithful servants of Jesus to die is triplely underlined in the Apocalypse, here in this period Thyatira , but also in the 5th seal of chapter 6 and in the 3rd trumpet of chapter 8. Here, in verse 22, Jesus encourages his martyred servants, announcing to them his intention to avenge their death or their suffering inflicted by Rome and its royal servants. The key word hidden in the name Pergamum appears clearly, the Catholic religion is guilty of adultery against God, and those who commit it with it, the Catholic monarchs, their leagues and their false nobility will pay, under the guillotine of the French revolutionaries, blood unjustly shed. Rev.2:22-23: “ Behold, I will cast her upon a bed, and send great tribulation upon them that commit adultery with her , unless they repent of their works. I will put her children to death ; and all the churches will know that I am he who searches the minds and the hearts, and I will reward each of you according to your works .” But beware ! Because after 1843, " those who commit adultery with her " will also be Protestants , so God will prepare with the nuclear "third world war", a new punishment of Catholic, Orthodox, Anglican, Protestant and other adultery. Adventist. In parallel, the Spirit says in the 5th seal : Rev 6:9 to 11: “ When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and because of the testimony which they had borne. They cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, O holy and true Master, do you delay in judging, and in avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth? A white robe was given to each of them; and they were told to remain at rest for some time longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers who were to be put to death like them was complete. ".

This scene from the 5th seal can be confusing and misleading to an ill-enlightened mind. Let things be clear, this image reveals to us the secret thought of God, for according to Ecc.9:5-6-10, the dead in Christ sleep in a state where their memory is forgotten, no longer taking any part in everything. what is done under the sun . The Bible gives the first death the meaning of an annihilation of the entire being; the dead person is as if he had never existed with the difference that having existed, his entire existence remains engraved in the thought of God. It is therefore to his living servants that God addresses this message of consolation to encourage them. He reminds them that, according to his promises, after the sleep of death, there is a time appointed for their awakening, when they will, through him, be resurrected. They will then have the opportunity to judge, under the gaze and judgment of God in Jesus Christ, their equally resurrected torturers, but at the end of the thousand years . In the message of Thyatira , the death announced for those who commit adultery with Jezebel the Catholic will have a double fulfillment. On earth, the work of the revolutionaries is the first phase, but after it, will come, in its time and in the second phase, the second death of the last judgment, hour when " all Assemblies " Christian infidels or faithfuls of all eras of The Christian era will see the just judgment of God applied against spiritual adultery .

In its symbolic image, the 4th trumpet of chapter 8 confirms the action of the “ great tribulation ” programmed to punish the adultery of popery and the monarchists who supported it. The sun , the divine light, the moon , the dark Catholic religion, and the stars , the religious people, are struck in thirds or, partially, by the persecution of the atheism of the French revolutionaries in 1793 and 1794.

At the end of the message addressed to peaceful Protestants, the Spirit confirms its condemnation of the use of weapons by recalling that it is only for the last judgment prepared during the celestial judgment of the seventh millennium that the chosen one will be avenged. He is therefore not authorized to take revenge himself, before this heavenly judgment where he will then judge his persecutors, with Jesus Christ, and participate in the verdict of their death sentence. “ He will rule them with a rod of iron, as one breaks clay vessels .” The purpose of this judgment will be to determine the time of suffering of the culprits condemned to the second death of the last judgment. Verse 29 mentions: the morning star . “ And I will give him the morning star .” This expression designates the sun, image of divine light. The winner will enter into divine light for eternity. But before this eternal context, this term prepares the fifth letter which comes. The morning star is cited in 2 Peter 1:19-20-21: “ And we hold the prophetic word all the more certain , to which you do well to give heed, as to a lamp that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing first of all yourselves that no prophecy of Scripture can be an object of private interpretation, for it was not by the will of man that a prophecy was ever brought, but it is moved by the Holy Spirit that men have spoken from God . This verse underlines the importance of the prophetic word because the context of the coming era will be spiritually conditioned by the entry into application of the divine decree prophesied in Dan.8:14. “ Until 2300 p.m. and holiness will be vindicated .” But at the time, this verse was only known in the translation: " Until 2300 evening and morning and the sanctuary will be purified ." Even in this translation, God's message was the same, but less precise, it could in this form be interpreted as announcing the end of the world through the return in glory of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. God used American Protestant William Miller to carry out the two Adventist trials of faith in the spring of 1843 and the fall of 1844. As Daniel 12:11-12 teaches us, between these two dates, in 1843, divine decree withdraws from fallen Protestants the saving justice offered by Jesus Christ; because they no longer meet the standard of the new holiness required by God. The justice of Jesus is eternal, but it only benefits the true elect selected by Jesus himself, and this, in all time and until the end of the world.

Here, between Thyatira and Sardis , on the first day of spring 1843, the decree of Dan.8:14 comes into force and we will discover its consequences in the messages addressed by the Spirit to Christians of that date.



Revelation 3: The Assembly since 1843 –

the apostolic Christian faith restored


5th era : Sardis

The judgment pronounced by Jesus Christ after the Adventist trials of spring 1843 and October 22, 1844

Verse 1: “ Write to the angel of the congregation of Sardis : This is what he who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars says: I know your works. I know you are thought to be alive, and you are dead. »

The “ Sardis ” era, theme of the fifth letter, will bring out two Protestant Christian behaviors, opposites attributed: to the fallen, to whom Jesus declares: “ You are considered to be alive, and you are dead ”; and to the elect, in verse 4: “ they will walk with me in white garments because they are worthy .” Like the content of his two messages, the name “ Sardis ” carries a double meaning whose meanings are absolutely opposite. I retain the main ideas of this Greek root: convulsive and precious stone, death and life. Grimacing and convulsive defines sardonic laughter; in Greek, the sardonion is the upper rope of a hunting net; the sardine is a fish; and in the opposite sense, the sardo and the sardonyx are precious stones; sardonyx being a variety of brown chalcedony. At the beginning of this letter, Jesus presents himself as " he who has the seven spirits of God and the seven stars " that is, the sanctification of the Spirit and the judgment on his servants of the seven eras. As in Dan.12, he stands above the killing river, the test of the Adventist faith, and here delivers his verdict. Let us note the familiarity which indicates that one's interlocutor is one in the collective sense. The entire Protestant norm is concerned. Jesus puts an end to the Protestant exception noted in the Thyatira message . The new “ burden ” (as the rebellious believers understand it) is now imposed and demanded. The practice of Roman Sunday must be abandoned and replaced by the Saturday Sabbath. This decree of Dan.8:14 reverses the situation established since March 7 , 321 by Emperor Constantine I. In 1833, 11 years before 1844, through a continuous shower of shooting stars, lasting from midnight to 5 a.m., and visible throughout the United States, God had illustrated and prophesied the massive fall of Protestant Christians. To convince you of this interpretation, God showed the stars of the sky to Abraham, telling him: “ So will your descendants be .” The fall of the stars of 1833 therefore prophesied a massive fall of this posterity of Abraham. This celestial sign is cited in the theme of the 6th seal in Rev.6:13. Jesus said: “ You are said to be alive and you are dead ”. The one he speaks of therefore has the reputation of representing God, and this detail corresponds to Protestantism which, believing in its Reformation, thinks it has been reconciled with God. The divine verdict falls: “ I know your works ”, “ and you are dead ”. It is from God himself, the great Judge, that this judgment comes. The Protestant can ignore this judgment, but he cannot escape its consequences. In 1843, the decree of Daniel 8:14 came into effect and no Christian is expected to be ignorant of the law of the living God. This ignorance is due to contempt for the biblical prophetic word to which the apostle Peter exhorts us to give our full attention in 2 Pet.1:19-20: “ And we hold the prophetic word all the more certain, to which you do well to pay attention, as to a lamp that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing first of all yourselves that no prophecy of Scripture can be an object of private interpretation. » Passing unnoticed in the midst of all the texts of the Bible of the new covenant, these verses make, particularly from 1843, the difference between life and death.

Verse 2: “ Be vigilant, and strengthen the remnant who are about to die; for I have not found your works perfect before my God. »

If they do not meet the new standard of holiness, “ the rest ” of Protestantism will “ die .” Because, God condemns him for two reasons. The first is the practice of Roman Sunday condemned by the entry into force of the decree of Dan.8:14; the second is disinterest in the prophetic word, because not taking into account the lesson given by God through the Adventist experience, Protestant descendants will carry the guilt inherited from their fathers. On both points, Jesus said, “ I have not found your works perfect before my God .” By saying “ before my God ”, Jesus reminds Protestants of the norm of the ten commandments written by the finger of God, the Father whom they despise in favor of the Son who is supposed to save them. His perfectly obedient faith, which he gave as a model, has nothing in common with the Protestant faith, heir to numerous Catholic sins, including, first of all, the weekly rest on the first day. The door of salvation closes forever on the collective Protestant religious norm, the “ stars ” of the “ sixth seal ” fall.

Verse 3: “ Remember therefore how you received and heard, and keep and repent. If you do not watch, I will come like a thief, and you will not know what time I will come upon you. »

This verb, “ remember, ” implies critical meditation on the works of the past. But only the truly chosen are humble enough to criticize their own works. Furthermore, this command “ remember ” evokes the “ remember ” at the beginning of the fourth commandment which commands the sanctified rest of the seventh day. Here again, doubly so, official Protestantism is invited to reconsider the reception it gave to the prophetic messages launched by William Miller in the spring of 1843 and in the fall of 1844, but also to the text of the 4th of the 10 commandments of God that he has been transgressing into mortal sin since 1843. The most serious consequence of his break with Jesus Christ is formulated: “ If you do not watch, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what hour I will come upon you. » We will see how since 2018, this message has become a living reality. Without vigil, without repentance and the fruit of repentance, the Protestant faith is definitively dead.

Verse 4: “ Yet you have some men in Sardis who have not defiled their clothes; they will walk with me in white [garments], because they are worthy. »

A new holiness will emerge. In this message, Jesus is content to testify to the existence of " a few men ", according to the details revealed to Ellen.G.White who was among them, only 50 men received God's approval. These “ few men ” designate men and women who are approved and blessed, individually, for the testimony of their faith in accordance with the expectation of the Lord. Jesus said: “ Nevertheless you have some men in Sardis who have not defiled their clothes; and they will walk with me in white [garments], for they are worthy .” Who can dispute a dignity recognized by Jesus Christ himself? To the victors of the tests of faith of 1843 and 1844, Jesus promises eternal life and complete earthly recognition which will take official form in the coming message from Philadelphia . The defilement of “ clothing ” is attributed to the free behavior of human beings. The “ garment ” being the righteousness imputed by Jesus Christ, in this case “ white ”, its defilement designates the loss of this righteousness for the traditional Protestant camp. Here, on the contrary, the absence of defilement designates the continuation of the imputation of the “ eternal righteousness ” of Jesus Christ according to Dan.9:24. Soon, the knowledge and practice of the Sabbath will give them real holiness, the fruit and sign of the imparted justice of Jesus Christ. This judicious and intelligent choice will soon make them eternal in the sanctification and celestial glorification imaged by the “ white garments ” of verse 5 which comes. The Spirit will declare them “ blameless ”: “ and in their mouth no lie was found, for they are blameless (Rev.14:5)”. They will find, “ peace with all and sanctification, without which no flesh will see the Lord ”, according to Paul, in Heb.12:14. Concretely, these “ white garments ” will take the form of the removal of sin that constitutes the practice of Roman Sunday. Because they faithfully waited for him twice, in his place, as a sign of his approval, the seal of God is given to them by the Sabbath which comes to whiten the elect of the Lord who preserve his righteousness. Thus was accomplished the “cleansing of the sanctuary,” the form in which Daniel 8:14 was translated at the time. Under this gaze, from October 23, 1844, Jesus gave in a celestial vision to the chosen victors the image of his passage from the holy place to the most holy place of the earthly sanctuary. He thus recalled in illustration, the moment when dying on the cross, the sin of his elect was atoned for, thus fulfilling the “ day of atonement ”, the Hebrew “ Yom kippur ”. This event having already taken place, the renewal of action in the vision was only intended to call into question the first achievement of eternal justice obtained by the death of Jesus. Which is literally accomplished for the fallen people of Sardis whose demonstrated faith is unsatisfactory to the creator God. For two reasons, God can reject them for lack of love for his proclaimed prophetic truth, and for the transgression of the Sabbath which has become due since 1843 by the entry into force of the decree of Daniel 8:14.

Verse 5: “ He who overcomes will be clothed with white garments; I will not blot out his name from the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father and before his angels. »

The elect redeemed by Jesus Christ is an obedient being, conscious of owing his life and his eternity to the creator, good, wise, and just God. This is the secret of his victory. He cannot argue with him, because he approves of everything he says and does. Also he himself is the joy of his Savior who recognizes him and calls him by his name, since the foundation of the world where he saw him by his foreknowledge. This verse shows how the false claims of false religious people are vain and misleading even for those who make them. The last word will belong to Jesus Christ who says to all: “ I know your works ”. According to these works, he divides his flock, placing on his right, his sheep , and on his left, the rebellious goats and the ravening wolves destined for the fire of the second death of the last judgment .

Verse 6: “ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches! »

If everyone can literally hear the prophetic words of the Spirit, on the contrary, only his elect, whom he inspires and educates, can understand their meaning. The Spirit refers to precise facts, accomplished in historical time, the chosen one must therefore be interested in religious and secular history, and in the entire Bible composed of stories of testimonies, praises, and prophecies.

Note : In verse 3, Jesus Christ said to the fallen Protestant: “ Remember therefore how you have received and heard, and guard and repent. If you do not watch, I will come like a thief, and you will not know at what time I will come upon you .” Conversely, for the heirs of the victors, since the spring of 2018, this message has been transformed into: “If you watch, I will not come like a thief, and you will know what time I will come to you . And the Lord has kept his promises, since today in 2020, his elect had knowledge of the date of his true return revealed for the spring of 2030. But, the Protestant faith is condemned to ignore this precision, reserved, only , through Jesus, to his elect. Because unlike his behavior towards wicked servants, “ the Lord does nothing without warning his servants the prophets ” Amo.3:7.


6th era : Philadelphia

Adventism enters into universal mission

Between 1843 and 1873, the divine Sabbath of Saturday, the true seventh day ordained by God, was restored and adopted by the pioneers of Seventh-day Adventism which took the form of an official American Christian religious institution called since 1863: " the Seventh-day Adventist Church. In accordance with the teaching prepared in Dan.12:12, Jesus' message is addressed to his elect sanctified by the Sabbath rest, on the date of the year 1873. At the same time, these elect benefit from the beatitude of Dan. 12:12: “ Blessed is he who waits until 1335 days! ".


The new standards established since 1843 became universal in 1873

Verse 7: “ Write to the angel of the congregation in Philadelphia : This is what the Holy One says, the True One, who has the key of David, who opens and no one will shut, who shuts and no one shuts. 'will open : »

By the name “ Philadelphia ”, Jesus shows his Chosen One. He said, “ By this all people will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another. John13:35” And this is the case of Philadelphia whose Greek roots mean: brotherly love. He has selected the elect who compose it, by putting their faith to the test, and for these victors, his love overflows. He presents himself in this message, saying: “ this is what the Holy One, the True One, says .” The Holy , because it is a time when the sanctification of the Sabbath and that of the elect is required by the decree of Dan.8:14 which has come into force since the spring of 1843. The True , because in this prophetic hour, the law of truth is restored; God rediscovers the holiness of his 4th commandment trodden by Christians since March 7, 321. He again says: “ he who has the key of David ”. These are not the keys of St. Peter claimed as possession of Rome. “ The key of David ” belongs to the “ son of David ”, Jesus, himself, in person. No one other than he can grant eternal salvation, because he obtained this key by carrying it “ on his shoulder ” in the form of his cross, according to Isa.22:22: “ I will put on his shoulder the key of the house of David: when it opens, no one will shut; when it closes, no one will open .” This key designating the cross of his torment, in fulfillment of this verse, we read here: " he who opens, and no one will shut, he who shuts, and no one will open ." The door of salvation has been open to building Seventh-day Adventism and closed to Roman Sunday religious adherents since the spring of 1843. Because they have agreed to submit to the doctrinal truths presented and have honored with their faith his word prophetically, the Spirit of Jesus said to the saints of the Philadelphia era : “ I know your works. Behold, because thou hast little power, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name, I have set before thee an open door, which no man can shut. ” This small religious group had been, officially, only American since 1863. But in 1873, during a general conference held in Battle Creek, the Spirit opened a universal missionary door which was to continue until the true return of Jesus. Christ. No one will prevent it and God will see to it. We must note the fact that everything good that Jesus sees among the true saints also defines the causes for which the Protestant faith fell in 1843. This message is exactly the opposite of that which Jesus addresses to the fallen of Sardis in verse 3, because the targeted works are themselves reversed.


The 12 Tribes of Rev.7 Growing

Verse 8: “ I know your works. Behold, because thou hast little power, and hast kept my word, and hast not denied my name, I have set before thee an open door, which no man can shut. »

The chosen one of the time is judged favorably on his works which Jesus attributes to him as justice. His “ little power ” confirms the birth of the group based on the “ few men ” of verse 4. In 1873, Jesus announced to the Adventists their progress towards his return by the symbol of the open heavenly door which will open in the spring of 2030, i.e. in 157 years. In the message that follows, the one addressed to Laodicea, Jesus will stand before this door, thus indicating the imminent proximity of his return: “ Behold, I stand at the door , and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me. Rev.3:20 »


Access to the Christian faith allowed to Jews

Verse 9: “ Behold, I give you of those of the synagogue of Satan, who say they are Jews and are not, but lie; behold, I will make them come, and worship at thy feet, and know that I have loved thee. »

By citing the entry of true Jews according to race and flesh into the Adventist group, this verse confirms the restoration of the Sabbath rest; Sunday is no longer an obstacle to their conversion. Because since 321, its abandonment has also had the consequence of preventing sincere Jews from adopting the Christian faith. His judgment on the racial Jews was not a personal opinion of Paul, the faithful witness; it was that of Jesus Christ who confirms it in this Revelation, already in Rev.2:9, in the message addressed to his servants slandered by the Jews and persecuted by the Romans of the Smyrna era . Note that racial Jews will have to recognize Christian salvation in the Adventist standard to benefit from God's grace. Universal Adventism alone carries the divine light of which it has become the exclusive official depository since 1873. But be careful! This light, its doctrine and its messages are the exclusive property of Jesus Christ; no man and no institution can refuse its evolution without endangering their salvation. Last in this verse, Jesus states “ that I have loved you ”. Could this mean that after this time of blessing, he might no longer love her? Yes, and this will be the meaning of the message attributed to “ Laodicea ”.


The commandments of God and the faith of Jesus

Verse 10: “ Because you have kept the word of patience in me, I will also keep you in the hour of trial that is to come on the known earth, to test those who dwell on the earth. »

The term patience confirms the context of Adventist waiting mentioned in Daniel 12:12: “ Blessed is he who waits , and who arrives until one thousand three hundred and thirty-five days! ". The test concerns the faith of the “ inhabitants of the earth ”, those who inhabit the “ known earth ” that is, recognized by Jesus Christ, the creator God. It comes to test human will and unmask the rebellious spirit of the “ecumenical” camp which designates by the Greek “oikomèné” the “ known land ” of this verse.

This promise only binds Jesus on the sole condition that the institution preserves the quality of the faith of the beginning. If the Adventist message is to continue until the time of the ultimate universal test of faith prophesied in this verse, it will not necessarily be in an institutional form. Because the threat hovers in this message in verse 11 which follows, until then totally positive and blessed by God. Jesus' promise will concern his posterity who remained alive in 2030. At that time, the true elect of 1873 will have fallen asleep " in the Lord " according to Rev. 14:13: " And I heard a voice from heaven saying: Write : Blessed from now on are the dead who die in the Lord! Yes, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their works follow them. » This is therefore a second beatitude awarded by Jesus Christ to this exemplary Elect. But what Jesus blesses is behavior demonstrated by works. The heirs of “ Philadelphia ” will faithfully reproduce, in 2030, its works, its faith, its acceptance of the truths given by the God of heaven in the latest forms that he gave them; because they will undergo big changes until the end when the understanding of the divine plan will be perfect.


The Adventist Promise of Jesus Christ and Its Warning

Verse 11: “ I come quickly . Hold on to what you have, so that no one takes your crown. »

The message “ I come quickly ” is of the Adventist type. Jesus thus confirms the abandonment of any other religious confession. The expectation of his return in glory will remain until the end of the world, one of the main criteria which identify his true elect. But the rest of the message poses a heavy threat: “ Hold back what you have, so that no one takes your crown. »And who can take his crown but his enemies? His descendants will therefore have to, first, identify them, and it is because they have not done so that, victims of their humanist spirit, they will form an alliance with them, starting in 1966.

Verse 12: “ Whoever overcomes, I will make him a pillar in the temple of my God, and he will never come out; I will write on him the name of my God, and the name of the city of my God, the new Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from my God, and my new name. »

In his last words of blessing dedicated to the victors, Jesus brings together all the images of the salvation obtained. “ A pillar in the temple of my God” means : a solid support to carry my truth in my Assembly, the Elect. “ …and it will not come out more ”: his salvation will be eternal. “ …; I will write on him the name of my God ”: I will engrave in him the image of the character of God lost in Eden. “ …and the name of the city of my God ”: he will share in the glorification of the Elect described in Rev.21. “… of the new Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from my God, ”: The “ new Jerusalem ” is the name of the gathering of the glorified elect who have become entirely celestial like the heavenly angels of God. Rev. 21 describes it in a symbolic image of precious stones and pearls which testifies to the strength of the love that God feels for his redeemed from the earth. She descends to the renewed earth to live eternally in the presence of God who installs his throne there. “… and my new name ”: Jesus associates the change of his name with his passage from earthly nature to heavenly nature. The chosen one saved, remaining alive or resurrected, will live the same experience and receive a celestial body, glorified, incorruptible and eternal.

In this verse, the insistence of the comparison with God is justified by the fact that Jesus himself is found by the elect in his divine aspect.

Verse 13: “ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches! »

The chosen one understood the lesson, but he is the only one who can understand it. It is true that this message was only prepared for him. This message confirms the fact that the interpretation and understanding of the revealed mysteries depends solely on God who tests and chooses his servants.


Official end-time Adventism has not learned the lesson and been judged by Jesus, it is vomited out for its refusal of the message of the 3rd Adventist expectation

I will come quickly . Hold on to what you have, so that no one takes your crown .” Alas, for the official Adventism of the time, the end is still far away, and with the weariness of time, 150 years later, the faith will no longer be the same. Jesus' warning was justified but it was neither noted nor understood. And in 1994, the Adventist institution will actually lose its " crown ", by rejecting the last "great light" prophesied by Ellen G. White, the messenger of Jesus Christ in her book "First Writings" in the chapter "Ma first vision”, on pages 14 and 15: The following text is an extract from these pages. I further specify about him that he prophesies the destiny of the Adventist work and sums up in himself all the teaching presented by the three Assemblies of Rev. 3: 1843-44 Sardis , 1873 Philadelphia , 1994 Laodicea .




The Destiny of Adventism

revealed in Ellen G. White's first vision


“As I prayed at family worship, the Holy Spirit rested on me, and I seemed to rise more and more above this world of darkness. I turned away to see my Adventist brothers who remained in this world, but I could not find them. A voice then said to me: “Look again, but a little higher.” I looked up, and saw a steep and narrow path, far above this world. This is where the Adventists advanced towards the holy city. Behind them, at the beginning of the path, there was a bright light, which the angel told me was the midnight cry. This light illuminated the entire length of the path so that their feet would not stumble. Jesus walked at their head to guide them; and as long as they looked at him, they were safe.

But soon some of them grew tired and said that the city was still very far away and that they had thought of arriving there sooner. Then Jesus encouraged them by raising his glorious right arm from which emanated a light which spread over the Adventists. They cried out: “Hallelujah! » But some of them brazenly rejected this light, saying that it was not God who had led them. The light behind them finally went out, and they found themselves in deep darkness. They stumbled and lost sight of both the goal and Jesus, then fell from the path and sank into the wicked world below. ".

The story of this first vision given by God to young Ellen Gould-Harmon constitutes a coded prophecy that is as valuable as those of Daniel or Revelation. But to benefit from it, we must interpret it correctly. So I will give the explanation.

The expression “midnight cry” designates the announcement of the coming of the bridegroom in “the parable of the ten virgins” from Matt.25:1 to 13. The test of waiting for the return of Christ in the spring of 1843 and that of Autumn 1844 constituted the first and second accomplishment; together, these two expectations represent the “first light” of the story placed “behind” the group of “Seventh-day Adventists” who were advancing in time, on the path or path blessed by Jesus Christ. For Adventist pioneers, 1844 represented the date of the end of the world and the last biblical date that the prophetic word could propose to the elect of that time. Having passed this final date, they awaited the return of Jesus thinking that it was imminent. But time passed and Jesus still did not return; what the vision evokes by saying: “they found that the city was very far away and that they had thought of arriving there sooner”; that is, in 1844 or shortly after that date. Also, discouragement won over them until around the year 1980 when I entered the scene, receiving this new and glorious light which builds the third Adventist expectation . This time the return of Jesus is set for Fall 1994 . Certainly, the proclamation of this message only concerned a microcosm of universal Adventism located in France at Valence-sur-Rhône. God's choice for this small town in the South-East of France has its explanation. It was there that Pope Pius VI died in custody in 1799, fulfilling the fact prophesied in Rev.13:3. Furthermore, Valencia was the city where God established his first Adventist church on the land of France. It is therefore there that he brought his divine glorious last light and at the end of 2020, I confirm having constantly and faithfully received from him his latest and most precious revelations which I present in this document. The Adventist Valentinian microcosm served as a universal stage to accomplish the part concerning the last glorious light in the vision of our sister Ellen. This vision reveals to us the judgment that Jesus makes on the experience lived in Valencia, a third fulfillment of the parable of the ten virgins. Jesus recognizes the true Adventist by his behavior towards the light presented. The true Adventist expresses his joy with “Hallelujah!” » ; blessed by the Spirit, he filled his vessel with oil. Conversely, false Adventists “brazenly reject this light.” This rejection of the divine light is fatal to them, because God warned them against this negative reaction in inspired messages, intended for them, to his messenger; they will become empty vessels deprived of the oil which produces “the light” of the lamp. The inevitable consequence is announced: “the light that was behind them ends up going out”; they deny the basic foundation of Adventism. Jesus applies his principle: “ For to him who has, to him who has, will be given, and he will have an abundance, but from him who does not have, even what he has, will be taken away. Matt.25:29.” “…they ended up losing sight of both the goal and Jesus”, they become insensitive to Adventist messages which announce the return of Christ or, deny the goal of the Adventist movement enshrined in the very name “Adventist”; "then fell from the path and sank into the wicked world that lay below", in 1995 they officially committed themselves to the Protestant alliance and ecumenism. They thus lost Jesus, and the entrance to heaven which was the goal of the Adventist faith. They joined according to Dan.11:29, " the hypocrites ", and " the drunkards ", as Jesus announced in Matt.24:50; things demonstrated at the beginning of the work.

Today, these prophetic words are fulfilled. They were accomplished between 1844, the date of the first light “located behind them”, and 1994, the date of the great prophetic light rejected by the first Adventist church established in France, in the town of Valence-sur-Rhône, which God used for his demonstration. Today, official Adventism is in the “deep darkness” of ecumenism with the enemies of the truth, Protestants and Catholics.




7th era : Laodicea

The end of institutional Adventism – the rejection of the third Adventist expectation.

Verse 14: “ Write unto the angel of the congregation of Laodicea : Thus saith the Amen, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God:

Laodicea is the name of the seventh and final era; that of the end of the blessing of institutional Adventism. This name has two Greek roots “laos, dikéia” which mean: “judged people”. Before me, the Adventists translated: "people of judgment", but the institution did not know that this judgment would begin with it, as 1 Peter 4:17 teaches: "For this is the moment when the judgment will begin with the house of God. Now, if it begins with us, what will be the end of those who do not obey the gospel of God? » Jesus introduces himself saying: “ This is what the Amen says, the faithful and true witness, the beginning of the creation of God: ” The word Amen means in Hebrew: in truth. According to the testimony of the Apostle John, Jesus used it often (25 times), repeating it twice, at the beginning, before his statements. But in traditional religious practice, it has become the term for punctuation at the end of prayers or statements. It is then often interpreted in the sense of “so be it” inherited from Catholicism. And the Spirit uses this concept “ in truth ” to give the word Amen its perfectly justified double meaning. Laodicea is the hour when Jesus offers great light to fully illuminate the prophecies prepared for the end time. The work you are reading is proof of this. What will cause the rupture between Jesus and the official Adventist institution is a refusal of his light. In a logical and justified choice, God subjected, between 1980 and 1994, Adventism to a test of faith modeled on the model which had, as a result, the loss of the Protestants and the blessing of the Adventist pioneers. The test was already based on faith in the return of Jesus announced for the spring of 1843, then for the fall of 1844. In my turn, from 1983, I began to share an announcement of the return of Jesus for 1994, having used the “ five months ” cited in the “ fifth trumpet ” message in Rev.9:5-10. By attributing this theme to the curse of Protestantism of 1844, the period of " five months " cited, i.e. 150 real years, led to 1994. Seeing only the return of Jesus Christ to mark the end of this period, and partially blinded by God on a detail of the text, I defended what I held to be divine truth. After official warnings, the institution pronounced my dismissal in November 1991; this, while there were still three years left to prove and deny my announcements. It was only later, around 1996, that the true meaning of this experience became clear to me. The words made by Jesus in his letter to “ Laodicea ” had just been fulfilled and now took on a precise meaning. By 1991, lukewarm Adventists no longer loved the truth as much as they did in 1873. The modern world has also weakened them by seducing them and winning their hearts. As in the “ Ephesus ” era, official Adventism has lost its “ first love .” And Jesus “ takes away her candlestick and her crown ,” because she, too, is no longer worthy of it. In light of these facts, the message becomes luminous with clarity. The word “ Amen” confirms the demand for complete truth and the end of a blessed relationship. The witness faithful and true ” rejects the unfaithful and lying Chosen One. “ The principle of the creation of God ”, therefore the creator, comes to collectively close the intelligence of the unworthy and individually open that of his elect to the truths contained and hidden in the story of Genesis. At the same time, by evoking “ the principle of God’s creation which he associates with the word “ Amen ”, the Spirit confirms a very close final return of Jesus Christ: “ promptly ”. However, 36 years will still pass between 1994 and 2030, the date of the end of humanity on earth.

Deadly lukewarmness

Verse 15: “ I know your works. I know you are neither cold nor hot. May you be cold or hot! »

The informal address is addressed to the institution. This is the fruit of religions inherited from father to son and daughter, where faith becomes traditional, formalist, routine and fearful of anything new; the state in which Jesus can no longer bless her when he has so much new light to share with her.

Verse 16: “ So because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of my mouth. »

The observation was established by Jesus in November 1991, when the prophet carrying his message was removed by the official institution. In the spring of 1994, it will be vomited out, as Jesus announced. She provided proof of this herself by entering, in 1995, the ecumenical alliance organized by the Catholic Church, where she joined the rebellious Protestants, since she now shares their curse.


Deceptive illusions based on spiritual heritage

Verse 17: “ Because you say, I am rich, I am enriched, and have need of nothing, and because you do not know that you are wretched, miserable, poor, blind and naked,

“… rich ”, the Adventist Elect was in 1873, and the numerous revelations given to Ellen G. White further enriched her spiritually. But on a prophetic level, the interpretations of the time were quickly outdated, as James White, the husband of the Lord's messenger, rightly thought. Jesus Christ, the living God, designed his prophecies for their perfect and faultless final fulfillment. This is why the passage of time, bringing enormous changes to the world, justifies a permanent questioning of the interpretations received and taught. The blessing of the Lord is reserved; Jesus said: “ to him who will keep my works until the end .” However, in 1991, the date of his rejection of the light, the end was still far away. She therefore had to be attentive to any new light proposed by the Lord by the means he himself chose. What a contrast between the illusions of the institution and the state in which Jesus sees it and judges it! Of all the terms cited, the word “ naked ” is the most serious for an institution, because it means that Jesus withdrew his eternal justice from it, it is in his mouth, a sentence of death and the second death of the last judgment ; according to what is written in 2 Cor.5:3: “ So we groan in this tent, desiring to put on our heavenly home, if only we are found clothed and not naked . »


The advice of the faithful and true witness

Verse 18: “ I advise you to buy from me gold tested in the fire, that you may become rich, and white garments, that you may be clothed, and that the shame of your nakedness may not appear, and a salve to anoint your eyes, that you may see. »

Following the findings of 1991, the institution still had three years to mend its ways and produce the fruit of repentance which did not come. And on the contrary, his links with fallen Protestants have strengthened to the point of making an official alliance published in 1995. Jesus presents himself as the exclusive merchant of the true faith, the “gold tested by fire ” of the test . Evidence of his condemnation of the church appears in the absence of the “ white garments ” of which its pioneers were “ worthy ” in Rev.3:4. By this comparison, Jesus illustrates the fact that, before 1994, he submitted the Adventists of “ Laodicea ” to an Adventist expectation identical to those which preceded the dates 1843 and 1844; in order to test faith in the three experiences, as taught in the message addressed in 1844 to the Adventists of “ Sardis ”. In a closed rebellious attitude, the institution could not understand what Jesus was reproaching it with; she was “ blind ,” like the Pharisees of Jesus’ earthly ministry. She therefore could not understand Christ's invitation to purchase " the pearl of great price " from the parable of Matt.13:45-46 which sets the picture of the standard of eternal life required by God. revealed in this verse 18 of Rev.3.


The merciful call

Verse 19: “ As many as I love, I rebuke and punish. Therefore be zealous and repent. »

The punishment is for those whom Jesus loves until he vomits them out. The call made, an invitation to repentance, was not heeded. And love is not inherited, it is earned through dignity. The institution having hardened, Jesus launches an individual appeal saying to the candidates for the heavenly vocation:


The universal call

Verse 20: “ Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and dine with him, and he with me .”

In Revelation, the word " gate " appears in Rev.3:8, here in Rev.3:20, in Rev.4:1 and in Rev.21:21. Rev.3:8 reminds us that doors open and close access. They thus become the symbol of the tests of faith which open or close access to Christ, to his justice and to his grace.

In this verse 20, the word “ door ” takes on three different but complementary meanings. He points to Jesus himself: “ I am the door . John 10:9”; the door of heaven opened in Rev 4:1: “ A door was opened in heaven. » ; and the door of the human heart against which Jesus comes to knock to invite the chosen one to open his heart to him in order to give proof of his love.

It is enough for his creature to open his heart to his revealed truth for an intimate communion to be made possible between him and his divine creator. Supper is shared in the evening, when night comes to put an end to the work of the day . Humanity will soon enter this type of night “ where no one can work anymore. (John 9:4).” The end of the time of grace will freeze forever the last religious choices of human beings, men and women equally responsible and strictly complementary at the level of the flesh.

Compared to the message of Philadelphia, the chosen one is in the Laodicean era , in the imminence of the return of Jesus Christ. The “ open door in heaven ” will open as a continuation of this message in Rev.4:1.


The final exhortation of the Spirit

To the individual winner, Jesus declares:

Verse 21: “ Whoever overcomes, I will grant to sit with me on my throne, just as I overcame and sat down with my Father on his throne. »

He thus announces the activity of the celestial judgment which follows this message and which will be the theme of Rev.4. But this promise only commits him to a truly elected winner.

Verse 22: “ He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches! »

The theme of “ letters ” ends with this new institutional failure. The last, because from now on, the light will be carried by an inspired man, then by a small group. It will be transmitted individually from person to person and by means of the Internet that Jesus himself will direct by leading his elect towards the source of the diffusion of his latest truths, as sacred as his divine person. In this way, wherever he is on earth: “ Let him who has an ear hear what the Spirit says to the assemblies!” »


The following theme will have as its context the celestial millennium of the judgment of the wicked carried out by the saints. The entire subject is based on teachings scattered in Rev. 4, 11, and 20. But Rev. 4 clearly confirms the celestial context of this activity which chronologically follows the last epoch of the earthly Chosen.




Revelation 4: Heavenly Judgment


Verse 1: “ After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven . The first voice that I heard, like the sound of a trumpet , which spoke to me, said: Come up here , and I will show you what will happen hereafter .

By saying, " The first voice I heard, like the sound of a trumpet ," the Spirit defines the message of this " Laodicean " era as that to which he transported John in Rev. 1:10: " I was in the spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard behind me a loud voice, like the sound of a trumpet .” Laodicea is therefore the era whose end is marked by the “ day of the Lord ”, that of his great glorious return.  

In his words, the Spirit strongly supports the idea of the succession of this theme with the message of Laodicea . This clarification is important, because the institution has never been able to prove to its opponents its doctrines of celestial judgment. Today, I provide proof of this, made possible by the correct definition of the dates attached to the messages of the letters of Rev.2 and 3. Between Laodicea and Rev.4, with the “ seventh trumpet ” of Rev.11 , Jesus took away from the devil and rebellious men their earthly “ dominion over the kingdom of the world .” With “ the harvest ” of Rev. 14, he has taken up his elect to heaven and entrusts them with the task of judging with him the past earthly life of the wicked dead. It is then that “ he who overcomes will rule the nations with a rod of iron ” as announced in Rev.2:27. If the persecutors were, like me, certain of the fate reserved for them, there is no doubt that they would modify their behavior. But it is precisely their fierce desire to ignore any warning that leads them to the worst actions and they are thus preparing, for themselves, the worst punishment that cannot be reproduced in current earthly conditions. Let us return then to the text of this chapter 4. “ The first voice which I heard, like the sound of a trumpet, and which spoke to me, said: Come up here, and I will show you what must happen hereafter ". John is referring to verse 10 of Rev.1: " I was in the Spirit on the day of the Lord, and I heard behind me a loud voice, like the sound of a trumpet ." This theme of Christ's return in glory is already mentioned in verse 7 where it is written: “ Behold, he comes with the clouds. And every eye will see it, even those who pierced it; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. Yes. Amen! » The suggested connection of these three texts confirms the final glorious context of the day of the return of the Lord Jesus, also called Michael by his chosen initiates and his faithful angels. If the voice of Jesus is compared to a trumpet , it is because, like this sonorous instrument of armies, at the head of his celestial angelic armies, Jesus sounds his troops to launch the fight. Moreover, like a trumpet , his voice has not ceased to warn his elect to warn them in order to prepare them to conquer as he himself conquered sin and death. By evoking this word “ trumpet ”, Jesus shows us the most mysterious and important theme of all his Revelation. And it is true that for his last servants, this theme hid an eliminatory test. Here, in Rev.4:1, the scene described is incomplete because it only targets his chosen ones whom he comes to save from death. The behavior of the wicked in this same context will be described in Rev.6:16 in these revealing terms: “ And they said to the mountains and to the rocks: Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne , and before the wrath of the lamb; for the great day of his wrath has come, and who can stand? » To this question suspended, apparently, without answer, God will present in chapter 7 which follows those who can resist: the sealed elect symbolized by the number 144,000, a multitude of 12 squared, or 144. But he Only the elect who remained alive at the return of Christ act there. Now, in this context of Rev. 4, the rapture to heaven also concerns the elect who died since Abel, whom Jesus resurrects to give them too the reward promised for their faith: eternal life. Also, when Jesus said to John: “ Come up here! ", the Spirit only anticipates, through this image, the ascent towards the celestial kingdom of God of all the elect redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ. This ascent into heaven marks the end of human earthly nature, the elect are resurrected similar to the faithful angels of God, in accordance with Jesus' teaching of Matt.22:30. The flesh and its curse are over, they leave them behind without regret. This moment in human history is so desirable that Jesus continually recalls it in his revelation since Daniel. Like the earth, cursed because of man, the true elect long for their deliverance. Verse 2 seems copied from Rev.1:10; in fact, the Spirit more strongly confirms the connection of the two which refer to the same event in the history of God's project, his return in his " great day " prophesied in Rev.16:16.

Verse 2: “ Immediately I was in the spirit. And, behold, there was a throne in heaven, and on the throne one sat .”

As in John's experience, the rise of the elect to " heaven " " delights them in spirit " and they are projected into the celestial dimension which remains perpetually inaccessible to men, because God reigns there and he is visible.

Verse 3: “ He who sat looked like a stone of jasper and sardonyx; and the throne was surrounded by a rainbow like emerald .”

There they find themselves facing the throne of God, on which the one creator God sits gloriously. This indescribable celestial glory is nevertheless expressed by precious stones to which men are sensitive. The “ jasper stones ” take on very different aspects and colors, thus imaging the multiplicity of divine nature. Red in color, the “ sardoine ” resembles it. “ The rainbow ” is a natural phenomenon that has always amazed men, but we still need to remember its origin. It was the sign of the covenant by which God promised humanity never again to destroy it with the waters of the flood, according to Gen.9:9 to 17. Also, each time the rain meets the sun, a symbolic image of God, the rainbow, appears to tranquilize his earthly creatures. But by evoking the flood of waters, Peter recalls that a “ flood of fire and sulfur ” is in the divine plan (2Pet.3:7). It is precisely, in view of this exterminating “ flood of fire ”, that God organizes, in his heaven, a judgment of the wicked, the judges of which will be the redeemed elect and Jesus, their Redeemer.

Verse 4: “ Around the throne I saw twenty-four thrones , and on these thrones sat twenty-four elders , clothed in white garments, and on their heads crowns of gold .”

Here then, symbolized by 24 old men , the redeemed of the two prophetic eras revealed according to the following principle: between 94 and 1843, the foundation of the 12 apostles; between 1843 and 2030, the spiritual “Adventist” Israel of the “ 12 tribes ” sealed with the “ seal of God ”, on the 7th day Sabbath , in Apo.7. This configuration will be confirmed, in Rev.21, in the description of the “ New Jerusalem which comes down from heaven ” to settle on the renewed earth; the “ 12 tribes ” are represented by “ 12 doors ” in the form of 12 “ pearls ”. The theme of judgment is defined in Rev. 20:4, where we read: “ And I saw thrones; and to those who sat there was given power to judge . And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and of those who had not worshiped the beast nor his image, and had not received the mark on their foreheads and on their hands. They came to life, and reigned with Christ a thousand years .” The reign of the elect is a reign of judges. But who do we judge? Rev.11:18 gives us the answer: “ The nations were angry; and your wrath has come, and the time has come to judge the dead , to reward your servants the prophets, the saints, and those who fear your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth .” In this verse, the Spirit recalls the succession of three themes revealed for the time of the end: "the sixth trumpet " for " the angry nations ", the time of the " seven last plagues " for " your wrath has come ", and the heavenly judgment of “ a thousand years ” for, “ the time has come to judge the dead ”. The end of the verse sets out the final program which will be accomplished by the final judgment of the lake of fire and brimstone which will destroy the wicked. They will all take part in the second suggested resurrection , at the end of the " thousand years ", according to Rev. 20:5: " The rest of the dead did not come back to life until the thousand years were accomplished ". The Spirit gives us his definition of the wicked: “ those who destroy the earth ”. Behind this action is “ the devastating or desolating sin ” cited in Dan.8:13; sin which causes death and desolation of the earth ; who led God to deliver Christianity to the cruel Roman papal regime between 538 and 1798; which delivers a third of men to nuclear fire after or in 2021. No one would have imagined that, since March 7, 321, the transgression of the holy Sabbath of the true seventh day would bring so many terrible and tragic consequences. The 24 elders are only differentiated at the level of the decree of Daniel 8:14, because they have in common that they are saved by the same blood of Jesus Christ. This is why, found worthy, according to Rev.3:5, they all wear the “ white garments ”, and the “ crown of life ” promised to the victors in the battle of faith, in Rev.2:10. The “ gold ” of crowns symbolizes faith purified by trial according to 1 Pet.1:7.

In this chapter 4, the term “ sitting ” appears 3 times. The number 3 being a symbol of perfection, the Spirit places this theme of the judgment of the seventh millennium under the sign of the perfect rest of the conquerors, as it is written: “ Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool ” Psa.110:1 and Matt.22:44. He and those who sit are at rest and by this image, the Spirit presents well, the seventh millennium, as the great Sabbath or rest prophesied, since creation, by the sanctified rest of the seventh day of our weeks.

Verse 5: “ Out of the throne come lightning, voices, and thunder. Before the throne burn seven lamps of fire, which are the seven spirits of God .”

Manifestations that “ come forth from the throne ” are directly attributed to the creator God himself. According to Exo.19:16, these phenomena had already marked, in the terror of the Hebrew people, the presence of God on Mount Sinai. This suggestion therefore recalls the role that the ten commandments of God will play in this action of judgment of the wicked dead. This reminder also evokes the fact that invisible at the risk of inevitable death for his creatures in the past, God who has not changed his nature is seen without danger by his redeemed resurrected and glorified elect. Attention ! This short sentence, now interpreted, will become a landmark in the structure of the book Revelation. Each time it appears, the reader must understand that the prophecy evokes the context of the beginning of the judgment of the seventh millennium which will be marked by the direct and visible intervention of God in Michael, Jesus Christ. By this means, the structure of the entire book will offer us successive overviews of the Christian era under different themes separated by this key expression: “there were lightnings, voices, and thunders ”. We will find it in Rev.8:5 where “ an earthquake ” is added to the key. It will separate the theme of the perpetual celestial intercession of Jesus Christ from the theme of trumpets . Then, in Rev.11:19, “ strong hail ” will be added to the key. The explanation will appear in Rev.16:21 where this “ great hail ” closes the theme of the seventh of the seven last plagues of God . Likewise, “ the earthquake ” becomes, in Rev.16:18, “ a great earthquake .” This key is fundamental to learning to manage the teachings of the book Revelation and understanding the principle of its structure .

Returning to our verse 5, we note that, placed this time “ before the throne ”, are “ seven lamps of fire burning ”. They symbolize the “ seven spirits of God ”. The number “ seven » symbolizes sanctification, here, that of the Spirit of God. It is through his Spirit which contains all life that God controls all his creatures; he is in them, and places them “ before his throne ”, because he created them free, opposite him. The image of the “ seven burning lamps ” symbolizes the sanctification of divine light; its perfect and intense light eliminates all possibility of darkness. For there is no room for darkness in the eternal life of the redeemed.

Verse 6: “ There is still before the throne a sea of glass, like crystal. In the middle of the throne and around the throne, there are four living beings full of eyes in front and behind .”

The Spirit speaks to us in his symbolic language. What is “ before the throne ” designates his celestial creatures who assist but do not participate in the judgment. In large numbers, these take on the appearance of a sea whose purity of character is so pure that he compares it to crystal . This is the basic character of celestial and terrestrial creatures who have remained faithful to the creator God. Then the Spirit calls upon another symbol which concerns God, in the midst of the throne , and his celestial creatures from other worlds, and other dimensions, around the throne ; around designates creatures scattered under the gaze of the God seated on the throne . The expression “ four living beings ” refers to the universal standard of living beings. The multitude of eyes is justified by the word multitude, and their position “ front and back ” symbolizes several things. First, it gives these living beings a multidirectional, multidimensional look. But more spiritually, the expression “ before and behind ” refers to the divine law engraved with the finger of God on Mount Sinai, on the four faces of the two stone tables. The Spirit compares universal life with universal law. Both are the work of God who engraves on stone, on flesh, or in spirits, the standard of perfect life for the happiness of his creatures who understand and love him. These multitudes of eyes watch and follow with passion and compassion what is happening on earth. In 1 Cor.4:9, Paul declares: “ For God, it seems to me, has made us, the apostles, the lowest of men, condemned to death in a way, since we have been a spectacle to the world, to the angels and to men .” The word “ world ” in this verse is the Greek “cosmos”. It is this cosmos that I define as multidimensional worlds. On earth the elect and their battles are followed by invisible spectators who love them with the same divine love revealed by Jesus Christ. They rejoice in their joy and cry with those who cry because the fight is so hard and distressing. But this cosmos also designates the unbelieving world like the Roman people, spectators of the killing of faithful Christians in their arenas.

Revelation 5 will present to us these three groups of celestial spectators: the four living beings, the angels, and the elders , all victorious, they are united under the loving gaze of the great creator God for eternity.

The link that connects the “ multitude of eyes ” with the divine law is in the name “ testimony ” that God gives to his law of the ten commandments. We remember that this law was kept in “the most holy place” exclusively reserved for God and forbidden to men except for the feast of the “Day of Atonement”. The law remained with God as a “ testimony ” and its “ two tables ” will give a second meaning to the symbolic “ two witnesses ” cited in Rev. 11:3. » In this lesson, the “ multitude of eyes ” reveals the existence of a multitude of invisible witnesses who witnessed earthly events. In divine thought, the word witness is inseparable from the word fidelity. The Greek word “martus” translated as “martyr” defines it perfectly, because the faithfulness demanded by God has no limits. And at a minimum, a “witness” of Jesus must honor the divine law of his ten commandments to which God compares him and judges him.



DIVINE LAW prophesies


Here, I open a parenthesis, to evoke the divine light received in spring 2018. It concerns the law of the ten commandments of God. The Spirit led me to realize the importance of the following clarification: “ Moses returned and came down from the mountain with the two tablets of the testimony in his hand; the tables were written on both sides , they were written on one side and the other side . The tables were the work of God, and the writing was the writing of God, engraved on the tables (Exo.32:15-16).” I was at first surprised that no one had ever taken into account this clarification according to which the original tables of the law were written on their four faces, that is, “front and back like “ the eyes of the four living beings ” of the previous verse studied. This insistently cited clarification had a reason that the Spirit allowed me to discover. The entire text was originally distributed evenly and balanced across the four sides of the two stone tables. The front of the first displayed the first commandment and half of the second; its back bore the second part of the second and the entirety of the third. On the second table, the front displayed the fourth commandment in full; its reverse side bore the last six commandments. In this configuration, the two visible sides present to us the first commandment and the second, in half, and the fourth which concerns the sanctified rest of the seventh day. A look at these things highlights these three commandments which are signs of holiness in 1843, when the Sabbath was restored and required by God. On this date, Protestants fell victims of the inherited Roman Sunday. The consequences of the Adventist choice and the Protestant choice will thus be displayed on the back of the two tables. It appears that, without respect for the Sabbath, since 1843, the third commandment has also been transgressed: " The name of God is taken in vain ", literally " falsely ", by those who invoke it without the righteousness of Christ or after the 'have lost. They thus renew the fault committed by the Jews whose claim to belong to God is revealed as a lie by Jesus Christ in Rev. 3:9: " those of the synagogue of Satan, who call themselves Jews and are not so , but who lie .” In 1843, this was the case for the Protestants, heirs of the Catholics. But before the third commandment, the second part of the second reveals the judgment that God passes on the two main opposing camps. To the Protestant heirs of Roman Catholicism, God says: “ I am a jealous God, who punishes the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me, ”; unfortunately for him, official Adventism “ vomited ” in 1994 will share their fate; but he also says, conversely, to the saints who will keep his holy Sabbath and his prophetic light from 1843 until 2030: “ and who have mercy until a thousand generations on those who love me and who keep my commandments ". The number “ thousand ” cited subtly evokes the “ thousand years ” of the seventh millennium of Rev.20 which will be the reward of the chosen victors who have entered eternity. Another lesson emerges. Deprived of the help of the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, as a result, the Protestants and Adventists let go by God successively in 1843 and 1994 will be unable to honor the last six commandments written on the back of table 2, including the front is dedicated to the divine rest of the seventh day. On the other hand, the observers of this rest will obtain the help of Jesus Christ to obey these commandments which concern the duties of man towards his human neighbor. The works of God as far back as the handing over of the tables of the law to Moses take on a meaning, a role, and a use as surprising as they are unexpected in the time of the end, in 2018. And the message of the restoration of the Sabbath is thereby strengthened and confirmed by Almighty God Jesus Christ.

Here now is the form in which the ten commandments appear.


Table 1 – Front: prescriptions

God presents himself

I am Yahweh your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage .” (All the elect rescued from sin and saved by the atoning blood shed by Jesus Christ are included; the house of bondage is sin; the imitated fruit of the devil).

1st commandment: Catholic sin since 538 , Protestant since 1843, and Adventist since 1994).

Have no other gods before me .”

2nd commandment: 1st part : Catholic sin since 538.

Do not make for yourself any graven image, or any representation, of those things which are in heaven above, and which are on the earth beneath, and which are in the waters below the earth. Do not bow down to them, nor serve them; ".


Table 1 – Back: The consequences

2nd commandment: 2nd part .

“… for I, YaHWéH, your God, am a jealous God, who punish the iniquity of the fathers on the children until the third and the fourth generation of those who hate me, (Catholics since 538; Protestants since 1843; Adventists since 1994) and who shows mercy to a thousand generations to those who love me and keep my commandments . ( Seventh-day Adventists, since 1843; the latest, since 1994 ).

3rd commandment: transgressed by Catholics since 538, Protestants since 1843, and Adventists since 1994) .

Do not take the name of Yahweh your God falsely; for YaHWéH will not leave him unpunished who takes his name falsely . »


Table 2 – Front: prescription

4th commandment: its transgression by the Christian Assembly since 321 makes it the “ devastating sin ” of Dan.8:13 ; he has been transgressed by the Catholic faith since 538, and the Protestant faith since 1843. But he has been honored by the Seventh-day Adventist faith since 1843 and 1873.

Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy. Work six days, and do all your work. But the seventh day is the sabbath of Yahweh your God; do no work, neither you, nor your son, nor your daughter, nor your man, nor your maidservant, nor your cattle, nor the stranger who is in your doors. For in six days Yahweh made the heavens, the earth, and the sea, and all that is in them, and rested on the seventh day: therefore Yahweh blessed the sabbath day and hallowed it . »


Table 2: Reverse: the consequences : These last six commandments have been transgressed by the Christian faith since 321; by the Catholic faith since 538; by the Protestant faith, since 1843, and by the “ vomited ” Adventist faith in 1994. But they are respected in the Seventh-day Adventist faith blessed by the Holy Spirit of Jesus Christ, since 1843 and 1873; the “last ones” from 1994 until 2030.

5th commandment _

Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land which Yahweh your God gives you. »

6th commandment _

You shall not kill . Don’t commit murder .” (of the villainous crime murder type or in the name of false religion)

7th commandment _

Do not commit adultery. »

8th commandment _

Don’t steal. »

9th commandment _

Do not bear false witness against your neighbor . »

10th commandment _

Do not covet your neighbor’s house; do not covet your neighbor's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that belongs to your neighbor. »


I close here this sublime and vitally important parenthesis.


Verse 7: “ The first living creature is like a lion, the second living creature is like a calf, the third living creature has the face of a man, and the fourth living creature is like an eagle that flies.

Let's say it right away, these are just symbols. The same message is presented in Ezek.1:6 with variations in the description. There are four identical animals, each with four different faces. Here, we still have four animals, but each has only one face, different in the four animals. These monsters are therefore not real, but their symbolic message is sublime. Each of them presents a standard of eternal universal life which concerns, as we have seen, God himself and his multidimensional universal creatures. The one who incarnated in his divine perfection, these four criteria of universal life, is Jesus Christ, in whom the royalty and the strength of the lion are found according to Judg.14:18; the spirit of sacrifice and service of the calf ; man's image of God; and the dominion of the supreme celestial elevation of the flying eagle . These four criteria are found throughout universal eternal celestial life. They constitute the norm which explains the success of the divine project fought by rebellious spirits. And Jesus presented the perfect model to his apostles and disciples during his ongoing earthly ministry; going so far as to wash the feet of his disciples, before delivering his body to the torture of crucifixion, to atone, in their place, like a “ calf ”, for the sins of all his elect. Also, let everyone examine themselves to know if the abnegation of this norm of eternal life is in accordance with their nature, their aspirations and their desires. This is the standard of the offer of salvation to be grasped or rejected.

Verse 8: “ The four living creatures each have six wings, and they are full of eyes all around and within. They never cease saying day and night: Holy, holy, holy is the Lord God, the Almighty, who was, and is, and is to come! »

Against the backdrop of the celestial judgment, this scene illustrates principles perpetually applied in heaven and on earth by beings who remain faithful to God.

The celestial bodies of creatures from other worlds have no need for wings to move because they are not subject to the laws of the earthly dimension. But the Spirit adopts earthly symbols that man can understand. By attributing to them “ six wings ”, he reveals to us the symbolic value of the number 6 which becomes the number of the celestial character and that of the angels. It concerns the worlds remaining without sin and the angels of which Satan, the rebel angel, was the first created. God having assigned the number "seven" to himself as his personal royal "seal", the number 6 can be considered the "seal", or in the case of the devil, "the mark", of his personality, but it shares this number 6 with the worlds remaining pure and all the angels created by God, the good and the bad. Below the angel comes the man whose number will be “5”, which is justified by his 5 senses, the 5 fingers of his hand and the 5 fingers of his foot. Below comes the number 4 of the universal character designated by the 4 cardinal points, North, South, East, and West. Below comes the number 3 of perfection, then the 2 of imperfection, and the 1 of unity, or perfect union. The eyes of the four living beings are “ all around and within ,” and furthermore, “ before and behind .” Nothing can escape the gaze of this celestial multidimensional universal life that the divine Spirit probes in its entirety because its origin is in him. This teaching is useful because, on today's earth, because of sin and the wickedness of sinners, by keeping them " within " himself, man can hide his secret thoughts and wickedness from other men. projects directed against his neighbor. In the heavenly life such things are impossible. Heavenly life is transparent as crystal since wickedness was expelled from it, along with the devil and his evil angels, cast down to earth, according to Rev.12:9, after Jesus' victory over sin and dead. The proclamation of the holiness of God is accomplished in its perfection (3 times: holy ) by the inhabitants of these pure worlds. But this proclamation is not carried out by words; it is the perfection of their individual and collective holiness which proclaims in permanent works the perfection of the holiness of the God who created them. God reveals his nature and name in the form cited in Rev. 1:8: " I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the Almighty ." The expression “ who is, who was, and who is to come ” perfectly defines the eternal nature of the creator God. Refusing to call him by the name he gave himself, “YaHWéH”, men call him “the Lord”. It is true that God did not need a name, since being unique and without divine competitor, he does not need a name to distinguish him from other gods who do not exist. God nevertheless agreed to respond to the request of Moses whom he loved and who loved him. So he gave himself the name “YaHWéH” which translates by the verb “to be”, conjugated in the third person singular of the Hebrew imperfect. This “imperfect” time designates an accomplishment which extends in time, therefore, a time larger than our future, the form “which is, which was, and which will be” perfectly translates the meaning of this Hebrew imperfection. The formula " he who is, who was, and who is to come " is therefore God's way of translating his Hebrew name "YaHWéH", when he must adapt it to Western languages, or any other than Hebrew. . The part "and which comes" designates the final Adventist phase of the Christian faith, established in God's plan by the decree of Dan.8:14 since 1843. It is therefore in the flesh of the elected Adventists that the proclamation of the threefold holiness of God is accomplished. The divinity of Jesus Christ has often been disputed, but it is indisputable. The Bible says about this in Heb.1:8: “ But he said to the Son, Your throne, O God, is eternal; the scepter of your reign is a scepter of equity; ". And to Philip who asks Jesus to show him the Father, Jesus responds: “ I have been with you for so long, and you have not known me, Philip! He who has seen me has seen the Father ; how do you say: Show us the Father? (John 14:9).”

Verses 9-10-11: “ When the living give glory and honor and thanksgiving to him who sits on the throne, to him who lives for ever and ever, the twenty-four elders fall before him who sits on the throne and they worship and bow down before him who lives forever and ever, and they cast their crowns before the throne, saying: You are worthy, our Lord and our God, to receive glory and honor and power; for you created all things, and it is by your will that they exist and were created .”

Chapter 4 ends with a scene of glorification of the creator God. This scene shows that the divine requirement, “ fear God and give him glory …”, expressed in the message of the first angel of Rev. 14:7, was heard and well understood by the last chosen ones selected since 1843; but above all, by the elect who remained alive at the time of the return in glory of Jesus Christ; because it is only for them that the Apocalypse Revelation was prepared and fully illuminated at the time chosen by God, since the spring of 2018. The redeemed thus express in adoration and praise, all their gratitude towards Jesus Christ, the form in which, the Almighty visited them to save them from sin and death, his wages. Unbelieving humanity only believes what it sees, like the apostle Thomas, and because God is invisible, it is condemned to ignore his extreme weakness which only makes him a toy that he manipulates according to his divine will. She at least has the excuse, which will not justify her, of not having known God, an excuse that Satan does not have, since knowing God, he chose to enter into struggle against him; it is hardly believable, but true, and it also concerns the evil angels who followed him. Paradoxically, the multiple different and even opposing fruits of free choice testify to the authentic and total freedom that God has given to his celestial and terrestrial creatures.






Revelation 5: the Son of Man




When he presented Jesus to the crowd, Pilate said, “ Behold the Man .” God himself had to come and take the form of the flesh, so that “ Man ” could appear according to his heart and his desires. Death had struck the first pair of human beings, because of the sin of disobedience against God. As a sign of their new shameful state, God had made them discover their physical nudity which was only an outward sign of their inner spiritual nudity. From this beginning, the first announcement of their redemption was made by giving them clothing made from animal skins. Thus was killed the first animal in human history, we can think that it was a young ram or a lamb because of the symbolism. 4,000 years later, the Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, came to offer his legally perfect life to redeem the elect among humanity. This salvation offered in pure grace by God therefore rests entirely on the death of Jesus who allows his elect to benefit from his perfect justice; and at the same time, his death atones for their sins of which he made himself the voluntary bearer. Since then, Jesus Christ has become the only name that can save a sinner in our entire earth, and his salvation applies since Adam and Eve.

For all these reasons, this chapter 5, which is placed under the figure of “ Man ”, is devoted to him. Not only does Jesus save his elect through his atoning death, but he saves them by protecting them throughout their journey of earthly life. And it is for this purpose that he warns them of the spiritual dangers that the devil has placed in their path. His technique has not changed: as in the time of the apostles, Jesus speaks to them in parables, so that the world hears but does not understand; which is not the case for his elected officials who, like the apostles, receive his explanations directly from him. His revelation “Apocalypse” remains under this untranslated Greek name, this gigantic parable that the world must not understand. But for his chosen ones, this prophecy is indeed his “ Revelation ”.

Verse 1: “ Then I saw in the right hand of him who sat on the throne a book written within and without, sealed with seven seals .”

On the throne stands God and he has in his right hand, therefore under his blessing, a book written “ inside and without ”. What is written “ within ” is the deciphered message reserved for his chosen ones which remains closed and misunderstood by the people of the world, enemies of God. What is written “ outside ” is the encrypted text, visible but incomprehensible to the human multitude. The book of Revelation is sealed with “ seven seals .” In this clarification, God tells us that only the opening of the “ seventh seal ” will allow its complete opening. For as long as there remains a seal to seal it, the book cannot be opened. The entire opening of the book will thus depend on the time set by God for the theme of the “ seventh seal ”. It will be mentioned under the title of " seal of the living God " in Rev.7, where designating the rest of the seventh day, its holy Sabbath, its restoration will be attached to the date 1843 which will therefore also be the time of the opening of the " seventh seal ” which brings, into the pedagogy of the book, the theme of the “ seven trumpets ”, so important for us, its chosen ones.

Verse 2: “ And I saw a mighty angel crying with a loud voice, Who is worthy to open the book, and to break its seals? »

This scene is a parenthesis in the montage of the prophecy. It is not in heaven, the context of the previous chapter 4, that the book of Revelation should be opened. The elect need it before the return of Jesus Christ, while they are exposed to the snares of the devil. The power is in the camp of God, and the powerful angel is the angel of YaHWéH, God in his angelic form of Michael. The sealed book is extremely important and holy since it requires very high dignity to break its seals and open it.

Verse 3: “ And no one in heaven, nor on earth, nor under the earth, could open the scroll, nor look at it. »

Written by God himself, the book cannot be opened by any of his heavenly or earthly creatures.

Verse 4: “ And I wept greatly because no one was found worthy to open the book or to look at it. »

John is, like us, an earthly creature and his tears express the dismay of humanity faced with the traps set by the devil. He seems to be telling us, “without revelation, who can be saved?” ". It thus reveals the high tragic degree of ignorance of its content, and its fatal consequence: double death.

Verse 5: “ And one of the old men said unto me, Weep not; behold, the lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, has overcome to open the scroll and its seven seals. »

The “ old men ” redeemed from the earth by Jesus are well placed to elevate the name of Jesus Christ above all living beings. They recognize in him the dominion that he himself declared to have received from the Father and the celestial beings in Matt.28:18: “ Jesus came and spoke to them thus: All authority in heaven has been given to me and on earth . It was by targeting his incarnation in Jesus that God inspired Jacob who, prophesying over his sons, said about Judah: “ Judah is a young lion. You have come back from the carnage, my son! He bends his knees, he lies down like a lion, Like a lioness: who will make him rise? The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the sovereign rod from between his feet, until Shiloh comes, and the peoples obey him. He ties his donkey to the vine, and his donkey's colt to the best vine; He washes his garment in wine, and his cloak in the blood of grapes. His eyes are red with wine, and his teeth are white with milk (Gen.49:8 to 12).” The blood of the grapes will be the theme of the “ harvest ” announced in Rev.14:17 to 20, which is also prophesied in Isaiah 63. Concerning the “ Root of David ”, we read in Isa.11:1 to 5: “ Then a branch will come out of the trunk of Jesse, and a shoot will be born from his roots. The Spirit of the Lord will rest on him: the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord. He will breathe the fear of the Lord; He will not judge by appearance, He will not decide on hearsay. But he will judge the poor in justice, and he will judge in justice the poor of the earth; He will smite the earth with his word as with a rod, and with the breath of his lips he will kill the wicked. Righteousness will be the girdle of his sides, and faithfulness the girdle of his loins .” The victory of Jesus over sin and death, his salary, grants him the legal and legitimate right to open the book of Revelation, so that his elect may be warned and protected against the deadly religious traps that he sets, by the devil, in order to seduce unbelievers. The book will therefore be fully opened at the time when the decree of Daniel 8:14 comes into effect, namely, the first day of spring in the year 1843; even if its imperfect understanding will require reconsideration over time, until 2018.

Verse 6: “ And I saw, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders, a lamb which was there as if slain. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent through all the earth. »

We must note the presence of the lamb " in the middle of the throne ", because he is God in his multiform sanctification, being all at once, the unique creator God, the archangel Michael, Jesus Christ the Lamb of God, and the Holy Spirit or “ seven spirits of God sent forth into all the earth .” His “ seven horns ” symbolize the sanctification of his power and his “ seven eyes ”, the sanctification of his gaze, which scrutinizes in depth the thoughts and actions of his creatures.

Verse 7: “ He came and took the scroll from the right hand of him who sat on the throne. »

This scene illustrates the words of Rev. 1:1: " Revelation of Jesus Christ which God gave him to show to his slaves what must happen quickly , and which he made known, by sending his angel, to his slave John .” This message aims to tell us that the content of Revelation will be unlimited since it is given by God, the Father, himself; and this by having placed on her, all his blessing indicated by his “ right hand ”.

Verse 8: “ When he had taken the scroll, the four living creatures and the twenty-four elders fell down before the Lamb, each having a harp and golden vials of incense, which are the prayers of the saints. »

Let us retain from this verse, this symbolic key: “ golden cups filled with perfumes, which are the prayers of the saints ”. All celestial and terrestrial creatures elected by their faithfulness prostrate themselves before the “lamb ” Jesus Christ to adore him. The “ harps ” symbolize the universal harmony of collective praise and worship.

Verse 9: “ And they sang a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the scroll, and to open the seals thereof; for you were slain, and with your blood you have redeemed for God men from every tribe, language, people, and nation; »

This “ new song ” celebrates deliverance from sin and, temporarily, the disappearance of the instigators of the revolt. Because they will only disappear forever after the last judgment. The redeemed of Jesus Christ come from all origins, all colors and human races, “ from every tribe, language, people, and nation ”; which proves that the saving project is only proposed in the name of Jesus Christ , in accordance with what Act.4:11-12 declares: “ Jesus is the stone rejected by you who build, and which has become the principal one of the corner. There is no salvation in any other; for there is none other name under heaven given among men, by which we must be saved. ". All other religions are therefore illegitimate and diabolical illusory deceptions. Unlike false religions, the true Christian faith is organized by God in a logically coherent manner. It is written that God is no stranger to anyone; his demands are the same for all his creatures, and the salvation he offered had a price that he himself came to pay. Having suffered for this redemption, he will only save those people he judges worthy of benefiting from his martyrdom.

Verse 10: “ You have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they will reign on the earth .”

The kingdom of heaven preached by Jesus has taken shape. Receiving “ the right to judge ”, the elect are compared to kings according to Rev.20:4. In their old covenant activities, the “ priests ” offered symbolic animal victims for sin. During the “ thousand years ” of the celestial judgment, the elect will also, through their judgment, prepare the last victims of a great universal sacrifice, which will destroy, in one go, all fallen celestial and terrestrial creatures. The fire of the “lake of fire of the second death ” will eliminate them on the day of judgment. It is only after this destruction that, regenerated by God, the renewed earth will receive the redeemed elect. It is only then that with Jesus Christ, the King of kings and Lord of lords of Rev. 19:16, “ they will reign on the earth ”.

Verse 11: “ I looked, and heard the voice of many angels around the throne and the living creatures and the elders, and their number was thousands of thousands and thousands of thousands.

This verse presents to us, united, the three groups of spectators who witness earthly spiritual battles. The Spirit this time clearly mentions the angels as a particular group whose number is very high: “ myriads of myriads and thousands of thousands ”. The angels of the Lord are currently close combatants, placed in the service of his redeemed, his earthly elect, whom they guard, protect and instruct in his name. On the front line, these first witnesses for God record the individual and collective history of life on earth.

Verse 12: “ They said with a loud voice, The Lamb that was slain is worthy to receive power, and riches, and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, and praise. »

The angels assisted on earth the ministry of their leader Michael who stripped himself of all his divine powers to become the perfect Man who offered himself at the end of his ministry, as a voluntary sacrifice, in order to atone for sins. committed by its elected officials. At the end of his offer of grace, the elect resurrected and entered into the promised eternity, the angels restore to the divine Christ of God, all the attributes that he had in Michael: “ power, wealth, wisdom, strength , honor, glory, and praise. »

Verse 13: “ And every creature that is in heaven, and on earth, and under the earth, and in the sea, and all that is therein, I heard them saying, To him that sitteth on the throne, and to the Lamb be praise, honor, glory, and strength, forever and ever! »

God's creatures are unanimous. They all loved the demonstration of his love manifested by the gift of his person in Jesus Christ. The project designed by God is a glorious success. His selection of loving beings is accomplished. The verse takes the form of the first angel's message from Rev. 14:7: “ He said with a loud voice: Fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment has come; and bow down before him who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and springs of waters .” The last selection made since 1843 has been based on the understanding of this verse. And the elect heard and responded by restoring in the Christian faith the practice of the seventh day of rest practiced by the apostles and disciples of Jesus until its abandonment since March 7, 321. The creator God was honored by respect for the fourth commandment which is close to his heart. The result is a scene of celestial glory where all his creatures, following to the letter the message of the first angel of Rev. 14:7, say: “ To him who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb, be praise, honor, glory, and strength, for ever and ever! ". Note that the words repeat, in reverse, the words cited by the angels in the previous verse 13. Since his resurrection, Jesus has regained his celestial life: his divine “ power, his wealth, and his wisdom ”. On earth his last enemies refused him “ the praise, the honor, the glory and the strength ” which were due to him as creator God. Calling on “ his strength ,” he ultimately defeated them all and crushed them under his feet. Also, filled with love and gratitude, together, his holy and pure creatures legitimately restore to him his subjects of glory.

Verse 14: “ And the four living creatures said, Amen! And the old men came forward and bowed down .”

The inhabitants of the pure worlds approve of this restitution, saying: “Verily! It's true ! » And the earthly elect redeemed by sublimated love prostrate themselves before their Almighty creator God who came to incarnate in Jesus Christ.


















Revelation 6: Actors, divine punishments

and signs of the times of the Christian era



I recall the lesson given in Rev.5: the book can only be opened when the “ seventh seal ” is removed. To make this opening, Christ's chosen one must absolutely approve the practice of the seventh-day Sabbath; and this spiritual choice qualifies him, to receive from God who approves him, his wisdom and his spiritual and prophetic discernment. Thus, without the text itself specifying it, the chosen one will identify the “ seal of God ” cited in Rev.7:2, with the “ seventh seal ”, which still closes the book of Revelation, and he will associate, to these two “ seals ”, the seventh day sanctified at rest by God. Faith makes the difference between light and darkness. Thus, for anyone who does not approve of the sanctified Sabbath, the prophecy will remain a closed, hermetic book. He may well recognize certain obvious subjects, but he will not understand the vital and cutting revelations which make the difference between life and death. The importance of the “ seventh seal ” will appear in Rev. 8:1-2 where the Spirit gives it the role of opening the theme of the “ seven trumpets ”. Now it is precisely in the messages of these “ seven trumpets ” that God’s project will become clear. Because the theme of the trumpets of Rev.8 and 9 comes, in parallel, to complete the truths prophesied in the themes of the “ letters ” of Rev.2 and 3; and the “ seals ”, of Rev.6 and 7. The divine strategy is identical to that which he used to construct his prophetic revelation given to Daniel. Having been qualified for this office by my acceptance of the practice of the sanctified Sabbath and by his sovereign choice, the Spirit opened the book of his Revelations to me by unsealing the “ seventh seal ”. Let us now discover the identity of its “ seals ”.

Verse 1: “ I looked, when the Lamb opened one of the seven seals, and I heard one of the four living creatures saying as with a voice of thunder, Come. »

This first “ living being ” designates the royalty and strength of the “ lion ” of Rev.4:7, according to Judg.14:18. This voice of thunder is divine and comes from the throne of God in Rev.4:5. It is therefore the Almighty God who speaks. The opening of each “ seal ” is an invitation from God to me to see and understand the message of the vision. Jesus had already said to Philip: “ Come and see ” to encourage him to follow him.

Verse 2: “ I looked, and behold, there appeared a white horse. The one who rode it had a bow; a crown was given to him, and he set out victorious and to conquer .”

White indicates its perfect purity ; the horse is the image of the chosen people whom it leads and teaches according to James 3:3: “ If we put the bit in the mouth of horses so that they obey us, we also rule their entire body ”; his “ bow ” symbolizes the arrows of his divine word; his “ crown ” is “ the crown of life ” obtained by his martyrdom voluntarily accepted by him; his victory was resolute since his creation of the first vis-à-vis; no doubt this description is that of Almighty God Jesus Christ. His final victory is certain because he has already, at Golgotha, defeated the devil, sin and death. Zechariah 10:3-4 confirms these images saying, “ My anger is kindled against the shepherds, and I will punish the goats; for Yahweh of hosts visits his flock, the house of Judah, and will make them his horse of glory in battle; from him will come the angle, from him the nail, from him the bow of war ; from him will come all the leaders together. » The victory of the divine Christ was proclaimed by the “ sanctification of the seventh day ” of our weeks, from the creation of the world; the Sabbath, prophesying the rest of the “ seventh ” millennium, called “ a thousand years ” in Rev.20:4-6-7, into which, through his victory, Jesus will bring his elect for eternity. The establishment of the Sabbath from the founding of the earthly world confirms this expression: “ started as a victor ”. The Sabbath is the prophetic heralding sign of this divine and human victory against sin and the devil and as such, it is on it that God bases his entire program of "sanctification " either, of what belongs to him and that he snatch the devil.

Verse 3: “ When he opened the second seal, I heard the second living creature saying, Come .”

The “ second living creature ” refers to “ the calf ” of the sacrifices of Rev.4:7. The spirit of sacrifice animated Jesus Christ and his true disciples to whom he declared: “ If anyone wants to follow me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and take up his cross. follow .”

Verse 4: “ And there came out another horse, red. He who sat on him received power to take peace from the earth, so that men would slay one another's throats; and a great sword was given to him .”

The “ red ”, or “ fiery red ”, designates the sin encouraged by the Chief Destroyer which is Satan, in the image of the “ Abbadon Apollyon ” of Rev.9:11; “ fire ” being the means and symbol of destruction. He also leads his evil camp made up of bad fallen angels and seduced and manipulated earthly powers. He is only a creature who “ receives ” from God “ the power to take peace from the earth, so that men may kill one another .” This action will be attributed to Rome, “ the prostitute Babylon the great ” in Rev. 18:24: “ and because the blood of the prophets and the saints and of all those who were slain on the earth was found in her ". The “ Destroyer ” of faithful Christians is therefore identified as well as his victims. “ The sword ” that he receives designates the first of the four terrible divine punishments cited in Eze.14:21-22: “ Yes, thus says the Lord, YaHWéH: Although I send against Jerusalem my four terrible punishments , 'sword, famine, wild beasts and pestilence, to destroy men and beasts, there will nevertheless be a remnant who will escape, who will come out of it, sons and daughters...' .

Verse 5: “ When he opened the third seal, I heard the third living creature saying, Come. I looked, and behold, there appeared a black horse. The one who rode it held a scale in his hand .”

The “ third living creature ” is “ man ” made in the image of God of Rev.4:7. This character is fictional, but he constitutes the second divine punishment for sin according to Ezek.14:20. Acting against the diet of men, this time it is about famine . During our era, it will be imposed both literally and spiritually. In both applications it carries mortal consequences, but in its spiritual sense of deprivation of divine light, its direct consequence is the death of the “ second death ” reserved for the fallen, at the last judgment. The message of this third horseman is summarized as follows: since man is no longer in the image of God, but in that of animals, I deprive him of what gives him life: his carnal nourishment and his spiritual nourishment. The scales are the symbol of justice, here that of God who judges the works of faith of Christians.

Verse 6: “ And I heard a voice in the midst of the four living creatures saying, A measure of wheat for a denarius, and three measures of barley for a denarius; but do no harm to the oil and the wine .”

This voice is that of Christ despised and frustrated by the infidelity of false believers. For the same price, we see a smaller quantity of wheat than for barley . Behind this generous offering of barley a message of a very high spiritual level is hidden. Indeed, in Num.5:15, the law presents an offering of “ barley ” to resolve a problem of jealousy felt by a husband towards his wife. So read in detail, completely, this procedure described in verses 12 to 31 if you want to understand. In its light, I understood that God himself, the Bridegroom in Jesus Christ of the Assembly, his bride , files here a complaint for “ suspicion of jealousy ”; which will be confirmed by the mention of the “ bitter waters ” cited in the “ third trumpet ” in Rev.8:11. In the procedure of Numbers 5, the woman was to drink dusty water, without consequence, if innocent but, becoming bitter if guilty, she will be cursed. The adultery of the Wife was denounced in Rev.2:12 (masked by the name Pergamum: transgressing marriage) and Rev.2:22, and it will thus be again confirmed by a link established between the 3rd seal and the 3rd trumpet . _ Already, in Daniel, the same approach caused Daniel 8 to “confirm” the Roman identity of the “ little horn ” of Dan.7 presented as a “hypothesis”. This paralleling of Daniel 2, 7 and 8 was the novelty which allowed me to prove the Roman identification; this for the first time since the existence of Adventism. Here in Revelation, things look the same way. I demonstrate the overview of the parallel Christian era of the three main themes, letters, seals and trumpets. And in Revelation, the theme of “ trumpets ” fulfills the same role as Daniel 8 for the book of Daniel. These two elements provide evidence without which the prophecy would only offer the “ suspicion ” that I called “hypothesis” in the study of Daniel. Thus, these words, " suspicion of jealousy " revealed in Num.5:14, apply for God and the Assembly from Rev.1 to Rev.6; then with the opening of the book made possible by the identification of the " seventh seal " with the seventh day Sabbath, theme of Rev.7, the Assembly's " suspicion of adultery " will be "confirmed" in the theme of trumpets ” and chapters 10 to 22 which follow it. The Spirit thus gives, in chapter 7, the role of a customs post, where authorization to enter must be obtained. In the case of Revelation, that authority is Jesus Christ, the Almighty God and Holy Spirit, Himself. The door of access is open to him, he says, who " hears my voice " who opens to me when I knock at his door (the door of the heart), and who sups with me and I with him ", according to Apo .3:20. “ Wine and oil ” are the respective symbols of the blood shed by Jesus Christ and the Spirit of God. Additionally, they are both used to heal wounds. The command given to “ do them no harm ” means that God punishes, but He still does so with a mixture of His mercy. This will not be the case for the “ seven last plagues ” of his “ wrath ” of the last earthly days according to Rev. 16:1 and 14:10.

Verse 7: “ When he opened the fourth seal, I heard the voice of the fourth living creature saying, Come. »

The “ fourth living being ” is the “eagle ” of supreme celestial elevation. He announces the appearance of God's fourth punishment: mortality.

Verse 8: “ I looked, and behold, there appeared a pale horse. The one who rode it was called Death, and Hades accompanied him. Power was given to them over a quarter of the earth, to destroy men by the sword, by famine, by death, and by the wild beasts of the earth .”

The announcement is confirmed, it is indeed “ death ”, but in its sense of mortality imposed in circumstantial punishments. Death affects all humanity since original sin, but here only “ a quarter of the earth ” is struck by it, “ by the sword, famine, mortality ” due to epidemic diseases, and “ wild beasts ” both animal and human. This “ quarter of the earth ” targets unfaithfully Christian Europe and the powerful nations that will emerge from it around the 16th century : the two American continents and Australia.

Verse 9: “ When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain for the word of God and for the testimony which they had borne.

These are the victims of “bestial” actions committed in the name of the false Christian faith. It is taught by the Roman papal Catholic regime, already symbolized in Rev.2:20, by the woman Jezebel to whom the Spirit imputes the action of teaching her servants or literally: “ her slaves ”. They are placed “ under the altar ", therefore under the aegis of the cross of Christ which allows them to benefit from his " eternal justice " (see Dan.9:24). As Rev. 13:10 will indicate, the elect are martyr victims and never executioners, nor killers of human beings. The elect concerned in this verse, recognized by Jesus, imitated him even in death as martyrs: “ for the word of God and for the testimony which they had given ”; because true faith is active, never a simple falsely reassuring label. Their “ witness ” consisted precisely in giving up their lives for the glory of God.

Verse 10: “ They cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O holy and true Master, do you delay in judging and avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth? »

Let this image not deceive you, for it is only their blood shed on the earth that cries vengeance in the ears of God, as did the blood of Abel killed by his brother Cain according to Gen.4:10: “And God said: What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out from the earth to me. ". The true state of the dead is revealed in Ecc.9:5-6-10. Apart from Enoch, Moses, Elijah, and the saints who were resurrected at the time of the death of Jesus Christ, the others “no longer share in everything that is done under the sun, because their thinking and their memory has perished .” “ There is neither wisdom nor understanding nor knowledge in hell. for their memory is forgotten .” These are the criteria inspired by God regarding death . False believers are victims of false doctrines inherited from the paganism of the Greek philosopher Plato whose opinion on death has no place in the Christian faith faithful to the God of truth. Let us give back to Plato what belongs to him and to God what belongs to him: the truth about everything, and let us be logical, because death is the absolute opposite of life, and not a new form of existence.

Verse 11: “ A white robe was given to each of them; and they were told to remain at rest for some time longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers who were to be put to death like them was complete .

The “ white robe ” is the symbol of the purity of the martyrs that Jesus first wore in Rev.1:13. The “ white robe ” is the image of his imputed justice in the time of religious persecution. The time of martyrs goes from the time of Jesus until 1798. At the end of this period, according to Rev.11:7, " the beast that rises from the abyss ", symbol of the French Revolution and its terrors atheists of 1793 and 1794, will put an end to the persecutions organized by the monarchy and Catholic popery, themselves designated as “ beast that rises from the sea ” in Apo.13:1. After the revolutionary massacre, religious peace will be established in the Christian world. We read again: " And they were told to remain still for a while longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers who were to be put to death like them was complete. " The rest of the dead in Christ will continue until his final glorious return. Assuming that the message of this “ fifth seal ” is addressed to the Protestants persecuted by the Catholic papal inquisition of the “ Thyatira ” era, the time of killing of the elected will cease because of the French revolutionary action which will soon, between 1789 and 1798, destroying the aggressive power of the coalition of the papacy and the French monarchy. The “ sixth seal ” which will open will therefore concern this French revolutionary regime which Rev. 2:22 and 7:14 call “ great tribulation ”. In the doctrinal imperfection that characterizes it, the Protestant faith will also be a victim of the intolerance of the atheist revolutionary regime. It is through his action that the number of those who were to be put to death will be reached.

Verse 12: “ I looked when he opened the sixth seal; and there was a great earthquake, the sun became black as sackcloth, the whole moon became like blood .

The “ earthquake ” given as a sign of the time of the “ 6th seal ” , allows us to place the action on Saturday November 1, 1755 around 10 a.m. Its geographical center was the highly Catholic city of Lisbon in which there were 120 Catholic churches. God thus indicated the targets of his wrath that this “ earthquake ” also prophesied in spiritual image. The prophesied action will be accomplished in 1789 with the uprising of the French people against their monarchy; God having condemned her and her ally Roman Catholic popery, both struck to death in 1793 and 1794; dates of the “two revolutionary Terrors”. In Rev.11:13 French revolutionary action is compared to an “ earthquake ”. By being able to date the actions cited, the prophecy becomes more precise. “… the sun became black as a sack of horsehair ”, on May 19, 1780, and this phenomenon experienced in North America received the name “dark day”. It was a day without any solar light which also prophesied the action carried out by French revolutionary atheism against the light of the written word of God symbolized here by the “sun ; the Holy Bible was burned in auto-da-fé. “ The whole moon became like blood ”, at the end of this dark day, the thick clouds revealed the moon in a pronounced red color. Through this image, God confirmed the fate reserved for the papal-royal camp of darkness, between 1793 and 1794. Their blood would be abundantly shed by the sharp blade of the revolutionary guillotine.

Note : In Rev.8:12, by striking " a third of the sun, a third of the moon, and a third of the stars ", the message of the " fourth trumpet " will confirm the fact that the victims of the revolutionaries will be true elect and fallen ones rejected by God in Jesus Christ. This also confirms the meaning of the “ fifth seal ” message that we have just seen. It is through the action of atheism that the last killings of the faithful elect will be accomplished.

Verse 13: “ And the stars of heaven fell to the earth, as when a fig tree shaken by a strong wind throws away its green figs. »

This third sign of the times, this time celestial, was literally fulfilled on November 13, 1833, visible throughout the United States between midnight and 5 a.m. But like the previous sign, it heralded a spiritual event of unimaginable magnitude. Who could have counted the number of these stars that fell in the shape of an umbrella across the entire expanse of the sky from midnight until 5 a.m.? This is the image that God gives us of the fall of Protestant believers in 1843, when they were victims of the decree of Dan.8:14 which came into force. Between 1828 and 1873, the action of the river “Tiger” (Dan.10:4), name of the man-killing beast, is thus confirmed in Dan.12:5 to 12. In this verse the “fig tree” images fidelity of the people of God, except that this fidelity is called into question by the image of the “ green figs ” thrown on the earth. Likewise, the Protestant faith was received by God with reservations and provisional conditions, but contempt for the prophetic messages of William Miller and rejection of the restoration of the Sabbath brought about its downfall in 1843. It was through this refusal that the “ fig ” remained “ green ”, refusing to ripen by accepting the light of God, it will die. She will remain in this status, fallen from the grace of the Lord until the time of her glorious return, in 2030. But be careful, by its refusal of the last lights, since 1994, official Adventism has become, "it too " , a “ green fig ” destined to die twice.

Verse 14: “ Heaven departed like a scroll that is rolled up; and all the mountains and islands were moved from their places. »

This earthquake is this time universal. At the hour of his glorious appearance, God will shake the earth and all that it contains in men and animals. This action will occur at the time of the “ seventh of the seven last plagues of the wrath of God ”, according to Rev.16:18. It will be for the truly elect the hour of their resurrection, “ the first ”, that of the “ blessed ”, according to Rev.20:6.

Verse 15: “ The kings of the earth, the great ones, the military leaders, the rich, the mighty, all the slaves and the free, hid themselves in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains. »

When the Creator God appears in all his glory and power, no human power can stand, and no shelter can protect his enemies from his righteous wrath. This verse indicates it: God's justice terrorizes all guilty categories of humanity.

Verse 16: “ And they said to the mountains and to the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; »

It is the lamb himself who sits on the divine throne, but at this hour it is no longer the slain lamb who presents himself to them, it is the “ King of kings and Lord of lords ” who comes crush his latter-day enemies.

Verse 17: “ For the great day of his wrath has come, and who can stand? »

The challenge is indeed to “ subsist ”, that is to say, to survive after God’s judicial intervention.

Those who can “ survive ” in this terrible hour are those who were going to die, in accordance with the plan of the Sunday decree mentioned in Rev. 13:15, according to which, the observers of the divine holy Sabbath were to be annihilated on the earth. The terror of those who were going to kill them, revealed in the previous verse, is explained. And so those who will be able to survive on the day of the return in glory of Jesus Christ will be the theme of Rev.7, in which God will reveal to us part of his project which concerns them.


















Revelation 7: Seventh-day Adventism

sealed with the seal of God: the Sabbath




Verse 1: “ After this I saw four angels standing in the four corners of the earth; They held back the four winds of the earth, so that no wind blew on the earth, nor on the sea, nor on any tree. »

These “ four angels ” are the celestial angels of God engaged in a universal action symbolized by the “ four corners of the earth ”. The “ four winds ” symbolize universal wars, conflicts; they are thus “ restrained ”, prevented, blocked, which results in universal religious peace. “ The sea ” symbol of Catholicism and “ the earth ” symbol of the Reformed faith are at peace with each other. And this peace also concerns “ the tree ”, the image of man as an individual. History teaches us that this peace was imposed by the weakening of papal power crushed by French national atheism between 1793 and 1799, the date when Pope Pius VI died detained in the Citadel prison in Valence-sur- Rhône, where I was born and reside. This action is attributed to “ the beast that ascends out of the deep ” in Rev.11:7. It is also called the “ 4th trumpet ” in Rev.8:12. After her, in France, the imperial regime of Napoleon I symbolized by “ an eagle ” in Apo.8:13, will maintain its authority over the Catholic religion rehabilitated by the Concordat.

Verse 2: “ And I saw another angel coming up toward the rising sun, holding the seal of the living God; he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea, and he said :

The “ rising sun ” referred to God visiting his earthly flock in Jesus Christ in Luke 1:78. The “ seal of the living God ” appears in the heavenly camp of Jesus Christ. With a " loud voice " which confirms his authority, the angel issues an order to the universal demonic angelic powers who have received authorization from God " to do harm ", to " the earth " and to " the sea " be , to the Protestant faith and to the Roman Catholic faith. These spiritual interpretations do not prevent a literal application which will concern “ the earth, the sea and the trees ” of our creation; which would be difficult to avoid with the use of nuclear weapons at the time of the “ sixth trumpet ” of Rev.9:13 to 21.

Verse 3: “ Do no harm to the earth, nor to the sea, nor to the trees, until we have sealed the foreheads of the servants of our God. »

This detail allows us to place the beginning of the action of the sealing of the elect from the spring of 1843 to the fall of 1844. It was after October 22, 1844, that the first Adventist, Captain Joseph Bates, was sealed by adopting, individually , the seventh-day Sabbath rest. He would soon be imitated, gradually, by all his Adventist brothers and sisters of the moment. The sealing began after October 22, 1844, and would continue for the “ five months ” prophesied in Rev.9:5-10; “ five months ” or 150 real years in accordance with the day-year code of Ezé.4:5-6. These 150 years were prophesied for religious peace. The established peace favored the proclamation and universal development of the “Seventh-day Adventist” message, represented today in all Western countries and wherever possible. The Adventist mission is universal, and as such, it depends exclusively on God. It therefore has nothing to receive from other Christian confessions and must, to be blessed, rely solely on the inspiration given by Jesus Christ, its celestial Chief of heads, who gives the understanding of the reading of the " Holy Bible”; the Bible, the written word of God which represents his “ two witnesses ” in Rev.11:3. Begun in 1844, the time of peace guaranteed by God will end in the Fall of 1994 as the study of Rev.9 will demonstrate.

Important note regarding the “seal of God”: The Sabbath alone is not sufficient to justify its role as the “ seal of God .” The sealing implies that it is accompanied by the works prepared by Jesus for his saints: the love of truth and prophetic truth , and the testimony of the fruit presented in 1 Cor.13. Many who keep the Sabbath without meeting these criteria will abandon it when the threat of death for its practice appears. The Sabbath is not inherited, it is God who gives it to the chosen one, as a sign that it belongs to him . According to Eze.20:12-20: “ I also gave them my sabbaths as a sign between me and them, that they might know that I am the LORD who sanctifies them…/…Sanctify my sabbaths, and that they may be a sign between me and you, by which it may be known that I am the LORD your God . ". Without contradicting what has just been said, but rather to confirm it, we read in 2 Tim.2:19: “ Nevertheless, the solid foundation of God remains standing, with these words which serve as its seal : The Lord knows those who belong to him ; and: Whoever calls the name of the Lord, let him depart from iniquity. »

Verse 4: “ And I heard the number of those who were sealed, an hundred and forty and four thousand, out of all the tribes of the children of Israel:

The apostle Paul demonstrated in Rom.11, through an image, that converted pagans are grafted onto the root of the patriarch Abraham to whom the Jews claim to be. Saved by faith, like him, these converted pagans are a spiritual extension of the 12 tribes of Israel. Carnal Israel, whose sign was circumcision, fell, delivered to the devil, for its refusal of the Messiah Jesus. The Christian faith which fell into apostasy since March 7, 321 is also a spiritual Israel which has fallen since that date. Here, God presents us with an authentic spiritual Israel blessed by him from 1843. It is one which carries the universal mission of Seventh-day Adventism. And already, the number, “ 144,000 ”, cited, deserves an explanation. It cannot be taken literally, for having compared Abraham's posterity to the " stars of heaven ", the number seems far too small. For the Creator God, numbers speak as much as letters. It is then that we must understand that the term " number " in this verse should not be interpreted as a numerical quantity, but as a spiritual code that designates a religious behavior that God blesses and sets apart (that he sanctifies). Thus “ 144,000 ” is explained as follows: 144 = 12 x 12, and 12 = 7, the number of God + 5, the number of man = alliance between God and man. The cube of this number is the symbol of perfection and its square, that of its surface. These proportions will be those of the new Jerusalem described in Rev.21:16 in a spiritual code. The term “ thousand ” which comes next symbolizes an innumerable multitude. In fact “ 144,000 ” means a multitude of perfect redeemed men who made a covenant with God. This reference to the tribes of Israel should not surprise us because God did not abandon his project despite the successive failures of his alliances with men. The Jewish model presented since the exodus from Egypt did not extend to Christ without reason. And through his Christian truth and respect for all his commandments, including that of the Sabbath in particular, and his restored moral, health, and other ordinances, God finds, in faithful dissident Adventism of the last days, the model of Israel conforms to its ideal. Let us add that in the text of the 4th commandment , God says about the Sabbath to his Chosen: “ You have six days to do all your work … but the 7th is the day of YaHWéH, your God”. It turns out that 6 24-hour days add up to 144 hours. We can thus deduce that the 144,000 sealed are faithful observers of this divine ordinance. Their lives are punctuated by this respect for the six days authorized for their secular works. But on the 7th day they honor the sanctified rest object of this commandment. The spiritual character of this “Adventist” Israel will be demonstrated in verses 5 to 8 which follow. The names of the Hebrew patriarchs cited are not those who composed carnal Israel. Those whom God has selected are only there to carry a hidden message in the justification of their origin. As with the names of the “ seven assemblies ”, those of the “ twelve tribes ” carry a double message. The simplest is revealed by their translation. But the richest and most complex is based on the declarations made by each mother when she justifies giving a name to their child.

Verse 5: “ of the tribe of Judah, twelve thousand sealed; of the tribe of Reuben, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Gad, twelve thousand; »

For each name, the number “ twelve thousand sealed ” means: a multitude of men allied with God sealed by the Sabbath.

Judah : Praise be to YaHWéH; maternal words of Gen.29:35: “ I will praise YaHWéH ”.

Ruben : See a son; maternal words from Gen.29:32: “ YaHWéH has seen my humiliation

Gad : Happiness; maternal words from Gen.30:11: “ What happiness! »


Verse 6: “ of the tribe of Asher, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Naphtali, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Manasseh, twelve thousand; »

For each name, the number “ twelve thousand sealed ” means: a multitude of men allied with God sealed by the Sabbath.

Asher : Happy: maternal words from Gen.30:13: “ How happy I am! »

Naphtali : Struggling: maternal words from Gen.30:8: “ I wrestled divinely against my sister and I prevailed .”

Manasseh : Forgetting: fatherly words from Gen.41:51: “ God has made me forget all my sorrows ”.

Verse 7: “ of the tribe of Simeon, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Levi, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Issachar, twelve thousand; » For each name, the number “ twelve thousand sealed ” means: a multitude of men allied with God sealed by the Sabbath.

Simeon : Hear: maternal words from Gen.29:33: “ YaHWéH heard that I was not loved ”.

Levi : Attached: maternal words from Gen.29:34: “ For this time, my husband will attach himself to me .”

Issachar : Salary: maternal words from Gen.30:18: “ God has given me my salary ”.

Verse 8: “ of the tribe of Zebulun, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Joseph, twelve thousand; of the tribe of Benjamin, twelve thousand sealed. »

For each name, the number “ twelve thousand sealed ” means: a multitude of men allied with God sealed by the Sabbath.

Zebulun : Dwelling: maternal words of Gen.30:20: “ This time my husband will live with me ”.

Joseph : He removes (or he adds): maternal words from Gen.30:23-24: “ God has removed my reproach… / (… may YaHWéH add another son to me)

Benjamin : Son of the right: maternal and paternal words from Gen.35:18: “ And as she was about to give up the ghost because she was dying, she gave him the name Ben-oni (Son of my sorrow) but the father called him Benjamin (Son of the Right).

These 12 names, and maternal and paternal words, express the experience lived by the last assembly of Adventists selected by God; “ the bride prepared ” for her Bridegroom Christ in Rev.19:7. Under the last name presented, that of “ Benjamin ”, God prophesies the final situation of his Chosen One, threatened with death by rebellious men. The name change imposed by the father, Israel, prophesies God's intervention in favor of his elect. His glorious return reverses the situation. Those who were going to die are glorified and taken up to heaven where they join Jesus Christ, the almighty and glorious creator God. The expression “Sons of the right” takes on its full prophetic meaning: the right was the Elect, or last spiritual Israel, and its sons, the redeemed elect who compose it. Also, these are the sheep placed at the right hand of the Lord (Matt.25:33).

Verse 9: “ After this I looked, and, behold, there was a great multitude, which no one could number, from every nation, and tribe, and people, and language. They stood before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed in white robes, and with palm branches in their hands. »

This “ great crowd, which no one could count ” confirms the spiritually coded symbolic nature of the “ numbers ” “144,000” and “12,000” cited in the previous verses. Furthermore, an allusion is made to the posterity of Abraham by the expression: " no one could number them "; as for “ the stars of heaven ” that God had shown him saying: “ such will be your descendants ”. Their origins are multiple, from every nation, every tribe, every people, and every language, and from every era. However, the theme of this chapter particularly targets the latest Adventist message of God-given universality. They wear " white robes " because they were ready to die as martyrs, being condemned to death by a decree promulgated by the last rebels according to Rev.13:15. The “ palms ” held in their hands symbolize their victory against the camp of sinners.

Verse 10: “ And they cried with a loud voice, saying, Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb. »

The action evokes the context of the return in glory of Jesus Christ, in parallel with the description of the reactions of the rebel camp described in Rev.6:15-16. Here, the remarks made by the saved elected officials are the absolute opposite of those of the rebels. Far from frightening them, the return of Christ rejoices them, reassures them, and saves them. The question posed by the rebels “ Who can survive?” » receives his answer here: the Adventists who remained faithful to the mission that God entrusted to them until the end of the world at the risk of their lives, if necessary. This fidelity is based on their attachment to respecting the holy Sabbath sanctified by God from the foundation of the world, and their love manifested for his prophetic word. This is all the more so since they now know that the Sabbath prophesies the great rest of the seventh millennium into which, victorious after Jesus Christ, they will be able to enter by receiving the eternal life promised in his name.

Verse 11: “ And all the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures; and they bowed down on their faces before the throne, before God ,

The scene presented to us evokes the entry into the great heavenly rest of God. We find images from chapters 4 and 5 which deal with this theme.

Verse 12: “ saying: Amen! Praise, glory, wisdom, thanksgiving, honor, power, and might, be to our God for ever and ever. Amen! »

Happy with this beautiful end of the experience of earthly salvation, the angels express their joy and their gratitude towards the God of goodness who is our Creator, theirs, ours, the one who took the initiative in the redemption of the sins of the elect earthly, coming to incarnate in the weakness of human flesh, to suffer an atrocious death demanded by his justice. These multitudes of invisible eyes followed every phase of this plan of salvation and marveled at the sublime demonstration of God's love. The first word they say is “ Amen!” In truth ! It's true ! For God is the God of truth, the True One. The second word is “ the praise ” it was also the first name of the 12 tribes: “ Judah ” = Praise. The third word is “ the glory " and God is rightly concerned with his glory because he will recall it in Apo.14:7 to demand it, in the title of unique creator God, from those who have claimed his salvation since 1843. The fourth word is “ wisdom ”. The study of this document aims to have it discovered by all its elected officials. This divine wisdom is beyond our imagination. Subtlety, mind games, everything is there in divine format. Fifth comes “ thanksgiving ”. It is the religious form of thanksgiving which is accomplished in holy words and works. In sixth comes “honor”. This is what the rebels frustrated God with the most. They treated him with contempt by challenging his revealed will. On the contrary, the elected officials gave him, to the extent of their possibility, the honor that is legitimately due to him. In the seventh and eighth come “ power and strength ”. These two binding things were necessary to bring down the tyrants of the earth, to crush the arrogant rebels while they still ruled the earth. Without this power and strength , the last chosen ones would have died like so many other martyrs during the Christian era.

Verse 13: “ And one of the elders answered and said unto me, These that are clothed with white robes, who are they, and whence have they come? »

The question asked is intended to reveal to us the particularity of the symbol of “ white robes ” in relation to the “ white ” garments of Rev.3:4 and the “ fine linen ” which designates, in Rev.19:8, “ the righteous works of the saints ” of the end-time “ prepared bride ” be, faithful end-time Adventism ready for its rapture to heaven.

Verse 14: “ I said to him: My lord, you know it. And he said to me: These are they who come from the great tribulation; they have washed their robes, and made them white in the blood of the lamb. »

The “ white robes ” being worn by certain old men, Jean can, in fact, hope for a response from one of them. And the expected answer comes: “ They are those who come from the great tribulation ”, that is, the chosen ones, victims and martyrs of religious wars and atheism as revealed to us by the “ 5th seal ”, in Rev.6:9 to 11: “ A white robe was given to each of them; and they were told to remain at rest for some time longer, until the number of their fellow servants and their brothers who were to be put to death like them was complete. » In Rev.2:22, the “ great tribulation ” designates the slaughter of the French atheist revolutionary regime accomplished between 1793 and 1794. In confirmation, in Rev.11:13, we read: “… seven thousand men were killed in this earthquake ”; “ Seven ” for religious, and “ thousand ” for multitude. The French Revolution is like an earth earthquake which also kills servants of God. But this “ great tribulation ” was only a first form of this accomplishment. Its second form will be accomplished by the “ 6th trumpet ” of Rev.9, a subtlety of the editing in Rev.11 will reveal this fact. Multitudes of unfaithful Christians will be put to death during the Third World War which the “ 6th trumpet ” symbolizes and confirms. But since 1843, God has selected the elect whom he sanctifies and the last ones whom he sets apart are too precious in his eyes to be destroyed. He prepares them for the last testimony of the history of earthly salvation; a testimony of fidelity that they will render to him by remaining faithful to his seventh-day Sabbath, even when threatened with death by the rebel camp. This final test of God's plan is revealed in the message delivered to " Philadelphia " in Rev.3:10 and in Rev.13:15 (decree of death). For God, intention is worth action, and to the extent that, put to the test, they accept the risk of death, they are assimilated by him to the group of martyrs and are thus attributed the “white robe ” real martyrs. They will escape death only because of the saving intervention of Jesus Christ. In this last trial, after the second " great tribulation ", by the testimony of their faithfulness, they will, in turn, " wash their robes, and whiten them in the blood of the lamb " remaining faithful until the end. death with which they will be threatened. At the end of this last test of faith, the number of those who were thus to die as martyrs will be complete and the mortal “ rest ” of the martyred saints of the “ fifth seal ” will end with their resurrection. Since 1843 and especially since 1994, the work of sanctification undertaken by God renders it useless, the death of the true elect who remained alive and faithful until the hour of his return and the end of the time of grace which precedes it makes it still more useless.

Verse 15: “ For this reason they are before the throne of God, and serve him day and night in his temple. He who sits on the throne will pitch his tent over them; »

We understand that for God, this type of elect represents a particularly high elite. He will grant him special honors. In this verse, the Spirit uses two tenses of conjugation, the present and the future. The verbs conjugated in the present tense “ they are ” and “ serve him ” reveal the continuity of their behavior in their body of flesh which is the temple of God who dwells in them. And this action will be continued in heaven after their rapture by Jesus Christ. In the future time, God gives his answer to their faithfulness: “ He who is on the throne will pitch his tent over them ” for eternity.

Verse 16: “ They shall hunger no more, nor thirst any more, neither shall the sun strike them, nor any heat. »

These words mean for the elected Adventists of the end that they were “ hungry ” having been deprived of food and “ thirsty ” because deprived of water by their torturers and their jailers. “ The fire of the sun ,” whose “ heat ” is intensified in the fourth of God’s last seven plagues, will have burned them and caused them to suffer. But it was also by the fire of the pyres of the papal inquisition, the other kind of “ heat ” that the martyrs of the “ fifth seal ” were consumed or tortured. The word " heat " also relates to the fire of conventional and atomic weapons used in the context of the sixth trumpet . The survivors of this last conflict will have passed through the fire. These things will never happen again in eternal life, which only the elect will enter.

Verse 17: “ For the Lamb who is in the midst of the throne will feed them and lead them to springs of the waters of life, and God will wipe away every tear from their eyes. »

The Lamb ” is in fact, also, the Good Shepherd who will shepherd his beloved sheep. His divinity is again affirmed here by his position “ in the middle of the throne ”. His divine power leads his elect “ to the springs of the waters of life ”, a symbolic image of eternal life. And targeting the final context in which, on his return, his last chosen ones will be in tears, he will “ wipe every tear from their eyes ”. But tears have also been the part of all his chosen ones mistreated and persecuted throughout the history of the Christian era, often until their last breath.

Note : Despite the misleading appearances observed in our time 2020, in which true faith seems to have disappeared, God prophesies the conversion and salvation of “multitudes” coming from all racial, ethnic and linguistic origins of the earth. It is a real privilege that he gives to his elected officials to know that, according to Rev. 9:5-10, the time of understanding and universal religious peace has only been programmed by him for “150” years. (or five prophetic months) between 1844 and 1994. This distinctive criterion of the true elect is cited by the Spirit in his message of Rev.17:8: “ The beast which you saw was, and is no more . She must ascend from the abyss, and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will marvel when they see the beast , because it was, and is no more. , and that it will reappear. » The truly elected will not be surprised when they see the things God has announced to them through his prophetic word come to fruition.



































Revelation 8: The first four trumpets

The first four punishments of God




Verse 1: “ When he opened the seventh seal, there was silence in heaven for about half an hour. »

The opening of the “ seventh seal ” is extremely important, because it authorizes the complete opening of the book Revelation “ sealed with seven seals ” according to Rev.5:1. The silence which marks this opening gives the action an exceptional solemnity. It has two justifications. The first is the idea of the rupture of relationship between heaven and earth, caused by the abandonment of the Sabbath on March 7, 321. The second is explained as follows: by faith, I identify this “seventh seal” with the “ seal of the living God ” of chapter 7 which designates, in my opinion, the holy Sabbath sanctified by God from the foundation of the world. He recalled its importance by making it the subject of the fourth of his ten commandments. And there, I discovered evidence that reveals its extreme importance for God, our sublime Creator. But already in the Genesis account, I noticed that the seventh day was presented separately in chapter 2. The first six days are treated in chapter 1. Furthermore, the seventh day is not closed, as the previous ones, by the formula “ there was evening and morning ”. This particularity is justified by its prophetic role in the seventh millennium of God's saving project. Placed under the sign of the eternity of the elect redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ, the seventh millennium is itself like a day without end. In confirmation of these things, in its presentation in the Hebrew Bible, the Torah, the text of the fourth commandment is separated from the others and preceded by a sign that demands a time of respectful silence. This sign is the letter “Pé” from Hebrew and thus isolated marking a break in the text, it takes the name “pétuhot”. The sabbatical rest of the seventh day therefore has every justification for being marked by God in a particular way. Since the spring of 1843, it has caused the loss of the traditional Protestant faith, heir to the Catholic “Sunday”. And since the same ordeal, but in Autumn 1844, it has once again become the sign of belonging to God that Ezé.20:12-20 gives him: “I also gave them my Sabbaths as a sign between me and them, to that they may know that I am YaHWéH who sanctifies them…/…Sanctify my Sabbaths, and that they may be a sign between me and you by which it may be known that I am YaHWéH, your God. » It is only through him that the chosen one can then enter into the secret of God and discover the precise program of his revealed project.

That said, in chapter 8, God evokes sequences of curse messages. Which leads me to look at the truth of the Sabbath under the aspect of the curses that its abandonment, by Christians since March 7, 321, has engendered in chains throughout the Christian era. This is also what the verse which comes will confirm by linking the theme of the Sabbath to the “ seven trumpets ”, symbols of “seven divine punishments” which will strike the Christian infidelity of March 7, 321.

Verse 2: “ And I saw the seven angels standing before God, and seven trumpets were given to them. »

The first of the privileges obtained by the sanctification of the seventh-day Sabbath, itself sanctified by God, is to understand the meaning he gives to the theme of the “ seven trumpets ”. By the form of the approach given to it, this theme completely opens up the intelligence of the chosen one. For it provides proof of the accusation of “ sin ” cited in Dan.8:12 against the Christian Assembly, by God. Indeed, these “seven punishments” would not be inflicted by God if this sin did not exist. Furthermore, in light of Leviticus 26, these punishments are justified by hatred of his commandments. In the old covenant, God had already adopted the same principle, to punish the iniquity of unfaithful and corrupt carnal Israel. The God creator and legislator who does not change, gives us a beautiful proof of this. Both covenants are subject to the same requirements of obedience and fidelity.

Access to the theme of " trumpets " will make it possible to demonstrate the successive condemnations of all Christian religions: Catholic, Orthodox, Protestant since 1843, but also Adventists since 1994. It also reveals the universal punishment of the " sixth trumpet " who will strike them together before the end of the probation period. We can thus measure its importance. The “ seventh trumpet ” linked to the return of Christ, the direct action of God, will be treated separately, like the Sabbath, in chapter 11, then it will be widely developed in chapters 18 and 19.

Over the last 17 centuries since 321, or more precisely 1709 years, 1522 years have been marked by the curses caused by the transgression of the Sabbath until its restoration scheduled for the year 1843 in the decree of Dan.8:14. And from that date of its restoration until the return of Jesus Christ in 2030, the Sabbath offered its blessing for only 187 years. The Sabbath has therefore for a longer time brought harm to unfaithful men than good to the faithful elect. The curse wins and this theme therefore has its place in this chapter 8 which presents divine curses.

Verse 3: “ And another angel came, and stood on the altar, having a golden censer; and they gave him much incense, that he might offer it, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar which is before the throne. »

In Daniel 8:13, after citing " the desolating sin ", the saints of the vision evoked the " perpetual " which concerned the " incommunicable " heavenly " priesthood " of Jesus Christ, according to Heb.7:23. On earth, since 538, the papal regime has taken it away according to Dan.8:11. In 1843, reconciliation with Jesus Christ required its restitution. This is the purpose of the theme we address in this verse 3 which opens heaven and shows us Jesus Christ in his symbolic role as heavenly high priest intercessor for the sins of his elect, and them alone. Keep in mind, that on earth, between 538 and 1843, this scene and this role are parodied and usurped by the activity of the Roman Catholic popes who succeed one another over time, continually frustrating God of his legitimate supreme sovereign right.

Because it is presented in this chapter 8 and because it ceased at the same time as the abandonment of the Sabbath, this theme of the intercession of Jesus Christ is also presented to us under the aspect of curse of the cessation of this intercession for the Christian multitudes unconscious victims of the pagan Roman “day of the sun”; this, even and especially, after its deceptive and seductive change of name: “Sunday”: Lord’s day. Yes, but from which lord? Alas! The one below.

Verse 4: “ The smoke of incense ascended with the prayers of the saints from the hand of the angel before God. »

The “ perfumes ” that accompany “ the prayers of the saints ” symbolize the pleasant odor of the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is His demonstration of love and faithfulness that makes the prayers of His elect acceptable to His divine judgment. We must note in this verse the importance of the association of the words “ smoke ” and “ prayers of the saints ”. This detail will be used in Rev.9:2 to designate the prayers of false Protestant Christians, since the new situation established in 1843.

What God evokes in this verse is the situation which prevailed between the apostolic time and the accursed date of March 7, 321. Before the abandonment of the Sabbath, Jesus received the prayers of the elect and interceded in his name for them. It is a teaching image that signifies that the vertical relationship between God and his elect is maintained. It will be so as long as they testify to fidelity to his person and his teaching of truth, until 321. In 1843, the priesthood of Jesus will resume all its blessed activity in favor of the elected Adventist saints. However, between 321 and 1843, reformers benefited from his pardon, such as those of the Thyatira era .

Verse 5: “ And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire from the altar, and cast it upon the earth. And there were voices, and thunder, and lightning, and an earthquake. »

The action described is visibly violent. It is that of Jesus Christ at the end of his intercessory ministry when the time comes for the end of the time of grace. The role of the "altar " ends, and " the fire ", image of the atoning death of Jesus Christ, is " cast onto the earth ", demanding punishment from those who underestimated it, and for some, despised. The end of the world marked by the direct intervention of God is evoked here by the key formula revealed in Rev.4:5 and Exo.19:16. The overview of the Christian era ends with this “Adventist” advent of Jesus Christ.

As with the Sabbath, the theme of the heavenly intercession of Jesus Christ is presented under the aspect of the curse of his judgment between 321 and 1843. The saints who question the Spirit about him, in Dan.8:13 , had good reasons for wanting to know the time when the “ perpetual ” priesthood would be taken over by Jesus Christ.

Note : Without calling into question the previous interpretation, a second explanation makes sense. In this second interpretation, the end of the theme of the intercession of Jesus Christ can be linked to the date of March 7, 321, the moment when the abandonment of the Sabbath by Christians led God to enter into anger which would be expiated by Western Christianity, by means of the “ seven trumpets ” which come from verse 6 which follows. This double explanation is all the more justified since the abandonment of the Sabbath has consequences until the end of the world, in 2030, the year in which by his glorious visible return, Jesus Christ will forever remove from the Roman papal regime and its last American Protestant support, their false claim to serve and represent him. Jesus will then resume his title of “ Head ” of the Church usurped by the papacy. Indeed, unlike the faithful elect, fallen infidel Christians will ignore the decree of Dan.8:14 and its consequences until the end of the world; which justifies their terror when Jesus returns according to the teaching of Rev.6:15-16. Before 2030, the first six “ trumpets ” will be accomplished between 321 and 2029. By the “ sixth trumpet ”, the last warning punishment before the final extermination, God very severely punishes the rebellious Christians. After this sixth punishment, he will organize the conditions for the last universal test of faith and in this context, the revealed light will be proclaimed and known to all survivors. It is in the face of a demonstrated truth that the elect and the fallen will then, by their free choice, advance in the face of a threat of death towards their final fate which will be: eternal life for the elect, definitive and absolute death for the fallen. .

Verse 6: “ And the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound. »

From this verse, the Spirit offers us a new overview of the Christian era, taking as its theme the “ seven trumpets ” that is, “seven successive punishments” distributed throughout the Christian era since March 7, 321, year in which “ sin ” was officially and civilly established. I recall that in the prologue of Revelation 1, the “voice ” of Christ is itself already compared to the sound of a “ trumpet ”. This instrument used to warn the people in Israel carries within itself the full meaning of the Apocalypse revelation. The warning warns of traps set by the enemy.

Verse 7: “ The first rang. And there was hail and fire mixed with blood, which was thrown upon the earth; and a third part of the earth was burned up, and a third part of the trees was burned up, and every green herb was burned up. »

First punishment : it was carried out between 321 and 538, by various invasions of the Roman Empire by so-called “barbarian” peoples. I particularly remember the people of the “Huns” whose leader Attila said he was, rightly, the “scourge of God”. A scourge which set part of Europe ablaze; northern Gaul, northern Italy and Pannonia (Croatia and western Hungary). His motto was, O how famous! “Where my horse passes, the grass does not grow back.” His actions are perfectly summed up in this verse 7; nothing is missing, everything is there. “ Hail ” is the symbol of the devastation of crops and “ fire ” is the symbol of the destruction of consumable materials. And of course, “ blood shed on the earth ” is the symbol of human lives being violently killed. The verb “ thrown ” indicates the wrath of the creator, lawgiver, and savior God who inspires and directs action after “throwing fire from the altar ” in verse 5.

At the same time, in Lev.26:14 to 17, we read: “ But if you do not listen to me and do not do all these commandments, if you despise my statutes, and if your soul abhors my judgments, so that you do not do all my commandments and break my covenant, then this will I do to you. I will send upon you terror, consumption and fever, which will make your eyes languish and your soul suffer; and you will sow your seeds in vain: your enemies will devour them. I will set my face against you, and you will be defeated before your enemies; those who hate you will rule over you, and you will flee without being pursued. »

Verse 8: “ The second rang. And something like a great mountain burning with fire was thrown into the sea; and a third of the sea became blood ,

Second Punishment : The key to these images is in Jer.51:24-25: “ I will repay Babylon and all the inhabitants of Chaldea for all the evil that they have done to Zion before your eyes, says YaHWéH. Behold, I am against you, O mountain of destruction, says Yahweh, you who destroyed the whole earth! I will stretch out my hand on you, I will roll you down from the rocks, and I will make you a mountain of fire. » It is in this verse 8 that the Spirit evokes the Roman papal regime under its symbolic name of “ Babylon ” which will appear in the form “ Babylon the great ” in Rev.14:8, 17:5 and 18:2. “The fire” sticks to her personality, evoking as much that which will consume her at the return of Christ and the last judgment, as that which she uses to inflame with hatred those who approve and support her: the European monarchs and their Catholic peoples. . Here as in Daniel, " the sea " represents the humanity concerned with the prophetic covering; the humanity of anonymous peoples who essentially remained pagan despite apparent Christian conversions. The first consequence of the establishment of the papal regime in 538 was to attack people in order to convert them by armed military force. The word “ mountain ” designates a powerful geographical difficulty. It is the one which is appropriate to define the papal regime which, enemy of God, is nevertheless aroused by his divine will; this in order to harden the religious life of unfaithful Christians resulting in persecution, suffering and death among them and outside peoples of different religions. Compulsory religion is a novelty due to the transgression of God's holy Sabbath. We owe to him the unnecessary massacres of forced conversions carried out by Charlemagne and the orders of the Crusades directed against Muslim peoples, launched by Pope Urban II; all things prophesied in this “ second trumpet ”.


Verse 9: “ And a third of the creatures that were in the sea that had life died, and a third of the ships perished .  

The consequences are universal and will last until the end of the world. The words “ sea ” and “ ships ” will find their meaning in the clashes with the Muslims of the Mediterranean Sea, but also with the African and South American peoples where the conquering Catholic faith imposed will give rise to horrible massacres of indigenous populations. .

At the same time we read in Lev.26:18 to 20: “ If, despite this, you do not listen to me, I will punish you seven times more for your sins. I will break the pride of your strength, I will make your heaven like iron , and your earth like bronze. Your strength will be exhausted in vain, your land will not yield its produce, and the trees of the earth will not yield their fruit. » In this verse, God announces a religious hardening which in the Christian era is accomplished by the passage of Rome from paganism to popery. Let us note the interest that on the occasion of this change, Roman domination abandoned the "Capitol" to install the papacy in the Lateran palace located precisely on the "Caelius", that is, the sky. The harsh papal regime confirms the prophesied religious hardening. The fruit of the Christian faith is changed. The gentleness of Christ is replaced by aggression and cruelty; and fidelity for the truth is transformed into infidelity and zeal for religious falsehood.

Verse 10: “ The third rang. And there fell from heaven a great star burning like a torch; and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. »

Third punishment : The evil generated intensifies and reaches its peak towards the end of the Middle Ages. Advances in mechanical printing favored the publication of the Holy Bible. By reading it, elected officials discover the truths it teaches. She thus justifies the role of the “ two witnesses ” that God gives her in Rev. 11:3: “ I will give to my two witnesses the power to prophesy, clothed in sackcloth, for a thousand two hundred and sixty days . » Favoring its own religious dogmas, the Catholic faith only relies on the Bible to justify the names of the saints that it makes its subjects adore. Because the possession of a Bible is condemned by it and it exposes the possessor to torture and death. It is the discovery of biblical truth that justifies the image given in this verse: “ And there fell from heaven a great star burning like a torch .” The fire still sticks to the image of Rome symbolized this time by a “ great fiery star ” like the “ great burning mountain ”. The word “ star ” reveals its claim to “ light the earth ” religiously according to Gen.1:15; and this in the name of Jesus Christ, of whom she claims to be the image of the true “ torch ”, light-bearer to which he is compared in Apo.21:23. She is still as “ great ” as when she started, but her persecuting fire has amplified, going from the “ burning ” state to that of “ burning ”. The explanation is simple, denounced by the Bible, her anger is all the greater as she is forced to openly oppose God's chosen ones. Which according to Rev.12:15-16 forces it to move from the strategy of the cunning and deceptive “ serpent ” to that of the openly persecuting “ dragon ”. Its adversaries are not only the peaceful and docile elect of God, there is also and above all in front of it, a false Protestantism, more political than religious, because it ignores the orders given by Jesus Christ and takes up arms, he kills and massacres as many as the Catholic camp. The “ third of the rivers ” that is, a part of the populations of Christian Europe, suffered Catholic aggression as did “ the sources of the waters ”. The model of these springs of water is God himself according to Jer.2:13: “ For my people have committed a double sin: They have abandoned me, who am a spring of living water, to dig for themselves cisterns, cracked cisterns, which do not retain water. » In the plural, in this verse, the Spirit designates by “ the springs of waters ” the elect formed in the image of God. John 7:38 confirms, saying, “ Whoever believes in me, rivers of living water will flow out of him, as the Scripture says.” » This expression also points to the practice of baptism of children who from birth, without being consulted, receive a religious label which will make them the subjects of an unchosen religious cause. As they grow up, they will one day take up weapons and kill opponents because their religious etiquette demands it of them. The Bible condemns this principle because it states: “ Whoever believes and is baptized will be saved, but whoever does not believe will be condemned (Mark 16:16).”

Verse 11: “ The name of this star is Wormwood; and the third part of the waters was changed into wormwood, and many men died by the waters, because they had become bitter. »

In opposition to the pure and thirst-quenching water which designates the Bible, the written word of God, Catholic teaching is compared to “ wormwood ”, a bitter, toxic, and even deadly beverage; this is justified since the final outcome of this teaching will be the fire of the “ second death of the last judgment ”. A part, “ a third ” of men, is transformed by the Catholic or falsely Protestant teaching received. “ The waters ” are both men and biblical teaching. In the 16th century , armed Protestant groups misused the Bible and its teaching, and in the image of this verse, men were killed by men and by false religious teaching. This is because men and religious teaching have become bitter. By declaring that the " waters had become bitter ", God provides an answer to an accusation of " suspicion of jealousy " which has remained unresolved since Rev.6:6 in the 3rd seal . He confirms, at the time when his written word comes to do so, the accusation of adultery that he brings against the Assembly since March 7, 321 which preceded the time of the officialized adultery religiously named Pergamum in Apo. 2:12 for 538.

At the same time, we read in Lev.26:21-22: “ If you resist me and will not listen to me, I will strike you seven times more according to your sins. I will send against you the beasts of the field, who will rob you of your children, who will destroy your livestock, and who will reduce you to a few; and your paths will be deserted. » The parallel study of Lev.26 and the 3rd trumpet of Revelation reveals the judgment that God carries on the beginning of the time of the Reformation. Its true elect remain peaceful and resigned, accepting death or captivity as true martyrs. But apart from their sublime example, he only sees cruel “ beasts ” who confront each other, most often, out of personal pride, and who kill men with the ferocity of carnivorous wild animals. This idea will take shape in Rev.13:1 and 11. It is the climax of the time when, in the norm of affliction, the Chosen One is led “ to the desert ” (= trial) in Rev.12:6 -14 with the written biblical “ two witnesses ” of God from Rev.11:3. The intolerant reign of the papacy prophesied for 1260 years will come to an end.

Verse 12: “ The fourth rang. And a third of the sun was smitten, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third was darkened, and the day lost a third of its light, and the night likewise. »

Fourth punishment : The Spirit here pictures the “ great tribulation ” announced in Rev.2:22. In symbols, it reveals its effects to us: in part, “ the sun ”, symbol of the light of God, is struck. Also, in part, " the moon ", symbol of the religious camp of darkness which concerned, in 1793, hypocritical Catholics and Protestants, was also struck. Under the symbol “ stars ”, a part of the Christians called to enlighten the earth are individually also struck. Who can then thus strike the true and the false Christian religious light? Answer: the ideology of atheism considered the great light of the time. Its light eclipses all others. Writers who write books on this subject are highly regarded and called “enlightenments” themselves, such as Voltaire and Montesquieu. However, this light destroys, first, human lives in a chain, shedding streams of blood. After the head of King Louis XVI and that of his wife Marie-Antoinette, those of Catholic and Protestant practitioners in turn fell under the guillotines of the revolutionaries. This act of divine justice does not justify atheism; but the end justifies the means, and God can only overthrow tyrants by opposing them with a superior, more powerful and stronger tyranny. “ Power and might ” is the Lord's in Rev.7:12.

At the same time, we read in Lev.26:23 to 25: “ If these punishments do not correct you and if you resist me, I will also resist you and I will strike you seven times more for your sins. I will bring the sword against you, which will avenge my covenant ; When you gather together in your cities, I will send a plague among you, and you will be delivered into the hands of the enemy. ". “ The sword that will avenge my alliance ” is indeed the role that God gave to the French national atheist regime by delivering to it the heads guilty of spiritual adultery committed against it. Like the plague of the verse, this atheist regime initiated a principle of mass execution such that yesterday's executioners became tomorrow's victims. According to this principle, this infernal regime seemed likely to engulf all humanity in death. This is why God will give him the name “ abyss ”, the “ beast that rises out of the abyss ”, in Rev. 11:7 where he develops his theme. This because in Gen.1:2, this name designates the earth without life, without form, chaotic and which in the long term, the systematic destruction undertaken by the atheist regime would reproduce. As an example, we find the fate of the Catholic and monarchist Vendée renamed “Venge” by the revolutionaries whose project was to make it a desolate and uninhabited land.

Verse 13: “ And I looked, and heard an eagle flying in the midst of heaven, saying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe to them that dwell on the earth, because of the other sounds of the trumpets of the three angels which will ring! »

The French Revolution produced its murderous effects but it achieved the goal desired by God. It put an end to religious tyranny, and after it, tolerance prevailed. This is the time when, according to Rev.13:3, the Catholic "beast of the sea " was " wounded to death but healed " because of the powerful authority of the Napoleonic "eagle ", presented in this verse, who rehabilitated him through his Concordat. “… an eagle flying in the middle of the sky ” symbolizes the apogee of the domination of Emperor Napoleon I. He extended his domination over all European peoples and failed against Russia. This choice offers us great precision in the dating of events, the period 1800 to 1814 is thus suggested. The enormous consequences of this reign constitute a solid benchmark which thus justifies the arrival on the pivotal date of Daniel 8:14, 1843. This important regime in the history of the country of France becomes, for God, bearer of a terrible announcement , since after him, the universal Christian faith will enter the time when it will be struck by God by three great misfortunes ”. Repeated three times, it is about the perfection of “ misfortune ”; this because entering the year 1843, as Rev.3:2 teaches, God requires Christians, who claim the salvation of Jesus Christ, to finally complete the Reformation initiated since 1170, date when Pierre Valdo fully restored biblical truth, and they produced “ perfect works ”; this perfection being required in Rev.3:2 and by the decree of Daniel 8:14. The consequences of its entry into application appear here in the form of three major “ misfortunes ” which we will now study separately. I would like to point out again that what makes this period of religious peace, paradoxically, a great " misfortune ", is the heritage of French national atheism which permeates and will, until the end of the world, permeate minds Western humans. This will not help them to accomplish the reforms required by God from 1843. But already, the “ sixth seal ” of Rev.6:13 had illustrated the first of these “ misfortunes ” by the image of a “ falling stars " compared to " green figs ", therefore not having accepted the complete spiritual maturation required by God from 1843. And the celestial sign of God's warning was given on November 13, 1833 alongside the suggested time of the announcement of the big three misfortunes ” of the verse studied.

In his revelation, the Spirit evokes the expression “ inhabitants of the earth ” to designate the humans targeted by the big three prophesied misfortunes ”. Being cut off from God and separated by their unbelief and sin, the Spirit connects them to “ the earth ”. In contrast, Jesus designates his true faithful elect by the expression “ citizens of the kingdom of heaven ”; their homeland is not “ earth ” but “ heaven ” where Jesus “ prepared a place ” for them according to John 14:2-3. So each time this expression “ inhabitants of the earth ” is cited in the Apocalypse, it is to designate rebellious humanity separated from God in Jesus Christ.




















Revelation 9: the 5th and 6th trumpets

The “ first ” and “ second great misfortune


The 5th trumpet : The “ first great woe

for Protestants (1843) and Adventists (1994)



Note : At first reading, this theme of the “ 5th trumpet ” presents in symbolic images the judgment that God carries on the Protestant religions which have fallen into disgrace since the spring of 1843. But it brings additional teachings which confirm the prophetic announcements given to our Seventh-day Adventist sister, Mrs. Ellen Gould White, whom Jesus had chosen as his messenger. His prophetic work particularly illuminated the time of the last final test of faith; his predictions will be confirmed in this message. But what our sister did not know was that a third Adventist expectation was planned by God to test the Seventh-day Adventist church itself. Certainly, this third expectation has not taken on the public development of the previous two, but the magnitude of the new revealed truths attached to it compensates for this apparent weakness. This is why, having been tested by Jesus Christ between 1983 and 1991 in Valence-sur-Rhône, France, and on Mauritius, after his rejection of his last prophetic lights, official institutional Adventism teaching was " vomited " by the Savior of souls in 1994, a date constructed by the use of the prophetic " five months " of verses 5 and 10 of this chapter 9. This is why, in second reading, this pictorial judgment carried by the Lord against the various aspects of the Protestant faith apply to institutional Seventh-day Adventism fallen into apostasy, in turn, through a refusal of divine prophetic light; this, despite the warnings given by Ellen G. White in the chapter “denying the light” of her book addressed to Adventist teachers “The Evangelical Ministry”. In 1995, the official alliance of Adventism with Protestantism confirmed the righteous judgment prophesied by God. Note the fact that the two falls have the same cause: the rejection and contempt for the prophetic word proposed by God, by a servant whom he chose for this task.

Misfortune ” is the hour of evil whose instigator and inspiration is Satan, the enemy of Jesus and his chosen saints. The Spirit will reveal to us in images what a disciple of Jesus Christ becomes when he is rejected by him to be delivered to the devil; which then constitutes a truly great “ misfortune ”.

Verse 1: “ The fifth rang. And I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth. The key to the pit of the abyss was given to him ,

A “ fifth ”, but great warning is addressed to the elect of Christ set apart since 1844. “ The star which had fallen from heaven ” is not “ the star Absinthe " from the previous chapter which did not " fall ", " on there earth ”, but “ on THE rivers And THE sources of waters ”. It is that of the “ Sardis ” era where Jesus recalls that he “ holds the seven stars in his hands ”. For his “ works ” declared “ imperfect ”, Jesus threw the “star ” of the Protestant messenger to the ground.

The Adventist ordeal was marked in the spring of 1843 by the end of a first expectation of the return of Jesus Christ. A second wait for this return ended on October 22, 1844. It was only at the end of this second test that God gave the victors the knowledge and practice of his holy Saturday Sabbath. This Sabbath then took on the role of the “ seal of God ” which is cited in verse 4 of this chapter 9. The sealing of its servants therefore began after the end of the second test, in the fall of 1844. The idea is as follows: the expression " which had fallen " targets the date of spring 1843, term of the decree of Dan.8:14 and end of the first Adventist trial, in opposition to that of autumn 1844 which marks the beginning of the sealing of the chosen victors and that of the theme of this “ 5th trumpet ”, whose goal for God is to reveal the fall of the Protestant faith and that of Adventism which will make an alliance with him after 1994, the end of the “ five months ” prophesied in verses 5 and 10. Thus, while the “five months” of this theme begin in the fall of 1844, the context of the beginning of the sealing, in main subject, the Protestant faith “had fallen” before this date, from the spring 1843. We then see how divine revelation precisely respects accomplished historical facts. The two dates 1843 and 1844 each have a specific role attached to them.

Abandoned by Jesus who delivered it to the devil, the Protestant faith fell into the Catholic “ well ” or “ the depths of Satan ” that the Reformers themselves denounced at the time of the Reformation in Rev. 2:24. Subtly, by saying that it falls " on the earth ", the Spirit confirms the identity of the Protestant faith symbolized by the word " earth " which recalls its exit from Catholicism called " sea " in Rev.13 and 10:2 . In the “ Philadelphia ” message , Jesus presents “ doors ” that are open or closed. Here, a key opens a very different path for them since it allows them to access the “ abyss ” symbol of the disappearance of life. This is the hour when, for them, “ light becomes darkness ” and “ darkness becomes light ”. Adopting as their heritage the principles of republican philosophical thoughts, they lose sight of the real holiness of the faith purified by the blood of Jesus Christ. Let us note the precision “ was given to him ”. He who thus gives to each according to his works is Jesus Christ the divine Judge. For he is also the keeper of the keys; “ the key of David ” for the blessed elect in 1873 and 1994, according to Rev.3:7, and “ the key of the bottomless pit ” for the fallen in 1843 and 1994.

Verse 2: “ And she opened the pit of the deep. And there came up smoke from the well, like the smoke of a great furnace; and the sun and the air were darkened by the smoke from the well. »

The Protestant faith changes master and destiny, and its works are also changed. She thus accesses the unenviable fate of having to suffer the destruction of the last judgment by the “ fire ” of the “ second death ” which will be mentioned in Rev. 19:20 and 20:10. Taking the image of “a lake of fire and sulfur ” this “ fire ” of the last judgment will be a “ great furnace ” which threatens the transgressors of the commandments of God since their proclamation on Mount Sinai according to Exo.19:18: “ Mount Sinai was all in smoke, because the Lord had descended there in the midst of fire; this smoke rose like smoke from a furnace , and the whole mountain shook violently. » The Spirit then uses the cinematographic technique called "flashback", the flashback, which reveals the works created while still alive, the fallen served the devil. The word “ smoke ” here has a double meaning: that of the fire of “ the great furnace ” about which we read in Rev. 14:11: “ And the smoke of their torment ascends for ever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name ", but also that of the " prayers of the saints " according to Rev.5:8, here, those false saints. Because an abundant religious activity manifested by prayers justifies these words that Jesus addressed to him in Sardis , in 1843: “ You are considered to be alive; and you are dead .” Death, and twice dead, since the suggested death is “ the second death ” of the “ last judgment ”. This religious activity deceives everyone except God and his elect whom it enlightens. This widespread deception is “hoax” as the modern world says. And it is indeed the idea of intoxication that the Spirit suggests through the image of “ smoke ” which spreads in “ the air ” to the point of obscuring “ the sun ”. If the latter is the symbol of the true divine light, that of “ air ” designates the reserved domain of the devil, called “ the prince of the power of the air ” in Eph.2:2, and whom Jesus calls “ the prince of this world ” in John 12:31 and 16:11. In the world, the aim of misinformation is to hide truths that must remain secret. On a religious level, it's the same thing: the truth is only for the chosen one. The multiplication of Protestant groups has in fact had the effectiveness of masking the existence of the Seventh-day Adventist faith; this until 1995 when they welcomed her into their ranks for her “ great misfortune ”. In this new spiritual situation, they will be the victims of the second death which will transform the surface of the earth into a fiery furnace . The message is terrifying and we can understand why God did not offer it clearly. It is reserved for the chosen ones so that they understand what fate they have escaped.

Verse 3: “ Locusts came out with smoke and scattered on the earth; and power was given to them like the power of the scorpions of the earth. »

The prayers symbolized by “ smoke ” come from the mouths and minds of fallen Protestants, therefore men and women symbolized by “ locusts ” because of their large number. It is in fact multitudes of human creatures who fell in 1843 and I remind you, in 1833, ten years earlier, the Lord had given an idea of this multitude by “the fall of the stars” accomplished on the night of November 13, 1833 between midnight and 5 a.m., according to historical eyewitness testimony. Once again, the expression “ on the earth ” carries the double meaning of terrestrial extension and Protestant identity. Who likes ravaging and devastating locusts ”? Not the farmers, and God is no more fond of believers who betray Him and work with the adversary to destroy His crop of the elect, so this symbol is applied to them. Then, in Ezekiel 2, this short chapter of 10 verses, the word “ rebel ” is cited 6 times to designate the Jewish “ rebels ” whom God treats as “ thorns, thorns and thorns and scorpions ”. Here, this term “ scorpion ” concerns Protestant rebels. In verse 3, the allusion to his power prepares the use of a most important subtle symbol. The power of “ scorpions ” is to fatally sting their victims with the stinger of their “ tail ”. And this word “ tail ” takes on a fundamental meaning in divine thought revealed in Isaiah 9:14: “ the prophet who teaches lies is the tail ”. Animals use their “ tails ” to chase away and whip flies and other parasitic insects that annoy them. Here we find the image of the false “ prophetess Jezebel who spends his time castigating and causing suffering to God and his deceived unfaithful servants. The practice of voluntary flagellation to atone for sin is also part of the teachings of the Catholic faith. In Rev.11:1 the Spirit confirms this comparison by using the word " reed " to which the key Isaiah 9:14 gives the same meaning as the word " tail ". This image of the papal church also applies, since 1844, to fallen Protestant believers who have become prophets for God who teach lies, or false prophets. The suggested word “ tail ” will be clearly cited in verse 10.





The construction of the 3rd Adventist expectation

(this time, from the seventh day)


Verse 4: “ They were told not to harm the grass of the earth, nor any green thing, nor any tree, but only those who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads . »

These “ locusts ” do not devour greenery, but they are harmful to men who are not protected by the “ seal of God ”. This mention of the " seal of God " confirms the context of the times already covered in Rev.7. The messages are therefore parallel, chapter 7 concerning the elected sealed and chapter 9, the fallen abandoned. I remind you that according to Matt.24:24, it is impossible to seduce an authentic elect. False prophets therefore deceive one another.

The precision, " the seal of God on the forehead ", indicates the beginning of the sealing of the elected Adventist servants of God, on October 23, 1844. The detail is mentioned just before the quotation of the prophetic "five months" period of the verse following ; a duration of 150 real years which will be based on this date.

Verse 5: “ It was given to them, not to kill them, but to torment them for five months ; and the torment they caused was like the torment caused by the scorpion when it stings a man. »

God's message brings together in its image actions accomplished in different times; which confuses and makes pictorial interpretation difficult. But this technique being understood and received, the message becomes very clear. This verse 5 was the basis of my announcement of the return of Jesus Christ for 1994. There we find the precious prophetic “ five months ” which, beginning in 1844, make it possible to establish the date 1994. However, to carry out the project of God, I absolutely had to connect the glorious return of Jesus Christ to this date. This is how, partially blinded by a precision in the text which would have made this hope impossible, I persevered in the direction desired by my Creator. Indeed, the text specifies: “ it was given to them, not to kill them, but to torment them for five months ”. The clarification “ no to kill them ” did not allow the theme of the “ 6th trumpet ", a monstrous killing war, in the time covered by the " 5th trumpet ”; the time of 150 real years. But in his time, William Miller was already partially blinded to accomplish an action desired by God; discover an error allowing us to revive the hope of Christ's return for the fall of 1844; a false error, since the initial calculations establishing the spring of 1843 are confirmed today in our latest calculations. The will and power of God are sovereign and fortunately for his elect, nothing and no one can hinder his project. The fact is that this error of announcement led official Adventism to demonstrate, in 1991, an attitude of contempt towards a hope of the return of Jesus Christ announced for 1994. And the worst for Adventists is of having been deprived of the last prophetic light which illuminates, in its entirety, the 34 chapters of the books Daniel and Revelation, as everyone can have proof of today by reading this document. In doing so, they are also deprived of the other new lights that God has given me since the spring of 2018 about his law and about the return of Christ who will return, we now know, in the spring of 2030; and this on new bases separated from the prophetic construction of Daniel and Revelation. Between 1982 and 1991, for me, the five months were linked to the activity of the false prophets which were to continue until the return of Jesus Christ. Convinced by this reasoning, moreover justified, I did not see the restriction of time imposed by the ban on “killing ”. And at that time the date 1994 represented the year 2000 of the true birth of Jesus Christ. I add that no one before me identified the cause of my error; which confirms an accomplishment in accordance with the will of God. Let us now turn our attention to the clarification “ but to torment them for five months ”. The formula is extremely misleading because the “ torment ” in question is not suffered by the victims during the prophesied “ five months ”. The “ torment ” to which the Spirit alludes will be inflicted on the fallen at the last judgment, where it will be caused by the burning of the “lake of fire ”, the punishment of the “ second death ”. This “ torment ” is announced in the message of the third angel of Rev.14:10-11 which the previous verse evoked by citing “ the smoke ” “ of their torment ”; a message that Adventists know well since it constitutes an element of their universal mission. Knowing in advance the fall of this official Adventism, the Spirit subtly says in this message “ he too will drink of the wine of the wrath of God poured unmixed into the cup of his wrath, and he will be tormented in fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb .” This clarification “ he too ” targets, successively, the Protestant faith, then the official infidel Adventism rejected in 1994 by Jesus Christ himself. Since this date, in confirmation of his curse, this new “ rebel ” has joined the ecumenical alliance which brings together Catholics and Protestants already cut off from God. But before the fall of official Adventism, the formula " he too " applied to fallen Protestants, because having fallen in 1844, they would now share the fate of Catholics, Orthodox and false Jews. In fact, " he too " concerns all non-Catholics who honor the Catholic Church of Rome, by entering into its ecumenical alliance, and by honoring the ordinances of Constantine I : his Sunday and natal "day of the sun", (Christmas on December 25). By choosing the form of the singular " him too ", rather than its plural "them too", the Spirit reminds us that the religious choice is an individual choice which makes one responsible, justifies or makes one feel guilty towards God, the individual, and not, the community ; like “ Noah, Daniel and Job who would not save sons or daughters ” according to Ezek.14:18.


The torments of the second death of the last judgment

Verse 6: “ In those days men will seek death, and they will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them. »

The ideas flow very logically. Having just evoked the “ torments of the second death ”, the Spirit prophesies in this verse 6, about the days of its application, which will come at the end of the 7th millennium , targeted by the expression “ in those days ” . He then reveals to us the particularities of this extremely formidable final punishment. “ Men will seek death, but they will not find it; they will desire to die, and death will flee from them .” What human beings do not know is that the resurrection body of the wicked will have characteristics very different from those of present-day fleshly bodies. For their final punishment, the creator God will recreate their life by making it capable of continuing in a conscious state until the destruction of their last atom. Furthermore, the length of the time of suffering will be adapted individually for each individual, depending on the verdict pronounced on their individual guilt. Mark 9:47-48 confirms in these words: “… to be cast into hell, where their worm does not die, and the fire is not quenched. » It should also be noted that the Protestant faith shares with the Catholic Church many false religious dogmas, in addition to Sunday, the first day devoted to rest, there is the belief in the immortality of the soul, which leads Protestants to believe in the existence of hell taught by Catholics. Thus, the Catholic threat of hell where, eternally, the damned are tormented in fire, a threat which subjected all the monarchs of Christian lands to it, had a little truth, but above all a lot of falsehood. Because, first, the hell prepared by God will only take shape at the end of the “ thousand years ” of the heavenly judgment of the wicked by the saints. And second, the suffering will not be eternal, although prolonged, compared to current earthly conditions. Among those who will see death flee from them, will be the followers and fervent defenders of the pagan Greek dogma of the immortality of the soul. God will thus offer them the experience of imagining what their fate would be if their soul had been truly immortal. But above all, it is the worshipers of the “day of the unconquered sun” who will meet their divinity; the earth itself which carried them, having become a “sun” by the fusion of the magma of fire and sulfur.


The deadly deceptive appearance

Verse 7: “ These locusts were like horses prepared for battle; On their heads were crowns like gold, and their faces were like the faces of men. »

With its symbols, verse 7 illustrates the plan of action of the fallen Protestant camp. The religious groups ( horses ) are gathered for a spiritual “ battle ” which will only be accomplished at the end of the time of grace but the final goal is there. This battle receives the name “ Armageddon ” in Rev. 16:16 . Then it is appropriate to note the Spirit's insistence on its comparison with the reality of things; which he does by multiplying the use of the term “ like ”. This is his way of denying the false claims of the religious people concerned. Everything is only a deceptive appearance: the “ crown ” promised to the conqueror of faith, and the faith ( gold ) itself which has only a “ resemblance ” to the true faith. The “ faces ” of these false believers are themselves deceptive since all they have left is a human appearance. He who expresses this judgment searches the reins and the hearts. He knows the secret thoughts of human beings and shares his vision of reality with his chosen ones.

Verse 8: “ They had hair like the hair of women, and their teeth were like the teeth of lions. »

According to 1Cor.11:15, women's hair serves as a veil. And the role of a veil is to hide the face, the identity of the veiled subject. This verse 8 denounces through its symbols the misleading appearance of Christian religious groups. They therefore have the outward appearance ( the hair ) of churches ( women , in Eph.5:23-32), but their spirits are animated by the ferocity ( the teeth ) of “ lions ”. We understand better why their faces only have a human appearance. It is not without reason that Jesus compares them to lions. It thus recalls the state of mind of the Roman people who had the first Christians devoured by lions in their arenas. And this comparison is justified since at the end of the world, they will once again want to put to death the last true elect of Jesus Christ.

Verse 9: “ They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the sound of chariots with many horses running to battle. »

This verse targets the counterfeiting of the panoply of the true soldier of Jesus Christ who wears the “ breastplate ” of justice (Eph.6:14), but here, this justice is hard like “ iron ” already a symbol of the empire Roman in Daniel. “ Locusts ” make noise with “ their wings ” when they are active. The comparison that comes therefore concerns action. The following clarification confirms the link with Rome whose chariot races with “ several horses ” delighted the Romans on their circuits. In this image, " many horses " means: several religious groups gathered to pull the Roman " chariot ", to glorify the authority of Rome; Rome which knew how to manipulate other religious leaders to subjugate them through its seductions. This is how the Spirit summarizes the action of the rebel camp. And this gathering in favor of Rome prepares them for the final “ battle of Armageddon ” directed against the opponents of Sunday, faithful observers of the Sabbath sanctified by God, and unconsciously, against Christ, their Defender Protector.

Verse 10: “ They had tails like scorpions and stings, and in their tails was the power to harm men for five months. »

This verse lifts the veil of verse 3, where the word “ tail ” was suggested under the title “power of the scorpions ”. It is quoted clearly although its meaning is not clear to one who does not look for it in Isaiah 9:14. This is not my case, so I recall this important key: “ the prophet who teaches lies is the tail ”. I clarify the coded message in these terms: these groups had lying ( tails ) and rebellious ( scorpions ) prophets and lying tongues (stings), and it was in these false prophets ( tails ) that the power to do harm to men either, to seduce them and convince them to honor Roman Sunday for 150 years ( five months ) of religious peace guaranteed by God; which irremediably exposes them to the “ torments of the second death ” of the last judgment at the end of the 7th millennium . When I think that multitudes do not see the importance of the day of rest! If they believed in this decoded revealed message, they would change their minds.

Verse 11: “ They had as their king the angel of the bottomless pit, named in Hebrew Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon. »

More and more precise, the divine accusation reaches its height: these religious groups have as king, Satan, “ the angel of the abyss who will be bound in the wasteland for “ a thousand years ” according to Rev.20:3. The word “ deep ” in Gen.1:2 refers to the earth before it bears the slightest sign of life. This term thus designates the earth made desolate, all forms of life being wiped out by the glorious return of Christ. She will be in this state for “ a thousand years ”, with the only inhabitant being the angel Satan held prisoner on her. The one God calls in Rev. 12, the “ dragon ,” and the serpent , the devil and Satan ”, receives here the name Destroyer, meaning of the words “ Hebrew and Greek , Abaddon and Apollyon ”. Subtly, the Spirit tells us how this angel goes about destroying the work of God that he is fighting. “ Hebrew and Greek are the languages of the original biblical writing. Thus, since the Protestant faith fell, in 1844, the beginning of the theme of this “ 5th trumpet ,” the devil got her back with his well-known interest in the Holy Bible. But in contrast to the glorious beginnings of the Reformation, it is now used to destroy God's plan. Satan applies with the fallen Reformed faith, this time successfully, what he had tried in vain to make Christ himself fall, at the hour of his test of resistance.

Verse 12: “ The first woe is past. Here come two more misfortunes after this . »

Here ends, in verse 12, this very particular theme of the “ 5th trumpet .” This moment indicates that humanity has entered the year 1994 of its usual calendar. Until then, religious peace has persisted between all monotheistic religions. No one was killed for a spiritual motive of religious commitment. The prohibition against killing in verse 5 was therefore respected and fulfilled as God had announced.

But on August 3, 1994, the very first Muslim religious attack by the GIA killed five French officials near the French embassy in Algiers, followed on the eve of Christian Christmas on December 24, 1994, by an attack against a French plane, which kills three people in Algiers, including a Frenchman. The following summer, the armed Islamist groups of the Algerian GIA launched deadly attacks on the RER of Paris, the French capital. And in 1996, 7 French Catholic priests were beheaded in Tibhirine in Algeria. These testimonies thus provide proof that the prophesied “ five months ” have been exceeded. Religious wars can therefore resume and continue until the end of the world marked by the return of the glorified Christ.




The 6th trumpet : The second great misfortune

Sixth Punishment of All False Christian Holiness


The Third world war



Verse 13: “ The sixth rang. And I heard a voice from the four horns of the golden altar which is before God ,

This sixth warning punishment constitutes the “second” great “ woe ” announced in Rev. 8:13. It precedes the end of the time of collective and individual grace and will thus be accomplished between 2021 and 2029. With this verse 13, the entry into the theme of the “ 6th trumpet ” will confirm the return of war and the authorization “ to kill ”. This new theme concerns the same religious groups as those of the “ 5th trumpet » previous. The symbols used are identical. Also things can be explained like this: the peoples of the “ 5th trumpet " have become accustomed to " not killing ", going so far as to ban the death penalty, in Europe and in certain states in the USA. They found a way to make international trade work advantageously, which enriched them. They are therefore no longer supporters of war, but defenders of peace at all costs. War between Christian peoples therefore seems excluded, but unfortunately a third monotheistic religion is much less peaceful, it is Islam which walks on two legs: that of the terrorists who act and that of the other followers who applaud their murderous actions. This interlocutor therefore makes the prospect of lasting peace impossible, and it will be enough for the creator God to “ sound ” his authorization for the clash of civilizations and religions to occur with considerable deadly effects. On the rest of the earth, each people will also have its traditional enemy, the divisions prepared by the devil and his demons concerning the entire planet.

However here, the prophecy targets a particular territory, the unfaithful Christian West.

The last punishment, before the “ seven last plagues ” which precede the return of Christ, comes in the name of the “ 6th trumpet .” Already, before going into the details of the theme, we know that this theme is indeed the second of the “ great misfortunes ” announced by the “eagle ” of the Napoleonic empire in Apo.8:13. However, in a montage adapted with this intention, the prophecy of Apo.11 attributes this name " second woe " to the French Revolution called " the beast which rises from the abyss ". It is also the theme of the “4th trumpet ” of Rev.8. The Spirit therefore suggests to us the existence of a close relationship between the events concerned by the “ 4th and 6th trumpet .” We will find out what these relationships are.

When the “ 6th trumpet ” sounds, the voice of Christ, intercessor before the altar of incense expresses an order. (According to the image of the earthly tabernacle which prophesied its future heavenly role as intercessor for the prayers of the elect).


Western Europe target of the wrath of Jesus Christ

Verse 14: “ And saying unto the sixth angel which had the trumpet, Loose the four angels which are bound in the great river Euphrates. »

Jesus Christ declares: “ Loose the four angels who are bound on the great river the Euphrates ”: releases the universal demonic powers centered on Europe symbolized by the name Euphrates; Western Europe and its American and Australian extensions where they have been retained since 1844, according to Rev.7:2; These are the four angels to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea . The interpretation keys are simple and logical. “The Euphrates” is the river that irrigated Daniel’s ancient Babylon. In Rev.17, “ the harlot” called “ Babylon the great ” sits “ on many waters ,” symbols “ of peoples, nations and languages .” “ Babylon ” designating Rome, the peoples concerned are the European peoples. By designating Europe as the main target of his murderous anger, Christ God intends to punish those who betray him and pay so little attention to the suffering he endured on his painful cross, which the previous verse has just recalled, in citing the word " altar ", which prophesied it in the symbolic rites of the old covenant.

By targeting Europe, the Spirit directs his vengeance against two countries that concentrate their guilt towards him. It is about the Catholic faith, the mother church, and the eldest daughter, as she calls France which has supported it so much over the centuries, since its beginning, by Clovis, the 1st king of the Franks .

The first link with the “ 4th trumpet " appears, it is France, a revolutionary people who sowed its seed of unbelief among all the Christian nations of the earth, by spreading the writings of its philosophers, atheist free thinkers. But it is also Papal Rome that the French Revolution was to destroy and silence. A comparative study of the trumpets with the warning punishments presented to the Hebrews in Leviticus 26 gives the fourth the role of a divine " sword " which " avenges his covenant ". This time, by the “ 6th trumpet ", Jesus will avenge his alliance himself by striking the two guilty peoples and their European allies. Because according to Apo.11, French atheism had “ rejoiced ” and plunged the surrounding people into “ joy ”: “ they will send gifts to one another ” we read in Apo.11:10 . In turn, the divine Christ will bring them his gifts: conventional and atomic bombs; all preceded by a deadly contagious virus that appeared at the end of 2019 in Europe. Among the gifts of note is the offering of the Statue of Liberty by France to the city of New York in the USA. The model was so wonderful that following France, other European countries became republics. In 1917, Russia will repeat the model with the same slaughter.


Global nuclear war

Verse 15: “ And the four angels, which were ready for the hour, and the day, and the month, and the year, were loosed, that they might slay a third of men. »

Prepared to " hurt the earth and the sea " according to Rev.7:2, " the four angels are loosed that they may kill a third of men " and the action is planned and long awaited, as the indicates this detail: “ who were ready for the hour, the day, the month and the year ”. Now, since when did this punishment become necessary? Since March 7, 321, the date when the adoption of the day of the sun imposed by Constantine I was accomplished. According to Rev.17, whose theme is “ the judgment of the harlot Babylon the Great ”, the number 17 symbolizes divine judgment. Applied in number of centuries from March 7, 321, this number 17 results in March 7, 2021; from this date, the last 9 years of the divine curse will allow the accomplishment of the “ 6th trumpet ” of Rev.9:13.

Let us note the mention of “ the third of men ” which reminds us that as terrible as it is, this destructive third world conflict retains a partial ( third ) warning character; it is therefore useful in bringing about religious conversions and leading elected officials to commit themselves fully to the Adventist work guided by Jesus Christ. This destruction comes to punish and invite to repentance, humanity which has benefited from “150 real years” of religious peace, prophesied by the “ five months ” of the “ fifth trumpet ”.

To fully understand the meaning of this punishment, the third in the world wars since 1914, we must parallel it and compare it with the third deportation of the Jews to Babylon. In this last warlike intervention, in – 586, King Nebuchadnezzar destroyed the kingdom of Judah, the last remnant of the nation Israel; Jerusalem and its holy temple have become ruins. The ruins left by the Third World War will provide proof that the Christian alliance has apostatized as much as the Jewish alliance of the Hebrew people . Thus, after this demonstration, the unbelieving or religious survivors will be subjected to the last universal test of faith which gives a final chance of salvation to believers of all monotheistic religions; but the Creator God teaches only one truth which concerns Jesus Christ and his holy Saturday Sabbath, the only true seventh day.

The slaughter announced for this universal war constitutes another aspect of the “ second misfortune ” which links it with that of the French revolutionary atheism of the “ fourth trumpet ”. France and especially its capital, Paris, is in the crosshairs of Almighty God. In Rev.11:8, he imputes to him the names " Sodom and Egypt ", names of ancient enemies destroyed for example in an unforgettable way by God, one by fire from heaven, the other by his blinding power. This allows us to understand that he will act against her in the same terrible and definitive way. We must realize our enormous responsibility in the disappearance of the true faith. After having hated religion, the republican regime fell into the despotic hands of Napoleon I for whom religion was only a useful foil for his personal glory. It is to his pride and opportunism that the Catholic faith owes its survival through its establishment of the Concordat which was the destroyer of the principle of divine truth.


Demographic precision: two hundred million fighters

Verse 16: “ The number of the horsemen of the army was two myriads of myriads: I heard the number of them. »

Verse 16 gives us an important clarification on the number of combatants who participate in the conflict engaged: “ two myriads of myriads ” or two hundred million soldiers. Until 2021 when I am writing this document, no war has reached this number in its confrontations. However today, with a global population of seven and a half billion human beings, the prophecy can be fulfilled. The precision provided by this verse condemns all interpretations which have attributed this conflict to past actions .


An ideological war

Verse 17: “ And so I saw the horses in the vision, and those who sat on them, having breastplates the color of fire, hyacinth, and brimstone. The heads of the horses were like the heads of lions; and out of their mouths came fire, and smoke, and brimstone. »

In this verse 17, the number of divine judgment, we find the symbols of the “5th trumpet : the groups ( horses ) and those who command them ( the horsemen ). Their only justice ( breastplate ) is the action of burning with fire, and what fire! Nuclear fire comparable to the fire of terrestrial underground magma. The Spirit imputes to them the characteristics of the Hyacinth which corresponds in the repetition of the expression at the end of the verse to smoke . This already symbolizing the prayers of the saints in the previous theme, it is the character of its perfume that we must remember, and there, we understand what its mention means. This plant is toxic, irritating to the skin, and its smell gives a headache. This set of criteria defines that of the prayers of the combatants involved. None of these prayers are received by the creator God; they make him nauseous and inspire him with deep disgust. It must be understood that in this essentially religious and ideological conflict only religions are involved, totally cut off from it, but nevertheless mainly monotheistic: Judaism, Catholicism, Protestantism, Orthodoxy, Islam. A new key symbol from Isaiah 9:14 is cited here: " the head is the magistrate or elder ." There are therefore at the head of the groups which confront each other magistrates called today "presidents" in the republics. And these presidents are endowed with the strength of the “ lion ”, the king of animals and king of the Jungle. The meaning of strength is given to it in Judges 14:18. In his message, the Spirit prophesies a warlike commitment piloted remotely by very powerful, authoritarian, and religiously committed heads of state, since it is from their “ mouth let out their prayers illustrated by the word “ smoke ”. From their same “ mouth ” come orders of destruction by “ fire ”, prayers by “ smoke ”, and annihilation of multitudes, ordering the use of nuclear bombs imaged by “ sulphur ”. Obviously, the Spirit wants to highlight the importance of this nuclear force which is at the disposal of a single man. Never in the history of the earth has such destructive power depended on the decision of a single person. The thing is indeed remarkable and worthy of emphasis. But, for us who live in this type of political organization, these enormities no longer even shock us. We are all victims of a kind of collective madness.

Verse 18: “ A third of men were killed by these three plagues, by fire, by smoke, and by brimstone, which came out of their mouths. »

Verse 18 emphasizes this fact from the previous verse specifying that “ fire , smoke and sulfur ” constitute plagues willed by God; which the verse confirmed by attributing to the avenging Christ the order to kill a third of men.


The nuclear power of the heads of nations

Verse 19: “ For the power of the horses was in their mouths and in their tails; their tails were like serpents having heads, and with them they did evil. »

Verse 19 confirms the religious ideological character of the conflict by saying: For the power of the fighting groups (the horses ) was in their word (their mouths ) and in their false prophets (the tails ) who were in appearance deceivers ( serpents ) influential on the heads of state, the magistrates (the heads ) through whom they (the combatants) did harm. The principle thus defined corresponds exactly to the organization of peoples which prevails today in the time of the end.

This Third World War who is coming closing the theme of " trumpets " or warning punishments is so important that God announced it first to the Jews of the old covenant, successively in Dan.11:40-45 and Ezekiel 38 and 39, and then, to the Christians of the new covenant, in this book Revelation as the “ sixth trumpet ”, as the last divine warning before the end of the time of grace. So let's find here these rich complementary lessons.


Daniel 11:40-45

The expression, " time of the end ", leads us to study this last conflict of the nations, revealed and developed in the prophecy of Dan.11:40 to 45. We discover there the main phases of its organization. Originally, largely installed on the territory of Western Europe, aggressive Islam called " king of the south " clashed with the largely Catholic European people; the Roman Papal Catholic faith being the subject that prophecy targets since Dan.11:36. The Roman papal leader referred to thus far is presented under the term “ him ”; in the title of " king ", he is attacked by the " king of the south ", Islam which will " clash against him ". The choice of the verb “ to collide ” is precise and judicious, because only those who are on the same territory “ clash ” against each other. It is then that taking advantage of the boon offered, the situation having plunged Western Europe into complete disarray and panic, the “ king of the north ” (or north) will “ whirl like a storm ” over this prey in difficulty, to seize it and occupy it. It uses " many ships ", " tanks " and fighters who are nothing more than " horsemen " and lives in the north, and not in the north of Western Europe, but in the north of the Euro-Asia continent. And more precisely to the north of Israel which verse 41 suggests by calling it “ the most beautiful of countries ”. The Russia concerned is a people of “ horsemen ” (the Cossacks), breeders and suppliers of horses to the historical enemies of Israel. This time, based on all this data, it becomes easy to identify this “ king of the north ” with powerful Orthodox Russia, the eastern religious adversary of Western papal Romanism since the official Christian religious schism of 1054.

We have just found some of the belligerent actors of the Third World War. But Europe has powerful allies who have somewhat neglected it because of economic competition which has become disastrous since the arrival of a virus, the covid-19 coronavirus. Bloodless, economies are fighting for their survival, each people turning inward more and more. However, when the conflict begins in Europe, the American ally will bide its time to act.

In Europe, Russian troops face little opposition. One after another, the European peoples of the north were occupied. France alone put up weak military resistance and the Russian armies were held back in the northern part of the country. The southern part is experiencing serious problems with Islam already established in large numbers in this area. A sort of agreement of common interest links the Muslim fighters and the Russians. Both are greedy for loot and France is a rich country, even economically ruined. The Arabs are plunderers by traditional heritage.

On the Israeli side the situation is catastrophic, the country is occupied. The Muslim Arab peoples who surround it are spared: Edom, Moab, the children of Ammon: modern-day Jordan.

Something that could not have been accomplished before 1979 when Egypt left the Arab camp to form an alliance with Israel, the choice made at the time, with the powerful support of the USA, turned to its disadvantage; it is occupied by the Russians. And by specifying “ she will not escape ”, the Spirit reveals the opportunistic nature of the choice made in 1979. By siding with the strongest of the time, she believed she would escape the misfortune that overtook her. And the misfortune is great, she is stripped of her wealth by the occupying Russians. And as if that wasn't enough, the Libyans and Ethiopians are also looting it after the Russians.


The nuclear phase of the world conflict

Verse 44 marks a great change in the situation of things. While occupying Western Europe, Israel and Egypt, Russian troops are frightened by " news " that concerns their own Russian territory. The Spirit cites “ the east ” in reference to the occupation of Western Europe but also “the north ” in reference to the occupation of Israel; Russia being to the “east ” of the first and “to the north ” of the second. The news is so serious that it triggers a murderous madness. It is here that the USA enters the battle, choosing to annihilate Russian territory with nuclear fire. The nuclear phase of the conflict then began. Deadly mushrooms arise in many places, to annihilate and " exterminate multitudes ” of human and animal life. It is in this action that “ a third of men are killed ” in accordance with the announcement of the “ 6th trumpet ”. Pushed back to the “mountains ” of Israel, the Russian troops of the “ king of the north ” were annihilated without receiving the slightest help: “ without anyone coming to his aid ”.


Ezekiel 38 and 39

Ezekiel 38 and 39 also evoke this last conflict in history in their own way. There are interesting details such as this precision which reveals God's intention to “ put a buckle in the jaw ” of the Russian king to draw him in and engage him in the conflict. This image illustrates a tempting opportunity to get rich with his people, which he will not be able to resist.

In this long prophecy, the Spirit gives us names as reference points: Gog, Magog, Rosch (Russian), Meshech (Moscow), Tubal (Tobolsk). The context of the last days is confirmed by a detail concerning the peoples attacked: “ You will say: I will go up against an open land, I will come on men who are quiet, secure in their dwellings, all in dwellings without walls , and having neither bolt nor doors (Ezek.38:11).” Modern cities are indeed completely open . And the opposing forces are tragically unequal. The Spirit puts here in the mouth of the “ king of the north ” of Daniel, this time the verb “ I will come ” which suggests a massive, rapid, and aerial aggression according to the verb and the image “ will swirl like a storm ” of Dan .11:40, from a fairly distant location. In this prophecy of Ezekiel there is no mystery about the countries involved; Russia and Israel are clearly identified. The mystery was only in Dan.11:36 to 45 where it concerned the Roman papacy and its European territory. And by giving the name “ king of the north ” to Russia which is attacking papal Catholic Europe, God is referring to his revelation given to Ezekiel. Because I remind you, it is mainly in relation to the geographical location of Israel that Russia is located in the “ north ”. In fact, it is to the "east " of the position of Roman Catholic Papal Western Europe. It is therefore to confirm the position of the Russian troops in this papal Europe which they occupy and dominate, that the Spirit locates the arrival of bad news from the "east ". “ I will rain fire and brimstone on him and his troops (Ezek.38:22)”; “ I will send fire into Magog ,” we read in Eze.39:6. Here then is the cause of the bad news which enrages the “ king of the north ” of Dan.11:44. As in Daniel, the Russian aggressor will be cornered and destroyed on the mountains of Israel: “ You and all your troops will fall on the mountains of Israel (Ezek.39:4)”. But the mystery covers the identity of the USA at the origin of this action. I find in Eze.39:9 a very interesting detail. The text evokes the possibility of making fire for “ seven years ” by burning the weapons used in this terrible global conflict. Wood is no longer the raw material for modern weapons, but the “ seven years ” cited reflect the intensity of this war and the quantity of weapons. As of March 7, 2021, there are only nine years until the return of Christ; the last 9 years of God's curse during which the last international conflict will take place; a war terribly destructive of lives and property. According to verse 12, the Russian corpses will be buried for “ seven months .”


Terrible and implacable divine justice

There will be many corpses and God presents us in Ezekiel 9 with an idea of the massacring savagery that he will organize. Because the third world war expected for the period between 2021 and 2029 is the antitype of the 3rd war led by Nebuchadnezzar against ancient Israel in – 586. Here is what the great creator God ordered, frustrated and despised by his people in Ezek.9:1 to 11:

“Eze.9:1 Then he cried with a loud voice in my ears: Come near, you who must punish the city, each with his instrument of destruction in his hand!

Eze.9:2 And, behold, six men came by the way of the upper gate on the north side, each with his instrument of destruction in his hand. Among them there was a man dressed in linen, and carrying a writing case in his belt. They came and stood near the brazen altar.

Ezek.9:3 The glory of the God of Israel rose up from the cherub on which it was, and went to the threshold of the house; and he called the man clothed in linen, and carrying a writing case in his belt.

Eze.9:4 The LORD said to him, Pass through the midst of the city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and make a mark on the foreheads of the men who sigh and groan because of all the abominations that are committed there.

Ezek.9:5  And in my hearing he said unto the rest, Pass after him into the city, and smite; let your eye be without pity, and have no mercy!

Ezek.9:6 Kill and destroy the old men, the young men, the virgins, the children and the women; but do not approach anyone who has the mark on him; and start with my sanctuary! They began with the elders who were in front of the house.

Eze.9:7 And he said unto them, Defile the house, and fill the courts with slain; Come out!... They went out and struck in the city.

Eze.9:8 As they struck, and I still remained, I fell on my face, and cried out, Ah! Lord GOD, will you destroy all that remains of Israel by pouring out your fury on Jerusalem?

Eze.9:9 And he said unto me, The iniquity of the house of Israel and of Judah is great, exceeding great; the land is full of murder, the city is full of injustice, for they say, The LORD has forsaken the land; the LORD sees nothing.

Eze.9:10 I also will have no pity, and will have no mercy; I will bring their works upon their heads.

Eze.9:11 And, behold, the man clothed in linen, and having a writing-case in his girdle, gave this answer: I have done as thou commanded me. »

 Not everyone who is killed for religious reasons is a martyr to the faith. There are in this category many fanatics ready to give their lives , possibly, for their religion, but also for any political or other ideology. The true martyr of the faith is, first, and exclusively, in Jesus Christ. Then, it is, necessarily, an elect whose life offered in sacrifice is only pleasing to the creator God, if his death was preceded by a life conforming to his revealed requirements for his time.

Let us now find, in the theme of the “ 6th trumpet ” the evocation of the moral context of the times following the war.


The irrepentance of survivors

Contrary to what most people think and fear, as destructive as they are, nuclear weapons will not annihilate humanity; because “ survivors ” will remain after the end of the conflict. Regarding wars, Jesus said in Matt.24:6: “ You shall hear of wars and rumors of wars: take care not to be troubled, for these things must come to pass. But that will not be the end yet. » The annihilation of humanity will be due to the action of the creator God after his glorious return in the person of Jesus Christ. Because the survivors must be subjected to a final test of faith. Since 1945, the date of the first use of atomic weapons, more than two thousand explosions carried out for tests by the earthly powers which possess them have been carried out; it is true, successively, over a length of time of 75 years and the earth is immense, although limited, it endures and supports the blows that humanity inflicts on it. In the coming nuclear war, on the contrary, multitudes of explosions will take place in a short period and the dispersion of radioactivity will make the continuation of life on earth impossible. By his return, the divine Christ will put an end to the suffering of dying rebellious humanity.

Verse 20: “ The rest of the men who were not killed by these plagues repented not of the works of their hands, so as not to worship demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, who cannot see, nor hear, nor walk; »

In verse 20, the Spirit prophesies the hardening of the surviving peoples. “ Other men who were not killed by these plagues did not repent of the works of their hands .” The “ second woe ” announced at the time of the empire indeed constitutes a divine “ plague ”, but it precedes the “ last seven ” which will fall on guilty sinners, after the end of the grace period of Rev. 15 . It is still necessary to remind us here that these “ plagues ” all punished the Roman aggression against the order of time created by the Almighty Creator God.

“… they did not cease from worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood, which cannot see, nor hear, nor walk.

In this enumeration, the Spirit targets the cultic images of the Catholic faith which are objects of adoration on the part of the followers of this idolatrous religion. These effigies represent, first, the “Virgin Mary”, and behind her, in large numbers, more or less anonymous saints, because it leaves everyone a lot of freedom to choose their favorite saint. The large market is open 24 hours a day. We offer pads for all underarms, in all styles and sizes. And this type of practice particularly irritates the one who suffered on the cross of Golgotha; also, his revenge will be terrible. And already, after having made known in 2018 to his elected officials his powerful and glorious return for the year 2030, from 2019, he struck the sinners of the earth with a deadly contagious virus. This is only a very small sign of his anger to come, but he already has the effectiveness on his side, since we already owe him an economic ruin without precedent in the history of the original West. Christian. And when they are ruined, nations quarrel, then fight and fight.

The reproach addressed by God is all the more justified because in the appearance of Jesus Christ, the true God came in the flesh, among men and there as one of them, he “saw, heard , and market ”, unlike carved or molded idols which cannot do so.

Verse 21: “ And they repented not of their murders, nor of their sorcery, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts. »

With verse 21, the theme closes. By evoking “ their murders ,” the Spirit depicts the deadly Sunday law which will ultimately require the death of faithful observers of the holy Sabbath sanctified by God. By citing “ their enchantments ”, He targets the Catholic masses honored by those who justify his “Sunday”, this false day of the Lord and authentic pagan “day of the sun”. By recalling “ their impudence ”, the Spirit points out the Protestant faith as heir to the Catholic fornication ” of the false “ prophetess Jezebel ” of Rev. 2:20. And by imputing to them " their thefts ", he suggests the spiritual thefts accomplished, first, against Jesus Christ, himself, from whom, according to Dan.8:11, the papal king "took away the perpetual " priesthood and its legitimate title justified from “ Head of the Assembly ,” from Eph.5:23; but also, its order of “ time and its law ”, according to Dan.7:25. These highly spiritual interpretations do not exclude ordinary literal applications, but they go far beyond them in the judgment of God and its consequences for the guilty authors.


















Revelation 10: the little open book


Return of Christ and punishment of the rebels


The little open book and its consequences



Return of Christ at the end of the fourth Adventist wait

Verse 1: “ I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven, enveloped in a cloud; above his head was the rainbow, and his face was like the sun, and his feet like pillars of fire. »

Chapter 10 simply confirms the spiritual situation established up to that point. Christ appears under the aspect of the God of the holy divine alliance, under the image of the “rainbow ” given after the flood to Noah and his descendants. It was a sign of God's promise never again to destroy life on earth with torrential waters. God will keep his promise, but through the mouth of Peter he announced that the earth now is “ reserved for fire ”; a flood of fire. The thing will only be accomplished for the last judgment of the seventh millennium. Fire has not finished destroying lives, however, because it is a weapon that God has already used against the cities of the valley of Sodom and Gomorrah. In this current chapter, the Spirit briefly illustrates the events following the " 6th trumpet .” The chapter opens with the image of the glorious return of the avenging Christ.


The Prophecy Completely Unsealed

Verse 2: “ He had a small open book in his hand . He placed his right foot on the sea, and his left foot on the earth; »

From the beginning of the book, according to Rev. 1:16, Jesus comes to fight the worshipers of the deified “ sun ”. The role of symbols becomes clearer: “ his face was like the sun ” and what will become of his enemies, the worshipers of the “ sun ”? Answer: his steps, and woe to them! Because “ his feet are like pillars of fire ”. This verse of the Bible, then, will be fulfilled: “ Sit at my right hand until I make your enemies your footstool (Psa.110:1; Matt.22:44)”. Their guilt increased by the fact that before his return, Jesus “ opened the little book ” of Revelation by unsealing, since 1844, the “ seventh seal ” which still held it closed in Rev.5:1 to 7. Between 1844 and 2030, the year of the context discussed in this chapter 10, the understanding and meaning of the Sabbath has evolved into full light. Also, the men of this era are without excuse when they choose not to honor him. The “ little book ” was then “ opened ” by the Holy Spirit of Christ and the sun worshipers had nothing to do with it. In verse 2, their fate is illustrated. To understand the meaning of the “ sea and land ” symbols found in this verse, we must study Rev. 13 in which God connects them to two spiritual “ beasts ” who will appear in the 2000 years of the Christian era. The first “ beast, which rises from the sea ”, symbolizes the inhuman, therefore bestial, regime of the coalition of civil and religious powers, in their first historical form of monarchies and Roman Catholic popery. These monarchies are symbolized by the " ten horns " associated with the symbol designating Rome in Dan.7 by " the little horn " and Rev.12, 13 and 17 by " the seven heads ". This “ beast ”, according to the judgment of divine values, displays the symbols cited in Daniel 7: the predecessor empires of the Roman empire, in reverse order from that of Dan.7: leopard, bear, lion . “ The beast ” is therefore itself the Roman monster of Dan.7:7. But here, in Rev. 13, the symbol of the papal “ little horn ”, which succeeds the “ ten horns ”, is replaced by that of the “ seven heads ” of Roman identity. And the Spirit imputes “ blasphemy ” to him, that is, religious lies. The presence of " crowns " on the " ten horns " indicates the time when the " ten horns " of Dan.7:24 came into reign. It is therefore also the time when the “ little horn ” or “ different king ” is itself active. “ The beast ” identified, the sequel announces its future. She will act freely for “ a time, times (2 times ) and half a time ”. This expression designates 3 and a half prophetic years, or 1260 real years, in Dan.7:25 and Rev.12:14; we find it in the form of “ 1260 days ”-years or prophetic “ 42 months ” in Rev.11:2-3, 12:6 and Rev.13:5. But in verse 3 of this chapter 13, the Spirit announces that she will be struck and " as if wounded to death ", precisely by French atheism between 1789 and 1798. And thanks to the Concordat of Napoleon I , " her mortal wound will be healed .” Thus, those who do not love divine truth will be able to continue to honor the lies that kill the soul and the body.

At the end of the days, an image of the first “ beast that came up from the sea ” will appear. This new beast is distinguished by the fact that this time it will “ rise from the earth ”. Relying on the image of Genesis, where " the earth " comes out of the " sea ", subtly, the Spirit tells us that this second " beast " came out of the first, thus designating the so-called Catholic Church reformed; exact definition of the Protestant Reformed faith. In 2021, it already represents the greatest military power on planet earth and has been an authority since its victory against Japan and Nazi Germany in 1944-45. This is of course the USA, originally mainly Protestant, but largely Catholic today, due to the strong Hispanic emigration welcomed. By accusing him of making “ the first beast worship in his presence ,” the Spirit denounces his heritage of Roman Sunday. This shows that religious labels are misleading. The modern Protestant faith is so attached to this Roman heritage that it will go so far as to promulgate a binding law, making Sunday rest obligatory under penalty of sanctions: a commercial boycott initially, and a death sentence, ultimately. . Sunday is designated as the “ mark ” of the authority of the Roman “beast ,” the first “ beast .” And the number “ 666 ” is the sum obtained with the letters of the title “VICARIVS FILII DEI”, what the Spirit calls “ the number of the beast ”. Do the math, the number is there:


5 + 1 + 100 + 1 + 5 = 112 + 1 + 50 + 1 + 1 = 53 + 500 + 1 = 501

    112 + 53 + 501 = 666

An important clarification : The mark is only received “ on the hand ” or “ on the forehead ” to the extent that “ the hand ” symbolizes the work, the action, and “ the forehead ” designates the personal will of each creature free of its choices as Ezé.3:8 tells us: “ I will harden your forehead so that you oppose it to their forehead ”.


Here are clearly identified the future “ footstools ” of Jesus Christ, the Just Divine Judge. And subtly, by indicating the priority “ right foot ” or the “ left foot ”, the Spirit indicates who he considers to be more guilty. The burning “ right foot ” is for the Roman papal Catholic faith to which God attributes the shedding of the blood of “ all who have been slain on earth ,” according to Rev.18:24. His priority for anger is therefore deserved. Then, equally guilty, for having in turn imitated it, by creating the "image " of the first Catholic " beast ", the Protestant faith, called " the earth ", receives the fire from the " left foot " of Jesus- Christ who thus avenges the blood of the last elected saints which was going to be shed without his saving intervention.

Verse 3: “ And he cried with a loud voice, as a lion roars. When he cried out, the seven thunders uttered their voices. »

The secret hidden or sealed in verses 4 to 7, proclaimed by " the voice of the seven thunders " is now revealed. “ The voice ” of God is thus compared to the sound of “ thunder ” associated with the number “ seven ” which symbolizes his sanctification. This voice proclaims a message long hidden and ignored by men. This is the year of the return in glory of our divine and sublime Lord Jesus Christ. The date was revealed to its elected officials in 2018; This is the spring of 2030, in which, since the atoning death of Jesus on April 3, 30, the third third of 2000 years of the 6000 years programmed by God for his selection of elect will end.

Verse 4: “ And when the seven thunders uttered their voices, I went to write; and I heard a voice from heaven saying, Seal up what the seven thunders have spoken, and write it not. »

In this scene, God has two goals. The first is that his elect must know that God has indeed appointed a time for the end of the world; it is not truly hidden, since it depends on our faith in the program of the 6000 years prophesied by the six profane days of our weeks. The second goal is to discourage the search for this date until the time when it itself opens the way to understanding. This was accomplished, for each of the three Adventist tests useful for screening and selecting the elect found worthy of benefiting from the eternal justice offered by Jesus Christ, in 1843, 1844 and 1994.

Verse 5: “ And the angel, whom I saw standing on the sea and on the earth, lifted up his right hand toward heaven,

In this attitude of the great victorious Judge, his feet placed on his enemies, Jesus Christ will formulate a solemn oath which binds him divinely.

Verse 6: “ And swore by him who lives for ever and ever, who created the heaven and the things in it, the earth and the things in it, and the sea and the things in it, that he 'there would be more time, '

The oath of Jesus Christ is made in the name of the creator God and it is addressed to his elect who honor the order of the first angel of Rev.14:7; this, by demonstrating through their obedience, their “ fear ” of God, by observing his fourth commandment which gives glory to his creative act. The statement " that there would be no more time " confirms that in His program God had planned the three vain Adventist expectations of 1843, 1844, and 1994. As I have already expressed, these vain expectations were useful in sifting Christian believers. For while being vain their consequences were for those they experienced, dramatic and spiritually mortal or, for the elect, causes of their blessing and their sanctification by God.


Announcement of the 3rd great misfortune prophesied in Rev.8:13.

Verse 7: “ But in the days of the voice of the seventh angel, when he sounds (the trumpet), the mystery of God would be accomplished, as he announced to his servants the prophets. »

The time for constructing prophetic dates is over. Those which were established by the prophesied data have accomplished their role, to test, successively, the faith of the Protestants in 1843-44, and that of the Adventists in 1994. There will therefore henceforth be no more false dates, no more false expectations; the news, initiated since 2018, will be good, and the elect will hear, for their salvation, the sound of the “ seventh trumpet ” which will mark the intervention of the Christ of divine Justice; the time when according to Rev.11:15: “ the kingdom of the world is handed over to our Lord and to his Christ ”, and therefore taken from the devil.



The consequences and times of the prophetic ministry

Verse 8: “ And the voice which I heard from heaven spake unto me again, and said, Go, take the little book open in the hand of the angel that standeth upon the sea and upon the earth. »

Verses 8 to 11 illustrate the experience of the mission of the servant charged with presenting the coded prophecy in plain language.

Verse 9: “ And I went to the angel, telling him to give me the little book. And he said to me: Take it, and swallow it; it will be bitter to your insides, but in your mouth it will be sweet as honey. ".

Coming first, “ the pains of the bowels ” depict very well the suffering and affliction caused by the rejection of the proposed light on the part of rebellious Christians. These sufferings will reach their height for the last test of faith, at the time of the Sunday law, where the lives of the elect will be threatened with death. Because until the end, the light and its depositaries will be fought by the devil and his celestial and terrestrial demons, conscious or unconscious allies of this “Destroyer”, “ the Abaddon or Apollyon ” of Rev.9:11. “ The sweetness of honey ” also perfectly images the happiness of understanding the mysteries of God which he shares with his true elect thirsty for truth. No other product on earth concentrates its naturally sweet sweetness like it. Normally, human beings appreciate and seek out this sweet taste which is pleasant to them. Also, the chosen one of Christ seeks in God the sweetness of a loving and peaceful relationship as well as his instructions.

By giving his revelation "Apocalypse" (= Revelation) " the sweetness of honey ", the Spirit of God compares it to " the heavenly manna " which had " the taste of honey " and which nourished the Hebrews, in the desert, during the 40 years preceding their entry into the promised land taken from the Canaanites. Just as a Hebrew could not have survived without consuming this “ manna ”, since 1994, the end of the “ five months ” prophesied in Rev.9:5-10, the Adventist faith only survives by nourishing itself from this last prophetic spiritual “ food ” (Matt.24:45) “ prepared for the proper time of the glorious coming” of Jesus Christ. This teaching that the God of truth gives me to realize only on this Sabbath morning at the 4th hour of January 16, 2021 (but 2026 for God) would have been useful to answer the one who asked me one day about the study of prophecies “What’s in it for me?” » Jesus' answer is short and simple: spiritual life to escape spiritual death. If the Spirit does not take up the image of a “ cake ”, but only “ the sweetness of honey ”, it is because the physical life of the Hebrew was concerned with this “ manna ” food. Regarding Revelation, food is only for the spirit of the elect. But, in this comparison, it appears as necessary, indispensable and demanded by the living God as a condition for maintaining spiritual life. And this requirement makes sense, because God did not prepare this food to be ignored and despised by His servants of the last days. It constitutes the most sanctified element since the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and the last form and final fulfillment of the Holy Supper”; Jesus giving his chosen ones for food, his body and his prophetic instruction.

Verse 10: “ I took the little scroll from the angel’s hand, and swallowed it; it was in my mouth sweet as honey, but when I had swallowed it, my insides were filled with bitterness. »

In the lived experience, the servant discovered in solitude, the dazzling light prophesied by Jesus and he actually, first, found “ the sweetness of honey ”, a pleasant pleasure comparable to the sweet sweetness of honey. But the coldness shown by the Adventist members and teachers to whom I wanted to present it produced in my body authentic abdominal pains called colitis. So I testify of the spiritual and literal fulfillment of these things.

However, another explanation concerns the final epoch in which the prophetic light is illuminated. It begins in a time of peace, but will end in a time of war and murderous terror. Dan.12:1 prophesied it as " a time of trouble, such as has not been since the nations began until this time "; this is enough to cause “ pain in the bowels ”. Especially since we read in Lam.1:20: “ Yahweh, look at my distress! My insides are boiling, my heart is upset inside me, because I have been rebellious. Outside the sword has wreaked its havoc, within death. » Also in Jer.4:19: “ My bowels ! My insides : I suffer inside my heart, my heart beats, I cannot be silent; for you hear, my soul, the sound of the trumpet, the cry of war . » The bitterness of the “ innards ” draws a comparison between the final Adventist mission and that which was entrusted to the prophet Jeremiah. In both experiences, the elected officials work in the ambient hostility of the rebellious rulers of their time. Jeremiah and the last true Adventists denounce the sins committed by the civil and religious leaders of their time and in doing so, the wrath of the guilty is turned against them, until the end of the world marked by the return in glory of Jesus Christ , the “ King of kings and Lord of lords ” of Rev.19:16.


The end of a first part of the Revelation


In this first part, we found the prologue and the three parallel themes, the Letters addressed to the angels of the seven Churches, the seven seals or signs of the times, and the six trumpets or warning punishments aroused by the indignation of God.


Verse 11: “ And they said unto me, Thou must prophesy again concerning many peoples, and nations, and tongues, and kings. »

Verse 11 confirms the entire coverage of the last 2000 of the 6000 years of God's prepared program. Arriving at the time of the glorious return of Jesus Christ, the evocation of prophecy will resume the overview of the Christian era in chapter 11 under a different theme: “You must prophesy again about many peoples, nations , tongues, and kings .”


























Opening of the second part of the Revelation


In this second part, in parallel overview of the Christian era, the Spirit will target important events already mentioned in the first part of the book, but here, in the second part, he will reveal to us his judgment in a more developed way on each of these themes. Here again, each chapter will use different but always complementary symbols and images. It is through the grouping of all these teachings that the prophecy identifies the targeted subjects. Since the book of Daniel, this principle of paralleling the chapters of the prophecies has been applied by the Revealing Spirit, as you can see.


Revelation 11, 12 and 13


These three chapters cover the time of the Christian era in parallel, shedding light on different events, but which always remain very complementary. I will summarize, then detail, the themes.



Revelation 11


Papal reign – National atheism – The seventh trumpet



Verses 1 to 2: The 1260-year reign of the Catholic papal false prophet: The persecutor.

Verses 3 to 6: during this intolerant and persecuting reign " the two witnesses " of God, the holy scriptures of the two covenants, will be afflicted and persecuted, by " the beast ", the Roman religious coalition allied with the monarchies of Europe Western.

Verses 7 to 13 have as their subject " the beast that rises from the abyss " or, the "French Revolution" and its national atheism which appears for the first time in the history of humanity.

Verses 15 to 19 will have as their theme a partial development of the “ seventh trumpet ”.


The role of papal reign

Verse 1: “ And they gave me a reed like a rod, saying, Arise, and measure the temple of God, the altar, and them that worship therein. »

The targeted time is a time of punishment revealed by the word “ rod ”. The punishment is justified " because of sin " restored civilly since 321 and religiously since 538. Since this second date, sin has been imposed by the papal regime symbolized here by "the reed " which designates " the false prophet who teaches lies " in Isa.9:13-14. This message images that of Dan.8:12: “ the army was given over with the perpetual because of sin ”, in which, “ the army ” designates the Christian Assembly, “ the perpetual ”, the priesthood of Jesus taken away by the papal regime, and “ sin ”, the abandonment of the Sabbath since 321. This is only a repetition of a message repeated many times in different aspects and symbols. It confirms the punitive role that God gave to the establishment of the Roman papal regime. The verb “ measure ” means “judge”. Punishment is therefore the result of God's judgment against " the temple of God ", the collective Assembly of Christ, the "altar " symbol of the cross of his sacrifice, and " those who worship there " namely, the Christians who claim his salvation.

Verse 2: “ But the outer court of the temple, leave it outside, and do not measure it; for it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city underfoot for forty and two months. »

The important word in this verse is “ outside .” It alone designates the superficial faith of the Roman Catholicism concerned in the image of its reign of 1260 day-years presented here as " 42 months ". “ The holy city ” image of the true elect “ will be trampled under foot by the nations ” allied with the papal despot regime or the kings of European kingdoms “ who commit adultery with ” the Catholic “ Jezebel ” during her long intolerant reign of 1260 real years between 538 and 1798. In this verse, God marks the difference between true and false faith by relying on the symbolism of the Hebrew sanctuary: the tabernacle of Moses and the temple built by Solomon. We find in both cases, on “ the court, outside the temple ”, carnal religious rites: the altar of sacrifices and the basin of ablutions. True spiritual holiness is found inside the temple: in the holy place where there are: the candlestick with seven lamps, the table of the 12 shewbread, and the altar of incense placed before the veil which hides the most holy place , image of heaven where God sits on his royal throne. The sincerity of candidates for Christian salvation is known only to God, and on earth, humanity is deceived by the " external " facade religion that the Roman Catholic faith represents first in the history of the Christian religion of our era .


The Holy Bible, the word of God, persecuted

Verse 3: “ I will give unto my two witnesses power to prophesy, clothed in sackcloth, a thousand two hundred and sixty days. »

During this long reign confirmed here in the form " 1260 days ", the Bible symbolized by the " two witnesses " will be partially ignored until the time of the Reformation when it is even persecuted by the Catholic leagues favorable to the popes they support with swords. The image “ clad in sackcloth ” designates a state of affliction that the Bible will endure until 1798. Because at the end of this period, French revolutionary atheism will burn it in public places, also attempting to destroy it. make it disappear entirely.

Verse 4: “ These are the two olive trees and the two candlesticks that stand before the Lord of the earth. »

These “ two olive trees and two candlesticks ” are the symbols of the two successive alliances that God has organized in his plan of salvation. Two consecutive religious dispensations carrying his Spirit whose legacy is the Bible and its texts of the two alliances. The project of the two alliances was prophesied in Zec.4:11 to 14, by “ two olive trees placed on the right and left of the candlestick ”. And already, preceding “ the two witnesses ” of verse 3, God said of them in the testimony of Zechariah: “ These are the two sons of oil who stand before the Lord of all the earth. » In this symbolism “ oil ” designates the divine Spirit. “ The candlestick ” prophesies Jesus Christ who in a human body will bring the light of the Spirit in his sanctification (= 7) and spread the knowledge of it among men, just as the symbolic candlestick diffuses light by burning the oil contained in its “ seven ” vases.

Note : “ The candlestick ” with “ seven ” lamps is centered on the middle vase; this, like the middle of the week which makes, the 4th day of the Easter week, the day on which, by his atoning death, Jesus Christ made " the sacrifice and the offering " to cease, the religious rite Hebrew, in accordance with the divine plan prophesied in Dan.9:27. The seven-lamp “ candlestick ” therefore also carried a prophetic message.

Verse 5: “ If anyone wishes to harm them, fire comes out of their mouth and devours their enemies; and if anyone wants to harm them, he must be killed in this way. »

Here, as in Rev. 13:10, God confirms to his true elect his prohibition against punishing themselves for harm done to the Bible and its cause. It is an action that he reserves exclusively for himself. Evils will come out of the mouth of the creator God. God identifies himself with the Bible which we call “ the word of God ”, so that whoever harms him attacks him directly.

Verse 6: “ They have power to shut up the sky, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy; and they have power to turn the waters into blood, and to smite the earth with every kind of plague, whenever they will. »

The Spirit cites facts reported in the Bible. In his time, the prophet Elijah obtained from God that no rain would fall except at his word; before him Moses received from God the power to change the waters into blood and to strike the earth with 10 plagues. These biblical testimonies are all the more important because in the last days, contempt for the written and inspired word of God will be punished by plagues of the same type, according to Rev.16.


The national atheism of the French Revolution

The dark lights

Verse 7: “ When they have finished their testimony, the beast that comes up out of the deep will make war against them, and will overcome them, and will kill them. »

The Spirit reveals to us here, an important thing to note; the date 1793 marks the end of the biblical testimony, but for whom? For his enemies of the time who had persecuted the Bible rejecting its divine authority in matters of support of the faith; that is, the monarchs, the monarchist aristocrats, the Roman Catholic papal regime and all its clergy. On this date, God also condemns the false Protestant believers who in practice already do not take into account his teachings. In Dan.11:34, in his judgment, God imputes “ hypocrisy ” to them: “ In the time when they fall, they will be helped a little, and many will join them in hypocrisy . » It is only the first part of the testimony of the Bible which is completed, because in 1843, its role will resume a vital importance by inviting the elected to discover the Adventist prophecies. The establishment of national atheism in France will target the Bible and try to make it disappear. The abundant bloody use of “his guillotine” makes it a new “ beast ” which, this time, was to “ rise from the abyss ”. By this term borrowed from the creation story in Genesis 1:2, the Spirit reminds us that if God, its Creator, did not exist, no life would have developed on earth. “ The abyss ” is the symbol of the earth deprived of inhabitant, when it is “ formless and empty ”. It was thus " in the beginning ", according to Gen.1:2, and it will become so again for " a thousand years ", at the end of the world, after the glorious return of Jesus Christ, which is the theme which follows this in this chapter 11. This comparison with the original chaos is well deserved for a republican regime which is born in political chaos and the greatest disorder. Because rebel men know how to unite to destroy but they are very divided on the forms which should be given to reconstruction. This testimony then offers the demonstration of the fruit that humanity can bear when it is entirely cut off from God; deprived of its beneficial action.

But by naming it “ abyss ” the Spirit of the creator God also suggests the context and the state of the original creation of our earth. Thus, targeting the first day of this creation, he shows us an earth plunged into absolute “ darkness ” since at that moment, God had not yet given the earth the light of any star. And this idea spiritually connects this “ beast that rises from the abyss ” to the “ fourth seal ” of Rev.6:12 described as a “ sun black as sackcloth ”. The connection is also made with the “ 4th trumpet ” of Rev. 8:12 described by the “ strike of the third, of the sun, of the third of the moon, and of the third of the stars ”. Through these images, the Spirit attributes to it a particularly “ dark ” character. However, it is in this aspect and this “ dark” state that France will glorify its free thinkers by giving them the title of “ enlightenment ”. We then remember the words of Jesus Christ cited in Matt.6:23: “ but if your eye is bad, your whole body will be in darkness. If then the light that is in you be darkness, how great will be that darkness! » Thus dark free thought goes to war against the religious spirit and this new libertarian spirit will extend over time and extend over the Western world... called Christian and it will keep its evil influence until the end of the world . With the French Revolution, “darkness” settled in perpetuity with sin. Because, with it, the books written by the philosophers of free thought appear; which links it to the “sin” which characterizes Greece in the prophecies of Daniel 2-7-8. These new books will compete with the Bible and succeed in stifling it, to an enormous extent. The “ war ” denounced is therefore above all ideological. After the Revolution and after the Second World War, this darkness will take the aspect of the highest humanism contrasting and thus breaking with the original intolerance, but the ideological “ war ” continues. Western humans will be ready to sacrifice everything for this “freedom”. In fact, they will sacrifice their nations, their security, and will not escape the death planned by God.

Verse 8: “ And their dead bodies shall be in the square of the great city, which is called, in a spiritual sense, Sodom and Egypt, even where their Lord was crucified. »

The “ corpses ” cited are those of the “ two witnesses ” whose first attackers were also executed in the “ square ” of the same “ city ”. This “ city ” is Paris, and the “ place ” cited was called, successively, “place Louis XIV”, “place Louis XV”, “place de la Révolution”, and designates the current “place de la Concorde”. Atheism does not do any religious form any favors. The guillotined victims are precisely beaten for their religious affiliation. And as the “ 4th Trumpet ” message teaches, the targets are the true light (sun), the false collective (moon), and any individual religious messenger (star). Furthermore, certain corrupt religious forms are accepted on condition that they comply with the norms of dominant atheism. Some priests thus receive the name “defrocked” in derision. The Spirit compares Paris, the French capital, to “ Sodom ” and “ Egypt ”. The first fruits of freedom were sexual excesses accompanied by the breakdown of traditional social and family conventions. This comparison will have tragic consequences over time. The Spirit tells us that this city will suffer the fate of “ Sodom ” and that of “ Egypt ” which has become for God the standard symbol of sin and rebellion against him. The link established above with the “ Greek” philosophical “ sin ” denounced in Daniel 2-7-8 is confirmed here. To fully understand this divine stigmatization of Greek sin, let us take into account the fact that, attempting to use philosophical words to present the Gospel to the inhabitants of Athens, the apostle Paul failed and was chased from the place. This is why philosophical thought will perpetually remain the enemy of the creator God. Over time and until its end, this city called "Paris" will keep, and bear witness through these actions, to the accuracy of its comparison with these two names, symbols of sexual and religious sin. Behind its name "Paris", lies the heritage of the "Parisii", a word whose Celtic origin means "those of the cauldron", a dramatically prophetic name. In Roman times the place was a stronghold of pagan worshipers of Isis, the goddess of the Egyptians, precisely, but also, the stage and cynical image of Paris, the son of the king of Troy, old Priam. Author of adultery with the beautiful Helena, wife of the Greek king Menelaus, he will be responsible for a war with Greece. After an unsuccessful siege, the Greeks withdrew, leaving an enormous wooden horse on the beach. Thinking it was a Greek god, the Trojans brought the horse into the city. And in the middle of the night, when the wine and the feast were over, Greek soldiers came out of the horses and opened the gates to the silently returning Greek troops; and all the inhabitants of the city were massacred, from the king to the lowest subject. This Trojan action will cause the loss of Paris in the last days because, ignoring the lesson, it will repeat its errors by installing its enemies that it had colonized on its territory. Before taking the name Paris, the city was called “Lutèce” which means “stinking swamp”; the whole program of his sad destiny. The comparison with “ Egypt ” is justified since by adopting the republican regime, France officially becomes the first sinful regime in the Western world. This interpretation will be confirmed in Rev.17:3 by the “ scarlet ” color of the “ beast ”, image of the monarchical and republican coalitions of the last days, built on the model of France. By saying: " even where their Lord was crucified ", the Spirit draws the comparison between the rejection of the Christian faith of French atheism and the Jewish national rejection of the Messiah Jesus Christ; because the two situations are identical and they will bear the same consequences and the same fruits of impiety and iniquity. This comparison will continue in the verses that follow.

By calling his capital " Egypt ", God compares France to the Pharaoh, a typical model of human resistance opposed to his will. It will maintain this rebellious position until its destruction. There will never be any repentance on his part. Calling “ evil good and good evil ”, she will commit the worst sins execrated by God; this by calling “lights”, the “dark” thinkers who founded “his human rights”, who are opposed to the rights of God. And by many peoples, its model will be imitated, even, in 1917, by the powerful Russia which will destroy it with an atomic blast at the time of the “ sixth trumpet ”, which is what its name “Parisii” prophesied in the Celtic language, which means “those in the cauldron”. She will therefore remain until her end incapable of seeing God in the trials which will ruin her to the point of destroying her. Because he has targeted her and he will not let her go until she is no more.

Verse 9: “ Three and a half days men from among the peoples, tribes, tongues, and nations will see their dead bodies, and they will not allow their dead bodies to be laid in a grave. »

In France, the people entered the Revolution in 1789, and in 1793, they executed their king then their queen, both publicly beheaded in the large central square of the city called successively “Place Louis XV”, “Place de la Révolution” , and currently, “place de la Concorde”. By attributing " three and a half days " to the time of the destructive action, the Spirit seems to include the Battle of Valmy where in 1792, the revolutionaries faced and defeated the royalist armies of the European kingdoms who attacked Republican France including Austria, home of Queen Marie Antoinette's family of origin. To understand the origin of this hatred, we must keep in mind that 1,260 years of abuses of all kinds by the papal-royal coalition ended up irritating the French people who were exploited, mistreated, persecuted and completely ruined. The last two reigns of Louis Attention ! The Republic is not and will not be a blessing for France. She will until her end, in her fifth form, bear the curses of God and herself commit the errors which will cause her downfall. This bloodthirsty regime, from its origins, will become the country of “human rights” and humanism which will end up defending the guilty and will frustrate, through its injustice, the victim. He will even welcome his enemies and install them on his territory, imitating, to the worst, the famous example of the Trojan city famous for the introduction of the wooden horse left by the Greeks, as seen previously.

Verse 10: “ And because of them the inhabitants of the earth will rejoice and be glad, and they will send gifts one to another, because these two prophets tormented the inhabitants of the earth. »

In this verse, the Spirit targets the time when, like gangrene or cancer, the French philosophical evil will propagate and spread like a plague in other Western nations. It marks “the sign of the times” with the “ 6th seal ”; the one where the “ sun becomes black like a sack of horsehair ”: the light of the Bible disappears, smothered by the philosophical books of free thinkers.

In spiritual reading, unlike “ the citizens of the kingdom of heaven ” which defines Jesus’ elect, “ the inhabitants of the earth ” designate American Protestants and more generally, humans rebellious towards God and his truth. The people of European and even more American kingdoms look towards France. There, a people crushes its monarchy and the Catholic Christian religion which threatens the people who read the Bible, the “ two witnesses ”, with the “ torments ” of its “hell”; real “ torments ” which are however only reserved for the last judgment, to annihilate the false religious people who themselves deceptively use this kind of threat, according to Rev. 14:10-11. Foreigners, too, victims of the same abuses outside France, are hoping to benefit from this initiative. This, all the more so, since with the French support granted by Louis XVI, in the world, a few years earlier, the new United States of North America found their independence, freeing themselves from the domination of England. Freedom is on the move and will soon win over many people. As a sign of this friendship, “ they will send gifts to each other .” One of these gifts was the French gift to the Americans of the “Statue of Liberty” erected in 1886 on an island opposite New York. The Americans returned the gesture by offering him a replica which, erected in 1889, is located in Paris on an island in the middle of the Seine near the Eiffel Tower. God targets this type of gift which reveals the sharing and exchange that constitutes the curse of excessive freedom which aims to ignore its spiritual laws.

Verse 11: “ And after the three and a half days the spirit of life from God entered into them, and they stood on their feet; and great fear came upon those who saw them. »

On April 20, 1792, France was threatened by Austria and Prussia and overthrew its king, Louis XVI, on August 10, 1792. The Revolutionaries were victorious at Valmy on September 20, 1792. King Louis XVI was guillotined on January 21, 1793. The dictator Robespierre and his friends were guillotined in turn on July 28, 1794. The “Convention” was replaced by the “Directory” on October 25, 1795. The two “Terrors” of 1793 and 1794 together lasted only one single year. Between April 20, 1792 and October 25, 1795, I find quite precisely this period of “ three and a half days ” prophesied or “three and a half” real years. But I think that the duration also carries a spiritual message. This period represents half a week, which may evoke an allusion to the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ which lasted precisely “three and a half prophetic days” and ended with the death of the Messiah Jesus Christ. The Spirit compares its action with that of the Bible, its “ two witnesses ”, who also acted and taught before being burned on the Place de la Révolution in Paris. By this comparison, the Bible is, this faith, identified with Jesus Christ who is, in it, crucified again and “ pierced ” as indicated in Rev. 1:7. The flood of bloodshed ended up terrifying the French people. Also, after executing his leader of the Bloodthirsty Convention, Maximilien Robespierre, and his friends Couthon and Saint-Just, the summary and systematic executions stopped. The Spirit of God awakened the spiritual thirst of men and the practice of religion once again became legal, and above all, free. The salutary "fear of God" has reappeared and interest in the Bible has been manifested again but until the end of the world it will be fought and competed with by philosophical books written by free thinkers whose Greek model is at the forefront. source of all its various forms.

Verse 12: “ And they heard a voice from heaven saying unto them, Come up hither; And they ascended into heaven in the cloud; and their enemies saw them. »

This divine statement applies to the biblical “ two witnesses ” after 1798.

The comparison with Jesus continues, because it was he whom his chosen ones saw (after the prophet Elijah) ascend to heaven before their gaze. But, in turn, his chosen ones of the final time will act in the same way. Their enemies will also see them ascend to heaven in the cloud where Jesus will draw them to himself. The support that God gives to his cause is the same, for Jesus Christ, his elect, and in this context of the French Revolution, the Bible after 1798. To confirm the end of the prophesied duration of “1260 days” -years , in 1799, Pope Pius VI died imprisoned in Valence-sur-Rhône, thus making possible, between 1843-44 and 1994, a long period of peace of 150 years prophesied in the form of “five months” in Apo.9 : 5 -10. The death of Louis XVI, the cessation of the monarchy, and the death of a prisoner pope deals a mortal blow to the religious intolerance of " the beast that rises from the sea " in Rev.13:1-3. The Concordat of the Directory heals her wound but she no longer benefits from the destroyed royal support, she will no longer persecute until the time of the end when Protestant intolerance will appear under the name of "the beast which rises from the earth" in Apo. 13:11.

Verse 13: “ At that hour there was a great earthquake, and the tenth part of the city fell; seven thousand men were killed in this earthquake, and the rest were frightened and gave glory to the God of heaven. »

In this epoch ( this hour ) was accomplished, in spiritual form, the “ earthquake ” already prophesied by the accomplishment of that of Lisbon in 1755, concerned in the theme of the “ sixth seal ” of Apo. 6:12. According to the Spirit of God, the city of Paris lost “ a tenth ” of its population. But another meaning may concern according to Dan.7:24 and Rev.13:1, the tenth part of the " ten horns " or western Christian kingdoms subject to Roman papal Catholicism. France, considered by Rome as "the eldest daughter" of the Roman Catholic Church, fell into atheism, deprived it of its support, and went so far as to destroy its authority. The 4th trumpet revealed it, “ the third part of the sun is smitten ”; the message “ seven thousand men were killed in this earthquake ” confirms the thing by saying: a multitude ( thousand ) of religious “ men ” ( seven: religious sanctification of the time), were killed in this societal political earthquake.

Verse 14: “ The second woe is past. Behold, the third woe comes quickly ".

Thus, the intense shedding of blood revived the fear of God, and the “Terror” ceased, replaced by the empire of Napoleon I , the “ eagle ” heralding the last three “ trumpets ”, three “ great misfortunes” . » for the inhabitants of the earth. Given that the announcement follows the French Revolution from 1789 to 1798, “ the second misfortune ” attributed to it in verse 14 cannot concern it directly. But for the Spirit, it is the way of telling us that a new form of the French Revolution will appear just before the return in glory of Jesus Christ. However, according to Rev.8:13, the “ second woe ” clearly concerns the theme of the 6th trumpet of Rev.9:13 which will, precisely, “ kill a third of men ” before Jesus Christ returns to avenge the unjust condemnation of his holy faithful servants by exterminating their mortal enemies, the last rebels. We can understand that like the slaughter caused by the French Revolutionaries, God organizes the slaughter of the Third World War, this time nuclear, which will considerably reduce the number of inhabitants of the earth, before its elimination. complete which will restore it to its original “ abyss ” appearance, after the final destructive intervention of Jesus Christ.

The double meaning of “ second woe ” connects the fourth trumpet to the sixth for a spiritual reason. The structure of Revelation separates the time of the Christian era into two parts. In the first, “ misfortune ” punishes the guilty punished before 1844 and in the second, those punished after 1844, just before the end of the world. Now, the two punitive actions share the meaning that God gives to his fourth punishment in Leviticus 26:25: “ I will send the sword that will avenge my covenant .” The first punishment fell on people who did not receive the message of the Reformation, the work prepared by Jesus for his elect, and the second, on those who did not respond to God's demand to complete this Reformation at from 1843. The revealed light by which God constructs this permanent Reformation will be presented until the hour when the time of grace ends.

By taking up the things and actions that God attributed to the men of the French Revolution from 1789 to 1795, we find those that he can attribute to Western men of the last days. We find the same contempt, the same impiety and hatred of religious ordinances and of those who teach them; behavior which this time results from the extraordinary development of science and technology. During the years of peace, atheism and false religion took over the Western world. God therefore has a good reason to offer us, for this theme, a double reading; the behavior of the “ survivors ” making the main difference between the revolutionary era and the scientific time of the last days of humanity. To be clearer, according to Rev. 11:11 to 13, " the survivors " of the first reading which concerns the " fourth trumpet " " repented ", while " the survivors " of the second which concerns the " sixth trumpet " “ repented not ,” according to Rev.9:20-21.


The third “ great woe ” (for sinners): The glorious return of Christ the Justiciar

Verse 15: “ The seventh angel sounded. And there were loud voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms of the world are committed to our Lord and to his Christ; and he will reign forever and ever. »

The last theme of the chapter is that of the “ seventh trumpet ” which designates, I remind you, the moment when the invisible creator God makes himself visible to the eyes of his enemies confirming Apo.1:7: “ Behold, he comes with the clouds and every eye will see it; even those who pierced it .” “ Those who pierced him ”, who pierced Jesus, are his enemies from all periods of the Christian era including those of the last. They pierced him, persecuting his faithful disciples, concerning whom he declared: “ Inasmuch as you have done these things to one of the least of these my brothers, you have done them to me (Matt.25:40).” From the sky, loud voices are raised to celebrate the event. These are those of the inhabitants of heaven who have already expressed themselves to celebrate the expulsion from heaven of the devil and his demons by the victorious Christ, called “ Michael ” in Rev. 12:7 to 12. They take part in the joy of elected, in turn liberated and victorious by Jesus Christ. The history of earthly sin will cease for lack of sinners destroyed by the mouth of the divine Christ. The devil, “ prince of this world ” according to Jesus, loses his possession of the sinful world destroyed by God. He will remain for another thousand years on the desolate earth without harming anyone, while awaiting his total elimination at the last judgment with all the other sinners that God will resurrect for this purpose.


The Great Heavenly Happiness of the elect redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ

Verse 16: “ And the twenty-four elders, which sat before God on their thrones, fell down on their faces, and worshiped God ,”

The elect have entered the celestial kingdom of God, sitting on thrones in the presence of God, they will reign or judge the wicked according to Rev.20:4. This verse evokes the context of the heavenly beginning of the redeemed in Rev.4. This verse presents the form that true worship of God should take. Prostration, kneeling, face down, is the form legitimized by God.

Verse 17: “ Saying: We thank you, Lord God Almighty, who is and who was, that you have taken possession of your great power and possessed your kingdom. »

The redeemed renew their thanks and prostrate themselves before Jesus Christ, “ the Almighty God who is and who was ” “ and who has come” , as Rev.1:4 announced. “ You have grasped your great power ” which you had renounced to save your elect and expiated by your death the price of their sins in your “ lamb ” ministry; “ the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world .” You have “ taken possession of your kingdom ”; the suggested context is indeed that where the Spirit carried John away in Rev.1:10; the history of the Assembly of Christ on earth is in the past. At this stage, the “ seven assemblies ” are behind the elected officials. The reign of Jesus, the object of the hope of the faith of the elect, has become a reality.

Verse 18: “ The nations were angry; and your wrath has come, and the time has come to judge the dead, to reward your servants the prophets, the saints, and those who fear your name, the small and the great, and to destroy those who destroy the earth. »

We find in this verse 18 very useful information about the sequence of prophesied events . The 6th trumpet killed _ a third of men are, “ The nations were irritated ”, and before our eyes, in 2020-2021, we are witnessing the causes of this irritation: Covid-19 and the economic ruin caused, Islamic aggression, and promptly , the Russian offensive with its allies. After this terrible and destructive conflict, after the promulgation of the Sunday law by the " beast of the earth " that is, the Protestant and Catholic coalition of American and European survivors, God poured out on them " the seven last plagues of his wrath " described in Rev.16. At the time of the seventh, Jesus appeared to save his elect and destroy the fallen. Then comes the program prepared for the “ thousand years ” of the seventh millennium. In heaven, according to Rev.4:1, the judgment of the wicked will take place: “ and the time has come to judge the dead ”. The saints obtain their reward: the eternal life promised by Jesus Christ to his elect. They finally obtain the morning star and the crown promised to the elect found victorious in the battle of faith: “ to reward your servants the prophets ”. God recalls here the importance of prophecy for all ages (According to 2 Pet.1:19) and more particularly in the last days. “The saints and those who fear your name ” are those who responded positively to the messages of the three angels of Rev.14:7 to 13; of which the first recalls the wisdom which consists of fearing him, obeying him and not contesting his commandments, saying: “Fear God and give glory to him ”, in his aspect of creator God, “ for the hour of his judgment has come, and worship him who made heaven, and sea, and earth, and springs of waters .”

Verse 19: “ And the temple of God in heaven was opened, and the ark of his covenant appeared in his temple. And there were lightning, and voices, and thunder, and an earthquake, and great hail. »

All the themes evoked in this book of Revelation converge towards this historical moment of the great glorious return of our divine Lord Jesus Christ. This verse targets the context where the following themes are fulfilled and concluded:

Rev.1: Adventism:

Verse 4: “ John to the seven churches which are in Asia: Grace to you and peace from him who is, and who was, and who is to come , and from the seven spirits who are before his throne, »

Verse 7: “ Behold, he comes with the clouds . And every eye will see it, even those who pierced it; and all the tribes of the earth will mourn because of him. Yes. Amen! »

Verse 8: “ I am the alpha and the omega, says the Lord God, the one who is, and who was, and who is to come , the Almighty. »

Verse 10: “ I was in the Spirit on the day of the Lord , and I heard behind me a loud voice, like the sound of a trumpet,

Apo.3: The seventh assembly: end of the “ Laodicean ” era (= judged people).

Rev.6:17: The great day of God's wrath against rebellious humans for the great day of his wrath has come , and who can stand? »

Apo.13: “ the beast that rises from the earth ” (Protestant and Catholic coalition) and its Sunday law; verse 15: “ And it was given unto him to make the image of the beast come alive, that the image of the beast might speak, and that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be slain. . »


Apo.14: The two themes of “ the harvest (end of the world and rapture of the elect) and “ the vintage (massacres of the false shepherds by their seduced and deceived followers).


Rev.16: Verse 16: the great day of battle Armageddon


 In this verse 19, we find the key formula of the direct and visible intervention of God, “ and there were lightnings, voices, thunders, an earthquake ”, already cited in Rev.4:5 and 8 :5. But here the Spirit adds “ and heavy hail ”; a “ hail ” with which the theme of the seventh of the “ seven last plagues ” in Rev.16:21 ends.

 The context of the return of Jesus Christ is therefore marked by the last Adventist theme which this time brings , in the spring of 2030, the true salvation offered to the elect, obtained by the blood shed by Jesus Christ. It is the hour of his confrontation with the rebels who are preparing to kill his chosen ones who refuse the Roman Sunday and keep their fidelity for the Sabbath sanctified by God from the first week of his creation of the world. The “ sixth seal ” of Rev. 6 illustrates the behavior and dismay of these rebels caught by the Lord in the act of intentional genocide of his blessed and beloved elect. The subject of disagreement is raised in this verse 19. It concerns the divine law preserved in the “ark of the testimony ” in the most holy place of the tabernacle and the Hebrew “ temple ”. The ark owes its prestige and its very high holiness only because it contains the tables of the law engraved by the finger of God himself, in person, in the presence of Moses, his faithful servant. The Bible allows us to understand what causes the terror of the rebels at the time of the return of Jesus Christ. For this is what verses 1 to 6 of Psalm 50 declare:

Psalm of Asaph. God, God, YaHWéH, speaks, and summons the earth, from the rising of the sun to the setting of the sun. From Zion, perfect beauty, God shines. He comes, our God, he does not remain in silence; before him is a devouring fire, around him a violent storm . He cries to the heavens above, and to the earth, to judge his people : Gather to me my faithful ones, who have made a covenant with me by sacrifice! -And the heavens will declare his righteousness , for it is God who is judge. »

In a context of terror, the rebels will see the text of the fourth of God's ten commandments displayed in the sky in letters of fire. And through this divine action, they will know that God condemns them to the first and “ second death ”.

This last verse of the “ seventh trumpet ” theme reveals and confirms the importance that God gives to his law challenged by rebellious false Christianity. Divine law has been belittled under the pretext of an alleged opposition of law and grace. This error results from a misreading of the words made by the apostle Paul in his letters. So here I will dispel the doubt by providing clear and simple explanations. In Rom.6, Paul contrasts those " under law " with those " under grace " only because of the context of his time when the new covenant begins. By the formula “ under the law ”, he designates the Jews of the old covenant who refuse the new covenant based on the perfect justice of Jesus Christ. And he designates the elected officials who enter into this new alliance by the formula “ with the law ”. For this is the benefit brought by grace, in the name of which Jesus Christ, in the Holy Spirit, helps his chosen one and teaches him to love and obey the holy divine law. By obeying him, he is then “ with the law ” and being “ under grace ”, he is not “ under the law ” either . I recall again that Paul says of the divine law that it is “ holy and that the commandment is just and good ”; what I share with him in Jesus Christ. While Paul castigates sin, seeking to convince his readers that they must no longer sin while in Christ, modern rebels use his texts to contradict him by making Jesus Christ, whom they claim to be, an established "minister of sin " . by Rome on March 7, 321. While Paul declared in Gal.2:17: " But while we seek to be justified through Christ, if we also ourselves were found sinners , would Christ be a minister of sin ? Far from it ! » Let us note the importance of precision, “ far from it ", which condemns the religious conception of the false modern Christian rebellious faith, and this since March 7, 321, the date when Roman " sin " entered the Western and Eastern Christian faith by the authority of a pagan Roman emperor, Constantine I. _

In this context of the “ seventh trumpet ” the first six thousand years set aside by God for his selection of earthly elect come to an end, in his overall project of seven thousand years. The seventh millennium, or “ thousand years ” of Rev.20, then opens, dedicated to the celestial judgment of the rebels by the elect redeemed by Jesus Christ, the theme of Rev.4.

















Revelation 12: The Great Central Plan


The woman – The Roman aggressor – The woman in the desert – Parenthesis: a fight in heaven – The woman in the desert – The Reformation – Atheism-

The Adventist remnant


The victorious woman, bride of Christ, the Lamb of God

Verse 1: “ A great sign appeared in heaven: a woman enveloped in the sun, with the moon under her feet, and a crown of twelve stars on her head. »

Here again, several themes follow one another in several paintings or scenes. The first table illustrates the Chosen Assembly which will benefit from the victory of Jesus Christ, its sole Head, according to Eph.5:23. Under the symbol of a “ woman ,” the “Bride ” of Christ is enveloped in the “ sun of righteousness ” prophesied in Mal.4:2. In double application, “ the moon ” symbol of darkness is “ under his feet ”. These enemies are historically and in chronological order, the Jews of the old covenant, and the fallen Christians, Catholics, Orthodox, Protestants, and Adventists, of the new. On his head, “ a crown of twelve stars ” symbolizes his victory in the alliance with God, the 7, with man, the 5, meaning of the number 12.


The persecuted woman before the final victory

Verse 2: “ She was with child, and she cried out, being in labor and in labor pains. »

In verse 2, the “ birth pangs ” evoke the earthly persecution that preceded the time of heavenly glory. This image was used by Jesus in John 16:21-22: “ A woman when she gives birth grieves, because her hour has come; but when she gave birth to the child, she no longer remembers the suffering, because of the joy she has at the fact that a man has been born into the world. You therefore also are now in sadness; but I will see you again, and your heart will rejoice, and no one will take your joy away from you. »


The pagan persecutor of women: Rome, the great imperial city

Verse 3: “ And yet another sign appeared in heaven; and, behold, it was a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and on its heads seven diadems. »

Verse 3 identifies his persecutor: the devil, of course, but he acts through fleshly earthly powers who persecute the elect, according to his will. In his action, he uses two successive strategies; that of the “ dragon ” and that of the “ serpent ”. The first, that of the " dragon ", is the open attack employed by pagan imperial Rome. We thus find the symbols already seen in Dan.7:7 where Rome appeared in the appearance of a fourth monstrous animal with “ ten horns ”. The pagan context is confirmed by the presence of the “ diadems ” which are here placed on the “ seven heads ”, the symbol of the Roman city according to Apo.17. This precision deserves our full attention, because it indicates to us, each time this image is presented, by the location of the “ tiaras ”, the prophesied historical context.


The religious persecutor of women: Papal Catholic Rome

Verse 4: “ His tail dragged away a third of the stars of the sky, and cast them to the earth. The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, in order to devour her child when she gave birth. »

This verse takes up, under new symbols, the message of Rev. 11:1 to 3 where papal Rome is authorized by God, under the title of " rod ", to " trample under foot the holy city for 42 months ".

In Daniel, the “ ten horns ” of the Roman empire were to be succeeded by the papal “ little horn ” (from 538 until 1798). This succession is confirmed here in Rev.12, in verse 4.

The term “ tail ” which targets the false  prophetess  Jezebel ” of Rev.2:20, illustrates this succession of falsely Christian papal religious Rome. The accusation cited in Dan.8:10 is here renewed. The victims of his tricks and seductions, worthy of the “ serpent ” of Genesis, are trampled underfoot under the symbol of “ stars of heaven ” or, under the title of “ citizens of the kingdom of heaven ” that Jesus attributes to his disciples. . “ The third party is dragged into its fall .” The third is not cited for its literal meaning but, as everywhere in prophecy, as an important part of the total number of Christians tested. Victims can even exceed this proportion by a literal third.

Verse 5: “ She bore a son, who should rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her child was caught up to God and to his throne. »

In a double application, the prophecy recalls how the devil fought the cause of the Messiah from his birth until his victorious death. But this victory is that of the firstborn after whom all his chosen ones will succeed, to continue the same fight until the final victory is obtained. At that moment, receiving a celestial body, they will share with it, its judgment of the wicked and it is there that together, " they will shepherd the nations with a rod of iron " which will give the verdict of the " torments of the second death ” of the last judgment. The experience of Christ and that of his elect merge into a single common experience, and the image of the “child taken up to God and to his throne ”, therefore to heaven, is that of the earthly “deliverance” of the elect. which will be accomplished in 2030, at the return of the avenging Christ. They will be delivered from the “ pains of childbirth .” The child is the symbol of a successful and victorious authentic Christian conversion.

Verse 6: “ And the woman fled into the wilderness, where she had a place prepared by God, that she might be nourished there for a thousand two hundred and sixty days. »

The persecuted Assembly is peaceful and disarmed, its only weapon being the Bible, the word of God, the sword of the Spirit, it can only flee before its aggressors. Verse 6 recalls the time of the persecuting papal reign for prophetic “ 1260 days ”, or 1260 real years according to the code of Ezé.4:5-6. This time is for the Christian faith a time of painful trial suggested by the mention of the word “ desert ” where it is “led by God”. She thus shares the affliction of the “ two witnesses ” of Rev. 11:3. In Dan.8:12, this divine sentence was formulated thus: “ the army was delivered up with the perpetual because of sin ”; the sin accomplished by the abandonment of respect for the day of sabbatical rest since March 7, 321.


Opening of the parenthesis: a fight in the sky

Verse 7: “ And there was war in heaven. Michael and his angels fought against the dragon. And the dragon and his angels fought ,

The announced rapture of the saints deserves an explanation that the Spirit presents to us in a sort of parenthesis. This will be made possible because of the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death. This victory was confirmed after his resurrection, but the Spirit reveals to us here the consequences it had for the inhabitants of heaven who rubbed shoulders with demons and Satan himself until this moment.

Very important : this celestial conflict which remained invisible to human eyes sheds light on the meaning of the enigmatic words spoken by Jesus when he was on earth. In John 14:1-3, Jesus said, “ Let not your heart be troubled. Believe in God, and believe in me. There are many mansions in my Father's house. If it wasn't, I would have told you. I will prepare a place for you . And when I go and prepare a place for you , I will come again and take you to myself, that where I am you may be also. » The meaning given to the “ preparation ” of this “ place ” will appear in the verse which follows.

Verse 8: “ But they were not strong, and their place was no longer found in heaven. »

This celestial war has nothing in common with our earthly wars; it does not immediately cause deaths, and the two opposing camps are not equal. The great creator God who presents himself in the humble and fraternal aspect of the archangel “ Michael ” is all the same the almighty God before whom all his creatures should prostrate themselves and obey. Satan and his demons are those rebellious creatures, who obey only under duress, and finally, they cannot resist and are forced to obey, when the great God drives them out of heaven by his omnipotence. During his earthly ministry, Jesus was feared by the evil angels who obeyed him and testified that he was indeed the “ Son of God ” of the divine project, thus designating him.

In this verse the Spirit specifies: “ their place was no longer found in heaven ”. This " place " occupied by the celestial rebels in the kingdom of God had to be liberated so that this celestial kingdom could be " purified " and " prepared " to receive Christ's elect on the day of his last battle against the earthly rebels during his come in glory. It is then that, taking his elect with him, “ they will always be with him, wherever he is ” or, in the purified sky thus “ prepared ” to receive them. The portion of the earth will then be desolation of the type prophesied by the word " deep " since Gen.1:2. In the light of this fight, the divine saving project is illuminated and each key word of his plan reveals its meaning. This is the case with these verses cited in Heb.9:23: “ It was therefore necessary, since the images things which are in the heavens were to be purified in this manner, whether the heavenly things themselves were by sacrifices more excellent than these. » Thus, the “ more excellent sacrifice ” necessary was that of the voluntary death of the Messiah named Jesus, offered to atone for the sins of his elect, but above all, to obtain for his creatures and for himself the legitimate legal right to condemn to death the celestial and terrestrial rebels. It is in this way that the “ heavenly sanctuary of God was “ purified ”, first and then, on the return of the victorious Christ, it will be the turn of the earth which he designates as his “ footstool ” but not as his “ sanctuary” in Isa.66:1-2: “ Thus says the LORD: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool . What house could you build for me, and what place would you give me to live in? All these things my hand has made, and all have come into being, says Yahweh. This is the one on whom I will look: to the one who suffers and is weak in spirit, to the one who fears my word. » ; or, according to Ezek.9:4, on “ those who sigh and groan because of the abominations ” committed.

Verse 9: “ And the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole earth: he was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. »

The celestial beings were the first to benefit from the spiritual cleansing undertaken by the victorious Christ. He cast out from heaven the devil and his angelic demons who were “ cast ” for two thousand years on earth. The devil thus knows “ the time ” that remains for him personally and for his demons to act against the chosen saints and divine truth.

Note : Jesus not only revealed the character of God to humanity, he also presented this formidable character that is the devil about whom the old covenant said little, leaving him almost ignored. Since the victory of Jesus against the devil, the fight between the two camps has intensified due to the confinement of the demons who now live in an invisible way among men on earth and throughout our earthly dimension which includes the planets and stars of the sky. These are the only extra-terrestrials in our terrestrial dimension.

I must here remind you that the right understanding of the overall saving project of the program designed by God is an exclusive privilege reserved for his elect. Because false faith is recognized in that it is always wrong in its interpretations of its project. This has been demonstrated since the Jews who gave the Messiah prophesied in the Holy Scriptures the role of bringing carnal deliverance, whereas God had only planned a spiritual deliverance; that of sin. Likewise, today, the false Christian faith awaits with the return of Jesus Christ, the establishment of his kingdom and his power on the earth; things that God has not put in his program as his prophetic Revelation teaches us. On the contrary, his glorious coming will mark the end of their life, which remains the bearer of their sins and all their guilt towards him.

The chosen one of Christ knows that free life began in heaven and that after the earthly parenthesis made necessary for the perfect demonstration of his love and his justice, the creator God will prolong the life of his creatures who remain faithful in heaven and on earth, eternally in its heavenly form. The celestial and earthly rebels will then have been judged, destroyed and annihilated.


The kingdom of heaven is liberated

Verse 10: “ And I heard a loud voice in heaven saying, Now is come salvation, and the power, and the kingdom of our God, and the authority of his Christ; for the accuser of our brothers has been cast down, who accused them before our God day and night. »

This “ Now ” targets the date of April 7, 30, first day of the week following Wednesday, April 3, in which accepting the cross, Jesus defeated the devil, sin and death. On that first day of the week, he declared to Mary: “ Do not touch me; I have not yet ascended to my Father .” His victory still had to be made official in heaven and from then on, in his all divine power, under his angelic name “ Michael ” rediscovered, he chased the devil and his demons from heaven. We must note the quote “ the accuser of our brothers, the one who accused them before our God day and night ”. It reveals to us the immense universal brotherhood of the camp of God which shares its rejection of the rebel camp with the elect of the earth. Who are these “ brothers ”? Those in heaven and those on earth, such as Job who is partially delivered to the devil to prove to him that his “ accusations ” are unfounded.

Verse 11: “ They overcame him because of the blood of the Lamb and because of the word of their testimony, and they did not love their lives so much as to fear death. »

The pattern discussed in this verse is found in the message of the “ Smyrna ” era, and this message indicates the standard of faith required by Jesus Christ for all prophesied ages until his glorious return.

The victory of “ Michael ”, the celestial divine name of our Savior Jesus Christ, justifies his solemn declarations made in Matt.28:18 to 20: “ Jesus came and spoke to them thus: All authority has been given to me in heaven and on earth . Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, even to the end of the world. »

Thus, at the foundation of his first covenant, God revealed to Moses the history of the origins of our earthly dimension, but it is only to us who are living the last days of humanity that he reveals the understanding of its overall saving project, by closing the parenthesis of the experience of earthly sin which will have lasted six thousand years. We therefore share with God the expectation of an eternal reunion of all his faithful celestial and earthly elect. It is therefore an elected privilege to in turn focus our attention on the sky and its inhabitants. For their part, they have not ceased to be interested in the fate of the elect and our earthly history, from Creation to the end of the world, as it is written in 1Cor.4:9: “ For God, it seems to me, has made us, the apostles, the last of men, condemned to death in a way, since we have been a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men. »


The situation of the earth is worsened

Verse 12: “ Therefore rejoice, you heavens, and you who dwell in the heavens. Woe to the earth and the sea ! For the devil has come down to you in great wrath, knowing that he has little time. »

The “ dwellers in heaven ” were the first to “ rejoice ” in Christ’s victory. But the counterpart of this joy is the intensification of “ misfortune ” for the “inhabitants of the earth ”. Because the devil knows that he is sentenced to death on parole, and that he has “ little time ” to act against his plan of salvation. The actions carried out for 2000 years by the demonic camp confined on earth are all revealed by Jesus Christ in his Revelation or Apocalypse. This is the subject of this work that I am writing for you. And since 2018, the elect of Jesus Christ have shared this knowledge of the end of the time reserved for the devil for his work of seduction; it will end in the spring of 2030 with the glorious return of their divine Master. The parenthesis of this theme closes with verse 12.

Closing the parenthesis of the fight in the sky


Resumption of the theme of the woman driving in the desert


Verse 13: “ When the dragon saw that he had been thrown to the earth, he pursued the woman who had given birth to the male child. »

This parenthesis allows the Spirit to take up the theme of papal reign from verse 6. The term “ dragon ” in this verse still designates the devil, Satan, himself. But his fight against “ woman ” takes place through Roman action, successively, imperial, then papal.

Verse 14: “ And the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, that she might fly into the wilderness, unto her place, where she is nourished for a time, and times, and half a time, far away from the face of the serpent. »

In this verse 14, he resumes the message by indicating the duration of the papal reign in the form of “three and a half years”, “ a time, times and a half time ”, already used in Dan.7:25. In this resumption, new details will be revealed in a chronological sequence of events. One detail must be noted: “ the dragon ” of verse 4 is replaced by the “ serpent ” in the same way that the “ dragon ” of verse 3 is replaced by the “ tail ”. The terms “ serpent and tail ” reveal to us a change in active tactics that God, the “ great eagle ”, inspires in the devil and his demons. After the open aggression of the “ dragon ” follows the ruse and religious lie of the “ serpent ” which is fulfilled by the papal reign of 1260 prophesied years. The mention of the “ serpent ” allows God to suggest to us a comparison with the circumstances of original sin. Just as Eve was seduced by “ the serpent ” through which the devil spoke; “ the woman ”, “ the bride ” of Christ, is subjected to the test of the lying words that the devil presents to her through “ the mouth ” of his agents of papal Roman Catholicism.

Verse 15: “ And the serpent sent water out of his mouth like a river after the woman, to draw her away by the river. »

Verse 15 illustrates the Catholic persecution to which the unfaithful Christian faith is subjected; like “the water of a river ” which “ carries away ” everything within its reach. The Roman Catholic papal “ mouth ” launched its fanatical and cruel Catholic leagues against their religious opponents. The perfect accomplishment of this action is the creation of the corps of “dragons” by Louis XIV advised by Bishop Le Tellier. This military body, created to persecute peaceful Protestant resistance, aimed to "train " all the weak and meek elect of Christ into his dogmas, by forcing them to choose between converting to Catholicism or being led into captivity or to death after horrible abuse and torture.

Verse 16: “ And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river which the dragon had cast out of his mouth. »

The Spirit offers us two superimposed interpretations for this single verse. Note that “ the woman ” and “ the earth ” are here two distinct entities , and that “ the earth ” can symbolize the Protestant faith or the literal earth, the soil of our planet. This will give this verse two interpretations which follow one another chronologically in divine Revelation.

1st message: false bestial Protestantism : In chronological order, first, “ the woman ” corresponds to the pictorial description of the peaceful Protestants of the Reformation whose official “ mouth ” (that of Martin Luther in 1517) denounced the sins Catholics; which justified their name: “Protestant” be those who protest against Catholic religious injustice which sins against God and kills his true servants. Another hypocritical component of Protestantism symbolized by the word “ earth ” also opened its “ mouth ” to denounce the Catholic faith, but it took up arms and its violent blows “swallowed a significant part of the fighters of the Catholic leagues. The word " land " here symbolizes the famous "Huguenots", Protestant fighters of the Cévennes, and those of military strongholds like La Rochelle during the "wars of religions" in which God was neither served nor honored by the two groups of people. opposing combatants.

2nd message : the avenging sword of French national atheism . On second reading, and in chronological order, this verse 16 reveals how the French Revolution will completely swallow up the papal aggression of the Catholic monarchies. This is the main message of this verse. And it is the one that God gives to the role of the “ 4th trumpet " of Rev.8:12, and " beast that rises out of the abyss " of Rev.11:7, in analogy with Lev.26:25, it comes, says God, like " a sword, to avenge my alliance ” betrayed by rebellious Catholic sinners. This image is based on the punishment of the rebel “ Korah ” in Num.16:32: “ The earth opened its mouth , and swallowed them up, and their houses, with all the people of Korah and all their goods .” In perfect harmony with divine Revelation and historical accomplishment, this comparative image recalls the rejection of divine law by the rebels in both situations.


Dragon 's Last Enemy : The Adventist Remnant of Women

Verse 17: “ And the dragon was angry with the woman, and went to make war against the remnant of her descendants, who keep the commandments of God and who have the testimony of Jesus. »

Passing over in silence the 150 years of the activity of Protestants struck by the divine curse, the theme of the “ 5th trumpet ”, the Spirit evokes the last earthly fight of the devil and his celestial and earthly henchmen, and he shows us the targets of their common hatred. These last targets will be the Elect, last descendants and heirs of the Adventist pioneers of 1873 to whom this last test was announced according to Rev.3:10. Pioneers whose mission they will complete, carrying their same divine blessing. They will have to firmly and faithfully support the work that Jesus entrusted to them: refusing to honor in any way " the mark of the beast " on Roman Sunday, by keeping, faithfully, and whatever the cost, the practice of sabbatical rest, during Saturday, the true seventh day of the week, time organized and established by the great and all-powerful creator God. It is this truth which appears in this description of the " remnant of the seed of the woman " in this verse: " those who keep the commandments of God ", the ten and not the nine; “ and who retain the testimony of Jesus ”, because they do not let anyone take it from them; neither “ the dragons ”, nor “ the serpents ”. And this “ testimony of Jesus ” is what is most precious, since, according to Rev. 19:10, “ the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy ”. It is this prophetic testimony that makes it “ impossible for the devil to deceive the true elect ” of Christ, the God of truth, as Matt.24:24 teaches: “ For false Christs will arise and false prophets; they will perform great wonders and miracles, to the point of seducing, if it were possible , even the elect . ".


An almost…complete victory for Satan

Verse 18: “ And he stood on the sand of the sea.

This last verse shows us a triumphant devil who has succeeded in bringing with him in his fall and his mortal condemnation, all of the Christian religious institutions that he dominates and holds under his authority. In Isa.10:22, God declares: “ Though your people, O Israel, are like the sand of the sea, only a remnant will return; destruction is resolved, it will cause justice to overflow. » Thus, according to this prophecy, at the end of the world, only dissident Adventists, constituting " the remnant of the woman ", " the Chosen, the Bride of Christ ", and the spiritual "Israel " of God, escape to this satanic domination. I recall that under the name “Adventist”, the Spirit defines the standard of faith for the salvation of the last chosen ones selected since 1843; in 2020, it is religious behavior, but no longer an institution that God judged, condemned and rejected (" vomited ") in 1994.












Revelation 13: The false brothers of the Christian religion


The beast of the sea The beast of the earth




The number 13 represents for superstitious idolatrous people a lucky charm or a bad luck charm depending on each person's opinions and countries. Here, in His glorious Revelation, God reveals to us His own number code, based on the numbers 1 to 7 and their various combinations. The number 13 is obtained by the addition of the number “6”, the number of the angel Satan, and the number “7”, the number of God and therefore of the legitimate religion given to the creator God in Jesus Christ. We will thus find in this chapter the “false brothers of the Christian religion” but real mortal enemies of the truly elected. This “ tarsh ” hides in the middle of the “ good grain ” under misleading religious appearances that this chapter unmasks.


The first beast : which rises from the sea

The Serpent Dragon 's First Battle

Verse 1: “ Then I saw a beast coming up out of the sea, having ten horns and seven heads , and on his horns ten diadems , and on his heads blasphemous names .

As we saw in the study of Rev. 10, we find in this chapter the two so-called Christian “ beasts ” of our era. The first, “ which rises from the sea ”, as in Dan.7:2, concerns the Catholic faith and its persecuting reign of prophetic “ 42 months ”, or 1260 real years. Taking up the symbols of the empires which precede it in Dan.7, we find the reign of the “ little horn ” which was to appear after the “ ten horns ” had received their kingdoms according to Dan.7:24. The “ tiaras ” placed on the “ ten horns ” show that it is this historical context that is targeted. Here, papal Rome is symbolized by “ seven heads ” which particularly characterize it in a double sense. The most literal is that of “ seven hills ” on which Rome is built according to Rev.17:9. The other, more spiritual, has priority; the expression " seven heads " denotes the sanctification of the magistracy: " seven " being the number of sanctification, and " heads " denoting the magistrate or elder in Isa.9:14. This superior magistracy is attributable to papal Rome because it takes the form of an independent state, both civil and religious, whose head is the pope. The Spirit specifies: “ and on his heads names of blasphemy ”. The word “ blasphemy ” is in the singular and we must translate as: “ names of lies ”, according to the meaning of the word “ blasphemy ”. Jesus Christ attributes the “ lie ” to the Roman papal regime. He therefore attributes to him the title of “ father of lies ” by which he designated the devil, Satan himself in John 8:44: “ You are of your father the devil , and you want to do the desires of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and he does not stand in the truth, because there is no truth in him. When he utters a lie, he speaks from his own heart; because he is a liar and the father of lies .”


Verse 2: “ The beast that I saw was like a leopard ; his feet were like those of a bear , and his mouth like the mouth of a lion . The dragon gave him his power, and his throne, and great authority. »

The “ fourth beast ” of Dan.7:7 said “ terrible, terrible, and extraordinarily strong ” receives a more precise description here. In fact it alone presents the criteria of the three empires which preceded it since the Chaldean empire. He possesses the agility of the “ leopard ”, the overwhelming power of the “bear ” and the cruel carnivorous strength of the “ lion ”. In Rev.12:3, " the dragon " of verse 3, where " the diadems " were on the " seven heads " represented Rome in its pagan imperial phase persecuting the early Christians. Thus, just as the " little horn " of Dan.7:8-24 succeeds that of Dan.8:9, here the papacy receives its power from the Roman empire; which history confirms by the imperial decree due to Justinian I in 533 (writing) and 538 (application). But beware ! The “ dragon ” also refers to “ the devil ” in Rev. 12:9, meaning that the papacy receives its power, “ its might, its throne and its great authority ” from the devil himself. We understand why God makes the two entities “ fathers of lies ” in the previous verse.

Note : On the military level, papal Rome retains the strength and power of its imperial form, because the European royal armies serve it and satisfy its decisions. As Dan.8:23 to 25 teaches, its strength rests on “ the success of its ruses ” which consist of claiming to represent God on earth, and as such, being able to open or close access to the proposed eternal life. in the Gospel of Christ: “ At the end of their dominion, when sinners are consumed, there will arise an impudent and artful king . His power will increase, but not by his own strength ; he will wreak incredible havoc, he will succeed in his undertakings , he will destroy the powerful and the people of the saints. Because of his prosperity and the success of his tricks , he will have arrogance in his heart, he will destroy many men who lived peacefully, and he will rise up against the chief of rulers; but it will be broken, without the effort of any hand. »


At the end of the 1260s, the atheism of the French Revolution put an end to its despotic power established since 538 .

Verse 3: “ And I saw one of his heads as if wounded to death; but his mortal wound was healed. And all the earth was in awe behind the beast. »

Never repentant in its entire history, it is through constraint that the papal magistracy will have to renounce its persecuting power. This will be accomplished from 1792 when the monarchy, its armed support, is overthrown and decapitated by French atheism. As announced in Rev.2:22, this atheist “ great tribulation ” wants to destroy the Roman religious power of “ the woman Jezebel ” and its targets are “ those who commit adultery with her ”; monarchs, monarchists and Catholic priests. This is how she must have been “ as if wounded to death ”. But for opportunistic reasons, Emperor Napoleon I reestablished it in 1801 in the name of his Concordat. She will never directly persecute again. But its seductive power will continue for multitudes of Catholic believers who will all believe in its lies and its pretensions until the return in glory of Jesus Christ: “And the whole earth was in admiration behind the beast ”. “ The whole earth followed the beast ”, and this word earth , in a double sense, concerns the planet, but also the Reformed Protestant faith which came from it. The ecumenical alliance (= earthly, in Greek) made since then confirms this announcement. If the Spirit had wanted to express this message in clear language, we would read: " the entire Protestant religion followed the intolerant Catholic religion . This statement will be confirmed by the study of the second “ beast ” which this time “ comes up from the earth ” in verse 11 of this chapter 13.

Verse 4: “ And they worshiped the dragon, because he had given authority to the beast; they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast, and who can fight against him? »

Designating both imperial Rome but also Satan, according to Rev. 12:9, the dragon, therefore the devil himself, is worshiped by those who honor the papal regime; this as a result and in complete ignorance, since it is he who “ gave his power to the beast ”. Thus, the papal “ success of the enterprise ” prophesied in Dan.8:24 is confirmed by history. She reigns above the kings by her religious power, in an absolute manner, long uncontested. She allocates lands and honors with titles those who serve her to reward them, as we can read in Dan.11:39: “It is with the foreign god that he will act against the fortified places; and he will fill with honor those who recognize him, he will make them ruler over many, he will distribute to them lands as a reward .” The thing was accomplished literally in a well-known way when Pope Alexander VI Borgia (notorious assassin) partitioned the land in 1494 and allocated to Portugal, the eastern advanced point of Brazil and India, and to Spain, all the rest of the newly discovered lands. The Spirit insists. The chosen one of Jesus Christ must be fully convinced that the Catholic faith is diabolical, and that all its aggressive or humanistic actions are directed by Satan, the adversary of God and the elect. This emphasis is justified since he prophesies in Dan.8:25, “ the success of his enterprises and the success of his wiles ”. Its religious authority recognized by the kings, the powerful, and the Christian peoples of Europe gives it a prestige based on trust, therefore in reality extremely fragile. But when God and the devil join together for punitive action, the crowds, the human masses of people obediently follow the false path traced and above all, imposed. On earth, power calls for power, because people like to feel powerful, and in this domain, the papal regime, which claims to represent God, is a master of the genre. As in Rev.6, the theme poses a question: " Who is like the beast, and who can fight against him?" ". Chapters 11 and 12 gave the answer: God in Christ who will give rise in 1793 to French revolutionary atheism which will engulf it in a bloodbath. But until the appearance of this “ avenging sword ” (role attributed to the 4th punishment in Lev.26:25), armed Protestants were already fighting it, without however being able to defeat it. Men, Protestants, French and German, and Anglicans, all as tough as her, will fight her from the 16th century , returning her mortal blows, because their faith is above all, political.

Verse 5: “ And there was given to him a mouth speaking arrogant words and blasphemies; and he was given power to act for forty-two months. »

These words are identical to those we read in Dan.7:8 which concern the Roman papal “ little horn ” which rises after the “ ten horns ” of the European kingdoms. Here we find his “ arrogance ” but here the Spirit adds “ blasphemies ” or false pretensions and religious lies on which “ his success ” was built. God confirms his reign of " 1260 " actual years presented in the biblical prophetic form " forty-two months ", according to the code " a day for a year " of Eze.4:5-6.

Verse 6: “ And she opened her mouth to utter blasphemies against God , to blaspheme his name, and his tabernacle, and them that dwell in heaven. »

I must here draw attention to the common meaning that humanity gives to the word “ blasphemy ” or insult. This conception is misleading because designating lies, “ blasphemies ” do not at all take on the aspect of insult, and as for those that God imputes to papal Rome, they have, on the contrary, the appearance of a false and deceptive holiness.

The papal mouth “ utters blasphemies against God ”; which confirms his identity in Dan.11:36 where we read: “ The king will do what he wishes; he will exalt himself, he will glory above all gods, and he will say incredible things against the God of gods ; it will prosper until the wrath is completed, for that which is determined will be accomplished. » The Spirit imputes to the papal regime lies, or “ blasphemies ”, which characterize all its religious doctrines; “ against God, to blaspheme his name ,” she takes God’s name in vain, distorts his character, imputing his murderous diabolical actions to him; “ his tabernacle ”, that is, his spiritual sanctuary which is his Assembly, his Elect; “ and those who dwell in heaven ”, because it presents heaven and its inhabitants in its deceptive way, evoking in its dogmas, the celestial hells, a legacy of the Greeks who located them under the earth, paradise and purgatory. “ The inhabitants of heaven ”, pure and holy, suffer and are indignant at the fact that the model of wickedness and cruelty inspired in men by the earthly demonic camp is unjustly attributed to them.

Verse 7: “ And it was given unto him to make war against the saints, and to overcome them. And he was given authority over every tribe, people, language, and nation. »

This verse confirms the message of Dan.7:21: “ I saw this horn making war against the saints, and prevailing over them .” European and global Christianity is indeed the target, since the Roman Catholic faith was imposed on all European peoples composed, in effect, of “ tribes, peoples, languages, and nations ” that were civilly independent. Her “ authority over every tribe, people, tongue, and nation ” confirms her image as “ the prostitute Babylon the great ”, from Rev. 17:1 which presents her “ sitting on many waters ”; “ waters ” which symbolize “ peoples, multitudes, nations and tongues ” according to Rev.17:15. We can note, with interest, the absence of the word " tribe " in this chapter 17. The reason is the final context of the targeted era which concerns Europe and Western Christianity in which the tribal form was replaced by the different national forms.

On the other hand, in the context of the beginning of the establishment of the papal regime, European populations were essentially organized into “ tribes ” like Roman Gaul, disunited and shared by different “ languages ” and dialects. Chronologically, Europe was populated by " tribes ", then by " peoples " subject to kings, and finally, with the 18th century , by republican " nations ", such as the United States of North America. which constitute its important outgrowth. The constitution of the “peoples” is due to submission to the Roman papal regime, because it is he who recognizes and establishes the authority of the kings of Christian Europe, since Clovis 1st king of the Franks .

Verse 8: “ And all that dwell on the earth shall worship him, whose name was not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb that was slain.” »

In the end time, where the symbol “ earth ” designates the Protestant faith, this message takes on a precise meaning: all Protestants will worship the Catholic faith; all, except the elect to whom the Spirit subtly gives this definition: “ those whose name was not written from the foundation of the world in the book of life of the Lamb who was slain. » And I remind you here, its elected representatives are the “ citizens of the kingdom of heaven ” as opposed to the rebels who are the “ inhabitants of the earth ”. The facts testify to the truth of this prophetic announcement formulated by the Spirit of God. Because since the beginning of the Reformation, except the case of Pierre Valdo in 1170, Protestants have adored the Catholic faith by honoring its "Sunday" inherited from the pagan emperor Constantine 1 since March 7, 321. This accusation prepares the theme of the second “ beast ” presented in verse 11.

Verse 9: “ If anyone has ears, let him hear!” »

He who has the “ ear ” of discernment opened by God will understand the message proposed by the Spirit.


Announcement of the punishment executed by the avenging sword of French national atheism

Verse 10: “ If anyone leads into captivity, he will go into captivity; if anyone kills with the sword, he must be killed with the sword. This is the perseverance and faith of the saints. »

Jesus Christ recalls the peaceful docility that he demands of his elect at all times. Like the first martyrs, the elected officials of the cruel papal reign must accept the fate that God has prepared for them. But he announces what will be his justice which will punish in due time, the religious exactions of kings and popes as well as their clergy. Having “ led ” the elected officials into captivity, they themselves will go to the prisons of French revolutionaries. And having “ killed with the sword ” the chosen ones whom Jesus loved, they will themselves be killed by the avenging “sword” of God whose role will be accomplished by the guillotine of the same French revolutionaries. It is through the French Revolution that God will respond to the desire for vengeance expressed by the blood of the martyrs in Rev. 6:10: “ They cried with a loud voice, saying: How long, holy and true Master, delay are you to judge, and to take vengeance for our blood on those who dwell on the earth? ". And the revolutionary guillotine will “ smite with death the Catholic children” of the monarchy and the papal Roman clergy as announced in Rev.2:22. But among its victims we will also find hypocritical Protestants who confused the faith with civil political opinions and defended, “ sword ” in hand, their personal opinions and their religious and material heritage. This behavior was that of John Calvin and that of his sinister and bloody collaborators in Geneva. Evoking the actions accomplished in 1793 and 1794, the prophecy brings us into the context of the long religious peace established for the “150” years prophesied by the prophetic “five months” of Rev.9:5-10. But after 1994, the end of this period, from 1995, the right to “kill ” for religious reasons was reestablished. The potential enemy then clearly becomes the Islamic religion until its warlike extension which will lead to the “Third World War” between 2021 and 2029. Shortly before the return of Christ expected for the spring of 2030, the second “beast” will appear . presented in this chapter 13.


The second beast: which rises from the earth

The Last Stand of the Dragon-Lamb

Verse 11: “ Then I saw another beast coming up out of the earth, which had two horns like those of a lamb, and which spoke like a dragon. »

The key to identifying the word “ earth ” is found in Gen.1:9-10: “ God said, Let the waters that are under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let dry land appear. And so it was. God called the dry land earth, and the mass of water he called sea. God saw that it was good. »

So, just as the dry “earth ” came out of “ the sea ” on the second day of earthly creation, this second “ beast ” came out of the first. This first “ beast ” designating the Catholic religion, the second, coming out of it, concerns the Protestant religion, that is, the Reformed church. This surprising revelation, however, should no longer surprise us, since the studies of the preceding chapters have revealed to us, in a complementary manner, the spiritual status that God gives in his divine judgment to this Protestant religion which, after the period called "Thyatira", did not does not agree to complete the Reform undertaken. Yet this completion was required by the decree of Dan.8:14, to which she owes God's message of Rev.3:1: “ You are said to be alive; and you are dead .” This spiritual death throws her into the hands of the devil who prepares her by his inspiration for his “ battle of Armageddon ”, of Rev. 16:16, of the last hour of earthly sin. It is in the hour of this last test of faith, prophesied in the message addressed to her Adventist servants at the time in Philadelphia , that she will take intolerant initiatives which will make her, the " beast who rises from the earth ”. She has “ two horns ” which the following verse 12 will justify and identify. For united in the ecumenical alliance, the Protestant and Catholic religions are united in their fight against the day of rest sanctified by God on the authentic seventh day of the week; the Saturday or Sabbath of the Jews, but also of Adam, Noah, Moses, and Jesus Christ who did not question it during his ministry and his teaching on earth because the accusations of transgression of the Sabbath brought against Jesus by the rebellious Jews were unfounded and unjustified. By intentionally performing miracles on the Sabbath, his motivation was to redefine God's true concept of Sabbath rest. These two religions, which claim salvation obtained by " the lamb which takes away the sins of the world ", well deserve, for their descriptive criteria, the image of a " lamb which speaks like the dragon ". Because advocating intolerance towards Sabbath observers whom they will go so far as to condemn to death, it is indeed open war, the strategy of the “ dragon ”, which reappears.

Verse 12: “ She exercised all the authority of the first beast in her presence, and she caused the earth and its inhabitants to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound had been healed. »

We are witnessing a sort of relay, the Catholic faith no longer dominates, but its former authority is given to the Protestant religion. This, because this Protestant religion is officially that of the most powerful country on earth: the United States of North America or USA. The fusion of European and American Protestant religions has already been achieved, even including the Adventist institution. of the seventh day, since 1995. The new “ Babel ” of the earth are forced into religious mixing since they are built by welcoming immigrants of various religious confessions. If men find these things normal, because of their superficial minds and their religious disinterest, for his part, the creator God who does not change, does not change his mind either, and he punishes this disobedience which ignores his historical lessons testified in the Bible. By defending in turn, the Roman Sunday of the first day, the day of rest established by Constantine I , the second Protestant “ beast ” “ made the first Catholic beast” worship, which recognized it as an official religious status and gave it its name “Sunday” misleading. The Spirit reminds us that this latest alliance between Protestants and Catholics was made possible because “ the mortal wound ” inflicted by the “ beast that ascends from the abyss ” was “ healed .” He calls him back because the second beast will not have this chance of being healed. It will be destroyed by the glorious coming of Jesus Christ.

Verse 13: “ She did great wonders, even making fire come down from heaven to the earth in the sight of men. »

Since its victory against Japan in 1945, Protestant America has become the first nuclear power on earth. Its very high technology is constantly imitated but never equaled; it is always one step ahead of its competitors or adversaries. This primacy will be confirmed in the context of the “Third World War” where according to Dan.11:44, it will destroy its enemy, Russia, country of the “king of the north” in this prophecy. His prestige will then be immense, and the survivors of the conflict, stunned and admiring, will entrust their lives to him and recognize his authority over all human life. “ The fire from heaven ” belonged only to God, but since 1945, America has possessed and controlled it. She owes him her victory and all her current prestige which will grow further with her victory in the coming nuclear war.

Verse 14: “ And she deceived those who dwell on the earth by the signs which she was given to do in the presence of the beast, telling those who dwell on the earth to make an image to the beast that had the wound of the sword and who lived. »

The technical “ prodigies ” performed are innumerable. The “ dwellers of the earth ” have become dependent on all its inventions which absorb their lives and thoughts. As long as America does not ask them to deprive themselves of these gadgets that occupy their souls, like drug addicts, the " people of the earth " are ready to legitimize religious intolerance towards a "very small group", the " remnant of the woman ” of Rev.12:17. “… making an image of the beast ” involves copying the actions of the Catholic religion and reproducing them under Protestant authority. This return to harshness of mind will be based on two actions. The “ survivors ” will have survived horrible acts of war, and God will continually and gradually strike them with the “ seven last plagues of his wrath ”, described in Rev.16.


The Sunday death decree

Verse 15: “ And it was given unto him to make the image of the beast come alive, that the image of the beast should speak, and that as many as would not worship the image of the beast should be slain. . »

The devil's plan, inspired by God, will take shape and be accomplished. The Spirit reveals the form of the extreme measure that will be taken in the sixth of the “seven last plagues.” By official decree accepted by all surviving rebels on earth, it will be decided that on a date between early spring and April 3, 2030, the last remaining Seventh-day Sabbath-keeping Adventists will be killed. Logically, this date marks the year of the return in glory of Jesus Christ. The spring of this year 2030 is necessarily the moment when he intervenes to prevent the disastrous project of the rebels from being accomplished against his chosen ones whom he comes to save by “shortening the days ” of their “ great distress ” (Matt.24:22 ).

Verse 16: “ And she caused all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead.

The adopted measure divides the survivors of the era into two camps. That of the rebels is identified by " a mark " of human authority which designates Catholic "Sunday", the ancient "day of the unconquered sun" imposed by one of its worshipers, the Roman emperor Constantine I, since the March 7, 321. The “ mark ” is received “ on the hand ,” because it constitutes a human “work” that Jesus judges and condemns. It is also received “ on the forehead ” which symbolizes the personal will of every human creature whose responsibility is thus totally engaged under the just judgment of the creator God. To authenticate from the Bible this interpretation of the symbolism of the “ hand ” and the “ forehead ”, there is this verse from Deut.6:8, where God says about his commandments: “ You shall bind them as a sign on your hands , and they will be like frontlets between your eyes. »


Previous reprisals

Verse 17: and that no one could buy or sell without having the mark, the name of the beast, or the number of its name. »

Behind this word “ person ” lies the camp of Adventist saints who have remained faithful to the Sabbath sanctified by God. Because refusing to honor “ the mark ”, on Sunday, of the rest of the first pagan day, they are put aside. Initially, they were victims of a “boycott” well known in American measures against opponents who resisted them. To have the right to trade, one must honor " the mark ", on Sunday, which concerns Protestants, " the name of the beast ", "the vicar of the Son of God", which concerns Catholics, or " the number of his name ”, or the number 666.

Verse 18: “ This is wisdom. Let him who has understanding calculate the number of the beast. For it is the number of a man, and his number is six hundred and sixty-six. »

Human wisdom is not enough to understand the message of the Spirit of God. It must be inherited from him, like the case of Solomon whose wisdom surpassed that of all men and made his reputation throughout the known earth. Before the adoption of Arabic numerals, among the Hebrews, Greeks, and Romans, the letters of their alphabet also had the value of ciphers, so that the addition of the values of the letters which make up a word determines its number. We obtain it by a “calculation” as the verse specifies. “… the number of his name ” is “ 666 ”, that is, the number obtained by adding the numerical value of the Roman letters contained in his Latin name “VICARIVS FILII DEI”; something demonstrated in the study of chapter 10. This name constitutes in itself the biggest “ blasphemy ” or “ lie ” of his claims, because in no way did Jesus give himself a “replacement”, meaning of the word “vicar”.






















Revelation 14: The Time of Seventh-day Adventism


The messages of the three angels – the harvest – the vintage




This is a chapter that targets the time between 1843 and 2030.

In 1843, the particular use of the prophecy of Dan.8:14 led the “Adventists” to await the return of Jesus Christ fixed for the spring of that date. This is the beginning of a succession of tests of faith where interest in the spirit of prophecy, namely, “ the testimony of Jesus ” according to Rev. 19:10, will be demonstrated individually by Christians who claim to be of the salvation of Jesus Christ under multiple religious labels. The “ works ” demonstrated alone allow the selection or not. These works can be summed up in two possible choices: acceptance or refusal of the light received and its divine requirements.

In 1844, after a new expectation set for the fall of 1844, Jesus will lead his selected elect towards a mission of completing the work of the Reformation which begins with the restoration of the practice of the Sabbath sanctified by God since the creation of the world. This is the most important subject of “ holiness ” which is “ justified ” from 1844, when this transgression was brought to the attention of his servants. This translation of Dan.8:14, translated up to my ministry as: " two thousand three hundred evening morning and the sanctuary shall be cleansed ", is authentically, in accordance with the original Hebrew text: " two thousand three hundred evening morning and holiness will be justified . Everyone can discover that the transgression of the divine Sabbath since 321 is accompanied by numerous other abandonments of doctrinal truths established by God in the time of the apostles. After 1260 years of lying reigns, destructive successors of the faith, popery left in Protestant doctrine many lies unbearable for the God of truth. This is why, in this chapter 14, the Spirit presents three main themes which are, successively: the Adventist mission or message of the “ three angels ”; “ the harvest ” of the end of the world, the sorting and rapture of the elect; “ the grape harvest ” of the grapes of wrath, the final punishment of the false shepherds, false religious teachers of Christianity.

Taught since 1844 to protect the elect from divine wrath, the last test is reserved for the extreme end of the time given to humanity to position itself between the revealed divine will and the rebellious human demand fallen into apostasy the most total. But, the choice made has consequences for all those who have died since 1844. Only the enlightened and faithful elect " die in the Lord " according to the teaching of verse 13 where they are declared " blessed " that is, beneficiaries of the grace of Christ, with all his blessing already confirmed in the message addressed to the angel of “ Philadelphia ” which concerns them, because it is not enough to be baptized “Adventist” to be considered, by God, as an elect.

If the details of the abandonments remain to be discovered, on the other hand, the essential points are underlined and summarized by the Spirit in the form of the “messages of the three angels” of verses 7 to 11. These messages follow one another in succession of consequences.

I recall it here, after the note on the cover on page 2 of this work, these three messages highlight three messages already revealed in symbolic images in the book of Daniel in Dan.7 and 8. Their reminder, in this chapter 14 of Revelation, underlines and confirms the extreme importance that God gives them.

The redeemed Adventists victorious

Verse 1: “ I looked, and, behold, the Lamb stood on Mount Zion, and with him an hundred and forty-four thousand [people], who had his name and the name of his Father written on their foreheads. »

Mount Zion ” refers to the place in Israel where Jerusalem was built. It symbolizes the hope of salvation and the form that this salvation will take at the end of the trials of earthly and celestial faith. This project will be fully accomplished at the renewal of all things, concerning the earth and the sky according to Rev.21:1. The “ 144,000 [people] ” symbolize the elect of Christ selected between 1843 and 2030, namely Adventist Christians tested, proven and approved by Jesus Christ whose judgment applies collectively and individually. The collective judgment judges the institution and the individual judgment concerns each creature. The “ 144,000 [people] ” represent the elect selected by Jesus Christ from among the followers of the Adventist faith. This number is strictly symbolic and the actual number of those selected is a secret known and guarded by God. We can understand the reason for their selection from the definition of the proposed image. “ On their foreheads ”, symbol of their will and their thoughts, “ the name of the lamb ”, Jesus, and “ that of his Father ”, the God revealed in the old alliance, are inscribed. This means that they found and reproduced the image of God that the creator God had given to the first man before sin, when he formed him and gave him life; and this image is that of his character. They constitute the fruit that God wanted to obtain by redeeming in Jesus Christ the sins of his only faithful elect. It appears that on the forehead of the selected elect, either, in their spirit, their thought and their will are found, the seal of God of Rev.7:3 or, the Sabbath of the fourth commandment of the Decalogue and the inseparable character of the the lamb Jesus Christ and that of his revelation in the old covenant as Father, God creator. Thus the true Christian faith does not oppose the religious norms attached to the Son and the Father as the followers of Roman Sunday claim, if not in words, at least in action.

Verse 2: “ And I heard a voice from heaven, like the sound of many waters, like the sound of great thunder; and the voice that I heard was like that of harpists playing on their harps. »

The contradictory characters mentioned in this verse are in reality complementary. The “ big waters ” symbolize multitudes of living creatures which, when expressing themselves, take on the appearance of a “ great thunder ”. On the contrary, through the image of the “ harp ”, God reveals the perfect harmony which unites his victorious creatures.

Verse 3: “ And they sang a new song before the throne, and before the four living creatures and the elders. And no one could learn the song, except the hundred and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed from the earth. »

God confirms and underlines here the very high sanctification of the “Adventist” faith established since 1843-44. Its elected representatives are distinguished from other symbolized groups; “ the throne, the four living creatures and the elders ”; the latter designating all of the redeemed from the experience lived on earth. But the divine Revelation called Revelation only targets the two thousand years of Christian faith that the decree of Dan.8:14 separates into two successive phases. Until 1843-44, the elect were symbolized by 12 “ elders ” out of the “ 24 ” cited in Rev.4:4. The other 12 “ elders ” are the “ sealed ” Adventist “ 12 tribes ” in Rev.7:3-8 from 1843-44.

Verse 4: “ These are they who have not defiled themselves with women, for they are virgins; they follow the lamb wherever he goes. They were redeemed from among men, as firstfruits for God and for the Lamb; »

The words of this verse apply only in a spiritual sense; the word “ women ” designating Christian churches that have fallen into apostasy since their origin, such as the Roman Catholic faith, or since 1843-44, for the Protestant faith, and since 1994, for the Adventist institutional faith. The “ defilement ” mentioned targets the sin which results from the transgression of divine law and whose “ wages is death ”, according to Rom.6:23. It is to rescue them from the practice of sin that Jesus Christ sanctified, apart from, the symbolic “ 144,000 [people] ”. Their “ virginity ” is also spiritual and it designates them as “pure” beings whose justice has been whitened by the blood shed by Jesus Christ on their behalf. Heirs of sin and its defilement, like all the descendants of Adam and Eve, their faith recognized by Jesus Christ perfectly “purified” them. But for this faith to be effectively recognized by Jesus Christ, this purification must be real and concretized in their “ works ”. This therefore implies the abandonment of sins inherited from false Christian or Jewish or, more broadly, monotheistic religions. And in his prophetic revelation, God particularly targets the failure to respect the order of time that he established from the first week of his creation of the earth and its celestial system.

Behind the image of “ singing a new song ” is a specific experience experienced only by the “ 144,000 [people] ” sealed. After “ the song of Moses ” which celebrated the glorious exit from Egypt, symbol of sin, “ the song ” of the “ 144,000 ” elect celebrates their liberation from sin because they obeyed the decree of Dan.8:14 and have collaborated in their sanctification desired, and even demanded, by God since 1843-44. On this date, a celestial vision recalled the purification of sins accomplished on the cross of Golgotha by the death of Jesus Christ. This message constituted both a reproach and a teaching that God presented to a type of Protestant believer who was heir to the Roman Sunday and some of his other lying sins. In the typology of Hebrew rites, this “ purification of sins ” was a religious festival in autumn during which the blood of the killed goat was brought to the most holy place on the mercy seat placed in this inaccessible place and forbidden for the rest of the year. time of year. The blood of this goat, symbolic image of sin, prophesied the blood of Jesus Christ who himself had become the bearer of the sins of his elect in order to expiate in their place the punishment they deserve; Jesus himself was made sin. In this ceremony, the goat represents sin and not the Christ who bears it. It is this physical movement of the high priest from the authorized holy place to the forbidden most holy place for the rest of the year that this verse alludes to when it says: "they follow the lamb wherever he goes ." By recalling this scene in the vision of October 23, 1844, the Spirit of Christ reminded his chosen unconscious heirs of doctrinal falsehoods, the prohibition of sinning. Thus, from 1844, the sin of voluntary origin practiced, which is the case of Roman Sunday, makes the relationship with God impossible , and the sin abandoned allows the extension of this relationship which leads the chosen one concerned to fullness of its sanctification through the reception, understanding and putting into action of revealed divine truth.

Being considered “ firstfruits for God and for the Lamb ”, they constitute the best that God has found in his selection of earthly elect. In Hebrew rites, “ the firstfruits ” were declared “ holy ”. Offerings of these animal or vegetable first fruits were reserved for God in order to honor him and to mark human gratitude towards his goodness and his generosity. Another reason, in fact for the " holy firstfruits ", is their reception of the divine light revealed to them in its entirety because they live in the time of the end where the revealed light reaches its apogee, its spiritual zenith.

Verse 5: “ and no lie was found in their mouth, for they are blameless. »

The truly elect, the one born of the truth by the new birth, can only hate the “ lie ” in which he finds no pleasure. Lying is detestable because it only brings harmful consequences and makes good people suffer. He who believes in the “ lie ” then experiences the pain of disappointment, the bitterness of being deceived. No one chosen by Christ can delight in seducing and deceiving his fellow human beings. On the other hand, the truth reassures, it positively builds relationships with true brothers, but above all, with the God creator and redeemer of our salvation who claims and exalts his name as “God of truth . Thus, no longer practicing doctrinal sin, by obeying revealed truth, the elect is judged “ irreprehensible ” by the God of truth himself.


Message from the first angel

Verse 6: “ I saw another angel flying through the middle of heaven, having an everlasting gospel, to preach it to those who dwell on the earth, to every nation, to every tribe, to every language, and to every people. »

Another angel ” or another messenger proclaims a full divine light symbolized by “ the middle of the sky ” or the zenith of the sun. This light is related to “ the Gospel ” or “ the good news ” of salvation brought by Jesus Christ. It is called “ eternal ” because its message is authentic and does not vary over time. In this way, God certifies it as conforming to that which was taught to the apostles of Jesus Christ. This return to truth came from 1843 after the numerous distortions inherited from the Roman Catholic faith. The proclamation is universal in analogy to the message presented in Daniel 12:12 which reveals the divine blessing of Adventist work. “ The everlasting gospel ” is mentioned here under the aspect of the true fruit of faith, following the divine requirement revealed by the decree of Daniel 8:14. Interest in the prophetic word is a legitimate fruit of the norm of “the everlasting gospel ”.

Verse 7: “ He said with a loud voice, Fear God, and give glory to him, for the hour of his judgment has come; and worship him who made heaven, and earth, and the sea, and springs of waters. »

In verse 7, the first angel denounces the transgression of the Sabbath which glorifies, in the divine decalogue, the glory of the creator God. He thus demanded its restoration from October 1844, but blamed his transgression on the Protestants since the spring of 1843.


Message from the second angel

Verse 8: “ And another, a second angel followed, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, she has made all nations drink with the wine of the wrath of her fornication. »

In verse 8, the second angel reveals the enormous guilt of the Roman papal Catholic Church which has seduced and deceived men by renaming the pagan “day of the sun” of Constantine I after the “day of the Lord” translation of the montage Latin which is the origin of its “Sunday”: dies dominica. Repeated twice, the expression, “ Babylon the Great has fallen, fallen ,” confirms that for her and those who inherit her, the time of divine patience has definitively ended. Individually, conversion remains possible, but at the cost of producing fruits, or “ works ” of repentance, only.

Reminder: “ it has fallen ” means: it is taken and defeated by the God of truth as a city falls into the hands of its enemy. He raises and illuminates after 1843, between 1844 and 1873, for his faithful Seventh-day Adventist servants, the “ mystery ” which characterizes it in Rev.17:5. The seduction of his lies loses its effectiveness.

In verse 8, the judgment made in the preceding messages is confirmed, with a dire warning. The conscious and voluntary choice of the day of rest established by Constantine I in 321, since 1844, makes the rebels who justify it, passive of the divine condemnation of the torments of the second death of the last judgment. To disguise his accusation against Sunday, God hides it under the name of an infamous “ mark ” which opposes his own divine “ seal ”. This sign of human authority, which calls into question its order of time, constitutes an enormous outrage worthy of being punished by Him. And the punishment announced will, in fact, be terrible: “ he will be tormented with fire and brimstone ” which will destroy the rebels, but only at the moment of the last judgment.




Message from the third angel

Verse 9: “ And another, a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If anyone worships (bows down to) the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand, »

The complementary and successive nature of this third message with the two previous ones is specified by the formula “ them followed ”. The “ loud voice ” confirms the very high divine authority of the one who proclaims it.

The threat is addressed to human rebels who support and approve of the rule of the “ beast that rises from the earth ” and who adopt and honor, through their obedience, on Sunday, the “ mark ” of its authority, cited in Rev. 13: 16 which is, currently, the entire Christian population.

The direct opposition of this " mark " to the " seal of God " that is, from Sunday of the first day to the Sabbath of the seventh day, is confirmed by the fact that both are received " on the front ", seat of the will, according to Rev.7:3 and 13:16. Note that the “ seal of God ” of Rev.7:3 becomes in Rev.14:1: “ the name of the Lamb and that of his Father ”. The reception “ on the hand ” is clarified by these verses from Deut.6:4 to 9:

Listen, Israel! YaHWéH, our God, is the only YaHWéH . You shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength . And these commandments, which I give you today, will be in your heart . You shall instill them in your children, and you shall speak of them when you are in your house, when you go on a journey, when you lie down and when you rise. You shall bind them as a sign on your hands , and they shall be as frontlets between your eyes . You shall write them on the posts of your house and on your doors. » The “ hand ” designates action, practice, and the “ front ”, the will of thought. In this verse, the Spirit says: “ You shall love Yahweh your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength ”; what Jesus cites in Matt.22:37 and which he presents as the “ first and greatest commandment ”. The elected officials bearing the “ seal of God ” must therefore meet these three criteria: “ Love God with all their heart ”; to honor by practicing it the Sabbath rest of its sanctified seventh day; and having “ the name of the Lamb ” Jesus Christ “ and that of his Father ” YaHWéH in his mind. By specifying “ and the name of his Father ,” the Spirit confirms the need to obey the ten commandments of God and the precepts and ordinances which promote the holiness of the elect in the old covenant. Even in his day, the apostle John confirmed these things by saying in 1 John 5:3-4:

For this is the love of God, to keep his commandments. And his commandments are not grievous, because whatever is born of God overcomes the world; and the victory that triumphs over the world is our faith. »

Verse 10: “ he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, poured out without mixture into the cup of his wrath, and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone before the holy angels and before the Lamb. »

God’s wrath will be amply justified because those who receive the “ mark of the beast ” honor human sin while claiming the righteousness of Jesus Christ. In Rev.6:15-17, the Spirit pictured the consequences of their final confrontation with the destructive righteous wrath of Jesus Christ.

Extremely important note : To better understand this divine wrath, we must realize why disregard for the holy Sabbath arouses God's wrath so much. There are venial sins, but the Bible warns us against sin committed against the Holy Spirit, telling us that there is no longer any sacrifice to obtain divine forgiveness. At the time of the apostles, the only example given to us of this type of sin was the rejection of Christ by a converted Christian. But this is only an example, because in reality blasphemy against the Holy Spirit consists of denying and refusing a testimony given by the Spirit of God. To convince and teach human beings, the Spirit inspired the holy scriptures of the Bible. Therefore whoever disputes the testimony given by the Spirit in the Bible already commits blasphemy against the Spirit of God. Can God do better to make his will known than to lead those called to the Bible and its writings? Can he express his will, his thoughts and his sovereign judgment more clearly? In the 16th century , this contempt for the Bible against which it waged war marked the definitive end of God's patience for the Roman Catholic religion; the end of his patience for a doctrine he never recognized. Then, in 1843, contempt for the prophetic word marked the end of receiving the Protestant faith in all its multiple forms, heirs to Roman Sunday, that is, “the mark of the beast .” And finally, in turn, Adventism committed blasphemy against the Holy Spirit by rejecting the ultimate prophetic revelation that Jesus presented to it through his humble servant whom I incarnate; blasphemy which has been confirmed and amplified by their alliance with Sunday observers since 1995. Blasphemy against the Spirit receives each time from God the just response it deserves; a just sentence of condemnation to the first and “ second death ” confirmed in this verse 10.

Verse 11: “ And the smoke of their torment ascends for ever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name. »

The “ smoke ” will only be at the time of the last judgment, the hour when the rebellious fallen will be “ tormented in the fire and brimstone ” of the “lake of fire ” of Rev. 19:20 and 20:14; this, at the end of the seventh millennium. But already before this terrible moment, the hour of the glorious return of Jesus Christ will confirm their final fate. The message of this verse touches on the subject of “ rest .” For their part, the elect are attentive to the time of rest sanctified by God, but the fallen do not, on the other hand, have the same concern, because they do not give divine declarations the importance and seriousness that they deserve. Therefore, in response to their contempt, in the hour of their final punishment, God will not grant them any rest to ease their suffering.

Verse 12: “ This is the perseverance of the saints, who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus. »

The words “ perseverance or patience ” characterize the true saints of the divine Messiah Jesus from 1843-44 until his return in glory. In this verse, “ the name of the Father ” in verse 1 becomes “ the commandments of God ,” and “ the name of the Lamb ” is replaced with “ the faith of Jesus .” The order of priorities is also changed. In this verse, the Spirit cites first " the commandments of God ", and second, " the faith of Jesus "; which is historically and at the level of value the order approved by God in his project of salvation. Verse 1 gave priority to “the name of the Lamb ” to connect the “ 144,000 ” elect to the Christian faith.

Verse 13: “ And I heard a voice from heaven saying, Write: Blessed from now on are the dead who die in the Lord! Yes, says the Spirit, that they may rest from their labors, for their works follow them. »

The expression “ from now on ” deserves a detailed explanation as it is so important. For it targets the date of the spring of 1843 and that of the fall of 1844 in which, respectively, the decree of Daniel 8:14 comes into effect, and the two Adventist trials organized by William Miller come to an end.

Over time, official institutional Adventism has lost sight of the implications of this phrase " now ." Only the founding pioneers of the Adventist faith understood the consequences of God's requirement of the Sabbath from 1843. To adopt this seventh-day practice, they were led to realize that the Sunday practiced until then was cursed by God. After them, inherited Adventism became traditional and formalistic, and for the overwhelming majority of adherents and teachers, Sunday and the Sabbath were unfairly placed on a level of equality. This loss of the sense of the sacred and of true holiness resulted in disinterest in the prophetic word and the third Adventist message that I delivered between 1983 and 1994. Since this contempt manifested in Adventism in France, the institution Adventist world entered into an alliance with the ecumenical clan in 1995, for its greatest curse. The threat of “ torments ” in verse 10 concerns her in turn, by the suggestion of the expression “ he also will drink ”; since 1994, institutional Adventism, after the Protestant faith, judged and condemned since 1843.

As this verse suggests, the decree of Daniel 8:14 causes the separation of the Protestant Christians of 1843 into two camps including the Adventist group, beneficiaries of the beatitude pronounced: “Blessed from now on are the dead who die in the Lord! ". It goes without saying that Jesus announcing in " Laodicea " that he was going to " vomit " it, the Adventist institution, official messenger of Christ in 1991, the date of the official rejection of the light, called " naked " can no longer benefit from this bliss.


Harvest time

Verse 14: “ I looked, and, behold, there was a white cloud, and on the cloud sat one like a son of man, having on his head a crown of gold, and in his hand a sharp sickle. »

This description evokes Jesus Christ at the moment of his glorious return. The “ white cloud ” recalls the conditions of its departure and its rise to heaven experienced two thousand years earlier. The “ white cloud ” designates his purity, his “ golden crown ” symbolizes his victorious faith, and “ the sharp sickle ” images the “ cutting word ” of God from Heb.4:12, implemented by “ his hand ".

Verse 15: “ And another angel came out of the temple, crying with a loud voice to him that sat on the cloud, Swing out thy sickle, and reap; for the hour of harvest has come, for the harvest of the earth is ripe. »

Under the aspect of “ the harvest ”, as in his parable, Jesus recalls that in this, the time would come to definitively separate “ the wheat from the chaff ”. Through his Revelation, he makes us discover this subject which separates the two camps: the Sabbath of the elect and the Sunday of the fallen, because behind this religious name hides the adoration and the authority of a pagan solar divinity. And despite the evolutions of human time, God continues to look at him for what he really is for him. The different opinions of men do not influence his judgment; in its order of time, the first day is profane, it can in no way take on divine holiness. This is linked exclusively to the sanctified seventh day in its order of time engraved from the beginning of perpetual terrestrial time; this for a duration of 6000 solar years.

Verse 16: “ And he who sat on the cloud threw down his sickle on the earth. And the land was harvested. »

The Spirit confirms the future fulfillment of “ the harvest of the earth .” Christ the Savior and Avenger will watch over it and accomplish it in accordance with his announcement made in parable, to his apostles, in Matt.13:30 to 43. The “ harvest ” mainly concerns the rapture to heaven of the elect saints who remained faithful to God Creator.


Harvest time (and revenge)

Verse 17: “ And another angel came out of the temple which is in heaven, having also a sharp sickle. »

If the previous “angel ” had a mission favorable to the elected, on the contrary, this “ other angel ” has a punitive mission directed against the fallen rebels. This second “ sickle” also symbolizes the “ sharp word of God ” put into action by his will, but not by his hand since, unlike the harvest, for the grape harvest, the expression “ in his hand ” is absent. . Punitive action will therefore be entrusted to agents executing the divine will; in fact, the victims of his seductions.

Verse 18: “ And another angel, which had authority over the fire, went out from the altar, and spake with a loud voice unto him that had the sharp sickle, saying, Thrash forth thine sharp sickle, and gather the grapes. of the vine of the earth; for the grapes of the earth are ripe. »

Then comes, after the rapture of the elect to heaven, the moment of “ the grape harvest ”. In Isa.63:1 to 6, the Spirit develops the action targeted by this symbolic term. In the Bible, red grape juice is compared to human blood. Its use by Jesus in the Holy Supper confirms this idea. But “ the vintage ” is linked to “ the wrath of God ” and it will concern those who worked unworthily in the guise of his servants, because the blood shed voluntarily by Christ did not deserve their numerous betrayals. Because Jesus can feel betrayed by those who distort his saving project to the point of justifying the sin for which he gave his life and bore suffering so that its practice would cease. Willful transgressors of his law therefore have to answer to him. In their blind madness, they will go so far as to want to put to death their true elect, in order to eradicate from the earth, the practice of the seventh day Sabbath sanctified and required by God since 1843-44. The elect did not have God's authorization to use force against their religious enemies; God had reserved this action exclusively for Himself. “ Vengeance is mine, retribution is mine, ” he declared to his elected officials, and the time has come to put this vengeance into execution.

In this chapter 14, verses 17 to 20 evoke this theme of the “ harvest ”. The sinful grapes are declared ripe because they have fully demonstrated by their works their true nature. Their blood will flow like the juice of grapes into a vat when they are trodden by the feet of the grape pickers.

Verse 19: “ And the angel threw down his sickle on the earth. And he gathered the vine of the earth, and cast the vintage into the great winepress of the wrath of God. »

The action is certified by this announcement revealed by this scene. God prophesies with certainty the punishment of Catholic and Protestant arrogance. They will suffer the consequences of God's wrath, illustrated by the vat in which the harvested grapes are crushed by the feet of the crushers.

Verse 20: “ And the winepress was trodden out of the city; and blood came out of the vat, even to the horses' bridles, for a distance of one thousand and six hundred stadia. »

Isa.63:3 specifies: “ I was alone to tread the winepress; no man was with me… ”. The vintage fulfills the punishment of Babylon the Great city in Rev.16:19. She has filled the cup with divine wrath which she must now drink to the dregs. “ The winepress was trodden outside the city ” that is, without the presence of the elect already taken up to heaven. In Jerusalem, the executions of those condemned to death were carried out outside the walls of the holy city so as not to defile it. This was the case for the crucifixion of Jesus Christ which reminds, through this message, the price to pay for those who underestimated his own death. The time has come for his enemies to in turn shed their blood to atone for their many sins. “ And blood came out of the vat to the horses’ bits .” The targets of anger are Christian religious teachers, and God refers to them by the image of the “ bit ” that riders put “ in the mouths of horses ,” to direct them. This image is proposed in James 3:3, whose theme is precisely: religious teachers. James specifies at the beginning of chapter 3: “ My brothers, let not many among you begin to teach, for you know that we will be judged more severely .” The action of the “ harvest ” justifies this wise warning. By specifying " until the horses' bits ", the Spirit suggests that the vat concerns, firstly, the Roman Catholic clergy of " Babylon the Great ", but that it extends to the Protestant teachers who, since 1843 , make “destructive” use of the Holy Bible according to the accusation made by the Spirit in Rev.9:11. Here we find the application of the warning given in Rev. 14:10: “ he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God poured without mixture into the cup of his wrath… ”.

For the message " over an extent of one thousand six hundred stadia ", in continuity with the previous message, the punishment extends to the Reformed faith since the 16th century to which the number 1600 alludes. This is the time when Martin Luther formalized the accusation against the Catholic faith in 1517. But it was also in this 16th century that the Protestant doctrines of “ false Christs ” and false Christians were formed which legitimized the violence and the sword prohibited by Jesus Christ. The Apocalypse offers its own keys to interpretation and this 16th century is designated in Rev. 2:18 to 29 under the symbolic name of the era “ Thyatira ”. The word “ stadium ” reveals their religious activity, their participation in the race whose prize at stake is the crown of victory promised to the winner. This is Paul's teaching in 1 Cor.9:24: “ Do you not know that those who run in the stadium, all run, but one gets the prize? Run so that you win it .” The prize of the celestial vocation is therefore not won in just any way; faithfulness and perseverance in obedience is the only way to win in the battle of faith. He confirms in Phi.3:14 saying, “ I press toward the goal for the prize of the upward calling of God in Christ Jesus .” At the time of the “ harvest ” these words of Jesus will be verified: “ For many are called, but few chosen (Mat.22:14)”.

Revelation 15: The end of probation




Before the “ harvest and vintage ” is accomplished comes the dreaded moment, the end of the time of grace. One where human choices are engraved in the stone of time, with no possibility of reversing these choices. At that point, the offer of salvation in Christ ends. This is the theme of this very short chapter 15 of the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ. The end of the time of grace occurs after the first six “ trumpets ” of chapters 8 and 9, and before “ the seven last plagues of God ” of chapter 16. It goes without saying that it follows the last choice of the path that God gives man to do. Under the authoritative aegis of " the beast which ascends from the earth " of Rev. 13:11 to 18, the last two paths lead, one, to the sanctified Saturday or Sabbath of God, the other, to Sunday, of Roman papal authority. Never have the choices between life and good, death and evil, been so clear. Who does man fear most? God, or man? This is the given of the situation. But I can also say: Whom does man love most? God or man? The elect will respond in both cases: God, knowing through his prophetic revelation the details of the end of his project. Eternal life will then be very close, within their reach.


Verse 1: “ Then I saw another sign in heaven, great and wonderful: seven angels holding seven last plagues, for in them the wrath of God was fulfilled. »

This verse presents the “ seven last plagues ” which will strike false believers for their choice of the Roman Sunday day. The theme of this chapter, the end of the time of probation, opens the time of the “ seven last plagues of the wrath of God ”.

Verse 2: “And I saw as it were a sea of glass, mingled with fire, and them that had overcome the beast, and his image, and the number of his name, standing upon the sea of glass, having harps of God. »

In order to encourage his servants, his chosen ones, the Lord then presents a scene which evokes their imminent victory through various images taken from other passages of the prophecy. “ On the sea of glass, mixed with fire, they stand ,” because they went through a trial of faith in which they were persecuted ( mixed with fire ) and emerged victorious. The “ sea of glass ” refers to the purity of the chosen people, as in Rev.4:1.

Verse 3: “ And they sang the song of Moses the servant of God, and the song of the Lamb, saying: Great and marvelous are thy works, O Lord God Almighty; Righteous and true are your ways, King of Nations! »

The Song of Moses ” celebrated the glorious exit of Israel from Egypt, the land and typical symbol of sin. The entry into earthly Canaan which followed 40 years later foreshadowed the entry of the last elect into heavenly Canaan. In turn, after having given his life to atone for the sins of the elect, Jesus, “ the lamb ”, ascended to heaven, in his glory and his celestial divine power. The last faithful witnesses of Jesus, all Adventists by faith and work, in turn experience the ascension to heaven when Jesus returns to save them. Exalting his “ great and admirable works ”, the elect give glory to the creator God who incarnated his values in Jesus Christ: his perfect “ justice ” and his “ truth ”. The evocation of the word “ true ” connects the context of the action to the end of the “ Laodicean ” era in which he presented himself as “ the Amen and the True ”. It is then the hour of “ deliverance ” which marks the end of the time of “ the woman giving birth ” of Rev.12:2. “ The child ” is brought into the world in the form of the purity of the heavenly character revealed in and through Jesus Christ. The elect can praise God for his “ almighty ” state because it is to this divine power that they owe their salvation and deliverance. Having collected and selected his redeemed from among all earthly nations, Jesus Christ is indeed the “ King of nations ”. Those who opposed him and his elected officials are no more.

Verse 4: “ Who will not fear, Lord, and glorify your name? For you alone are holy. And all nations will come and worship you, because your judgments have been revealed. »

Simply put, this means: Who would refuse to fear you, Creator God, and dare to defraud you of your rightful glory by refusing to honor your holy seventh-day Sabbath? For you alone are holy and alone you have sanctified your seventh day and those to whom you gave it, as a sign of their approval and belonging to your holiness. Indeed, by evoking “ his fear ”, the Spirit alludes to the message of the first “ angel ” of Rev. 14:7: “ Fear God and give him glory because the hour of his judgment has come; and worship (bow down to) him who made heaven and earth and the sea and springs of waters .” In God's plan, the destroyed rebellious nations will be resurrected for a double purpose: that of humbling themselves before God and giving him glory, and that of suffering his just last punishment which will annihilate them definitively, in the "lake of fire. " and sulfur ” of the last judgment, announced in the message of the “ third angel ” of Rev.14:10. Before these things are accomplished, the elect will have to go through the time of divine judgments which will be manifested by the action of the “ seven plagues ” announced in the first verse.

Verse 5: “ After this I looked, and the temple of the tabernacle of the testimony was opened in heaven. »

This opening of the heavenly “ temple ” signals the cessation of the intercession of Jesus Christ, for the time of the call of salvation is ending. “ The testimony ” refers to the ten commandments of God which were placed in the holy ark. Thus, from this moment on, the separation between the chosen and the lost is final. On earth, the rebels have just decided, by a decree of law, the obligation to respect the weekly rest of the first day established civilly and religiously confirmed, successively, by the Roman emperors, Constantine I, and Justinian I who made Vigilius I the first pope, temporal head of the universal Christian faith, namely, Catholic, in 538. The last decree of death was prophesied in Rev. 13:15 to 17 and placed under the dominant action of the American Protestant faith supported by the European Catholic faith.

Verse 6: “And the seven angels who had the seven plagues went out from the temple, clothed in pure, bright linen, and having belts of gold around their breasts. »

In the symbolism of the prophecy, the “ seven angels ” represent Jesus Christ alone or “ seven angels ” faithful to his camp similar to him. “ The fine, pure, bright linen ” images “ the righteous works of the saints ” in Rev.19:8. The “ golden belt around the chest ”, therefore at the height of the heart, evokes the love of truth already cited in the image of Christ presented in Rev.1:13. The God of truth is preparing to punish the camp of lies. By this reminder, the Spirit suggests “ the great calamity ” whose form was revealed by its face compared to “the sun when it shines in its strength ”. The hour of the final confrontation between Jesus Christ and the pagan sun-worshiping rebels has arrived.

Verse 7: “ And one of the four living creatures gave to the seven angels seven golden bowls, full of the wrath of the God who lives forever and ever. »

Jesus was himself the model imaged by the “ four living beings ” of Rev.4. He is also, “ the God who lives for ever and ever ” made “ angry ”. His divinity thus attributes to him all the roles: Creator, Redeemer, Intercessor, and permanently, Judge, then putting an end to his intercession, he becomes the justiciar God who strikes and punishes with death his rebellious opponents, because they have fulfilled “ the cup ” of his righteous “ wrath ”. “ The cup ” is now full, and this anger will take the form of the “ seven last ” punishments in which divine mercy will no longer have its place.

Verse 8: “ And the temple was filled with smoke because of the glory of God and his power; and no one could enter into the temple until the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled. »

To illustrate this theme of the cessation of grace, the Spirit presents in this verse the image of a " temple filled with smoke because of " the presence of God ” and he specifies: “ and no one could enter into the temple, until the seven plagues of the seven angels were fulfilled ”. God thus warns his chosen ones that they will remain on earth during the time of the “ seven last plagues ” of his wrath. The last chosen ones will relive the experience of the Hebrews at the time of the “ ten plagues ” which struck rebellious Egypt. The plagues are not for them, but for the rebels, targets of divine wrath. But the imminence of their entry into the “ temple ” is thus confirmed, the possibility will be given, from the end of the “ seven last plagues ”.

Revelation 16: The Seven Last Plagues

of the wrath of God





Chapter 16 presents the pouring out of these “ seven last plagues ” through which “ the wrath of God ” is expressed.

The study of the entire chapter will confirm this, but it must be noted that the targets of “ the wrath of God ” will be identical to those who were struck by the punishments of the first six “ trumpets ”. The Spirit thus reveals that the punishments of the “ seven last plagues ” and those of the “ seven trumpets ” punish the same sin: the transgression of the sabbatical rest of the “ seventh day sanctified ” by God from the foundation of the world.

I am opening a parenthesis here, belatedly. Note the difference which characterizes the divine “ trumpets ” and “ plagues or plagues ”. The “ trumpets ” are all human killings carried out by men but ordered by God, the fifth being of a spiritual nature. “ Plagues ” are unpleasant actions imposed directly by God through the natural means of His living creation. Revelation 16 presents to us the “ seven last plagues ” which suggests to us, subtly, that they were preceded by other “ plagues ” suffered by men before the end of the time of grace which separates, spiritually, into two parts, “ the time of the end ” cited in Dan.11:40. In the first, this end is that of the time of nations, and in the second, that of the time of the universal world government organized under the supervision and initiative of the USA. In this update, carried out on Sabbath December 18, 2021, I can confirm this explanation, since since the beginning of 2020, all of humanity has been struck by economic ruin due to a contagious virus, the Covid-Coronavirus. 19, first appeared in China. In a context of globalist exchanges and knowledge, mentally amplifying its real effects, in panic, the leaders of the people have stopped the development and continued growth of the entire Western European and American economy. Considered, unfairly, as a pandemic, the West, which thought it would one day conquer death, is dismayed and distraught. In panic, the Godless have surrendered body and soul to the new religion that replaces it: the all-powerful medical science. And the country of crooks, the richest on earth, took advantage of the opportunity to make men captive and slaves of their diagnoses, their vaccines, their remedies, and their corporate decisions. At the same time, we hear directives in France, paradoxical to say the least, which I summarize as follows: "it is advisable to ventilate the apartments and to wear the protective mask for hours, behind which the wearer suffocates." Highlight the “common sense” of the young leaders of France and other imitating countries. We note with interest that the country leading this destructive behavior was first Israel; the first country cursed by God, in religious history. Wearing a mask, first prohibited when it was not available, was then made compulsory, to protect against an illness which affects the respiratory system. God's curse bears unexpected, but destructively very effective fruits. I am convinced that between 2021 and the start of the “ sixth trumpet ”, World War III, other “ plagues of God ” will strike guilty humanity in various places on earth, and particularly in the West. ruin ; “plagues” such as “ famine ” and other real universal pandemics, already known as the plague and cholera. God claims this type of punishment in Eze.14:21: “Yes, thus says the Lord, YaHWéH: Although I send against Jerusalem my four terrible punishments, the sword, the famine, the wild beasts and the pestilence, to exterminate men and beasts . Note that this list is not exhaustive, because in modern times, divine punishments take multiple forms: Cancer, AIDS, Chikungunya, Alzheimer's... etc... I also note the appearance of fear due to global warming. Masses of humanity are frightened and panicked at the thought of the melting ice and the floods that could result. Again, a fruit of the divine curse which strikes human minds and builds walls of separation and hatred. I close this parenthesis to resume the study in this context of the after-end of grace which characterizes the “ seven last plagues of the wrath of God ”.

Another reason justifies the choice of targets. The “ seven last plagues ” accomplish the destruction of creation at the end of the world. For God, the Creator, the time has come for the destruction of his work. So he follows the process of creation, but instead of creating, he destroys. With " the seventh last plague ", on the earth, human life will be extinguished, leaving behind it, the earth once again becoming an " abyss " in a chaotic state, with the sole inhabitant, Satan, the author of sin; the desolate land will be his prison for “ a thousand years ” until the last judgment where he and all the other rebels will be destroyed according to Rev.20.

Verse 1: “ And I heard a loud voice coming from the temple, saying to the seven angels, Go and pour out the seven bowls of the wrath of God on the earth. »

This “ loud voice that came from the temple ” is that of the creator God frustrated in his most legitimate right. As the creator God, his authority has a supreme character and it is neither just nor wise to contest his desire to be adored and glorified by the observation of the day of rest which he has “ sanctified ” for this purpose. In his great and divine wisdom, God has ensured that anyone who challenges his rights and authority will ignore his most important secrets before expiating in the “ second death ” the price of his outrages against Almighty God.

Verse 2: “ The first went and poured out his bowl on the earth. And a malignant and painful ulcer struck the men who had the mark of the beast and who worshiped his image. »

Being the dominant power and leading authority of the last rebellion, the priority target in this context is " the earth " symbol of the fallen Protestant faith.

The first scourge is “ a malignant ulcer ” which causes physical suffering to the bodies of the rebels who have chosen to obey the day of rest imposed by men. The targets are the Catholics and Protestants survivors of the nuclear conflict who have, with this choice of the first day, Roman Sunday, “ the mark of the beast .”

Verse 3: “ The second poured out his bowl into the sea. And it became blood, like that of a dead man; and every living thing died, everything that was in the sea.

The “ second ” strikes “ the sea ” which it transforms into “ blood ”, as it did for the Egyptian Nile in the time of Moses; “ the sea ”, symbol of Roman Catholicism, which targets the Mediterranean Sea. At that moment, God wipes out all animal life in “ the sea .” It engages the process of creation in reverse, ultimately, “ the earth ” will once again become “ formless and empty ”; it will return to its original “ abyssed ” state.


Verse 4: “ The third poured out his bowl into the rivers and springs of water. And they became blood. »

The “ third ” hits the fresh “ water ” of the “ rivers and springs ” which suddenly in turn become “ blood ”. More water to quench thirst. The punishment is harsh and deserved because they were preparing to shed the “blood” of the elect. This punishment was the first that God inflicted through the rod of Moses on the Egyptians, “drinkers of the blood ” of the Hebrews who were treated like animals in the harsh slavery where many died.

Verse 5: “ And I heard the angel of the waters saying, Righteous are you, who are, and who was; you are holy, because you have exercised this judgment. »

Note already, in this verse, the terms “ righteous ” and “ holy ” which confirm my correct translation of the text of the decree of Dan.8:14: “ 2300 evening morning and holiness will be justified ”; “ holiness ” encompassing all that God holds holy. In this final context, the attack on his “ sanctified ” Sabbath rightly deserves the judgment of God who turns the “water ” to be drunk into “ blood ”. The word “ waters ” symbolically and doubly designates human masses and religious teaching. Perverted by Papal Rome, in Rev.8:11 both were changed to “ wormwood ”. By saying “ you are righteous… because you have exercised this judgment ” the angel justifies the measure required by the true perfect justice that only God can accomplish. Subtly, and very precisely, the Spirit makes the form “ and who comes ” disappear from the name of God , because he has come; and his appearance opens a permanent present for him and his redeemed, without forgetting, the worlds which remained pure and the holy angels who remained faithful to him.


Verse 6: “ For they have shed the blood of the saints and the prophets, and you have given them blood to drink: they are worthy. »

The rebels being ready to kill the elect who owe their salvation only to the intervention of Jesus, God also imputes to them the crimes they were going to commit. For the same causes, they are therefore treated like the Egyptians of the Exodus. This is the second time God says, “ They are worthy .” In this final phase, we find as the aggressor of the Adventist elect, the messenger from Sardis to whom Jesus had said: “ You are thought to be alive, and you are dead ”. But at the same time, he said of the elected officials of 1843-1844: “ they will walk with me, in white clothes, because they are worthy ”. Thus, each person has the dignity that comes to them according to the works of their faith: “ white garments ” for the faithful elect, “ blood ” to drink for the fallen, unfaithful rebels.


Verse 7: “ And I heard from the altar another angel saying, Yes, Lord God Almighty, true and righteous are thy judgments. »

This voice which comes from the “altar ”, symbol of the cross, is that of the crucified Christ who has particular reason to approve of this judgment. For those whom he punishes at this moment dared to claim his salvation, while they justified a heinous sin, by preferring to obey a man's command; this despite the warnings of the Holy Scriptures: in Isa.29:13 “ The Lord said: When this people come near to me, they honor me with their mouth and with their lips; but his heart is far from me, and the fear he has of me is only a precept of human tradition . Mat.15:19: “ In vain do they honor me , teaching precepts which are the commandments of men. »


Verse 8: “ The fourth poured out his vial upon the sun. And it was given to him to burn men with fire; »

The fourth acts “ on the sun ” and makes it heat up more than usual. The flesh of the rebels is “ burned ” by this intense heat. After having punished the transgression of “ holiness ”, God will now punish the idolatry of the “day of the sun” inherited from Constantine 1st . “ The sun ” that many honor without knowing it currently begins to “ burn ” the skin of the rebels. God turns the idol against the idolaters. This is the culmination of the “ great calamity ” announced in Rev.1. The moment when the one who commands the “ sun ” uses it to punish his worshipers.

Verse 9: “ And the men were burned with great heat, and they blasphemed the name of the God who has authority over these plagues, and they repented not to give him glory. »

In the level of hardness that they have reached, the rebels do not repent of their fault and they do not humiliate themselves before God, but they insult him by “ blaspheming ” his “ name ”. It was already in their nature a habitual behavior, which is found among superficial believers; they do not seek to know his truth and interpret his contemptuous silence to their advantage. And when difficulties arise, they curse his “ name ”. The inability to “ repent ” confirms the “ survivors ” context of the “ sixth trumpet ” of Rev.9:20-21. Rebellious unbelievers are people, religious or not, who do not believe in the Almighty creator God. Their eyes were a death trap for them.

Verse 10: “ The fifth poured out his vial on the throne of the beast. And his kingdom was covered with darkness; and men bit their tongues in pain ,

The “ fifth ” takes as its specific target, “ the throne of the beast ” that is, the region of Rome where the Vatican is located, a small religious state of popery where Saint Peter's Basilica stands. However, as we have seen, the true “ throne ” of the Pope is located in ancient Rome, on Mount Caelius in the mother church of all churches in the world, the Basilica of Saint John Lateran. God plunges him into inky “ darkness ” which places every sighted person in the situation of a blind man. The effect is terribly painful, but for this starting point of the religious lie presented under the title of light of the one God and in the name of Jesus Christ, it is entirely deserved and justified. “ Repentance ” is no longer possible, but God emphasizes the hardening of the minds of his living targets.


Verse 11: “ And they blasphemed the God of heaven because of their pains and their boils, and they did not repent of their works. »

This verse allows us to understand that the plagues are added and do not stop. But by insisting on the absence of “ repentance ” and on the continuity of “ blasphemies ”, the Spirit gives us to understand that the anger and wickedness of the rebels only increases. It is the goal sought by God which pushes them to the limit, so that they decree the death of the elect.

Verse 12: “ The sixth poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates. And its water dried up, so that the way of kings coming from the East might be prepared. »

The “ sixth ” targets Europe, designated by the symbolic name of the “ Euphrates River ” which thus designates, in the light of the image of Rev. 17:1-15, the peoples worshiping “ the prostitute Babylon the Great ”, Catholic Papal Rome. The “ drying up of its water ” could suggest the annihilation of its population, which is indeed imminent, but it is still too early for this to be the case. In fact, the thing is a historical reminder, since it was through the partial drying up of the “ Euphrates River ” that the Mede king Darius seized Chaldean “ Babylon ”. The message of the Spirit is therefore the announcement of the imminent complete defeat of Roman Catholic “ Babylon ” which still retains supports and defenders, but for a short time. “ Babylon the great ” will this time truly “ fall ”, defeated by Almighty God Jesus Christ.


The consultation of the three impure spirits

Verse 13: “ And I saw coming out of the mouth of the dragon, and out of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of the false prophet, three unclean spirits, like frogs. »

Verses 13 to 16 illustrate the preparations for the “ battle of Armageddon ” which symbolizes the decision to put to death recalcitrant Sabbath keepers who are uncompromisingly faithful to the creator God. Originally, through spiritualism, the devil, simulating the person of Jesus Christ, appeared to convince the rebels that their choice of Sunday was justified. He therefore encourages them to take the lives of faithful resistance fighters who honor the Sabbath. The diabolical trio therefore brings together in the same fight, the devil, the Catholic faith, and the Protestant faith, namely, “ the dragon, the beast and the false prophet ”. Here the “ battle ” mentioned in Rev.9:7-9 is accomplished. The mention of “ mouths ” confirms the verbal exchanges of the consultations which lead to decreeing the killing of the truly elected; what they ignore or totally contest. “ Frogs ” are undoubtedly, for God, animals classified as impure, but in this message, the Spirit alludes to the great leaps that this animal is capable of making. Between the European “beast ” and the American “false prophet” there is the wide Atlantic Ocean and the meeting of the two involves making great leaps. Among the English and Americans, the French are caricatured as “frogs” and “frog-eaters”. The impure is a specialty of France, whose moral values have collapsed over time, since its Revolution of 1789 where it placed freedom above all else. The impure spirit that animates the trio is that of freedom which wants “neither God nor Master”. They have all resisted God's will and authority, and are therefore united on this issue. They come together because they look alike.

Verse 14: “ For they are the spirits of demons, which do wonders, and which come to the kings of all the earth, to gather them together for the battle of the great day of the Almighty God. »

Since the curse of the decree of Dan.8:14, the spirits of demons have manifested themselves with great success in England and the USA. Spiritualism was fashionable at the time, and men became accustomed to this type of relationship with invisible, but active, spirits. In the Protestant faith, many religious groups maintain relationships with demons, believing they have a relationship with Jesus and his angels. Demons find it very easy to deceive Christians rejected by God, and they will still be able to easily convince them to gather together to kill, down to the last one, pious Christians and Jews who observe the Sabbath. This extreme measure which threatens death to both groups will unite them in the blessing of Jesus Christ. For God, this gathering is intended to bring together the rebels “ for the battle of the great day of Almighty God .” This gathering is intended to give the rebels an intention to kill that will make them themselves worthy of suffering death at the hands of those who have been seduced and deceived by their religious lies. The main reason for the battle engaged was, precisely, the choice of the day of rest, and subtly, the Spirit points out that the days proposed are not equal. For that which concerns the hallowed Sabbath is nothing less according to its nature than " the great day of Almighty God ." The days are not equal and neither are the opposing forces. As he expelled the devil and his demons from heaven, Jesus Christ, in powerful “ Michael ”, will impose his victory on his enemies.

Verse 15: “ Behold, I come as a thief. Blessed is he who watches and keeps his clothes on, so that he does not walk naked and his shame be seen! »

The camp that fights against the observers of the divine Sabbath is that of unfaithful false Christians including those of Protestantism to whom Jesus said, in Rev. 3:3: “Remember therefore how you received and heard, and guard and repent . If you do not watch, I will come like a thief, and you will not know what time I will come upon you .” In contrast, the Spirit declares to the Adventist elect who benefit from its full prophetic light in the final epoch of " Laodicea ": " Blessed is he who watches, and keeps his garments ", and alluding to the Adventist institution vomited since 1994, he also says: “ so that he does not walk naked and so that we do not see his shame!” ". Declared and left "naked", at the return of Christ, she will be in the camp of shame and rejection, in accordance with 2 Cor.5:2-3: "So we groan in this tent, desiring to put on our heavenly home, if at least we are found clothed and not naked .”

Verse 16: “ They gathered them together to the place called Armageddon in Hebrew. »

The “gathering” in question does not concern a geographical location, because it is a spiritual “gathering” which brings together in its mortal project the camp of the enemies of God. Furthermore, the word “har” means mountain and it turns out that there is indeed a valley of Megiddo in Israel but no mountain of that name.

The name “ Armageddon ” means: “precious mountain”, a name which designates, for Jesus Christ, his Assembly, his Chosen who brings together all his elect. And verse 14 has revealed to us almost clearly what the battle “ Armageddon ” is about; for the rebels, the target is the divine Sabbath and its observers; but for God, the target is the enemies of his faithful elect.

This “precious mountain” designates, at the same time, the “mountain of Sinai” from which God proclaimed his law to Israel for the first time after the exodus from Egypt. Because the target of the rebels is both the seventh-day Sabbath sanctified by its fourth commandment and its faithful observers. For God, the “precious” character of this “mountain” is beyond dispute, because it has no equal in all of human history. To protect it against human idolatry, God allowed men to ignore its real location. Falsely located in the South of the Egyptian peninsula in tradition, it is in truth, to the North-East of “ Midian ”, where “ Jethro ” the father of “ Zephorah ”, the wife of Moses, lived, it is at say in the North of present-day Saudi Arabia. Its inhabitants give the real Mount Sinai the name “al Lawz” which means “the Law”; a justified name that testifies in favor of the biblical account written by Moses. But it is not on this geographical “ place ” that the rebels will confront the glorious and divine Christ the winner. Because this word “ place ” is misleading and in reality it takes on a universal aspect, since the elect are, at this time, still scattered throughout the earth. The living elect and those who are resurrected will be “gathered” by the good angels of Jesus Christ to join Jesus on the clouds of heaven.

Verse 17: “ The seventh poured out his vial into the air. And there came out of the temple, from the throne, a loud voice saying: It is finished! »

Under the sign of the “ seventh plague poured into the air ”, before the rebels execute their criminal design, Jesus Christ, the true one, appears all-powerful and glorious, in inimitable celestial glory, accompanied by myriads of angels. We find the moment of the “ seventh trumpet where according to Rev.11:15, Jesus Christ, the Almighty God, takes away the kingdom of the world from the devil. In Eph.2:2, Paul refers to Satan as “the prince of the power of the air .” “ Air ” is the sharing element of all earthly humanity over which it dominates until the return in glory of Jesus Christ. The moment of his glorious coming is when his divine power wrests this dominion and power over human beings from the devil and puts an end to it.

Realize the patience of God who has been waiting for 6000 years for the moment when he will say: “ It is done!” » and then understand the value he gives to the “sanctified seventh day” which prophesies the coming of this moment when the freedom left to his unfaithful creatures will cease. The rebellious creatures will cease to frustrate him, irritate him, despise him, and dishonor him because they will be destroyed. In Dan.12:1 the Spirit prophesied this glorious coming which he attributes to “ Michael ”, the heavenly angelic name of Jesus Christ: “ At that time Michael will rise , the great leader, the defender of the children of your people; and it will be a time of trouble, such as has not been since nations existed until that time. At that time those of your people who are found written in the book will be saved .” God does not facilitate the understanding of his saving project because the Bible does not mention the name “Jesus” to designate the Messiah and it gives him symbolic names which reveal his hidden divinity: “Emmanuel” (God with us ) Isa.7 :14: “ Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign, behold, the girl will conceive and give birth to a son, and she will call his name Emmanuel ; “ Everlasting Father ” in Isa.9:5: “ For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given, and the dominion shall be upon his shoulder; he will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father , Prince of Peace .”

Verse 18: “ And there were lightnings, and voices, and thunderings, and a great earthquake, such as never was since man was on the earth, such a great shaking. »

Here we find the phrase from the key reference verse of Rev.4:5 renewed in Rev.8:5. God has come out of his invisibility, unfaithful believers and unbelievers, but also, elected faithful Adventists, can see the creator God Jesus Christ in the glory of his return. Rev. 6 and 7 revealed to us the opposing behaviors of the two camps in this terrible and glorious context.

And experiencing a powerful earthquake, they witness in terror the first resurrection reserved for Christ's elect, according to Rev. 20:5, and their rapture into heaven where they join Jesus. Things are happening as they were foretold in 1 Thess.4:15-17: “ This is what we declare to you according to the word of the Lord : We who are alive and remain for the coming of the Lord, we will not go ahead of those who are dead. For the Lord himself will descend from heaven with a command, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. Then we who are alive and remain will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air , and so we will always be with the Lord .” I take advantage of this verse to highlight the apostolic conception of the state of the “ dead ”: “ we the living, remaining for the coming of the Lord, we will not go ahead those who died .” Paul and his contemporaries did not think like false Christians today that the “ dead ” elect were in the presence of Christ, because his reflection shows that on the contrary, all thought that the “ living ” elect would enter heaven before the “ dead ”.

Verse 19: “ And the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell, and God remembered Babylon the great, to give her the cup of the wine of his fierce wrath. »

The “ three parts ” concern “ the dragon, the beast, and the false prophet ” collected in verse 13 of this chapter. A second interpretation is based on this text from Zac.11:8: “ I will destroy the three pastors in one month; my soul was impatient about them, and their souls were also disgusted with me .” In this case, the “ three pastors ” represent the three components of the people of Israel: the king, the clergy and the prophets. Taking into account the final context, in which the Protestant faith and the Catholic faith are allied and unified, " the three parts " are identified by: " the dragon " = the devil; “ the beast ” = the seduced Catholic and Protestant peoples; “ the false prophet ” = the Catholic and Protestant clergy.

In the defeated camp, the good understanding ceases, “ the great city was divided into three parts ”; among the deceived and seduced victims, the camps of the beast and the false prophet, hatred and resentment inspire vengeance against the deceptive seducers responsible for their loss of salvation. It is then that the theme of the “ harvest ” is fulfilled by a bloody settling of scores whose main targets are, in all logic and justice, the religious teachers. This warning from James 3:1 then takes on its full meaning: “ My brothers, let not many among you begin to teach, for you know that we will be judged more severely ”. In this time of “ plagues ”, this action is evoked by this quote: “ And God remembered Babylon the Great to give her the cup of the wine of his fierce wrath ”. Apo.18 will be entirely dedicated to the evocation of this punishment of impious religious people.

Verse 20: “ And all the islands fled, and the mountains were not found. »

This verse summarizes the change of the earth which, subjected to enormous tremors, takes on an aspect of universal chaos, already " formless " and soon " empty " or " desolate ". It is the result, the consequence, of “ sin desolator ” denounced in Daniel 8:13 and whose final punishment is prophesied in Dan.9:27.

Verse 21: “ And great hail, the hailstones of which weighed a talent , fell from heaven on men; and men blasphemed God because of the scourge of the hail, because the scourge was very great. »

Their sinister task accomplished, the inhabitants of the earth will, in their turn, be wiped out by a scourge from which it will be impossible for them to escape: stones of “ hail ” will fall on them. The Spirit imputes to them the weight of “ one talent ”, i.e., 44.8 kg. But this word “ talent ” is more of a spiritual response based on “the parable of the talents ”. In this way, he imputes to the fallen the role of those who did not bring to fruition the “ talent ” that is, the gifts, that God gave them in the parable. And this bad behavior ends up costing them their lives, the first, and the second which was only accessible to the truly elected. Until their last breath of life, they continue to “ blaspheme ” (insult) the “ God ” of heaven who punishes them.

“The parable of the talents ” will then have been literally fulfilled. God will give to each person, according to the testimony of the works of his faith; to unfaithful Christians, he will give death and will show himself as harsh and cruel as they thought and judged him. And to the faithful elect he will give eternal life according to the faith they had placed in his perfect love and faithfulness magnified in Jesus Christ for them; all this according to the principle cited by Jesus in Mat.8:13: “ according to your faith be it done to you ”.

After this last scourge, the earth becomes desolate, deprived of all forms of human life. It thus finds the “ abyss ” characteristic of Gen.1:2.






Chapter 17: The prostitute is unmasked and identified




Verse 1: “ Then one of the seven angels who held the seven bowls came and spoke to me, saying, Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters. »

From this first verse, the Spirit indicates the goal of this chapter 17: the “ judgment ” of the “ great prostitute  which is “ seated on many waters ” or, which dominates, according to verse 15, “ peoples, crowds, nations and languages ” which, under the symbol “ Euphrates ”, already designated Europe and its planetary extensions of the Christian religion in the “ sixth trumpet ” of Rev.9:14: the USA, South America, Africa and Australia. The work of judgment is linked to the context of the " seven last plagues ", or " seven vials " poured out by the " seven angels " in the preceding chapter 16.

The “ judgment ” in question is that brought by Almighty God to whom every creature in heaven and on earth has and will be accountable; This shows if this chapter is important. We saw in the message of the 3rd angel of chapter 14 that this identification results in eternal life or death. The context of this “ judgment ” is therefore that of the “ beast that rises from the earth ” in chapter 13.

Despite historical and prophetic warnings, in turn, the Protestant faith in 1843, and the official Adventist faith in 1994, fell judged by God unworthy of the salvation offered by Jesus Christ. In confirmation of this judgment, they both entered into the ecumenical alliance proposed by the Roman Catholic faith, while the pioneers of both groups had denounced its diabolical nature. To avoid making this mistake, the chosen one must absolutely be convinced of the identity of the main enemy of Jesus Christ: Rome, in all its pagan and papal history. The guilt of the Protestant and Adventist religions is all the greater because the pioneers of both denounced and taught this diabolical nature of Roman Catholicism. This change of heart by both constitutes an act of betrayal against Jesus Christ, the only Savior and great Judge. How did this become possible? Both religions only gave importance to earthly peace and good understanding between men; also once the Catholic faith no longer persecutes, it becomes for them, frequentable or even better, associable to the point of making a pact and making an alliance with it. The revealed opinion and righteous judgment of God are thus despised and trampled under foot. The error was to believe that God essentially seeks peace among men, because in truth, he condemns the wrongs that are done to his person, to his law, and to his principles of good revealed in his ordinances. The fact is all the more serious because Jesus expressed himself very clearly on the subject by saying in Mat.10:34 to 36: “Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I did not come to bring peace, but the sword. For I have come to put a division between a man and his father, between a daughter and her mother, and between a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be those of his own household .” For its part, official Adventism did not hear the Spirit of God who, through its restoration of the seventh-day Sabbath between 1843 and 1873, showed it the Roman Sunday which it has called "the mark of the beast" since its establishment on March 7, 321. The mission of institutional Adventism failed because as time passed, its judgment on the Roman Sunday became friendly and fraternal, unlike that of God which remains invariably the same, the Christian Sunday inherited from solar paganism constitutes the main cause of his anger. The only judgment that matters is that of God and his prophetic Revelation aims to associate us with his judgment. As a result, peace must not mask the legitimate irritation of the living God. And we must judge as he judges and identify civil or religious regimes according to his divine gaze. As a result of this approach, we see " the beast " and its actions, even in times of deceptive peace.

Verse 2: “ With her the kings of the earth have committed fornication, and with the wine of her fornication the inhabitants of the earth have become drunk. »

In this verse, a link is established with the actions of the “ woman Jezebel ” accused by Jesus Christ of making his servants drink a spiritual “ wine of fornication (or debauchery) ” in Rev.2:20; things confirmed in Rev.18:3. These actions also connect “ the harlot ” to the “Wormwood star ” of Rev.8:10-11; wormwood being his poisonous wine to which the Spirit compares his Roman Catholic religious teaching.

In this verse, the reproach that God makes against the Catholic religion is justified even in our time of peace because the fault reproached attacks his divine authority. The writings of the Holy Bible which constitute its “ two witnesses ”, testify against the false religious teaching of this Roman religion. But it is true that his false teaching will have the worst consequences for his seduced victims: eternal death; which will justify their vengeful action of the “ harvest ” of Rev.14:18 to 20.

Verse 3: “ He carried me away in the spirit into a wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast, full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. »

  in a desert ”, symbol of the test of faith but also of the “arid” spiritual climate of the context of our “ end time (Dan.11:40)”, this time, the last test of faith of the earthly history, the Spirit images the spiritual situation which prevails in this final context. “ The woman dominates a scarlet beast ”. In this image, Rome dominates the “ beast that rises from the earth ” which designates the Protestant USA at the moment when they make the Catholic “ worship the mark of the beast ” by imposing its day of rest inherited from Emperor Constantine I. In this final context, there are no more diadems, neither on the " seven heads " of religious Rome, nor on the " ten horns " symbols, in this case, of the civil dominators of the European and world Christian peoples that she manipulates. But this entire association is to the color of sin: “ scarlet ”.

  In Rev.13:3 we read: “ And I saw one of his heads as if wounded to death; but his mortal wound was healed. And all the earth was in awe behind the beast .” We know that this healing is due to the Concordat of Napoleon I. From this moment on, Roman Catholic popery no longer persecutes, however, let us note in importance, God continues to call it “ the beast ”: “ And all the earth was in admiration behind the beast ”. This confirms the explanation given above. The enemy of God remains his enemy because her sins against his law do not cease, in times of peace as in times of war. And the enemy of God is therefore also that of his faithful elect in times of peace or war.

  Verse 4: “ The woman was clothed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls. She held in her hand a golden cup, filled with abominations and the impurities of her prostitution. »

Here again, the description presented targets spiritual doctrinal errors. God condemns his religious rites; her masses and her odious Eucharists and first of all, her taste for luxury and wealth which leads her to the compromises desired by kings, nobles and all the rich of the earth. The “ prostitute ” must satisfy her “clients” or her lovers.

scarlet ” color has its origin in the “ prostitute ” herself: “ purple and scarlet ”. The term “ woman ” designating a “ church ”, a religious assembly, according to Eph.5:23 but also, “ the great city which has royalty over the kings of the earth ”, as verse 18 of this chapter teaches 17. In summary, we can recognize the colors of the uniforms of “the cardinals and bishops” of the Roman Vatican. God depicts Catholic masses, with the use of the “ golden ” chalice in which alcoholic wine is supposed to represent the blood of Jesus Christ. But what does the Lord think of it? He tells us: instead of his redeeming blood, he sees only the “ abominations and impurities of his prostitution ”. In Dan.11:38, “ gold ” was mentioned as the adornment of his churches which the Spirit imputes to the “ god of fortresses ”.

Verse 5: “ On her forehead was written a name, a mystery : Babylon the great, the mother of fornicators and abominations of the earth. »

The “ mystery ” which is cited in this verse is a “ mystery ” only for those whom the Spirit of Jesus Christ does not enlighten; they are also, unfortunately, the most numerous. For, “ the success and success of the wiles ” of the papal regime announced since Dan.8:24-25 will be confirmed until the hour of his judgment, at the end of the world. For God, it is the “ mystery of iniquity ” which was announced and already implemented by the devil in the time of the apostles, according to 2 Thess.2:7: “ For the mystery of iniquity is already working; it is only necessary that the one who still holds him back must have disappeared .” The “ mystery ” is linked to the name “ Babylon ” itself, which makes sense, since the ancient city of that name is no more. But Peter already spiritually gave this name to Rome, in 1 Peter 5:13 and unfortunately for the deceived crowds, only the elected are attentive to this precision offered by the Bible. Be careful of the double meaning of the word " land " which also designates here, the Protestant obedience, because as much as the Catholic faith is unified, the Protestant faith is multiple, to be designated as "prostitutes" , daughters of their Catholic " mother " . The girls share the “ abominations ” of their “ mother ”. And the main one of these “ abominations ” is Sunday, “ the mark ” of its religious authority attached to it.

The literal meaning of the word " land " is also justified because Catholic religious intolerance is the instigator of major international religious aggressions. It has defiled and made the Christian faith hated by inciting kings to convert the peoples of the earth to its obedience. But after losing his power, his “ abominations ” continued by blessing those whom God curses and cursing those whom he blesses. Her pagan nature is revealed when she calls Muslims “brother” whose religion presents Jesus Christ as one of the smallest prophets.

Verse 6: “ And I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the witnesses of Jesus. And, seeing her, I was seized with great astonishment. »

This verse takes up a quote from Dan.7:21, specifying here that “ the saints ” whom she fights and dominates, are indeed the “ witnesses of Jesus ”. This greatly sheds light on the mystery of “ Babylon the Great ”. The Roman religion drinks “ the blood ” of the elect to the point of intoxication. Who would suspect a Christian church, like modern-day papal Rome, of being this “ prostitute ” made “ drunk with the blood shed by the witnesses of Jesus ”? The elected officials, but only them. For, through prophecy, the Spirit made known to them the murderous designs of their enemy. This return to his wicked and cruel nature will be the visible consequence of the end of the time of grace. But this wickedness will be above all, in an even more astonishing way, the nature of the dominant Protestant faith of this time of the end of the world. The Spirit cites “the saints ” and “ the witnesses of Jesus ” separately. The first “ saints ” suffered pagan Roman republican and imperial persecutions; “ Jesus’ witnesses ” are struck by imperial and papal pagan Rome. For the harlot is a city: Rome; “ the great city which has royalty over the kings of the earth ” since its arrival in Israel, in Judea in – 63, according to Dan.8:9: “ the most beautiful of countries ”. The history of salvation will end with a test of faith in which “ the witnesses of Jesus ” will appear and act to justify this expression; they will thus give God a good reason to intervene to save them from planned death. In his time, John had good reason to be astonished by the “ mystery ” which concerned the city of Rome. He only knew her in her harsh and merciless pagan imperial aspect which had sent him to detention on the island of Patmos. Religious symbols like the “ golden cup ” held by the “ prostitute ” could therefore rightly astonish him.

Verse 7: “ And the angel said to me: Why are you amazed? I will tell you the mystery of the woman and the beast that carries her, which has seven heads and ten horns. »

The “ mystery ” is not intended to last forever, and from verse 7, the Spirit will give details which will allow John and ourselves to lift the “ mystery ” and clearly identify the city of Rome, and its role in the image of verse 3 whose symbols are, again, cited.

The woman ” designates the religious nature of papal Rome, its claim to be “ the wife of the Lamb ”, Jesus Christ. But God denies this claim by calling her a “ prostitute .”

The beast that carries it ” represents the regimes and peoples who recognize and legitimize its religious claims. They have their historical origin in the " ten horns " of the kingdoms formed in Europe after they were freed from the domination of imperial Rome according to the picture given in Dan.7:24. They succeed the imperial Rome of the “ fourth animal ”. And these territories concerned remain the same until the end. Borders move, regimes change, moving from monarchy to republics, but the norm of false Roman papal Christianity unites them for the worse. During the 20th century , this union under Roman aegis was concretized by the European Union established in the “Treaties of Rome” of March 25, 1957 and 2004.

Verse 8: “ The beast which you saw was, and is no more.” She must ascend from the abyss , and go to perdition. And those who dwell on the earth, whose names were not written in the book of life from the foundation of the world, will marvel when they see the beast, because he was, and is no more. , and that it will reappear. »

The beast that you saw was and is no more .” Translation: Christian religious intolerance was since 538, and it is no more, since 1798. The Spirit suggests the duration prophesied in different forms for the intolerant papal rule since Dan.7:25: "a time, times , and half a beat; 42 months; 1260 days .” Although its intolerance was ended by the action of " the beast that rises from the deep ", which refers to the French Revolution and its national atheism in Rev. 11:7, here the term " deep " is presented as an activity linked to the devil, the “ Destroyer ”, who destroys lives and dehumanizes planet earth, and whom Rev.9:11 calls “ the angel of the abyss ”. Rev.20:1 will give the explanation: the “ devil ” will be bound for “ a thousand years ” on the dehumanized earth called “ the abyss ”. By attributing its origins to it in “ the abyss ,” God reveals that this city never had a relationship with him; whether, during his pagan domination, which is very logical, but also, throughout his papal religious activity, contrary to what multitudes of deceived human beings believe for their downfall, since they will share with it, his final “ perdition ” revealed here. Having despised the prophetic word, the victims of the seductions of Rome will be astonished because religious intolerance will “ reappear ” in this final context announced and revealed. God thus reminds us that he has known the names of the elect since “ the foundation of the world ”. Their “ names ” were written in “ the book of life of the Lamb ” Jesus Christ. And to save them, he opened their minds to the mysteries of his biblical prophecies.

I propose here a second analysis of this verse regarding the word “ abyss ”. In this reflection, I take into account the final context targeted by the Spirit according to his description of the " scarlet beast " of verse 3. We have seen it, the absence of the " diadems " on the " ten horns " and the " seven heads ” places it in “ the time of the end ”; that of our time. I have long considered that the notion “ stupid ” could only concern an intolerant and despotic action, and which consequently could only be attributed to the intolerant regime of the very last days marked by the last test of universal faith. But in fact, at the end of winter 2020 in divine time, another idea is inspired by me. The “ beast ” is in fact constantly killing human souls, and the victims of its exaggerated and outrageous humanist teachings are far more numerous than those of its intolerance. Where does this new seductive and deceptive humanist behavior come from? It is the fruit of the heritage of free thought from the revolutionary philosophers whom God targets in Rev. 11:7 under the name of the “ beast who rises from the abyss ”. The “ scarlet ” color attached to the “ beast ” of our time, from verse 3 of this chapter, denounces the sin generated by the excess of freedom that man has granted himself. Who does she represent? The Western dominants of Christian origin whose religious bases are inherited from European Catholicism: the USA and Europe entirely seduced by the Catholic religion. The “ beast ” that God shows us is the end result of the actions prophesied in the “ fifth trumpet ” message. The Protestant faith, seduced by the Catholic faith made peaceful, brings together Protestantism and Catholicism cursed by God, joined by official institutional Adventism in 1994, for the “ preparation for battle ” of Rev.9:7-9, “ of Armageddon ", according to Rev.16:16, which they go together, after the " sixth trumpet ", to lead against the last faithful servants of God, who keep and practice his Sabbath; the seventh day's rest ordered by the fourth of his ten commandments. In times of peace, their speeches exalt brotherly love and freedom of conscience. But this outrageous and false freedom made libertarian leads to the “ second death ” the multitudes who populate the Western world; which is characterized, in part, by atheism, in part, by indifference, and in a smaller part, by religious commitments rendered worthless, because they are condemned by God, because of their false religious teachings . In this way, this humanist “ beast ” has its origins in the “abyss ” as the Spirit reveals in this verse, in the sense that the Christian religion has become the image and application of humanist thought. philosophers, Greeks, French or foreign revolutionaries. Like Judas' kiss for Jesus, the seductive false humanist love of peacetime kills more than the sword . The “ beast ” of our peacetime also inherits the “ darkness ” character that the word “ deep ” gives it in Gen.1:2: “ The earth was formless and empty: there was darkness on the face of the deep , and the Spirit of God moved above the waters . And this “ darkness ” character of societies of Christian origin is itself paradoxically inherited from the “ enlightenment ”, the name given to French revolutionary free thinkers.

By proposing this synthesis, the Spirit achieves its goal which consists of revealing to its faithful servants its judgment on our Western world and the reproaches it addresses to it. He thus denounces his many sins and his betrayals towards Jesus Christ, the only Savior whom their actions dishonor.

Verse 9: “ This is understanding that has wisdom: the seven heads are seven mountains, on which the woman sits. »

This verse confirms the expression by which Rome was long designated: “ Rome, the city of seven hills ”. I found this name cited in an old school geographic atlas from 1958. But the thing is not debatable; the “ seven mountains " called "hills" still remain today bearing the names: Capitoline, Palatine, Caelius, Aventine, Viminal, Esquiline, and Quirinal. In its pagan phase, these hills “high places” all supported temples dedicated to deified idols condemned by God. And to honor “ the god of fortresses ”, the Catholic faith in turn raised its basilica, on the Caelius designating “heaven” according to Rome. On the Capitol, the “head”, rises the Palace of the Town Hall, the civil aspect of the judiciary. Let us point out that the ally of the last days, America, also dominates from a “Capitol” located in Washington. Here again, the “head” symbol is justified by this high magistracy which will replace Rome, and dominate, in turn, the inhabitants of the earth, “ in its presence ” according to Rev.13:12.

Verse 10: “ There are also seven kings: five have fallen, one is, the other is not yet come, and when he comes, he will remain for a short time. »

In this verse, by the expression “ seven kings ”, the Spirit attributes to Rome “ seven ” regimes of government which are successively, for the first six: the monarchy from – 753 to – 510; the Republic, the Consulate, the Dictatorship, the Triumvirate, the Empire since Octavian, Caesar Augustus under whom Jesus was born, and the Tetrarchy (4 associated emperors) in seventh position between 284 and 324, which confirms the precision "he must last a short time ”; actually 30 years. The new emperor Constantine I will quickly leave Rome and settle in the East in Byzantium (Constantinople renamed Istanbul by the Turks). But from 476, the western empire of Rome broke up and the “ ten horns ” of Daniel and Apocalypse gained their independence by forming the kingdoms of Western Europe. Since 476, Rome remained under the occupation of the Ostrogoth barbarians, from whom it was delivered in 538, by general Belisarius sent with his armies by the emperor Justinian who resided in the East in Constantinople.

Verse 11: “ And the beast that was, and is no more, is himself an eighth king, and is of the number of the seven, and is going to perdition. »

in 538 by the favorable imperial decree of Emperor Justinian I. He thus responded to a request from his wife Théodora, a former “prostitute”, who intervened on behalf of Vigile, one of her friends. As verse 11 specifies, the papal regime appears at the time of the “seven” governances cited while constituting a new, unprecedented form that Daniel indicated as being a “different” king . What predates the time of the “seven” previous kings is the title of the Roman religious leader already attributed to its emperors and since its origins: “Pontifex Maximus”, a Latin expression translated as “Sovereign Pontiff”, which has also been, since 538, the official title of the Roman Catholic Pope. The Roman regime that exists at the time when John receives the vision is the Empire, the sixth Roman governance; and in his time, the title of “sovereign pontiff” was worn by the emperor himself.

The return of Rome to the historical scene is due to the Frankish king, Clovis I , “converted” to the false Christian faith of the time, in 496; that is to say, to Roman Catholicism which had obeyed Constantine I and which was already struck by the curse of God since March 7, 321. After imperial domination, Rome was invaded and dominated by foreign peoples arriving in migration massive. The misunderstanding of different languages and cultures is the basis of the unrest and internal struggles that destroyed Roman unity and strength. This action is applied by God today in Europe to weaken it and deliver it to its enemies. The curse of the experience of the “Tower of Babel” thus retains throughout the centuries and millennia all its effects and its effectiveness in leading humanity into misfortunes. Concerning Rome, lastly, it came under the domination of the Arian Ostrogoths doctrinally opposed to the Roman Catholic faith supported by the Byzantine emperors. It therefore had to be freed from this domination so that the establishment of the Roman papal regime in 538 was made possible on its soil. To accomplish this according to Dan.7:8-20, " three horns were brought low before popery ( the little horn ); are concerned peoples hostile to Roman Catholicism of the Bishops of Rome, successively, in 476, the Heruli, in 534, the Vandals, and on July 10, 538, "by a snowstorm", freed from the occupation of the Ostrogoths by the general Belisarius sent by Justinian I , Rome could enter into its exclusive, dominating and intolerant papal regime, instituted by this emperor, at the request of the intriguer Vigilius, the first pope in title. From this moment, Rome has become " the great city which has royalty over the kings of the earth ", from verse 18, which goes to " perdition " , as the Spirit specifies, here, a second time, after verse 8.

Popery therefore does not go back to Saint Peter as he claims but to the decree of Justinian I, the Byzantine emperor who gave him his title and his religious authority. Thus, Sunday was ordered by the Roman Emperor Constantine I on March 7, 321 and the popery which justifies it was installed by the Byzantine Emperor Justinian I in the year 538; two dates with the most terrible consequences for all humanity. It was also in 538 that the Bishop of Rome took the title of Pope for the first time.

Verse 12: “ The ten horns which you saw are ten kings, who have not yet received a kingdom, but who receive authority as kings for one hour with the beast. »

Here, unlike Dan.7:24, the message targets a very short time located at the end of the “ end time ”.

As in the time of Daniel, in the time of John, the “ ten horns ” of the Roman empire had not yet gained or regained their independence. But, the context targeted in this chapter 17 being that of the end of the world, it is the role that the “ ten horns ” play in this precise context which is evoked by the Spirit, as the verses which follow will confirm. The prophesied " hour " refers to the time of the final test of faith announced, in Rev. 3:10, to the faithful pioneers of Seventh-day Adventism in 1873. The message was for us, their heirs, the faithful of the Adventist light given by Jesus Christ to his elect in 2020.

According to the prophetic code given to the prophet Ezekiel (Ezek.4:5-6), a prophetic “day ” is worth a real “ year ”, and therefore, a prophetic “ hour ” is worth 15 real days. The great insistence of the message of the Spirit which will cite three times the expression " in a single hour " in chapter 18, leads me to deduce that this " hour " targets the time between the beginning of the 6th of the " seven last plagues ” and the return in glory of our divine Lord Jesus who returns in the glory of the Archangel “ Michael ” to rescue his elect from the programmed death. This “ hour ” is therefore the one during which the “ Armageddon battle ” lasts.

Verse 13: “ They have one purpose, and they give their power and their authority to the beast. »

Targeting the time of this final trial, the Spirit says of the “ ten horns ”: “ They have one purpose, and they give their power and their authority to the beast .” This goal that they share consists of ensuring that Sunday rest is respected by all survivors of the Third Nuclear World War. Ruin greatly reduced the military power of ancient European nations. But, the victors of the conflict, the American Protestants obtained from the survivors, a total abandonment of their sovereignty. The motive is diabolical, but the fallen are unaware of it, and their spirits given over to Satan can only accomplish his will.

It is only from the coalition of the “ dragon ”, the “ beast ” and the “ false prophet ” that the “ ten horns ” surrender their authority to the “ beast ”. And this renunciation is caused by the intensity of the suffering that the scourges of God inflict on them. Between the proclamation of the decree of death and its application, a period of 15 days is given to Sabbath observers to adopt “ the mark of the beast ”, its Roman “Sunday” defiled by pagan solar worship. The return of Jesus Christ being planned for the spring preceding April 3, 2030, unless there is an error in the interpretation of the term " hour ", the decree of death should be promulgated for this date or a date located between it and the day of spring 2030 of our current usual calendar.

To fully understand what the final time situation will be, consider the following facts. The end of the time of grace is only identifiable by the elected officials who link it to the promulgation of the Sunday law; more precisely, after her. For the collection of unbelieving and rebellious peoples still alive, the promulgation of the Sunday law appears only as a measure of general interest without consequences for them. And it is only after having suffered the first five plagues that their vengeful anger leads them to fully approve the decision to “ kill ” those who are presented to them as those responsible for their heavenly punishment.

Verse 14: “ They will fight against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because he is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are called and chosen and faithful who are with him will also overcome them. »

They will fight against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them …”, because he is the Almighty God whom no power can withstand. “ The King of kings and Lord of lords ” will impose his divine force on the most powerful kings and lords of the earth. And the chosen ones who understand this will overcome with him. The Spirit here recalls the three criteria required by God from those whom he saves and who have committed themselves to the path of salvation which begins for them with the spiritual status of "called" and which is then transformed, when this is the case, in “ elected ” status , by “ fidelity ” manifested towards the creator God and all his biblical light. The battle referred to is the battle of “ Armageddon ”, of Rev.16:16; “ the hour ” when the “ fidelity ” of the “ elect ” “ called ” is put to the test. In Rev.9:7-9, the Spirit revealed the preparation of the Protestant faith for this spiritual “ warfare .” Condemned to die, because of their fidelity to the Sabbath, the elect testify to the confidence placed in the promises prophesied by God and this testimony which is rendered to him, gives him the “glory” which he demands in the message of the first angel of 'Rev.14:7. The defenders and supporters of Sunday made obligatory will find, in this experience, the death that they will prepare to give to the elect of Jesus Christ. I remind here, to those who are skeptical and doubt that God gives so much importance to days of rest, that our humanity has lost its eternity because of the importance he had given to “two trees” of the earthly garden . “ Armageddon ” is based on the same principle in replacement of the “two trees” today we have “the day of the knowledge of good and evil”, Sunday, and “the day of sanctified life”, the Sabbath or Saturday .

Verse 15: “ And he said unto me, The waters which thou hast seen, whereon the harlot sitteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues. »

Verse 15 gives us the key which allows us to attribute to the “ waters ” on which “ the harlot sits ”, the identity of the European peoples called “Christians”, but above all, falsely and deceptively “Christians”. Europe has the characteristic of bringing together peoples who speak different “ languages ”; which weakens the unions and alliances made. But in recent times, the English language serves as a bridge and promotes international exchanges; the widespread education of human beings reduces the effectiveness of the weapon of divine curse and opposes the design of its Creator. His response will therefore be more terrible: death by war and in the end, by the splendor of his glorious advent.

Verse 16: “ The ten horns which you saw and the beast will hate the harlot, and will strip her and strip her naked, and eat her flesh, and consume her with fire. »

Verse 16 announces the program of the coming chapter 18. He confirms the reversal of the “ ten horns and the beast ” who, after supporting and approving her, end up destroying “ the prostitute ”. I recall here that " the beast " is the regime of the association of civil and religious powers and that it designates in this context, the power of the officially Protestant American people and of the Catholic and Protestant European peoples, while "the prostitute » designates the clergy, that is, the teaching authorities of Catholic religious power: monks, priests, bishops, cardinals and the Pope. Thus, in the reversal, the Catholic European peoples and the Protestant American people, the two victims of the Roman lie, stand against the clergy of Roman papal Catholicism. And they will “ consume her with fire ” when, through his glorious intervention, Jesus will tear down his diabolical deceptive seductive mask. The " ten horns " will " strip her and lay her bare " because she lived in luxury, she will be stripped, and because she clothed herself with an appearance of holiness, she will appear " naked " either, in spiritual shame, without any heavenly righteousness to clothe it. The precision, “ they will eat his flesh ”, expresses the bloody ferocity of his punishment. This verse confirms the “ vintage ” theme of Rev. 14:18 to 20: Woe to the grapes of wrath!

Verse 17: “ For God has put it in their hearts to carry out his purpose and to carry out one purpose, and to give their kingdom to the beast, until the words of God be fulfilled. »

Verse 17, under the number of judgment, reveals to us an important thought of the heavenly God that men are wrong to despise or treat with indifference. God insists here, so that his chosen ones are convinced, that he is the only Master of the “terrible game” which will be put in place at the expected time. The program was not designed by the devil, but by God himself. Everything that he announced in his great and sublime Revelation which concerns Daniel and Revelation has either already been accomplished, or remains to be accomplished. And because “ the end of a thing is better than its beginning ” according to Ecc.7:8, God targets for us, this last test of fidelity which will separate us from false Christians and make us worthy of entering into his celestial eternity after the nuclear destruction of World War III. We therefore only have to wait with confidence since everything that will be organized on earth is a “ design ” designed by God himself. And if God is for us, who will be against us, if not those whose murderous “ designs ” will turn against them?

until the words of God be fulfilled ” mean ? The Spirit refers to the final fate reserved for the papal “ little horn ” as already prophesied, in Dan.7:11: “ Then I looked, because of the arrogant words which the horn spoke; and while I looked, the animal was killed, and its body was destroyed, delivered to the fire to be burned ”; in Dan.7:26: “ Then judgment will come, and his dominion will be taken away from him, and it will be destroyed and destroyed forever ”; and Dan.8:25: “ Because of his prosperity and the success of his wiles, he will have arrogance in his heart, and he will destroy many who lived peacefully, and he will rise up against the Chief of chiefs; but it will be broken, without the effort of any hand .” The rest of the “ words of God ” concerning the end of Rome will be presented in Rev. 18, 19 and 20.

Verse 18: “ And the woman whom you saw, she is the great city which has dominion over the kings of the earth. »

Verse 18 offers us the most convincing proof that “ the great city ” is indeed Rome. Let's realize it, the angel is speaking to John personally. Also, by saying to him: “ And the woman whom you saw is the great city which has royalty over the kings of the earth ”, John is led to understand that the angel is speaking of Rome, “the city of seven hills", which, in its time, imperially dominated the different kingdoms of its entire immense colonial Empire. In its imperial aspect, it already has “ royalty over the kings of the earth ” and will retain it under its papal domination.

In this chapter 17, you can see, God has concentrated his revelations allowing us to identify with certainty the “ prostitute ”, his enemy of the Christian “tragedy of the centuries”. He thus gives the number 17 an authentic sense of his judgment. It is this observation which led me to value the anniversary of the 17th centenary of the establishment of sin which constitutes the adoption of the day of the sun of March 7, 321 (official date but 320 for God) that we experienced in this year 2020 which has now passed. We can see that God has indeed marked it with an unprecedented curse in the history of the Christian era (Covid-19) which has caused a global economic collapse more disastrous than the Second World War. The other curses of divine righteous judgment come next, we will discover them, day by day.









Revelation 18: the harlot receives her punishment



After revealing the details allowing the identification of the prostitute, chapter 18 will take us into the very particular context of the end of the “ battle of Armageddon ”. Words reveal its content: “ the hour of the punishment of Babylon the great, the mother of the harlots of the earth ”; the time of the bloody “ harvest ”.


Verse 1: “ After this I saw another angel coming down from heaven, having great authority; and the earth was lighted with his glory. »

The angel carrying great authority is on God's side, in fact, God himself. Michael, chief of the angels, is another name that Jesus Christ bore in heaven before his earthly ministry. It was under this name, and by the authority recognized to him by the holy angels, that he expelled the devil and his demons from heaven, after his victory on the cross. It is therefore under these two names that he returns to earth, in the glory of the Father, to withdraw from it his precious elect; precious because they are faithful and this tested fidelity has been demonstrated. It is in this context that he comes to honor with his faithfulness those who have wisely obeyed by giving him the “ glory ” that he demanded since 1844 according to Rev.14:7. By keeping the Sabbath, his elect glorified him as the creator God that he alone legitimately possesses since his creation of celestial and terrestrial lives.

Verse 2: “ He cried with a loud voice, saying, Babylon the great is fallen, she is fallen! It has become a habitation of demons, a den of every unclean spirit, a den of every unclean and hateful bird,

She has fallen, it has fallen, Babylon the great! ". We find the quote from Rev. 14:8 in this verse 2, but this time, it is not spoken prophetically, it is because the proofs of his fall are given to the surviving humans of this final moment of her deceptive seductive activity. The mask of holiness of Roman papal Babylon also falls. It is in fact “ a habitation of demons, a den of every impure spirit, a den of every impure and odious bird .” The mention of “the bird ” reminds us that behind earthly actions lie the celestial inspirations of the bad angels from the camp of Satan, their leader, and first rebel of divine creation.

Verse 3: “ because all nations have drunk the wine of the wrath of her fornication, and the kings of the earth have committed fornication with her, and the merchants of the earth have been enriched by the power of its luxury. »

“… because all nations have drunk the wine of the fury of his fornication,… ” Religious aggression appeared at the instigation of the Roman Catholic papal power which, claiming to be in the service of Jesus Christ, displayed contempt total for the behavioral lessons he taught his disciples and apostles on earth. Jesus full of gentleness, the popes full of fury; Jesus, model of humility, the popes, models of vanity and pride, Jesus living in material poverty, the popes living in luxury and riches. Jesus saved lives, the popes unjustly and needlessly put countless multitudes of human lives to death. This Roman papal Catholic Christianity therefore had no resemblance to the faith given as a model by Jesus. In Daniel, God prophesied “ the success of his wiles ,” but why was this success achieved? The answer is simple: because God gave it to him. For we must remember that it is under the title of punishment of " the second trumpet " of Rev. 8:8, that he aroused this cruel and harsh regime to punish the transgression of the Sabbath abandoned since March 7, 321. In a comparative study with the plagues that would strike Israel for their unfaithfulness to God's commandments, in Lev.26:19, God said: "I will break the pride of your strength, I will restore your heaven like iron , and your land like brass .” In the new covenant, the papal regime was raised up to fulfill these same curses. In his project, God is at the same time Victim, Judge and Executioner to satisfy the requirements of his law of love and his perfect justice. Since 321, the transgression of the Sabbath has cost humanity dearly, which has paid its price in unnecessary wars and massacres, and in devastating deadly epidemics created by the creator God. In this verse, “ fornication ” (or “ debauchery ”) is spiritual, and it describes unworthy religious behavior. The “ wine ” symbolizes her teaching which distils, in the name of Christ, “ fury ” and diabolical hatred among all people who have become, because of her, victims of attack or aggressors.

The guilt of Catholic teaching should not hide the guilt of all of humanity, almost all of which do not share the values exalted by Jesus Christ. If the kings of the earth drank " the wine of fornication " ( debauchery ) of " Babylon ", it is because as a " prostitute ", her only concern was to please the clients; that's the rule, the customer must be satisfied otherwise they won't come back. And Catholicism exalted to the highest level greed, to the point of crime, and the love of riches and luxurious life. As Jesus taught, like flock together. Wicked and proud men would have been lost in any case with her or without her. Reminder: wickedness entered human life through Cain the murderer of his brother Abel from the beginning of earthly history. “ The merchants of the earth have been enriched by the power of its luxury .” This explains the success of the Roman Catholic papal regime. The merchants of the earth only believe in money, they are not religious fanatics but if religion enriches them, it becomes an acceptable, and even appreciable, partner. The final context of the theme leads me to mainly identify American Protestant merchants since the land spiritually designates the Protestant faith. Since the 16th century , North America, essentially Protestant in its origins, has welcomed Hispanic Catholics and since then, the Catholic faith has been as represented as the Protestant faith. For this country, where only “business” counts, religious differences no longer matter. Won by the pleasure of getting rich that the Geneva reformer, John Calvin, encouraged, Protestant merchants found in the Catholic faith the means of getting rich that the original Protestant norm did not offer. Protestant temples are empty with bare walls, while Catholic churches are overloaded with relics made of precious materials, gold, silver, ivory, all materials that this theme lists in verse 12. The riches of Catholic worship are therefore, for the Lord God, the explanation of the weakening of the American Protestant faith. The Dollar, the new Mammon, has come to replace God in hearts, and the subject of doctrines has lost all interest. The opposition exists but only in political form.

Verse 4: “ And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out from among her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, neither be partakers of her plagues. »

Verse 4 evokes the moment of ultimate separation: “ Come out from among her, my people ”; it is the hour when the elect will be caught up to heaven, to meet Jesus. What this verse illustrates is the time of the " harvest ", the theme of Rev. 14:14 to 16. They are taken up, because as the verse specifies, they are not to "have part" in the "harvest". scourges” which will strike papal Rome and its clergy. But, the text specifies that to be among the chosen ones taken away, one must not have “ participated in his sins ”. And since the primary sin is Sunday rest, the “ mark of the beast ” honored by Catholics and Protestants in the final test of faith, believers in these two major religious groups cannot participate in the rapture of the elect. The need to "Come out of Babylon" is constant , however in this verse the Spirit targets the moment when the last opportunity arises to obey this command of God because the proclamation of the Sunday law marks the end of time of grace. This proclamation promotes awareness among all survivors of the “ sixth trumpet ” (World War III), which empowers their choice under the watchful eye of the creator God.

Verse 5: “ For her sins have accumulated to heaven, and God has remembered her iniquities. »

In his words, the Spirit suggests the image of the “tower of Babel” whose name is rooted in that of “Babylon”. Since 321 and 538, Rome, “ the great city ” where the “ prostitute ” has her “ throne ”, her “holy” papal seat since 538, has multiplied its sins against God. From heaven he kept count and recorded his accumulated sins for 1709 years (since 321). By his glorious return, Jesus unmasked the papal regime and for Rome and its false holiness, it is time to pay for their crimes.

Verse 6: “ Repay her as she has paid, and repay her double according to her works. Into the cup where she poured, pour her double. »

Following the progression of the themes of Rev.14, after the harvest comes the vintage . And it is to the most wicked of the Catholic and Protestant victims of the lies of Catholicism that God addresses his words: “ Pay her as she has paid, and give her back double according to her works ”. We remember from history that his works were the stakes and tortures of his inquisitorial courts. It is therefore this type of fate that Catholic religious teachers will suffer twice as much, if it is possible. The same message is repeated in the form: “ Into the cup where she has poured, pour her double .” The image of the drinking cup was used by Jesus to designate the torture that his body was going to undergo, until the final agony on a cross, already erected by Rome, at the foot of Mount Golgotha. By this means, Jesus recalls that the Catholic faith showed odious contempt for the sufferings that he agreed to endure, so it is his turn to experience them. An old proverb will take on its full value at this point: never do to others what you would not like others to do to you. In this action, God fulfills the law of retaliation: an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth; a perfectly just law of which he reserved individual use. But at the collective level, its application was authorized to human beings, who nevertheless condemned it, thinking that they could be more just and good than God. The consequence is disastrous, evil and its rebellious spirit have worsened and dominated Western peoples of Christian origin.

In Rev. 17:5, “ Babylon the great ,” “ the harlot ,” “ held a golden cup full of her abominations .” This clarification targets his religious activity and his particular use of the cup of the Eucharist. His disrespect of this sacred rite taught and sanctified by Jesus Christ earned him an equally special punishment. The God of love gives way to the God of justice and the thought of his judgment is clearly revealed to men.

Verse 7: “ As much as she has glorified herself and immersed herself in luxury, so give her torment and mourning. Because she says in her heart: I am seated as a queen, I am not a widow, and I will see no mourning! »

In verse 7, the Spirit highlights the opposition of life and death. Life untouched by the misfortune of death is cheerful, carefree, frivolous, in the search for new pleasures. Papal Roman “Babylon” sought the wealth that buys luxury living. And to obtain it from the powerful and kings, she used and still uses the name of Jesus Christ to sell the forgiveness of sins as “indulgences”. This is a detail that weighs very heavily in the scales of God's judgment for which she must now atone psychologically and physically. The reproach for this wealth and luxury rests on the fact that Jesus and his apostles lived poorly, being content with what was necessary. “ Torment ” and “ mourning ” therefore replace “ the wealth and luxury ” of the Roman papal Catholic clergy.

During her deceptive activity, Babylon said in her heart, “ I sit as a queen ”; which confirms “ his kingship over the kings of the earth ” of Rev.17:18. And according to Rev.2:7 and 20, his “ throne ” is in the Vatican (vaticinate = prophesy), in Rome. “ I am not a widow ”; her husband, Christ, whose wife she claims to be, is alive. “ And I will see no mourning .” There is no salvation outside the Church, she said to all her opponents. She repeated it so much that she ended up believing it. And she is truly convinced that her reign will last forever. Since she resided there, hasn't Rome been given the name "eternal city"? Moreover, being supported by the Western powers of the earth, she had good reason to believe herself humanly untouchable and invulnerable. Nor did she fear the power of God since she claimed to serve him and represent him on earth.

Verse 8: “ Because of this, in one day her plagues will come, death, mourning and famine, and she will be consumed with fire. For mighty is the Lord God who judged her. »

This verse puts an end to all his illusions: “ because of this, in one day ”; the one where Jesus returns in glory, “ his plagues will arrive ” or, the punishment by God will arrive; “ death, mourning, and famine ” in fact, it is in the opposite order that things are accomplished. We do not die of hunger in a single day, so, firstly, spiritual “ starvation ” is the loss of the bread of life which is the basis of the Christian religious faith. Then “ mourning ” is worn to mark the death of people close to us, with whom we share family feelings. And finally, “ death ” strikes the guilty sinner, since “ the wages of sin is death ,” according to Rom.6:23. “ And it will be consumed by fire ,” in accordance with the prophetic announcements repeated in Daniel and Revelation. She herself caused so many creatures to be burned on her pyres, unjustly, that it is in perfect divine justice that she herself should perish in the fire. For mighty is the Lord who judged her ”; during its seductive activity, the Catholic faith worshiped Mary, the mother of Jesus who appeared only in the form of the little child she held in her arms. This aspect appealed to human minds prone to sentimentality. A woman, better still, a mother, how reassuring religion became! But it is the hour of truth, and the Christ who judged it has just appeared in the glory of Almighty God; and this divine power of Jesus Christ, which unmasked it, destroys it, delivering it to the vengeful anger of its deceived victims.

Verse 9: “ And all the kings of the earth, who have committed sexual immorality and luxury with her, will weep and wail because of her, when they see the smoke of her burning. »

This verse reveals the behavior of "the kings of the earth who gave themselves over to fornication and luxury ." Included are kings, presidents, dictators, all leaders of nations who have promoted the success and activity of the Catholic faith, and who, in the last ordeal, approved the decision to kill Sabbath keepers. . They “ will weep and wail because of her, when they see the smoke of her burning .” Obviously, the kings of the earth see the situation slipping away from them. They no longer lead anyone and only note the fire of Rome lit by the deceived victims, the executing instruments of divine vengeance. Their tears and lamentations are justified by the fact that the values of the world, which led them to the highest power, are suddenly collapsing.

Verse 10: “ Standing away, in fear of his torment, they will say: Woe! Misfortune ! The great city, Babylon, the mighty city! In a single hour your judgment has come! »

The “eternal city” dies, it burns and the kings of the earth stay away from Rome. They now fear having to share his fate. What is happening constitutes, for them , an enormous misfortune : “ Misfortune! Misfortune ! The great city, Babylon ,” woe is repeated twice as, “ she is fallen, she is fallen, Babylon the great .” “ The mighty city!” » ; so powerful that she ruled the world through her influence over the leaders of Christian nations; it is precisely because of this link condemned by God, that King Louis XVI and his Austrian wife Marie-Antoinette mounted the scaffold of the guillotine, as well as their supporters, victims of the "great tribulation", as l The Spirit had announced it, in Rev.2:22-23. “ In one hour your judgment has come!” » ; the return of Jesus marks the time of the end of the world. The last test marked a symbolic “hour ” prophesied in Rev.3:10, but it will be enough for Jesus Christ to appear for the entire current situation to be reversed, and this time, “ an hour ” in the literal sense will be enough to obtain this astonishing change.

Verse 11: “ And the merchants of the earth weep and mourn because of her, because no one buys their cargo anymore,

The Spirit this time targets “ the merchants of the earth ” particularly targeting the American mercantile spirit adopted by survivors throughout the earth as was mentioned in the study of the previous chapter 17. They too “ cry and mourn because of her, because no one buys their cargo anymore ; …”. This verse underlines the guilt of the Protestants' affection for the Catholic faith for which he is mourning , thus testifying to their personal attachment to it out of economic interest. Then, that in absolute contrary, the work of reformation was raised up by God to denounce Roman papal Catholic guilt and restore understood truths; what true reformers did in their time such as Pierre Valdo, John Wicleff and Martin Luther. The merchants also see with sadness the values they love crumbling before their eyes, since they live only for the pleasure of enriching themselves through their commercial activities; doing business sums up the joys of their existence.

Verse 12: “ cargo of gold, of silver, of precious stones, of pearls, of fine linen, of purple, of silk, of scarlet, of every kind of sweet wood, of every kind of objects of objects ivory, all kinds of objects made of very precious wood, brass, iron and marble ,

Before listing the different materials which are the basis of the Roman Catholic idolatrous religion, I recall here this particular point of the true faith taught by Jesus Christ. He had declared to the Samaritan woman: “ Woman,” Jesus said to her, “believe me, the hour is coming when it will be neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem that you will worship the Father. You adore what you do not know; we worship what we know, because salvation comes from the Jews . But the hour is coming, and has already come, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and in truth; for these are the worshipers whom the Father requires. God is Spirit, and those who worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth . (John 4:21-23).” So, true faith does not need any materials or material, because it is based only on a state of mind. And consequently, this true faith is of little interest to the greedy and thieving world, because it enriches no one except, spiritually, the elect. The elect worship God in spirit, therefore in their thoughts, but also, in truth , which means that their thoughts must be built on the standard indicated by God. Anything outside of this standard is a form of idolatrous paganism where the true God is served as an idol. During its conquests, Republican Rome adopted the religions of the defeated countries. And much of its religious dogmas were of Greek origin, the first great civilization of antiquity. In our era, in the papal form, we find all this heritage joined to the new “Christian” “saints”, starting with the 12 apostles of the Lord. But, having gone so far as to suppress the second commandment of God which condemns this idolatrous practice, the Catholic faith perpetuates the adoration of carved, painted images, or appearing in demonic visions. It is therefore in the rites of its cults that we find these carved idols which require materials to take shape; materials of which God himself presents the list: “…; … cargo of gold, silver, precious stones, pearls, fine linen, purple, silk, scarlet, every kind of sweetwood, every kind of ivory, all kinds of objects made of very precious wood, brass, iron and marble,… ”. “ Gold, silver, precious stones, and costly objects ” “ pay homage to the god of fortresses ” of the papal king of Dan.11:38. Next, “ purple and scarlet ” clothe the harlot Babylon the Great in Rev.17:4; “ gold, precious stones and pearls ” are her adornments ; “ fine linen ” designates his claim to holiness, according to Rev. 19:8: “ For fine linen are the righteous works of the saints .” The other materials cited are those from which she made her carved idols. These luxury materials express the high level of devotion of the idolatrous Catholic worshipper.

Verse 13: “ cinnamome, spices, perfumes, myrrh, frankincense, wine, oil, fine flour, wheat, oxen, sheep, horses, chariots, bodies and of men's souls. »

The “ perfumes, of myrrh, frankincense, wine, and oil, ” cited suggest its religious rites. The other things are nutrients and goods which allude to the reign of Solomon, the son of David, builder of the first temple built for God, according to 1 Kings 4:20 to 28. In this way, the Spirit denounces his attempt illegitimate to reproduce the construction of the “ temple of God ” which it “ blasphemes ”, in Rev.13:6, and which it “ overthrows ”, in Dan.8:11. The final precision of the verse, concerning " the bodies and souls of men ", denounces her collaboration with the monarchs with whom she shares, illegally, temporal power. In the name of Christ, she religiously justified abominable actions, such as slavery, torture, and the killing of God's creatures; something that God reserves for himself in the religious domain; this to the point that he summarizes his actions in these terms: " the blood of all those who were slain on earth was found in her ", in verse 18 of this chapter 18. Quoting " the souls of men », God attributes to him the loss of “ souls ” delivered to the devil by his activity and his false religious pretensions.

Reminder : In the Bible and divine thought, the word “ soul ” designates a person in all his aspects, his physical body and his mental or psychic thought, his intellect and his feelings. The theory which presents the “soul ” as an element of life, which detaches itself from the body at death and survives it, is purely of Greek pagan origin. In the old covenant, God identifies “the soul with the blood” of his human or animal creatures: Lev.17:14: “ For the soul of all flesh is its blood which is in it. Therefore I said to the children of Israel, Ye shall not eat the blood of any flesh; for the soul of all flesh is its blood : whoever eats it shall be cut off. ". He thus takes the opposite view of future Greek theories and prepares a biblical parade against the philosophical thoughts which will be born among pagan peoples. Human and animal life relies on the functioning of the blood. Spilled, or soiled by suffocation, the blood no longer supplies oxygen to the elements of the physical body including the brain, the support of thought. And if the latter is not oxygenated, the principle of thought stops and nothing remains alive after this final stage; if not the memory of the composition of the dead "soul " in the eternal thought of God with a view to his future "resurrection", when he will "resuscitate" it or, when he will "raise it up again", according to the case, for eternal life or for the definitive destruction of the “ second death ”.

Verse 14: “ The fruits that your soul desired have gone far from you; and all things delicate and beautiful are lost to you, and you will never find them again. »

In confirmation of what was explained in the previous verse, the Spirit imputes the “ desires ” of papal Rome to its “ soul ,” its seductive and deceptive personality. Heir to Greek philosophies, the Catholic faith was the first to ask the question of the attribution of the soul to animals and men discovered on new lands. In fact the question has its answer; it is based on the choice of the right auxiliary verb: man does not have a soul, because he is a soul.

The Spirit summarizes the consequences of true death which He established and revealed in Ecc.9:5-6-10. These details will not be renewed in the writings of the new alliance. We therefore see the importance of studying the entire Bible. Destroyed, “ Babylon ” will have “ lost ” forever “ the fruits that her soul desired ” and “ all the delicate and magnificent things ” that she appreciated and sought. But the Spirit also specifies: “ for you ”; because the elect, unlike her, will be able to extend, eternally, the appreciation of the wonders that God will share with them.

Verse 15: “ The merchants of these things, who are enriched by it, will keep themselves far away, in fear of its torment; they will weep and mourn,

In verses 15 to 19, the Spirit targets “ the merchants who were enriched by it ”. Repeats reveal an emphasis on the expression “ in a single hour ”, repeated three times in this chapter, as well as the cry “ Woe! Misfortune ! ". The number 3 symbolizes perfection. God therefore insists, to affirm the irrevocable character of the prophetic announcement; this punishment will be accomplished in all its divine perfection. The cry, “ Woe! Misfortune ! ", launched by the merchants, echoes the warning cry launched by its chosen ones in Rev. 14:8: “ She has fallen! She fell ! Babylon the Great .” These merchants watch its destruction from afar, “ in fear of its torment ”. And they are right to fear this fruit of the just wrath of the living God, because by regretting its destruction, they place themselves in his camp, and will in turn be destroyed by the murderous human anger of the inconsolable victims of religious deception. This verse makes us aware of the enormous responsibility of commercial interests for the success of the Roman Catholic Church. The “ merchants ” supported the prostitute and her worst cruel and despotic decisions, purely out of an appetite for financial and material enrichment. They turned a blind eye to all his highly abominable abuses and deserve to share his final fate. A historical example concerns the Parisians who took the side of the Catholic faith against the Reformed faith from the beginning of the Reformation in the time of King Francis I and after him.

Verse 16: “ And will say: Woe! Misfortune ! The great city, which was clothed in fine linen, purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls! In a single hour so much wealth was destroyed! »

This verse confirms the target; “ Babylon the great, clothed in fine linen, purple and scarlet ”; the colors of the cloaks of kings, since it is for this reason that the mocking Roman soldiers covered the shoulders of Jesus with a cloak of “ purple ”. They could not imagine the meaning that God gave to their action: as an expiatory victim, Jesus became the bearer of the sins of his elect designated by these colors, crimson, or purple , according to Isa.1:18. “ A single hour ” will be enough to destroy Rome, its pope, and its clergy, after the return in glory of Jesus Christ who comes to prevent the death of his elect. In this final test, their faithfulness will make all the difference, so we can understand why God particularly insists on strengthening their faith and the absolute trust that they must get used to placing in him. For a long time, man could only be convinced that such destruction “ in a single hour ” was a miracle and therefore a direct intervention of God, as with Sodom and Gomorrah. In our time when man has mastered nuclear fire, this is less surprising.

Verse 17: “ And all the pilots, all those who sail to this place, the sailors, and all those who work the sea, stood far off,

This verse particularly targets “ those who exploit the sea, the pilots, the sailors who sail to this place, all kept far away ”. It was by taking advantage of the desire of kings to enrich themselves that the papal church was itself enriched. She supported and justified the conquest of lands unknown to men until the time of their discovery when her Catholic servants carried out horrible massacres of populations in the name of Jesus Christ. This was mainly the case of South America and the bloody expeditions led by General Cortés. The gold extracted from these territories returned to Europe to enrich the Catholic kings and the complicit papacy. Furthermore, the insistence on the marine aspect reminds us that it is as a regime of the “ beast that rises from the sea ” that his link with “ the sailors ” was strengthened for their common enrichment.

Verse 18: “ And they cried out when they saw the smoke of its burning, What city was like the great city? »

Which city was like the great city? » shout the sailors when they see “ the smoke of its conflagration ”. The answer is quick and simple: none. Because no city has concentrated so much power, civil as an imperial city, then religious since 538. Catholicism has been exported to all lands on the planet except in Russia where the Eastern Orthodox faith rejected it. After welcoming him, China also fought and persecuted him. But today it still dominates the entire West and its excrescences of America, Africa, and Australia. It is the first religious tourist site in the world which attracts visitors from all over the world. Some come to see “ancient ruins”, others go there to see the place where the Pope and his cardinals reside.

Verse 19: “ And they cast dust on their heads, and wept, and mourned, and cried out, and said, Woe! Misfortune ! The great city, where all those who had ships on the sea were enriched by its opulence, was destroyed in a single hour! »

This is the third repetition where all the previous expressions are brought together, as well as the clarification “ in a single hour, it was destroyed ”. “ The great city where all those who have ships on the sea have become rich through its opulence .” The accusation becomes very clear, it was through the opulence of the papal regime that the maritime shipowners became rich by bringing the riches of the world to Rome. Rome derives its enrichment from its sharing of the property of its opponents killed by its perpetual ally, the civil monarchical power, its armed wing. As a historical example, we have the death of the “Templars”, whose property was divided between the crown of Philippe Le Bel and the Roman Catholic clergy. Later this would be the case for the “Protestants”.

Verse 20: “ Heaven, rejoice over her! And you also, saints, apostles, and prophets, rejoice! For God has done justice to you in judging her. »

The Spirit invites the inhabitants of heaven and the true saints, the apostles, and prophets, of the earth, to rejoice in the destruction of Roman Babylon. Joy will therefore be commensurate with the pains and sufferings that she made or wanted to make the servants of the God of truth endure, with regard to the last chosen ones faithful to the sanctified Sabbath.

Verse 21: “ Then a mighty angel took a stone like a great millstone, and cast it into the sea, saying, So shall Babylon the great city be thrown down with violence, and shall not be found any more. »

The comparison of Rome to a “ stone ” suggests three ideas. Firstly, popery competes with Jesus Christ who is himself symbolized by a “ stone ” in Dan.2:34: “ You were looking, when a stone was loosed without the help of any hand, and struck the feet of iron and clay of the image, and broke them in pieces. » Other verses of the Bible also attribute this symbol of “ stone ” to him in Zac.4:7; “ main corner ” in Psa.118:22; Mat.21:42; and Act.4:11: “ Jesus is the stone rejected by you who build , and which has become the chief of the corner ”. The second idea is the allusion to the papal claim to succeed the apostle “ Peter ”; the main cause of " the success of his enterprises and the success of his wiles ", things denounced by God in Dan.8:25. This is all the more so since the Apostle Peter was never the head of the Christian Church because this title goes to Jesus Christ himself. The papal “ ruse ” is therefore also a “ lie ”. The third suggestion concerns the name of the papal religious stronghold, its prestigious basilica named “Saint Peter of Rome”, whose very expensive construction led to the sale of “indulgences” which unmasked it in the eyes of the reforming monk Martin Luther. This explanation remains closely related to the second idea. The Vatican site served as a cemetery but the presumed tomb of Peter the Apostle of the Lord was in reality that of “Simon Peter the Magician”, a worshiper and priest of the serpent god named Aesculapius.

Coming back to our day, the Spirit prophesies against Roman “ Babylon .” He compares its future destruction to the image of a “ great millstone ” of “ stone ” that an “ angel throws into the sea .” By this illustration, he brings against Rome an accusation identified in Matt.18:6: “ But if anyone scandalizes one of these little ones who believe in me, it would be better for him if a millstone were hung around his neck . mill, and cast it to the bottom of the sea . And in his case, she did not scandalize just one of these little ones who believe in him, but multitudes. One thing remains certain, it is that once “ destroyed, it will never be found again ”. She will never hurt anyone again.

Verse 22: “ And the sounds of harps, musicians, flutes, and trumpets will no longer be heard among you; no one of any craftsman will be found among you; 'will no longer hear the sound of the millstone in your home, '

The Spirit then evokes the musical sounds which expressed the carefreeness and rejoicing of the inhabitants of Rome. Once destroyed, they will no longer be heard there. In a spiritual sense it alludes to the messengers of God whose words were heard with the same effect as the musical sounds of the " flute or trumpet players "; an image given in parable in Matt.11:17. He also mentions the “ noises ” made by craftsmen overloaded with work orders, because from an ancient city only “ noises ” of professional activities came out, including “ the noise of the millstone ” which turned to grind the grain of cereals, or to sharpen cutting instruments like sickle and scythe, knives and swords; this, already in ancient Chaldean Babylon, according to Jer.25:10.

Verse 23: “ The light of the lamp shall no more shine among you, nor shall the voice of the bridegroom and of the wife be heard any more among you, because your merchants were the great ones of the earth, because all the nations were seduced by your enchantments ,

The light of the lamp will no longer shine in your home. » In spiritual language, the Spirit warns Rome that the light of the Bible will no longer come to offer it the chance to be enlightened in order to know the truth according to God. The images from Jer.25:10 are repeated but “ the songs of the bridegroom and the bride ” become here “ the voice of the bridegroom and the bride who will no longer be heard in your house ”. Spiritually, they are the voices of the calls made by Christ and his Chosen Assembly to lost souls to be converted and saved. This possibility will be gone forever, after its destruction. “ For your merchants were the great ones of the earth .” It was through its seduction of the great people of the earth that Rome was able to extend its Catholic religion to many peoples of the earth. She used them as representatives of her religious business. And the result is that “ all nations have been deceived by your enchantments .” Here, God refers to Catholic masses as " enchantments " that characterize pagan cults of evil wizards and witches. It is true that by using repetitive formalist formulas, vain repetitions, the Catholic religion leaves little room for the creator God to express himself. He doesn't even attempt to do so, because he attributes a " foreign god " to her in Dan.11:39 and never recognized her as a servant; the “vicar of the Son of God”, the Pope’s title, is therefore not his vicar. The following verse will give the reason.

Verse 24: “ and because the blood of the prophets and of the saints and of all those who were slain on the earth was found in her. »

“… and because the blood of the prophets, of the saints was found in it ”: Harsh, inflexible, insensitive and cruel throughout its history, Rome has made its way through the blood of its victims. This was true for pagan Rome but also for papal Rome which had the kings kill its opponents, the servants enlightened by God who dared to denounce its diabolical nature. Some were protected by God such as Valdo, Wyclif and Luther, others were not and they ended their lives as martyrs of the faith, on stakes, blocks, pillories or gallows. The prophetic prospect of seeing its action definitively cease can only rejoice the inhabitants of heaven and the true saints of earth. “… and of all those who have been slain on earth ”: Whoever makes this judgment knows what he is talking about, because he has been following the actions of Rome since its founding in 747 BCE. The world situation of the last days is the last fruit borne by the conquering and dominating West of the other peoples of the earth. Monarchical then republican Rome devoured the peoples of the earth that it subjugated. The model of this society has remained that of 2000 years of true and false Christianity. Afterwards, pagan Rome, papal Rome destroyed the image of the peace of Christ and took away from humanity the model that would have brought happiness to peoples. By justifying the slaughter of the true lamb disciples of Jesus Christ, it has opened the way to the religious clashes which are leading humanity to a terrifying genocidal third world war. It is not without reason that the norm of throat slitting is publicly displayed by Islamic armed groups. This hatred of Islam is a late response to the wars of the Crusades launched by Urban II from Clermont-Ferrand on November 27, 1095.


















Revelation 19: The Battle Armageddon of Jesus Christ




Verse 1: “ After this I heard as it were a loud voice of a great multitude in heaven, saying, Alleluia! Salvation, glory, and power belong to our God. "

Continuing from the previous chapter 18, the redeemed and saved elect find themselves in heaven, bearers of the “ new name ” which designates their new celestial nature. Joy and gladness reign and the faithful celestial angels exalt the savior God. This “ crowd "numerous " differs from the " crowd that no one could count " cited in Rev.7:9. It represents a gathering of the holy celestial angels of God who exalt his “ glory ” because in verse 4, the earthly elect symbolized by the “ 24 elders ” will respond and confirm their adherence to the remarks made, by saying: “ Amen! » Which means: Truly!

The order of the terms “ salvation, glory, power ” has its logic. “ Salvation ” was given to the earthly elect and holy angels who gave “ glory ” to the creator God who, to save them, called upon his divine “ power ” to destroy common enemies.

Verse 2: “ because his judgments are true and righteous; for he has judged the great harlot who corrupted the earth by her fornication, and he has avenged the blood of her servants by requiring it at his own hand. »

The elected officials who had in common the thirst for truth and true justice are now fully satisfied and fulfilled. In its blind madness, humanity cut off from God thought it could bring happiness to the last peoples by softening the standard of its justice; only evil took advantage of this choice and like gangrene, it invaded the entire body of humanity. The good and merciful God shows in his judgment of “ Babylon the great ” that he who gives death must suffer death. This is not an act of malice, but an action of justice. Thus, when it no longer knows how to punish the guilty, justice becomes injustice.

Verse 3: “ And they said the second time, Hallelujah! ...and its smoke rises for ever and ever. »

The image is misleading, because “ the smoke ” from the fire that destroyed Rome will disappear after its destruction. The “ eons of ages ” designate the principle of eternity which concerns only the victors of the universal celestial and terrestrial trials. In this expression, the word “ smoke ” suggests destruction and the expression “ centuries of centuries ” gives it an eternal effect, that is, definitive destruction; she will never get up again. In fact, at worst, " smoke " may rise in the minds of the living as a memory of a glorious divine action accomplished by God against Rome, the bloody enemy.

Verse 4: “ And the twenty-four elders and the four living creatures fell down and worshiped God sitting on the throne, saying, Amen! Hallelujah! »

In truth ! Praise to YaHWéH! …say together the redeemed of the earth and the worlds that have remained pure. Worship of God is marked by prostration; a legitimate form reserved exclusively for it.

Verse 5: “ And a voice came from the throne, saying, Praise our God, all you his servants, who fear him, both small and great! »

This voice is that of “ Michael ”, Jesus Christ, the two celestial and terrestrial expressions under which God reveals himself to his creatures. Jesus says: “ you who feared him ”, he thus recalls the “ fear ” of God demanded in the message of the first angel of Rev.14:7. The “ fear of God ” only sums up the intelligent attitude of a creature towards its Creator who has power of life and death over it. As the Bible teaches in 1 John 4:17-18: “ perfect love casts out fear ”: “ As he is, so are we also in this world: in this is love perfect in us, that we may have confidence in the day of judgment. Fear is not in love, but perfect love casts out fear; for fear involves punishment, and he who fears is not perfect in love .” Thus, the more the chosen one loves God, the more he obeys him, and the less reason he has to fear him. Elected ones are selected by God from among the little ones, like the apostles and humble disciples, but also from the great ones like the great king Nebuchadnezzar. This king of kings of his time is a perfect example that no matter how great he is among men, a king is only a weak creature before the Almighty creator God.

Verse 6: “ And I heard like the voice of a great multitude, like the sound of many waters, and like the sound of loud thunder, saying, Alleluia! For the Lord our God Almighty has entered into his kingdom. »

This verse brings together expressions already seen. The “ many crowd ” compared to the “ sound of many waters ” is represented by its Creator in Rev.1:15. The “ voices ” that express themselves are so “ numerous ” that they can only be compared to the rumblings, the “ noise of the thunder .” “ Hallelujah! For the Lord our God Almighty has entered into his kingdom. » This message marked the action of the “ seventh trumpet ” in Rev. 11:17: “ saying: We thank you, O Lord God Almighty, who art and who was, for you have grasped your great power and taken possession of your kingdom .”

Verse 7: “ Let us rejoice and be glad, and give him glory; for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and his bride has made herself ready ,

The “ rejoicing ” and “ joy ” are fully justified, because the time for “ combat ” has passed. In the heavenly “ glory ”, the “ bride ”, the Assembly of the redeemed elect of the earth has joined its “ Bridegroom ”, Christ, the living God “ Michael ”, YaHWéH. In the presence of all their celestial friends, the redeemed and Jesus Christ will celebrate the “ wedding ” feast that unites them. “ The bride prepared herself ” by restoring all the divine truths that the Catholic faith made disappear in its version of the Christian faith. The “ preparation ” was long, built over 17 centuries of religious history, but especially since 1843, the date of the beginning of the divine demand for the various restorations that had become essential, i.e. all the truths not restored by the persecuted Protestant reformers. The completion of this preparation was achieved by the last dissident Seventh-day Adventists who remained in the approval of God and the light that Jesus gave him until the end and already until the beginning of 2021 when I am writing this version of its lights.

Verse 8: “ And it was given to him to clothe himself in fine linen, bright and pure. For fine linen is the righteous works of the saints. »

Fine linen ” designates “ the righteous works of the “true last” saints .” These “ works ” that God calls “ righteous ” are the fruit of divine revelations brought successively since 1843 and 1994. This work is the latest fruit which reveals the divine inspirations given since 2018 to those he loves and blesses and “ prepares » for the “ wedding ” mentioned in this verse. If God blesses the “ just works ” of his true “ saints ”, on the contrary, he cursed and fought, until he destroyed it, the camp of false saints whose “ works ” were “unjust”.

Verse 9: “ And the angel said to me, Write: Blessed are those who are called to the marriage supper of the Lamb! And he said to me: These words are the true words of God

This beatitude is awarded to the saints redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ whose pioneers were concerned by that of Dan.12:12 ( Blessed are those who wait until 1335 days ) of the pioneers who will precisely be symbolized by the " 144,000 » or 12 X 12 X 1000 of Apo.7. Entering heaven for eternity is indeed a reason for great happiness which will make those who have this chance divinely “ happy ”. Luck is not the only factor in benefiting from this privilege, but the offer of salvation is offered to us by God as a “second chance” after the inheritance and condemnation of original sin. The promise of salvation and future heavenly joys is certified as that of God's oral commitment worthy of our faith because he permanently keeps his commitments. The trials of the last days will require certainties in which doubt will no longer have a place. The elect will have to rely on faith built on the revealed promises of God because what is written is previously said. This is why the Bible, Holy Scripture, is called: the Word of God.

Verse 10: “ And I fell at his feet to worship him; but he said to me: Be careful not to do it! I am your fellow servant, and that of your brothers who have the testimony of Jesus. Worship God. For the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. »

God exploits John's error to reveal to us his condemnation of the Catholic faith which teaches its members this type of adoration of the creature. But it also targets the Protestant faith which also commits this fault by honoring the pagan “day of the sun” inherited from Rome. The angel who speaks to him is undoubtedly “Gabriel” the divine mission leader close to God who already appeared to Daniel and Mary, the “surrogate” mother of Jesus. As high-ranking as he is, “Gabriel” demonstrates the same humility as Jesus. He only claims the title of “ companion in service ” of John until the last elected dissenting Adventists of the end time. Since 1843, the elected have with them “ the testimony of Jesus ” which, according to this verse, designates “the spirit of prophecy”. Adventists have, to their own loss, limited this “ spirit of prophecy ” to the work accomplished by Ellen G. White, the messenger of the Lord between 1843 and 1915. They have thus themselves set a limit to the light given by Jesus . However, the “ spirit of prophecy ” is a permanent gift which results from an authentic relationship between Jesus and his disciples and which is based above all on his decision to entrust a mission to a servant whom he chooses with all the authority of his divinity. This work bears witness to this: the “spirit of prophecy ” is still very active and can continue until the end of the world.

Verse 11: “ Then I saw heaven opened, and behold, there appeared a white horse. He who rode on him is called Faithful and True, and he judges and fights in righteousness. »

In this scene, the Spirit takes us back to the earth before the final victory and destruction of “ Babylon the Great .” The Spirit illustrates the moment when, on his return, the glorious Christ confronts the earthly rebels. In glorified Jesus Christ, God emerges from his invisibility: “ heaven is open ”. He appears in the image of the " first seal " of Rev. 6:2, as a rider, Leader, setting out " as a victor and to conquer " mounted on a " white horse " image of his camp marked by purity and holiness. The name “ faithful and True ” that he gives himself in this scene places the action in the extension of the last time prophesied by the name “ Laodicea ” in Rev.3:14. This name means “judged people” which is confirmed here by the precision: “ He judges ”. By specifying that he " fights with justice ", the Spirit evokes the moment of the " battle of Armageddon " of Rev. 16:16, in which he fights against the camp of injustice led by the devil and unified by the honor given to the “day of the sun” inherited from Constantine I and the Roman Catholic popes.

Verse 12: “ His eyes were like a flame of fire; on her head were several diadems; he had a written name, which no one knows except himself; »

Knowing the context of the scene, we can understand that " his eyes " compared to a " flame of fire " look at the targets of his anger, the unified rebels " prepared for battle " since Rev.9:7-9 i.e., since 1843. The meaning of “ several diadems ” worn on “ his head ” will be given in verse 16 of this chapter: he is the “ King of kings and Lord of lords ”. His “ written name which no one knows except himself ” designates his eternal divine nature.

Verse 13: “ And he was clothed in a garment dyed with blood. His name is the Word of God. »

This “ blood-stained garment ” designates two things. The first is his justice which he obtained by shedding his own “ blood ” for the redemption of his elect. But this sacrifice voluntarily made by him to save his chosen ones requires the death of their aggressors and persecutors. His “ garment ” will again be covered with “ blood ”, but this time it will be that of his enemies “ trodden in the winepress of the grapes of the wrath of God ” according to Isaiah 63 and Rev. 14:17 to 20. This name “ the Word of God ” reveals the vital importance of the earthly ministry of Jesus and of his revelations given successively on earth and from heaven after his resurrection. Our Savior was God Himself hidden in an earthly appearance. His permanent teaching received by his elected officials will make all the difference between the saved camp and the lost camp.

Verse 14: “ The armies that are in heaven followed him on white horses, clothed in fine linen, white, pure. »

The image is glorious, the “ white ” of purity characterizes the holiness of God’s camp and its multitudes of angels who have remained faithful. The “ fine linen ” reveals their “ righteous ” and pure works .

Verse 15: “ Out of his mouth came a sharp sword to strike the nations; he will shepherd them with a rod of iron; and he will tread the winepress of the fierce wrath of the Almighty God .”

The “ word of God ” designated the Bible, its holy “ word ” which brought together its teaching which guided the chosen one in its divine truth. On the day of his return, the “ Word of God ” comes like a “ sharp sword ” to kill his rebellious, protesting, quibbling enemies, ready to shed the blood of his last chosen ones. The destruction of his enemies illuminates the expression “ he will rule them with a rod of iron ” which also designates the work of judgment carried out by the elect who will overcome according to Rev.2:27. The plan of divine vengeance called “ vintage ” in Rev. 14:17 to 20 is again confirmed here. This theme is developed in Isa.63 where the Spirit specifies that God acts alone without any man with him. The reason is that the elected officials already taken to heaven do not witness the drama which strikes the rebels.

Verse 16: “ He had on his garment and on his thigh a name written: King of kings and Lord of lords. »

The “ clothing ” designates the works of a living being and “ his thigh ” suggests his strength and his power, because an important detail, he appears as a rider, and to stand on a horse, the muscles of the “ thighs ”, the most of man, are put to the test and make action possible or not. His image as a horseman was significant in the past since this was the appearance that warrior fighters took. Today we are left with the symbolism of this image which tells us that the rider is a teacher who dominates a group of human beings symbolized by the mounted “ horse ”. The one that Jesus ascends concerns his chosen ones currently scattered throughout the earth. His name “ King of kings and Lord of lords ” constitutes the subject of true consolation for his beloved elect subject to the unjust dictate of the kings and lords of the earth. This subject deserves clarification. The model of earthly kingship was not designed on principles approved by God. Indeed God granted Israel, according to his request , to be ruled on earth by a king, I quote, “like the other pagan nations” that existed at that time. God only responded to the request of their wicked hearts. Because on earth, the best of kings is only an “abominable” being who “ reaps where he did not sow ” and he who knows God does not wait to be overthrown by his people before reforming himself. himself. The model presented by Jesus condemns the model transmitted on earth from generation to generation by stupid, ignorant and wicked people. In God's celestial world, the leader is a servant of his people, and he derives all his glory from them. The key to perfect happiness is there, because no living being suffers because of his fellow man. In his glorious return, Jesus comes to destroy wicked kings and lords, and their wickedness, which they attribute to him by claiming that their reign is a divine right. Jesus will teach them that this is not the case; to them, but also to the human masses who justify their injustice. This is the explanation of “the parable of the talents” which is then fulfilled and applied.

After the confrontation

Verse 17: “ And I saw an angel standing in the sun. And he cried with a loud voice, saying to all the birds that flew in the middle of the sky, Come, gather together for the great supper of God ,

Jesus Christ " Michael " comes in the image of the sun symbol of divine light to fight the false Christians worshipers of the sun god who justifies the change of the day of rest made by the Emperor Constantine 1st . In their confrontation with Christ God, they will discover that the living God is more formidable than their sun god. With a loud voice, Jesus Christ summons a gathering of predatory birds.

Note : I must again specify here that the rebels do not wish to worship the solar divinity in a conscious and voluntary manner, but they underestimate the fact that for God, the first day which they honor for their weekly rest retains the defilement of his pagan use of the past tense. Likewise, their choice reveals a great contempt for the order of time that he established from the beginning of his creation of the earth. God counts the days marked by the rotation of the earth on its axis. During his interventions for his people Israel, he recalled the order of the week by indicating, by naming it, the seventh day called “sabbath”. Many believe they can be justified by God because of their sincerity. Neither sincerity nor conviction is of value to those who challenge the truth clearly expressed by God. Its truth is the only standard that allows reconciliation through faith in the voluntary sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Personal opinions are not heard or recognized by the creator God, the Bible confirms this principle with this verse from Isaiah 8:20: “ To the law and to the testimony! If we do not speak like this, there will be no dawn for the people .”

Two “ feasts ” are prepared by God: the “ wedding supper of the Lamb ” whose guests are the elect themselves individually, since, collectively, they represent “ the Bride ”. The second “ feast ” is of the macabre type and the beneficiaries of it are only “ birds ” of prey, vultures, condors, kites, and other species of the genre.

Verse 18: “ To eat the flesh of kings, the flesh of military commanders, the flesh of mighty men, the flesh of horses and those who ride on them, the flesh of all, free and bond, small and great.” »

After the destruction of all humanity, there will be no one left to put the bodies under the earth and according to Jer.16:4, " they will be spread like dung on the earth ." Let us find the entire verse which teaches us the fate that God reserves for those he curses: “ They will die consumed by illness; they will not be given tears or burial; they will be like dung on the earth; they will perish by the sword and by famine; and their carcasses will be food for the birds of the air and the beasts of the earth .” According to the enumeration presented by the Spirit in this verse 18, no man escapes death. I recall that the “ horses ” symbolize the people led by their civil and religious leaders according to James 3:3: “ If we put the bit in the mouth of horses so that they obey us, we also direct their entire body. »

Verse 19: “ And I saw the beast, and the kings of the earth, and their armies gathered together to make war against him who sat on the horse and against his army. »

We have seen that the “ battle of Armageddon ” was spiritual and that on earth, its aspect consisted of decreeing the death of all the last true slaves of Jesus Christ. This decision was made before the return of Jesus Christ and the rebels were sure of their choice. But at the time of its entry into application, the sky opened revealing the divine avenging Christ and his angelic armies. There is therefore no longer any fight possible. No one can fight against God when he appears and the result is what Rev.6:15-17 revealed to us: “ The kings of the earth, the great ones, the military commanders, the rich, the mighty, all the slaves and the free men hid in the caves and in the rocks of the mountains. And they said to the mountains and the rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of him who sits on the throne, and from the wrath of the Lamb; for the great day of his wrath has come, and who can stand? » To the last question, the answer is: the elected officials who were going to be killed by the rebels; elect sanctified by their fidelity to the holy Sabbath which prophesied the victory of Jesus over all his enemies and those of his redeemed.

Verse 20: “ And the beast was taken, and with him the false prophet, who had performed signs before it, by which he had deceived those who took the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. They were both thrown alive into the lake burning with fire and brimstone. »

Attention ! The Spirit reveals to us the final fate of the last judgment as God prepares it for " the beast and the false prophet " i.e. the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith joined by the false Adventists since 1994. For " the lake burning with fire and of sulfur " will cover the earth only at the end of the seventh millennium to destroy and annihilate sinners, definitively, after the last judgment. This verse reveals to us the wonderful sense of the perfect justice of our creator God. It establishes the difference between the real perpetrators and the victims who are deceived but guilty because they are responsible for their choice. Religious rulers are “ thrown alive into the lake of fire ” because according to Rev. 14:9, they incited the men and women of the earth to honor “ the mark of the beast ” whose punishment was announced.

Verse 21: “ And the rest were killed by the sword that came out of the mouth of him that sat on the horse; and all the birds were satisfied with their flesh

These “ others ” concern non-Christian or non-believing humans who followed the international movement and obeyed the general order without personal involvement in the action carried out by the Christian religious rebels. Not being covered by the righteousness of the blood shed by Jesus Christ, they do not survive Christ's return but are nevertheless killed by his word symbolized by " the sword that proceeded from his mouth ". These fallen beings who are eyewitnesses to the appearance of the true God will come to the last judgment but they will not suffer the suffering of the prolonged death of the “lake of fire ” reserved for the great religious culprits active in the rebellion. After being confronted with the glory of the great creator God, the Great Judge, they will be suddenly annihilated.

Revelation 20:

the thousand years of the seventh millennium

and the last judgment




The Devil's Punishment

Verse 1: “ Then I saw an angel coming down from heaven, having the key to the bottomless pit and a great chain in his hand. »

An angel ” or messenger of God “ descends from heaven ” to the earth which, deprived of all forms of terrestrial, human and animal life, takes up here its name “ abyss ” which designates it in Gen.1:2. “ The key ” opens or closes access to this desolate land. And “ the great chain ” held in “ his hand ” lets us understand that a living being will be chained on the desolate earth which will become his prison.

Verse 2: “ He took hold of the dragon, the ancient serpent, who is the devil and Satan, and bound him for a thousand years. »

The expressions which designate “ Satan ”, the rebellious angel, in Rev. 12:9 are cited here again. They remind us of his very high responsibility for the suffering caused by his rebellious character; physical and moral suffering and pain imposed on human beings by the dominators subject to his inspirations and influences because they were as bad as he was. As a " dragon " he led pagan imperial Rome, and as a " serpent ", papal Christian Rome but unmasked at the time of the Reformation, he behaved again as a " dragon " served by the armed Catholic and Protestant leagues and the “dragonnades” of Louis XIV. From the camp of the demonic angels, “ Satan ” is the only survivor, while awaiting his atoning death at the last judgment, he will remain alive for another “ thousand years ” isolated, without any contact with any creature, on the earth which has become a shapeless and desert prison. empty, populated only by decomposing corpses and bones of men and animals.


The angel of the abyss on the desolate earth: the Destroyer of Rev.9:11 .

Verse 3: “ He cast him into the bottomless pit and closed and sealed the entrance above him, so that he would no longer deceive the nations until the thousand years were fulfilled. After that, he must be untied for a little while. »

The image given is precise, Satan is placed on the desolate earth under a cover which prevents him from accessing heaven; so that he finds himself subject to the limitations of the human norm whose loss he caused or encouraged. The other living beings, celestial angels and men who have become angels in their turn are above him, in heaven to which he no longer has access since the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death. But his situation has gotten worse because he no longer has any company, no angel, no man. In heaven are “ the nations ” which this verse cites without the mention “of the earth”. This is because the redeemed of these nations are all in heaven in the kingdom of God. The role of the “ chain ” is thus revealed; it forces him to remain alone and isolated on earth. In the divine program, the devil will remain a prisoner for " a thousand years " at the end of which he will be released, having access and contact with the wicked dead resurrected in a second resurrection, for the " second death " of the last judgment, on the earth which will then, momentarily, be populated again. He will again subjugate the condemned rebellious nations in vain attempts to fight against the redeemed holy angels and Jesus Christ the great Judge.


The redeemed judge the wicked

Verse 4: “ And I saw thrones; and to those who sat there was given power to judge. And I saw the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God, and of those who had not worshiped the beast nor his image, and had not received the mark on their foreheads and on their hands. They came to life, and reigned with Christ a thousand years .”

Those who sit on thrones ” have royal “ power ” to judge . This is an important key to understanding the meaning that God gives to the word “ king ”. Now, in his kingdom, in Jesus Christ “ Michael ”, God shares his judgment with all his human creatures redeemed from the earth. The judgment of the earthly and celestial wicked will be collective and shared with God. This is the only aspect of the kingship of the redeemed elect. Domination is not reserved for a category of elect, but for all, and the Spirit reminds us that in the time that has passed on earth, there were first terrible murderous persecutions that he evokes quoting: “ the souls of those who had been beheaded because of the testimony of Jesus and because of the word of God ”; Paul was one of them. The Spirit thus evokes the Christian victims of Roman paganism and the intolerant Roman papal faith active between the year 30 and 1843. Then it targets the last chosen ones threatened with death by the "beast which rises from the earth" of Apo .13:11-15, in the last hour of earth time; during the year 2029 until the first day of spring preceding Passover in the year 2030.

In accordance with the announcement of the " seventh trumpet " in Rev. 11:18, " the time has come to judge the dead " and this is the usefulness of the time of the " thousand years " cited in this verse 4. This will be the occupation of the redeemed who have entered into the celestial eternity of God. They will have to “ judge ” wicked men and fallen heavenly angels. Paul says in 1 Cor.6:3: “ Do you not know that we will judge the angels? And how much more should we not judge the things of this life? »


The second resurrection for the fallen rebels

Verse 5: “ The rest of the dead did not live again until the thousand years were completed. This is the first resurrection. »

Watch out for the trap! The phrase “ The other dead did not come back to life until the thousand years were completed ” constitutes a parenthesis and the expression which follows it “ It is the first resurrection ”, concerns the first dead in Christ resurrected. at the beginning of the “ thousand years ” cited. The parenthesis evokes without naming it the announcement of a second “ resurrection ” reserved for the wicked dead who will be resurrected at the end of the “ thousand years ” for the last judgment and the mortal punishment of “ the lake of fire and sulfur » ; which accomplishes the “ second death ”.

Verse 6: “ Blessed and holy are those who share in the first resurrection! The second death has no power over them; but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and will reign with him a thousand years. »

This verse very simply summarizes God's revealed righteous judgment. Beatitude is addressed to the true elect who participate at the beginning of the “ thousand years ” in the “ resurrection of the dead in Christ ”. They will not come to judgment but will themselves be the judges in the judgment organized by God, in heaven, for “ a thousand years ”. The announced “ reign ” of “ a thousand years ” is only a “ reign ” of judge activity and is limited to these “ thousand years ”. Having entered eternity, the elect do not have to fear or suffer “ the second death ”, because on the contrary, it is they who will make the wicked dead who are judged suffer it. And we know that these are the greatest and most wicked, cruel, and murderous religious culprits. The elected judges will have to determine the length of the time of suffering that each of the beings judged must, individually, experience, in the process of their destruction of “ the second death ”, which has nothing in common with the current first earthly death. For it is the creator God who gives fire the form of its destructive action. Fire has no effect against celestial bodies and earthly bodies protected by God as the experience of Daniel's three companions proves in Daniel 3. For the last judgment, the body of the resurrection will react differently from the current earthly body . In Mark 9:48, Jesus reveals his particularity to us saying: “ where their worm does not die, and where the fire is not quenched ”. Just as the rings of the body of an earthworm remain individually animated, the body of the damned will possess life down to its last atom. The speed of their consumption will therefore depend on the length of the time of suffering decided by the holy judges and Jesus Christ.


The final confrontation

Verse 7: “ When the thousand years are completed, Satan will be released from his prison. »

At the end of the “thousand years”, for a short time, he will find company again. This is the moment of the second “ resurrection ” reserved for earthly rebels.

Verse 8: “ And he will go out to deceive the nations that are in the four corners of the earth, Gog and Magog, to gather them together for war; their number is like the sand of the sea.

This company is that of the “ nations ” resurrected throughout the earth as indicated by the formula of the “ four corners”. of the earth ” or four cardinal points which give the action a universal character. Such a gathering has nothing to compare, except at the level of war strategy a resemblance to the World War III conflict of the “ sixth trumpet ” of Rev.9:13. It is this comparison that leads God to give those gathered at the final judgment the names "Gog and Magog" originally cited in Ezek.38:2, and before that in Gen.10:2 where "Magog" is the second son of Japheth; but a small detail reveals only the comparative aspect of this evocation, because in Ezekiel, Magog is the country of Gog, and it designates Russia which will put into action, during the Third World War, the largest number of soldiers of all times. human war history; which justifies its enormous expansion and rapid conquest of the lands of the Western European continent.

The Spirit compares them to the “ sand of the sea ” thus emphasizing the importance of the number of victims of the last judgment. It is also an allusion to their submission to the devil and his human agents revealed in Rev. 12:18 or 13:1 (depending on the biblical version): speaking of the " dragon " we read: " And he stood on the sand of the sea.

An incorrigible rebel, Satan begins to hope again that he will be able to defeat God's army and he seduces the other condemned people by convincing them to engage in combat against God and his chosen ones.

Verse 9: “ And they went up on the face of the earth, and they surrounded the camp of the saints and the beloved city. But a fire came down from the sky and devoured them. » But a conquest of ground no longer means anything when we cannot seize the adversary because he has become untouchable; like Daniel's companions, neither fire nor anything else can harm them. And on the contrary, “ the fire from heaven ” strikes them even in “ the camp of the saints ” on which it has no effect. But this fire “ devours ” the enemies of God and his elect. In Zechariah 14, the Spirit prophesies the two wars separated by the “ thousand years .” That which precedes and is accomplished by the "sixth trumpet" is presented in verses 1 to 3, the rest concerns the second war conducted at the hour of the last judgment, and after it, the universal order established on the new earth . In verse 4, the prophecy evokes the descent to earth of Christ and his elect in these terms: “ His feet will stand that day on the mountain of olives, which is opposite Jerusalem, on the side of the 'east; the mountain of olives will split in the middle, to the east and to the west, and a very large valley will be formed: half of the mountain will recede towards the north, and half towards the south. » The camp of the saints of the last judgment is thus identified and located. Let us note that it is only at the end of the celestial “ thousand years ” that the “ feet ” of Jesus will “ place ” on the earth, “ on the mountain of olives which is opposite Jerusalem, on the side of the east ”. Misinterpreted, this verse gave rise to the erroneous belief of the earthly reign of Jesus Christ during the “millennium.”

Verse 10: “ And the devil, who deceived them, was thrown into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are. And they will be tormented day and night for ever and ever. »

The time has come to implement the judgment of religious rebels revealed in Rev.19:20. In accordance with the announcement of this verse, " the devil, the beast, and the false prophet " are together, " thrown alive into the lake of fire and sulfur " which results from the action of the " fire from heaven " to which Added to this is the molten underground magma released by fractures in the crust of the Earth's crust over the entire surface of the planet. The earth then takes on the appearance of the “sun” whose “fire” devours the flesh of the rebels, themselves being worshipers (unconscious but guilty) of the sun created by God. It is in this action that the earthly and celestial culprits suffer the “ torments ” of the “ second death ” prophesied since Rev.9:5-6. The unfair support given to the false day of rest caused this terrible end. Because fortunately for the condemned, however long it may be, the “ second death ” also has an end. And the expression “ for ever and ever ” does not apply to the “ torments ” themselves but to the destructive consequences of the “ fire ” which causes them, because these are the consequences which will be definitive and eternal.


The principles of the last judgment

Verse 11: “ Then I saw a great white throne, and him who sat on it. The earth and the sky fled from his face, and there was no place found for them .”

White ” of perfect purity, its “ great throne ” is the image of the perfectly pure and holy character of the God creator of all lives and things. Its perfection cannot tolerate the presence of “ the earth ” in its devastated and consumed aspect that the last judgment gave it. Furthermore, the villains of all origins having been destroyed, the time of symbols is over and the celestial universe and its billions of stars no longer have any reason to exist; “ the sky ” of our terrestrial dimension and everything it contains are therefore eliminated, disappeared into nothingness. It is time for eternal life in an eternal day.

Verse 12: “ And I saw the dead, both great and small, standing before the throne. Books were opened. And another book was opened, which is the book of life. And the dead were judged according to their works, according to what was written in these books. »

These “ dead ” found guilty were resurrected for the final judgment. God making no exception for anyone, his just judgment affects the “ great ” and the “ small ”, the rich and the poor and imposes on them the same fate, death, for the first time in their lives, egalitarian.

These verses which follow provide details on the action of the last judgment. Already prophesied in Dan.7:10, the “ books ” of the testimonies of the angels are “ open ” and these invisible witnesses noted the faults and crimes committed by the condemned and after the judgment of each case by the elect and Jesus Christ , a final irrevocable final verdict was adopted unanimously. At the time of the final judgment the verdict pronounced will be executed.

Verse 13: “ The sea gave up the dead that were in it; death and hell gave up the dead that were in them; and each was judged according to his works. »

The principle defined in this verse applies to both resurrections. The “ dead ” disappear into the “ sea ” or on the “land”; It is these two possibilities which are designated in this verse. Let us note the form “ had ” by which the entity “earth” is evoked. For indeed, this name is justified, God having declared to sinful man: “ You are dust and to dust you shall return ” in Gen.3:19. The “ had ” is therefore the “ dust ” of the “earth”. Death has sometimes consumed human beings by fire who are therefore not “ returned to dust ” according to the normal burial rite. This is why, not excluding this case, the Spirit specifies that “ death ”, itself, will return those it has struck in whatever forms; by understanding the disintegration caused by nuclear fire which leaves no trace of a fully disintegrated human body.

Verse 14: “ And death and hell were thrown into the lake of fire. This is the second death, the lake of fire. »

Death ” was a principle absolutely opposed to that of life and its purpose was to eliminate creatures whose life experience was judged and condemned by God. The sole purpose of life is to present to God a new candidate for his selection of eternal friends. This selection having taken place, and the wicked being destroyed, “ death ” and “the earth” “ had the dead ” no longer have any reason to exist. The destructive principles of these two things are themselves destroyed by God. After the “lake of fire ”, room is made for life and the divine light which illuminates its creatures.

Verse 15: “ Whoever was not found written in the book of life was thrown into the lake of fire.” »

This verse confirms it, God has truly placed before man only two paths, two choices, two fates, two destinies (Deu.30:19). The names of the elect have been known by God from the foundation of the world or even further, from the programming of his project aimed at providing free and independent creatures for company. This choice was going to cost him terrible suffering in a body of flesh but his desire for love being greater than his fear, he launched his project and knew in advance the detailed fulfillment of our story of celestial life and earthly life. He knew that his first creature would one day become his mortal enemy. But he gave him, despite this knowledge, every chance of abandoning his project. He knew it was impossible but he let it happen. He thus knew the names of the elect, their actions, the testimony of their entire lives and guided and led them to him each in his time and epoch. Only one thing is impossible for God: surprise.

He also knew the names of the multitudes of indifferent, rebellious, idolatrous human creatures that the process of human reproduction has created. The difference in God's judgment revealed in Rev.19:19-20 applies to all his creatures. Some of them who are less guilty will be killed by “ the word of God ” without experiencing “ the torments of the fire of the second death ” which are intended exclusively for Christian and Jewish religious culprits. But the second “ resurrection ” concerns all his human creatures born on earth and angelic created in heaven, for God declared in Rom.14:11: “For it is written, As I live, saith the Lord, every knee shall bow before me, and every tongue will give glory to God .”










Revelation 21: the glorified New Jerusalem symbolized




Verse 1: “ Then I saw a new heaven and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first earth had passed away, and the sea was no more. »

The Spirit shares with us the feelings inspired by the establishment of the new multidimensional order after the end of the 7th millennium . From this moment, time will no longer be counted, everything that lives enters endless eternity. Everything is new or more precisely renewed. “ Heaven and earth ” of the era of sin have disappeared, and the symbol of “ death ”, the “ sea ” is no more. As Creator, God changed the appearance of planet Earth, making everything that represented a risk or danger disappear for its inhabitants; so no more oceans, no more mountains with steep rocky peaks. It has become a large garden like the first “ Eden ” where everything is glory and peace; which will be confirmed in Rev.22.

Verse 2: “ And I saw the holy city, new Jerusalem, coming down out of heaven from God, prepared as a bride adorned for her husband. »

This new recreation will welcome the assembly of the elect redeemed saints from the land named in this verse " holy city ", as in Rev.11:2, " New Jerusalem ", the "bride " of Jesus Christ her " husband " . She “ comes down from heaven ”, from the kingdom of God where she entered at the return in glory of her Savior. She then descended to earth for the first time at the end of the “ thousand years ” of the heavenly judgment for the last judgment. After which, going back to heaven, she waited until the “ new heaven and the new earth ” were ready to receive her. Note that the word " heaven " is in the singular, because it evokes perfect unity, in opposition to the plural, " heavens ", which suggested in Gen.1:1, the division of celestial beings into two opposing camps.

Verse 3: “ And I heard a loud voice from the throne saying, Behold the tabernacle of God with men! He will dwell with them, and they will be his people, and God himself will be with them. »

The “ new earth ” welcomes a distinguished guest, since “ God himself ”, abandoning his ancient celestial throne, comes to install his new throne on the earth where he has defeated the devil, sin and death. “ The tabernacle of God ” designates the celestial body of God Jesus Christ “ Michael ” (= who is like God). But it is also the symbol of the Assembly of the elect over which the Spirit of Jesus Christ reigns. “ Tabernacle, temple, synagogue, church ”, all these terms are symbols of the people of the redeemed saints before being buildings constructed by man; each of them marks a stage in the progress of the divine project. And first, “ the tabernacle ” designates the exit from Egypt of the Hebrews guided and led to the desert by God visibly manifested by the cloud which descended like a column over the sacred tent. He was then already “ with men ”; which justifies the use of this term in this verse. Then the “ temple ” marks the solid construction of the “ tabernacle ”; work ordered and carried out under King Solomon. In Hebrew, exclusively, the word “ synagogue ” means: assembly. In Rev.2:9 and 3:9, the Spirit of Christ refers to the rebellious Jewish nation as the “ synagogue of Satan .” The last word “ church ” designates the assembly in Greek (ecclesia); the language of the dissemination of the Christian teaching of the Bible. Jesus compared “ his body " in the " temple " of " Jerusalem ", and according to Eph.5:23, the Assembly, his " Church ", is " his body ": " for the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church, which is his body, and of which he is the Savior . We remember the sadness experienced by Jesus' apostles when he left them to ascend to heaven. This time, “ my husband will live with me ” can say the Chosen One in her installation on the “ new earth ”. It is in this context that the messages of the twelve names of the “ twelve tribes ” of Rev.7 can express the unadulterated joy and happiness of their victory.

Verse 4: “ He will wipe away every tear from their eyes, and death will be no more, and there will be no more mourning, nor crying, nor pain, for the former things have passed away.” »

The link with Rev.7:17 is confirmed by finding here the divine promise with which Rev.7 ends: “ He will wipe away every tear from their eyes ”. The cure for crying is joy and joy. We speak of the hour when God's promises will be kept and fulfilled. Look carefully at this wonderful future, because before us is the time scheduled for “ death, mourning, cries, pain ” which will no longer be, only, the renewal of all things by our sublime and wonderful creator God. I specify that these terrible things will only disappear after the last judgment which will be accomplished at the end of the “thousand years”. For the elect, but only them, the effects of evil will cease at the return in glory of the Lord God Almighty.

Verse 5: “ And he that sat on the throne said, Behold, I make all things new. And he said: Write; for these words are certain and true. »

The creator God, in person, commits himself with promise, and he testifies to this prophetic word: “ Behold, I make all things new ”. There is no point looking for an image in our earthly news to try to get an idea of what God is preparing, because what is new cannot be described. And until then, God has only reminded us of the painful things of our time by telling us that they will no longer be in the “ new earth and the new sky ” which thus retain all their mystery and surprises. The angel adds to this statement: “ for these words are certain and true .” God's call of grace in Jesus Christ requires unwavering faith to obtain the reward of God's promises. It is a difficult path that goes against the norms of the world. It requires a great spirit of sacrifice, of self-denial, in the humility of a slave submitted to his Master. God's efforts to strengthen our confidence are therefore well justified: "certainty in the truth revealed and expressed" is the standard of true faith.

Verse 6: “ And he said to me: It is done! I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end. To him who is thirsty I will give from the spring of the water of life, freely .”

The creator God Jesus Christ creates “ everything new ”. “ It’s done!” » ; Psa.33:9: “ For he said, and the thing came to pass; he orders, and it exists .” His creative word is accomplished as soon as the words come out of his mouth. Since the year 30, behind us, the program of the Christian era revealed in Daniel and Revelation has been fulfilled down to the smallest details. God invites us to look again into the future that he has prepared for his elect; the things announced will be accomplished in the same way, with complete certainty. Jesus tells us as in Rev.1:8: “ I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end ”. The idea of “ beginning and end ” only makes sense in our experience of earthly sin which will end entirely at the “ end ” of the seventh millennium after the destruction of sinners and death. To the sons of God scattered across a mercantile land, Jesus offers, “ freely ,” “ from the spring of the water of life .” He is himself, “ the source ” of this “ water of life ” which symbolizes eternal life. The gift of God is free, this clarification condemns the sale of Roman Catholic “indulgences” which designated a pardon obtained at a price from the papacy.

Verse 7: “ He who overcomes will inherit these things; I will be his God, and he will be my son .”

God's elect are joint heirs with Jesus Christ. First, through his own “ victory ,” Jesus “ inherited ” a royal glory recognized by all his heavenly creatures. After him, his elect, also “ victors ”, but through his “ victory ”, “ will inherit these new things ” specially created by God for them. Jesus confirmed his divinity to the apostle Philip, in John 14:9: “ Jesus said to him: I have been with you so long, and you have not known me, Philip! He who has seen me has seen the Father; how do you say: Show us the Father? » The man messiah presented himself as the “ Eternal Father ”, thus confirming the announcement prophesied in Isa.9:6 (or 5) which concerned him. Jesus Christ is therefore for his elect, both their brother and their Father. And they themselves are his brothers and his sons. But the call is individual, so the Spirit says, as at the end of the 7 eras of the theme of “Letters”: “ to him who overcomes ”, “ he will be my son ”. Victory over sin is required to benefit from the status of “ son ” of the living God.

Verse 8: “ But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the abominable, the murderers, the sexually immoral, the magicians, the idolaters, and all liars, their portion will be in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone, which is the second death. »

These criteria of human characters are found throughout pagan humanity, however, the Spirit targets here the fruits of the false Christian religion; the condemnation of the Jewish religion being clearly expressed and revealed by Jesus in Rev.2:9 and 3:9.

According to Rev.19:20, “… the lake burning with fire and brimstone ” will be, at the last judgment, the part reserved for the “ beast and the false prophet ”: the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith. The false Christian religion is no different from the false Jewish religion. His priority values are the opposite of those of God. Thus, while the Jewish Pharisees reproached the disciples of Jesus for not washing their hands before eating (Mat.15:2), Jesus had never made this reproach to them and he then said, in Mat.15:17 to 20: “ Do you not understand that whatever goes into the mouth goes into the belly, and then is thrown into the secret places? But what comes out of the mouth comes from the heart, and this is what defiles a man. For out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, fornication, theft, false testimony, slander . These are the things that defile man; but eating without washing your hands does not defile a man ". Likewise, the false Christian religion masks its sins against the Spirit by primarily castigating the sins of the flesh. Jesus gave his opinion by telling the Jews in Mat.21:3: “ the tax collectors and the prostitutes will go before you into the kingdom of heaven ”; obviously, on condition that all repent and convert to God and his purity. It is false religion that Jesus treats of " blind guides " whom he reproaches in Mat.23:24, for " filtering out the gnat and swallowing up the camel ", or else, for " seeing the straw in the neighbor's eye without seeing the beam that is in his own ” according to Luke 6:42 and Mat.7:3 to 5.

There is little hope for anyone who identifies with all of these personality criteria that Jesus lists. If only one matches your nature, you will have to fight against it and overcome your flaw. The first battle of faith is against oneself; and it is the most difficult adversity to overcome.

In this enumeration, favoring their spiritual meaning, Jesus Christ, the great divine judge, cites the faults accused of the false Christian faith of the type of papal Roman Catholicism. By targeting “the cowards,” he designates those who refuse to win in their battle of faith, because his promises are all reserved “ to him who overcomes .” However, there is no victory possible for those who refuse to fight. The “ faithful witness ” must be courageous; exit the coward. “ Without faith it is impossible to please God ” (Heb.11:6); exit, “ the unbeliever ”. And faith that does not conform to the faith of Jesus given as a model to imitate, is only unbelief. “ Abominations ” are abhorrent to God and they remain the fruits of the pagans ; exit, “ the abominable ”. It is a leak attributed to “ Babylon the great, the mother of harlots and abominations of the earth ” according to Rev.17:4-5. “ Murderers ” transgress the sixth commandment; exit, “ the murderer ”. The murder is attributed to the Catholic faith and the Protestant faith of the “ hypocrites ” according to Dan.11:34. The “ immodest ” can change their behavior and overcome their evil, otherwise; exit “ the shameless one ”. But the spiritual “impudity ” attributed to the Catholic faith compared to a “ prostitute completely closes the door to heaven for it. Furthermore, God condemns in her “ unchastity ” which leads to spiritual “ adultery ”: commerce with the devil. “ Magicians ” are Catholic priests and Protestant followers of demonic spiritualism; exit, “ the magician ”; this action is attributed to “ Babylon the great ” in Rev.18:23. “ The idolaters ” also designates the Catholic faith, its carved idols objects of adoration and prayer; exit, “ the idolater ”. And lastly, Jesus cites “ the liars ” who have as their spiritual father “ the devil, a liar and murderer from the beginning and father of lies ” according to John 8:44; exit “ the liar ”.

Verse 9: “ Then one of the seven angels who held the seven vials of the seven last plagues came and spoke to me, saying, Come, I will show you the bride, the wife of the Lamb. »

In this verse, the Spirit sends a message of encouragement to the elect who will victoriously pass through the tragic and terrible time of the divine “ seven last plagues ”. Their reward will be to see (“ I will show you ”) the glory reserved for the victorious elect who constitute and represent, in this last historical phase of the land of sin, “ the bride, the wife of the Lamb ”, Jesus Christ. .

The “ seven angels who held the seven vials filled with the seven last plagues ” targeted human beings meeting the criteria of the false Christian religion cited in the previous verse. These “ seven last plagues ” were the portion that God would soon give to the fallen camp. He will now show us, in symbolic images, the part that will go to the victorious redeemed elect. In a symbolism revealing the feelings that God has for them, the angel will show the elect whose assembly constitutes, collectively, “ the bride of the lamb ”. By specifying, " the wife of the Lamb ", the Spirit confirms the teaching given in Ephesians 5:22 to 32. The apostle Paul describes an ideal husband and wife relationship which unfortunately will only find its fulfillment in the relationship of the Elect with Christ. And we must learn to reread the story of Genesis, in the light of this lesson given by the Spirit of the living God, creator of all life, and brilliant inventor of its perfect values. The word “ woman ” connects “ the bride ”, “the Chosen One ” of Christ to the image of the “ woman ” presented in Revelation 12.

General description of the Glorified Chosen

Verse 10: “ And he carried me away in the spirit to a great and high mountain. And he showed me the holy city Jerusalem, which came down out of heaven from God, having the glory of God. »

In spirit, John is transported to the moment when Jesus Christ and his elect descend from heaven after the heavenly judgment of the “ thousand years ” of the seventh millennium. In Rev.14:1, the “ sealed ” Adventist “ 144,000 ” of the Christian spiritual “ twelve tribes ” were shown on “ Mount Zion .” After the “ thousand years ” the thing prophesied is fulfilled in the reality of the “ new earth ”. Since the return of Jesus Christ, the elect have received from God a glorified heavenly body made eternal. They thus reflect “ the glory of God ”. This transformation is announced by the apostle Paul in 1 Cor.15:40 to 44: “ There are also heavenly bodies and earthly bodies; but the brightness of celestial bodies is different, that of terrestrial bodies is different. One is the brightness of the sun, another the brightness of the moon, and another the brightness of the stars; even a star differs in brightness from another star. So it is with the resurrection of the dead. The body is sown corruptible; he rises incorruptible; it is sown contemptible, it rises glorious; he is sown infirm, he rises full of strength; he is sown as an animal body, he resurrects as a spiritual body. If there is an animal body, there is also a spiritual body .”

Verse 11: “ Its brightness was like that of a very precious stone, a jasper stone transparent as crystal. »

Quoted in the previous verse, “ the glory of God ” which characterizes it is confirmed since the “ jasper stone ” also designates the aspect of “ He who sits on the throne ” in Rev.4:3. Between the two verses, we note a difference since in Rev. 4, for the context of judgment, this “ jasper stone ” which symbolizes God also has the appearance of a “ sardonyx ”. Here, the problem of sin having been resolved, the Chosen One presents herself in an aspect of perfect purity “ transparent as crystal ”.

Verse 12: “ It had a great and high wall. It had twelve doors, and on the doors twelve angels, and names written, those of the twelve tribes of the children of Israel: "

The image proposed by the Spirit of Jesus Christ is based on the symbolism of the “ temple holy ” spiritual mentioned in Eph.2:20 to 22.: “ You have been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ himself being the cornerstone. In him the whole building, well coordinated, rises to be a holy temple in the Lord. In him you are also being built into a habitation of God in the Spirit. ". But this definition only concerned the Elect of the apostolic time. The “ high wall ” images the evolution of the Christian faith from the year 30 to the year 1843; let us note that until this date, the standard of truth understood and taught by the apostles remains unchanged. This is why the change in the day of rest established in 321 breaks the holy covenant made with God by the blood of Jesus Christ. Concerning the true recipients of the Revelation of this prophecy, the symbols which image the Adventist faith, set apart by God since 1843, are imaged by “twelve doors”, “open” before the elected officials of “ Philadelphia ” (Rev.3: 7) and “ closed ” before the fallen “ living dead ” of “ Sardis ” (Rev.3:1). They “ bear the names of the 12 tribes sealed with the seal of God ” in Rev.7.

Verse 13: “ To the east three gates, to the north three gates, to the south three gates, and to the west three gates. »

This orientation of the “ doors ” to the four cardinal points illustrates its universal character; which condemns and makes illegitimate the religion which claims universalism translated by the Greek root “katholikos” or “catholic”. Thus, since 1843, for God, Adventism is the only Christian religion to which he has entrusted his “ eternal Gospel ” (Rev. 14:6) for a universal mission of teaching the populations of the earth. Apart from the truth that he reveals to his spiritual Chosen until the end of the world, there is no salvation . Adventism was born in the form of a religious revival movement motivated by the announcement of the return of Jesus Christ expected, the first time, for the spring of 1843; and it must maintain this character until the true final return of Jesus Christ scheduled for spring 2030. Because a “movement” is an activity in constant evolution, otherwise it is no longer a “movement”, but a “blocked” and dead institution, which favors tradition and religious formalism; or, everything that God hates and condemns; and has already condemned among the rebellious Jews, the first unbelievers.


Detailed description in chronological order


The basics of the Christian faith

Verse 14: “ The wall of the city had twelve foundations, and on them the twelve names of the twelve apostles of the Lamb. »

This verse images the apostolic Christian faith which covers, as we have seen, the period of time between 30 and 1843, and whose teaching was distorted by Rome in 321 and 538. The “high wall” is formed by the the centuries-old assembly of “ living stones ” according to 1 Pie.2:4-5: “ Draw near to him, a living stone , rejected by men, but chosen and precious before God; and you yourselves, as living stones , build yourselves up to form a spiritual house , a holy priesthood , to offer spiritual victims, acceptable to God through Jesus Christ .

Verse 15: “ He who spoke to me had a golden reed as a measure, to measure the city, its gates, and its wall. »

Here, as in Rev. 11:1, it is a question of " measuring " or passing judgment on the value of the glorified Elect, on the Adventist era ( the 12 gates ), and on the apostolic faith ( the foundation and the wall ). If the " reed " of Rev. 11:1 was " like a rod ", an instrument of punishment, the absolute opposite, that of this verse is a " golden reed "; “ gold ” being the symbol of “ faith purified by trial ”, according to 1 Pet.1:7: “ so that the testing of your faith, more precious than perishable gold (which however is tested by fire), result in praise, glory and honor, when Jesus Christ appears . Faith is therefore the standard of God's judgment.

Verse 16: “ The city was in the shape of a square, and its length was equal to its breadth. He measured the city with the reed, and found twelve thousand stadia; the length, width and height were equal. »

The “ square ” is in surface area the perfect ideal shape. It is originally found in the “holy of holies” or “most holy place” aspect of the tabernacle built in the time of Moses. The shape of the “ square ” is proof of intelligent involvement, nature presents no perfect “ square ”. The intelligence of God appears in the dimensions of the Hebrew sanctuary which was formed by an alignment of three “ squares ”. Two were used for the " holy place " and the third, for " the holy of holies " or " most holy place ", which was exclusively reserved for the presence of God and therefore, separated by " a veil ", image of sin that Jesus will atone in his hour. These proportions of three thirds were the image of the 6000 or three times 2000 years devoted to the selection of the elect in the saving project designed by God. At the end of this selection, the chosen ones are thus imaged by the “ square ” of the “ most holy place ” which prophesied the outcome of the salvation project; this spiritual place becoming accessible because of the reconciliation brought about by the covenant in Christ. And the spiritual “ square ” of the temple described thus received its foundation on April 3, 30, when salvation began with the voluntary atoning death of our Redeemer Jesus Christ. The image of the “ square ” is not enough to perfect this definition of true perfection, the symbolic number of which is “three”. Also, it is that of a “cube” which is presented to us. Having the same measurement, in “ length, width, and height ”, we have this time, the “three” symbol of the perfect “cubic” perfection, of the assembly of the elect redeemed by Jesus Christ. In 2030, the construction of “ the square city (and even cubic: “ its height ”), its foundation and its twelve gates ” will be completed. By giving it a cubic form, the Spirit prohibits the literal interpretation of “city” that multitudes give it.

The number measured, “ 12,000 stadia ,” carries the same meaning as the “ 12,000 seals ” of Rev.7. As a reminder: 5 + 7 x 1000, that is, man (5) + God (7) x in multitude (1000). The word " stadiums " suggests their participation in the race whose goal is to " win the prize of the heavenly calling " according to the teaching of Paul, in Phi.3:14: " I run towards the goal, to win the prize of the heavenly vocation of God in Jesus Christ. » ; and in 1 Cor.9:24: “ Do you not know that those who run in the stadium all run, but one gets the prize? Run so as to win it. » The victorious Chosen ran and won the prize awarded by God in Jesus Christ.

Verse 17: “ And he measured the wall, and found one hundred and forty-four cubits, a man's measure, which was that of the angel. »

Behind the " cubits ", misleading measurements, God reveals his judgment to us and he reveals to us that only men symbolized by the number "5" who have made an alliance with God, whose number is “7”. The total of these two numbers gives “12” which, when “squared”, gives the number “144”. The precision “ measure of man ” confirms the judgment of elected “men ” redeemed by the blood shed by Jesus Christ. The number “12” is thus present in all phases of the project of the holy alliance concluded with God: 12 Hebrew patriarchs, 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, and 12 tribes to image the Adventist faith established since 1843-1844.

Verse 18: “ The wall was made of jasper, and the city was pure gold, like pure glass. »

Through these symbols, God reveals his appreciation of the faith demonstrated by his chosen elect until 1843. They often had little light, but their testimony to God compensated and filled him with love. The “ pure gold and pure glass ” of this verse illustrate the purity of their souls. They have often given up their lives for the sake of trusting in the promises of God revealed through Jesus Christ. The trust placed in him will not be disappointed, he himself will welcome them to “ the first resurrection ”, that of the true “ dead in Christ ”, in the spring of 2030.


The apostolic foundation

Verse 19: “ The foundations of the wall of the city were adorned with precious stones of every kind: the first foundation was of jasper, the second of sapphire, the third of chalcedony, the fourth of emerald,

Verse 20: “ the fifth of sardonyx, the sixth of sardonyx, the seventh of chrysolite, the eighth of beryl, the ninth of topaz, the tenth of chrysoprase, the eleventh of hyacinth, the twelfth of amethyst. »

God knows the thoughts of human beings and what they feel when admiring the beauty of precious stones when they are cut or polished. To acquire these things, some spend fortunes to the point of ruining themselves, such is their affection for them. In the same process, God will use this human feeling to express the feelings he has for his beloved and blessed elect.

These different “ precious stones ” teach us that the chosen ones are not identical clones, because each person has their own personality, on the physical level, obviously, but especially on the spiritual level, at the level of their character. The example given by the “ twelve apostles ” of Jesus confirms this thought. Between Jean and Pierre, what a difference! However, Jesus loved them both with and for their differences. The true richness of life created by God lies in these diversity of personalities who have all been able to give him first place in their hearts and all their souls.




Verse 21: “ The twelve gates were twelve pearls; each door was of a single pearl. The town square was pure gold, like transparent glass. »

Since 1843, the selected elect have not demonstrated a faith greater than that of those who preceded them in the judgment of the Savior Judge. The " one pearl " symbol is due to blessed Adventism's access to the full understanding of God's plan of salvation. For God, since 1843, the selected Adventist elect have shown themselves worthy of receiving all his light. But this being delivered in constant growth, only the last dissident Adventists receive the last perfect form of prophetic explanations. What I mean is that the last Adventist selected will not be of greater value than the others redeemed from apostolic times. The “ pearl ” signals the culmination of the saving project set in motion by God. It reveals a specific experience which consisted of restoring all the doctrinal truths distorted and attacked by the Roman papal Catholic faith and the Protestant faith which had fallen into apostasy. And finally, it reveals to us the immense importance that God gives to the entry into application of the decree of Daniel 8:14 in the spring of 1843: “Until two thousand three hundred in the evening and holiness will be justified ”. “ The pearl ” is the image of this “ justified holiness ” which, unlike other precious stones, must not be cut to reveal its beauty. In this final context the assembly of the sanctified elect appears harmonious, “ irreprehensible ” according to Rev. 14:5, giving God all the glory he deserves. The prophetic Sabbath and the seventh millennium prophesied by it come together and are accomplished in all the perfection of the saving project conceived by the great creator God. His “ pearl of great price ” of Matt.13:45-46 expresses all the splendor he wanted to give it.


The great changes of the new Jerusalem

The Spirit specifies: “ the town square was made of pure gold, like transparent glass. » By citing this “ place of pure gold ” or pure faith, he suggests a comparison with that of Paris which bears the image of sin by receiving the names “ Sodom and Egypt ” in Rev.11:8.

Verse 22: “ I saw no temple in the city; for the Lord God Almighty is his temple, as is the Lamb. »

The time for symbols has passed, the elect have entered into the true accomplishment of the divine saving project. As we understand it today on earth, “ the temple ” of gathering will no longer have any use. Entry into eternity and reality will make useless “ the shadows ” which prophesied according to Col.2:16-17: “ Therefore let no one judge you concerning eating or drinking, or concerning a feast , of a new moon, or of the sabbaths: it was the shadow of things to come, but the body is in Christ .” Attention ! In this verse, the formula “ of the Sabbaths ” concerns “ the Sabbaths ” occasioned by religious festivals and not “ the weekly Sabbath” established and sanctified by God on the seventh day since the creation of the world. Just as the first coming of Christ made useless the festive rites which prophesied of him in the old covenant, the entry into eternity will make earthly symbols obsolete and it will allow the elect to see, hear and follow the 'Lamb be, Jesus Christ, the true holy divine " temple " who will be, eternally, the visible expression of the creative Spirit.

Verse 23: “ The city needs neither the sun nor the moon to light it; for the glory of God enlightens him, and the Lamb is his torch. »

In divine eternity, the elect live in a permanent light without a light source like our current sun whose existence is only justified by the alternation of “ day and night ”; “ night or darkness ” justified because of sin. With sin resolved and gone, only room remains for “ the light ” that God had declared “ good ” in Gen.1:4.

The Spirit of God remains invisible and Jesus Christ is the aspect in which his creatures can see him. It is for this reason that he is presented as “ the torch ” of the invisible God.

But spiritual interpretation reveals a great change. Entering heaven, the elect will be directly taught by Jesus, they will then no longer need the “ sun ”, symbol of the new alliance, nor the “ moon ”, symbol of the old Jewish alliance; both being, according to Rev. 11:3, in Scripture, the biblical “ two witnesses ” of God, useful in enlightening men in their discovery and understanding of his saving project. In summary, the elect will no longer need the Holy Bible.

Verse 24: “ The nations will walk in its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their glory into it. »

The nations ” concerned are the “ nations ” that are celestial or have become celestial. The “ new earth ” having also become the new kingdom of God, it is there that every living creature can find the creator God. “ The kings of the earth ” who constitute the elect will “ bring the glory ” of their purity of soul in this eternal life installed on the “ new earth ”. This expression “ kings of the earth ” which most often targets, pejoratively, the rebellious earthly authorities, designates, in a subtle way, the elect in Rev. 4:4 and 20:4 where they are presented “seated” on thrones ". Likewise, we read in Rev.5:10: “ you have made them a kingdom and priests to our God, and they will reign on the earth .”

Verse 25: “ Her gates shall not be shut by day, for there shall be no night there. »

The message highlights the disappearance of current insecurity. Peace and security will be perfect in the light of an eternal day without end. In the history of life, the image of darkness was created only on earth because of the battle between divine " light " and the " darkness " of the devil's camp.

Verse 26: “ The glory and honor of the nations will be brought there. »

For 6000 years men have organized themselves into tribes, peoples and nations. During the Christian era, in the West, people changed their kingdoms into nations and the Christian elect were selected from among them because of the “ glory and honor ” they gave to God in Jesus. Christ.

Verse 27: “ Nothing unclean shall enter into her, nor any one that practiceth abomination or lies; only those who are written in the Lamb’s book of life will enter .”

God confirms it, salvation is the subject of a great demand on his part. Only perfectly pure souls, demonstrating love for divine truth, can be selected for eternal life. Once again, the Spirit renews its rejection of the " defiled " which designates the fallen Protestant faith in the message of " Sardes " in Rev.3:4, and the Catholic faith whose follower " delivers himself to abomination and to religious and civil lies. Because those who do not belong to God allow themselves to be manipulated by the devil and his demons.

Once again, the Spirit reminds us, surprises are reserved for men because God has known since the foundation of the world the names of his elect because they “are written in his book of life . And by specifying “ in the book of life of the lamb ”, God excludes any non-Christian religion from his plan of salvation . Having revealed in his Revelation the exclusion of false Christian religions, the path to salvation appears as “ narrow and narrow ” as Jesus declared it in Mat.7:13-14: “ Enter through the narrow gate. For wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leads to destruction, and there are many who enter in by it. But narrow is the gate and narrow is the way that leads to life, and there are few who find it .”


















Revelation 22: The Endless Day of Eternity




The perfection of the earthly time of divine selection ended with Apo.21: 7 x 3. The number 22 paradoxically marks the beginning of history although it constitutes, in this book, its epilogue. This renewal, which concerns “ everything ” according to God, is linked to the “ new earth and the new heaven ”, both of which are eternal.

Verse 1: “ And he showed me a river of the water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding from the throne of God and of the Lamb. »

In this sublime, invigorating image of freshness, the Spirit reminds us that the assembly of the elect which has become eternal, imaged by the “ river of water of life ”, is a creation, a work of God spiritually recreated in Christ whose presence visible is suggested by his “ throne ”; and this, by means of the sacrifice of the “lamb ”, Jesus Christ; eternity being the fruit of the new birth that this sacrifice produced in the elect.

The river ” is a high-volume flow of fresh water. He images life which, like him, is in constant activity. Fresh water makes up 75% of our human terrestrial body; this means that fresh water is essential to him, and this is the reason why God compares his word, just as essential for obtaining eternal life, to “ a source of the waters of life ” according to Apo.7 :17, being himself this “ source of living water ” according to Jer.2:13. In His Revelation, we saw in Rev.17:15 that the “ waters ” symbolize “ peoples ”; here, the “ river ” is a symbol of the redeemed elect becoming eternal.

Verse 2: “ In the middle of the city square and on the two banks of the river there was a tree of life, bearing fruit twelve times, yielding its fruit every month, and whose leaves were for the healing of the nations . »

In this second image, Jesus Christ, the “tree of life ” is found “ in the middle ” of his assembly of elect gathered around him in “ the square ” of the gathering. He is “ in the middle ” of them but also on their sides, represented by the “ two banks of the river ”. For the divine Spirit of Jesus Christ is omnipresent; present everywhere and in everyone. The fruit of this “ tree ” is “ life ” which is renewed, constantly, since “ its fruit ” is obtained in each of the “ 12 months ” of our earthly year. This is another beautiful picture of eternal life and a reminder that it is kept eternal by the will of God.

Jesus often compared man to fruit “ trees ” that “ we judge by their fruit .” He attributed to himself, from the beginning in Gen.2:9, the symbolic image of a “ tree of life ”. But trees have as “ clothing ” the adornment of their “ leaves ”. For Jesus, his “ garment ” symbolizes his righteous works and therefore his redemption from the sins of his elect who owe their salvation to him. So just as the “ leaves ” of “ trees ” cure illnesses, the righteous works accomplished by Jesus Christ “ cure ” the mortal illness of original sin inherited by the elect since Adam and Eve who had used “ leaves ” of trees to cover their physical and spiritual nudity discovered by the experience of sin.

Verse 3: “ There will be no more accursedness. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city; his servants will serve him and see his face,

From this verse, the Spirit expresses himself in the future tense, giving his message the meaning of encouragement for the elect who will still have to fight evil and its consequences until the return of Christ and their removal from the earth. of sin.

It is “ anathema ”, the curse of the sin committed by Eve and Adam, which had made God invisible to human eyes. The creation of the Israel of the old covenant had changed nothing, because sin still made God invisible. He still had to hide under the appearance of a cloud by day becoming flamboyant by night. The most holy place of the sanctuary was exclusively reserved for him, under penalty of death for an offender. But these earthly conditions are no more. On the new earth, God is visible to all his servants, what their service will be still remains a mystery, but they will have contact with him as the apostles rubbed shoulders with Jesus Christ and conversed with him; face to face.

Verse 4: “ And his name will be on their foreheads. »

The name of God constitutes the true “ seal of the living God ”. The Sabbath rest is only the external “sign” of this. Because the “ name ” of God designates his character which he symbolizes by the faces of the “ four animals ”: “ the lion, the calf, the man, and the eagle ” which perfectly illustrate the harmonious contrasts of the character of God: royal and strong, but ready for sacrifice, human appearance, but heavenly nature. The words of Jesus have been fulfilled; those who are alike flock together. Also, those who share divine values have been selected by God for eternal life and are gathered to him. The “ forehead ” houses the man’s brain, the motor center of his thought and his personality. And this animated brain studies, reflects and approves or rejects the standard of truth that God presents to it to save it. The brains of the elect loved the demonstration of love organized by God in Jesus Christ and they fought, according to the established rules, to overcome evil with his help, in order to obtain the right to live with him.

Ultimately, all those who share the character of God revealed by Jesus Christ find themselves with him to serve him eternally. The presence of the “ name ” of God “ written on their foreheads ” explains their victory; and this, particularly, in the last test of Adventist faith in which, men had the choice of inscribing on “ their forehead ”, “ the name of God ” or that of the rebellious “ beast ”.

Verse 5: “ There will be no more night; and they will need neither lamp nor light, because the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign forever and ever. »

According to Gen.1:5, behind the word “ night ” stands the word “ darkness ”, a symbol of sin and evil. The “ lamp ” designates the Bible, the holy written word of God which reveals the standard of “ his light ”, that of good and good. It will no longer be useful, the elect will have direct access to its divine inspiration, but it currently retains, on the earth of sin, its essential “ illuminating ” role which alone leads to eternal life.

Verse 6: “ And he said unto me, These words are sure and true; and the Lord, the God of the spirits of the prophets, has sent his angel to show his servants what must happen quickly ".

For the second time we find this divine affirmation: “ These words are certain and true .” God strives to convince the reader of the prophecy, because his eternal life is at stake in his choices. Faced with his divine affirmations, the human being is conditioned by the five senses that his Creator gave him. The temptations are multiple and effective in turning him away from spirituality. God's insistence is therefore fully justified. The danger to souls is real and ever-present.

It is appropriate to update our reading of this verse which presents a rare literal character in this prophecy. There is no symbol in this verse, but the affirmation that God is the inspiration of the prophets who wrote the books of the Bible and that as a final revelation, he sent "Gabriel" to John, so that he reveals to him in images what, in 2020, will happen “ promptly ”, or has already been accomplished, to a large extent. But between 2020 and 2030, the most terrible era will have to be crossed; terrible times marked by death, nuclear destruction, and the terrible “ seven last plagues of the wrath of God ”; man and nature will suffer terribly until they disappear.

Verse 7: “ And behold, I come quickly . Happy is he who keeps the words of the prophecy of this book! »

The return of Jesus is announced for the spring of 2030. Beatitude is for us, to the extent that we “ keep ”, until the end , “ the words of the prophecy of this book ” Revelation.

The adverb “ promptly ” defines the sudden appearance of Christ at the hour of his return, because time passes regularly without acceleration or slowdown. Since Daniel 8:19, God reminds us: “ there is a time appointed for the end ”: “ Then he said to me: I will teach you what will happen at the end of wrath, for there is a time marked for the end .” It can only intervene at the end of the 6000 years programmed by God for his selection of elect, that is, on the first day of spring which precedes April 3, 2030.

Verse 8: “ I am John, who have heard and seen these things. And when I had heard and seen, I fell at the feet of the angel who showed them to me, to adore him and prostrate myself before him. »

For the second time, the Spirit comes to send us his warning. In the original Greek texts the verb “proskuneo” translates as “to prostrate before”. The verb “to adore” is a legacy of the Latin version called “Vulgate”. Apparently, this bad translation paved the way for the abandonment of physical prostration in the religious practice of apostate Christianity to the point of praying "standing", because of another false translation of the Greek verb “istemi,” in Mark 11:25. In the text, its form “stékété” has the meaning of “remain firm or persevere”, but the Oltramare translation used in the L.Segond version translated it into “stasis” which means “standing” in the literal sense. A false translation of the Bible thus legitimizes, deceptively, an unworthy, arrogant and outrageous attitude towards the great creator God, the Almighty, on the part of people who lose the sense of the truly sacred. And this is not the only one... This is why our attitude towards biblical translations must be suspicious and cautious, especially since in Rev.9:11, God reveals the "destructive" use (Abaddon- Apollyon ), of the Bible written “ in Hebrew and Greek ”. The truth is only found in the original texts, preserved in Hebrew but disappeared and replaced by the Greek writings of the new covenant. And there, it must be recognized, “standing” prayer appeared among Protestant believers, targeted by the divine words of the  5th trumpet .” Because, paradoxically, kneeling prayer has continued longer among Catholics, but we should not be surprised, because it is in this Catholic religion that the devil leads his followers and his victims to prostrate themselves before graven images prohibited by the second of God's ten commandments; commandment that Catholics ignore, since in the Roman version, it is deleted and replaced.

Verse 9: “ But he said to me, Be careful not to do this! I am your fellow servant, and that of your brothers the prophets, and of those who keep the words of this book. Worship Before God prostrate yourself. »

The fault committed by John is proposed by God as a warning addressed to his elect: “take care not to fall into idolatry!” which constitutes the main fault of the Christian religions rejected by God in Jesus Christ. He organizes this scene in the same way that he organized his last lesson by ordering his apostles to take up their weapons for the hour of his arrest. When the time came, he forbade them to use it. The lesson was given and she said: “ Be careful not to do it .” In this verse, John receives the explanation: “ I am your fellow servant .” The “ angels ”, including “ Gabriel ”, are, like men, creatures of the creator God who has forbidden in the second of his ten commandments to prostrate themselves before his creatures, before graven images, or painted images; all the forms that the idol can take. We can thus learn from this verse by noting the opposite behaviors of the angels. Here Gabriel, the most worthy celestial creature after Michael, forbids prostration before him. On the other hand, Satan, in his seductive appearances, in the guise of the “Virgin”, asks that monuments and places of worship be erected to worship and serve her… the luminous mask of darkness falls.

The angel further specifies “ and that of your brothers, the prophets and of those who keep the words of this book ”. Between this sentence and that of Rev. 1:3 we note the difference due to the time elapsed between the beginning of the time of decryption, 1980, and that of the current version of 2020. Between these two dates, "he who reads » made other children of God share the deciphered light and they in turn entered into the work of the “ prophets ”. This multiplication allows even a greater number of other called people to access the election by hearing the revealed truth, and by putting it into concrete practice.

Verse 10: “ And he said unto me, Seal not the words of the prophecy of this book. Because the time is near. »

The message is misleading because it is addressed to John, whom God has transported to our final age from the beginning of the book, according to Rev.1:10. Also, we must understand that the order not to seal the words of the book is addressed directly to me at the time when the book is completely unsealed; it then becomes the “ little open book ” of Rev.10:5. And when it is “ opened ” with the help and authorization of God, there is no longer any question of closing it with “seals”. And this, “ for the time is near ”; in spring 2021, there are 9 years left, before the glorious return of the Lord God Jesus Christ.

However, the first opening of the “ little book ” began after the decree of Dan.8:14, i.e., after 1843 and 1844; for the important understanding of the subject of the latest Adventist test of faith is due to the revelations given directly by Jesus Christ himself, or by his angel, to our sister Ellen.G.White, during her ministry.

Verse 11: “ Let him who is unjust be unjust again, let him who is unclean become unclean again; and let the righteous still practice righteousness, and he who is holy still sanctify himself. »

On first reading, this verse confirms the entry into application of the decree of Dan.8:14. The separation of Adventists selected by God between 1843 and 1844 confirms the message of " Sardis " where we find the Protestants " alive " but " dead " and " defiled " spiritually, and the Adventist pioneers " worthy of whiteness " called in this verse “ righteousness and sanctification ”. But the opening of the “ little book ” is progressive like “ the path of the righteous which goes on growing like the light of day, from dawn to its zenith ”. And the pioneer Adventists were unaware that a test of faith was going to sift them between 1991 and 1994 as the study of the “ 5th trumpet ” revealed to us. As a result, other readings of this verse become possible.

The time of sealing is about to end as we read in Rev.7:3: “ Do no harm to the earth, nor to the sea, nor to the trees, until we have sealed seal the foreheads of the servants of our God. » Where should we place the authorization to harm the land, the sea, and the trees? Two possibilities exist. Before the “ sixth trumpet ” or before the “ seven last plagues ”? The “ sixth trumpet ” constituting a sixth warning punishment given by God to earthly sinners, it seems logical to me in this case to retain the second possibility. Because the “ seven last plagues of the wrath of God ” have as their target the Protestant “earth ” and the Catholic “ sea ”. Let us consider that the destructions accomplished by the “ sixth trumpet ” do not prevent, but promote the conversion of the called elect redeemed by the blood of Jesus Christ.

It is therefore, after the “ sixth trumpet ” and just before the “ seven last plagues ”, and at the time of the stopping of the sealing which marks the end of the time of collective and individual grace that we can still place the words from this verse: “ Let him who is unjust be unjust again, let him who is defiled become defiled again; and let the righteous still practice righteousness, and he who is holy still sanctify himself. » Everyone will be able to see here the way in which the Spirit confirms in this verse the good translation that I presented for the fundamental “Adventist” verse which is Daniel 8:14: “… holiness will be justified ”. The words “ righteousness and holy ” are strongly supported and therefore confirmed by God. This message therefore anticipates the time of the end of the grace period, but another explanation is as follows. Reaching the end of the book, the Spirit targets the time when the fully deciphered book becomes the " little open book " and from this moment, its acceptance or refusal will make the difference between " the one who is just and the one who defiles himself ” and our Lord invites “ the saint to sanctify himself further ”. I recall again that the “ defilement ” was attributed to Protestantism in the “ Sardes ” message . The Spirit targets with its words this Protestantism and institutional Adventism which has shared its curse since 1994, when it joined it by entering the ecumenical alliance. Acceptance of the deciphered message of this book will therefore “ once again , but the last, make the difference between the one who serves God and the one who does not serve him ” according to Mal.3:18.

So I summarize the lessons of this verse. First, it confirms the Adventist separation from Protestantism between 1843 and 1844. In second reading, it applies against official Adventism which returned to the Protestant and ecumenical alliance after 1994. And I propose a third reading which will apply at the end of the time of grace in 2029 before the return of Jesus Christ fixed for the beginning of spring which comes before April 3 of Passover 2030.

It remains for us after these explanations to understand that the cause of the fall of institutional Adventism, which led it to be " vomited " by Jesus Christ in his message addressed to Laodicea, is less the refusal to believe in his return for 1994, that the refusal to take into account the contribution of light that has come to illuminate the true translation of Daniel 8:14; a light demonstrated in an incontestable manner by the original Hebrew biblical text itself. This sin could only be condemned by the God of justice who does not consider the guilty innocent.

Verse 12: “ Behold, I come quickly , and my reward is with me, to render to every man according to his work .”

In 9 years, Jesus will return in indescribable divine glory. In Rev. 16 to 20, God revealed to us the nature of the portion of His retribution reserved for unjust and intolerant rebellious Catholic, Protestant and Adventist sinners. He also presented to us the portion reserved for his elected Adventists who remained faithful and who honor his prophetic word and his holy seventh-day Sabbath, in Rev. 7, 14, 21 and 22. “Retribution” will “return to each according to what "is his work ", which leaves little room for the guilty to justify themselves in the eyes of Christ. Self-justifying words become useless because it will then be too late to transform the errors of past choices.

Verse 13: “ I am the alpha and the omega, the first and the last, the beginning and the end. »

What has a beginning also has an end. This principle applies to the length of earthly time provided by God for his selection of elect. Between alpha and omega, 6000 years will have passed. In the year 30 on April 3, the voluntary atoning death of Jesus Christ will also have marked the alpha time of the Christian alliance of 2000 years; spring 2030 will mark its omega time in full force.

But the alpha is also 1844 with its omega 1994. And lastly, the alpha is for me and the last elected officials, 1995 with its omega, 2030.

Verse 14: “ Blessed are those who keep his commandments (and not wash their robes ) , in order to have the right to the tree of life, and to enter through the gates into the city! »

The second form of the “ great tribulation ” is before us with its corollary of multitudes of deaths. Therefore, it becomes urgent to obtain protection and help from God through Jesus Christ. As the image suggests, the sinner must " keep his commandments » ; those of God and those of Jesus, “ the Lamb of God ” which means that he must renounce all the forms that sin can take. The veiled translation of this verse preserved in our current Bibles is due to Roman Catholicism led from the Vatican. The other manuscripts, the oldest, and therefore more faithful, propose: “ Blessed are those who keep his commandments ”. And since sin is the transgression of the law, the message is distorted and replaces the necessary and vital obedience with the simple claim of Christian belonging. Who benefits from the crime? To those who will fight the Sabbath until the glorious return of Jesus Christ. The true message is summarized as follows: “Blessed is he who obeys his Creator”. This message only repeats that which is cited in Revelation 12:17 and 14:12, namely: “ those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus ”. These are the recipients of the last message sent by Jesus. The one who judges the result obtained is Jesus Christ himself, and his requirement is equal to the suffering endured in his martyrdom. The reward for those selected will be very great; they will obtain immortality, and enter eternal life through the Adventist path symbolized by the “ twelve gates ” of the symbolic “ new Jerusalem ”.

Verse 15: “ Out with dogs, magicians, whoremongers, murderers, idolaters, and everyone who loves and practices lies! »

Who are those whom Jesus names thus? This hidden accusation concerns the entire Christian faith which has apostatized; the Catholic faith, the multiform Protestant faith including the Adventist faith which has entered into its alliance since 1994; the Adventist faith so richly blessed by him at the beginning of his existence, and even more so with regard to his last representatives forced into dissidence. The “ dogs ” are the pagans but also, and above all, those who claim to be his brothers and betray him . This term “ dogs ” is paradoxically for contemporary Western humans that of the animal held as a symbol of fidelity, but for Easterners the very image of execration. And here, Jesus even challenges their human nature and considers them to be unreliable animals. The other terms confirm this judgment. Jesus confirms the words made in Rev.21:8 and here the addition of the term “ dogs ” expresses his personal judgment. After the sublime demonstration of love that he gave to men, nothing is more terrible than to be betrayed by those who claim to belong to him and his sacrifice.

Then, Jesus calls them “ magicians ” because of their commerce with bad angels, spiritualism, which first seduced the Catholic faith with the apparitions of the “Virgin Mary”, something biblically impossible. But the miracles performed by the demons are similar to what Pharaoh's “ magicians ” performed before Moses and Aaron.

By calling them “ unchaste ”, Jesus condemns the liberation of morals but above all the unnatural religious alliances which are made by the Protestant churches with the Catholic faith denounced by the prophets of God as the servant of the devil. They reproduce, “as daughters,” the “fornication ” of their “ prostitute mother Babylon the Great, ” denounced in Rev. 17:5.

Apostates are also “ murderers ” who will prepare to kill Jesus' elect if he does not intervene to prevent them through his glorious advent.

They are “ idolators ” because he gives more interest to material life than to spiritual life. They remain indifferent when God offers them his light which they brazenly reject by demonizing his true messengers.

And to finish this verse, he specifies: “ and whoever loves and practices lies! » In doing so, he denounces those whose nature is attached to lies, to the point that they are totally insensitive to the truth. It has been said about tastes and colors that they cannot be discussed; it is the same with the love of truth or lies. But for his eternity, God selects, exclusively, among his creatures that human reproduction gives rise to, those who have this love of truth.

The final outcome of God's plan of salvation is terrible. Thrown out, successively, are the antediluvian hardened unrepentant sinners, the ancient unbelieving Jewish alliance, the abominable Roman papal Catholic faith, the idolatrous Orthodox faith, the Calvinist Protestant faith, and lastly, the institutional Adventist faith, the last victim of the spirit of tradition that the previous ones have all equally favored.

The “Adventist” message had fatal consequences, first, for the Jews, who fell by their refusal to believe in the first coming of the Messiah announced in Dan.9:24 to 27. Second, the Christians thrown out by Jesus who all share the guilt of showing a lack of interest in the latest “Adventist” message which announces his second coming . Their lack of love for its truth is fatal to them. In 2020, these major official religions all share this terrible message that Jesus addressed in 1843 to the Protestantism of the “ Sardis ” era in Rev. 3:1: “ You are said to be alive, and you are dead ”.

Verse 16: “ I, Jesus, have sent my angel to testify to you these things in the churches. I am the root and seed of David, the bright morning star. »

Jesus sent his angel Gabriel to John, and through John to us, his faithful servants of the last days. Because it is only today that this fully deciphered message allows us to understand the messages he addresses to his servants and disciples of the seven eras or seven Assemblies. Jesus removes doubt about his symbolic evocation of Apo.5: “ the root and posterity of David ”. He adds: “ the bright morning star ”. This star is the sun but he only identifies with it as a symbol. Because, unconsciously, sincere beings who love Jesus Christ for his sacrifice honor our sun, this star deified by the pagans. If many are not aware of it, multitudes, even enlightened on the subject, are not ready, nor capable of understanding the seriousness of this pagan idolatrous action. Man must forget himself, to put himself in the place of God who feels things very differently due to the fact that his mind has already followed the actions of men for almost 6000 years. It identifies each action for what it really represents; which is not the case for men whose short lives are primarily concerned with satisfying their desires, primarily carnal and earthly, but it is also the case for those who are spiritual and very religious and who remain blocked out of respect traditions of the fathers.

At the end of the Thyatira message , the Spirit said to “ he who overcomes ”: “ And I will give him the morning star .” Here Jesus presents himself as the “morning star ”. The winner will therefore obtain Jesus and with him all the light of life which has its source in him. The reminder of this term suggests the full attention of the true last “Adventists” on these verses of 1 Pt.2:19-20-21: “ And we hold the prophetic word all the more certain, to which you make well to pay attention, as to a lamp that shines in a dark place, until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts; knowing first of all yourselves that no prophecy of Scripture can be an object of private interpretation, for it was not by the will of man that a prophecy was ever brought, but it is moved by the Holy Spirit that men have spoken from God. » We couldn't say it better. After hearing these words, the chosen one transforms them into works taken into account by Jesus Christ.

Verse 17: “ And the Spirit and the bride said, Come. And let him who hears say: Come. And let him who thirsts come; whoever wants, may take the water of life freely .”

From the beginning of his earthly ministry, Jesus has launched this call: “ Come ”. But by taking the image of “ thirst ”, he knows that he who is not “ thirsty ” will not come to drink. His call will be heard, only, by those who “ thirst ” for this eternal life that his perfect justice offers us by his grace alone, as a second chance. Jesus alone paid the price; he therefore offers it “ for free ”. No Catholic or divine “indulgence” allows it to be obtained for money. This universal call prepares a gathering of elected officials from all nations and all origins. The call “ Come ” becomes the key to this grouping of elect that the test of faith of the last days will create. But, they will experience the test scattered on the earth and will only be reunited when Jesus Christ returns in his glory to remove them from the land of sin.

Verse 18: “ I declare to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: If anyone adds anything to it, God will strike him with the plagues described in this book; »

Revelation is no ordinary biblical book. It is a work of literature divinely coded in biblical language that can be recognized by those who search the entire Bible from beginning to end. Expressions become familiar through repeated reading. And the “biblical concordances” make it possible to find similar expressions. But precisely because its code is very precise, translators and transcribers are warned: “ If anyone adds anything to it, God will strike him with the plagues described in this book ”.

Verse 19: “ And if anyone takes anything away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, described in this book. »

For the same reasons, God threatens anyone who “ takes away anything from the words of the book of this prophecy .” Whoever takes this risk is also warned: “ God will cut off his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, described in this book .” The changes noted will therefore have terrible consequences for those who committed them.

I draw your attention to this lesson. If the modification of this incomprehensible coded book is punished by Jesus Christ in these two rigorous ways, what will it be for those who reject its perfectly understandable decoded message ?

God has good reasons to present this warning clearly, because this Revelation, the words of which are chosen by him, is of the same value as the text of his “ten commandments” “engraved with his finger on tablets of stone” . Now, in Dan.7:25, he prophesied that his royal “ law ” would be “ changed ” as well as the “ times ”. The action was accomplished, as we have seen, by Roman authority, successively imperial in 321, then papal, in 538. This action which he judged to be " arrogant " will be punished by death, and God exhorts us to not to reproduce, towards prophecy, this type of fault which he firmly condemns.

God's work remains his work regardless of the time in which it is carried out. Deciphering his prophecy is impossible without his guidance. This means that the decrypted work is of the same value as that which is encrypted. Realize therefore that this work where the thought of God is revealed clearly is of very high “ holiness ”. It constitutes the ultimate “ testimony of Jesus ” that God addresses to his last dissident Seventh-day Adventist servants; and at the same time, with the practice of the true Saturday Sabbath, it is in 2021, the last “ justified holiness ” scheduled since the entry into force of the decree of Dan.8:14 in 1843.

Verse 20: “ He who testifies these things says: Yes, I come quickly . Amen! Come, Lord Jesus! »

Because it contains the last words that Jesus Christ addressed to his disciples, this book of Revelation is of very high holiness. In him we find the equivalent of the tables of the law, engraved with the finger of God and given to Moses. Jesus testifies; who will dare to contest this divine attestation? Everything is said, everything is revealed, he has nothing more to say except: “ Yes, I am coming quickly .” A simple “ Yes ” which involves his entire divine person, means that his near coming is certain because he renews his promise: “ I come quickly ”; a “ promptly » dated which takes on its full meaning: in the spring of 2030. And he confirms his declaration by saying “ Amen ”; which means: “In truth”.

Who then says: “ Come, Lord Jesus ”? According to verse 17 of this chapter, they are “ the Spirit and the bride .”

Verse 21: “ The grace of the Lord Jesus be with all the saints! »

This last verse of Revelation closes the book by evoking “ the grace of the Lord Jesus ”. This is a theme that was often opposed to the law at the beginning of the Christian Assembly. At that time, grace was enforceable against the law by those who refused Christ's offer. The Jews' inheritance of the law meant that they saw divine justice only through it. Jesus did not want to remove them from obedience to the law but he came to “ fulfill ” what the animal sacrifices had prophesied to him. This is why he said in Mat.5:17: “ Do not think that I have come to destroy the law or the prophets; I have come not to abolish, but to fulfill .”

The most astonishing thing is to hear Christians opposing law and grace. For, as the apostle Paul explains, grace is intended to help man fulfill the law to the point that Jesus declares in John 15:5: “I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and in whom I abide bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing .” What things to “ do ” is he talking about and what “ fruit ” is it? Of respect for the law that his grace makes possible thanks to his help in the Holy Spirit.

It would have been desirable and salutary if “ the grace of the Lord Jesus had been ” and could have acted “ in all ”; but this distorted verse only expresses an unrealizable wish. Let us all already hope that there will be very many of them; as many as possible; our admirable God, Creator and Savior deserves it; he is supremely worthy of it. By specifying “ with all the saints ”, the original text removes any ambiguity; the grace of the Lord being able to benefit exclusively them, those “ whom he sanctifies by his truth ” (John 17:17). And to those who think of achieving eternal life by taking the path claimed by Jesus Christ, I remind you that between “ path ” and “ life ”, there is the essential “ truth ”, according to John 14:6. No offense to the rebels who claim the blessing of this verse, since 1843, the Lord's grace has only benefited those whom he sanctifies by the restoration of his holy Sabbath rest on Saturday. It is this action which associated with the testimony of love for its “ truth ” makes the elect the saints worthy of the grace in question. Therefore grace cannot be dedicated to “all”. So beware of bad, misleading translations of the Bible, which lead to terrible final disillusionment for those who rely on them for their misfortune!

The divine Revelation presented in this work has confirmed the lessons prophesied in the story of Genesis, the vital importance of which we have been able to note. At the end of this work, it seems useful to recall these main lessons. This is justified and I would also like to point out that in our contemporary world, the Christian faith is massively presented in a distorted form due to the cult heritage of Roman Catholicism. The truth required by God remained in the simple and logical state understood by the first apostles of Jesus Christ but this often ignored simplicity becomes, by its minority character, complex for the uninitiated. Indeed, to identify the later Latter-day Saints of Jesus Christ and the spiritual structure of Revelation, the decree of Daniel 8:14 is indispensable. But to identify this decree, the study of the entire book of Daniel and the deciphering of its prophecies are also essential. These things understood, the Apocalypse reveals its secrets to us. These necessary studies explain the difficulty encountered when we try to convince the unbelieving man of our time in the West, and especially in France.

Jesus said that no one can come to him except the Father who leads him and he also said, concerning his elect, that they must be born of water and the Spirit. These two teachings complementarily mean that God knows the spiritual nature of his elect among all his creatures. Consequently, each of them will react according to its own nature; also those who have favorable prejudices about the Sabbath already practiced by the Jews will accept without too much difficulty the prophetic revelations which show it to be required by God since 1843. Conversely, those who have unfavorable prejudices about it will reject all arguments biblical presented and he will find good reasons to justify his refusal. Understanding this principle protects us from becoming disillusioned with those to whom we present the truth of Christ. By revealing the truth of divine thought, the prophecy gives all its power to the “everlasting Gospel ” that the disciples of Jesus must “ teach the nations until the end of the world ”.

The “ beasts ” of the Apocalypse

Chronologically and successively the enemies of God and his elect appeared in the image of “ beasts ”.

The first designates imperial Rome imaged by the “ dragon with ten horns and seven heads wearing diadems ”, in Rev. 12:3; “ The Nicolaitans ” in Rev.2:6; “ the devil ” in Rev.2:10.

The second concerns papal Catholic Rome imaged by “ the beast that rises from the sea, with ten horns wearing diadems and seven heads ” of Rev. 13:1; “ the throne of Satan ” in Rev.2:13; “ the woman Jezebel ” in Rev.2:20; “ the moon dyed with blood ” in Rev.6:12; “ the moon-struck third ” of the “ fourth trumpet ” in Rev.8:12; “ the sea ” in Rev.10:2; “ the reed like a rod ” in Rev.11:1; “ the tail ” of the “ dragon ” in Rev.12:4; “ the serpent ” in Rev.12:14; and “ dragon ” of verses 13, 16 and 17; “ Babylon the great ” in Rev.14:8 and 17:5.

The third targets French revolutionary atheism, imaged by the “ beast that rises from the abyss ” in Rev.11:7; the “ great tribulation ” in Rev.2:22; the “ fourth trumpet ” in Rev.8:12; “ the mouth that swallows up the river ” which symbolizes the Catholic people, in Rev.12:16. This concerns the first form of the “ second woe ” cited in Rev.11:14. Its second form will be accomplished by the “ sixth trumpet ” of Apo.9:13, according to Apo.8:13 under the title of “ second woe ”, between March 7, 2021 and 2029, under the real aspect of a World War III ending in nuclear war. The human genocide which depopulates the earth ( the abyss ) is the link established between “ the fourth and the sixth trumpet ”. Details of the development of this war are revealed in Dan.11:40 to 45.

The fourth “ beast ” designates the Protestant faith and the Catholic faith, its ally, in the last test of faith in earthly history. She “ comes up from the earth ,” in Rev.13:11; which means that she is herself, coming out of the Catholic faith symbolized by “ the sea ”. Overwhelmingly, the era of the Reformation established a Protestant religion, with multiple aspects, marked by apostasy, testifying in the works of John Calvin, to a warlike, harsh, cruel, and persecuting character. The entry into force of the decree of Dan.8:14 condemned it globally from the spring of 1843.

The institutional Adventist faith, emerging alive from the Protestant test of faith of 1843-1844, has fallen back and returned to the status of the Protestant faith and its divine curse since the fall of 1994; this because of the official rejection of the divine prophetic light revealed in this work from 1991. This spiritual death of the institutional form is prophesied in Rev.3:16: “I will vomit you out of my mouth ”.

The final fulfillments of the prophecies are before us, and everyone's faith will be tested. The Lord Jesus Christ will recognize, among all human beings, those who belong to him, those who welcome his vital revelations, the fruit of divine love, with joy and grateful fidelity.

At the hour of the last choice, the elect will be distinguished by the fact that they will know why the fallen fall, divine Revelation will thus make the difference between the saved and the lost to which from the apostolic era "Ephesus", in Apo . 2:5, God said, “ Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen ”; and in 1843, in the “ Sardis ” era, he also said to the Protestants, in Rev.3:3: “ remember how you received and heard; and keep and repent ”; this extends to the fallen Adventists since 1994, who although Sabbath observers, receive from Jesus this message of Rev. 3:19: “ I rebuke and punish all those I love; therefore be zealous and repent .”

In preparing this prophetic Revelation, the creator God, encountered in the person of Jesus Christ, set himself the goal of allowing his chosen ones to clearly identify their enemies; the thing is done and God's purpose is achieved. Thus spiritually enriched, her Chosen becomes “ the Bride prepared for the Marriage Supper of the Lamb ”. He “ clothed her with fine white linen, which are the righteous works of the saints ” in Rev.19:7. You who have read the contents of this work, if you have the chance and the blessing to be among them, “ prepare yourself to meet your God ” (Amos 4:12), in his truth!

While the deciphering of the mysterious prophecies of Daniel and Revelation is fully completed and the time of Christ's true return is now known to us, this question from Jesus Christ quoted in Luke 18:8 leaves a somewhat distressing doubt: “ I tell you, he will bring justice to them quickly. But when the Son of Man comes, will he find faith on earth? ". For the abundance of intellectual knowledge of the truth cannot compensate for the weakness of the quality of this faith. Humanity which will be confronted with the return of Jesus Christ has developed in a climate favorable to all forms of strongly encouraged selfishness. Individual success has become the goal to be achieved at any cost, even by crushing one's neighbor, and this during a long period of world peace over more than 70 years. When we know that the values of heaven proposed by Jesus Christ are in absolute opposition to this norm of our time, his question appears tragically justified, because it can concern people who believed themselves to be "elected", but will only remain for their misfortune of the “called”; because Jesus will not have found in them the quality of faith required to be worthy of his grace.













The letter kills but the Spirit gives life


This last chapter completes the deciphering of the Apocalypse Revelation. Indeed, I have just presented the biblical codes which make it possible to identify the symbols that God uses in his prophecies, but while their aim is to reveal his requirement for the return of the Sabbath since 1843-1844, the word sabbath does not appear only once in these prophetic texts of Daniel or Revelation. It is always suggested but not clearly cited. The reason for not naming it clearly is that the practice of the Sabbath is a basic normality of the apostolic Christian faith, for everyone can see that the subject of the Sabbath was never a matter of controversy between the Jews and the first apostles, disciples of Jesus Christ. However, the devil has not stopped attacking him, first inciting the Jews to “defile” him, then secondly the Christians, by making him completely “ignore”. To achieve this result, he inspired false translations of the original texts which mentioned him. Also, this presentation of divine truth would not be complete without the denunciation of these odious misdeeds, the victims of which are, first, God in Jesus Christ, then those to whom his atoning death could have offered eternal life.

I affirm, before God, that there exists in the writings of the old and new covenants, that is, the entire Bible, no verse which teaches a change in the status of the Sabbath from the fourth of its ten commandments; moreover, sanctified by God, from the beginning of his creation of our earthly world.

Since the Protestant apostasy due to the entry into force of the decree of Daniel 8:14, in the spring of 1843 until today, reading the Bible kills. I would like to point out that it is not the Bible that deliberately kills, it is the use that is made of it based on translation errors which appear in the translated versions of the original “ Hebrew and Greek ” texts; but above all it is also a problem due to bad interpretations. God himself confirms the thing, in images, in Rev.9:11: “ They had over them as king the angel of the abyss, named in Hebrew Abaddon, and in Greek Apollyon ". I recall here the hidden message in this verse: “ Abbadon and Apollyon ” mean, “ in Hebrew and Greek ”: Destroyer. “ The angel of the abyss ” destroys faith using the biblical “ two witnesses ” of Rev.11:3.

Also, since 1843, false believers have made two errors in their reading of the historical testimony of the Bible. The first is to have given more importance to the birth of Jesus Christ than to his death and the second reinforces this error, by giving more importance to his resurrection than to his death. This double error testifies against them, because the demonstration of God's love for his creatures rests, essentially, on his voluntary decision to give, in Christ, his life for the redemption of his elect. Giving priority to the resurrection of Jesus consists of distorting God's saving project, and this carries for the guilty the consequence of cutting themselves off from him and breaking his holy, just and good alliance. Christ's victory rests on his acceptance of death, his resurrection is only the happy and just consequence of his divine perfection.


Colossians 2:16-17: “ Therefore let no man judge you concerning eating or drinking, or concerning a festival, or a new moon, or sabbaths: these were the shadow of things to come , but the body is in Christ. »

This verse is often used to justify stopping the practice of the weekly “ Sabbath .” Two reasons condemn this choice. The first is that the expression “ sabbaths ” designates “ the sabbaths ” occasioned by the annual religious “ feasts ” ordained by God in Leviticus 23. These are moving “ sabbaths ” which are placed at the beginning and sometimes at the end during religious “ feasts ”. They are evoked by the expression “ you shall do no servile work in that day ”. They have no relation to the weekly “Sabbath ” other than their name “ Sabbath ” which means “to cease, to rest” and which appears for the first time in Gen.2:2: “ God rested ”. It should also be noted that the word “ sabbath ” cited in the Hebrew text of the fourth commandment does not appear in the L.Segond translation which designates it, only, under the name “ day of rest ” or “ seventh day ” . However, it takes its root from the verb cited in Gen.2:2: “ rest ” or “ the Sabbath ” which is clearly named in the JNDarby version of the Bible.

The second reason is this: Paul said about “ feasts and sabbaths ” that they are “ shadows of things to come ” that is, things that prophesy a reality that was or will be. Assuming that the " seventh-day Sabbath " is concerned in this verse, there remains a " coming shadow " until the arrival of the seventh millennium which it prophesies. The death of Jesus Christ revealed the meaning of the “ seventh-day Sabbath ” which prophesies, because of His victory over sin and death, the celestial “ thousand years ” during which His elect will judge the fallen earthly and celestial dead.

In this verse, " the feasts, the new moons " and their " sabbaths " were linked to the existence of the national form of old covenant Israel. By establishing, through his death, the new covenant, Jesus Christ made these prophetic things useless; they had to cease and disappear like a “ shadow ” which fades before the reality of his accomplished earthly ministry. While the weekly “Sabbath” awaits the coming of the seventh millennium to meet its prophesied reality and lose its usefulness.

Paul also mentions “ eating and drinking .” As a faithful servant, he knows that God has spoken on these things in Leviticus 11 and Deuteronomy 14 where he prescribes the pure foods allowed and the impure foods forbidden. Paul's remarks are not intended to challenge these divine ordinances but only human opinions ( which no one... ) expressed on this subject which he will develop in Romans 14 and 1 Cor.8 where his thoughts appear more clearly. The subject concerns foods sacrificed to idols and false deities. He reminds the elect who form the spiritual Israel of God of their duties towards him, saying in 1 Cor.10:31: “ Whether you eat, or drink, or do anything else, do everything to the glory of God .” Is God glorified by those who ignore and despise his revealed ordinances on these matters?


It is James, the brother of Jesus who speaks on behalf of the apostles on the subject of circumcision , in Acts 15:19-20-21: “ Therefore I am of the opinion that we should not worry those of the nations that turn to God, but to write to them that they abstain from filthiness of idols, and from fornication, and from things strangled, and from blood; for Moses, from ancient generations, has in every city those who preach him, being read in the synagogues every Sabbath .”

Often used to justify the freedom of pagan converts towards the Sabbath, these verses constitute on the contrary the best proof of its practice encouraged and taught by the apostles. Indeed, Jacques considers that it is not useful to impose circumcision on them and he summarizes the essential principles because in-depth religious teaching will be presented to them when they go “every Sabbath” to the Jewish synagogues in their localities .


Another pretext used to justify the cessation of the pure and impure classification of foods: the vision given to Peter in Acts 10. His explanation is developed in Acts 11 where he identifies the “unclean animals” of the vision with the pagan “men” who came to pray to him to go to the Roman centurion “Cornelius”. In this vision, God pictures the impure nature of pagans who do not serve Him and serve false deities. However, the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ brings a great change for them, for the door of grace is opened to them through faith in the atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ. It is through this vision that God teaches Peter this new thing. Consequently, the classification of pure and impure established by God in Leviticus 11 remains and continues until the end of the world. Except that, since 1843, with the decree of Dan.8:14, the diet of human beings has taken up the norm of the original “ sanctification ” established and ordered in Gen.1:29: “ And God said: Behold, I I have given every seed-bearing plant that is on the face of all the earth, and every tree in which there is the fruit of a tree, bearing seed; this will be food for you .”

Jesus gave his life in physical and mental torture to save his elect. Do not doubt the very high level of holiness that this passionate death demands in return from the one he saves. In truth !













The earthly time of Jesus Christ


The pearl of the Sabbath of March 20, 2021

From the beginning of my ministry, I was convinced, and I sang it, that “Jesus was born in spring.” On this Sabbath of March 20, 2021, the spring equinox was located at 10:37 a.m. at the start of a spiritual meeting. The Spirit then led me to seek the proofs of what was until then only a simple conviction of faith. A Jewish calendar allowed us to place the time of the spring equinox of the year – 6 before our official Christian dating of the birth of our Savior, on the “Sabbath” of March 21.

Why year – 6?

Because our official dating of the birth of Jesus Christ was built on two errors. It was only in the 6th century AD that the Catholic monk Dionysius the Little set out to establish a calendar. In the absence of biblical or historical details, he placed this birth on the date of the death of King Herod, which he placed in 753 of the founding of Rome. Since then, historians have confirmed an error of 4 years in his calculation; which places Herod's death in 749 from the founding of Rome. But, Jesus was born before the death of Herod and Matt.2:16 gives us a precision which puts the age of Jesus at " two years " at the time of the "massacre of the innocents" ordered by the angry King Herod, because he suffered and felt death coming which would tear him away from the enjoyments of power. The detail is important, because the text specifies, " two years, according to the date of which he had carefully inquired with the wise men ." Added to the four years of the previous error, the year – 6, or 747 of the founding of Rome, is established biblically.

The spring equinox of the year – 6

Falling on a Sabbath, in this year – 6, the Bible tells us that an angel presented himself to “shepherds who were watching over their flocks ”. The Sabbath prohibits trade but not the keeping and care given to animals; Jesus confirmed this by saying: “ Which of you has a sheep that falls into a pit and does not come and deliver it, even on the Sabbath day? ? ". Thus by an angel, the birth of the “ Good Shepherd ”, savior and guide of human sheep was announced, first, to human shepherds, guardians and protectors of animal sheep. The angel clarified: “ …for today in the city of David there has been born to you a Savior, who is Christ the Lord .” This “ today ” was therefore the Sabbath day and the announcement being made at night, the birth of Jesus took place between 6 p.m., the beginning of the Sabbath, and the nocturnal hour of the annunciation made by the angel to the shepherds. We must now establish the precise time when, in the time dial of Israel, the spring equinox of the year – 6 was fulfilled. But this is not yet possible because we do not have any information about this period.

The birth of Jesus on the Sabbath makes God's saving plan bright and perfectly logical. Jesus declared himself to be the “ Son of Man , “ the Master of the Sabbath ”. For the Sabbath is temporary and its usefulness continues until the day of its second coming, this time powerful and glorious. Jesus gives the Sabbath its full meaning since he prophesies the rest of the seventh millennium won for his elect alone by his victory over sin and death.

To mark his entry into adulthood, aged “twelve years”, Jesus intervenes spiritually with the religious people whom he questions about the Messiah announced in the Holy Scriptures. Separated from his parents who searched for him for three days, he testified to his divine independence and his awareness of his mission in favor of earthly humans.

Then comes the time for his active and official earthly ministry. The teachings of Daniel 9:27 present it in the form of a " covenant " of " a week " which symbolizes seven years between autumn 26 and autumn 33. Between these two autumns is, in a central position, the spring and the feast of Passover of the year 30 where, at 3 p.m., "at middle of the Easter week, Wednesday April 3, 30 Jesus Christ caused the animal “sacrifice and offering ” of the Hebrew rite to cease, by offering his life to atone for the sins of only his elect. On the day of his death, Jesus was 35 years and 13 days old. Dying victorious over sin and death, Jesus could commit his spirit to God, saying, “ It is finished .” His victory over death was later confirmed by his resurrection. He thus accompanied and instructed his apostles and disciples until, as they looked on, he ascended into heaven before the feast of Pentecost, according to the testimony given in Acts 1:1 to 11. But the angels prepared in this occasion the announcement of his glorious return, saying: “ Men of Galilee, why do you stand here looking toward heaven? This Jesus , who was taken up from you into heaven, will come in the same way as you saw him going into heaven. ". At Pentecost, he began his celestial ministry of “Holy Spirit” which allows him to act until the end of the world, at the same time, in the spirit of each of his elect scattered on the earth. It is then that his name prophesied in Isa.7:14, 8:8 and Matt.1:23, “ Emmanuel ” which means, “God with us”, takes on, even more, its true meaning.

The details provided in this document constitute rewards that Jesus gives to his elect as a sign of appreciation for their demonstration of faith. This is how the date of his death allows us to know and share with him that of his final glorious return which he scheduled for the first day of spring in the year 2030; that is, 2000 years after the spring of his crucifixion on April 3, 30.












Holiness and sanctification


Holiness and sanctification are inseparable and conditions of salvation offered by God in Jesus Christ. Paul recalls this in Heb.12:14: “ Pursue peace with all, and holiness, without which no one will see the Lord .”

This divine concept of “ sanctification ” must be perfectly understood because it concerns “all that belongs to God” and like all owners, it cannot be dispossessed without consequences for those who dare to do so. Now, there is no need to identify and establish a list of the things that belong to him; Creator of life and everything in it, everything belongs to him. He therefore has the right of life and death over all his living creatures. However, leaving everyone the right to live with him or die without him, his chosen ones join him by a free and voluntary choice to belong to him eternally. This reconciliation with him makes his chosen ones his property. Those whom he welcomes and recognizes enter into his concept of sanctification which already concerned all the laws to which life on earth is subject. Sanctification therefore consists of agreeing to submit to the physical and moral laws established, and therefore approved, by God. It is for this double reason that the Sabbath and the Ten Commandments concretely express this divine sanctification, the transgression of which will require the death of the Messiah Jesus.

This concept of sanctification is so fundamental that God saw fit to define it from the beginning of the Bible in Gen.2:3, by sanctifying the seventh day. It is therefore not surprising that this number seven becomes its “royal seal” throughout the Bible and more particularly in Rev.7:2: “ And I saw another angel, who was going up towards the rising sun , and who was holding the seal of the living God ; he cried with a loud voice to the four angels to whom it was given to harm the earth and the sea, and he said : Those who have ears to hear the suggestion of the subtle Spirit of God will have noted that this “ seal of the living God ” is cited in this chapter “7” of Revelation.


On this Passover and Sabbath day of April 3, 2021, the anniversary of the death of our Savior Jesus Christ, the Spirit of God directed my thoughts to the Hebrew sanctuary of Moses and the Temple built by King Solomon in Jerusalem. I noted a detail there which strongly confirms the interpretation I gave of this sanctuary; namely, a prophetic role of the great saving project prepared for the elect redeemed by God.

Since 1948, still carrying the divine curse due to their refusal to recognize Jesus Christ as the “Messiah” sent by God, the Jews have regained their national land. Since then, one idea, a single thought has obsessed them: rebuilding the Temple in Jerusalem. Alas for them, this thing will never happen, because God has a good reason to prevent it; his role ended with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. The holiness of the temple found its entire fulfillment in the soul of the “Messiah”, in his flesh and his spirit, perfect and without any stain. Jesus revealed this lesson when he said in John 2:14, speaking of his body, “ destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up .”

The end of the temple's usefulness was confirmed by God in several ways. First, he had it destroyed in AD 70 by Titus' Roman troops, as prophesied in Daniel 9:26. Then, having expelled the Jews, he handed over the site of the temple to the religion of Islam, which built two mosques there; the oldest “Al-Aqsa” and the Dome of the Rock. Israel therefore has, from God, neither the possibility nor the authorization to rebuild its temple. Because this reconstruction would distort his prophesied salvation project.

The time of validity of the Jerusalem temple was engraved in the form of its construction. But to see more clearly, we must already examine the revealed details of this religious building carrying holiness. Let us note that the temple was to be built by King David who expressed the desire and had chosen Jerusalem to welcome it; God agreed. To do this, he had embellished and fortified this ancient city called “Jebus” from the time of Abraham. Thus, between David and “the son of David”, the “Messiah”, “a thousand years” passed. But God did not allow him to do so, and he made known to him the reason; he had become a man of blood by having his faithful servant “Urijah the Hittite” killed to take his wife, “Bathsheba”, who later became the mother of King Solomon. Thus David bore the price of his fault, punished by the death of his first son, born of Bathsheba, then, having done without the order of God the number of his people, he was punished and God proposed to him to choose his punishment between three choices. According to 2 Sam.24:15, he chose the mortality of the epidemic plague which killed 70,000 victims in three days.

In 1 Kings 6 we find the description of the temple built by Solomon. He gives it the name, “house of YaHWéH”. This term “house” suggests a place of family reunion. The built house prophesies the family of the redeeming creator God. It is made up of two contiguous elements: the sanctuary and the temple.

On earth, religious rites are performed which are practiced in the zone authorized for man. Solomon calls it: temple. As an extension of the most holy place, which he calls sanctuary, and from which it is separated only by a veil, the room of the temple is forty cubits long, or twice as large as the sanctuary. The temple thus covers 2/3 of the entire house.

Although constructed later in the time of Moses, the Jewish covenant is entirely under the umbrella of the covenant made between God and Abraham at the beginning of the third millennium since Adam. The “Messiah will present himself to the Jewish people at the beginning of the fifth millennium, 2000 years later. However, the time allocated by God to the earth for its selection of elect is 6000 years. We thus find for time, the proportion 2/3 + 1/3 of the house of YaHWéH. And in this comparison, 2/3 of Abraham's covenant corresponds to 2/3 of the house of YaHWéH which ends on the separating veil. This veil plays a main role since it marks the transition from the terrestrial to the celestial; this knowing that this change marks the completion of the prophetic role of the earthly temple. These notions give to the separating veil the meaning of sin which separates the perfect celestial God from the imperfect and sinful earthly man since Adam and Eve. The separating veil has a dual character, because it must conform to the celestial perfection and the earthly imperfection of the two connected pieces. It is then that the role of the Messiah appears because he perfectly embodies this characteristic. In his divine perfection, Jesus Christ became sin by carrying those of his elect in their place to atone for them and pay the mortal price.

This analysis leads us to see in the sanctuary the image of a prophetic succession of the great spiritual phases marked every 2000 years: 1st sacrifice offered by Adam – Sacrifice offered by Abraham at Mount Moriah, future Golgotha – Sacrifice of Christ at the foot of the Mount Golgotha – Sacrifice of the last elect prevented by the glorious return of the savior Jesus Christ in Michael.

For God, for whom according to 2 Peter 3:8, " one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day ", (see also Psalm 90:4), the earthly program is built on the image of the week in one succession of: 2 days + 2 days + 2 days. And behind this succession an eternal “ seventh day ” opens.

The contents of the two rooms of the holy house are extremely revealing.


The sanctuary or most holy place


The two cherubim with outstretched wings

The sanctuary called the most holy place measures 20 cubits long by 20 cubits wide. It's a perfect square. And its height also is 20 cubits; which makes it a cube; the triplicate image of perfection (= 3 : L = l = H ); this as the description of the “ new Jerusalem which comes down out of heaven from God ” in Rev.20. This most holy place is forbidden by God to man under penalty of death. The reason is simple and logical; this place can only welcome God because it symbolizes heaven and images the celestial character of God. In his thoughts is his plan of salvation in which all the symbolic elements that are installed in this sanctuary play their role. Reality is in God in the celestial dimension, and on earth he gives the illustration of this reality through symbols. I thus manage to address the subject of this specific discovery of this Passover 2021. We read in 1 Kings 6:23 to 27: “ He made in the sanctuary two cherubim of wild olive wood, ten cubits high. Each of the two wings of one of the cherubim had five cubits, which was ten cubits from the tip of one of its wings to the tip of the other. The second cherub also had ten cubits. The measure and shape were the same for both cherubim. The height of each of the two cherubim was ten cubits. Solomon placed the cherubim in the middle of the house, inside. Their wings were spread: the wing of the first touched one of the walls, and the wing of the second touched the other wall; and their other wings met at the end in the middle of the house .”

These cherubim did not exist in the tabernacle of Moses, but by placing them in the temple of Solomon, God illuminates the meaning of this most holy place. In the direction of its width, the piece is crossed by the two pairs of wings of the two cherubim, thus giving it a celestial standard, effectively inaccessible for the human being who only lives on earth. I take this opportunity here to denounce and re-establish a truth concerning these cherubim to which, in a pagan mystical delirium, painters as famous as “Michelangelo” have given the appearance of winged babies playing instruments or shooting arrows. bow. There are no babies in heaven. And for God, according to Psa.51:5 or 7: " Behold, I was born in iniquity, and my mother conceived me in sin ", and Rom.3:23: " For all have sinned and are deprived of the glory of God ", there is no such thing as an innocent or pure baby, because since Adam, man has been born a sinner by inheritance. The heavenly angels were all created as young men, as Adam was on earth. They do not age and remain perpetually the same. Old age is a uniquely earthly characteristic, the consequence of sin and death, its final wages, according to Rom.6:23.


The Ark of the Holy Alliance

1 Kings 8:9: “ There were in the ark only the two tables of stone , which Moses placed there in Horeb, when the LORD made a covenant with the children of Israel, as they came out of the land of Egypt .”

In the sanctuary or most holy place there are therefore two enormous cherubim with outstretched wings, symbols of the active celestial character, but also and above all, the ark of the covenant which is placed in the center of the room between the two large cherubim. Because it is to shelter it that the house is built. In the order in which God presents to Moses the religious things that he will have to carry out, is found first, the ark of the covenant. But this container is less precious than its contents: the two stone tables on which with his finger God has engraved his ultra-holy law of the ten commandments. It is the reflection of his thinking, his norm, his unchangeable character. In a separate study (2018-2030, the ultimate Adventist expectation), I have already demonstrated its prophetic character for the Christian era. In the sanctuary we read the secret thoughts of God. There we find the elements which favor and make communion with him possible. Suffice it to say that the sinner who remains a willful transgressor of his ten commandments deceives himself if he believes he can claim his salvation. The relationship rests solely on faith placed on the symbolized realities found in this most holy place. In ten commandments, God summarizes his standard of life prescribed for human beings formed in his image; which means that God himself honors and carries out his commandments. The life given to man is based on respect for these commandments. And their transgression gives rise to sin punishable by the death of the guilty party. And since Adam and Eve, disobedience has placed all of humanity under this mortal condition. Death therefore fell on humans like a disease with no cure.


The mercy seat

In the sanctuary, above the mercy seat, the symbolic image of the altar on which the Lamb of God must be immolated, two other smaller angels look at the altar and their wings meet in the middle. In this image, God shows the interest that faithful angels give to the plan of salvation which rests on the atoning death of Jesus Christ. For Jesus came down from heaven to take on the appearance of a human baby. The one who gave his life on the cross of Golgotha was first their celestial friend “Michael”, chief of the angels and visible celestial expression of the creator God Spirit and the angels rightly consider themselves “fellow servants” of his elected.

In the most holy place, the ark covered by the mercy seat is placed under the wings of the two great and the smallest cherubim. In this image, we find the illustration of this verse from Mal.4:2: “ But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness will rise , and healing will be under his wings ; you will go out and jump like calves in a stable .” The mercy seat, a symbol prefiguring the cross on which Jesus was crucified, will indeed bring healing against the deadly disease of sin. Jesus died to deliver from sin and rose again to deliver his elect from the wicked hands of unrepentant and rebellious sinners. The transgression of the law contained in the ark brought death to all human creatures on earth. And for the elect selected by God in Christ, for them alone, the mercy seat placed above the ark containing the transgressed law has brought about the triumph of eternal life into which they will enter at the hour of the first resurrection; that of the saints redeemed by the blood shed by Jesus Christ on this mercy seat. Their healing from death will then be complete. According to Mal.4:2, the cherubim are the image of the heavenly Spirit God whom Rev.4 designates by the symbol of the “ four living creatures ”. Because the healing attached to the mercy seat is well placed under the two central wings of the two large cherubim.

Just as in the annual Hebrew rite of the "day of atonement", the animal blood of the goat was sprinkled on the front and on the mercy seat, towards the East, it was necessary for the blood of Jesus Christ to actually flow he too on this same mercy seat. For this purpose, God did not call upon the service of a human priest. He had planned and organized everything in advance, by having the ark and the holy things transported from the most holy place and the holy place in the time of the prophet Jeremiah to a cave located in the basement at the foot of Mount Golgotha, under rocky ground, six meters deep, just below the 50 cm cubic cavity, dug on the surface in the rock, in which the Roman soldiers erected the cross on which Jesus was crucified. Through a long and deep fault created by the earthquake mentioned in the Bible, his blood literally flowed on the left side of the mercy seat, that is, on the right side of the crucified Christ. Thus, it is not without reason that Matt.27:51 testifies to these things: “ And behold, the veil of the temple was rent in two, from top to bottom, the earth shook, the rocks were rent asunder , …”. In 1982, a scientific examination revealed that the dried blood collected by Ron Wyatt was abnormally composed of 23 X chromosomes and a single Y chromosome. The divine creator wanted to leave behind him, proof of his divine nature which is added to his holy shroud on which the image of his face and his body appear in negative. Thus, the transgressed law contained in the ark obtained its complete reparation by receiving on its altar the blood truly pure from all sin of our Savior Jesus Christ. For in revealing these things to Ron Wyatt, God did not seek to satisfy human curiosity, but wanted to reinforce the doctrine of the sanctification of his divinity in Jesus Christ. Because having a blood different from other humans, he gives a reason to believe in his perfect and pure nature, free from all forms of sin. He thus confirms that he came to embody a new or " last Adam " as Paul says in 1 Cor.15:45, because although seen, heard and put to death in a body of flesh similar to ours, he was without no genetic link with the human species. Such attention to detail in the accomplishment of his saving project reveals the importance that God gives to the symbols of his teaching. And we understand better why, Moses was punished for having distorted this divine saving project by having struck the rock of Horeb twice. The second time, according to the order given by God, he only had to talk to him to get the water.


The rod of Moses, the manna, the scroll of Moses

Num.17:10: “ Yahweh said to Moses: Bring back the rod of Aaron before the testimony , to be kept as a sign for the children of rebellion, so that you will put an end to their murmuring before me and that they will not die period .”

Exo.16:33-34: “ And Moses said to Aaron: Take a vessel, and put in it an omer full of manna, and lay it before YaHWéH, that it may be preserved for your descendants. According to the command given by YaHWéH to Moses, Aaron placed it before the testimony , that it might be preserved .”

Deut.31:26: “ Take this book of the law, and set it beside the ark of the covenant of Yahweh your God, and it will be there as a witness against you .”

Based on these verses, let us forgive the apostle Paul his error which led him to place these elements in the ark and not next to or in front of it, in Heb.9:3-4: “Behind the second veil was the part of the tabernacle called the holy of holies , containing the golden altar for incense , and the ark of the covenant, entirely covered with gold. In front of the ark there was a golden vessel containing manna, Aaron's rod which had budded, and the tables of the covenant . Likewise, the altar of incense was not in the sanctuary but on the temple side in front of the veil. But the elements placed next to the ark were there to testify to the miracles accomplished by God for his Hebrew people who had become Israel, a free and responsible nation.

Next to the ark, the rod of Moses and Aaron, demands trust in the true prophets of God. According to Deu.8:3, the manna reminds the elect before Jesus that “ man shall not live by bread and water alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of YaHWéH .” And this word is also represented there in the form of the scroll written by Moses, under the dictation of God. Above the ark, the mercy seat altar teaches that without faith in the willing sacrifice of the life of Jesus Christ, connection with God is impossible. This set of things constitutes the theological basis of the new covenant established on the human blood shed by Jesus Christ. And very logically, the day when, in him, God's project was achieved and accomplished, the role of the symbols and the festival of “Yom Kippur” or “day of atonement” which prophesied it became obsolete and useless. In the face of reality, shadows fade. This is why the temple, in which the prophetic rites were practiced, had to disappear and never appear again. As Jesus taught, the worshiper of God must worship him “ in spirit and in truth ,” having “ free access ” to his heavenly Spirit through the mediation of Jesus Christ. And this adoration is not attached to any earthly place, neither in Samaria, nor in Jerusalem, and even less in Rome, Santiago de Compostela, Lourdes or Mecca.

Although not tied to an earthly place, faith is demonstrated by works that God has prepared in advance for His elect while they live on earth. Sanctuary symbolism ceased at the beginning of the fifth millennium after 4,000 years of sin. And if God's project had been built over 4000 years, the elect would have entered the rest of God prophesied by the weekly Sabbath. But this was not the case, because since Zechariah, God has prophesied two alliances. He elaborates on the second, saying in Zec.2:11: “ Many nations will be joined to YaHWéH in that day, and will become my people; I will dwell among you, and you will know that the LORD of hosts has sent me to you. » The two alliances are illustrated by “ two olive trees ” in Zac.4:11 to 14: “ I answered and said to him: What do these two olive trees mean, to the right of the candlestick and to the left? I spoke a second time , and said to him: What do the two olive branches mean, which are near the two golden conduits from which gold flows? He answered me: Don't you know what they mean? I say: No, my lord . And he said, These are the two anointed ones that stand before the Lord of all the earth .” Reading these verses makes me discover a sublime subtlety of the creator God, Holy Spirit who inspires the biblical word. Zechariah is forced to ask twice what the “ two olive trees ” mean for God to answer him. This is because the project of the divine alliance will experience two successive phases but the second phase is taught by the lessons of the first. There are two of them, but in reality they are only one, because the second is only the culmination of the first. Indeed, what is the old covenant worth without the atoning death of Messiah Jesus? Nothing, not even the tail of a pear, as the monk Martin Luther would have said. And this is the cause of the tragedy which still affects national Jews today. In these verses God also prophesies their rejection of the new covenant by the answer Zechariah gives to the question “ Do you not know what they mean?” I say: No, my lord . Because in fact, the national Jews will ignore this meaning until the moment of the last test preceding the return of Jesus Christ where they will convert or confirm their refusal at the cost of their existence.

Obviously, the Christian conversion of pagan peoples has proven that the divine plan was indeed accomplished in the person of Jesus Christ and this is the only sign that God still offers to national Jews to remain in his holy alliance. Thus confirmed, this second or new covenant was to extend over the last third of the 6000 years of the time of earthly sin. And it is only by his final glorious return that Jesus Christ will mark the time of the completion of the second covenant; because until this return, the teaching prophesied by the symbols remains useful for understanding the overall project prepared by God since we owe him the knowledge of the time of his glorious return: the beginning of spring 2030. Thus, in 1844, by giving the Sabbath to His chosen elect, God draws on the lessons inscribed in the symbolism of the Hebrew sanctuary and Solomon's temple. He denounces the sin of Catholic Sunday inherited from the Emperor Constantine since March 7, 321, suggesting the need for a new "purification of the sanctuary" which was truly accomplished once and for all in Jesus Christ crucified and resurrected. God actually waited until 1844 to more clearly denounce his condemnation of “Roman Sunday”. Because its adoption placed the originally pure Christian faith under the curse of sin which breaks the relationship with God in accordance with the announcement given in Dan.8:12.

Sanctification therefore necessarily implies respect for the holy Sabbath, itself sanctified by God from the end of the first week of his creation of the earth system. Especially since it prophesies the entry of the elect into the rest obtained by the victory of Jesus and it is present in the fourth of the ten commandments of God contained in the ark of the testimony in the most holy place, the sanctuary, symbol of the Spirit of the heavenly God thrice holy, holy in the perfection of his three successive roles of Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All the things found there are dear to the heart of God and must be just as dear in the thoughts and hearts of his elect, his children, people of his “house”. The selection of the authentic holiness of the elect is thus established and identified.

Unlike the law of Moses which undergoes adaptations to the advancement of God's project, what is engraved on stones takes on a perpetual value until the end of the world. And this is the case with its ten commandments, none of which can be modified and even less removed, as papal Rome dared to do for the second of these ten commandments. The diabolical intention to deceive the candidates for eternity appears in the addition of a commandment in order to keep the number ten. But the divine prohibition on bowing down to creatures, graven images or representations has indeed been removed. We can regret this type of thing but it nevertheless allows us to unmask false faith. He who does not seek to understand and remains superficial logically suffers the consequence of his behavior; he ignores the terms of his judgment until his condemnation by God.


The temple or holy place

Let us leave the religious celestial aspect seen from heaven to look at it under that which religious holiness gives it on earth. We discover it in the elements placed in the “temple” part of the “house of YaHWéH”. In the tabernacle of Moses' time, this room was the tent of meeting. There are three of these elements and they concern the table of shewbread, the candlestick with seven tubes and seven lamps and the altar of incense placed just in front of the veil in the middle of the room. Coming from outside, the table of bread is on the left, to the north and the candlestick is on the right, to the south. These symbols are those of a reality which takes shape in the life of the elect redeemed by the blood shed by Jesus Christ. They are perfectly complementary and inseparable.


The golden candlestick with seven lamps

Exo.26:35: “ You shall set the table outside the veil, and the candlestick opposite the table, on the south side of the tabernacle; and you shall set the table on the north side .”

In the temple, it is placed on the left, on the South side. The symbols are read over time, from South to North. The candlestick images the Spirit and light of God from the beginning of the old covenant. The holy alliance is already based on the sacrifice of the paschal “lamb of God ” symbolized and preceded by lambs or young rams offered in sacrifice since Adam. In Rev.5:6 the symbols of the candlestick are attached to it: “ seven eyes which are the seven spirits of God sent through all the earth ” and “ seven horns ” which attribute to it the sanctification of power.

The candlestick is there to meet the need for light of the elect. They obtain it in the name of Jesus Christ in whom is the sanctification (= 7) of the divine light. This sanctification is symbolized by the number “seven” present in biblical revelation since the creation of the seven-day week from the beginning. In Zechariah, the Spirit attributes “ seven eyes ” to the main stone on which Zerubbabel will rebuild the temple of Solomon destroyed by the Babylonians. And he says of these “ seven eyes ”: “ These seven are the eyes of YaHWéH, which run through all the earth. » In Rev.5:6, this message is attributed to Jesus Christ, “ the Lamb of God ”: “ And I saw, in the midst of the throne and of the four living creatures and in the midst of the elders, a lamb which was there as if immolated. He had seven horns and seven eyes, which are the seven spirits of God sent through all the earth .” This verse strongly affirms the sanctification of the divinity of Messiah Jesus. The great creator God sent himself to earth to fulfill his voluntary atoning sacrifice in Jesus. It is to the action of this divine Spirit that I owe the explanations presented in my works. Light is progressive and knowledge grows with time. We owe him all our understanding of his prophetic words.


The altar of perfumes

By offering his physical body to death, in the perfect norm of his spirit and his whole soul, Jesus Christ brings before God a pleasant odor that the Hebrew rite symbolizes by perfumes. Christ is represented in these perfumes but also in the role of the officiant who offers them.

Just in front of the veil, and facing the ark of the testimony and its mercy seat, there is the altar of incense which confers on the officiant, the high priest, his role as intercessor for the faults committed by his elect alone. . For Jesus did not take upon himself the sins of the whole world, but only those of his elect to whom he gave signs of his gratitude. On earth, the high priest has only a symbolic prophetic value, because the right of intercession belongs only to Christ the Savior. Intercession is her exclusive right and it has a “ perpetual ” character according to the order of Melchizedek as this is further clarified in Dan.8:11-12: “ She rose up to the leader of the army , took away the perpetual sacrifice from him , and overthrew the place of his sanctuary. The army was delivered up with the perpetual sacrifice , because of sin; the horn threw the truth to the ground, and succeeded in its undertakings ”; and in Heb.7:23. The words “ sacrifice ” crossed out are not cited in the original Hebrew text. In this verse, God denounces the consequences of Roman papal rule. The direct relationship of the Christian with Jesus is diverted for the benefit of the papal leader; God loses his servants who lose their souls. In his divine perfection, only God in Christ can legitimize his intercession, because he offers, as a ransom for those for whom he intercedes, his voluntary compassionate sacrifice which carries a pleasant odor for the God judge Love and Justice whom he represents at the same time . His intercession is not automatic; he exercises it or not, depending on whether the supplicant deserves it or not. The intercession of Jesus Christ is motivated by his compassion for the natural carnal weaknesses of his elect, but no one can deceive him, he judges and fights with justice and righteousness and recognizes his true worshipers and slaves; what his true disciples are. In the ritual, perfumes symbolize the pleasant smell of Jesus who can thus offer the prayers of his faithful saints with his personal perfume pleasant to God. The principle is similar to seasoning a dish that is to be eaten. Prophetic image of the victorious Christ, the earthly High Priest becomes obsolete and must disappear along with the temple in which he practices his religious rites. The principle of intercession remains after this, for the prayers addressed to God by the saints are presented in the name and by the merits of Jesus Christ heavenly intercessor and God in fullness at the same time.


The table of shewbread

In the temple, it is placed on the right, on the north side. The shewbread represents the spiritual nourishment that constitutes the life of Jesus Christ, true heavenly manna given to the elect. There are twelve loaves as there are twelve tribes in the divine and human alliance accomplished in Jesus Christ fully God (= 7) and fully Man (= 5); the number twelve being the number of this alliance between God and man, Jesus Christ is the application and the perfect model. It is on him that God builds his alliances on the 12 patriarchs, the 12 apostles of Jesus, the 12 tribes sealed in Rev.7. In the reading of its orientation to the North of the “temple”, this table is on the side of the new covenant and on the side of the large Cherub placed on the left in the sanctuary.


The square

The altar of sacrifices

In Revelation 11:2, the Spirit attributes a particular fate to the “ court ” of the sanctuary: “ But the outer court of the temple, leave it in outside, and do not measure it; for it has been given to the nations, and they will trample the holy city under foot for forty and two months .” The “ court ” designates the exterior courtyard located before the entrance to the holy place or covered temple. There we find elements of religious ritual which concern the physical aspect of beings. First, there is the altar of sacrifices on which the sacrificed animals are burned. Since the coming of Jesus Christ who came to perform the perfect sacrifice, this ritual became obsolete and ended in accordance with the prophecy of Dan.9:27: “He will make a strong covenant with many for a week, and for half the week he will cause the sacrifice and the offering to cease ; the devastater will commit the most abominable things, until ruin and what has been resolved fall upon the devastater .” In Heb.10:6 to 9, the thing is confirmed: “ You have not accepted burnt offerings or sacrifices for sin . Then I said: Behold, I come ( In the scroll of the book it speaks of me ) To do your will, O God. After having first said: Sacrifices and offerings you did not want or accept, Neither burnt offerings nor sin offerings (which are offered according to the law), he then said: Behold, I come to do your will. He thus abolishes the first thing to establish the second. It is by virtue of this will that we are sanctified, through the offering of the body of Jesus Christ, once and for all .” It seems that Paul, the presumed author of this epistle addressed to the "Hebrews", wrote it under the dictation of Jesus Christ; which justifies its immense light and its incomparable precision. Indeed, only Jesus Christ in person could say to him: “( In the scroll of the book it is about me ) ”. But verse 8 of the text of Psalm 40 says, “ with the scroll of the book written for me .” This modification can therefore be justified by this personal action of Christ with Paul, who remained isolated for three years in Arabia, prepared and instructed directly by the Spirit. And I remind you, this was already the case with the scroll written by Moses who wrote it under the dictation of God.


The sea, tank of ablutions

The second element of the square is the ablution tank, a prefiguration of the baptism ritual. God gives it the word “sea” for its name. In human experience the sea is synonymous with “death”. She swallowed up the antediluvians with her flood and drowned all of Pharaoh's cavalry who were pursuing Moses and his Hebrew people. In baptism, necessarily in total immersion, the old sinful man is supposed to die to emerge from the water as a new creature redeemed and regenerated by Jesus Christ who imputes to him his perfect justice. But this is only a theoretical principle whose application will depend on the nature of the candidate who presents himself. Does he come, like Jesus, at baptism, to do the will of God? The response is individual and Jesus imputes or does not impute his righteousness depending on the case. What is certain is that he who wants to do his will will respect with joy and gratitude the holy divine law, the transgression of which constitutes sin. If he must die in the water of baptism, there is no question of him being reborn in the service of Christ, except accidentally because of the carnal weakness of the human being.

Thus, cleansed of his sins and putting on the imputed righteousness of Jesus Christ, like the priest of the old covenant, the Christian elect can enter the holy place or temple to serve God in Jesus Christ. The path of true divine religion is thus revealed by this pictorial construction because these are only symbols, reality will appear in the works that the justified elect will bring before men, angels, and the creator God.


God's plan prophesied in images

In his plan, God removed the sin of the elect through the blood of Jesus Christ brought to the mercy seat of the sanctuary or most holy place. Granted permission for exceptional excavations at the site of Mount Golgotha in Jerusalem until 1982, Adventist nurse archaeologist Ron Wyatt revealed that the blood of Jesus actually flowed down the left side of the mercy seat located in an underground cave at six meters below the cross of Christ's crucifixion; the thing that took place at the foot of Mount Golgotha. In the priestly rite, the priest placed in the holy place faces the mercy seat and the celestial things installed in the most holy place, the sanctuary. Therefore, what is on the left of man is on the right of God. Likewise, the writing of Hebrew is done from the right to the left of man, taking the North-South direction, therefore, from the left to the right of God. Thus, the plan of the two covenants is written in the reading of this most holy place, from man's right to his left; or the opposite for God. Old covenant Jews served God under the symbolic image of the cherub located in the sanctuary to their right. During their alliance, the blood of the goat killed on the “day of atonement” was sprinkled on the front and on the mercy seat. The sprinkling was done seven times with his finger by the high priest towards the East. It is true that the old alliance was the eastern phase of his saving project. The sinners to be forgiven were themselves in the East, in Jerusalem. The day Jesus shed his blood, it fell on this same mercy seat, and the new covenant established on his blood and his justice began under the sign of the second cherub located on the left, south side. Thus, seen by God, this progression took place from his left to his right ”, the side of his blessing, as it is written in Psalms 110:1: “ Of David. Psalm. The word of Yahweh to my Lord: Sit at my right hand , until I make your enemies your footstool . And confirming Heb.7:17, verses 4 to 7 specify: “ YahWeH has sworn, and he will not repent: You are a priest forever, in the manner of Melchizedek. The Lord at your right hand breaks kings in the day of his wrath. He exercises justice among the nations: everything is full of corpses; he breaks heads all over the country. He drinks from the stream while he is walking: that is why he lifts up his head .” Thus, the meek but just Jesus Christ makes mockers and rebels pay the price for their contempt for the sublime testimony of his compassionate love for his redeemed elect.

So that when entering the court or the temple, the Hebrews present their backs to the “rising sun” adored throughout time by the pagans in various places on the earth, God wanted the sanctuary to be built, along its length, in the East-West axis. In its width, the right wall of the most holy place was therefore located to the “North” and the left wall was on the “South” side.

In Matt.23:37, Jesus gave himself the image of a “ hen who protects her chicks under her wings ”: “ Jerusalem, Jerusalem, who kills the prophets and stones those who are sent to you, How many times have I wanted to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing! ". This is what the outstretched wings of the two cherubim teach, for each of the two successive alliances. According to Exo.19:4, God compares himself to an " eagle ": " You have seen what I did to Egypt, and how I carried you on eagle's wings and brought you to me ". In Rev.12:14, he specifies “ great eagle ”: “ And the two wings of the great eagle were given to the woman, that she might fly into the desert, to her place, where she is nourished for a time, time, and half a time, far from the face of the serpent .” These images illustrate the same reality: God protects those he loves because they love him, in the two successive alliances, before and after Jesus Christ.

Finally, symbolically, the Hebrew temple represented the body of Christ, that of the elect and collectively, the Bride of Christ, his Elect, the assembly of the elect. For all these reasons, God has established sanitary dietary rules so that these various forms of the temple are sanctified and respected; 1Cor.6:19: “ Do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? »

Gold, nothing but gold

We must also note the importance of this criterion: all the furniture and utensils, the cherubim and the interior walls themselves are made of gold or covered with beaten gold. The characteristic of gold is its unalterable character; this is the only value that God gives it. It is not surprising that he made gold the symbol of perfect faith, the unique and perfect model of which was Jesus Christ. The interior of the temple and the sanctuary image the interior aspect of the spirit of Jesus Christ inhabited by sanctification, the purity of the Holy Spirit of God; his character was unalterable and this was the cause of his victory over sin and death. The example given by Jesus is presented by God as the model to imitate for all his elect; this is its requirement, the only condition for becoming individually and collectively compatible with eternal celestial life, the salary and reward of the victors. The values that were his must become ours, we must resemble him like clones, as it is written in 1 John 2:6: “ He who says that he abides in him must also walk as he walked -same ”. The meaning of gold is given to us in 1 Peter 1:7: " that the testing of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes (which, however, is tested by fire), may result in praise, glory and honor, when Jesus Christ appears . God tests the faith of his elect. Although unalterable, gold can contain traces of impure materials, and to remove it, it must be heated and melted. The slag or impurities then rise to its surface and can be removed. It is the image of the experience of the earthly life of the redeemed disciples during which Christ uproots evil and purifies them, subjecting them to various trials. And it is only under the condition of their victory in the ordeal that at the end of their life, their eternal fate is decided by the great Judge Jesus Christ. This victory can only be obtained by his support and help, as he declared in John 15:5-6 and 10 to 14: “ I am the vine, you are the branches. He who abides in me and in whom I abide bears much fruit, for without me you can do nothing. If anyone does not abide in me, he is thrown out like a branch and withers; then we gather the branches, we throw them into the fire, and they burn .” Obedience to divine commandments is required: “ If you keep my commandments, you will abide in my love, just as I have kept the commandments of my Father, and abide in his love. ". Dying for one's friends becomes the perfect culmination of the norm of one's sublimated love: " This is my commandment: Love one another, as I have loved you." There is no greater love than to lay down one’s life for one’s friends .” But this recognition by Jesus is conditional: “ You are my friends, if you do what I command you .”

For its part, the candlestick with seven lamps was made of solid gold. He could then only symbolize the perfection of Jesus Christ. The gold subsequently found in the churches of Roman Catholicism reflects the claim of its false faith. This is why, in contrast, Protestant temples were stripped of all ornaments, humble and austere. In the symbolism of the sanctuary and the temple, the presence of gold proves that the sanctuary can only represent the divine Jesus Christ. But by extension, it is written that he is the Head, the head of the Church which is his body in Eph.5:23-24: “ for the husband is the head of the wife, as Christ is the head of the Church, which is his body , and of which he is the Savior. Now, just as the Church is subject to Christ, so also wives must be subject to their husbands in all things. » But then the Spirit specifies: “ Husbands, love your wives, as Christ loved the Church, and gave himself for her, in order to sanctify her by the word , after having purified her by baptism of water, in order to make this Church appear before him glorious, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, but holy and blameless. ". Here then, clearly expressed, is what the true Christian religion consists of. Its standard is not only theoretical because it is a practice implemented in all its reality. Agreement with the standard of his revealed “ word ” is required; which involves keeping the commandments and ordinances of God and knowing the mysteries revealed in his Bible prophecies. This criterion, “ irreprehensible or irreproachable ” of the elect, is recalled and confirmed in Rev. 14:5 where it is attributed to the “Adventist” saints of the true final return of Christ. They are designated by the symbol of the “ 144,000 ” sealed with the “ seal of God ” in Rev.7. Their experience is that of the entire sanctification . This study shows that the tabernacle, the sanctuary, the temple and all their symbols prophesied the great saving project of God. They found their purpose and fulfillment in the manifestation of the earthly ministry of Jesus Christ revealed to human beings. Thus, the relationship that the chosen one maintains with him is of a prophetic nature and character; ignorant man entrusts himself to the creator God who knows everything; who builds his future and reveals it to him.

The study of the temple built by King Solomon has just shown us that we must not confuse the “temple” part accessible to men with the “sanctuary” reserved exclusively for the celestial God. As a result of this, the word "sanctuary" used instead of the word "holiness" in Dan.8:14 this time loses all legitimacy, because it concerns a heavenly place where no purification is necessary in 1843. And on the contrary , the word "holiness" concerns the saints who must break from the practice of sin on earth in order to be sanctified or, selected for election by God.

At the death of Jesus Christ, the veil which separated the “temple” from the “sanctuary” was torn by God, but only the prayers of the saints would gain spiritual access to the heavenly sanctuary where Jesus would intercede for them. The temple part was to continue its role as a gathering house for the elect on earth. It was the same in 1843, the principle was renewed. The “temple” of the saints remains on earth and in the “sanctuary”, only celestial, the intercession of Christ officially resumes in favor of only the selected Adventist elect. There is therefore no longer a “sanctuary” on earth in the new alliance where its symbol disappears. All that remains is the spiritual “temple” of the redeemed elect.

The only defilement that required cleansing was the sins of men on earth, for none of their sin came to defile heaven. Only the presence of the devil and his rebellious demons could do this, which is why, victorious, in Michael, Jesus Christ expelled them from heaven and cast them onto the earth of sin where they must remain until their death.

There is one more thing to understand after discussing the symbolism of holiness. As holy as these symbols are, they are only material things. True holiness is in the living, which is why Jesus Christ was more than the temple which itself existed solely to shelter the law of God, the image of his character and his justice offended by the earthly sinner. It is only to serve as a support for the teaching of his elect that God had these things accomplished by Moses and his workers. It is in order to avoid idolatrous behavior that God authorized a man, his servant, Ron Wyatt, to find and touch the ark of his testimony in 1982. Because the “testimony of Jesus” which “ is the spirit of prophecy ” is much superior to him and more useful since he came in person to reveal the meaning of the saving project prepared for his chosen ones selected on earth. Ron Wyatt was allowed to film the Ten Commandments taken out of the ark by angels, but he refused to keep the film. These facts prove that God knew in advance his refusal, but this choice protects us from the idolatry that such a recording could have produced in some of his more vulnerable elect. This reality has been revealed to us, so that we keep it in the thoughts of our hearts as a sweet privilege given by our God of Love.

The separations of Genesis


While the study of this work has revealed to us the secrets hidden in the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation, I must now help you discover the prophecies that were revealed in the book of Genesis, a word which means “beginning”.

Attention !!! The testimony that we will note in this study of the book of Genesis came directly from the mouth of God who dictated it to his servant Moses. Not believing in this story constitutes the greatest outrage that can be done to God directly, an outrage that definitively closes the door to heaven because it reveals the total absence of "faith, without which it is impossible to be pleasant to God ,” according to Hebrews 11:6.

In the prologue to his Apocalypse, Jesus strongly insisted on this expression: “ I am the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end ” which he quotes again at the end of his Revelation in Rev.22:13 . We have already noted the prophetic character of the book of Genesis, particularly regarding the seven-day week which prophesies seven thousand years. Here, I approach this book of Genesis from the aspect of the theme of “ separation ” which particularly characterizes it as we will see.


Genesis 1


The 1st day


Genesis 1:1: “ In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth

As the word “ beginning ” indicates, the “ earth ” was indeed created by God as the center and basis of a new dimension, parallel to the forms of celestial life which preceded it. To use the image of a painter, for him it is about creating and implementing the creation of a new painting. But let us already note that, from their origin, “ the heavens and the earth ” are separated . The “ heavens ” designate the empty, dark and infinite interstellar cosmos; and the “ earth ” then appears in the form of a ball covered by water. The “ earth ” had no pre-existence to the week of creation since it is created at the beginning or “ beginning ” of the creation of this specific earthly dimension. It comes out of nothingness and takes shape at the command of God to fulfill a role that became necessary because of the freedom which is at the origin of the sin committed in heaven by its very first creature; the one whom Isaiah 14:12 designates by the names “ morning star ” and “ son of the dawn ” has become Satan since his challenge to the authority of God. He has since been the leader of the existing celestial rebel camp and the future earthly camp.

Gen.1:2: “The earth was formless and empty: there was darkness on the face of the deep, and the Spirit of God moved over the waters .”

As a painter begins by applying the background layer to the canvas, God presents the situation which prevails in the heavenly life already created and the earthly life which he will create. He thus designates by the word " darkness " everything which is not in his approval which he will name " light " in absolute opposition. Let us note the link that this verse establishes between the word “ darkness ”, always in the plural as its aspects are multiple, and the word “ abyss ” which designates the earth carrying no form of life. God used this symbol to designate his enemies: the "godless" revolutionaries and free thinkers in Rev.11:7 and the rebels of papal Catholicism in Rev.17:8. But the rebellious Protestants joined them in 1843, passing in turn under the domination of Satan, the “angel of the abyss ” of Rev.9:11; which were joined by unfaithful Adventism in 1995.

In the image offered in this verse, we see that "darkness " separates the " spirit of God " from " the waters " which will prophesy symbolically, in Daniel and Revelation, of masses of " peoples, nations and of tongues ” under the symbols “ sea ” in Dan.7:2-3 and Rev.13:1, and under that of “ rivers ” in Rev.8:10, 9:14, 16:12, 17:1- 15. The separation will soon be attributed to the original “ sin ” which will be committed by Eve and Adam. As in the image given, God rubs shoulders with the world of darkness attached to the rebellious angels who follow Satan in his choice to challenge God's authority.

Gen.1:3: “ God said: Let there be light! And the light was

God sets His standard of “ good ” according to His own and sovereign judgment. This option of “ good ” is linked to the word “ light ” because of its glorious aspect, visible to all and by all, because good does not generate “shame which leads man to hide to accomplish his wickedness. works. This “shame” will be felt by Adam after the sin according to Gen.3, compared to Gen.2:25.

Gen.1:4: “ God saw that the light was good; and God separated the light from the darkness .”

This is the first judgment expressed by God. He reveals his choice of the good evoked by the word “ light ” and his condemnation of the evil designated by the word “ darkness ”.

God reveals to us the purpose of his earthly creation and therefore the final result that his project will achieve: the definitive separation of those who love his “ light ” from those who prefer “ darkness ”. “ Light and darkness ” are the two choices made possible by the principle of freedom that God wanted to give to all his celestial and terrestrial creatures. These two opposing camps ultimately have two leaders; Jesus Christ for the “ light ” and Satan for the “ darkness ”. And these two opposing camps, like the two poles of the earth, will also have two different absolute ends; the elect will live forever in the light of God according to Rev.21:23; and destroyed by the return of Christ, the rebels will end up as “ dust ” on the desolate earth which once again becomes the “abyss ” of Gen.1:2. Resurrected for judgment, they will be definitively annihilated being consumed in the “lake of fire ” of the “ second death ” according to Rev.20:15.

Gen.1:5: “ God called the light day, and the darkness he called night. So there was evening, and there was morning: that was the first day .”

This “ first day ” of Creation is dedicated to the definitive separation of the two camps formed by the choices “ light and darkness ” which will confront each other on earth until the final victory of Jesus Christ and the renewal of creation. earthly. The “ first day ” is thus “ marked ” by the authorization that God gives to the rebels to fight against him during the “seven thousand” years prophesied by the entire week. It is thus ideally suited to become the sign, or " mark " of the false divine adoration found over the course of six millennia among unfaithful pagan or Jewish peoples, but particularly in the Christian era, since the adoption of the "day of the Unconquered Sun" as a weekly day of rest imposed by the imperial authority of Constantine I , March 7, 321. This is how since this date, the current "Christian" Sunday has become the " mark of the beast " continued to the religious support given to him by the papal Roman Catholic faith from 538. Obviously, the “alpha ” of Genesis had much to offer to the faithful servants of Jesus Christ of the “ omega ” time. And it's not over.


The 2nd day


Gen.1:6: “ God said, Let there be an expanse between the waters, and let it separate the waters from the waters .”

Here again, it is a question of separation : “ waters from waters ”. The action prophesies the separation of God's creatures symbolized by the " waters ". This verse confirms the natural separation of heavenly life from earthly life and in both, the separation of the “sons of God” from the “sons of the devil” nevertheless called to cohabit together until the judgment marked, by the death of Jesus Christ for the rebellious evil angels, and until the return in glory of Jesus Christ for the Earthlings. This separation will justify the fact that man will be created a little inferior to the celestial angels since the celestial dimension will be inaccessible to him. The history of the earth will be that of a long sorting until its end. Sin established disorder and God organizes this disorder through selective sorting.

Gen.1:7: “ And God made the expanse, and separated the waters that are under the expanse from the waters that are above the expanse. And so it was .”

The image given separates the earthly life prophesied by the “ waters which are beneath ” from the heavenly life which is “ above the expanse ”.

Gen.1:8: “ God called the expanse heaven. So there was evening, and there was morning: this was the second day .”

This sky designates the atmospheric layer which, formed from the two gases (hydrogen and oxygen) which make up water, surrounds the entire surface of the earth and which is not naturally accessible to man. God links it to the presence of an invisible celestial life which is the case since the devil himself will receive the name “ prince of the power of the air ” in Eph.2:2: “… in which you you once walked, according to the way of this world, according to the prince of the power of the air, of the spirit which now acts in the sons of rebellion ”; attitude that he already had in the celestial world.


The 3rd day


Gen.1:9: “ God said, Let the waters that are under the sky be gathered together into one place, and let dry land appear. And so it was .”

Until this time, " the waters " covered the entire earth but they did not yet contain any form of the marine animal life that will be created on the 5th day . This precision will give all its authenticity to the action of the flood of Genesis 6 which will be able to spread the form of animal marine life on the submerged earth; which will then justify finding marine fossils and shells there.

Gen.1:10: “ God called the dry land earth, and the mass of waters he called seas. God saw that it was good .”

This new separation is judged “ good ” by God because beyond the oceans and continents, he gives these two terms “ sea and land ” the role of two symbols which will respectively designate the Catholic Christian Church and the Christian Protestant left the first under the name of Reformed Church. Their separation carried out between 1170 and 1843 is therefore judged “ good ” by God. And his encouragement for his faithful servants in the time of the Reformation was revealed in Rev. 2:18 to 29. In these verses, we find this important clarification of verses 24 and 25 which testify to an exceptional temporary situation: “To you , to all others in Thyatira, who do not receive this doctrine, and who have not known the depths of Satan, as they call them, I say to you: I lay no other burden on you ; only hold on to what you have until I come .” Once again, through this regrouping, God brings order to the disorder created by rebellious angelic and human spirits. Let us note this other teaching, the “ earth ” will give its name to the entire planet because the “ dry ” is prepared to be the natural environment for the life of man for whom this creation is made by God. The marine surface being four times larger than the surface of the dry earth, the planet could have taken the name " sea " better deserved but not justified in the divine project. The words of this “saying”: “birds flock together and birds of a feather flock together”, are found in these groupings. Thus, between 1170 and 1843, faithful and peaceful Protestants were saved by the justice of Christ which was imputed to them exceptionally without obedience to the sabbatical rest of the true seventh day: Saturday. And it is the requirement of this rest which makes the “ earth ” the symbol of a false Christian faith from 1843, according to Dan.8:14. The proof of this divine judgment appears in Rev. 10:5 since Jesus places “ his feet ” on the “ sea and the earth ” to crush them with his wrath.

Gen.1:11: “ Then God said, Let the earth bring forth greenery, grass yielding seed, and fruit trees yielding fruit according to their kind, having their seed in them upon the earth. And so it was . »

The priority given by God to the dry land is confirmed: first, it receives the power to “ produce ” “ greenery, grass bearing seed, fruit trees yielding fruit according to their kind ”; all things produced first for the needs of man, and secondarily for the terrestrial and celestial animals which will surround him. These productions of the earth will be used by God as symbolic images to reveal his lessons to his servants. Man, like the “tree ”, will bear fruit, good or bad.

Gen.1:12: “ The earth brought forth greenery, grass bearing seed according to its kind, and trees yielding fruit and having their seed in them according to their kind. God saw that it was good. »

In this 3rd day , no fault taints the work created by God, nature is perfect, deemed “ good ”. In perfect atmospheric and terrestrial purity, the earth multiplies its productions. The fruits are intended for the beings who will live on the earth: men and animals who in turn will produce fruit according to their personality.

Gen.1:13: “ So there was evening, and there was morning: it was the third day .”




The 4th day


Gen.1:14: “ God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the sky, to divide the day from the night; let them be signs to mark the times, the days and the years .”

A new separation appears: “ day from night ”. Until this fourth day, daylight was not obtained by a celestial body. The separation of day and night already existed in a virtual form created by God. To make his creation independent of his presence, God will create on the fourth day celestial stars which will allow men to establish calendars based on the position of these stars in the interstellar cosmos. Thus the signs of the Zodiac will appear, astrology before its time but without the current divination which is attached to it, i.e. astronomy.

Gen.1:15: “ And let them be lights in the expanse of heaven, to give light on the earth. And so it was .”

The " earth " must be illuminated by " day " as well as by " night ", but the " light " of " day " must surpass that of " night " because it is the symbolic image of the God of truth, creator of all that lives. And the succession in the order “ night day ” prophesies his final victory against all his enemies who are also those of his beloved and blessed elect. This role which consists of “ illuminating the earth ” will give these stars a symbolic meaning of religious action teaching truths or lies presented in the name of the creator God.

Gen.1:16: “ God made the two great lights, the greater light to rule over the day, and the lesser light to rule over the night; he also made the stars .”

Note this detail carefully: by evoking “ the sun ” and “ the moon ”, “ the two great luminaries ”, God designates the sun by the expression “ the greatest ” while the eclipses prove it, the two solar and lunar disks appear to us under the same size, one covering the other reciprocally. But God who created it knows before man that its small appearance is due to its distance from the earth, the sun being 400 times larger but 400 times further than the moon. By this precision he confirms and affirms his supreme title of creator God. Furthermore, on a spiritual level, it reveals its incomparable “greatness” compared to the smallness of the moon, symbol of night and darkness. The application of these symbolic roles will concern Jesus Christ named “ light ” in John 1:9: “ This light was the true light, which, coming into the world, enlightens every man ”. Let us point out that the ancient alliance of the carnal Jewish people built on a lunar calendar was placed under the sign of a “dark” era; this until the first and second coming of Christ. Just as the celebration of the “feasts of the new moons”, a time when the disappearing moon becomes invisible, prophesied the coming of the solar era of Christ, which Mal.4:2 compares to a “sun of righteousness”: “ But for you whoever fears my name, the sun of righteousness will rise , and healing will be under his wings; you will go out, and you will jump like calves from a stable ,…”. After the old Jewish alliance, " the moon " became the symbol of the false Christian faith, successively Catholic since 321 and 538, then Protestant since 1843, and... institutional Adventist since 1994.

The verse also mentions “ the stars ”. Their light is weak but they are so numerous that they nevertheless light up the sky of terrestrial nights. “ The star ” thus becomes the symbol of religious messengers who remain standing or who fall like the sign of the “ 6th seal ” of Rev.6:13 in which the fall of the stars came to prophesy on November 13, 1833 to the elect , the massive fall of Protestantism in the year 1843. This fall also concerned the messengers of Christ, recipients of the message from “ Sardis ” to whom Jesus declared: “ you are considered to be alive and you are dead ”. This fall is recalled in Rev.9:1: “ The fifth angel sounded his trumpet. And I saw a star that had fallen from heaven to earth . The key to the pit of the abyss was given to him .” Before the fall of the Protestants, Rev. 8:10 and 11 evokes that of Catholicism definitively condemned by God: “ The third angel sounded the trumpet. And there fell from heaven a great star burning like a torch ; and it fell on a third of the rivers and on the springs of waters. » Verse 11 gives it the name “ Wormwood ”: “ The name of this star is Wormwood ; and the third part of the waters was changed into wormwood , and many men died by the waters, because they had become bitter .” The thing is confirmed in Rev. 12:4: “ His tail dragged away a third of the stars of the sky , and threw them to the earth. The dragon stood before the woman who was about to give birth, in order to devour her child when she had given birth . The religious messengers will then be victims of the executions of the French revolutionaries in Rev. 8:12: “ The fourth angel sounded the trumpet. And a third of the sun was smitten, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third was darkened , and the day lost a third of its light, and the night likewise . The targets of free-thinking revolutionaries hostile to all forms of religion are also, always partially ( the third ), “ the sun ” and the “ moon ”.

In Gen.15:5, the “ stars ” symbolize the “ seed ” promised to Abraham: “ And when he had led him out, he said, Look toward heaven, and count the stars, if you can number them. And he said unto him: This shall be thy seed .” Attention ! The message indicates a numerous quantity but says nothing about the quality of the faith of this multitude in which God will find " many called but few chosen " according to Matt.22:14. The “ stars ” again symbolize the elect in Dan.12:3: “ Those who are intelligent will shine like the splendor of the sky, and those who teach righteousness to many will shine like the stars forever and ever ” .

Gen.1:17: “ God placed them in the expanse of the sky, to give light to the earth,

We see here for a spiritual reason God's insistence on this role of the stars: “ to illuminate the earth ”.

Gen.1:18: “ to govern the day and the night, and to separate the light from the darkness. God saw that it was good .”

Here God confirms the spiritual symbolic role of these stars by linking together “ day and light ” on the one hand, and “ night and darkness ” on the other.

Gen.1:19: “ So there was evening, and there was morning: it was the fourth day .”

The earth can now benefit from light and solar heat to ensure its fertility and production of plant foods. But the role of the sun will only become important after the sin that Eve and Adam will commit. Life until this tragic moment rests on the miraculous power of God's creative power. Earthly life is organized by God for this time when sin will strike the earth with all its curse.


The 5th day


Gen.1:20: “ God said, Let the waters bring forth living things in abundance, and let birds fly on the earth to the expanse of the sky .”

On this 5th day , God gives the “ waters ” the power to “ produce in abundance living animals ” so numerous and so varied that modern science has difficulty listing them all. At the bottom of the abyss in total darkness, we discover an unknown life form of tiny fluorescent animals that flash, blink and change light intensity and even color. Likewise, the expanse of the sky will receive the animation of the flight of “ birds ”. Here appears the symbol of “ wings ” which allow winged carnal animals to move through the air. The symbol will be attached to celestial spirits who do not need it because they are not subject to terrestrial and celestial physical laws. And in the winged species of the earth, God will attribute to himself the image of the “eagle ” which rises the highest in altitude among all the species of birds and flying animals. “ The eagle ” also becomes the symbol of the empire, of King Nebuchadnezzar in Dan.7:4 and that of Napoleon 1st in Rev.8:13: “ I looked, and I heard an eagle flying in the middle from heaven , saying with a loud voice: Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, because of the other sounds of the trumpets of the three angels which are about to sound! » The appearance of this imperial regime prophesied the three great “ misfortunes ” which will strike the inhabitants of Western countries under the symbol of the last three “ trumpets ” of Apo. 9 and 11, from 1843, when the decree of Dan.8:14 came into effect.

Apart from the “eagle ”, the other “ birds of the sky ” will symbolize the celestial angels, the good and the bad.

Gen.1:21: “ God created great fish and every living creature that moves, which the waters produced in abundance according to their kind; he also created every winged bird according to its kind. God saw that it was good .”

God prepares marine life for the condition of sin, the time when the “largest fish ” will make the smallest their food, this is the planned destiny and the usefulness of their abundance in each species. The “ winged birds ” will not escape this principle because they too will kill each other for food. But before sin, no sea animal or bird harms another, life animates them all and they live together in perfect harmony. This is why God judges the situation “ good ”. The marine “ animals ” and “ birds ” will play a symbolic role after sin. The mortal combats between species will then give to the “ sea ” the meaning of “death” that God gives it in the ritual of the ablutions of the Hebrew priests. The vat used for this purpose will be given the name “ sea ” in memory of the crossing of the “red sea”, both things being a foreshadowing of Christian baptism. Thus, by giving it the name “ beast that rises from the sea ” in Rev. 13:1, God identifies the Roman Catholic religion and the monarchy that supports it with an assembly of “dead” who kill and devour their neighbors like the fish from the “ sea ”. Likewise the eagles, the hawks and the hawks will devour the pigeons and the doves, because of the sin of Eve and Adam and the many more of their human descendants until the return in glory of Christ .

Gen.1:22: “ God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the waters of the seas; and let the birds multiply on the earth .

God's blessing is materialized by the multiplication, in this context that of marine animals and birds, but also soon, that of human beings. The Church of Christ is also called to multiply the number of its followers, but there, the blessing of God is not enough, because God calls, but he does not compel anyone to respond to his offer of salvation.

Gen.1:23: “ So there was evening, and there was morning: it was the fifth day .”

Note that marine life is created on the fifth day, thus separated from the creation of terrestrial life, because of its spiritual symbolism which concerns the first form of cursed and apostate Christianity; what the Catholic religion of Rome will represent since March 7, 321, the date of the adoption of the false pagan day of rest, the first day and "day of the sun", subsequently renamed: Sunday, the Lord's day. This explanation is confirmed by the appearance of Roman Catholicism during the 5th millennium and that of Protestantism which appeared during the 6th millennium .


The 6th day


Gen.1:24: “ God said, Let the earth produce living animals according to their kinds, cattle, creeping things, and animals of the earth, according to their kinds. And so it was .”

The 6th day is marked by the creation of terrestrial life which, in turn, after the sea, “ produces living animals according to their kind, of cattle, of creeping things, and of land animals, according to their kind . ” God sets in motion a process of reproduction of all these living creatures . They will spread over the land surface.

Gen.1:25: “ God made the beasts of the earth according to their kinds, the cattle according to their kinds, and every creeping thing on the earth according to their kind. God saw that it was good .”

This verse confirms the action ordered in the previous one. Let us note this time that God is the creator and director of this terrestrial animal life produced on earth. As with those of the sea, land animals will live in harmony until the time of human sin. God finds this animal creation “ good ” in which symbolic roles are created and he will use them in his prophetic messages after the establishment of sin. Among the reptiles, “ the serpent ” will play a main role as a medium instigating sin used by the devil. After sin, the animals of the earth will destroy each other species against species. And this aggressiveness will justify, in Rev. 13:11, the name " beast that rises from the earth " which designates the Protestant religion in its last status cursed by God in the context of the ultimate test of Adventist faith justified by the true return of Jesus Christ scheduled for spring 2030. However, note that Protestantism carries this curse ignored by the multitudes since 1843.

Gen.1:26: “ Then God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness, and let him have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and on all the creeping things that creep on the earth .”

By saying “ Let us do ”, God associates with his creative work the faithful angelic world which witnesses his action and surrounds him full of enthusiasm. Under the theme of separation , note here, grouped in the 6th day , the terrestrial animal creation and that of man which is mentioned in this verse 26, number of the name of God, number obtained by the addition of the four Hebrew letters “Yod = 10 +, Hé = 5 +, Wav = 6 +, Hé = 5 = 26”; letters that make up his name transliterated “YaHWéH”. This choice is all the more justified since, “ made in the image of God ”, “ man ” Adam comes to represent him symbolically in earthly creation as an image of Christ. God gives him his physical and mental aspect, that is to say the ability to judge between good and evil which will make him responsible. Created on the same day as the animals, “ man ” will receive the choice of his “ likeness ”: God or the animal, “ the beast ”. However, it is by allowing themselves to be seduced by “an animal”, “ the serpent ”, that Eve and Adam will cut themselves off from God and lose their “ likeness ”. By giving man dominion over “ the reptiles that creep on the earth ,” God invites man to have dominion over “the serpent” and therefore not to let himself be taught by him. Sadly for humanity, Eve will be isolated and separated from Adam when she is seduced and made guilty of the sin of disobedience.

God entrusts to man all his earthly creation with the lives it contains and produces in the seas, on the earth and in the sky.

Gen.1:27: “ God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him, male and female he created .”

The 6th day lasts like the others, 24 hours and it seems that the creations of the man and the woman are grouped here for the educational purpose of summarizing their creation. Indeed, Gen.2 takes up this creation of man by revealing many actions which were probably accomplished over several days. The story of this chapter 1 thus takes on a normative character revealing the symbolic values that God wanted to give to the first six days of the week.

This week has all the more symbolic value as it images God's saving project. “The man” symbolizes and prophesies Christ and “the woman,” the “Chosen Church” that will be raised up from him. Furthermore, before sin, real time does not matter because in the state of perfection, time is not numbered and the countdown of "6000 years" will begin in the first spring marked by the first human sin. In perfect regularity, 12-hour nights and 12-hour days follow one another continuously. In this verse, God emphasizes the likeness of man created according to his own image. Adam is not weak, he is full of strength and he was created capable of resisting the temptations of the devil.

Gen.1:28: “ And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moveth on the earth .”

The message is addressed by God to all humanity of which Adam and Eve are the original models. Like animals, they are in turn blessed and encouraged to procreate in order to multiply human beings. Man obtains dominion over animal creatures from God, which means that he must not allow himself to be dominated by them, out of sentimentality and sentimental weakness. He must not harm them but live in harmony with them. This, in the context which precedes the curse of sin.

Gen.1:29: “ And God said, Behold, I give you every herb that beareth seed, that is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree that hath fruit in it, that yieldeth seed: it will be your food .”

In his plant creation, God reveals all his goodness and generosity by multiplying the number of seeds of each species of plants, fruit trees, cereals, herbs and vegetables. God offers man the model of perfect nutrition which promotes good physical and mental health favorable to the entire organism and the human soul, even today as in the time of Adam. This subject has been presented since 1843 by God as a requirement of his chosen ones and it takes on even greater importance in our last days where food is the victim of chemicals, fertilizers, pesticides and others which destroy life instead of promoting it. .

Gen.1:30: “ And to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every thing that moveth on the earth, having the breath of life in it, I give every green herb for food. And so it was .”

This verse presents the key that justifies the possibility of this harmonious life. All living things are vegan, so they have no reason to harm themselves. After sin, animals will most often attack each other for food, death will then strike them all in one way or another.

Gen.1:31: “ God saw all that he had made, and behold, it was very good. So there was evening, and there was morning: it was the sixth day .”

At the end of the 6th day , God is satisfied with his creation which, with the presence of man on earth, is judged this time " very good ", whereas it was only " good " at the end of the 5th . day.

God's intention to separate the first 6 days of the week from the 7th is demonstrated by their grouping together in this chapter 1 of Genesis. In this way he prepares the structure of the 4th commandment of his divine law which he will present in their time to the Hebrews delivered from Egyptian slavery. Since Adam, human beings have had 6 days a week, each week, to go about their earthly occupations. For Adam, things started out well, but after being created from him, the woman, his God-given “ helper ,” will bring sin into earthly creation as Gen.3 will reveal. Out of love for his wife, Adam will in turn eat the forbidden fruit and the entire couple will find themselves struck by the curse of sin. In this action, Adam prophesies Christ who will come to share and pay in his place the fault of his beloved Chosen Church. His death on the cross, at the foot of Mount Golgotha, will atone for the sin committed and conqueror of sin and death, Jesus Christ will obtain the right to make his chosen ones benefit from his perfect justice. He can thus offer them eternal life lost since Adam and Eve. The elect will enter together at the same time into this eternal life at the beginning of the 7th millennium , it is then that the prophetic role of the Sabbath will be fulfilled. You can therefore understand why this theme of rest on the 7th day is presented in chapter 2 of Genesis, separated from the first 6 days grouped together in chapter 1.


Genesis 2


The seventh day


Gen.2:1: “ Thus were finished the heavens and the earth, and all their host .”

The first six days are separated from the “ seventh ” because God’s creative work of the earth and heavens comes to an end. This was true, for the laying of the foundations of created life in the first week, but even more so, for the 7000 years that it also prophesied. The first six days announce that God will work in adversity facing the camp of the devil and his destructive actions for 6000 years. His work will consist of attracting his chosen ones to him in order to select them from among all human beings. He will give them various proofs of his love and will retain those who love and approve of him in all his aspects and all areas. Because those who do not do this will join the cursed camp of the devil. “ The army ” cited designates the living forces of the two camps which will oppose and fight each other on “ the earth ” and in “ the heavens ” where the “ stars of the sky ” symbolize them. And this fight for selection will last 6000 years.

Gen.2:2: “ On the seventh day God finished his work which he had done: and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had done .”

At the end of the first week of earthly history, God's rest teaches a first lesson: Adam and Eve have not yet sinned; which explains the possibility for God to experience true rest. God's rest is therefore conditioned by the absence of sin in his creatures.

The second lesson is more subtle and it is hidden in the prophetic aspect of this “ seventh day ” which is an image of the “ seventh ” millennium of the great saving project programmed by God.

The entry into the “ seventh ” millennium, called “ a thousand years ” in Rev.20:4-6-7, will mark the completion of the selection of the elect. And for God and his elect saved alive or resurrected, but all being glorified, the rest obtained will be the consequence of the victory of God in Jesus Christ over all his enemies. In the Hebrew text, the verb “ rested ” is “shavat” from the same root as the word “ sabbath ”.

Gen.2:3: “ God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it, because in it he rested from all his work which he had created in doing it .”

The word sabbath is not mentioned but its image is already found in the sanctification of the “ seventh day ”. Therefore understand well the cause of this sanctification by God. She prophesies the moment when her sacrifice in Jesus Christ will receive its final reward: the happiness of being surrounded by all her chosen ones who in their time testified to their fidelity in martyrdom, suffering, deprivation, most often, until 'to death. And at the beginning of the “ seventh ” millennium, they will all be alive and will no longer have to fear death. For God and His faithful camp, can one imagine the cause of greater “ rest ” than this? God will no longer see those who love him suffer, he will no longer have to share their suffering, it is this “ rest ” that he celebrates each “ seventh day Sabbath ” of our perpetual weeks. This fruit of his final victory will have been obtained by the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death. In himself, on earth and among other humans, he carried out a barely credible work: he took death upon himself to create his chosen people and the Sabbath announced from Adam to humanity that he would conquer sin to offer his righteousness and eternal life to those who love and serve him faithfully; something that Rev.6:2 proclaims and confirms: “ I looked, and behold, there appeared a white horse. The one who rode it had a bow; a crown was given to him, and he set out victorious and to conquer .”

The entry into the seventh millennium marks the entry of the elect into the eternity of God, which is why, in this divine story, the seventh day is not closed with the expression "there was an evening, there was There was morning, it was…day .” In his Apocalypse given to John, Christ will evoke this seventh millennium and he will reveal that it will also be composed of “ a thousand years ” according to Rev. 20:2-4, like the first six which preceded it. It will be a time of heavenly judgment during which the elect will have to judge the dead of the cursed camp. The memory of sin will therefore be maintained in these last “ thousand years ” of the great Sabbath prophesied each weekend. Only the last judgment will put an end to the thought of sin when, at the end of the seventh millennium, all the fallen will have been destroyed in the “lake of fire of the second death ”.



God gives explanations about his earthly creation

Warning: Misguided people sow doubt by presenting this part of Genesis 2 as a second testimony that would contradict that of the story of Genesis 1. These people have not understood the narrative method used by God. He presents in Genesis 1, the entirety of the first six days of his creation. Then, from Gen.2:4, he returns to provide additional details on certain subjects not explained in Genesis 1.

Gen.2:4: “ These are the origins of the heavens and the earth, when they were created

These additional explanations are absolutely necessary because the theme of sin must receive its own explanations. And as we have seen, this theme of sin is omnipresent in the forms that God has given to his earthly and celestial achievements. The construction of the seven-day week itself carries many mysteries that only time will reveal to Christ's elect.

Gen.2:5: “ When YaHWéH God made the earth and the heavens, not a shrub of the field was yet on the earth, nor any grass of the field yet sprouted: for YaHWéH God had not sent rain on the earth , and there was no man to cultivate the ground .

Note the appearance of the name “ YaHWéH ” by which God named himself at the request of Moses according to Exodus 3:14-15. Moses writes this revelation under the dictation of God whom he calls “ YaHWéH ”. The divine revelation here takes its historical reference from the exodus from Egypt and the creation of the nation Israel.

Behind these apparently very logical details lie prophesied ideas. God evokes the growth of plant life, “ shrubs and herbs of the fields ”, to which he adds “ rain ” and the presence of “ man ” who will “ cultivate the soil ”. In 1656, after Adam's sin, in Gen.7:11, " the rain " of the " flood " will destroy plant life, " shrubs and herbs of the field " as well as " man " and his " crops " in cause of the intensification of sin.

Gen.2:6: “ But a vapor rose up from the earth, and watered the whole surface of the ground .”

Before destroying anything, before sin, God causes “ the earth to be watered over its entire surface by a vapor ”. The action is gentle and effective and suited to the sinless, glorious and perfectly pure life. After sin, heaven will send destructive storms and torrential rains as a sign of its curse.

The formation of man

Gen.2:7: “ Yahweh God formed man from the dust of the earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and man became a living creature .”

The creation of man is based on a new separation : that of the “ dust of the earth ” a part of which is taken to form a life made in the image of God. In this action, God reveals his plan to obtain and ultimately select elect people of earthly origin whom he will make eternal.

When God creates him, man is the object of special attention from his Creator. Note that he “ forms ” him from “ the dust of the earth ” and this single origin prophesies his sin, his death, and his return to the state of “ dust ”. This divine action is comparable to that of a “ potter ” who shapes a “ clay vessel ”; image that God will claim in Jer.18:6 and Rom.9:21. Furthermore, the life of “ man ” will depend on his “ breath ” that God breathes into his “ nostrils ”. It is therefore indeed the pulmonary “ breath ” and not the spirit breath that many think of. All these details are revealed to remind us how fragile human life is, dependent on God for its prolongation. It remains the fruit of a permanent miracle because life is found only in God and in him alone. It was by his divine will that “ man became a living being .” If the life of a good or evil man is prolonged, it is only because God allows it. And when death strikes him, it is still his decision that is in question.

Before sin, Adam was created perfect and innocent, possessed of powerful vitality, and entered into eternal life, surrounded by eternal things. Only the form of his creation prophesies his terrible destiny.

Gen.2:8: “ Then YaHWéH God planted a garden in Eden, on the east side, and he placed there the man whom he had formed .”

A garden is the image of the ideal place for man who finds all its enchanting nutritional and visual elements gathered there; magnificent flowers that do not fade and never lose their perfumes of pleasant smells multiplied to infinity. This food offered in the garden does not build one's life which is, before sin, not dependent on food. Food is therefore consumed by man for his sole pleasure. The precision “ God planted a garden ” testifies to his love for his creature. He becomes a gardener to offer man this wonderful place to live.

The word Eden means "garden of delights" and taking Israel as a central point of reference, God locates this Eden to the east of Israel. For his “delights”, man is placed in this delicious garden by God, his Creator.

Gen.2:9: “ Yahweh God made trees of every kind to grow out of the ground, pleasant to the sight and good for food, and the tree of life in the midst of the garden , and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil .”

The character of a garden is the presence of fruit trees which offer the “ready to eat” that constitutes their fruits with multiple soft and sweet flavors. They are all there for the sole pleasure of Adam, still alone.

In the garden there are also two trees with diametrically opposed characters: the “ tree of life ” which occupies the central place, “ in the middle of the garden ”. In this way the garden and its luxuriant offering are entirely attached to it. Near him is the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil ”. Already, in its designation, the word “ evil ” prophesies access to sin. We can then understand that these two trees are the images of the two camps which will confront each other on the earth of sin: the camp of Jesus Christ imaged by the "tree of life " against the camp of the devil who, like the name of the “tree ” indicates, has known or experienced, successively, “ good ” from its creation until the day when “ evil ” made it enter into rebellion against its Creator; what God calls “sinning against him”. I remind you that these principles of “good and evil ” are the two choices or two possible extreme opposite fruits that the total freedom of a “ living being ” produces. If the first angel had not done so, other angels would still have gone into rebellion, as the earthly experience of human behavior has now already proven.

In all the generous offering of the garden prepared by God for Adam is this tree " of the knowledge of good and evil " which is there to test man's faithfulness. This term “ knowledge ” must be well understood because for God the verb “ to know ” takes on an extreme meaning of experiencing “ good or evil ” which will be based on acts of obedience or disobedience. The tree in the garden is only the material support for the test of obedience and its fruit only transmits evil because God gave it this role by presenting it as a prohibition. The sin is not in the fruit but in eating it knowing that God has forbidden it.

Gen.2:10: “ A river came out of Eden to water the garden, and from there it divided into four branches .”

A new message of separation is presented, just as the river that comes out of Eden divides into " four arms ", this image prophesies the birth of humanity whose descendants will spread universally either to the four cardinal points, or four winds from heaven throughout all the earth. The “ river ” is the symbol of a people, water being the symbol of human lives. By this division " into four arms ", the river coming out of Eden will spread its water of life over the entire earth and this idea prophesies God's desire to spread his knowledge over its entire surface. His project will be accomplished according to Gen.10 by the separation of Noah and his three sons after the end of the flood of waters. These witnesses of the flood will transmit from generation to generation the memory of the terrible divine punishment.

We do not know the visual appearance that the earth had before the flood, but before the separations of the peoples, the inhabited earth must have appeared as a single continent only watered by this source of water which gushed from the garden of Eden. The current inland seas did not exist and they are a consequence of the flood which covered the entire earth for a year. Until the flood, the entire continent was irrigated by these four rivers and their tributaries distributed fresh water over the entire surface of the dry earth. During the flood, the Straits of Gibraltar and the Red Sea collapsed, preparing the formation of the Mediterranean Sea and the Red Sea invaded by saline water from the oceans. Know that on the new earth where God will establish his kingdom, there will be no sea according to Rev.21:1 just as there will be no more death. Division is the consequence of sin and the most intense form of it will be punished by the destructive waters of the flood. Reading this message, under its prophetic aspect alone, the “ four arms ” of the river designate four peoples who characterize humanity.

Gen.2:11: “ The name of the first is Pishon; it is that which surrounds the whole country of Havilah, where the gold is found .”

The name of the first river named Pishon or Phison means: abundance of water. The area where the Eden planted by God was located must have been where the current Tigris and Euphrates have their source; for the Euphrates to Mount Ararat and for the Tigris to Taurus. To the east and in the middle of Turkey there is still the immense Lake Van which constitutes an enormous reserve of fresh water. With its divine blessing, the abundant water promoted the extreme fertility of God's garden. The country of Havila, famous for its gold, was according to some located in the northeast of present-day Turkey. It extended to the coast of present-day Georgia. But this interpretation poses a problem because according to Gen.10:7, “ Havila ” is a “ son of Cush , himself son of Ham ”, and it designates Ethiopia located to the south of Egypt. This leads me to locate this country of “Havila ” in Ethiopia, or in Yemen, where there were the gold mines that the Queen of Sheba offered to King Solomon.

Gen.2:12: “ The gold of this land is pure; bdellium and onyx stone are also found there .

Gold ” is the symbol of faith and God prophesies for Ethiopia, pure faith. It will already be the only country in the world which has preserved the religious heritage of the Queen of Sheba after her stay with King Solomon. Let us also add for its benefit, that in its independence preserved during the centuries of religious darkness which characterized the peoples of "Christian" Western Europe, the Ethiopians kept the Christian faith and they practiced the true Sabbath received by the encounter of Solomon. The Apostle Philip baptized the first Ethiopian Christian as revealed in Acts 8:27-39. He was a eunuch minister to Queen Candace and the entire people received his religious teaching. Another detail testifies to the blessing of this people, God had them protected against their enemies by the warlike action undertaken and decided voluntarily by the famous navigator Vasco da Gama.

Confirming the black color of the Ethiopian skin, “ onyx stone ” is “black” in color and is composed of silicon dioxide; additional wealth for this country; because its use for the manufacture of transistors makes it particularly appreciated today.

Gen.2:13: “ The name of the second river is Gihon; it is that which surrounds the whole land of Cush .”

Let's forget the "rivers" and put in their place the people they symbolize. This second people “ surrounds the land of Cush ” that is, Ethiopia. The descendants of Shem will develop in the land of Arabia and as far as Persia. It actually surrounds the territory of Ethiopia, so it can be symbolized and referred to by the name of the “ river ” “ Gihon ”. In our latter days, this entourage is the "Muslim" religion of Arabia and Persia. Thus the configuration of the beginning of creation is reproduced at the end of time.

Gen.2:14: “ The name of the third is Hiddekel; it is that which flows to the east of Assyria. The fourth river is the Euphrates .”

Hiddekel ” designates the “Tiger River”, and the people designated would be India symbolized by the “Bengal tiger”; Asia and its eastern civilization falsely designated as "the yellow race" is therefore prophesied and concerned and it is in fact located " to the east of Assyria ". In Dan.12, God used the symbol of this man-eating “ river ” “Tiger” to illustrate the Adventist ordeal accomplished between 1828 and 1873, due to the multitudes of spiritual deaths it caused.

The name “ Euphrates ” means: flowery, fruitful. In the Apocalypse prophecy, " the Euphrates " symbolizes Western Europe and its outgrowths, the Americas and Australia, which God presents dominated by the Roman papal religious regime which he names with its city, " Babylon the great ". This descendant of Noah will be that of Japheth which extends to the west towards Greece and Europe, and to the north towards Russia. Europe was the soil where the Christian faith experienced all its good and bad developments after the national fall of Israel; the adjectives “flowery, fruitful” are justified and according to the omen, the sons of Leah, the unloved woman, will be more numerous than those of Rachel, the wife whom Jacob loved.

It is good to find in this message the reminder that despite all their final religious divisions, these four types of earthly civilizations had the same creator God as Father, to justify their existence.

Gen.2:15: “ Yahweh God took the man and placed him in the garden of Eden to cultivate it and to keep it .”

God offers Adam an occupation which consists of “ cultivating and tending ” the garden. The form of this cultivation is unknown to us but it was carried out without any fatigue before the sin. Likewise, without any form of aggression in all of creation, his guarding was simplified to the extreme. However, this role of guard implied the existence of a danger which will soon take on a real and precise aspect: the diabolical seduction of human thought in this same garden.

Gen.2:16: “ Yahweh God gave this command to man: You may eat of all the trees of the garden; »

Multitudes of fruit trees are made freely available to Adam. God fulfills him beyond his needs which consist of satisfying food desires by varying tastes and aromas. God's offer is nice, but it is only the first part of a " command " that He gives to Adam. The second part of this “ order ” comes next.

Gen.2:17: “ But thou shalt not eat of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt die .”

In God's " order ", this part is very serious, because the threat presented will be implacably applied as soon as disobedience, the fruit of sin, is consummated and accomplished. And do not forget, for the project of the universal settlement of sin to be accomplished, Adam will have to fall. To better understand what is going to happen, let us remember that Adam is still alone when God warns him by presenting his “ order ” not to eat from “ the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ” or, not to not be fed by the ideas of the devil. Furthermore, in the context of eternal life, God had to explain to him what “to die” means. Because the threat is there, in this “ you will die ”. In summary, God offers Adam a forest but forbids him a single tree. And for some people this prohibition alone is unbearable, that's when the tree hides the forest, as the saying teaches. Eating from the “tree of the knowledge of good and evil ” means: feeding on the teaching of the devil already animated by a spirit of rebellion against God and his justice. Because the forbidden “tree ” placed in the garden is an image of his person, just as the “tree of life ” is an image of the character Jesus Christ.

Gen.2:18: “ Yahweh God said: It is not good for man to be alone; I will help him like him .”

God created the earth and man to reveal his goodness and the wickedness of the devil. His saving project is revealed to us in the things that follow. To understand, know that man plays the role of God in person who makes him think, act and speak as he thinks, acts and speaks himself. This first Adam is a prophetic image of Christ whom Paul will present as the new Adam.

To reveal the wickedness of the devil and the goodness of God, it is necessary for Adam to sin so that the earth will be dominated by the devil and his wicked works will be universally revealed. The notion of the couple only exists on earth created for sin, because the duo thus formed is for a spiritual reason which prophesies the relationship of the divine Christ with his Spouse who designates his elect. The Chosen One must know that she is both the victim and the beneficiary of the saving plan planned by God; she is a victim of sin made necessary for God so that he can ultimately condemn the devil, and a beneficiary of his saving grace because, aware of his responsibility for the existence of sin, he himself will pay the price of the sin. atonement for sin in Jesus Christ. So, at first, God found solitude not good and his need for love was so great that he was willing to pay dearly the price to obtain it. This company, this face-to-face, which allows sharing, God calls “ help ” and man will use the term when evoking his female human counterpart. In terms of help, she will cause him to fall and lead him into sin out of love. But this love of Adam for Eve is in the image of the love of Christ for his elect found sinners, worthy of eternal death.

Gen.2:19: “ Yahweh God formed out of the earth every beast of the field and every fowl of the air, and brought them to man, to see what he would call them, and that every living creature might bear the name that man would give it .

It is the superior who gives a name to what is inferior to him. God gave himself his name and by giving Adam this right, he thus confirms the domination of man over everything that lives on the earth. In this first form of earthly creation, the species of animals of the field and birds of the air are reduced and God brings them to Adam, just as he led them before the flood in pairs to Noah.

Gen.2:20: “ And the man gave names to all the cattle, and to the birds of the air, and to all the beasts of the field; but for man he found no help like him .” The so-called prehistoric monsters were created after sin to intensify the consequences of the divine curse which will strike the entire earth including the sea. In the time of innocence, animal life is composed of "cattle" useful for the man, “ the birds of the sky ” and “ the animals of the fields ” more independent. But in this presentation, he has not found a human counterpart because he does not yet exist.

Gen.2:21: “ Then YaHWéH God caused a deep sleep to fall on the man, and he slept; he took one of his ribs, and closed the flesh in its place .”

The form given to this surgical operation further reveals the saving project. In Michael, God eliminates himself from the heavens, he leaves and separates from his good angels which is the norm of the “ deep sleep ” in which Adam is plunged. In Jesus Christ born in the flesh, the divine rib is taken and after his death and resurrection, on his twelve apostles, he creates his " help ", from which he took the carnal aspect and his sins and to whom he gives his “Holy Spirit”. The spiritual significance of this word “ help ” is great because it gives to his Church, his Elect, the role of “ help ” in its realization of the plan of salvation and the universal global settlement of sin and the fate of sinners.

Gen.2:22: “ Yahweh God formed a woman from the rib that he had taken from the man, and he brought her to the man .”

Thus, the formation of the woman prophesies that of the Elect of Christ. For it is by coming in the flesh that God forms his faithful church, victim of his carnal nature. To save the elect from the flesh, God had to take form in the flesh. And also, having in himself eternal life, he came to share it with his elect.

Gen.2:23: “ And the man said: Behold this time she who is bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh! She will be called woman, because she was taken from man .”

God came to earth to embrace the earthly norm in order to be able to say about his Chosen One what Adam says about his female counterpart to whom he gives the name “ woman ”. The thing is more obvious in Hebrew because the masculine word man is, “ish” becomes “isha” for the feminine word woman. In this action, he confirms his domination over her. But having been taken from him, this “ woman ” will become indispensable to him as if the “ rib ” taken from his body wanted to return to him and take its place. In this unique experience, Adam will feel for his wife the feelings that the mother will feel for the child she gives birth to after having carried him in her womb. And this experience is also lived by God because the living creatures that he creates around him are children who come out of him; which makes him as much Mother as Father.

Gen.2:24: “ Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh .”

In this verse God expresses his plan for his chosen ones who will often have to break carnal family relationships to bond with the Elect blessed by God. And do not forget, first, in Jesus Christ, Michael left his status as heavenly Father to come and win the love of his chosen disciples on earth; this to the extent that he renounced using his divine power to fight against sin and the devil. Here we understand that the themes of separation and communion are inseparable. On earth, the elect must be separated carnally from those he loves to enter into spiritual communion and become “one” with Christ and all his elect, and his faithful good angels.

The desire of the “ rib ” to return to its initial place finds its meaning in the sexual coupling of human beings, an act of flesh and spirit where man and woman physically form one flesh.

Gen.2:25: “ The man and his wife were both naked, and they were not ashamed .”

Physical nudity doesn't bother everyone. There are fans of naturism. And at the beginning of human history, physical nudity did not cause “ shame .” The appearance of " shame " will be the result of sin, as if eating from the "tree of the knowledge of good and evil " could open the human mind to hitherto unknown effects and ignored. In reality, the fruit of the forbidden tree will not be the author of this change, it will only be the means, because the one who changes the values of things and conscience is God and he alone. It is he who will arouse the feeling of “ shame ” that the sinful couple will feel in their minds about their physical nudity which will not be responsible; because the fault will be moral and will only concern the disobedience implemented, noted by God.


In summarizing the teaching of Genesis 2, God first presented to us the sanctification of the rest or Sabbath of the seventh day which prophesies the great rest which will be given in the seventh millennium both to God and to his faithful elect. But this rest had to be won by the earthly combat that God will wage against sin and the devil, by becoming incarnate in Jesus Christ. Adam's earthly experience illustrated this saving plan designed by God. In Christ, he became flesh to create his chosen one of flesh who will ultimately receive a celestial body similar to those of the angels.




Genesis 3


separation from sin


Gen.3:1: “ The serpent was the most cunning of all the beasts of the field that the LORD God had made. And he said to the woman, Did God really say, Ye shall not eat of every tree of the garden? »

The poor “ serpent ” had the misfortune of being used as a medium by the most “ cunning ” of the angels created by God. Animals of which reptiles such as the “ snake ” did not speak; language was a particularity of the image of God given to man. Point out the good, the devil makes him speak to the woman at a time when she is separated from her husband. This isolation will be fatal to him because in the presence of Adam, the devil would have had more difficulty leading human beings to disobey God's order.

Jesus Christ revealed the existence of the devil which he designates by saying in John 8:44, that he is “ the father of lies and a murderer from the beginning ”. His words aim to shake human certainties and to the “Yes or No” demanded by God, he adds the “but” or the “maybe” which removes the certainties which give its strength to the truth. The command given by God was received by Adam who then transmitted it to his wife, but she did not hear the voice of God who gave the command. Also, her doubt rests on her husband, like: “did he understand what God told him? »

Gen.3:2: “ The woman answered the serpent: We eat of the fruit of the trees of the garden .”

The evidence seems to support the devil's words; he reasons and speaks intelligently. The “ woman ” makes her first mistake by responding to the speaking “ snake ”; which is not normal. Firstly, it justifies the goodness of God who gave them the possibility of eating from all the trees, except the one which is forbidden.

Gen.3:3: “ But as for the fruit of the tree which is in the midst of the garden, God hath said, Ye shall not eat thereof, neither shall ye touch it, lest ye die .”

Adam's transmission of the message of divine command appears in the phrase " lest you die ." These are not the exact words said by God because he said to Adam: “ the day you eat of it, you will die ”. The weakening of divine words will encourage the consumption of sin. By justifying her obedience to God for a cause of “fear ” the “ woman ” offers the devil the possibility of confirming this “ fear ” which according to him is not justified.

Gen.3:4: “ Then the serpent said to the woman, You shall not die ; »

And the Liar-in-Chief is revealed in this statement that contradicts God's words: " you shall not die ."

Gen.3:5: “ But God knows that in the day that you eat thereof, your eyes will be opened, and you will be like gods, knowing good and evil .”

He must now justify the order given by God to which he attributes a wicked and selfish thought: God wants to keep you in baseness and inferiority. He selfishly wants to prevent you from becoming like him. He presents the knowledge of good and evil as an advantage that God wants to keep for himself alone. But if there is advantage in knowing good, where is the advantage in knowing evil? Good and evil are absolute opposites like day and night, light and darkness and for God knowledge consists of experiencing or taking action. In reality, God had already given man the intellectual knowledge of good and evil by allowing the trees of the garden and forbidding the one that represents “good and evil”; because he is a symbolic image of the devil who concretely experienced successively, “ good ” then “ evil ” by rebelling against his Creator.

Gen.3:6: “ The woman saw that the tree was good for food and pleasant to the sight, and that it was precious for opening the mind; she took of its fruit, and ate; she also gave some to her husband, who was with her, and he ate of it .”

The words coming from the snake have their effect, the doubt disappears and the woman is more and more convinced that the snake told her the truth. The fruit seems good and visually pleasing to her, but above all, she considers it “ precious for opening up the intelligence ”. The devil obtains the desired result, he has just recruited a follower of his rebellious attitude. And by eating the forbidden fruit, she herself becomes a tree of the knowledge of evil. Filled with love for his wife from whom he is not ready to accept being separated , Adam prefers to share his disastrous fate because he knows that God will apply his mortal sanction. And eating the forbidden fruit in turn, it is the entire couple who will suffer the tyrannical domination of the devil. Nevertheless, paradoxically, this passionate love is in the image of that which Christ will experience for his Chosen One, he also agreeing to die for her. Also, God can understand Adam.

Gen.3:7: “ The eyes of both were opened, and they knew that they were naked, and sewing together fig leaves, they made girdles for themselves .”

At this moment, when sin was consummated by the human couple, the countdown of 6000 years planned by God began. First, their consciousness is transformed by God. The eyes which had been responsible for the desire for the fruit “ pleasing to the sight ” are victims of a new judgment of things. And the advantage hoped for and sought after turns into a disadvantage, since they feel “shame about their nudity which until then had posed no problem, neither towards them, nor towards God. The physical nudity discovered was only the carnal aspect of the spiritual nudity in which the disobedient couple found themselves. This spiritual nudity deprived them of divine justice and the sanction of death entered into them, so that the discovery of their nudity was the first effect of the death given by God. Thus, death was the consequence of experienced knowledge of evil; what Paul teaches by saying in Rom.6:23: “ for the wages of sin is death ”. To cover their nudity, the rebellious spouses resorted to a human initiative which consisted of “sewing fig leaves ” to make “ belts ”. This action spiritually images the human attempt to self-justify. The “ girdle ” will become the symbol of “ the truth ” in Eph.6:14. The “ belt ” made of “ fig leaves ” by Adam is therefore in opposition, a symbol of the lie behind which the sinner takes shelter to reassure himself.

Gen.3:8: “ Then they heard the voice of YaHWéH God going through the garden toward evening, and the man and his wife hid themselves from the presence of YaHWéH God, among the trees of the garden.

He who searches the kidneys and the hearts knows what has just happened and which is consistent with his saving project. This is only the first step which will provide the devil with an area to reveal his thoughts and his wicked nature. But he must meet the man because he has many things to tell him. Now man is in no hurry to meet God, his Father, his Creator, whom he now only seeks to flee, so much does he fear hearing his reproaches. And where to hide in this garden from God's gaze? Again, believing that “ the trees of the garden ” can hide him from his face, testifies to the mental state into which Adam fell since he became a sinner.

Gen.3:9: “ But YaHWéH God called the man, and said to him: Where are you? »

God knows perfectly well where Adam is hiding but he asks him the question, “ where are you?” » to extend a helping hand and draw him towards the confession of his fault.

Gen.3:10: “ And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked, and hid myself .”

The response given by Adam is in itself a confession of his disobedience and God will exploit his words to obtain his way of presenting the experience of sin.

Gen.3:11: “ And YaHWéH God said: Who told you that you are naked? Did you eat from the tree that I forbade you to eat from? »

God wants to extract from Adam the confession of his fault. From deduction to deduction he ends up clearly asking her the question: “ Did you eat from the tree that I had forbidden you to eat from?” ".

Gen.3:12: “ The man said, The woman whom you placed with me gave me from the tree, and I ate .”

Although true, Adam's response is not glorious. He bears within himself the mark of the devil and no longer knows how to answer yes or no, but like Satan, he responds in a roundabout way so as not to simply admit his own and immense guilt. He goes so far as to remind God of his part in the experience, since he gave him his wife, the first culprit, he thinks before himself. The best part of the story is that everything is true and God is not unaware of it since sin was necessary in his project. But where he is wrong is that by following the example of the woman, he showed his preference for her to the detriment of God, and this was his greatest fault. Because from the beginning, God's requirement was to be loved above everything and everyone.

Gen.3:13: “ And the LORD God said to the woman, Why have you done this? The woman answered: The serpent deceived me, and I ate it .”

The great Judge then turns to the woman accused by the man and there again the woman's response is consistent with the reality of the facts: “ The snake seduced me, and I ate it ”. So she allowed herself to be seduced and that is her mortal fault.

Gen.3:14: “And the LORD God said unto the serpent, Because thou hast done this, cursed shalt thou be above all cattle, and above all beasts of the field; days of your life .”

This time, God does not ask the “ serpent ” why he did this, because God is aware that he was used as a medium by Satan, the devil. The fate that God gives to the “ serpent ” actually concerns the devil himself. For “ the serpent ” the application was immediate, but for the devil it was only a prophecy which would be fulfilled after the victory of Jesus Christ over sin and death. According to Rev.12:9, the first form of this application was his expulsion from the kingdom of heaven as well as the evil angels from his camp. They were thrown onto the earth which they will never leave until their death and for a thousand years, isolated on the desolate earth, Satan will crawl in the dust which welcomed those who died because of him and the freedom with which he misused it. On the earth cursed by God, they will behave like snakes, both fearful and cautious because defeated by Jesus Christ and fleeing the man who has become their enemy. They will harm men hidden in the invisibility of their celestial bodies by pitting them against each other.

Gen.3:15: “ I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: she shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise her heel .”

Applied to the “serpent”, this sentence confirms the reality experienced and observed. Its application to the devil is more subtle. The enmity between his side and humanity is confirmed and acknowledged. “ The seed of the woman who crushes his head ” will be that of Christ and his faithful elect. She will end up annihilating him, but before that, the demons will have had the perpetual possibility of " wounding the heel " of " the woman ", the Chosen of Christ himself imaged, first, by this " heel ". For “ the heel ” is the fulcrum of the human body just as “ the cornerstone ” is the stone on which the spiritual temple of God is built.

Gen.3:16: “ He said to the woman, I will increase the pain of your childbearing, you will bear children with pain, and your desire will be for your husband, but he will have dominion over you .”

Before being delivered by her death, the woman will have to “ suffer in her pregnancies ”; she will “ give birth with pain ,” all things literally accomplished and noted. But here again, the prophetic meaning of the image should be noted. In John 16:21 and Rev. 12:2 “ the woman in the pains of childbirth ” symbolizes the Church of Christ in the Roman imperial and then papal persecutions of the Christian era.

Gen.3:17: “ And he said unto the man, Because thou hast obeyed the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree of which I commanded thee, Thou shalt not eat of it. ! The ground will be cursed because of you. It is by dint of labor that you will obtain your nourishment from it all the days of your life, "

Returning to man, God presents him with the true description of his situation which he had shamefully sought to hide. His guilt is complete and Adam will also discover that before delivering him, his death will be preceded by a set of curses which will lead some to prefer death to life. The curse of the ground is a terrible thing and Adam will learn it the hard way.

Gen.3:18: “ he will produce thorns and thorns for you, and you will eat the grass of the field .”

Gone is the easy cultivation of the Garden of Eden, it is replaced by the incessant fight against quackgrass, “ briers, thorns ” and weeds which multiply in the soil of the earth. All the more so since this curse of the soil will hasten the death of humanity because, with scientific "progress", man in the last days will poison himself by putting chemical poison in the soil of his crops, to eliminate weeds and insect pests. Abundant and easily accessible food will no longer be available outside the garden from which he will be chased away as well as his favorite wife of God.

Gen.3:19: “ In the sweat of your face you will eat bread, until you return to the earth from which you were taken; for you are dust, and to dust you shall return .”

This fate which falls on the human being justifies the form in which God revealed his creation and his formation precisely, from “ the dust of the earth ”. Adam learns at his expense and at our expense what the death evoked by God consists of. Let us note that the dead man is nothing more than “ dust ” and that there does not remain outside of this “ dust ” a living spirit emerging from this dead body. Eccl.9 and other citations confirm this mortal status.

Gen.3:20: “ Adam named his wife Eve: for she was the mother of all living .”

Here again, Adam marks his domination over “ the woman ” by giving her her name “ Eve ” or “Life”; a name justified as a basic reality of human history. We are all distant descendants, born of Eve the seduced wife of Adam through whom the curse of death was transmitted and will be until the return in glory of Jesus Christ in early spring 2030.

Gen.3:21: “ YahWeH God made clothes of skins for Adam and his wife, and clothed them with them .

God does not forget that the sin of the earthly spouses was part of his saving project which will now take a demonstrated form. After sin, divine forgiveness becomes available in the name of Christ who will be sacrificed and crucified by Roman soldiers. In this action, an innocent being, free from all sin, will agree to die to atone, in their place, for the sins of his only faithful elect. From the beginning, innocent animals were killed by God so that their “ skins ” would cover the nakedness of Adam and Eve. In this action, he replaces “ the justice ” imagined by the human being with that which his plan of salvation imputes to him through faith. The “ justice ” imagined by man was only a deceptive lie and in its place, God imputes to them “ a garment ” symbolic of “ his authentic justice ”, “ the belt of his truth ” which is based on voluntary sacrifice of Christ and the offering of his life for the redemption of those who faithfully love him.

Gen.3:22: “ YahWeH God said: Behold, man is become as one of us, for the knowledge of good and evil. Let us now prevent him from putting forth his hand and taking of the tree of life, and eating, and living forever .”

In Michael, God addresses his good angels who are witnessing the drama that has just taken place on earth. He said to them, “ Behold, man has become like one of us, for the knowledge of good and evil .” The day before his death, Jesus Christ will use the same expression with regard to Judas, the traitor who was to deliver him to the religious Jews then to the Romans to be crucified, this in John 6:70: “Jesus answered them : Was it not I who chose you, the twelve? And one of you is a demon! ". The “ we ” in this verse becomes “ you ” because of the different context, but God’s approach is the same. The phrase “ one of us ” refers to Satan who still has free access and movement in the heavenly kingdom of God among all the angels created at the beginning of earthly creation.

The need to prevent man from eating of the “tree of life ” was a requirement of the truth to which Jesus came to bear witness in his words addressed to the Roman prefect Pontius Pilate. “ The tree of life ” was the image of Christ the redeemer and to eat it meant to nourish oneself with his teaching and with all his spiritual personality, to take him as a substitute and personal savior. This was the only condition that could have justified the consumption of this “ tree of life ”. The power of life was not in the tree but in the one the tree symbolized: Christ. Furthermore, this tree conditioned eternal life and after original sin this eternal life was perpetually lost until the final return of God in Christ and Michael. The “ tree of life ” and the other trees could therefore disappear as well as the garden of God.

Gen.3:23: “ And YaHWéH God drove him out of the garden of Eden, that he might cultivate the land from which he had been taken .”

All that remains for the Creator is to expel from the marvelous garden the human couple who, formed from the first Adam (word which designates the human species: the red = the sanguine), have shown themselves unworthy by their disobedience. And outside the garden, painful life, in a physically and mentally weakened body, will begin for him. The return to a land that has become hard and rebellious will remind human beings of their “ dust ” origin.

Gen.3:24: “ Thus he drove out Adam; and he placed on the east of the garden of Eden the cherubim who wave a flaming sword, to guard the way of the tree of life .”

It is no longer Adam who guards the garden but it is angels who prevent him from entering it. The garden will eventually disappear a little before the flood which occurred in 1656 since the sin of Eve and that of Adam.

In this verse we have a useful clarification for locating the location of the Garden of Eden. The guardian angels are placed “ to the east of the garden ” which is itself therefore to the west of the place where Adam and Eve retire. The supposed area presented at the beginning of this chapter conforms to this clarification: Adam and Eve retreat to the land south of Mount Ararat and the forbidden garden is located in the "abundant waters" area of Turkey near the lake of Van, be to the west of their position.





Genesis 4


Separation by death


This chapter 4 will allow us to better understand why it was necessary for God to offer Satan and his rebellious demons a demonstration laboratory that reveals the extent of their wickedness.

In heaven, wickedness had limits because celestial beings did not have the power to kill each other; for they were all momentarily immortal. This situation therefore did not allow God to reveal the high level of wickedness and cruelty of which his enemies were capable. The earth was therefore created with the aim of allowing death in its cruelest forms that the mind of a being like Satan can imagine.

This chapter 4, placed under the symbolic meaning of this number 4 which is universality, will therefore evoke the circumstances of the first deaths of terrestrial humanity; death being its particular and unique universal character among all creations made by God. After the sin of Adam and Eve, earthly life was " a spectacle to the world and to the angels " as said in 1 Cor.4:9, the inspired and faithful witness Paul, ex-Saul of Tarsus the first commissioned persecutor of the church of Christ.


Gen.4:1: “ Adam knew Eve his wife; she conceived and gave birth to Cain and said: I have formed a man by the help of YaHWéH .

In this verse, God reveals to us the meaning he gives to the verb “ to know ” and this point is vital in the principle of justification by faith as it is written in John 17:3: “ Now eternal life is that they know you, the only true God, and him whom you have sent, Jesus Christ . To know God means to engage in a loving relationship with Him, spiritual in this case, but carnal in the case of Adam and Eve. Again following this model of the first couple, a “child” was born from this carnal love; well a “child” must also be reborn in our spiritual loving relationship experienced with God. This new birth due to the real “ knowledge ” of God is revealed in Rev.12:2-5: “ And she was with child, and she cried out in labor and in pains of childbirth. … She bore a son, who is to rule all nations with a rod of iron. And her child was caught up to God and to his throne .” The child born of God must reproduce the character of his Father but this was not the case with the first son born of men.

The name Cain means acquisition. This name predicts a carnal and earthly destiny for him, the opposite of the spiritual man that his younger brother Abel will be.

Let us note that at this beginning of the history of humanity, the mother who gives birth associates God with this birth because she is aware that the creation of this new life is the consequence of a miracle performed by the great creator God YaHWéH. In our last days this is no longer or rarely the case.

Gen.4:2: “ She again bore his brother Abel. Abel was a shepherd, and Cain was a plowman .”

Abel means breath. More than Cain, the child Abel is presented as a copy of Adam, the first to receive the breath of the lungs from God. In fact, by his death, murdered by his brother, he represents the image of Jesus Christ, the true Son of God, savior of the elect whom he will redeem with his blood.

The professions of the two brothers confirm their opposite natures. Like Christ, “ Abel was a shepherd ” and like the earthly materialist unbeliever, “ Cain was a plowman ”. These first children of human history announce the destiny prophesied by God. And they come to provide details on his saving project.

Gen.4:3: “ After some time, Cain made an offering to YaHWéH of the fruits of the earth; »

Cain knows that God exists and to show him that he wants to honor him, he makes him “ an offering of the fruits of the earth ” that is, things that his activity has produced. In this role, he takes the image of the multitude of Jewish, Christian, or Muslim religious people who highlight their good works without worrying about trying to know and understand what God loves and expects of them. Gifts are only meaningful if they are appreciated by the person receiving them.

Gen.4:4: “ and Abel, for his part, made her one of the firstborn of his flock and of their fat. YaHWéH looked favorably on Abel and his offering; »

Abel imitates his brother, and because of his profession as a shepherd, he makes an offering to God “ from the firstborn of his flock and their fat ”. This is pleasing to God because he sees in the sacrifice of these “ firstborn ” the anticipated and prophesied image of his own sacrifice in Jesus Christ. In Rev.1:5 we read: “… and from Jesus Christ, the faithful witness, the firstborn of the dead , and the prince of the kings of the earth!” To him who loves us, who has delivered us from our sins by his blood, …”. God sees his saving project in Abel's offer and can only find it pleasing.

Gen.4:5: “ but he did not look favorably on Cain and his offering. Cain was very angry, and his face fell. »

Compared to Abel's offer, it is logical that God would give little interest to Cain's offer who just as logically can only be disappointed and saddened. “ His face is downcast ”, but let us note that the annoyance leads him to “ become very irritated ” and this is not normal because this reaction is a fruit of disappointed pride. Irritation and pride will soon produce a more serious fruit: the murder of his brother Abel, the subject of his jealousy.

Gen.4:6: “ And YaHWéH said to Cain: Why are you angry, and why is your face cast down? »

Only God knows the reason for his preference for Abel's offer. Cain can only find God's reaction unfair, but instead of getting angry, he should beg God to allow him to understand the reason for this apparently unfair choice. God has full knowledge of the nature of Cain who unconsciously plays for him the role of the wicked servant of Matt.24:48-49: “ But if he is an evil servant, who says within himself: My master delays to come, if he begins to beat his companions , if he eats and drinks with drunkards,... ". God asks him a question to which he knows the answer perfectly, but again, by doing so he gives Cain an opportunity to share with him the cause of his suffering. These questions will remain unanswered by Cain, so God warns him against the evil that will take hold of him.

Gen.4:7: “ Surely, if you do well, you will lift up your face; and if you do evil, sin lies down at the door, and its desires are for you : but you have dominion over it . »

After Eve and Adam have eaten and taken on the status of the devil by having " known good and evil ", he reappears to push Cain to kill his brother Abel. The two choices, “ good and evil ,” are before him; “ the good ” will lead him to resign himself and accept God’s choice even if he does not understand it. But the choice of “evil ” will make him sin against God, by making him transgress his sixth commandment: “ You shall not commit murder ”; and no, “ thou shalt not kill ” as the translators presented it. God's commandment condemns crime, not the killing of guilty criminals which he made legal by ordering it and in this case, the coming of Jesus Christ changed nothing in this just judgment of God.

Note the form in which God evokes “ sin ” as if he were speaking of a woman, according to which he had said to Eve in Gen.3:16: “ your desires will be towards your husband, but he will have dominion over you ". For God the temptation “ of sin ” is similar to that of a woman who wants to seduce her husband and he must not allow himself to be “ dominated ” by her or by him. In this way, God gave man the order not to allow himself to be seduced by “ sin ” represented by woman.

Gen.4:8: “ However, Cain spoke to his brother Abel; but as they were in the field, Cain fell on his brother Abel and killed him. »

Despite this divine warning, Cain's nature will produce its fruit. After an exchange of words with Abel, Cain, a murderer in his spirit from the beginning like his spiritual father, the devil, “ threw himself upon his brother Abel, and killed him .” This experience prophesies the destiny of humanity where brother will kill brother, often out of secular or religious jealousy until the end of the world.

Gen.4:9: “ Yahweh said to Cain: Where is your brother Abel? He replied: I don't know; am I my brother's keeper? »

As he had said to Adam who was hiding from him, “ Where are you? ", God said to Cain " Where is your brother Abel? », always to give him the opportunity to confess his fault. But stupidly, because he cannot ignore that God knows that he killed him, he brazenly replies " I don't know ", and with incredible arrogance, he in turn asks God a question: " am I the guardian of my brother? »

Gen.4:10: “ And God said, What have you done? The voice of your brother's blood cries out from the earth to me "

God gives him his answer which means: you are not his keeper because you are his murderer. God knows well what he has done and he presents it to him in a picture: “ the voice of your brother's blood cries out from the earth to me ”. This pictorial formula which gives the shed blood a voice which cries towards God will be used in Apo.6 to evoke in the “5th seal ”, the cry of the martyrs put to death by the Roman papal persecutions of the Catholic religion: Apo.6 :9-10: “ When he opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God and because of the testimony they had given. They cried with a loud voice , saying: How long, O holy and true Master, do you delay in judging, and in avenging our blood on those who dwell on the earth? ". Thus, unjustly shed blood demands vengeance on the guilty. This legitimate vengeance will come but it is something that God reserves exclusively for Himself. He declares in Deu.32:35: “ Vengeance and retribution are mine, when their foot stumbles! For the day of their doom is near, and what awaits them will not delay .” In Isa.61:2, together with " the year of grace ", " the day of vengeance " is in the program of the messiah Jesus Christ: "... he has sent proclaim a year of grace of YaHWéH , and a day of vengeance from our God ; to comfort all the afflicted ; …”. No one could have understood that the “ publication ” of this “ year of grace ” had to be separated from the “ day of vengeance ” by 2000 years.

Thus, the dead can only cry out in the memory of God whose memory is unlimited.

The crime committed by Cain deserves just punishment.

Gen.4:11: “ Now you will be cursed by the earth that opened its mouth to receive your brother's blood from your hand . »

Cain will be cursed from the earth and will not be killed. To justify this divine leniency, we must admit that this first crime had no precedent. Cain did not know what it meant to kill, and it was the anger that blinded all reasoning that led him to fatal brutality. Now that his brother is dead, humanity will no longer be able to say that it did not know what death is. The law established by God in Exo.21:12 will then take effect: “ He who strikes a man mortally shall be punished with death .”

This verse also presents this expression: “ the earth which opened its mouth to receive from your hand the blood of your brother ”. God personifies the earth by giving it a mouth that absorbs the blood shed on it. Then this mouth speaks to her and reminds her of the mortal act that defiled her. This image will be taken up in Deu.26:10: “ The earth opened its mouth and swallowed them up with Korah, when those who had assembled died, and the fire consumed the two hundred and fifty men: they served the people of warning .” Then it will be in Rev.12:16: “ And the earth helped the woman, and the earth opened its mouth and swallowed up the river which the dragon had cast out of his mouth .” The “ river ” symbolizes the French Catholic monarchical leagues whose specially created military corps of “dragons” persecuted faithful Protestants and chased them into the mountains of the country. This verse has a double meaning: the Protestant armed resistance, then the bloody French Revolution. In both cases the expression " the earth opened its mouth " pictures it as welcoming the blood of multitudes of people.

Gen.4:12: “ When you cultivate the ground, it will no longer give you its wealth. You will be a wanderer and a wanderer on the earth. »

Cain's punishment is limited to the earth which he was the first to defile by shedding human blood on it; that of man who was originally created in the image of God. Since sin, it retains its characteristics from God but no longer possesses its perfect purity. Man's activity consisted mainly of producing food by working the land. Cain will therefore have to find other ways to be fed.

Gen.4:13: “ Cain said to YaHWéH: My punishment is too great to bear .”

Which means: in these conditions, it is better that I commit suicide.

Gen.4:14: “ Behold, thou castest me from this earth this day; I will be hidden from your face, I will be a wanderer and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me .”

Here he is now very talkative and he sums up his situation as a death sentence.

Gen.4:15: “ Yahweh said to him: If anyone killed Cain, Cain would be avenged seven times. And Yahweh put a sign on Cain so that whoever found him would not kill him .”

Determined to spare Cain's life for the reasons already seen, God told him that his death would be paid for, " avenged ", " seven times ". Then he mentions “ a sign ” which will protect him. To this extent, God prophesies the symbolic value of the number “seven” which will designate the Sabbath and the sanctification of rest which, prophesied at the end of the weeks, will find its full fulfillment in the seventh millennium of his saving project. The Sabbath will be the sign of belonging to the creator God in Ezek.20:14-20. And in Ezek.9 “ a sign ” is placed on those who belong to God so that they will not be killed in the hour of divine punishment. Finally, to confirm this principle of protected separation , in Rev.7, “ a sign ”, “ the seal of the living God ”, comes to “ seal the forehead ” of the servants of God, and this “ seal and sign ” is his Sabbath of seventh day.

Gen.4:16: “ Then Cain departed from the face of YaHWéH, and dwelt in the land of Nod, on the east of Eden .”

It was already to the east of Eden that Adam and Eve had withdrawn after being expelled from the garden of God. This land here receives the name Nod which means: suffering. Cain's life will thus be marked by mental and physical suffering because being rejected far from the face of God leaves traces even in the hard heart of Cain who had said in verse 13, fearing him: "I will be hidden far from your presence. " face ”.

Gen.4:17: “ Cain knew his wife; she conceived and bore Enoch. Then he built a city, and he named the city after his son Enoch .”

Cain will become the patriarch of the population of a city to which he gives the name of his first son: Enoch which means: to initiate, to instruct, to exercise, and to begin to use a thing. This name sums up everything that these verbs represent and it is apt because Cain and his descendants inaugurate a type of society without God which will continue until the end of the world.

Gen.4:18: “ Enoch begat Irad, Irad begat Mehujael, Mehujael begat Metuschael, and Metuschael begat Lamech . »

This short genealogy intentionally stops on the character named Lamech, whose exact meaning remains unknown but the word from this root concerns instruction like the name Enoch, and also a notion of power.

Gen.4:19: “ Lamech took two wives: the name of one was Adah, and the name of the other Zillah . »

We find in this Lamech a first sign of the break with God according to which “ a man will leave his father and his mother to cleave to his wife, and the two will become one flesh ” (see Gen.2:24). But in Lamech the man attaches himself to two women and the three will become one flesh. Obviously the separation from God is total.

Gen.4:20: “ Adah bore Jabal: he was the father of those who dwell in tents and by the flocks .”

Jabal is the patriarch of nomadic shepherds as certain Arab peoples still are today.

Gen.4:21: “ The name of his brother was Jubal: he was the father of all them that play the harp and the piper . »

Jubal was the patriarch of all musicians who hold an important place in civilizations without God, even today where culture, knowledge and the artist are the foundations of our modern societies.

Gen.4:22: “ Zilla, for her part, bore Tubal Cain, who forged all instruments of brass and iron. Tubal Cain's sister was Naama . »

This verse contradicts the official teachings of historians who assume a Bronze Age before the Iron Age. In truth, according to God, the first men knew how to forge iron, and perhaps since Adam himself because the text does not say of Tubal Cain that he was the father of those who forge iron. But these revealed details are given to us so that we understand that civilization has existed since the first men. Their godless cultures were no less refined than ours today.

Gen.4:23: “ Lamech said to his wives: Adah and Zillah, listen to my voice! Women of Lamech, hear my word! I killed a man for my wound, and a young man for my bruise. »

Lamech boasts to his two wives of having killed a man, which hurts him in the judgment of God. But with arrogance and mockery, he adds that he also killed a young man, which worsens his case in God's judgment and which makes him an authentic “murderer” and repeat offender.

Gen.4:24: “ Cain will be avenged seven times, and Lamech seventy-seven times. »

He then mocks the leniency that God showed towards Cain. Since after killing a man, Cain's death was to be avenged "seven times," after killing a man and a young man, Lamech will be avenged by God "seventy-seven times." We cannot imagine such abominable remarks. And God wanted to reveal to humanity that its first representatives of the second generation, that of Cain until the seventh, that of Lamech, had reached the highest level of impiety. And this is his demonstration of the consequence of being separated from him.

Gen.4:25: “ Adam still knew his wife; and she bore a son, and called his name Seth: for, she said, God hath given me another seed in place of Abel, whom Cain slew .”

The name Seth pronounced “cheth” in Hebrew designates the foundation of the human body. Some translate it as “equivalent or restitution” but I have not been able to find a justification for this proposition in the Hebrew. I therefore retain "the foundation of the body" because Seth will become the root or basic foundation of the faithful lineage that Gen.6 will designate by the expression " sons of God ", leaving to the "women" rebellious descendants of the lineage of Cain who deceive them, in opposition, the appellation of “ daughters of men ”.

In Seth, God sows and raises a new “ seed ” in which the seventh descendant, another Enoch, is given as an example in Gen.5:21 to 24. He had the privilege of entering heaven alive, without going through death, after 365 years of earthly life lived in fidelity to the creator God. This Enoch bore his name well because his “education” was to the glory of God unlike his namesake, son of Lamech, son of the line of Cain. And both, Lamech the rebel and Enoch the righteous were the “seventh” descendants of their lineage.

Gen.4:26: “ Seth also had a son, and he called his name Enosh. It was then that people began to call on the name of YaHWéH . »

 Enosch means: the man, the mortal, the wicked. This name is linked to the moment when people began to call upon the name of YaHWéH. What God wants to tell us by connecting these two things is that the man of the faithful lineage has become aware of the wickedness of his nature which is moreover mortal. And this awareness led him to seek his Creator to honor him and faithfully render him a worship that was pleasing to him.


Genesis 5


Separation through sanctification


In this chapter 5, God brought together the lineage that remained faithful to Him. I present to you the detailed study of only the first verses which allow us to understand the reason for this enumeration which covers the time between Adam and the famous Noah.


Gen.5:1: “ This is the book of the seed of Adam. When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God .”

This verse sets the standard for the list of names of the men cited. Everything is based on this reminder: “ When God created man, he made him in the likeness of God ”. We must therefore understand that to enter this list man must have preserved his “ likeness of God ”. We can thus understand why names as important as that of Cain do not enter this list. Because it is not a question of a physical resemblance but of a resemblance of character, and chapter 4 has just shown us that of Cain and his descendants.

Gen.5:2: “ He created man and woman, and blessed them, and called them by the name man when they were created .”

Here too, the reminder of God's blessing of the man and woman means that the names which will be cited have been blessed by God. The insistence of their creation by God highlights the importance he gives to being recognized as the creator God who sets apart, sanctifies his servants, by the sign of the Sabbath, the rest observed during the seventh day from all their weeks. Maintaining God's blessing with the sanctification of the Sabbath and the likeness of His character are the conditions required by God for a human being to remain worthy of being called " man ." Apart from these fruits, the human being becomes in his judgment a more developed and educated “animal” than other species.

Gen.5:3: “ Adam, being a hundred and thirty years old, begat a son in his likeness, according to his image, and he called his name Seth .”

Visibly between Adam and Seth, two names are missing: those of Cain (who is not of the faithful lineage) and Abel (who died without descendants). The standard of blessed selection is thus demonstrated. The same will apply to all the other names mentioned.

Gen.5:4: “ The days of Adam after the birth of Seth were eight hundred years; and he begat sons and daughters .”

What we must understand is that Adam " begat sons and daughters ", before the birth of " Seth " and after it, but these did not manifest the faith of the father or that of "Seth" . They joined the “animal men” who were unfaithful and disrespectful to the living God. Thus, among all those born to him, after the death of Abel, “ Seth ” was the first to distinguish himself by his faith and his fidelity to the God YaHWéH who created and formed his earthly father. Others after him, remaining anonymous, may have followed his example, but they remain anonymous because the list selected by God is built on the succession of the first faithful men of each of the descendants presented. This explanation makes understandable the already high age, “130 years” for Adam when his son “Seth” was born. And this principle applies to each of the elect mentioned in the long list which stops on Noah, because his three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth will not be elect, not being in his spiritual likeness.

Gen.5:5: “ All the days that Adam lived were nine hundred and thirty years; then he died .”


I go directly to the seventh chosen one whose name is Enoch; an Enoch whose character is the absolute opposite of Enoch son of Cain.

Gen.5:21: “ Enoch, being sixty-five years old, became the father of Methuselah .”

Gen.5:22: “ Enoch, after the birth of Methuselah, walked with God three hundred years; and he begat sons and daughters .”

Gen.5:23: “ All the days of Enoch were three hundred and sixty-five years .”

Gen.5:24: “ Enoch walked with God; then he was no more, because God took him ".

It is with this specific expression from the Enoch case that God reveals it to us: the antediluvians also had their “Elijah” taken to heaven without passing through death. Indeed, the formula of this verse differs from all the others which end as for the life of Adam, with the words “ then he died ”.

Next comes Metushelah, the man who lived the longest on Earth, 969 years; then another Lamech of this line blessed by God.

Gen:5:28: “ Lamech, being one hundred and eighty-two years old, begat a son

Gen:5:29: “ He called his name Noah, saying: This one will console us for our fatigue and the hard work of our hands, coming from this land that YaHWéH has cursed .”

To understand the meaning of this verse, you must know that the name Noah means: rest. Lamech certainly did not imagine to what extent his words would come true, because he only saw “ the cursed earth ” from the angle of “ our fatigue and the painful work of our hands, ” he said. But in the time of Noah, God will destroy it because of the wickedness of the men it carries, as Genesis 6 will allow us to understand. However, Lamech, father of Noah, was a chosen one who, like the few chosen ones of his time, must have been sorry to see the wickedness of the men around them grow.

Gen.5:30: “ Lamech lived, after the birth of Noah, five hundred and ninety-five years; and he begat sons and daughters

Gen.5:31: “ All the days of Lamech were seven hundred and seventy and seven years; then he died »

Gen.5:32: “ Noah, five hundred years old, begat Shem, Ham and Japheth



Genesis 6


Separation fails


Gen.6:1: “ When men began to multiply on the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them,

According to the lessons learned previously, this human multitude is the animal norm which despises God who thus has good reasons to reject them as well. The seduction of Adam by his wife Eve is reproduced throughout all of humanity and it is normal according to the flesh: girls seduce men and they obtain from them what they desire.

Gen.6:2: “ The sons of God saw that the daughters of men were beautiful, and they took as wives from among all those they chose

This is where things get tricky. The separation between the sanctified and the irreligious unbelievers eventually disappears. The sanctified here logically called “ the sons of God ” fall under the seduction of “ the daughters of men ” or, of the “animal” human group. Alliances through marriage thus become the cause of the collapse of the separation desired and sought by God. It was this unforgettable experience that would later lead him to forbid the sons of Israel from taking foreign women as wives. The flood which will result shows how much this prohibition should be obeyed. To every rule, there are exceptions, because some women took the true God with the Jewish husband like Ruth. The danger is not that the woman is a foreigner but that she leads a “ son of God ” to pagan apostasy by making him adopt the traditional pagan religion of his origins. Moreover, the opposite is also prohibited because a woman “daughter of God” puts herself in mortal danger by marrying a “son of men” “animals” and of false religion, which is even more dangerous for her. For every “woman” or “girl” is “woman” only during her life on earth, and the elect among them will receive like men an asexual celestial body similar to the angels of God. Eternity is unisex and image of the character of Jesus Christ, the perfect divine model.

The marriage problem is still present. For he who marries someone who is not of his religion bears witness against his own faith, whether it is right or wrong. Furthermore, this action demonstrates indifference towards religion and therefore towards God himself. The elect must love God above all else to be worthy of election. However, the alliance with the foreigner is displeasing to him, the elected official who contracts it becomes unworthy of election and his faith becomes presumptuous, an illusion which will end in terrible disillusionment. It remains to draw a final deduction. If marriage still poses this problem, it is because modern human society finds itself in the same state of immorality as those of Noah's time. This message is therefore for our final time where lies dominate human minds which become totally closed to divine “truth”.

Because of its importance for our “end times,” God led me to develop lastly this message revealed in this Genesis account. Because the experience of the antediluvian elect is summed up by a happy “ beginning ” and a tragic “ end ” in apostasy and abomination. However, this experience also summarizes that of its last church in its institutional form “Seventh-day Adventist”, officially and historically blessed in 1863 but spiritually in 1873, in “Philadelphia”, in Rev.3:7, for its beginning ” , and " vomited " by Jesus Christ in Rev.3:14, in " Laodicea " in 1994, on his " end ", because of his formalist lukewarmness and because of his alliance with the ecumenical enemy camp in 1995. The The time of God's approval for this Christian religious institution is thus fixed by "a beginning and an end ." But just as the Jewish covenant was continued by the twelve apostles chosen by Jesus, so the Adventist work is continued by me and by all who receive this prophetic witness and reproduce the works of faith that God originally blessed in the pioneers of Adventism of 1843 and 1844. I specify that God blessed the motivations of their faith and not the standard of their prophetic interpretations which was later to be called into question. The practice of the Sabbath possibly becoming formalist and traditional, the sieve of God's judgment no longer blesses anything other than the love of truth noted in his elect, " from beginning to end " or, until the true glorious return of Christ , set for the last time in spring 2030.

By presenting himself in Rev.1:8 as being “ the alpha and the omega ”, Jesus Christ reveals to us a key to understanding the structure and the aspect in which he reveals to us throughout the Bible, his “ judgment ” , It is always based on an observation of the situation of the “ beginning ” and on that which appears at the “ end ”, of a life, of an alliance, or of a church. This principle appears in Dan.5 where the words written on the wall by God, " numbered, numbered ", followed by " weighed and divided ", represent the " beginning " of the life of King Belshazzar and the time of its " end ". In this way, God confirms that his judgment is based on the permanent control of the subject being judged. He was under his observation from his “ beginning ,” or “ alpha ,” to his “ end ,” his “ omega .”

In the book of Revelation and in the theme of the letters addressed to the “ seven Churches ”, the same principle fixes “ the beginning and the end ” of all the “ Churches ” concerned. First, we find the apostolic Church, whose glorious " beginning " is recalled in the message delivered to " Ephesus " and in which its " end " places it under the threat of having the Spirit of God withdrawn because of his lack of zeal. Fortunately, the message delivered in " Smyrna " before 303 testifies that Christ's call to repentance will have been heard for the glory of God. Then, the Roman Papal Catholic Church begins in “ Pergamum ”, in 538, and ends in “ Thyatira ”, at the time of the Protestant Reformation but especially officially that of the death of Pope Pius 6 held in prison in Valencia, in my city , in France, in 1799. Then comes the case of the Protestant faith, whose approval by God is also limited in time. Its “ beginning ” is mentioned in “ Thyatira ” and its “ end ” is revealed in “ Sardes ” in 1843 because of its practice of Sunday inherited from the Roman religion. Jesus could not be clearer, his message, “ you are dead ”, does not lead to confusion. And third under “ Philadelphia and Laodicea ” the case of institutional Adventism that we saw previously closes the theme of messages addressed to the “ seven churches ” and the time of the eras that they symbolize.

By revealing to us today how he judged things already accomplished, and from the “ beginning ” like Genesis, God gives us the keys to understand how he judges the facts and the churches in our time. The “ judgment ” which emerges from our study thus bears the “ Seal ” of the Spirit of its divinity.

Gen.6:3: “ Then YaHWéH said: My spirit will not remain in man forever, for man is flesh, and his days will be a hundred and twenty years . »

Less than 10 years before the return of Christ, this message today takes on an astonishing topicality. The spirit of life given by God “ will not remain in man forever, for man is flesh, and his days will be one hundred and twenty - nine years .” In fact, this was not the meaning that God gave to his words. Understand me, and understand Him: God does not renounce his six thousand year project of calling and selecting the elect. His problem lies in the enormous length of life he gave to the antediluvians since Adam who died at 930 years old; after him, another Methuschela will live to be 969 years old. If it is 930 years of faithfulness, this is bearable and even pleasing to God, but if it is an arrogant and abominable Lamech, God estimates that enduring him for an average of 120 years will be more than enough . This interpretation is confirmed by history, since since the end of the flood, the length of human life has been reduced to an average of 80 years in our time.

Gen.6:4: “ The giants were on the earth in those days, and also after the sons of God came to the daughters of men, and they bore them children: these are the heroes who were famous in antiquity .

I had to add the precision “ and also ” from the Hebrew text, because the meaning of the message is transformed. God reveals to us that his first antediluvian creation was of a gigantic standard, Adam himself must have measured approximately 4 or 5 meters in height. The management of the earth's surface is changed and reduced. A single step of these “ giants ” was worth five of ours, and he had to get five times more food from the earth than a man today. The original land was therefore quickly populated and inhabited over its entire surface. The precision “ and also ” teaches us that this standard of “ giants ” has not been modified by the alliances of the sanctified and the rejected, “ the sons of God ” and “ the daughters of men ”. Noah was therefore himself a giant of 4 to 5 meters as well as his children and their wives. At the time of Moses, these antediluvian standards were still found in the land of Canaan, and it was these giants, the “Anakims,” who terrified the Hebrew spies sent into the land.

Gen.6:5: “ Yahweh saw that the wickedness of men was great in the earth, and that all the thoughts of their hearts were daily only toward evil .”

Such an observation makes his decision understandable. I remind you that he created the earth and man to reveal this wickedness hidden in the thoughts of his celestial and earthly creatures. The desired demonstration was therefore obtained since “ all the thoughts of their hearts were directed every day only towards evil ”.

Gen.6:6: “ Yahweh repented that he had made man on the earth, and he was grieved in his heart .”

Knowing in advance what is going to happen is one thing, but experiencing it in its fulfillment is another. And confronted with the reality of dominating evil, the thought of repentance, or more precisely of regret, can momentarily arise in the mind of God, so great is his suffering in the face of this moral disaster.

Gen.6:7: “ And Yahweh said, I will destroy from the face of the earth man whom I have created, from man to cattle, and to creeping things, and to the birds of the air; for I repent of having done them .”

Just before the flood, God notes the triumph of Satan and his demons on the earth and its inhabitants. For him, the ordeal was terrible but he obtained the demonstration he wanted to obtain. All that remains is to destroy this first form of life in which men live too long and are too powerful in giant sizes. Land animals close to humans such as livestock, reptiles and birds of the air will have to disappear forever with them.

Gen.6:8: “ But Noah found grace in the eyes of YaHWéH .”

And according to Ezé.14 he was the only one to find grace before God, his children and their wives not being worthy of being saved.

Gen.6:9: “ These are the seed of Noah. Noah was a just and upright man in his time; Noah walked with God .”

Like Job, Noah is judged “ just and upright ” by God. And like the righteous Enoch before him, God imputes to him “ walking ” with him.

Gen.6:10: “ Noah fathered three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth .”

Aged 500 years according to Gen.5:22, “ Noah fathered three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth ”. These sons will grow up, become men and will take wives. Noah will therefore be assisted and helped by his sons when he has to build the ark. Between the time of their births and the flood, 100 years will pass. This proves that the “120 years” of verse 3 does not concern the time given to him to complete his construction.

Gen.6:11: “ The earth was corrupt before God, the earth was full of violence .”

Corruption is not necessarily violent, but when violence marks and characterizes it, the suffering of the loving God becomes intense and unbearable. This violence, which reached its peak, is of the type that Lamech boasted of in Gen.4:23: “ I have killed a man for my wound, and a young man for my bruise .”

Gen.6:12: “ And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupt; for all flesh had corrupted its way on the earth .”

In less than 10 years, God will look upon the earth again and find it in the same state as at the time of the flood, " all flesh will have corrupted its way ." But you need to understand what God means when he speaks of corruption. Because if the reference of this word is human, the answers are as numerous as the opinions on the subject. With the Creator God, the answer is simple and precise. He calls corruption all the perversions brought by man and woman to the order and rules he has established: In corruption, man no longer assumes his role as a man, nor woman her role as a female. The case of Lamech, bigamist, descendant of Cain, is an example, because the divine norm tells him: “ a man will leave his father and his mother to cling to his wife ”. The appearance of their body structure reveals the roles of men and women. But to better understand the role of that which is given as “ help ” to Adam, its symbolic image of the Church of Christ gives us the answer. What “ help ” can the Church give to Christ? His role consists of increasing the number of those chosen saved and agreeing to suffer for him. It is the same for the woman given to Adam. Devoid of the muscular power of Adam, his role is to give birth and raise his children until they in turn found a family and thus the earth will be populated, according to the order commanded by God in Gen.1:28: “ And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it ; and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living creature that moveth on the earth .” In its perversion, modern life has turned its back on this norm. Concentrated urban living and industrial employment together created the ever-increasing need for money. This has led women to abandon their role as mothers to work in factories or in shops. Poorly brought up, the children have become capricious and demanding and are producing a fruit of violence in 2021 and they completely match the description given by Paul to Timothy in 2 Tim.3:1 to 9. I urge you to take the time to read, with all the attention they deserve, in full, the two epistles he addresses to Timothy, in order to find in these letters the standards set by God, from the beginning, knowing that he does not change and will not change until its return to glory in spring 2030.

Gen.6:13: “ Then God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is decided by me; for they have filled the earth with violence; behold, I will destroy them with the earth .”

With evil established irreversibly, the destruction of the inhabitants of the earth remains the only thing God can do. God makes known to his only earthly friend his terrible project because his decision has been made and definitively decided. We must note the particular fate that God gives to Enoch, the only one who enters eternity without passing through death, and Noah, the only man found worthy of surviving the exterminating flood. For in his words God says “ they have …” and “ I will destroy them ”. Because he remained faithful, Noah was not affected by God's decision.

Gen.6:14: “ Make yourself an ark of softwood; you will arrange this ark into cells, and you will cover it with pitch inside and out .”

Noah must survive and not him alone because God wants the life of his creation to continue until the end of the 6000 years of selection of his project. To preserve selected life during the flood of waters, a floating ark will have to be built. God gives his instructions to Noah. It will use water-resistant softwood and the arch will be made waterproof by a coating of pitch, the resin taken from pine or fir. He will build cells so that each species lives separately to avoid stressful confrontations for the animals on board. The stay in the ark will last for a whole year, but the work is directed by God, to whom nothing is impossible.

Gen.6:15: “ This is how you will make it: the ark will be three hundred cubits long, fifty cubits wide, and thirty cubits high .”

If the “ cubit ” was that of a giant, it could be five times that of the Hebrews which was approximately 55 cm. God revealed these dimensions in the standard known by the Hebrews and Moses who received this account from God. The constructed arch was therefore 165 m long by 27.5 m wide and 16.5 m high. The arch in the shape of a rectangular box was therefore of an imposing size but it was built by men whose size was related to it. Because we find, for its height, three floors of approximately five meters for men who themselves measured between 4 and 5 m in height.

Gen.6:16: “ You shall make a window for the ark , which you shall reduce to a cubit at the top; you shall establish a door on the side of the ark; and you will build a lower story, a second and a third . »

According to this description, the only " door " of the ark was placed at the first floor level " on the side of the ark ". The ark was completely closed, and below the roof of the third level, a single window 55 cm high and wide was to be kept closed until the end of the flood, according to Gen.8:6. The occupants of the ark lived in darkness and the artificial light of oil lamps throughout the flood.

Gen.6:17: “ And I will bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh that has the breath of life under heaven; everything on earth will perish .”

God wants to leave with this destruction a message of warning to men who will repopulate the earth after the flood and until the return in glory of Jesus Christ at the end of the 6000 years of the divine project. All life will disappear with its antediluvian norm. Because after the flood, God will gradually reduce the size of living beings, men and animals, to the size of the African Pygmies.

Gen.6:18: “ But I will establish my covenant with you; you will enter the ark, you and your sons, your wife and your sons' wives with you . »

There are eight survivors of the coming flood, but seven of them benefit exceptionally from the particular and individual blessing of Noah. The proof appears in Ezek.14:19-20 where God says: “ Or if I send a plague into this land, and pour out my fury against it by mortality, to destroy from it man and beast, and there were among him Noah , Daniel and Job, I live! saith the Lord Yahweh, they would not save sons or daughters, but by their righteousness they would save their own souls .” They will be useful for the repopulation of the earth, but not being of the spiritual level of Noah, they bring into the new world their imperfection which will not take long to bear its bad fruits.

Gen.6:19: “ Of every living thing, of all flesh, you shall bring two of every kind into the ark, to keep them alive with you: there shall be one male and one female.

One couple per species “ of everything that lives ” is just the norm necessary for reproduction, these will be the only survivors among the terrestrial animal genus.

Gen.6:20: “ Of the birds according to their kind, and of the cattle according to their kind, and of every creeping thing of the earth according to its kind, two of every kind shall come to you, that you may preserve their life.

In this verse, in his enumeration, God does not mention wild animals, but they will be mentioned as being taken on board the ark in Gen.7:14.

Gen.6:21: “ And you, take of all the food that is eaten, and store it up with you, that it may be food for you and for them .”

The food needed to feed eight people and all the animals taken on board for a year had to occupy a large place in the ark.

Gen.6:22: “ This is what Noah did: he carried out everything that God had commanded him .”

Faithfully and supported by God, Noah and his sons carried out the task God had given him. And here, we must remember that the earth is a single continent irrigated only by rivers and rivers. In the area of Mount Ararat where Noah and his sons reside, there is only a plain and no sea. His contemporaries therefore see Noah building a floating construction in the middle of a sealess continent. We can then imagine, the mockery, sarcasm and insults with which they had to shower the small group blessed by God. But the mockers will soon stop mocking the chosen one and they will be drowned in the waters of the flood in which they did not want to believe.




Genesis 7


The final separation of the flood


Gen.7:1: “ Yahweh said to Noah: Come into the ark, you and all your household; for I have seen you right before me among this generation . »

The moment of truth arrives and the final separation of creation is accomplished. By “ entering the ark ,” the lives of Noah and his family will be saved. There is a connection between the word “ ark ” and the “ righteousness ” that God imputes to Noah. This link passes through the future “ ark of testimony ” which will be the sacred chest containing the “ justice ” of God, expressed in the form of the two tables on which his finger will engrave his “ ten commandments ”. In this comparison, Noah and his companions are shown equal to the extent that they all benefit from rescue upon entering the ark, even if Noah is the only one worthy of being identified with this divine law as indicated by the divine precision: “ I saw you right . ” Noah was therefore in perfect conformity with the divine law already taught in its principles to his antediluvian servants.

Gen.7:2: “ You shall take to you seven pairs of all clean animals, the male and his female; a pair of animals which are not pure, the male and his female; »

We are in an antediluvian context and God evokes the distinction between the animal classified “ pure or impure ”. This standard is therefore as old as the earth's creation and in Leviticus 11, God has only recalled these standards that he established from the beginning. God therefore has, like " the Sabbath ", good reasons to demand from his elect, in our day, respect for those things which glorify his established order for man. By selecting " seven pure couples " for a single " impure ", God shows his preference for the purity which he marks with his "seal", the number "7" of the sanctification of the time of his earthly project.

Gen.7:3: “ seven pairs also of the birds of the air, male and female, to keep their race alive on the face of all the earth .”

Because of their image of the angelic heavenly life, “ seven pairs ” of the “ birds of the sky ” are also saved.

Gen.7:4: “ For seven more days, and I will send rain on the earth forty days and forty nights, and I will destroy from the face of the earth every creature that I have made .”

The number “ seven ” (7) is still mentioned designating “ seven days ” which separate the moment of the entry of animals and men into the ark, from the first falls of water. God will cause incessant rain for “ 40 days and 40 nights ”. This number “40” is that of the test. It will concern the “ 40 days ” of the sending of the Hebrew spies to the land of Canaan and the “ 40 years ” of life and death in the desert as a result of their refusal to enter the land populated by giants. And upon entering his earthly ministry, Jesus will be delivered into the temptation of the devil after “ 40 days and 40 nights ” of fasting. There will also be “ 40 days ” between the resurrection of Christ and the outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost.

For God, the purpose of this torrential rain is to destroy the “ beings he has made ”. He thus recalls that as the creator God, the lives of all his creatures belong to him, to save them or destroy them. He wants to give future generations a bitter lesson that they must not forget.

Gen.7:5: “ Noah carried out everything that YaHWéH had commanded him .”

Faithful and obedient, Noah did not disappoint God and he carried out everything he commanded him to do.

Gen.7:6: “ Noah was six hundred years old when the flood of waters came upon the earth . »

Other details on the time will be given but already this verse places the flood in the 600th year of Noah's life. Since the birth of his first son in his 500th year , 100 years have passed.

Gen.7:7: “ And Noah entered into the ark with his sons, his wife, and his sons' wives, to escape the waters of the flood .”

Only eight people will escape the flood.

Gen.7:8: “ Between the clean beasts and the beasts that are not clean, the birds and everything that moves on the earth,

God is affirmative. Enter into the ark, a couple of “ everything that moves on the earth ” to be saved. But of which “ earth ”, antediluvian or postdiluvian? The present tense of the verb “ moves ” suggests the postdiluvian earth of the time of Moses to which God addresses in his story. This subtlety could justify the abandonment and complete extermination of certain monstrous species, unwanted on the repopulated earth, if they existed before the flood.

Gen.7:9: “ he entered the ark with Noah, two by two, a male and a female, as God had commanded Noah

The principle concerns animals but also the three human couples formed by his three sons and their wives and his own which concerns him and his wife. God's choice to select only couples reveals to us the role that God will give them: to reproduce and multiply.

Gen.7:10: “ Seven days later the waters of the flood were on the earth .”

According to this clarification, the entry into the ark took place on the tenth day of the second month of the 600th year of Noah's life, 7 days before the 17th indicated in verse 11 which follows. It was on this tenth day that God himself closed “ the door ” of the ark on all its occupants, according to the precision cited in verse 16 of this chapter 7.

Gen.7:11: “ In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, in that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of heaven were poured out. opened »

God chose the “ seventeenth day of the second month ” of the 600th year of Noah to “ open the windows of heaven ”. The number 17 symbolizes judgment in its numerical code of the Bible and its prophecies.

The calculation established by the successions of the elect of Gen.6 places the flood in 1656, since the sin of Eve and Adam, that is, 4345 years before the spring of the year 6001 of the end of the world which will be accomplished in our usual calendar in the spring of 2030, and 2345 years before the atoning death of Jesus Christ which took place on April 3, 30 of our false and misleading human calendar.

The following explanation will be renewed in Gen.8:2. By evoking the complementary role of the “ sources of the deep ”, in this verse, God reveals to us that the flood was not only caused by rain coming from the sky. Knowing that “ the abyss ” designates the earth covered entirely by water from the first day of creation, its “ sources ” suggest a rise in water levels caused by the sea itself. This phenomenon is obtained by a modification of the level of the ocean floor which, going up, raises the water level until it reaches the level which covered the entire earth on the first day. It was through the sinking of the abysses of the oceans that the dry land emerged from the water on the 3rd day and it was through a reverse action that the dry land was covered by the waters of the flood. The rain called " the floodgates of heaven " was only useful to indicate that the punishment came from heaven, from the heavenly God. Later this image “ lock of heaven ” will take on the opposite role of blessings which come from the same celestial God.

Gen.7:12: “ The rain fell on the earth forty days and forty nights .”

This phenomenon must have surprised unbelieving sinners. Especially since rain was non-existent before this flood. The antediluvian land was irrigated and watered by its streams and streams; rain was therefore not necessary, a morning dew replaced it. And this explains why the unbelievers had difficulty believing in the flood of waters announced by Noah, both in words and in deed since he built the ark on dry earth.

The time of “ 40 days and 40 nights ” targets a time of trial. In turn, carnal Israel just out of Egypt will be tested during the absence of Moses kept by God with him during this period. The result will be “the golden calf” melted with the agreement of Aaron, the carnal brother of Moses. There will then be the “ 40 days and 40 nights ” of the exploration of the land of Canaan with, as a result, the refusal of the people to enter it because of the giants who inhabit it. In his turn, Jesus will be tested for “ 40 days and 40 nights ”, but this time, although weakened by this long fast, he will resist the devil who will tempt him and will end up leaving him without having obtained his victory. For Jesus, it was what made his earthly ministry possible and legitimate.

Gen.7:13: “ That same day Noah, Shem, Ham, and Japheth, sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them, came into the ark:

This verse highlights the selection of both sexes of human earthly creatures. Each human male is accompanied by “ his helper ”, his female called “ wife ”. In this way, each couple presents themselves in the image of Christ and his Church, “his help”, his Chosen One whom he will save. Because the shelter of the “ark” is the first image of the salvation that it will reveal to human beings.

Gen.7:14: “ they, and every beast after its kind, all cattle after its kind, every creeping thing that creeps on the earth after its kind, every bird after its kind, every little bird, all that who has wings .

By emphasizing the word " species ", God recalls the laws of his nature that humanity in our final time takes pleasure in contesting, transgressing and calling into question for animals and even humankind. There can be no greater defender of the purity of the species than him. And he demands of his elect that they share his divine opinion on the subject because the perfection of his original creation was in this purity and this absolute separation of species.

By strongly emphasizing the winged species, God suggests the earth and air of sin as a kingdom subject to the Devil, himself called " prince of the power of the air " in Eph. 2:2.

Gen.7:15: “ They entered the ark to Noah, two by two, of all flesh that had the breath of life .”

Each couple selected by God separates from those of its kind so that its life will continue after the flood. In this definitive separation , God puts into action the principle of the two paths that he places before free human choice: that of good leads to life but that of evil leads to death.

Gen.7:16: “ And there came in, male and female, of all flesh, as God commanded Noah. Then YaHWéH closed the door on him . »

The purpose of reproduction of “ species ” is confirmed here by the mention “ male and female ”.

Here is the action which gives this experience all its importance and its prophetic character of the end of the time of divine grace: “ Then YaHWéH closed the door on him ”. It is the moment when the destiny of life and that of death separate without possible change. It will be the same in 2029, when the survivors of the time will have made the choice to honor God and his seventh-day Sabbath, namely, Saturday, or to honor Rome and its first-day Sunday, according to the ultimatum. presented in the form of a decree by rebellious humanity. Here again “ the door of grace ” will be closed by God, “ he who opens, and he who shuts ” according to Rev.3:7.

Gen.7:17: “ The flood was forty days on the earth. The waters increased and lifted up the ark, and it rose above the earth .”

The arch is raised.

Gen.7:18: “ The waters increased and increased greatly on the earth, and the ark floated on the surface of the waters .”

The ark floats.

Gen.7:19: “ The waters increased more and more, and all the high mountains under the whole sky were covered .”

Dry soil disappears universally submerged by water.

Gen.7:20: “ The waters rose fifteen cubits above the mountains, and they were covered .”

The highest mountain of the time is covered by approximately 8 m of water.

Gen.7:21: “ Everything that moved on the earth perished, both birds and cattle and animals, everything that crawled on the earth, and all men.

All animals that breathe air drown. The precision concerning the birds is all the more interesting since the flood is a prophetic image of the last judgment, in which celestial beings, such as Satan, will be annihilated along with terrestrial beings.

Gen.7:22: “ Everything that had breath, the breath of life in its nostrils, and that was on the dry earth, died .”

All living beings created like man whose life depends on his breath die drowned. This is the only shadow over the punishment of the flood, because the guilt is strictly on man and somewhere, the death of innocent animals is unjust. But to completely drown rebellious humanity, God is forced to destroy with them those animals who like them breathe the air of the earth's atmosphere. Finally, to understand this decision, take into account that God created the earth for man made in his image and not for the animal created to surround him, accompany him and, in the case of livestock, to serve him.

Gen.7:23: “ Every creature that was on the face of the earth was cut off, from man and cattle and creeping thing and bird of the air: they were cut off from the earth. There remained only Noah, and those who were with him in the ark .”

This verse confirms the difference that God makes between Noah and his human companions who find themselves grouped with the animals, all evoked and concerned in " what was with him in the ark .”

Gen.7:24: “ The waters were great on the earth for a hundred and fifty days .”

The “ one hundred and fifty days ” began after the 40 days and 40 nights of incessant rain that created the flood. Having reached the maximum height of “ 15 cubits ” or approximately 8 m above “ the highest mountains ” of the time, the water level remained stable for “ 150 days ”. Then it will gradually decrease until the drying up desired by God.


Note : God created life in a giant standard that concerned antediluvian men and animals. But after the flood, his project aims to reduce the size of all his creatures proportionally, thus, lives will be born in the postdiluvian norm. Upon entering Canaan, the Hebrew spies testify that they saw with their own eyes bunches of grapes so large that it took two men their size to carry them. The reduction in size therefore also necessarily concerns trees, fruits and vegetables. Thus, the Creator never stops creating, because over time, he modifies and adapts his earthly creation to the new living conditions that arise. He created, the black pigmentation of the skin of humans who live exposed to strong solar radiation in the tropical and equatorial regions of the earth where the solar rays strike the earth at 90 degrees. Other skin colors are more or less white or pale and more or less coppery depending on the amount of sunlight. But the basic red of Adam (Red) due to blood is found in all human beings.

The Bible does not specify the detailed names of living antediluvian animal species. God leaving this subject mysterious, without any particular revelation, everyone is free in their way of imagining things. However, I put forward the hypothesis that having wanted to give this first form of terrestrial life a perfect character, God had not created, at that time, the prehistoric monsters whose bones are found today, by the scientific researchers, in the soil of the earth. Also, I put forward this possibility that they were created by God after the flood, in order to intensify the curse of the earth for human beings who, quickly, will turn away from him again. By cutting themselves off from him, they will lose their intelligence and the great knowledge that God had given from Adam to Noah. This, to the point that in certain places on earth, man will find himself in the degraded state of the "cave man" attacked and threatened by ferocious animals, which in groups, he will nevertheless be able to destroy with the precious help of natural bad weather and the compassionate goodwill of God.




Genesis 8


The momentary separation of the occupants of the ark


Gen.8:1: “ God remembered Noah, and all the animals and all the cattle that were with him in the ark; and God caused a wind to pass over the earth, and the waters were still .”

Rest assured, he never forgot it, but it is true that this unique gathering of lives enclosed in the floating ark gives humanity and animal species such a reduced appearance that they seem abandoned by God. In fact, these lives are perfectly safe because God watches over them as a treasure. They are what is most precious: the first fruits to repopulate the earth and spread over its surface.

Gen.8:2: “ The fountains of the deep and the windows of heaven were closed, and rain fell no more from heaven

God creates the waters of the flood according to his need. Where do they come from? From heaven, but above all from the creative power of God. Taking the image of a lock keeper, he has opened the symbolic heavenly floodgates and the time comes when he closes them again.

By evoking the complementary role of the “ sources of the deep ”, in this verse, God reveals to us that the flood was not only caused by rain coming from the sky. Knowing that “ the abyss ” designates the earth covered entirely by water from the first day of creation, its “ sources ” suggest a rise in water levels caused by the sea itself. This phenomenon is obtained by a modification of the level of the ocean floor which, going up, raises the water level until it reaches the level which covered the entire earth on the first day. It was through the sinking of the abysses of the oceans that the dry land emerged from the water on the 3rd day and it was through a reverse action that the dry land was covered by the waters of the flood. The rain called " the floodgates of heaven " was only useful to indicate that the punishment came from heaven, from the heavenly God. Later this image “ lock of heaven ” will take on the opposite role of blessings which come from the same celestial God.

Being a creator, God could have created the flood in the blink of an eye, at will. He nevertheless preferred to act gradually on his already created creation. He thus shows humanity that nature is in his hands a powerful weapon, a powerful means that he manipulates to offer his blessing or his curse depending on whether it walks in good or evil.

Gen.8:3: “ The waters departed from off the earth, going away and away, and the waters diminished at the end of a hundred and fifty days .”

After 40 days and 40 nights of incessant rain followed by 150 days of stability at the highest water level, the recession begins. Slowly, the level of the marine abyss descends but it does not descend as deeply as before the flood.

Gen.8:4: “ In the seventh month, on the seventeenth day of the month, the ark rested on the mountains of Ararat .”

At the end of five months, to the day, “ the seventeenth of the seventh month ,” the ark ceases to float; it rests on the highest mountain of Ararat. This number “seventeen” confirms the end of the act of divine judgment. It appears from this clarification that, during the flood, the ark did not move far from the area where it was built by Noah and his sons. And God wanted this proof of the flood to remain visible until the end of the world, on this same summit of Mount Ararat to which access was and remained prohibited by the Russian and Turkish authorities. But at the time chosen by Him, God favored the taking of aerial photos which confirmed the presence of a piece of the ark caught in the ice and snow. Today, satellite observation could powerfully confirm this presence. But earthly authorities are not precisely seeking to glorify the creator God; they behave as enemies towards him, and in all justice, God repays them, by striking them with an epidemic and terrorist attacks.

Gen.8:5: “ The waters continued to diminish until the tenth month. In the tenth month, on the first day of the month, the peaks of the mountains appeared

The reduction of water is limited because after the flood the water level will be higher than that of the antediluvian earth. Ancient valleys will remain submerged and take on the appearance of current inland seas such as the Mediterranean Sea, the Caspian, the Red Sea, the Black Sea, etc.

Gen.8:6: “ At the end of forty days, Noah opened the window that he had made for the ark .”

After 150 days of stability and 40 days of waiting, for the first time, Noah opens the small window. Its small size, one cubit or 55 cm, was justified since its only use was to release birds which could thus escape from the ark of life.

Gen.8:7: “ He released the raven, and it went out and returned, until the waters dried up on the earth .”

The discovery of the dry earth is evoked according to the order of “ darkness and light ” or “ night and day ” at the beginning of creation. Also, the first discoverer sent is the impure “ raven , with plumage “ black ” like “ night ”. He acts freely independent towards Noah, God's chosen one. It therefore symbolizes dark religions which will activate without any relationship with God.

In a more precise way it symbolizes the carnal Israel of the old covenant to which God sent his prophets on multiple occasions, like the comings and goings of the raven, to try to rescue his people from the practices of sin. Like “ the raven ”, this Israel finally rejected by God continued its history separated from him.

Gen.8:8: “ He also released the dove, to see if the waters had diminished from the face of the earth .”

In the same order, the pure “ dove , with “ white ” plumage like snow, is sent for reconnaissance. It is placed under the sign of “ day and light ”. As such, she prophesies the new covenant based on the blood shed by Jesus Christ.

Gen.8:9: “ But the dove found no place to set the sole of its foot, and it returned to him into the ark, for there were waters on the face of all the earth. He put out his hand and took it, and brought it into the ark with him .”

Unlike the independent black “ raven ”, the white “ dove ” is in close relationship with Noah who offers “ his hand to take her and bring her into the ark ” with him. It is an image of the bond that connects the chosen one to the God of heaven. The “ dove ” will one day land on Jesus Christ when he appears before John the Baptist to be baptized by him.

I suggest you compare these two biblical quotes; that of this verse: “ But the dove found no place to rest the sole of its foot ” with this verse from Mat.8:20: “ Jesus answered him: Foxes have dens, and the birds of the air have nests ; but the Son of Man has not where to lay his head ”; and these verses from John 1:5 and 11, where speaking of Christ, the incarnation of the divine “ light ” of life , he says: “ The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not received it … / …She came to her own people, and her own people did not receive her .” Just as the " dove " returned to Noah by allowing himself to be taken by him, in " his hand ", resurrected, the Redeemer Jesus Christ ascended to the heavens towards his divinity as a heavenly Father, having left the message behind him on earth of the redemption of his elect, his good news called “ Everlasting Gospel ” in Rev.14:6. And in Rev. 1:20: he will hold them “ in his hand ” in the “ seven eras ” prophesied by the “ seven Churches ” where he makes them share in divine sanctification his “ light ” imaged by the “ seven candlesticks ”.

Gen.8:10: “ And he waited seven more days, and again he released the dove out of the ark .”

This double reminder of the “ seven days ” teaches us that for Noah, as for us today, life was established and ordered by God on the unity of the week of “ seven days ”, also the symbolic unity of the “ seven thousand ” years of his great saving project. This insistence on the mention of this number “ seven ” allows us to understand the importance that God gives it; which will justify him being attacked particularly by the devil until the return in glory of Christ which will put an end to his earthly domination.

Gen.8:11: “ The dove returned to him in the evening; and, behold, a torn olive leaf was in its beak. So Noah knew that the waters had diminished from the earth .

After long times of " darkness " announced by the word " evening ", the hope of salvation and the joy of deliverance from sin will come under the image of the "olive tree ", successively the old then the new alliance. Just as Noah knew through an “ olive leaf ” that the hoped-for and expected earth would be ready to welcome him, the “ sons of God ” will learn and understand that the kingdom of heaven has been opened to them by the envoy of the heaven Jesus Christ.

This “ olive leaf ” testified to Noah that the germination and growth of trees was becoming possible again.

Gen.8:12: “ And he waited seven more days; and he released the dove. But she never came back to him .”

This sign was decisive, because it proved that “ the dove ” had chosen to stay in nature which once again offered it food.

Just as the “ dove ” disappears after having delivered his message of hope, after having given his life on earth to redeem his elect, Jesus Christ, the “ Prince of peace ”, will leave the earth and his disciples, leaving them free and independent to lead their lives until his final glorious return.

Gen.8:13: “ In the six hundred and first year, in the first month, on the first day of the month, the waters dried up on the earth. Noah removed the covering from the ark and looked, and behold, the surface of the earth was dried up .

The drying of the earth is still partial but promising, so Noah begins to open the roof of the ark to look at the exterior of the ark and knowing that it has been stranded at the summit of Mount Ararat , his vision extended very far and very widely over the horizon. In the flood experience, the ark takes on the image of a hatching egg. When it hatches, the chick itself breaks the shell in which it was enclosed. Noah does the same; he “ removes the covering from the ark ” which will no longer be useful to protect it from the torrential rain. Note that God does not come to open the door of the ark which he himself had closed; this means that he does not question or change the standard of his judgment towards earthly rebels for whom the door to salvation and heaven will always be closed.

Gen.8:14: “ In the second month, on the twenty-seventh day of the month, the earth was dry .”

The earth becomes habitable again after total confinement in the ark for 377 days from the day of embarkation and the closing of the door by God.

Gen.8:15: “ Then God spoke to Noah, saying:

Gen.8:16: “ Come out of the ark, you and your wife, your sons and your sons’ wives with you .”

It is again God who gives the signal for the exit of the “ark ”, he who had closed the only “ door ” on its occupants before the flood.

Gen.8:17: “ Bring out with you every living creature of all flesh that is with you, both birds and cattle and every creeping thing that creeps on the earth; be fruitful and multiply on the earth .

The scene resembles that of the fifth day of the week of creation, but it is not a question of a new creation, because after the flood, the repopulation of the earth is a phase of the project prophesied for the first 6000 years of earthly history. God wanted this phase to be terrible and dissuasive. He gave mankind deadly proof of the effects of His divine judgment. A proof which will be recalled in 2 Peter 3:5 to 8: “ They want to ignore, in fact, that the heavens once existed by the word of God, just as an earth taken from water and formed by means of water, and by these things the world of that time perished, submerged by water, while by the same word the heavens and the earth of now are kept and reserved for fire, for the day of judgment and ruin of ungodly men. But there is one thing, beloved, that you must not be ignorant of, that with the Lord one day is like a thousand years, and a thousand years like one day. ” The predicted flood of fire will be accomplished at the end of the seventh millennium on the occasion of the last judgment, by the opening of the flaming sources of underground magma which will cover the entire surface of the earth. This “ lake of fire ” cited in Rev.20:14-15, will consume the surface of the earth with its unfaithful rebellious inhabitants as well as their works which they wanted to privilege by despising the demonstrated love of God. And this seventh millennium was prophesied by the seventh day of the week, this according to the definition “ one day is like a thousand years and a thousand years are like one day ”.

Gen.8:18: “ And Noah went out, with his sons, his wife, and his sons’ wives .”

Once the animals have been released, the representatives of the new humanity in turn emerge from the ark. They find the light of the sun and the vast and almost unlimited space that nature offers them, after 377 days and nights of confinement in a cramped and dark enclosed space.

Gen.8:19: “ Every animal, every creeping thing, every bird, everything that moves on the earth, according to their kinds, came out of the ark .”

The exit of the ark prophesies the entry of the elect into the kingdom of heaven but only those who are judged pure by God will enter. In the time of Noah, this is not yet the case, since pure and impure will live together, on the same earth, fighting against each other until the end of the world.

Gen.8:20: “ Noah built an altar to YaHWéH; he took of all the clean beasts and of all the clean birds, and he offered burnt offerings on the altar .”

The burnt offering is an act by which the chosen Noah shows God his gratitude. The death of an innocent victim, in this case animal, reminds the creator God of the means by which, in Jesus Christ, he will come to redeem the souls of his elect. Pure animals are worthy to image the sacrifice of Christ who will embody perfect purity in his entire soul, body and spirit.

Gen.8:21: “ The LORD smelled a pleasant odor, and YaHWéH said in his heart: I will no longer curse the earth for man's sake, because the thoughts of man's heart are evil from the beginning. youth ; and I will no more smite every living thing, as I have done .”

The burnt offering offered by Noah is an authentic act of faith, and of obedient faith. Because, if he offers a sacrifice to God, it is in response to a sacrificial rite that he ordered him, long before teaching it to the Hebrews who came out of Egypt. The expression “ pleasant odor ” does not concern the divine sense of smell but its divine Spirit which appreciates both the obedience of its faithful elect and the prophetic vision that this rite gives to its future compassionate sacrifice, in Jesus Christ.

Until the last judgment, there will be no more destructive flood. Experience has just demonstrated that man is naturally and hereditarily “ wicked ” in the flesh, as Jesus said of his apostles in Matt.7:11: “ If then, being wicked as you are, you know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father who is in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him .” God will therefore have to tame this “ wicked ” “animal ”, an opinion shared by Paul in 1 Cor.2:14, and by demonstrating in Jesus Christ the power of his love for them, some of those called wicked ” will become the elect. faithful and obedient humans.

Gen.8:22: “ As long as the earth endures, sowing and harvest, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night, will not cease .”

This eighth chapter ends with the reminder of the alternations of absolute opposites which govern the conditions of earthly life since the first day of creation in which, by its constitution "night and day ", God revealed the earthly combat between " the darkness ” and “ the light ” which will ultimately overcome through Jesus Christ. In this verse he lists these extreme alternations which are due to sin itself being the consequence of the free choice given to these celestial and terrestrial creatures who are thus free to love and serve him or to reject him to the point of hating him. . But the consequence of this freedom will be life for the partisans of good and death and annihilation for those of evil, as the flood has just demonstrated.

The subjects cited all carry a spiritual message:

The sowing and the harvest ”: suggest the beginning of Evangelization and the end of the world; images taken up by Jesus Christ in his parables, notably in Matt.13:37 to 39: “ He answered: He who sows good seed is the Son of man; the field is the world; the good seed are the sons of the kingdom; the tares are the sons of the evil one; the enemy who sowed it is the devil; the harvest is the end of the world ; the harvesters are the angels .”

Cold and heat ”: “ heat ” is cited in Rev.7:16: “ They shall hunger no more, nor thirst any more, neither shall the sun strike them, nor any heat ". But on the absolute contrary, the “ cold ” is also a consequence of the curse of sin.

Summer and winter ”: these are the two seasons of extremes, both as unpleasant as the other in their excess.

The day and the night ”: God cites them in the order that man gives him, because in his project, in Christ comes the time of day, that of the call to enter into his grace, but after this time comes that of “ the night when no one can work ” according to John 9:4, that is, to change one's destiny because it is definitively fixed for life or for death from the end of the time of grace.




Genesis 9


Separation from the norm of life


Gen.9:1: “ And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth. »

This will be the first role that God gives to the living beings selected and saved by the ark built by men: Noah and his three sons.

Gen.9:2: “ You will be a fear and dismay to every beast of the earth, and to every bird of the air, and to every creature that moves on the earth, and to every fish of the sea: they are delivered into your hands .”

Animal life owes its survival to man, which is why, even more than before the flood, man will be able to dominate the animals. Except when through fear or irritation an animal loses its control, as a general rule, all animals are afraid of man and try to flee from him when they encounter him.

Gen.9:3: “ Everything that moves and has life will be food for you : all this I will give you as green grass .”

This change in diet has several justifications. Without giving too much importance to the order presented, first, I cite the immediate absence of plant food exhausted during the flood and the earth covered with salt water becoming partially sterile will only gradually regain its full and complete fertility and its productivity. Furthermore, the establishment of the Hebrew sacrificial rites will require, in its time, the consumption of the flesh of the victim sacrificed in a prophetic vision of the Holy Supper where the bread will be eaten as a symbol of the body of Jesus Christ, and the juice grapes drunk as a symbol of his blood. A third reason, less admissible, but no less true, is that God wants to shorten man's lifespan; and the consumption of the flesh which corrupts itself and brings into the human body elements destructive of life will be the basis of the success of one's desire and decision. Only experience with a vegetarian or vegan diet provides personal confirmation. To reinforce this thought, note that God does not prohibit man from consuming impure animals , even though they are harmful to his health.

Gen.9:4: “ Only you shall not eat flesh with its soul, with its blood .”

This prohibition will remain valid in the old covenant according to Lev.17:10-11: “ If a man of the house of Israel or of strangers who sojourn among them eats blood of any kind , I will turn my face against him who eats blood, and I will cut him off from among his people . " and in the news, according to Acts 15:19 to 21: " Therefore I am of opinion that we do not create difficulties for those of the Gentiles who convert to God, but that we write to them of Abstain from the filthiness of idols, from fornication, from things strangled, and from blood . For, for many generations, Moses has had people in every city who preach him, since it is read every Sabbath day in the synagogues .”

God calls " soul " the entire creature made up of a body of flesh and a spirit entirely dependent on the flesh. In this flesh, the motor organ is the brain supplied by the blood itself which is purified with each breath by the oxygen sucked in by the lungs. In the living state, the brain creates the electrical signals that generate thought and memory and it manages the functioning of all the other fleshly organs that make up the physical body. The role of "blood" which is moreover, by the genome, unique for each living soul, must not be consumed for health reasons, because it carries waste and impurities created throughout the body, and for a spiritual reason. God has reserved in an absolute exclusive manner, for his religious teaching, the principle of drinking the blood of Christ, but only in the symbolized form of the juice of the grapes. If life is in the blood, he who drinks the blood of Christ is rebuilt in His holy and perfect nature, according to the real principle which says that the body is made of what it nourishes.

Gen.9:5: “ Know this also, I will require the blood of your souls, I will require it of every animal; and I will require the soul of man from man, from man who is his brother .”

Life is the most important thing to the Creator God who created it. We must listen to him to realize the outrage that the crime constitutes towards him, the true owner of the life taken. As such, he is the only one who can legitimize the order to take life. In the previous verse, God authorized man to take animal life to make it his food, but here, it is a question of crime, of murder which puts an end to a human life definitively. This removed life will no longer have the opportunity to draw closer to God, nor to witness a change of conduct if until then it had not conformed to his standard of salvation. Here God lays the foundations of the law of retaliation, “an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth, and life for life.” The animal will pay for the murder of a man with its own death and the Cain-style man will be killed if he kills his own blood “ brother ” of the Abel type.

Gen.9:6: “ If anyone sheds the blood of man, by man shall his blood be shed; for God made man in his image .”

God does not seek to increase the number of deaths because, on the contrary, by authorizing the putting to death of a murderer, he is counting on a deterrent effect and that, because of the risk incurred, the greatest number of human beings learn to control their behavior. aggressiveness, so as not to become an assassin, in turn, worthy of death.

Only he who is animated by real and authentic faith can realize what “ God made man in his image ” means. Especially when humanity becomes monstrous and abominable as is the case today in the Western world and everywhere on earth seduced by scientific knowledge.

Gen.9:7: “ And you, be fruitful and multiply, spread out on the earth and multiply on it .”

God really wants this multiplication, and for good reason, the number of the elect is so small, even in relation to the called ones who fall along the way, that the greater the number of his creatures, the more among them he will be able to find and select his elect; because according to the precision noted in Dan.7:9, the proportion is one million chosen for ten billion called, or 1 for 10,000.

Gen.9:8: “ God spoke again to Noah and to his sons with him, saying:

God addresses the four men because giving domination to the male representative of the human species, they will be held responsible for what they have allowed to be done by the women and children who are placed under their authority. Domination is a mark of confidence offered by God to men but it makes them entirely responsible before his face and his judgment.

Gen.9:9: “ Behold, I establish my covenant with you, and with your descendants after you; »

It is important for us today to realize that we are that “ seed ” with whom God has established his “ covenant ”. Modern life and its attractive inventions change nothing about our human origins. We are the heirs of the new beginning that God gave to humanity after the terrible flood. The covenant established with Noah and his three sons is specific. It commits God to no longer destroy all of humanity with the waters of the flood. After it will come the alliance that God will establish with Abraham, which will be fulfilled in its two successive aspects focused, literally in time and spiritually, on the redemptive ministry of Jesus Christ. This alliance will be fundamentally individual like the status of salvation which is in question. During the 16 centuries which will precede his first coming, God will reveal his plan of salvation through the religious rites ordered to the Hebrew people. Then, after the accomplishment in Jesus Christ of this plan revealed in all its light, for approximately another 16 centuries infidelity will succeed fidelity and for 1260 years, the darkest darkness will reign under the aegis of popery Roman. Since the year 1170, when Peter Valdo was able to once again practice the pure and faithful Christian faith with the observation of the true Sabbath included, less enlightened elected officials were, after him, selected in the work of the Reformation engaged but not completed. Also, it was only from 1843 that, through a double test of faith, God was able to find among the pioneers of Adventism, faithful elect. But it was still too early for them to fully understand the mysteries revealed in his prophecies. The sign of the alliance with God is at all times the bringing and receiving of his light, which is why the work that I am writing in his name, to enlighten his elect, constitutes as a “testimony of Jesus », his last form, the sign that his alliance is very real and confirmed.

Gen.9:10: “ with every living creature that is with you, both birds and cattle and every beast of the earth, whether with all that came out of the ark, or with all the beasts of the earth .”

The alliance presented by God also concerns animals, everything that lives and will multiply on the earth.

Gen.9:11: “ I establish my covenant with you: no more flesh shall be destroyed by the waters of the flood, nor shall there be any more flood to destroy the earth .”

The lesson given by the flood must remain unique. God will now enter into close combat because his goal is to conquer the hearts of his elect.

Gen.9:12: “ And God said, This is the sign of the covenant which I establish between me and you, and every living creature that is with you, for all generations:

This sign that God gives concerns everything that lives, pure and impure. It is not yet the sign of belonging to his person, which the seventh-day Sabbath will be. This sign reminds living beings of the commitment he made to never again destroy them with the waters of the flood; that is its limit.

Gen.9:13: “ I have placed my bow in the clouds, and it will be a sign of the covenant between me and the earth

Science will explain the physical cause of the existence of the rainbow. It is a breakdown of the light spectrum of sunlight that falls on thin layers of water or high humidity. Everyone has noticed that the rainbow appears when it rains and the sun sheds its light rays. The fact remains that the rain is reminiscent of the flood and the sunlight is an image of the appreciable, beneficial and soothing light of God.

Gen.9:14: “ When I gather clouds above the earth, the bow will appear in the clouds; »

Clouds were therefore invented by God to create rain only after the flood and at the same time as the principle of the rainbow. However, in our abominable times, ungodly men and women have distorted and defiled this subject of the rainbow by taking up this symbol of the divine alliance to make it the acronym and emblem of the gathering of sexual perverts. . God must find in this a good reason to strike this odious and disrespectful humanity towards him and the human species. The last signs of his anger will soon appear, burning like fire and destructive like death.

Gen.9:15: “ And I will remember my covenant between me and you, and every living creature of all flesh, and the waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh .”

In reading these words of kindness coming from the mouth of God, I measure the paradox by thinking of the words he can say today because of human perversity which has reached the level of the antediluvians.

God will keep his word, there will be no more flood of water, but for all the rebels, a flood of fire is reserved for the day of judgment; which the apostle Peter reminded us of in 2 Peter 3:7. But before this last judgment, and before the return of Christ, the nuclear fire of the Third World War or "6th trumpet " of Rev.9:13 to 21, will come, in the form of multiple and sinister deadly "mushrooms". , take away the refuges of inequity that the large cities, capitals or not, of planet Earth have become.

Gen.9:16: “ The bow will be in the cloud; and I will look upon it, to remember the everlasting covenant between God and every living creature, even of all flesh that is on the earth.

That time is far from us and it could leave the new representatives of humanity with the great hope of avoiding the errors committed by the antediluvians. But today hope is no longer permitted because the fruit of the antediluvians appears everywhere among us.

Gen.9:17: “ And God said to Noah: This is the sign of the covenant which I establish between me and all flesh that is on the earth .”

God emphasizes the character of this covenant which is established with “all flesh”. This is an alliance that will always concern humanity in the collective sense.

Gen.9:18: “ The sons of Noah, who came out of the ark, were Shem, Ham and Japheth. Ham was the father of Canaan .”

A clarification is given to us: “ Ham was the father of Canaan ”. Remember, Noah and his sons are all giants who remained the size of the antediluvians. Thus, the giants will continue to multiply, in particular in the land of "Canaan", on which the Hebrews leaving Egypt will discover them to their misfortune, since the fear caused by their size will condemn them to wander for 40 years in the desert and die there.

Gen.9:19: “ These are the three sons of Noah, and their descendants populated the whole earth .”

Note that originally, the antediluvians all had a single man for their origin: Adam. The new post-diluvian life is built on three people, Shem, Cham and Japhet. The peoples of their descendants will therefore be separated and divided . Each new birth will be linked to its patriarch, Shem, Ham or Japheth. The spirit of division will rely on these different origins to pit men attached to their ancestral traditions against each other.

Gen.9:20: “ Noah began to cultivate the land, and planted vines .”

This activity, all in all, within normality, will nevertheless have serious consequences. Because at the end of his cultivation, Noah harvests the grapes and the pressed juice having oxidized, he drank alcohol.

Gen.9:21: “ He drank wine and became drunk, and uncovered himself in the middle of his tent. »

By losing control of his actions, Noé believes himself to be alone, he uncovers himself and completely strips himself.

Gen.9:22: “Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and he reported him outside to his two brothers. »

At the time, the human mind was still very sensitive to this nudity discovered by the sinful Adam. And Cham, amused and surely a little mocking, has the bad idea of reporting his visual experience to his two brothers.

Gen.9:23: “ Then Shem and Japheth took the mantle, and put it on their shoulders, and walked backwards, and covered the nakedness of their father; as their faces were turned away, they did not see the nakedness of their father .”

With all necessary precautions, the two brothers covered their father's naked body.

Gen.9:24: “ When Noah awoke from his wine, he heard what his younger son had done to him .”

So the two brothers had to teach him. And this denunciation will excite Noah who feels his honor as a Father violated. He had not voluntarily drunk alcohol and had been the victim of a natural reaction from grape juice which oxidizes over time and whose sugar transforms into alcohol.

Gen.9:25: “ And he said: Cursed be Canaan! Let him be the slave of the slaves of his brothers! »

In fact, this experience only serves as a pretext for the creator God to prophesy about the descendants of Noah's sons. For Canaan himself had nothing to do with the action of his father Ham; he was therefore innocent of his fault. And Noah cursed him, who had done nothing. The established situation begins to reveal to us a principle of God's judgment which appears in the second of his ten commandments read in Exo.20:5: “You shall not bow down to them, nor serve them; for I, Yahweh your God, am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate me .” In this apparent injustice lies all the wisdom of God. Because, think about it, the bond between son and father is natural and the son will always take his father's side when he is attacked; with rare exceptions. If God strikes the father, the son will hate him and defend his father. By cursing the son, Canaan, Noah punishes Ham, the father concerned about the success of his descendants. And Canaan, for his part, will bear with him the consequences of being the son of Ham. He will therefore experience lasting resentment against Noah and the two sons he blesses: Shem and Japheth. We already know that the descendants of Canaan will be destroyed by God to offer Israel, his people freed from Egyptian slavery (another son of Ham: Mizraim), their national territory.

Gen.9:26: “ And he said again: Blessed be YaHWéH, God of Shem, and may Canaan be their slave! »

Noah prophesies over his sons the plan that God has for each of them. So the descendants of Canaan will be slaves to the descendants of Shem. Cham will expand towards the south and populate the African continent up to the current land of Israel. Sem will expand towards the east and the southeast, populating the current Arab Muslim countries. From Chaldea, present-day Iraq, Abraham will emerge a pure Semite. History confirms it, the Africa of Canaan was indeed the slave of the Arabs descended from Shem.

Gen.9:27: “ May God extend the possessions of Japheth, and let him dwell in the tents of Shem, and let Canaan be their slave! »

Japheth will expand north, east and west. For a long time, the north will dominate the south. The Christianized countries of the north will experience technical and scientific development which will allow them to exploit the Arab countries of the south and enslave the peoples of Africa, descendants of Canaan.

Gen.9:28: “ Noah lived after the flood three hundred and fifty years .”

For 350 years, Noah was able to bear witness to the flood to his contemporaries and warn them against the mistakes of the antediluvians.

Gen.9:29: “ All the days of Noah were nine hundred and fifty years; then he died .”

In 1656, the year of the flood from Adam, Noah was 600 years old, so he died in 2006 since Adam's sin, being 950 years old. According to Gen.10:25, at the birth of " Peleg ", in 1757, " the earth was divided ", by God because of the experience of the rebellious rebellion of King Nimrod and his Tower of Babel. The division, or separation, was the consequence of the different languages that God gave to the peoples so that they would separate and no longer form a united block before his face and his will. Noah therefore experienced the event and he was at that time 757 years old.


When Noah died, Abram was already born (in 1948, 2052 years before the death of Jesus Christ located in the year 30 of our common false calendar), but he was in Ur, in Chaldea, away from Noah who lived to the north towards Mount Ararat.

Born in 1948, when his father Térach was 70 years old, Abram left Haran, to respond to God's order, at the age of 75 in 2023, i.e., 17 years after the death of Noah in 2006. The spiritual relay of the alliance is thus assured and accomplished.

Aged 100, in 2048, Abram becomes father of Isaac. He died aged 175 in 2123.

Aged 60, in 2108, Isaac became the father of twins Esau and Jacob, according to Gen.25:26.




Genesis 10


The separation of peoples


This chapter introduces us to the descendants of Noah's three sons. This revelation will be useful because in his prophecies, God will always refer to the original names of the territories concerned. Some of these names are easily identifiable as current names because they have preserved the main roots, examples: “ Madai ” for Mede, “ Tubal ” for Tobolsk, “ Meshech ” for Moscow.

Gen.10:1: “ These are the descendants of the sons of Noah, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Sons were born to them after the flood. »

The sons of Japheth

Gen.10:2: “ The sons of Japheth were: Gomer, Magog, Madai, Javan, Tubal, Meshech and Tiras . »

Madai ” is Media; “ Javan ”, Greece; “ Tubal ”, Tobolsk, “ Meshech ”, Moscow.

Gen.10:3: “ The sons of Gomer: Ashkenaz, Riphat and Togarmah. »

Gen.10:4: “ The sons of Javan: Elisha, Tarshish, Kittim and Dodanim. »

Tarshish ” means Tarsus; “ Kittim ”, Cyprus.

Gen.10:5: “ By them the islands of the nations were populated according to their lands, according to their language , according to their families, according to their nations. »

The expression " the islands of nations " refers to the western nations of present-day Europe and their large extensions such as the Americas and Australia.

The precision “ according to each person’s language ” will find its explanation in the experience of the Tower of Babel revealed in Gen.11.


The sons of Ham

Gen.10:6: “ The sons of Ham were: Cush, Mizraim, Puth and Canaan. »

Cush designates Ethiopia; “ Mitzraim ”, Egypt; “ Puth ”, Libya; and “ Canaan ”, present-day Israel or ancient Palestine.

Gen.10:7: “ The sons of Cush: Sheba, Havilah, Sabta, Raema and Sabteca. The sons of Raema: Seba and Dedan. »

Gen.10:8: Cush also begat Nimrod; it was he who began to be powerful on earth. »

This king “ Nimrod ” will be the builder of the “ Tower of Babel ”, cause of the separation of languages by God which separate and isolate men into peoples and nations according to Gen.11.

Gen.10:9: “ He was a valiant hunter before YaHWéH; therefore it is said: Like Nimrod, a valiant hunter before YaHWéH. »

Gen.10:10: “ He first reigned over Babel, Erech, Accad, and Calneh, in the land of Shinar. »

Babel ” designates ancient Babylon; “ Accad ”, the ancient Akkadia and the current city Baghdad; “ Shinear ”, Iraq.

Gen.10:11: “ Out of that land came Ashur; he built Nineveh, Rehoboth Hir, Calach,

Assur ” refers to Assyria. “ Nineveh ” became what is now Mosul.

Gen.10:12: “ and Resen between Nineveh and Calah; it's the big city. »

These three cities were located in present-day Iraq in the north and along the “Tiger” River.

Gen.10:13: “ Mitzraim begot the Ludim, the Anamim, the Lehabim, the Naphtuhim,

Gen.10:14: “ the Patrusim, the Casluhim, from whom came the Philistines, and the Caphtorim. »

The “ Philistines ” designate the current Palestinians, still at war against Israel as in the old alliance. They are the sons of Egypt, another historical enemy of Israel until 1979 when Egypt made an alliance with Israel.

Gen.10:15: “ Canaan begat Sidon his firstborn, and Heth; »

Gen.10:16: “ and the Jebusites, and the Amorites, and the Girgashites,

Jebus ” designates Jerusalem; the “ Amorites ” were the first inhabitants of the territory given by God to Israel. Although they remained in the giant norm, God put them to death and wiped them out by poisonous hornets in front of his people to free up the place.

Gen.10:17: “ the Hivites, the Arkites, the Sinites,

Sin ” refers to China.

Gen.10:18: “ the Arvadians, the Zemarites, the Hamathites. Then the families of the Canaanites were scattered. »

Gen.10:19: “ The boundaries of the Canaanites were from Sidon, on the side of Gerar, to Gaza, and on the side of Sodom, Gomorrah, Admah and Zeboim, as far as Lesha. »

These ancient names demarcate the land of Israel on the west side from the north where Sidon is to the south where present-day Gaza is still located, and on the east side from the south, according to the establishment of Sodom and Gomorrah on the site of the “dead sea” , to the north where Zeboim is located.

Gen.10:20: “ These are the sons of Ham, according to their families, according to their tongues, according to their countries, according to their nations. »


The sons of Shem

Gen.10:21: “ Sons also were born to Shem, the father of all the sons of Heber, and brother of Japheth the elder. »

Gen.10:22: “ The sons of Shem were: Elam, Assur, Arpacshad, Lud and Aram. »

Elam ” designates the ancient Persian people of present-day Iran, as well as the Aryans of northern India; “ Assur ”, ancient Assyria of present-day Iraq; “ Lud ”, perhaps Lod in Israel; “ Aram ”, the Arameans of Syria.

Gen.10:23: “ The sons of Aram: Uz, Hul, Geter and Mash. »

Gen.10:24: “ Arpachshad begat Shelach; and Shelach begat Heber. »

Gen.10:25: “ To Heber two sons were born: the name of one was Peleg, because in his days the land was divided , and the name of his brother was Jokthan. »

We find in this verse the precision: “ because in his time the earth was divided ”. We owe to him the possibility of dating, in the year 1757 of Adam's sin, the separation of languages resulting from the attempt at rebellious unification by the raising of the Tower of Babel. It is therefore the time of the reign of King Nimrod.

Gen.10:26: “ Jokthan begat Almodad, Sheleph, Hazarmaveth, Jerah,

Gen.10:27: “ Hadoram, Uzal, Diklah,

Gen.10:28: “ Obal, Abimael, Sheba,

Gen.10:29: “ Ophir, Havilah and Jobab. All these were sons of Jokthan. »

Gen.10:30: “ They dwelt from Mesha, on the side of Sephar, even to the mountain of the east. »

Gen.10:31: “ These are the sons of Shem, according to their families, according to their tongues, according to their countries, according to their nations. »

Gen.10:32: “ These are the families of the sons of Noah, according to their generations, according to their nations. And from them came the nations that spread over the earth after the flood . »




Genesis 11


Separation by Languages


Gen.11:1: “ All the earth had one language and the same words .

God recalls here the logical consequence of the fact that all humanity descends from a single couple: Adam and Eve. The spoken language was therefore transmitted to all descendants.

Gen.11:2: “ As they departed from the east, they found a plain in the land of Shinar, and they dwelt there .

To the “east” of the country of “Shinear” in present-day Iraq was present-day Iran. Leaving higher areas, the men gather in a plain, well watered by the two great rivers, “the Euphrates and the Tigris” (Hebrew: Phrat and Hiddekel) and fertile. In his time, Lot, Abraham's nephew, also chose this place to settle there, when he separated from his uncle. The great plain will favor the construction of a large city, “ Babel ”, which will remain famous until the end of the world.

Gen.11:3: “ They said one to another, Come! Let's make bricks, and bake them in the fire. And the brick served them as stone, and the bitumen served them as cement .

The men gathered no longer live in tents, they discover the manufacture of fired bricks which make it possible to erect permanent housing constructions. This discovery is at the origin of all cities. During their slavery in Egypt, the manufacture of these bricks, to build Ramses for the Pharaoh, will be the cause of the Hebrews' suffering. With the difference that their bricks will not be baked in a fire, but made of earth and straw, they will be dried in the burning sun of Egypt.

Gen.11:4: “ And they said again, Let us go! Let us build ourselves a city and a tower whose top reaches to heaven , and let us make a name for ourselves, so that we will not be scattered over the face of all the earth .

The sons of Noah and his descendants lived scattered across the earth, as nomads, and always in tents adapted to their travels. God targets in this revelation the moment when for the first time in human history, men decide to settle in a place and in permanent dwellings, thus constituting the first sedentary people. And this first gathering leads them to unite to try to escape the separation which gives rise to arguments, fights and deaths. They learned from Noah the wickedness and violence of the antediluvians; to the point that God had to destroy them. And to better control the risk of making the same mistakes again, they think that by gathering closely in one place, they will succeed in avoiding this violence. The saying goes: there is strength in numbers. Since the time of Babel, all the great rulers and the great dominations have based their strength on union and gathering. The previous chapter cited King Nimrod who was, apparently, the first unifying leader of humanity of his time, precisely, by building Babel and its tower.

The text specifies: “ a tower whose top touches the sky ”. This idea of “touching heaven” indicates the intention of joining God in heaven to show him that men can do without him and that they have ideas to avoid and resolve their problems themselves. It is nothing more and nothing less than a challenge to the creator God.

Gen.11:5: “ Yahweh came down to see the city and the tower that the sons of men were building .

It is only an image which reveals to us that God knows the project of a humanity animated again by rebellious thoughts.

Gen.11:6: “ And YaHWéH said: Behold, they are one people, and all have one language, and this is what they have undertaken; now nothing would stop them from doing everything they planned .

The situation at the time of Babel is envied by contemporary universalists who dream of this ideal: forming a single people and speaking a single language. And our universalists, like those Nimrod had gathered, don't care what God thinks on this subject. However, in 1747 since Adam's sin, God has spoken and expressed his opinion. As his words indicate, the idea of the human project does not please him and annoys him. However, there is no question of annihilating them again. But let us note that God does not dispute the effectiveness of the approach of rebellious humanity. She has only one drawback and it is for him: the more they gather together, the more they reject him, no longer serve him, or worse, serve false deities before his face.

Gen.11:7: “ Come on! Let us go down, and there let us confuse their language, so that they no longer hear each other's language . "

God has his solution: “ let us confuse their language, so that they no longer hear each other’s language .” This action aims to bring about a divine miracle. In an instant, the men express themselves in different languages and no longer understanding each other, they are forced to move away from each other. The desired unit is broken . The separation of men, the theme of this study, is still there, well accomplished.

Gen.11:8: “ And Yahweh scattered them from there on the face of all the earth; and they stopped building the city .

Those who speak the same language group together and move away from others. It is therefore after this experience “ of languages ” that the people will settle in various places where they will found cities made of stones and bricks. Nations will be formed and to punish their faults, God will be able to set them against each other. “ Babel ’s” attempt to establish universal peace failed.

Gen.11:9: “ Therefore their name was called Babel, because there Yahweh confused the language of all the earth, and from there Yahweh scattered them over the face of all the earth .

The name “Babel” which means “confusion” deserves to be known because it testifies to men how God reacted to their attempt at universal union: “ the confusion of languages ”. The lesson was intended to warn humanity, until the end of the world, since God wanted to reveal this experience in his testimony, dictated to Moses who thus wrote the first books of his holy Bible which we still read today 'today. God thus did not have to use violence against the rebels of that time. But it will not be the same, at the end of the world where, reproducing this universal gathering condemned by God, the last surviving rebels after the Third World War will be destroyed by the glorious return of Jesus Christ. They will then have to deal with “his wrath” having, in addition, made the decision to kill his last chosen ones because they will have remained faithful to his sanctified Sabbath since his creation of the world. The lesson given by God was never observed by mankind and constantly all over the earth great cities were formed until God caused them to be destroyed by other peoples or by large-scale deadly epidemics. .



The descendants of Shem

Towards Abraham the father of believers and current monotheistic religions

Gen.11:10: “ These are the seed of Shem. Shem, aged a hundred years, fathered Arpacchad, two years after the flood .

Son of Shem, Arpacshad was born in 1658 (1656 + 2)

Gen.11:11: “ Shem lived after the birth of Arpacchad five hundred years; and he begat sons and daughters .”

Shem died in 2158 aged 600 (100 + 500)

Gen.11:12: “ Arpacchad, thirty-five years old, became the father of Shelach .

Son of Arpacschad, Schélach was born in 1693 (1658 + 35).

Gen.11:13: “ Arpacchad lived after the birth of Shelach four hundred and three years; and he begat sons and daughters .

Arpacschad died in 2096 aged 438 (35 + 403)

Gen.11:14: “ Shelach, thirty years old, fathered Heber .

Héber was born in 1723 (1693 + 30)

Gen.11:15: “ Shelach lived after the birth of Heber four hundred and three years; and he begat sons and daughters .

Schélach died in 2126 (1723 + 403) aged 433 (30 + 403)

Gen.11:16: “ Heber, thirty-four years old, fathered Peleg .

Péleg was born in 1757 (1723 + 34). At the time of his birth, according to Gen.10:25, " the earth was divided " by the spoken languages created by God to divide and separate the men gathered in Babel.

Gen.11:17: “ After the birth of Peleg, Heber lived four hundred and thirty years; and he begat sons and daughters .

Héber died in 2187 (1757 + 430) aged 464 (34 + 430)

Gen.11:18: “ Peleg, thirty years old, fathered Rehu .

Rehu was born in 1787 (1757 + 30)

Gen.11:19: “ Peleg lived after the birth of Rehu two hundred and nine years; and he begat sons and daughters .

Péleg died in 1996 (1787 + 209) aged 239 (30 + 209). Notes the brutal shortening of life probably due to the rebellion of the Tower of Babel accomplished in his time.

Gen.11:20: “ Rehu, thirty-two years old, fathered Serug .

Serug was born in 1819 (1787 + 32)

Gen.11:21: “ Rehu lived after the birth of Serug two hundred and seven years; and he begat sons and daughters .

Rehu died in 2096 (1819 + 207) aged 239 (32 + 207)

Gen.11:22: “ Serug, thirty years old, fathered Nahor .

Nachor was born in 1849 (1819 + 30)

Gen.11:23: “ Serug lived after the birth of Nahor two hundred years; and he begat sons and daughters .

Serug died in 2049 (1849 + 200) aged 230 (30 + 200)

Gen.11:24: “ Nahor, twenty-nine years old, fathered Terah .

Térach was born in 1878 (1849 + 29)

Gen.11:25: “ After the birth of Terah, Nahor lived a hundred and nineteen years; and he begat sons and daughters .

Nachor died in 1968 (1849 + 119) aged 148 (29 + 119)

Gen.11:26: “ Terah, seventy years old, fathered Abram, Nahor and Haran .

Abram was born in 1948 (1878 + 70)

Abram will have his first legitimate son, Isaac, when he is 100 years old, in 2048 , according to Gen.21:5: “ Abraham was a hundred years old when his son Isaac was born .”

Abram will die in 2123 aged 175 , according to Gen.25:7: “ These are the days of the years of Abraham's life: he lived one hundred and seventy-five years » .

Gen.11:27: “ These are the descendants of Terah. Terah fathered Abram, Nahor and Haran. Haran begot Lot .

Note that Abram is the eldest of Terah's three sons. It is therefore he who was born when his father Terah was 70 years old, as specified in verse 26 above.

Gen.11:28: “ And Haran died in the presence of Terah his father, in the land of his birth, in Ur of the Chaldees .

This death explains why Lot will later accompany Abram on his travels. Abram took him under his protection.

It was in Ur in Chaldea that Abram was born and it was in Babylon in Chaldea that rebellious Israel would be led into captivity at the time of the prophet Jeremiah and the prophet Daniel.

Gen.11:29: " Abram and Nahor took wives: the name of Abram's wife was Sarai, and the name of Nahor's wife was Milcah, the daughter of Haran, the father of Milcah and the father of Jiscah . "

The alliances of this time are very consanguineous: Nachor married Milcah, the daughter of his brother Haran. It was the norm and obedience to a duty which was intended to preserve the purity of the race of the descendants. In turn, Isaac will send his servant to find a wife for his son Isaac in the close family of Laban the Aramaic.

Gen.11:30: “ Sarai was barren: she had no children .

This sterility will allow the creator God to reveal his creative power; this by making her capable of giving birth to a child when she will be almost a hundred years old like her husband Abram. This sterility was necessary on a prophetic level, because Isaac is presented as the type of the new Adam that Jesus Christ will incarnate in his time; both men were in their time the “ sons of the divine promise”. It is therefore, always because of his prophetic role as “son of God” that he will not choose his wife himself, because in Jesus flesh, it is God who chooses his apostles and his disciples, namely, the Father Spirit who is in him and who animates him.

Gen.11:31: “ Terah took Abram his son, and Lot the son of Haran, his son's son, and Sarai his daughter-in-law, the wife of Abram his son. They went together from Ur of the Chaldees to the land of Canaan. They came to Haran, and they dwelt there .

The entire family, including Abram, settled in the north of the country, in Charan. This first movement leads them to get closer to the place of the birth of humanity. They separate themselves from the large cities, already very populated and already very rebellious, from the fertile and prosperous plain.

Gen.11:32: “ The days of Terah were two hundred and five years; and Terah died in Haran .

Born in 1878, Térach died aged 205 in 2083.


At the end of the study of this chapter, let us note that the project to reduce life expectancy to 120 years is well on its way to success. Between the “600 years” of Shem and the “148 years” of Nahor or the “175 years” of Abraham, the shortening of life is obvious. About 4 centuries later, Moses will live for exactly 120 years. The number cited by God will be obtained as a completed model.


In the experience lived by Abraham, God shows what he himself is ready to do to redeem the lives of his elect whom he selects from among all his human creatures according to whether they preserve his image of him. In this historical scene, Abraham is God in Father, Isaac, God in Son and the fulfillment will be made in Jesus Christ and on his voluntary sacrifice the new covenant will be born.



Genesis 12


Separation from Earthly Family


Gen.12:1: “ Yahweh said to Abram: Go from your country, from your fatherland, and from your father's house, to the land that I will show you .”

On God's order, Abram is going to leave his earthly family, his father's house, and we must see in this order the spiritual meaning that God gave in Gen.2:24, to his words which said: “ C 'Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother, and shall cleave unto his wife, and they shall become one flesh .' Abram must “ leave his father and mother ” to enter the prophetic spiritual role of Christ for whom only the “Bride ,” his assembly of elect, counts. Carnal bonds are obstacles to spiritual advancement that the elect must avoid, in order to succeed in making, in a symbolic image, “ one flesh ” with Jesus Christ the creator God YaHWéH.

Gen.12:2: “ I will make you a great nation, and I will bless you; I will make your name great, and you will be a source of blessing .”

Abram will become the first of the Patriarchs of the Bible, recognized by monotheists as the “father of believers”. He is also in the Bible, the first servant of God whose details of his life will be followed and revealed at length.

Gen.12:3: “ I will bless those who bless you, and those who curse you I will curse; and all the families of the earth will be blessed in you .”

Abram's travels and encounters will provide proof of this and already in Egypt when Pharaoh wanted to sleep with Sarai, believing that she was his sister according to what Abram said to protect his life. In a vision, God let him know that Sarah was the wife of a prophet and he almost died.

The second part of this verse, " all the families of the earth will be blessed in you ", will find its fulfillment in Jesus Christ, son of David of the tribe of Judah, son of Israel, son of Isaac, son of Abram. It is on Abram that God will build his two successive alliances which present the standards of his salvation. Because these standards had to evolve to move from the symbolic type to the real type; according to whether sinful man lives before Christ or after him.

Gen.12:4: “ Abram went, as YaHWéH had told him, and Lot went with him. Abram was seventy-five years old when he came out of Haran .

At 75 years old, Abram already has a long experience of life. We must acquire this experience to listen to and seek God; which is done after discovering the curses of humanity separated from him. If God called him, it is because Abram was looking for him, so when God reveals himself to him, he hastens to obey him. And this salutary obedience will be confirmed and reminded to his son Isaac in this verse cited in Gen.26:5: " because Abraham obeyed my voice, and kept my orders, my commandments, my statutes and my laws .” Abram could only have kept these things if God presented them to him. This testimony from God reveals to us that many things not mentioned in the Bible have been accomplished. The Bible only presents us with a summary of the long existences of human lives. And a man's life of 175 years, only God can say what she lived minute by minute, second by second, but for us, a summary of the essential is enough.

Thus, the blessing of God given to Abram rests on his obedience, and all our study of the Bible and its prophecies would be in vain if we did not understand the importance of this obedience because Jesus Christ gave us his as an example saying in John 8:29: “ He who sent me is with me; he has not left me alone, because I always do what pleases him .” It is the same with anyone; any good relationship is achieved by doing “ what is pleasant ” to the one you want to please. Therefore, faith be it, true religion, is not a complex thing, but a simple type of relationship made pleasing to God and to oneself.

In our end times, the sign that is emerging is that of the disobedience of children towards their parents and towards national authorities. God organizes these things to make adults who are rebellious, ungrateful or indifferent towards him discover what he himself experiences because of their wickedness . Thus, the actions created by God scream much louder than shouts and speeches, to express his righteous indignation and just reproaches.

Gen.12:5: “ Abram took Sarai his wife and Lot his brother's son, with all the goods they had and the servants they had acquired in Haran. They departed to go to the land of Canaan, and they came to the land of Canaan .”

Charan is located northeast of Canaan. Abram therefore goes from Haran to the west then to the south, and he enters Canaan.

Gen.12:6: “ Abram traveled through the land to a place called Shechem, to the oaks of Moreh. The Canaanites were then in the land .”

Should we remember it? “ The Canaanites ” are giants, but then what about Abram himself? For the flood was still very close and Abram could very well have been the size of a giant. Upon entering Canaan, he does not report the presence of these giants, which is logical if he himself is still in this norm. Descending south, Abram crosses present-day Galilee and arrives in present-day Samaria, at Shechem. This land of Samaria will be a place of evangelization favored by Jesus Christ. There, he will find faith in the “Samaritan woman” and her family, to whom, for the first time, to their great surprise, a Jew was allowed to enter.

Gen.12:7: “ Yahweh appeared to Abram, and said: To your descendants I will give this land. And Abram built there an altar to YaHWéH, who had appeared to him .”

God first chose present-day Samaria to show himself to Abram who will sanctify this meeting by building an altar there, a prophetic symbol of the cross of Christ's torture. This choice suggests a link to the future evangelization of the country by Jesus Christ and his apostles. It is from this place that God announces to him that he will give this country to his posterity. But which one, the Jewish or the Christian? Despite the historical facts in favor of the Jews, this promise seems to concern Christ's elect for fulfillment in the new earth; for Christ's elect are also, according to the principle of justification by faith, the seed promised to Abram.

Gen.12:8: “ He moved from there to the mountain east of Bethel, and he pitched his tents, having Bethel on the west and Ai on the east. He also built an altar there to YaHWéH, and he called on the name of YaHWéH .”

Descending south, Abram camped in the mountains between Bethel and Ai. God specifies the orientation of the two cities. Bethel means "house of God" and Abram places it on the west, in the orientation which will be given to the tabernacle and the temple of Jerusalem, so that when entering towards the holiness of God, his house, the officiants turn his back to the rising sun which rises in the east, the east. In the east is the city Aï whose root means: pile of stone, ruin or hill and monument. God reveals his judgment to us: opposite the entrance of the elect into the house of God are to the east only ruins and piles of stones. In this image, Abram had the two paths to freedom open before him: to the west, Bethel and life or, to the east, Ai and death. Fortunately, he had already chosen life with YaHWéH.

Gen.12:9: “ Abram continued his journeys, advancing toward the south .”

Note that in this first crossing of Canaan, Abram does not go to “Jebus”, the name of the future city of David: Jerusalem, which is thus totally ignored by him.

Gen.12:10: “ There was a famine in the land; and Abram went down to Egypt to sojourn there, because the famine was great in the land .”

As would be the case, at the time when Joseph son of Jacob, Israel, became the first vizier of Egypt, it was the famine that brought Abram to Egypt. The experiences he had there are recounted in the rest of the verses of this chapter.

Abram is a peaceful and even fearful man. Fearing being killed to take his wife Saraï who was very beautiful, he resolved to present her as his sister, a half-truth. By this stratagem, Pharaoh pleased him and covered him with goods which will give him wealth and power. This obtained, God strikes Pharaoh with plagues and he learns that Sarai is his wife. He then chases Abram who leaves Egypt rich and powerful. This experience prophesies the stay of the Hebrews who, after having been the slaves of Egypt, will leave it taking its gold and its riches. And this power will soon be very useful to him.



Genesis 13


Abram's separation from Lot


Returning from Egypt, Abram, his family and Lot, his nephew, returned to Bethel to the place where he had set up an altar to invoke God. While they are all in this place between Bethel and Ai be, between “the house of God” and the “ruin”. Following quarrels between their servants, Abram separates from Lot to whom he gives the choice of the direction he wishes to take. And Lot took the opportunity to choose the plain and its fertility promising prosperity. Verse 10 states: “ Lot lifted up his eyes and saw the whole plain of the Jordan, which was completely watered. Before Yahweh destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah, it was as far as Zoar a garden of the Lord, like the land of Egypt . In doing so, he chooses “ruin” and will discover it when God strikes with fire and sulfur the cities of this valley today partly covered by the “Dead Sea”; punishment from which he will escape with his two daughters, thanks to the mercy of God who will send two angels to warn him and make him leave Sodom where he will live. We read in verse 13: “ The people of Sodom were wicked, and great sinners against YaHWéH .”

Abram therefore remains, near Bethel, “the house of God” in the mountain.

Gen.13:14 to 18: “ Yahweh said to Abram, after Lot had separated from him: Lift up your eyes, and from where you are, look toward the north and the south, toward the east and the West; for all the land that you see I will give to you and to your descendants forever. I will make your seed as the dust of the earth , so that if anyone can number the dust of the earth , your seed also will be numbered. Get up, travel the length and breadth of the land; for I will give it to you . Abram pitched his tents, and came to dwell among the oaks of Mamre, which are near Hebron. And he built there an altar to YaHWéH .”

Having left the choice to Lot, Abram receives the portion that God wants to give him and there again, he renews his blessings and his promises. The comparison of his “ seed ” with the “ dust of the earth ”, origin and end of the human soul, body and spirit, according to Gen.2:7, will be confirmed by that of the “ stars of heaven ” in Gen.15: 5.



Genesis 14


Separation by power


Four kings from the east come to make war against the five kings of the valley where Sodom is located, in which Lot lives. The five kings are beaten and taken prisoner as well as Lot. Warned, Abram comes to his aid and frees all the captive hostages. Let us note the interest of the verse which follows.

Gen.14:16: “ He brought back all the riches; he also brought back Lot, his brother, with his goods, as well as the women and the people .”

In reality, it was only for Lot that Abram intervened. But by recounting the facts, God masks this reality to evoke his reproach towards Lot who made the bad choice of living in the city of the wicked.

Gen.14:17: “ After Abram had returned victorious from Chedorlaomer and from the kings who were with him, the king of Sodom went out to meet him in the valley of Shaweh, which is the valley of the king.

The winner must be thanked. The word “Shavéh” means: plain; precisely, what seduced Lot and influenced his choice.

Gen.14:18: Melchizedek, king of Salem, brought bread and wine: he was priest of the Most High God ”.

This king of Salem was “ priest to the Most High God ”. His name means: “my King is Justice”. His presence and his intervention provide proof of a continuity of worship of the true God on earth since the end of the flood which still remains very present in the thoughts of men of Abram's time. But these worshipers of the true God know nothing of the saving project that God will reveal through the prophetic experiences lived by Abram and his descendants.

Gen.14:19: “ And he blessed Abram, and said: Blessed be Abram by the Most High God, Lord of heaven and earth! »

The blessing of this official representative of God further confirms the blessing that God gave directly to Abram in person.

Gen.14:20: “ Blessed be the Most High God, who has delivered your enemies into your hand! And Abram gave him a tithe of everything .”

Melchizedek blesses Abram but is careful not to attribute his victory to him; he attributes it to “ the Most High God who delivered his enemies into his hands . And, we have a concrete example of Abram's obedience to the laws of God since he “ gave tithe of everything ” to Melchizedek whose name means: “My King is Justice”. This law of tithing therefore already existed since the end of the flood on earth and probably even before the “flood”.

Gen.14:21: “ The king of Sodom said to Abram: Give me people, and take for yourself the riches .”

The king of Sodom is indebted to Abram who delivered his people. So he wants to pay royally for his service.

Gen.14:22: “ Abram answered the king of Sodom: I lift up my hand to YaHWéH, the Most High God, lord of heaven and earth:

Abram takes advantage of the situation to remind the perverse king of the existence of “ YaHWéH the Most High God ”, the unique “ Master of heaven and earth ”; which makes him the sole owner of all the wealth that the king obtains through his wickedness.

Gen.14:23: “ I will not take anything that is yours, not even a thread, nor a shoestring, so that you do not say: I have made Abram rich. Nothing for me ! »

In this attitude, Abram testifies to the king of Sodom that he only came to this war to save his nephew Lot. Abram condemns like God this king who lives in evil, perversion and violence. And he makes this clear to him by refusing his unworthily obtained riches.

Gen.14:24: “ Only what the young men ate, and the portion of the men who walked with me, Aner, Eshcol, and Mamre: they will take their portion .”

But this choice of Abram concerns only him, the man servant of God, and his servants can take their share of the riches offered.



Genesis 15


Separation by Covenant


Gen.15:1: “ After these events the word of Yahweh came to Abram in a vision, and he said: Abram, do not be afraid; I am your shield, and your reward will be very great .”

Abram is a peaceful man who lives in a brutal world, also in a vision God, his friend YaHWéH, comes to reassure him: “I am your shield, and your reward will be very great ”.

Gen.15:2: “ Abram answered: Lord YaHWéH, what will you give me? I am going without children; and the heir of my house is Eliezer of Damascus .”

For a long time, Abram has suffered from not having been able to be a father because of the sterility of Sarai, his legitimate wife. And he knows that when he dies, a close relative will inherit his property: “ Eliezer of Damascus ”. Let us note in passing how old this city “ Damascus ” in Syria is.

Gen.15:3: “ And Abram said, Behold, thou hast given me no seed, and he that is born in my house shall be my heir .”

Abram does not understand the promises made for his posterity since he does not have any, being childless.

Gen.15:4: “ Then the word of Yahweh came to him: He will not be your heir, but he who comes from your body will be your heir .”

God tells him that he will truly become the father of a child.

Gen.15:5: “ And when he had brought him out, he said, Look toward heaven, and number the stars, if you can number them. And he said unto him: This shall be thy seed .”

On the occasion of this vision given to Abram, God reveals to us a symbolic key to the meaning he gives spiritually to the word “ star ”. Originally cited in Gen.1:15, “ the star ” has the role of “ lighting the earth ” and this role is already that of Abram whom God called and set apart for this purpose, but it will also be that of all believers who will claim his faith and his service for God. Note that according to Dan.12:3, the status of “stars ” will be given to the elect upon their entry into eternity: “ Those who are intelligent will shine like the splendor of heaven, and those who teach righteousness , to the multitude will shine like the stars, forever and ever .” The image of the “star ” is simply ascribed to them because of their selection by God.

Gen.15:6: “ Abram trusted in YaHWéH, who counted it to him as righteousness .”

This verse course constitutes the official element of the definition of faith and the principle of justification by faith. Because faith is nothing other than enlightened, justified and dignified trust. Trust in God is only legitimate in enlightened knowledge of his will and of all that is pleasing to him, without which it becomes illegitimate. Trusting God is believing that He blesses only those who obey Him, following the example of Abram and the perfect example of Jesus Christ.

This judgment of God on Abram prophesies the one that he will bring to all those who will act like him, in the same obedience to the divine truth proposed and demanded in their time.

Gen.15:7: “ Yahweh said to him again: I am yahweh, who brought you out of Ur of the Chaldeans, to give you this land to possess .”

As a preamble to the presentation of his covenant with Abram, God reminds Abram that he brought him out of Ur of the Chaldees. This formula is modeled on the presentation of the first of God's “ten commandments” cited in Exo.20:2: “ I am YaHWéH, your God, who brought you out of the land of Egypt, from the house of bondage ” .

Gen.15:8: “ Abram answered: Lord YaHWéH, by what shall I know that I will possess it? »

Abram asks YaHWéH for a sign.

Gen.15:9: “ And YaHWéH said to him: Take a heifer three years old, a goat three years old, a ram three years old, a turtledove and a young dove .”

Gen.15:10: “ Abram took all these animals, cut them in the middle, and placed each piece one opposite the other; but he did not share the birds .

God's response and Abram's action require explanation. This sacrificial ceremony is based on the idea of sharing which concerns the two parties who engage in an alliance, that is: let's share together. The animals cut in the middle symbolize the body of Christ which, being one, will be shared spiritually between God and his elect. The sheep are the image of man and of Christ but the birds do not have this image of the man that will be the Christ sent by God. This is why, as a heavenly symbol, they appear in the covenant but are not cut off. Jesus' atonement for sin will be propitious only to the earthly elect, not to the heavenly angels.

Gen 15:11: “ The birds of prey fell on the carcasses; and Abram drove them out .”

In the project prophesied by God, only the corpses of the wicked and rebels will be delivered as food to the birds of prey at the return in glory of Christ the savior. In the end time, this fate will not concern those who make a covenant with God in Christ and by his laws. Because the corpses of animals thus exposed are of very great holiness for God and for Abram. Abram's gesture is justified because the facts must not contradict the prophecy which concerns the future and final fate of the holiness of Christ.

Gen.15:12: “ At sunset a deep sleep fell upon Abram; and, behold, fear and great darkness came upon him .”

This sleep is not normal. It is a “ deep sleep ”, like the one into which God plunged Adam to form a woman, his “ help ”, from one of his ribs. As part of the alliance he makes with Abram, God will reveal to him the prophetic meaning given to this “ help ” which will be the object of God's love in Christ. In fact, only in appearance, God causes him to die to enter his eternal presence, thus anticipating his entry into eternal life, that is, into true life, according to the principle that no man can see God and live.

The “ great darkness ” means that God makes him blind to earthly life to construct in his mind virtual images of a prophetic nature, including the appearance and presence of God himself. Thus plunged into darkness, Abram feels a legitimate “ fear ”. Furthermore, it underlines the formidable character of the creator God who speaks to him.

Gen.15:13: “ And YaHWéH said to Abram: Know that your descendants will be strangers in a land that will not be theirs; they will be enslaved there, and they will be oppressed for four hundred years .”

God announces to Abram the future, the destiny reserved for his descendants.

“… your descendants will be strangers in a land that will not be theirs ”: this is Egypt.

“… they will be enslaved there ”: at the change of a new Pharaoh who had not known Joseph, the Hebrew who became grand vizier of his predecessor. This enslavement will be accomplished in the time of Moses.

“… and they will be oppressed for four hundred years ”: This is not just Egyptian oppression, but more broadly the oppression that will affect the descendants of Abram until they have possessions in Canaan. , their national land promised by God.

Gen.15:14: “ But I will judge the nation to which they serve, and then they will come out with great riches .”

The targeted nation this time is only Egypt, which they will leave, effectively taking all its wealth. Note that in this verse, God does not attribute to Egypt the “oppression” cited in the previous verse. This confirms the fact that the “ four hundred years ” mentioned do not apply to Egypt alone.

Gen.15:15: “ You will go in peace to your fathers, you will be buried after a happy old age .”

Everything will happen as God told him. He will be buried in Hebron in the cave of Machpelah on land purchased by Abram during his lifetime from a Hittite.

Gen.15:16: “ In the fourth generation they will return here; for the iniquity of the Amorites is not yet at its height .”

Among these Amorites, the Hittites have good relations with Abram whom they consider to be a representative of the great God. So they agree to sell him the land for his tomb. But in “ four generations ” or “ four hundred years ”, the situation will be different and the Canaanite peoples will have reached the threshold of rebellion not supported by God and they will all be annihilated to leave their land to the Hebrews who will make it their national soil. .

To better understand this disastrous project for the Canaanites, we must remember that Noah had cursed Canaan who was the first son of his son Ham. The promised land was therefore populated by this descendant of Ham cursed by Noah and by God. Their destruction was only a matter of time appointed by God to accomplish His purposes on earth.

Gen.15:17: “ When the sun had set, there was deep darkness; and behold, it was a smoking furnace, and flames passed between the divided animals .”

In this ceremony, fire lit by man is prohibited. For daring to transgress this principle, Aaron's two sons will one day be consumed by God. Abram had asked God for a sign and it came in the form of celestial fire which passed between the animals cut in two. This is how God testifies for his servants such as the prophet Elijah before the prophets of the Baals supported by the foreign queen and wife of King Ahab, named Jezebel. Its altar drowned in water, the fire sent by God will consume the altar and the water prepared by Elijah, but the altar of the false prophets will be ignored by its fire.

Gen.15:18: “ In that day Yahweh made a covenant with Abram, and said, To your descendants I give this land, from the river of Egypt to the great river, the river Euphrates,

At the end of this chapter 15, this verse confirms, its main subject is indeed that of the alliance which separates the elect from other men so that they share this alliance with God and serve him.

The boundaries of the land promised to the Hebrews  exceed those that the nation will occupy after the conquest of Canaan. But God includes in his offer the immense deserts of Syria and Arabia which join the “Euphrates ” towards the east as well as the desert of Shur which separates “ Egypt ” from Israel. Between these deserts, the promised land takes on the appearance of a garden of God.

In prophetic spiritual reading, the " rivers " symbolize peoples, so God can prophesy about the posterity of Abram be, about Christ who will find his worshipers and his elect beyond Israel and Egypt, at the west in "Europe" symbolized in Revelation 9:14 under the name of the " great river Euphrates ".

Gen.15:19: “ the land of the Kenites, of the Kenizzites, of the Kadmonites,

Gen.15:20: “ of the Hittites, of the Perizzites, of the Rephaim,

Gen.15:21: “ of the Amorites, and the Canaanites, and the Girgashites, and the Jebusites .”

In the time of Abram, these names designate the families gathered in cities which make up and populate the land of Canaan. Among them, are the Rephaim who will have preserved more than the others the giant standard of the antediluvians when Joshua took the territory “ four generations ” or “ four hundred years ” later.

Abram is the patriarch of the two covenants of God's plan. His descent through the flesh will generate numerous descendants who will be born into the people chosen by God, but not elected by him. As a result, this first alliance based on the flesh distorts his saving project and confuses his understanding, because salvation will only rest on the act of faith in the two alliances. Circumcision of the flesh did not save the Hebrew man even though it was required by God. What enabled him to be saved was his obedient works which revealed and confirmed his faith and trust in God. And it is the same thing that conditions salvation in the new covenant, in which faith in Christ is made alive by the works of obedience to the commandments, ordinances and divine principles revealed by God, throughout the Bible. In a fulfilled relationship with God, the teaching of the letter is illuminated by the intelligence of the spirit; this is why Jesus said: “ the letter kills, but the Spirit gives life ”.



Genesis 16


Separation by legitimacy


Gen.16:1: “ Sarai, Abram's wife, bore him no children. She had an Egyptian servant named Hagar .

Gen.16:2: “ And Sarai said to Abram, Behold, YaHWéH has made me barren; come, I pray you, to my servant; perhaps I will have children through her. Abram listened to the voice of Sarai .”

Gen.16:3: “ So Sarai, Abram's wife, took Hagar the Egyptian, her maid, and gave her to wife to Abram her husband, after Abram had dwelt ten years in the land of Canaan ” .

It is easy for us to criticize this unfortunate choice due to Saraï's initiative but look at the situation as it presented itself to the blessed couple.

God had told Abram that a child would be born from his womb. But he did not tell him about Sarai his wife who was barren. Furthermore, Abram did not question his Creator for details on his announcements. He was waiting for God to speak to him according to his sovereign will. And there, we must understand that this lack of explanation was precisely intended to provoke this human initiative by which God creates an illegitimate counterpart in terms of the promise of blessing, but useful, to place in front of of the future Israel built on Isaac, a warlike and protesting competition, adversary and even enemy. God understood that in addition to the two paths, good and evil placed before man's choices, "the carrot and the stick" were as necessary as each other, to move the "donkey" forward. » recalcitrant. The birth of Ishmael, also the son of Abram, will promote the formation of the Arab staff until its last form in history, religious, Islam (submission; a height for this naturally and hereditarily rebellious people).

Gen.16:4: “ He went to Hagar, and she conceived. When she saw herself pregnant, she looked at her mistress with contempt .

This contemptuous attitude of Hagar, the Egyptian towards her mistress, still characterizes the Arab Muslim peoples today. And in doing so, they are not entirely wrong because the Western world has disregarded the immense privilege of having been evangelized in the name of the divine Christ Jesus. So that this false Arab religion continues to proclaim that God is great when the West has erased him from the registers of its thoughts.

The image given in this verse depicts the exact situation of our end time, because Western Christianity, even distorted, like Sarai no longer bears sons and it sinks into the spiritual sterility of darkness. And the saying goes: in the land of the blind, the one-eyed are kings.

Gen.16:5: “ And Sarai said to Abram: The insult that has been done to me is upon you. I have placed my servant in your bosom; and when she saw that she was pregnant, she looked at me with contempt. Let Yahweh be judge between me and you! »

Gen.16:6: “ Abram said to Sarai, Behold, your maidservant is in your power; deal with her as you see fit. Then Sarai mistreated her; and Hagar fled from her .”

Abram assumes his responsibility, and he does not blame Sarai for being the inspiration for this illegitimate birth. Thus, from the beginning, legitimacy imposes its law on illegitimacy and following this lesson, from now on marriages will only unite people from the same immediate family until the Israel of the future and its national form obtained after the exit from Israel. Slavery Egypt.

Gen.16:7: “ The angel of YaHWéH found her by a spring of water in the desert, by the spring which is on the way to Shur .”

This direct exchange between God and Hagar is only made possible by virtue of Abram's blessed status. God finds it in the Schur desert which will become the home of nomadic Arabs who live in tents in constant search of food for their sheep and camels. The water source was Hagar's means of survival and she encounters the "spring of the waters of life", which comes to encourage her to accept her status as a servant and her prolific destiny.

Gen.16:8: “ He said, Hagar, handmaid of Sarai, where have you come from, and where are you going? She replied: I am fleeing from Sarai, my mistress .

Hagar answers the two questions: where are you going? Answer: I'm running away. Where do you come from ? Answer: from Sarai, my mistress.

Gen.16:9: “ The angel of YaHWéH said to her: Return to your mistress, and humble yourself under her hand .”

The great judge leaves him no choice, he orders return and humility, because the real problem was indeed caused by the contempt shown to his mistress who, apart from her sterility, remains his legitimate mistress and must be served and respected. .

Gen.16:10: “ The angel of YaHWéH said to him: I will multiply your descendants, and they will be so numerous that they cannot be numbered .”

YaHWéH encourages him by offering him a “carrot”. He promises him a posterity “ so numerous that we cannot count them ”. Make no mistake, this multitude will be carnal and not spiritual. For the oracles of God will be carried until the establishment of the new covenant, only by the Hebrew descendants. But of course, any sincere Arab can enter into God's covenant by accepting His standards written by the Hebrews in the Bible. And since its appearance, the Muslim Koran has not met this criterion. He accuses, criticizes and distorts the biblical truths authenticated by Jesus Christ.

By using for Ishmael the expression already used for Abram, " so numerous that they cannot be counted ", we understand that it is only a question of human proliferations and not of the elect selected for eternal life. The comparisons proposed by God are always subject to conditions that must be met. Example: the “ stars of the sky ” concerns any religious activity which consists of “ illuminating the earth ”. But what light? Only the light of truth legitimized by God makes a “ star ” worthy to “ shine forever ” in the heavens, according to Dan.12:3, because they will have been truly intelligent ” and will have truly taught righteousness » according to God.

Gen.16:11: “ The angel of YaHWéH said to him: Behold, you are with child, and you will give birth to a son, and you will name him Ishmael; for YaHWéH has heard you in your affliction .”

Gen.16:12: “ He will be like a wild donkey; his hand will be against all, and the hand of all will be against him; and he will dwell opposite all his brothers .”

God compares Ishmael, and his Arab descendants, to a “ wild donkey ”, the animal renowned for its recalcitrant and stubborn character; and moreover, brutal since called “ savage ”. He therefore does not allow himself to be tamed, domesticated or coaxed. In short, he does not love and does not let himself be loved, and he carries in his genes an aggressive heredity towards his own brothers and strangers. This judgment established and revealed by God is of great importance, in this time of the end, to understand the punishing role, for God, of the religion of Islam which was fought by false Christianity in times when the Christian “ light ” was only “ darkness ”. Since its return to the soil of its ancestors, Israel has once again become its target, as has the Christian West protected by American power, which they call, without being too mistaken, “the great Satan”. It is true that a small “Satan” can recognize “the big one”.

By giving birth to Ishmael, a name which means "God has heard", the child of the dispute, God creates an additional separation within Abram's family. It adds to the curse of languages created in the Babel experience. But if he prepares the means to punish, it is because he knows in advance the rebellious behavior of humans in his two successive alliances until the end of the world.

Gen.16:13: “ She called Atta El roi the name of YaHWéH who had spoken to her; for she said: Have I seen anything here, after he saw me? »

The name Atta El Roï means: You are the seeing God. But already, this initiative to give God a name is an outrage against his superiority. The rest of this verse translated in many different ways boils down to this thought. Hagar can't believe it. She, the little servant, was the object of the attention of the great creator God who sees destiny and reveals it. After this experience, what can she fear?

Gen 16:14 “ Therefore this well was called the well of Lachai king; it is between Kadès and Bared .”

The earthly places where God has manifested Himself are prestigious but the honors that men pay them are often caused by their idolatrous spirit, which does not reconcile them with Him.

Gen 16:15 “ Hagar bore Abram a son; and Abram gave the name Ishmael to the son whom Hagar bore him .”

Ishmael is indeed Abram's authentic son, and especially his first child to whom he will naturally become attached. But he is not the son of promise announced by God before. Yet chosen by God, the name “ Ishmael ” which is given to him or “ God has heard ” is based on the affliction of Hagar above all, victim of the decisions taken by his mistress and his master. But in the second sense, it is also based on the error of Abram and Sarai of having momentarily believed that this son conceived by Hagar, the Egyptian, was the confirmation, "the fulfillment", and the accomplishment of the announcement of God. The error will have bloody consequences until the end of the world.

God has entered the game of human thought and for him the essential is accomplished: the child of dispute and conflictual separation is alive.

Gen.16:16: Abram was eighty-six years old when Hagar bore Abram Ishmael .”

“Ishmael” was therefore born in 2034 (1948 + 86) when Abram was 86 years old.





Genesis 17

Separation by circumcision: a sign in the flesh


Gen.17:1: “ When Abram was ninety-nine years old, Yahweh appeared to Abram, and said to him: I am God Almighty. Walk before my face, and be blameless .”

In 2047, aged 99 and Ishmael 13, Abram is visited in spirit by God who presents himself to him for the first time as “ Almighty God ”. God is preparing an action that will reveal this “almighty” character. The appearance of God is mainly of the verbal and auditory order because his glory remains invisible but a resembling image of his person can be seen without dying.

Gen.17:2: “ I will establish my covenant between me and you, and I will multiply you endlessly .”

God renews the promise of its multiplication, this time specifying “ to infinity ” be it, like “ the dust of the earth ” and “ the stars of the sky ” that “ no one can count ”.

Gen.17:3: “ Abram fell on his face; and God spoke to him, saying :

Realizing that the one who speaks to him is “Almighty God”, Abram falls on his face so as not to look at God, but he listens to his words which delight his entire soul.

Gen.17:4: “ This is my covenant that I make with you. You will become the father of a multitude of nations . »

The covenant made between God and Abram was reinforced that day: “ You will become the father of a multitude of nations .”

Gen.17:5: “ You will no longer be called Abram; but your name will be Abraham, for I have made you the father of many nations . »

The change of name from Abram to Abraham is decisive and in his time Jesus will do the same by changing the names of his apostles.

Gen.17:6: “ I will make you abundantly fruitful, I will make nations of you; and kings will come out of you . »

Abram is the first father of the Arab nations in Ishmael, in Isaac, he will be the father of the Hebrews, the sons of Israel; and in Midian he will be the father of the descendants of Midian; where Moses will find his wife Zipporah, daughter of Jethro.

Gen.17:7: “ I will establish my covenant between me and you, and your descendants after you, throughout their generations: it will be an everlasting covenant, that I will be God to you and to your descendants after you.

God subtly chooses the words of his covenant which will be “perpetual” but not eternal. This means that the alliance concluded with his carnal descendants will have a limited duration. And this limit will be reached when, in his first coming and his human incarnation, the divine Christ will establish on his voluntary atoning death, the basis of the new alliance which will have eternal consequences.

At this point, it must be realized, all the firstborn humans targeted and named from the beginning lose their legitimacy. This was the case of Cain, firstborn of Adam, of Ishmael, firstborn but illegitimate son of Abram, and after him, it will be the case of Esau firstborn of Isaac. This principle of failure of the firstborn prophesies the failure of the Jewish carnal alliance. The second covenant will be spiritual and will benefit only truly converted pagans, despite the deceptive appearances caused by false human pretensions.

Gen.17:8: “ I will give to you, and to your descendants after you, the land where you live as a foreigner, all the land of Canaan, for a perpetual possession , and I will be their God.

Likewise, the land of Canaan will be given “ in perpetual possession ” as long as God is bound by his covenant. And the rejection of the Messiah Jesus will make it null, also, 40 years after this outrage, the nation and its capital Jerusalem will be destroyed by Roman soldiers, and the surviving Jews will be scattered in the various countries of the world. Because God specifies a condition of the covenant: “ I will be their God ”. Also, when as sent by God, Jesus is officially rejected by the nation, God will be able to break his alliance with complete legitimacy.

Gen.17:9: “ God said to Abraham: You will keep my covenant, you and your descendants after you, throughout their generations .

This verse twists the neck to all these religious pretensions which make God the God of the monotheistic religions assembled in the ecumenical alliance despite their incompatible and opposing teachings. God is only bound by his own words which set out the basis of his covenant, a sort of contract made with those who obey him exclusively. If a man keeps his covenant, he validates and extends it. But man must follow God in his project built on two successive phases; the first being carnal, the second being spiritual. And this passage from the first to the second tests the individual faith of humans, and first of all, that of the Jews. By rejecting Christ, the Jewish nation breaks its covenant with God who opens the door to the pagans, and among whom those who convert to Christ are adopted by him and imputed as spiritual sons to Abraham. Thus, all who keep his covenant are carnally or spiritually sons or daughters of Abraham.

In this verse, we see that Israel, the future nation of that name, has its source in Abraham. God decides to make his descendants a people “set apart” for an earthly demonstration. It is not a question of a saved people, but of the constitution of a human gathering which represents the earthly candidates for the selection of the elect saved by the future grace of God which will be obtained by Jesus Christ.

Gen.17:10: “ This is my covenant, which you shall keep between me and you, and your descendants after you: every male among you shall be circumcised .

Circumcision is a sign of the covenant concluded between God, Abraham and his posterity, his carnal descendants. Its weakness is its collective form which applies to all its descendants, animated by faith or not, obedient or not. On the other hand, in the new alliance, the selection by faith put to the test will be experienced individually by the elect who will then obtain the eternal life at stake in this alliance. We must add to circumcision, an unfortunate consequence: Muslims have also been circumcised since their patriarch Ishmael and they give this circumcision a spiritual value which leads them to claim a right to eternity. However, circumcision only has perpetual, not eternal, carnal effects.

Gen.17:11: “ You shall circumcise yourselves; and it will be a sign of alliance between me and you .

It is indeed a sign of alliance with God but its effectiveness is only carnal and verses 7, 8, and the following verse 13 confirm its only “ perpetual ” application.

Gen.17:12: “ When every male is eight days old, according to your generations, every male among you shall be circumcised, whether he is born in the house, or whether he is bought for money from any son of 'foreigner, without belonging to your race ' .

Something still very surprising, but despite its perpetual nature, it nonetheless constitutes a prophecy which reveals God's project for the 8th millennium . This is the reason for the choice of "eight days", because the first seven days symbolize the earthly time of the selection of the elect of six thousand years and the judgment of the seventh millennium. By organizing, on earth, a close alliance with the Jewish nation and its initial embryo, Abram, God reveals the image of the future eternity of the elect freed from carnal sexual weakness concentrated on the foreskin cut off from males. Then, just as the elect will come from all origins of the peoples of the earth, but only in Christ, in the old covenant, circumcision must be applied even to foreigners when they want to live with the side chosen by God.

The main idea of circumcision is to teach that in God's eternal kingdom men will no longer reproduce and carnal desires will no longer be possible. Furthermore, the apostle Paul compares the circumcision of the flesh in the old covenant with that of the hearts of the elect in the new. In this perspective, it suggests the purity of the flesh and that of the heart which gives itself to Christ.

To circumcise means to cut around and this idea reveals that God wants to establish a unique relationship with his creature. In a “jealous” God, he demands the exclusivity and priority of the love of his elect who must, if necessary, cut off human relationships around them that are harmful to their salvation and break ties with the things and people who harm their relationship with him. As a pedagogical prophetic image, this principle concerns his carnal Israel, first, and his spiritual Israel of all time which is revealed in Jesus Christ in his perfection.

Gen.17:13: “ He who is born in the house and whoever is bought by money must be circumcised; and my covenant will be in your flesh an everlasting covenant » .

God insists on this idea: the legitimate child and the illegitimate child can be attached to him because he thus prophesies the two alliances of his saving project... Then, the insistence marked by the return of the expression " acquired took money ” prophesies Jesus the Christ who will be estimated at 30 denarii by the rebellious religious Jews. And thus, for 30 denarii, God will offer his human life in redemption of the Jewish and pagan elect in the name of his holy alliance. But the “ perpetual ” nature of the sign of circumcision is recalled and the precision “ in your flesh ” confirms its momentary character. For this covenant that begins here will end when the Messiah appears “ to put an end to sin ,” according to Dan.7:24.

Gen.17:14: “ An uncircumcised male, who has not been circumcised in the flesh, will be cut off from among his people: he will have violated my covenant

Respect for the rules set by God is very strict and admits of no exceptions because their transgressions distort his prophetic project, and he will show by preventing Moses from entering Canaan that this fault is very great. The uncircumcised in the flesh is no more legitimate to live in the earthly Jewish people than the uncircumcised in the heart would be in the future eternal celestial kingdom of God.

Gen.17:15: “ God said to Abraham: You shall no longer call Sarai your wife Sarai; but her name will be Sarah .”

Abram means father of a people but Abraham means father of a multitude. Similarly, Sarai means noble but Sarah means princess.

Abram is already the father of Ishmael, but the change of his name Abraham is justified on the multiplication of his posterity in Isaac the son that God will announce to him, not on Ishmael. For the same reason, the barren Sarai will procreate and give birth to multitudes through Isaac and her name becomes Sarah.

Gen.17:16: “ I will bless her, and I will give you a son by her; I will bless it, and it will become nations; kings of peoples will come from her .”

Abram walks with God, but his daily life is earthly and based on earthly natural conditions, not divine miracles. Also in his thought he gives to God's words the sense of a blessing by the means by which Sarai obtained a son through Hagar her maid.

Gen.17:17: “ Abraham fell on his face; he laughed, and said in his heart, Shall a son be born to a man a hundred years old? and would Sarah, ninety years old, give birth? »

Realizing that God might mean that Sarai would become able to bear children even though she is barren and already 99 years old, he laughed in his heart. The situation is so unimaginable on the earthly human level that this reflex of his thought seems natural. And he gives meaning to his thoughts.

Gen.17:18: “ And Abraham said to God: Oh! may Ishmael live before your face! »

It is clear that Abraham reasons carnally and that he only understands his multiplication through Ishmael, the son already born and aged 13.

Gen.17:19: “ God said, Sarah your wife will surely bear you a son; and you shall call his name Isaac. I will establish my covenant with him for an everlasting covenant for his descendants after him .”

Knowing Abraham's thoughts, God rebukes him and renews the announcement without leaving the slightest chance for an error of interpretation.

The doubt expressed by Abraham about the miraculous birth of Isaac prophesies the doubt and unbelief that humanity will manifest towards Jesus Christ. And the doubt will take the form of an official rejection on the part of Abraham's carnal posterity.

Gen 17:20 Concerning Ishmael, I have heard you. Behold, I will bless him, and make him fruitful, and multiply him exceedingly; he will beget twelve princes, and I will make him a great nation .”

Ishmael means God has heard, also, in this intervention, God still justifies the name he gave him. God will make it fruitful, it will be multiplied and will form the great Arab nation made up of “twelve princes”. This number 12 is similar to the 12 sons of Jacob of his holy alliance who will be succeeded by the 12 apostles of Jesus Christ, but similar does not mean identical because it confirms divine help but not a saving alliance concerning his project of eternal life. Furthermore, Ishmael and his descendants will be hostile towards all those who enter into God's holy alliance, successively Jews then Christians. This harmful role will sanction an illegitimate birth by equally illegitimate processes imagined by the sterile mother and the overly complacent father. This is why the carnal sons of Abraham will bear the same curse and will ultimately suffer the same rejection from God.

Having known God and his values, the descendants of Ishmael can choose to live according to his rules until entering the Jewish alliance, but this choice will remain individual like the eternal salvation which will be offered to the elect. Likewise, as with other men of all origins, salvation in Christ will be offered to them and the path to eternity will be open to them, but only on the obedient standard of Christ the savior, crucified, dead and resurrected.

Gen.17:21: “ I will establish my covenant with Isaac, whom Sarah will bear to you at this time next year .

Ishmael being 13 years old at the time of this vision according to verse 27, he will therefore be 14 years old when Isaac is born. But God insists on this point: his covenant will be established with Isaac, not Ishmael. And he will be born by Sarah.

Gen.17:22: “ When he had finished speaking to him, God exalted himself above Abraham .”

The appearances of God are rare and exceptional, and this explains why human beings do not get used to divine miracles and why, like Abraham, their reasoning remains conditioned by the natural laws of earthly life. His message delivered, God withdraws.

Gen.17:23: “ Abraham took Ishmael his son, and all those who were born in his house, and all those whom he had bought with money, all the males of the people of the house of Abraham; and he circumcised them that same day, according to the command that God had given him .”

The order given by God is immediately executed. His obedience justifies his covenant with God. This powerful master of antiquity purchased servants and the status of slave existed and was not contested. In fact, what will make the subject questionable is the use of violence and the mistreatment of servants. The status of slave is also that of all the redeemed of Jesus Christ, even today .

Gen.17:24: “ Abraham was ninety-nine years old when he was circumcised .”

This clarification reminds us that obedience is required by God from men, whatever their age; from the youngest to the oldest.

Gen.17:25: “ Ishmael his son was thirteen years old when he was circumcised .”

He will therefore be 14 years older than his brother Isaac, which will ensure him a capacity to cause real harm to his younger brother, son of the legitimate wife.

Gen.17:26: “ That same day Abraham was circumcised, as well as Ishmael his son .

God recalls the legitimacy of Ishmael towards Abraham who is his father. Their common circumcision is as misleading as the claims of their descendants who claim to be from the same God. Because to claim God, it is not enough to have the same ancestral carnal father. And when the unbelieving Jews claim this connection with God because of their father Abraham, Jesus will refuse this argument and impute to them the devil, Satan, father of lies and murderer from the beginning. What Jesus said to the rebellious Jews of his time applies just as much to the Arab and Muslim pretensions of ours.

Gen.17:27: “ And all the men of his house, whether born in his house, or acquired by money from strangers, were circumcised with him .”

After this model of obedience, we will see that the misfortunes of the Hebrews leaving Egypt will always come from their underestimation of this obedience that God demands absolutely, in all times and until the end of the world.



Genesis 18


The separation of enemy brothers


Gen.18:1 : “Yahweh appeared to him among the oaks of Mamre, as he sat at the entrance of his tent in the heat of the day .”

Gen.18:2: “ And he lifted up his eyes, and looked: and, behold, three men were standing by him. When he saw them, he ran to meet them from the entrance of his tent and bowed down to the ground .”

Abraham is a hundred year old man, he knows he is old now but he maintains good physical shape, since he “ runs to meet ” his visitors. Did he recognize them as celestial messengers? We can assume so since he “ prostrates himself to the earth ” before them. But what he sees is "three men" and we can then see in his reaction, his sense of spontaneous hospitality which is the fruit of his natural loving character.

Gen.18:3: “ And he said, Lord, if I have found favor in thy sight, I pray thee, pass not from thy servant .”

Calling a visitor “lord” was the result of Abraham's great humility and again there is no evidence that he thought he was addressing God. Because, this visit of God in a total human appearance is exceptional since even Moses will not be authorized to see “ the glory ” of the face of God according to Exo.33:20 to 23: “ YaHWéH says: You will not be able to see my face, for man cannot see me and live. Yahweh said: Here is a place near me; you will stand on the rock. When my glory passes away, I will put you in a hollow of the rock, and I will cover you with my hand until I have passed over. And when I turn my hand, you will see me behind, but my face will not be seen .” If the vision of the “glory ” of God is prohibited, he does not prohibit himself from taking a human appearance to approach his creatures. God does it to visit Abraham, his friend, and he will do it again in the form of Jesus Christ from his embryonic conception and until his atoning death.

Gen.18:4: “ Let someone bring a little water to wash your feet; and rest under this tree .”

Verse 1 made it clear, it is hot, and the sweating of the feet covered with earthy dust justifies washing visitors' feet. It is a pleasant offer made to them. And this attention is to Abraham's credit.

Gen.18:5: “ I will go and take a piece of bread, to strengthen your heart; after which, you will continue your journey; for this is why you pass by your servant. They replied: Do as you have said .”

Here we see that Abraham did not identify these visitors as heavenly beings. The attention he shows towards them is therefore a testimony to his natural human qualities. He is humble, loving, gentle, generous, helpful and hospitable; things that endear him to God. In this human aspect, God approves and accepts all his proposals.

Gen.18:6: “ Abraham went quickly into his tent to Sarah, and said: Quickly, three measures of fine flour, knead it, and make cakes .”

Food is useful to the fleshly body and seeing three bodies of flesh before him, Abraham had food prepared to renew the physical strength of his visitors.

Gen.18:7: “ And Abraham ran to his flock, and took a tender and good calf, and gave it to a servant, who hastened to prepare it .”

The choice of a tender calf further shows its generosity and natural benevolence; his pleasure in pleasing his neighbor. To achieve this result it offers the best to its visitors.

Gen.18:8: “ And he took some more cream and milk, with the calf that had been prepared, and set them before them. He himself stood beside them, under the tree. And they ate .”

These appetizing foods are presented to passing strangers, people he does not know but whom he treats as members of his own family. The incarnation of the visitors is very real since they eat food made for man.

Gen.18:9: “ Then they said unto him, Where is Sarah thy wife? He replied: She is there, in the tent .

With the host's ordeal a success to God's glory and his own, the visitors reveal their true nature by naming his wife's name, "Sarah", which God bestowed upon him in his previous vision.

Gen.18:10: “ One of them said, I will return to you at this same time; and behold, Sarah your wife will have a son. Sarah was listening at the entrance to the tent, which was behind him .”

Let us note that in the appearance of the three visitors, there is nothing to identify YaHWéh from the two angels who accompany him. Heavenly life is manifested here and reveals the egalitarian meaning that reigns there.

While one of the three visitors announces Sarah's imminent birth, she listens from the entrance to the tent to what is being said and the text specifies who " was behind him "; which means that he did not see her and humanly could not be aware of her presence. But they were not men.

Gen.18:11: “ Abraham and Sarah were old and advanced in years: and Sarah could no longer hope to have children .”

The verse defines normal human conditions common to all humanity.


Gen.18:12: “ And she laughed within herself , saying, Now that I am old, shall I still desire? My lord is old too .”

Note again the precision: “ She laughed within herself ”; so that no one has heard him laugh except the living God who searches thoughts and hearts.

Gen.18:13: “ Yahweh said to Abraham: Why then did Sarah laugh, saying: Shall I really have a child, even though I am old? »

God takes the opportunity to reveal his divine identity, which justifies the mention of YaHWéH because it is he who speaks in this human appearance to Abraham. Only God can know Sarah's hidden thoughts and now Abraham knows that God is speaking to him.

Gen.18:14: “ Is there anything astonishing on the part of YaHWéH? At the appointed time I will return to you, at this same time; and Sarah will have a son .”

God becomes authoritarian and renews his prediction clearly in the name YaHWéH of his divinity.

Gen.18:15: “ Sarah lied, saying, I did not laugh. Because she was afraid. But he said: On the contrary, you laughed .”

Sarah lied ” says the text because God heard her secret thought, but no laughter came from her mouth; so it was only a little lie to God but not to man. And if God rebukes her, it is because she does not admit that God has control of her thoughts. She gives proof, going so far as to lie to him. This is why he insists by saying: “ On the contrary (it is false), you laughed .” Let us not forget that the human being blessed by God is Abraham and not Sarah, his legitimate wife, who only benefits from the blessing of her husband. His ideas have already resulted in the curse of the birth of Ishmael, the future hereditary enemy and competitor of Israel; it is true to accomplish a divine project.

Gen.18:16: “ And these men rose up to depart, and looked toward Sodom. Abraham went with them to accompany them .

Quenched, nourished and having renewed to Abraham and Sarah the future birth of the legitimate son Isaac, the heavenly visitors reveal to Abraham that their visit to earth also has another mission in mind: it concerns Sodom.

Gen.18:17: “ Then YaHWéH said: Shall I hide from Abraham what I am going to do?...

Here we have the precise application of this verse from Amos 3:7: “ For the Lord, YaHWéH, does nothing without having revealed his secret to his servants the prophets ”.

Gen.18:18: “ Abraham will surely become a great and mighty nation, and in him will all the nations of the earth be blessed .”

Due to the usual loss of meaning which is applied to the adverb “ certainly ”, I recall that it means: in a certain and absolute manner. Before revealing his destructive project, God hastens to reassure Abraham about his own status before his face and he renews the blessings that he will grant him. God begins to speak of Abraham in the third person in order to elevate him to the rank of a great historical character of humanity. Acting thus, he shows his carnal and spiritual descendants the model which he blesses and which he recalls and defines in the verse which comes.

Gen.18:19: “ For I have chosen him, that he may command his sons and his house after him to keep the way of Yahweh, in righteousness and righteousness; favor of Abraham the promises he made to him... "

What God describes in this verse makes all the difference with Sodom which He will destroy. Until the end of the world, its chosen ones will be like this description: keeping the way of YaHWéH consists of practicing righteousness and justice; the true righteousness and true justice that God will build on texts of law to teach his people Israel. Respect for these things will be the condition for God to respect his promises of blessings.

Gen.18:20: “ And YaHWéH said: The cry against Sodom and Gomorrah is increased, and their sin is great .”

God brings this judgment against Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities of the kings that Abraham came to help when they were attacked. But it was also in Sodom that his nephew Lot had chosen to settle, with his family and his servants. Knowing the bond of attachment that Abraham has for his nephew, God multiplies the forms of attention towards the old man to announce his intentions to him. And to do this, he lowers himself to the level of man to humanize himself as much as possible in order to put himself at the level of the human reasoning of Abraham his servant.

Gen.18:21: “ Therefore I will go down, and I will see whether they have acted entirely according to the report that has come to me; and if it is not, I will know .”

These words contrast with the knowledge of Sarah's thoughts, for God cannot ignore the level of immorality reached in these two cities of the plain and their abundant prosperity. This reaction reveals the care he takes to have his faithful servant accept the just sentence of his judgment.

Gen.18:22: “ And the men departed, and went to Sodom. But Abraham still stood in the presence of YaHWéH .”

Here, the separation of the visitors allows Abraham to identify among them the living God, YaHWéH, present with him in a simple human appearance which encourages the exchange of words. Abraham will become emboldened to the point of engaging with God in a sort of bargain to obtain the salvation of the two cities, one of which is inhabited by his dear nephew Lot.

Gen.18:23: “ Abraham came near and said, Will you also destroy the righteous with the wicked? »

The question asked by Abraham is justified, because in its collective actions of justice, humanity causes the death of innocent victims called collateral damage. But if humanity cannot tell the difference, God can. And he will provide proof of this to Abraham and to us who read his biblical testimony.

Gen.18:24: “ Perhaps there are fifty righteous people in the midst of the city: wilt thou destroy them also, and wilt not forgive the city because of the fifty righteous ones which are in the midst of it? 'She ? »

In his gentle and loving soul, Abraham is full of illusion and he imagines that it is possible to find at least 50 righteous people in these two cities and he invokes these 50 possible righteous people to obtain from God the grace of the two cities in the very name of his perfect justice which cannot strike the innocent with the guilty.

Gen.18:25: “ To put the righteous to death with the wicked, so that it may be with the righteous as with the wicked, far be it from you! Far from you ! Will not he who judges all the earth exercise justice? »

Abraham thus thinks to resolve the problem by reminding God of what he cannot do without denying his personality which is so attached to the sense of perfect justice.

Gen.18:26: “ And YaHWéH said: If I find fifty righteous people in Sodom in the midst of the city, I will forgive the whole city for their sake .”

With patience and kindness, YaHWéH let Abraham speak and in his response he proves him right: for 50 righteous people the cities will not be destroyed.

Gen.18:27: “ Abraham answered and said, Behold, I have dared to speak to the Lord, I who am dust and ashes .”

Is it the thought of “ dust and ashes ” that there will be ungodly men left after the destruction of the two cities in the valley? Still, Abraham confesses that he himself is nothing but “ dust and ashes ”.

Gen.18:28: “ Perhaps five of the fifty righteous will be lacking: for five will you destroy the whole city? And Yahweh said: I will not destroy it, if I find forty-five righteous people there .

Abraham's boldness will lead him to continue his bargaining by lowering each time the number of elect possibly found and he will stop in verse 32 on the number of ten righteous ones. And each time God will grant his grace because of the number proposed by Abraham.

Gen.18:29: “ Abraham continued speaking to him, and said, Perhaps there will be forty righteous people there. And Yahweh said: I will do nothing for these forty's sake .

Gen.18:30: “ Abraham said, Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak. Perhaps there will be thirty righteous people there. And Yahweh said: I will do nothing if I find thirty righteous people there .

Gen.18:31: “ Abraham said, Behold, I have dared to speak to the Lord. Perhaps there will be twenty righteous people there. And Yahweh said: I will not destroy it for the sake of these twenty .

Gen.18:32: “ Abraham said, Let not the Lord be angry, and I will speak no more than this time. Perhaps there will be ten righteous people there. And Yahweh said: I will not destroy it for the sake of these ten righteous ones .

Here ends the bargaining of Abraham who understands that there is a limit to be set beyond which his insistence would be unreasonable. He stops at the number of ten righteous people. He believes optimistically that this number of righteous people must be found in these two corrupt cities, if only counting Lot and his relatives.

Gen.18:33: “ Yahweh went away when he had finished speaking to Abraham. And Abraham returned to his dwelling .”

The earthly meeting of two friends, one heavenly and Almighty God and the other, man, dust of the earth, ends, and each returns to their occupations. Abraham towards his dwelling and YaHWéH towards Sodom and Gomorrah on which his destructive judgment will fall.

In his exchange with God, Abraham revealed his character which is in the image of God, concerned to see true justice accomplished while giving life its strong precious value. This is why the bargaining of his servant could only delight and rejoice the heart of God who fully shares his feelings.



Genesis 19


Separation in an emergency


Gen.19:1: “ The two angels came to Sodom in the evening; and Lot sat at the gate of Sodom. When Lot saw them, he rose up to meet them, and fell on his face to the ground .”

We recognize in this behavior the good influence of Abraham on his nephew Lot since he shows the same thoughtfulness towards passing visitors. And he does it with all the more attention, as he knows the bad morals of the inhabitants of the city of Sodom in which he has settled to live.

Gen.19:2: “ Then he said, Behold, my lords, enter, I pray you, into the house of your servant, and spend the night there; wash your feet; you will get up early in the morning, and you will continue your journey. No, they replied, we will spend the night in the street .”

Lot makes it his duty to welcome people passing through his home to protect them from the shameless and malicious actions of the corrupt inhabitants. We find the same welcoming words that Abram had made towards his three visitors. Lot is indeed a righteous man who did not allow himself to be corrupted by his cohabitation with the perverse beings of this city. The two angels have come to destroy the city but before destroying it, they want to confuse the wickedness of the inhabitants by catching them in the act, in active demonstration of their wickedness. And to obtain this result, it is enough for them to spend the night in the street to be attacked by the Sodomites.

Gen.19:3: “ But Lot urged them so much that they came to him and entered into his house. He gave them a feast, and baked unleavened bread. And they ate .”

Lot therefore succeeds in convincing them, and they accept his hospitality; which still gives him the opportunity to demonstrate his generosity as Abraham had done before him. The experience teaches them to discover the beautiful soul of Lot, a righteous man in the midst of the unjust.

Gen.19:4: “ They had not yet gone to bed when the people of the city, the people of Sodom, surrounded the house, from the children to the old men; the whole population came running .”

The demonstration of the wickedness of the inhabitants goes beyond the expectations of the two angels, since they come to look for them even in the house where Lot welcomed them. Note the level of contagion of this wickedness: “ from children to the elderly ”. YaHWéH’s judgment is therefore entirely justified.

Gen.19:5: “ And they called Lot, and said unto him, Where are the men that came in unto thee this night? Bring them out to us, that we may know them .”

Naive people can be deceived by the intentions of the Sodomites, because it is not a request for acquaintance but for knowledge in the biblical sense of the term of the example "Adam knew his wife and she bore a son." The depravity of these people is therefore total and without remedy.

Gen.19:6: “ Lot went out to them at the door of the house, and closed the door behind him .”

Courageous Lot who hastens to go himself to meet the abominable beings and who takes care to close the door of his home behind him in order to protect his visitors.

Gen.19:7: “ And he said: My brethren, I pray you, do not evil; »

The good man exhorts the wicked not to do evil. He calls them “brothers” because they are men like him and he has retained within himself the hope of saving some of them from the death towards which their conduct is directing them.

Gen.19:8: “ Behold, I have two daughters who have never known man; I will bring them outside to you, and you can do to them what you please. Only do nothing to these men since they have come to the shadow of my roof .”

For Lot, the behavior of the Sodomites reached heights never before reached in this experience. And to protect his two visitors, he comes to offer his two still virgin daughters in their place.

Gen.19:9: “ They said, Depart! They said again: This one has come as a stranger, and he wants to act as judge! Well, we will do you worse than them. And pressing on Lot violently, they came forward to break down the door .”

Lot's words do not calm the assembled pack, and these monstrous beings, they say, are preparing to do worse to him than to them. They then try to break down the door.

Gen.19:10: “ And the men stretched out their hands, and brought Lot into the house unto them, and shut the door .”

With courageous Lot himself in danger, the angels intervene and bring Lot inside the house.

Gen.19:11: “ And they struck blind those who were at the door of the house, from the smallest to the greatest, so that they took pains in vain to find the door ” .

Outside, the closest excited people are struck blind; the occupants of the house are therefore protected.

Gen.19:12: “ The men said to Lot, Whom have you still here? Sons-in-law, sons, and daughters, and all that belongs to you in the city, bring them out of this place .”

Lot found favor in the eyes of the angels and of God who sent them. For his life to be saved, he must “ get out » of the city and the valley of the plain because the angels will destroy the inhabitants of this valley which will become a zone of ruins like the city Ai. The offering of the angels extends to all that belongs to him in living human creatures.

In this theme of separation the divine command to “ come out ” is permanent. Because he urges his creatures to separate themselves from evil in all its forms such as false Christian churches. In Rev.18:4 he orders his chosen ones to “ go out » of “ Babylon the great ”, which concerns firstly the Catholic religion and secondly the multiform Protestant religion, under the influence of which they have remained until this moment. And as with Lot, their lives will only be saved by immediately obeying God's command. Because, as soon as the law is promulgated which will make Sunday rest on the first day obligatory, the end of the time of grace will come to an end. And then it will be too late to change your opinion and position towards this problem.

Here I draw your attention to the danger represented by postponing the necessary decision-making until later. Our life is fragile, we can die through an illness, an accident, or an attack, things that can happen if God does not appreciate our slowness to react, and in this case, the end of the time of collective grace loses all its importance , because he who dies before her, dies in his injustice and his condemnation by God. Aware of this problem, Paul says in Heb.3:7-8: “ Today, if you hear his voice, do not harden your hearts as in the rebellion… ”. There is therefore always an urgency to respond to the offer made by God, and Paul is of this opinion according to Heb.4:1: “ Let us therefore fear, while the promise of entering into his rest still remains, that any of You don’t seem to have come too late .”

Gen.19:13: “ For we will destroy this place, because the cry against its inhabitants is great before YaHWéH. YaHWéH has sent us to destroy it .”

This time, time is running out, the angels let Lot know the reason for their presence at his home. The city must be quickly destroyed by decision of YaHWéH.

Gen.19:14: “ Lot went out and spoke to his sons-in-law who had taken his daughters: Get up, he said, get out of this place; for YaHWéH will destroy the city. But, in the eyes of his sons-in-law, he seemed to be joking .”

Lot's sons-in-law were certainly not at the level of wickedness of the other Sodomites, but for salvation only faith counts. And clearly, they didn't have it. Their father-in-law's beliefs had not interested them, and the sudden idea that the God YaHWéH was ready to destroy the city was simply incredible to them.

Gen.19:15: “ From the dawn of the day the angels urged Lot, saying, Arise, take your wife and your two daughters that are here, lest you perish in the ruin of the city ”.

The destruction of Sodom gives rise to heartbreaking separations that reveal faith and the absence of faith. Lot's daughters have to choose between following their father or following their husband.

Gen.19:16: “ And as he delayed, the men took him by the hand, him, his wife, and his two daughters, because YaHWéH would spare him; They took him away and left him outside the city .

In this action, God shows us “ a brand taken from the fire ”. Once again it is for the righteous Lot that God saves, with him, his two daughters and his wife. Thus, torn from the city, they find themselves outside, free and alive.

Gen.19:17: “ When he had brought them out, one of them said, “Save for your life; do not look behind you, nor stop in all the plain; flee to the mountain, lest you perish .”

Salvation will be in the mountain, the choice left to Abraham. Lot can thus understand and regret his error in having chosen the plain and its prosperity. His life is at stake, and he will have to hurry if he wants to be safe when the fire of God hits the valley. He is ordered not to look back. The order is to be taken literally and figuratively. The future and life lie ahead of the survivors of Sodom, because behind them, there will soon be nothing but incandescent ruins ignited by sulfur stones thrown from the sky.

Gen.19:18: “ Lot said to them: Oh! no, Lord! »

The order given by the angel terrifies Lot.

Gen.19:19: “ Behold, I have found favor in your sight, and you have shown the greatness of your mercy towards me, in preserving my life; but I cannot escape to the mountain before disaster overtakes me, and I will perish .”

Lot knows this region where he lives and he knows that to reach the mountain it will take him a lot of time. This is why he implores the angel and offers him another solution.

Gen.19:20: “ Behold, this city is near enough for me to take refuge in, and it is small. Oh ! that I can escape there,... isn't it small?... and that my soul lives! »

At the end of the valley is Tsoar, a word which means small. She survived the tragedy of the valley in order to serve as a refuge for Lot and his family.

Gen.19:21: “ And he said unto him, Behold, I also grant thee this grace, and I will not destroy the city of which thou speakest .”

The presence of this city still bears witness to this dramatic episode which affected the cities of the valley of the plain where the two cities Sodom and Gomorrah were located.

Gen.19:22: “ Hurry and take refuge there, for I can do nothing until you arrive there. This is why the name of Zoar was given to this city .

The angel is now dependent on his agreement and will wait until Lot enters Zoar to strike the valley.

Gen.19:23: “ The sun was rising on the earth when Lot entered into Zoar .”

For the Sodomites a new day seemed to be announced under a beautiful sunrise; a day like any other...

Gen.19:24: “ Then YaHWéH rained brimstone and fire from heaven on Sodom and on Gomorrah from YaHWéH .”

This miraculous divine action received powerful testimony through the discoveries of Adventist archaeologist Ron Wyatt. He identified the site of the city of Gomorrah whose dwellings leaned against each other against the western slope of the mountain which borders this valley. The ground of this place is made of sulfur stones which, when exposed to fire, still ignite today. The divine miracle is thus fully confirmed and worthy of the faith of the elect.

Contrary to what was often thought and said, God did not call on nuclear power to destroy this valley, but on stones of sulfur and pure sulfur, estimated at 90% purity, which is exceptional according to the specialists. The sky does not carry clouds of sulfur, so I can say that this destruction is the work of the creator God. He can create any matter according to his need since he created the earth, the sky and everything they contain.

Gen.19:25: “ He destroyed those cities, and all the plain, and all the inhabitants of the cities, and the plants of the earth .”

What can survive in a place subjected to a rain of stones of flaming sulfur? Nothing, except rocks and sulfur stones still present.

Gen.19:26: “ Lot's wife looked back, and she became a pillar of salt .”

This look back from Lot's wife reveals regrets and a retained interest in this cursed place. This state of mind does not please God and he makes it known by transforming his body into a pillar of salt, the image of absolute spiritual sterility.

Gen.19:27: “ Abraham rose early in the morning to go to the place where he had stood in the presence of YaHWéH .”

Unaware of the drama that has taken place, Abraham comes to the oak of Mamre where he welcomed his three visitors.

Gen.19:28: “ And he looked towards Sodom and Gomorrah, and over all the territory of the plain; and, behold, he saw smoke rising from the earth, like the smoke of a furnace .”

The mountain is an excellent observatory. From his height, Abraham dominates the region and he knows where the valley of Sodom and Gomorrah is located. If the ground of the place is still an incandescent brazier, above rises an acrid smoke caused by the sulfur and by the consumption of all the materials collected in a city by man. The place is condemned to sterility until the end of the world. There we find only rocks, stones, sulfur stones, and salt, a lot of salt which promotes the sterility of the soil.

Gen.19:29: “ When God destroyed the cities of the plain, he remembered Abraham; and he caused Lot to escape from the midst of the disaster, by which he overturned the cities where Lot had made his abode .”

This clarification is important because it reveals to us that God saved Lot only to please Abraham, his faithful servant. He therefore did not stop reproaching him for his choice for the prosperous valley and its corrupt cities. And this confirms that he was indeed saved from the fate known by Sodom as "a brand snatched from the fire" or, extremely accurately.

Gen.19:30: “ Lot left Zoar for the heights, and settled on the mountain, with his two daughters, because he was afraid to remain in Zoar. He lived in a cave, he and his two daughters .”

The need for separation now becomes clear to Lot. And it is he who decides not to stay in Zoar which, although “small” was also populated by people who were corrupt and sinful before God. In his turn, he goes to the mountain and, far from any comfort, lives with his two daughters in a cave, a natural safe shelter offered by God's creation.

Gen.19:31: “ The older said to the younger, Our father is old; and there is no man in the country to come to us, according to the custom of all countries .”

There is nothing scandalous in the initiatives taken by Lot's two daughters. Their motivation is justified and approved by God because they act with a view to giving posterity to their father. Without this motivation the initiative would be incestuous.

Gen.19:32: “ Come, let us make our father drink wine, and let us lie with him, that we may preserve our father’s race .”

Gen.19:33: “ So they made their father drink wine that night; and the eldest went to sleep with her father: he noticed neither when she lay down nor when she rose .”

Gen.19:34: “ The next day the elder said to the younger, Behold, I slept last night with my father; let us make him drink wine again this night, and go and sleep with him, that we may preserve our father’s race .”

Gen.19:35: “ They made their father drink wine again that night; and the youngest went to sleep with him: he noticed neither when she lay down nor when she got up .”

Lot's total unconsciousness in this action gives the approach the image of artificial insemination applied to animals and human beings in our final time. There is not the slightest search for pleasure and the thing is no more shocking than the coupling of brothers and sisters at the beginning of humanity.

Gen.19:36: “ The two daughters of Lot became pregnant by their father .”

We note in these two daughters of Lot exceptional qualities of self-sacrifice for the benefit of their father's honor. As unmarried mothers, they will raise their child alone, officially without a father, and they thus renounce taking a husband, a spouse, a companion.

Gen.19:37: “ The firstborn bore a son, and called his name Moab: he is the father of the Moabites unto this day .”

Gen.19:38: “ The youngest also bore a son, and he called his name Ben Ammi: he is the father of the Ammonites to this day .

We find, in the prophecy of Daniel 11:41, the mention of the descendants of the two sons: “ He will enter into the most beautiful land, and many will fall; but Edom, Moab , and the chief of the children of Ammon shall be delivered out of his hand .” A carnal and spiritual bond will therefore unite these descendants to Israel founded on Abraham, the root after Heber of the Hebrew people. But these common roots will excite quarrels and set these descendants against the nation Israel. In Zephaniah 2:8 and 9, God prophesies of disaster for Moab and the children of Ammon: “ I heard the reviling of Moab and the insults of the children of Ammon, when they reviled my people and rose up arrogantly against its borders. This is why I am alive! says the LORD of hosts, the God of Israel, Moab will be like Sodom, and the children of Ammon like Gomorrah, a place covered with thorns, a mine of salt, a desert forever; the rest of my people will plunder them, the rest of my nation will possess them .”

This proves that God's blessing was only on Abraham and that it was not shared by his brothers born from the same father, Terah. If Lot was able to benefit from Abraham's example, this will not be the case for his descendants born from his two daughters.




Genesis 20


Separation by the status of prophet of God


Renewing the experience with Pharaoh reported in Genesis 12, Abraham presents his wife Sarah as his sister to Abimelech, king of Gerar (present-day Palestine near Gaza). Once again, God's reaction which punishes him makes him discover that Sarah's husband is his prophet. The power and fear of Abraham thus spread throughout the region.


Genesis 21


The separation of the legitimate and the illegitimate


Separation through the sacrifice of what we love


Gen.21:1: “ And Yahweh visited Sarah as he had spoken, and Yahweh did to Sarah as he had spoken. »

In this visitation, God puts an end to Sarah's long barrenness.

Gen.21:2: “ And Sarah conceived and bore Abraham a son in his old age, at the appointed time of which God spoke to him. »

Isa.55:11 confirms this: “ So it is with my word that goes out of my mouth: it does not return to me void, without having done my will and accomplished my plans ”; the promise made to Abraham is kept, the verse is therefore justified. This son comes into the world after God announces his birth. The Bible presents him as the “son of promise”, which makes Isaac a prophetic type of the messianic “Son of God”: Jesus.

Gen.21:3: “ And Abraham called the name of his son that was born to him, whom Sarah had borne him, Isaac. »

The name Isaac means: he laughs. Both Abraham and Sarah laughed when they heard God announce their future son. If laughter of joy is positive, this is not the case with mocking laughter. In fact, both spouses had the same reaction being victims of human prejudice. Because they laughed at the thought of the human reactions of those around them. Since the flood, lifespan has been greatly shortened and for humans, the age of 100 marks advanced old age; the one where we expect little from life. But age means nothing in the context of a relationship with the creator God who sets the limits of all things. And Abraham discovers this in his experience and he receives, through God, wealth, honor, and fatherhood, this time, legitimate.

Gen.21:4: “ And Abraham circumcised his son Isaac when he was eight days old, as God had commanded him. »

In turn, the legitimate son is circumcised. God's command is obeyed.

Gen.21:5: “ And Abraham was a hundred years old when Isaac his son was born to him. »

The thing is remarkable, but not by antediluvian standards.

Gen.21:6: “ And Sarah said, God has given me cause to laugh; whoever hears it will laugh with me. »

Sarah finds the situation laughable because she is human and a victim of human prejudice. But this desire to laugh also reflects an unexpected joy. Like Abraham her husband, she obtains the possibility of giving birth at an age when this is no longer imaginable in terms of human normality.

Gen.21:7: “ And she said: Who would have said to Abraham: Sarah will nurse sons? For I have borne him a son in his old age. »

The thing is truly exceptional and entirely miraculous. Looking at these words of Sarah on a prophetic level, we can see in Isaac the son who prophesies the new covenant in Christ, while Ishmael prophesies the son of the first covenant. By his refusal of Christ Jesus, this natural son born according to the flesh by the sign of circumcision will be rejected by God in favor of the Christian son selected by means of faith. Like Isaac, the Christ founder of the new covenant will be born miraculously to reveal and represent God in human appearance. In contrast, Ishmael is conceived solely on carnal bases and strictly human understandings.

Gen.21:8: “ And the child grew up, and was weaned; and Abraham made a great feast on the day that Isaac was weaned. »

The breastfed baby will become an adolescent, and for Father Abraham, a future opens up full of promise and happiness which he celebrates joyfully.

Gen.21:9: “ And Sarah saw the son of Hagar the Egyptian, whom she had borne to Abraham, laughing; and she said to Abraham: "

Laughter clearly takes a big place in the life of the blessed couple. Ishmael's animosity and jealousy towards Isaac, the legitimate son, leads him to laugh, mocking him. For Sarah, the limit of what is bearable has been reached: after the mother's mockery comes that of the son; this is too much.

Gen.21:10: “ Cast out this maidservant and her son; for the son of this maidservant will not inherit with my son, with Isaac. »

We can understand Sarah's exasperation but look with me above. Sarah prophesies the unworthiness of the first alliance which will not inherit with the elect the new one, based on faith in the justice of Christ Jesus.

Gen.21:11: “ And it was very evil in the sight of Abraham, because of his son. »

Abraham does not react like Sarah because his feelings are shared between his two sons. The birth of Isaac does not eliminate the 14 years of affection that bind him to Ishmael.

Gen.21:12: “ And God said to Abraham, Let it not be evil in your sight because of the child, and because of your maidservant. In all that Sarah said to you, listen to her voice: for in Isaac you will be called seed. »

In this message, God prepares Abraham to accept the estrangement of Ishmael, his eldest son. This separation is in God's prophetic project; since he prophesies the failure of the old Mosaic covenant. As a consolation, in Isaac, He will multiply his descendants. And the fulfillment of this divine word will be through the establishment of the new covenant where the “ elect ” will be “ called ” by the message of the eternal Gospel of God in Jesus Christ.

Thus, paradoxically, Isaac will be patriarch of the old covenant and it is above all in Jacob, his son that according to the flesh and the sign of circumcision, the Israel of God will be established on its foundations. But the paradox is that this same Isaac only prophesies lessons concerning the new covenant in Christ.

Gen.21:13: “ And I will also make the son of the maidservant a nation, for he is your seed. »

Ishmael is the patriarch of many peoples of the Middle East. Until Christ appeared for his earthly saving ministry, spiritual legitimacy belonged solely to the descendants of these two sons of Abraham. The Western world lived in multiple forms of paganism, ignoring the existence of the great creator God.

Gen.21:14: “ And Abraham rose up early in the morning, and took bread and a skin of water, and gave them to Hagar, putting them on her shoulder, and he gave her the child, and sent her away . And she went and wandered in the wilderness of Beersheba. »

God's intervention calmed Abraham. He knows that God himself will watch over Hagar and Ishmael and he agrees to separate from them, because he trusts God to protect and guide them. For he himself has been protected and guided thus far by Him.

Gen.21:15: “ And when the water in the wineskin was exhausted, she threw the child under one of the bushes,

In the desert of Beersheba, the water carried away is quickly consumed and without water, Hagar only sees death as the final outcome for her unfortunate situation.

Gen.21:16: “ went and sat opposite, within a bow's reach; for she said: Let me not see the child die. And she sat opposite, and she lifted up her voice and wept. »

In this extreme situation, for the second time, Hagar sheds her tears before the face of God.

Gen.21:17: “ And God heard the voice of the child, and the Angel of God called Hagar from heaven, and said to her, What is the matter with you, Hagar? Do not be afraid, for God has heard the voice of the child where he is. »

And for the second time, God intervenes and speaks to her to reassure her.

Gen.21:18: “ Rise, pick up the child and take him in your hand; for I will make it a great nation. »

I remind you, the child Ishmael is a teenager aged 15 to 17, but he is nonetheless a child subject to his mother Hagar and the two no longer have water to drink. God wants her to support her son because a powerful destiny is in store for him.

Gen.21:19: “ And God opened her eyes, and she saw a well of water; and she went and filled the skin with water, and made the child drink. »

The result of a miracle or not, this well of water appears at the necessary moment to give Hagar and her son the taste for life. And they owe their lives to the powerful Creator who opens or closes the vision and intelligence of things.

Gen.21:20: “ And God was with the child, and he grew up, and dwelt in the wilderness, and became an archer. »

The desert was therefore not empty since Ishmael hunted animals which he killed with his bow to eat.

Gen.21:21: “ And he dwelt in the wilderness of Paran; and his mother took him a wife from the land of Egypt. »

The bond between the Ishmaelites and the Egyptians will therefore strengthen and over time, Ishmael's rivalry with Isaac will increase to the point of making them permanent natural enemies.

Gen.21:22: “ And it came to pass at that time, that Abimelech, and Picol the captain of his army, spake unto Abraham, saying; God is with you in everything you do. »

The experiences caused by the presentation of Sarah as his sister, things recorded in Gen.20, taught Abimelech that Abraham was the prophet of God. He is now feared and feared.

Gen.21:23: “ And now swear to me here by God that you will not deal falsely with me, nor with my children, nor with my grandchildren, according to the kindness that I have shown you , you will act towards me and towards the country in which you stayed. »

Abimelech no longer wants to be a victim of Abraham's tricks and wishes to obtain from him firm and resolute commitments to a peaceful alliance.

Gen.21:24: “ And Abraham said, I will swear. »

Abraham has no bad intention towards Abimelech and he can thus agree to this pact.

Gen.21:25: “ And Abraham rebuked Abimelech because of a well of water which Abimelech's servants had taken by force. »

Gen.21:26: “ And Abimelech said, I do not know who has done this thing, and you have not warned me of it, and I have only heard of it today. »

Gen.21:27: “ And Abraham took flocks and herds, and gave them to Abimelech, and they two made a covenant. »

Gen.21:28: “ And Abraham separated seven young sheep from the flock; »

The choice made by Abraham of “seven sheep” testifies to his link with the creator God whom he thus wants to associate with his work. Abraham has settled in a foreign country but he wants the fruit of his labor to remain his property.

Gen.21:29: “ And Abimelech said to Abraham, What are these seven young sheep which you have set apart? »

Gen.21:30: “ And he said, You will take these seven young sheep out of my hand, to be a testimony to me that I have dug this well. »

Gen.21:31: “ Therefore they called that place Beersheba, because they both swore there. »

The well in dispute was named after the word “sheba” which is the root of the number “seven” in Hebrew, and which we find in the word “shabbat” which designates the seventh day, our Saturday sanctified at the weekly rest by God since the beginning of his earthly creation. To preserve the memory of this alliance, the well was thus called “the well of the seven”.

Gen.21:32: “ And they made a covenant in Beersheba. And Abimelech arose, and Picol the captain of his army, and they returned to the land of the Philistines. »

Gen.21:33: “ And Abraham planted a tamarisk tree in Beersheba; and there he called on the name of Yahweh, the everlasting God. »

Gen.21:34: “ And Abraham sojourned a long time in the land of the Philistines. »

God had organized conditions of peace and tranquility for his servant.





Genesis 22


The separation of the father and the only son sacrificed


This chapter 22 presents the prophetic theme of Christ offered as a sacrifice by God as the Father. It depicts the principle of salvation prepared in secret by God from the beginning of his decision to create free, intelligent and autonomous counterparts opposite him. This sacrifice will be the price to pay to obtain a return of love from his creatures. The elect will be those who have responded to God's expectations with complete freedom of choice.


Gen.22:1: After these things God tested Abraham, and said to him, Abraham! And he answered: Here I am! »

Abraham is very obedient to God, but how far can this obedience go? God already knows the answer, but Abraham must leave behind him, as a testimony for all the elect, concrete proof of his exemplary obedience which makes him so worthy of the love of his God which makes him the patriarch whose posterity will be sublimated by the birth of Christ Jesus.

Gen.22:2: “ God said: Take your son, your only son, the one you love, Isaac; go to the land of Moriah, and offer him there as a burnt offering on one of the mountains that I will tell you about. »

God deliberately presses on what hurts, to the limit of bearable for this old man of over a hundred years. God miraculously granted him the joy of having a son born to him and Sarah, his lawful wife. Also, he will hide from those around him the incredible request of God: “ Offer your only son as a sacrifice ”. And Abraham's positive response will have eternal consequences for all humanity. For, after Abraham has consented to offer his son, God himself will no longer be able to renounce his saving project; if he could have considered giving it up.

Let us note the interest of the precision: “ on one of the mountains that I will tell you ”. This precise place is programmed to receive the blood of Christ.

Gen.22:3: “ Abraham got up early in the morning, saddled his donkey, and took with him two servants and his son Isaac. He split wood for the burnt offering, and set out to go to the place which God had told him. »

Abraham resolved to obey this excess and with death in his soul, he organized the preparation of the bloody ceremony ordered by God.

Gen.22:4: “ On the third day Abraham lifted up his eyes and saw the place afar off. »

The country of Morija is three days' walk from the place where he resides.

Gen.22:5: “ And Abraham said to his servants, Stay here with the donkey; I and the young man will go that far to worship, and we will come back to you. »

The terrible action he is about to commit needs no witnesses. He _ therefore separates from his two servants who will have to wait for his return.

Gen.22:6: “ Abraham took the wood for the burnt offering, and loaded it upon his son Isaac, and carried the fire and the knife in his hand. And they both walked together . »

In this prophetic scene, just as Christ will have to carry the heavy “patibulum” to which his wrists will be nailed, Isaac is loaded with the wood which, ignited, will consume his sacrificed body.

Gen.22:7: “ Then Isaac spoke to Abraham his father, saying, My father! And he answered: Here am I, my son! Isaac replied: Here is the fire and the wood; but where is the lamb for the burnt offering? »

Isaac has witnessed many religious sacrifices and he is right to be surprised by the absence of the animal that is to be sacrificed.

Gen.22:8: “ Abraham said, My son, God will provide himself with the lamb for the burnt offering. And they both walked together. »

This response from Abraham was directly inspired by God because it magnificently prophesies the enormous sacrifice that God will make by offering himself to crucifixion in human flesh, thus providing for the need of the chosen sinners for an effective and just Savior in divine perfection. But Abraham does not see this saving future, this role of Christ the Savior prophesied by the animal sacrificed to YaHWéH, the almighty creator God. For him, this response simply allows him to gain time, as he looks with horror at the crime he will have to commit.

Gen.22:9: “ When they came to the place which God had spoken to him, Abraham built an altar there, and arranged the wood. He bound his son Isaac, and placed him on the altar on top of the wood. »

Unfortunately for Abraham in front of the altar, there is no longer any way to hide from Isaac that it is he who will be the sheep of the sacrifice. If Father Abraham showed himself to be sublime in this extraordinary acceptance, Isaac's docile behavior is a reflection of what Jesus Christ would be in his time: sublime in his obedience and self-sacrifice.

Gen.22:10: “ Then Abraham stretched out his hand and took the knife to kill his son. »

Note that to react, God waits until the very last end of the test in order to give the testimony of his elect real value and authenticity. The “ knife in hand ”; all that remains is to slaughter Isaac like the many sheep already sacrificed.

Gen.22:11: “ Then the angel of YaHWéH called to him from heaven, and said: Abraham! Abraham! And he answered: Here I am! »

The demonstration of Abraham's obedient faith is made and perfectly carried out. God puts an end to the old man's ordeal and that of his son so worthy of him and his love.

Take note, whenever he is called by God or his son, Abraham always responds by saying, “ Here I am .” This spontaneous response that springs from him testifies to his generous and open nature towards his neighbor. Furthermore, it contrasts with the attitude of Adam caught in a situation of sin who hid from God, to the point that God was obliged to say to him: “ Where are you? ".

Gen.22:12: “ And the angel said, Stretch not thine hand upon the child, nor do any thing unto him; for now I know that you fear God, and have not withheld your only son from me. »

With the demonstration of his faithful and obedient faith, Abraham can be in the eyes of all, and until the end of the world, be shown as a model of true faith, by God, until the coming of Christ who will incarnate him. in turn in divine perfection. It is in this model of impeccable obedience that Abraham becomes the spiritual father of true believers saved by the shed blood of Jesus Christ. In this experience, Abraham has just played the role of God the Father who will offer as a real and mortal sacrifice, his only son named Jesus of Nazareth.

Gen.22:13: Abraham lifted up his eyes, and saw behind him a ram held in a bush by the horns; and Abraham went and took the ram, and offered it as a burnt offering in place of his son. »

At this point, Abraham can realize that his response to Isaac, " my son, God will provide for himself the lamb for the burnt offering ", had been inspired by God, because the "lamb ", in fact, “the young ram ”, is indeed “ provided ” by God and offered by him. Note that the animals sacrificed to YaHWéH are always males because of the responsibility and dominion given to man, the male Adam. Christ the Redeemer will also be male.

Gen.22:14: “ Abraham named this place YaHWéH Jireh. This is why it is said today: In the mountain of YaHWéH he will be seen. »

The name “ YaHWéH Jireh ” means: YaHWéH will be seen. The adoption of this name is a true prophecy which announces that in the land of Moriah, the great invisible God who inspires fear and awe will be seen in a less formidable human appearance, to bring and obtain the salvation of the elect. And the origin of this appointment, the offering of Isaac as a sacrifice, confirms the earthly ministry of " the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world ." Knowing God's interest in his respect for the types and models reproduced and repeated, it is probable and almost certain that Abraham offered his sacrifice on the very place where, 19 centuries later, Jesus was going to be crucified, at the foot of the Mount Golgotha, outside Jerusalem, the city, for a time only, holy.

Gen.22:15: “ The angel of YaHWéH called Abraham from heaven the second time,

This terrible ordeal will be the last that Abraham will have to undergo. God found in him the worthy model patriarch of obedient faith, and he made it known to him.

Gen.22:16: “ and said: By myself I swear, the word of YaHWéH! Because you have done this, and have not withheld your son, your only son ,

God emphasizes these words " your only son ", because they prophesy his future sacrifice in Jesus Christ according to John 3:16: " God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son , that everyone who may believe in him shall not perish, but have eternal life .”

Gen.22:17: “ I will bless you and multiply your descendants, like the stars of the sky and like the sand that is on the seashore; and your descendants will possess the gate of their enemies. »

Attention ! Abraham's blessing is not inherited, it is for him alone and each man or woman of his descendants must, in turn, merit God's blessing. For God promises him a numerous posterity but among this posterity, only the elect who will act with the same fidelity and the same obedience will be blessed by God. You can then measure all the spiritual ignorance of the Jews who proudly claimed to be sons of Abraham and therefore sons who deserved the inheritance of his blessings. Jesus disproved them by showing them stones and saying that from these stones God can give Abraham descendants. And he credited them as their father, not Abraham, but the devil.

In his conquest of the land of Canaan, Joshua will possess the gate of his enemies, the first of which to fall was the city of Jericho. Last, with God, the chosen saints will possess the door to the last enemy: “ Babylon the Great ” according to various teachings revealed in the Apocalypse of Jesus Christ.

Gen.22:18: “ All the nations of the earth will be blessed in your descendants, because you have obeyed my voice. »

It is indeed “ all the nations of the earth ”, because the offer of salvation in Christ is offered to all human beings, of all origins and all peoples. But these nations also owe to Abraham the fact of being able to discover the divine oracles revealed to the Hebrew people coming out of the land of Egypt. Salvation in Christ is obtained by the double blessing of Abraham and his posterity represented by the Hebrew people and Jesus of Nazareth, Jesus Christ.

It is desirable to clearly note, in this verse, the blessing and its cause: obedience approved by God.

Gen.22:19: “ When Abraham returned to his servants, they arose and went together to Beersheba; for Abraham dwelt in Beersheba. »

Gen.22:20: “ After these things it was reported to Abraham, saying, Behold, Milcah also has borne sons to Nahor your brother:

The verses that follow are intended to prepare the link with “ Rebekah ” who will become the ideal wife chosen by God for the faithful and docile Isaac. She will be taken from Abraham's close family in the descendants of his brother Nahor.

Gen.22:21: “ Uz his firstborn, Buz his brother Kemuel the father of Aram ,”

Gen.22:22: “ Kesed, Hazo, Pildash, Jidlaph and Bethuel. »

Gen.22:23: “ Bethuel begat Rebekah . These are the eight sons that Milcah bore to Nahor, Abraham's brother . »

Gen.22:24: “ His concubine, named Reuma, also bore Tebach, Gaham, Tahash and Maacah. ".



















The fulfillment of the promises made to Abraham



Genesis 23 relates the death and burial of Sarah his wife in Hebron, in the cave of Machpelah. Abraham took possession of a burial site on the soil of Canaan while waiting for God to give the entire land to his descendants some 400 years later.

Then, in Gen.24, Abraham still retains the role of God. In order to remain separate from the local pagan peoples, he will send his servant to a distant place, to his immediate family, to find a wife for his son Isaac and they will let God choose for them. In the same way, God will select the elect who will constitute the bride of Christ, the Son of God. In this selection, man has nothing to do with it because the initiative and the judgment belong to God. God's choice is perfect, irreproachable and effective, like Rebekah the chosen wife, loving, intelligent and beautiful in appearance, and above all, spiritual and faithful; the pearl that all spiritual men who want to take a wife should look for.


Jacob and Esau

Later, according to Gen.25, Rebekah is originally barren like Abram's wife Sarai before her. This shared sterility is due to the fact that the two women will carry blessed posterity to Christ who will himself be formed by God in the womb of a young virgin girl called Mary. In this way, the lineage of God's saving project is marked by his miraculous action. Suffering from this natural sterility, Rebekah appeals to YaHWéH and she obtains from him two twins who fight in her womb. Worried, she questions God about this thing: “ And YaHWéH said to her : Two nations are in your womb, and two peoples will separate from your womb; one of these people will be stronger than the other, and the larger will be subject to the smaller . » She gives birth to two twins. Because of his intense hairiness, and he was entirely " red ", hence the name " Edom " given to his posterity, the eldest is named " Esau ", a name which means "hairy". The youngest is called “ Jacob ”, a name which means: “Deceiver”. Already the two names prophesy their destinies. “Velu” will sell his birthright to the youngest for a succulent dish of “ roux ” or red lentils. He sells this birthright because he underestimates its fair value. On the absolute contrary, the spiritual “Deceiver” covets this title which is not only honorary, because the blessing of God is attached to it. “Deceiver” is of the type of those violent people who want at all costs to force the kingdom of heaven to take possession of it and it was with him in mind that Jesus spoke on this subject. And seeing this boiling zeal, the heart of God is greatly rejoiced. Also, so much the worse for “Hairy” and so much the better for “Deceiver”, because it is he who will become “Israel”, by God’s decision. Make no mistake, Jacob is no ordinary deceiver and he is a remarkable man, for there is no other biblical example of his determination to obtain God's blessing, and it is only to achieve this goal that he cheats ". So we can all imitate him and the faithful heaven will be glad. For his part, Esau will have as his descendants the people of “ Edom ”, a name which means “ red ”, with the same root and meaning as Adam, this people will be an adversary of Israel as the divine prophecy announced.

I specify that the color “red” designates sin, only, in the prophetic images of the saving project revealed by God and this criterion applies, only, to the actors of its productions, such as “Esau”. In the dark times of the Middle Ages, red-haired children considered evil were killed. This is why, I point out, the red color does not make the ordinary man more sinful than the brunette or the blonde, because the sinner is identified by the bad works of his faith. It is therefore only, in symbolic value, that “red”, the color of human blood, is a symbol of sin, according to Isa.1:18: “ Come and let us plead! says YaHWéH. If your sins are like scarlet, they will be white as snow; if they are red like purple, they will become like wool . » Likewise, in his Apocalypse, his Revelation, Jesus links the red color to human instruments which serve, unconsciously or not, the devil, Satan the first sinner of life created by God; examples: the “ red horse ” of Rev.6:4, the “ red or fiery red dragon ” of Rev.12:3, and the “ scarlet beast ” of Rev.17:3.

Now that he has this birthright, Jacob will, in turn, live life experiences that prophesy God's plans, as Abraham's successor.

He left his family for fear of the wrath of his brother Esau, with good reason, according to Gen.27:24, because he had resolved to kill him, following the diversion of the blessing of his dying father, "deceived" by a ruse out of the mind of Rebecca his wife. In this kidnapping, the twins' two names reveal their importance. Because the “Tempeur” used a hairy skin to deceive Isaac, who had become blind, thus passing himself off as his naturally “Hairy” older brother. Spiritual people support each other and Rebekah was more like Jacob than Esau. In this action, God contradicts the human and carnal choice of Isaac who preferred Esau the hunter who brought him game that he appreciated. And God grants the birthright to the one who is most worthy of it: Jacob the Deceiver.

Arriving at Laban, his Aramaic uncle, Rebekah's brother, to work for him, Jacob falls in love with Rachel, the youngest but most beautiful of Laban's daughters. What he does not know is that in his real life, God makes him play a prophetic role which must prophesy his saving project. Also, after “seven years” of work to obtain his beloved Rachel, Laban imposes his eldest daughter “Leah” on him and gives her to him as his wife. To obtain and marry Rachel, he will have to work “seven more years” for his uncle. In this experience, “Jacob” prophesies what God will have to undergo in his saving project. For he too will make a first alliance not in accordance with the desire of his heart, because the experience of a carnal and national Israel will not be marked by the success and glory that its goodness deserves. The successions of “Judges” and “kings” always end badly, despite a few rare exceptions. And the desired wife worthy of his love, he will only obtain as a second alliance after having demonstrated his love and revealed his plan of salvation in the ministry of Jesus Christ; his teaching, his death, and his resurrection. Note that human and divine preferences are entirely reversed. Jacob's beloved is the barren Rachel, but God's is the prolific Leah. By giving Jacob, first, Leah as his wife, God makes his prophet experience the disappointment that they will both experience in their first alliance. In this experience, God announces that his first alliance will be a terrible failure. And the rejection of the Messiah Jesus by his descendants confirmed this prophetic message. Leah, who was not the beloved chosen by the bridegroom, is an image which prophesies the elect of the new alliance who, of pagan origin, lived for a long time in ignorance of the existence of the unique creator God. However, Leah's prolific nature prophesied a covenant that would bear much fruit to the glory of God. And Isaiah 54:1 confirms, saying, “ Rejoice, O barren, you who bear no more! Let your joy and your joy burst forth, you who no longer have pain! For the sons of the forsaken will be more numerous than the sons of her who is married, says Yahweh .” Here the forsaken prophesies, through Leah, the new covenant, and the married one, through Rachel, the old Hebrew covenant.


Jacob becomes Israel

Having left the rich and prosperous Laban, Jacob and those who belong to him return to his brother Esau, whose just and vengeful anger he fears. One night, God appears to him and they fight against each other until dawn. God finally wounds him in the hip and tells him that from now on he will be called "Israel", because he emerged victorious fighting God and men. In this experience, God wanted to portray the image of the fighting soul of Jacob in his fight of faith. Named Israel by God, he obtains what he desperately desired and sought: his blessing from God. The blessing of Abraham in Isaac thus took shape through the constitution of carnal Israel which, built on Jacob who became Israel, would soon become a feared nation, after the exit from slavery Egypt. The grace of God having prepared Esau, the two brothers find themselves in peace and joy.

With his two wives and their two servants, Jacob found himself the father of 12 boys and only one girl. Sterile at first like Sarai and Rebekah, but idolatrous, Rachel obtains from God two children, Joseph the eldest and Benjamin the youngest. She died giving birth to her second child. She thus prophesies the end of the old covenant which will cease with the establishment of the new one based on the atoning blood of Jesus Christ. But in second application, these mortal circumstances prophesy the final fate of his elect who will be saved by his happy intervention when he returns in his glorious divine aspect in Michael Jesus Christ. This reversal of the situation of the last chosen ones is prophesied by the change of name of the child who called " Ben-Oni " or, "son of my sorrow", by the dying mother, is renamed by Jacob, the father, " Benjamin » either, “right son” (right side) or, blessed son. In confirmation, in Matt.25:33, Jesus Christ will place “ his sheep on his right and the goats on his left ”. This name “ Benjamin ” was chosen by God, solely for his prophetic project, therefore for us, because for Jacob it had little meaning; and for God, the idolatrous Rachel did not deserve the qualifier “ right ”. These things concerning the end of the world are developed in the explanations of Rev.7:8.



The admirable Joseph

In the history of Israel, the role that God gives to Joseph will lead him to dominate his brothers who, exasperated by his spiritual domination, sell him to Arab merchants. In Egypt, his honesty and loyalty made him appreciated, but his master's wife wanted to abuse him, having resisted him, Joseph found himself in prison. There, explaining dreams, events will lead him to the highest rank below the pharaoh: first Vizier. This elevation is based on his prophetic gift as for Daniel after him. This gift made him appreciated by the Pharaoh who entrusted Egypt to him. During a famine, Jacob's brothers will go to Egypt and there, Joseph will be reconciled with his wicked brothers. Jacob and Benjamin will join them and this is how the Hebrews settle in Egypt in the region of Goshen.



The Exodus and the faithful Moses


Enslaved, the Hebrews will find in Moses, the Hebrew child whose name means "saved from the waters" of the Nile, raised and adopted by Pharaoh's daughter, the liberator prepared by God.

While the conditions of their slavery harden and increase, to defend a Hebrew, Moses kills an Egyptian, and he flees out of Egypt. His journey takes him to Midian, in Saudi Arabia, where the descendants of Abraham live and Keturah, his second wife, married after the death of Sarah. Marrying Zipporah, the eldest daughter of his father-in-law Jethro, 40 years later, Moses met God while shepherding his flocks towards the mountain of Horeb. The creator appears to him in the form of an incandescent bush which burns but is not consumed. He reveals to him his plan for Israel and sends him to Egypt to guide his people's exit.

Ten plagues will be necessary to force Pharaoh to let his precious slaves go freely. But it is the tenth which will take on a major prophetic importance. For God put to death all the firstborn of Egypt, both men and animals. And on the same day, the Hebrews celebrated the first Passover in their history. The Passover prophesied the death of the Messiah Jesus, the “ firstborn ” and the pure and spotless “ Lamb of God ” offered in sacrifice like the “lamb ” slain on the day of the exodus from Egypt. After the sacrifice of Isaac requested by God from Abraham, the Passover of the Exodus from Egypt is the second prophetic announcement of the death of the Messiah (Anointed) Jesus, or, in Greek terms, of Jesus the Christ. The exodus from Egypt was accomplished on the 14th day of the first month of the year, around the 15th century BC, around 2500 years after the sin of Eve and Adam. These figures confirm the time of “400 years” of the “ four generations ” given by God to the Amorites, inhabitants of the land of Canaan.

The pride and rebellious spirit of Pharaoh will disappear with his army in the waters of the “red sea” which thus finds its meaning, because it closes on them after having opened to allow the Hebrews to enter on the land of Saudi Arabia, by the southern end of the Egyptian peninsula. Avoiding Midian, God leads his people through the desert towards Mount Sinai where he will present to them his law of the “ten commandments”. Before the one true God, Israel is now a learned nation that must be put to the test. To this end, Moses is called to him, on the mountain of Sinai and God keeps him there for 40 days and nights. He gives him the two tables of the law engraved with his divine finger. In the camp of the Hebrew people, the prolonged absence of Moses favors the rebellious spirits who put pressure on Aaron and end up making him accept the casting and molding of a “ golden calf ”. This experience alone sums up the behavior towards God of rebellious people of all times. Their refusal to submit to its authority leads them to prefer to doubt its existence. And God's multiple punishments change nothing. After these 40 days and nights of trial, the fear of the giants of Canaan will condemn the people to wander in the desert for 40 years and, only of this tested generation, Joshua and Caleb will be able to enter the promised land offered by God around 2540 since Adam's sin.


The leading characters in the Genesis story are the actors in a production organized by the creator God. Each of them transmits, for a prophetic purpose or not, a lesson, and this idea of spectacle was confirmed by the apostle Paul who said in 1 Cor.4:9: “For God, it seems to me, has made we, apostles, the last of men, condemned to death in a way, since we have been a spectacle to the world, to angels and to men . » Since then, the messenger of the Lord, Ellen G. White, wrote her famous book entitled “The Tragedy of the Ages”. The idea of the " spectacle " is therefore confirmed, but after the "stars, the stars" of the holy book, it is the turn of each of us to play our own role, knowing that instructed by their experiences, we are placed in the duty to imitate their good works, without reproducing their errors. For us, as for Daniel (My Judge is God), God remains “our Judge”, compassionate, certainly, but “The Judge” who makes no exception for anyone.

The experience of Jewish national Israel is disastrous, but it is no more so than that of the Christian faith of our era which ends in widespread apostasy. We should not be surprised by this resemblance, because the Israel of the old covenant was only a microcosm, a sample, of the human beings who populate the entire earth. This is why true faith was as rare there as in the new covenant built on the Savior and “ Faithful Witness ” Jesus Christ.


From the Bible in general


The entire Bible, dictated and then inspired by God to his human servants, carries prophetic lessons; from Genesis to Revelation. The actors chosen by God are presented to us as they really are in their true nature. But to construct prophetic messages in this perpetual spectacle, the creator God becomes the Organizer of events. After the exit from Egypt, God gives Israel the free aspect of his celestial law for 300 years, the time of the "judges" which ends around 2840. And in this freedom, the return to sin, obliges God to punishing his people “seven times” whom he finally delivers to the Philistines, their hereditary enemies. And “seven times” he raises up “liberators”. The Bible says that in those days, “ everyone did what he wanted .” And this time of total freedom was necessary for the fruit borne by each person to be revealed. It is the same in our “ end times ”. These three hundred years of freedom marked by the constant return of the Hebrews to sin, God invites us to compare them with the three hundred years of the life of the righteous Enoch whom he presents to us as an exemplary model of his elect, saying: “ Enoch walked with God three hundred years, then he was no more because God took him ”; with him, by making him enter first into his eternity like, after him, Moses and Elijah, and the saints resurrected at the death of Jesus, before all the other elect, including the apostles of Jesus Christ; they will all be transmuted or resurrected at the last day.

After that of the “judges”, came the time of the kings and there again, God gives his first two actors a prophetic role which confirms the message of the progression of evil towards the final good, that is, from night, or darkness , towards the light. This is how these two men, Saul and David, prophesied the overall project of the plan of salvation prepared for the earthly elect, that is, the two phases or two successive holy alliances. Take it with me, David becomes king only upon the death of King Saul, just as the death of the old perpetual covenant allows Christ to establish his new covenant, his reign and his eternal dominion.

I have already mentioned this subject, but I would like to remind you that earthly monarchies do not have divine legitimacy because the Hebrews asked God to have a king “ like the other earthly nations”, they, “pagan”. Which means that the model of these kings is of the type of satanic values and not divine. As much as, for God, the king is gentle, humble of heart, full of self-sacrifice and compassion, making himself the servant of all, so much so that of the devil is harsh, proud, selfish and contemptuous, and he demands to be served by all. Unjustly hurt by his rejection by his people, God granted his request and for his misfortune, he gave him a king according to the standards of the devil and all his injustices. From then on, for his people Israel, but him alone , royalty obtained its divine legitimacy.

Verbal or written speech is the means of exchange between two individual people. The Bible is the word of God in the sense that to transmit its lessons to his earthly creatures, God has gathered testimonies dictated or inspired to his servants; testimonies sorted, selected and grouped by him over time. We should not be surprised when we note the imperfection of justice established on earth, because cut off from God, men can only establish their justice on the letter of the law. Now, God tells us through Jesus that “ the letter kills but the spirit gives life ”, this letter. The holy scriptures of the Bible can therefore only be “ witnesses ” as indicated in Rev. 11:3 but in no case “judges”. By recognizing that the letter of the law is incapable of rendering just judgment, God reveals a truth that rests solely on the divine nature of his person. He alone can render a just judgment, because his ability to analyze the secret thoughts of the minds of his creatures allows him to know the motivations of those he judges, things hidden and ignored by other creatures. The Bible therefore only provides the basis for the testimonies used for judgment. During the “ thousand years ” of heavenly judgment, the chosen saints will access the motivations of the souls being judged. With Jesus Christ, they will thus be able to render a perfect judgment made necessary since the final verdict establishes the length of the time of suffering suffered in the second death. This knowledge of the real motivation of the culprit allows us to better understand God's clemency towards Cain, the first earthly murderer. According to the only testimony presented in writing in the Bible, Cain was pushed towards jealousy by God's choice to bless Abel's offering and to disdain that of Cain, without the latter knowing the reason for this difference which was spiritual. and still ignored. This is how things are, life is made up of innumerable parameters and conditions that only God can identify and judge with full knowledge of the facts. That said, the Bible remains for men, the only book which presents in letters the bases of the law which judges their actions, while waiting for their secret thoughts to be revealed to the chosen saints in heaven. However, the role of the letter is to condemn or judge the action. This is why, in his Revelation, Jesus reminds men of the importance of their “ works ” and he rarely speaks of their faith. In James 2:17, the apostle James recalled that “ without works faith is dead ”, also confirming this opinion, Jesus only speaks of the good or bad “ works ” generated by faith. And to be generated by faith, these works are exclusively those which the Bible teaches under divine laws. Good deeds valued by the Catholic Church are not taken into account, because they are works of humanist character and inspiration.

In the time of the end, the Bible is totally despised and human society presents a globalized mystifying and lying aspect. It is then that the word “ truth ” which characterizes the Holy Bible, the word of the living God, and more broadly, its global universal project, takes on its full importance. Because contempt for this unique “ truth ” leads humanity to build itself on lies in all relational, secular, religious, political or economic areas.

This article being written on the Sabbath of August 14, 2021, tomorrow, August 15, in large gatherings, the victims deceived by false religion will pay homage to the most successful satanic mystification of his career, since his use of the “ serpent ” as a medium in “ Eden ”: her appearance under the image of the “Virgin Mary”. The real one was no longer a virgin, since after Jesus, she gave birth to sons and daughters; brothers and sisters of Jesus. But lies die hard and resist even the best biblical arguments. No matter, after this August 15, there will only be left for this outrage, at most, eight celebrations to irritate God and arouse his just anger which will fall on the heads of the guilty. Note that in this apparition, children were chosen to authenticate the vision of the “virgin”. Are they as innocent as people say and pretend? Born sinners, innocence is wrongly attributed to them, but we cannot therefore accuse them of complicity. The vision these children received was very real, but the devil is also a very real rebellious spirit and Jesus Christ dedicated many of his words to him to warn his servants about him. History bears witness to its deceptive seductive power which leads its seduced and deceived victims to the “ second death ”. The worship of the devil throughout the Papal and Roman Catholic Church is denounced by God, in this verse from Rev. 13:4: “ And they worshiped the dragon, because he had given authority to the beast ; they worshiped the beast, saying, Who is like the beast, and who can fight against him? ". In reality, it is only after the end of this " adoration " of the constraining and persecuting " beast " of the true elected saints of Jesus Christ that, in a time of tolerance that circumstances have imposed on it, this adoration begins. is extended by the seductive means of the apparitions of the diabolical “virgin”; a “ woman ” to replace the “ snake ” after the “ snake ” seduced the “ woman ” who seduced her husband. The principle remains the same and it is still as effective.


Last choice time


This study of divine revelations ends with the analysis of the book of Genesis which revealed to us who God is in all his aspects of character. We have just seen how he is resolute in his demand for obedience from his creatures by subjecting Abram to an extraordinary test of faith when he was almost a hundred years old; this divine requirement therefore no longer needs to be demonstrated.

At the time of the last choice proposed by God since the spring of 1843, and more precisely required since October 22, 1844, the observation of the Sabbath is required by God as proof of the love rendered to him by his true elected saints. The universal spiritual situation is thus presented in the form of a single question which is addressed to all members of religious, Christian organizations, exclusively.

The question that kills or makes you live forever

Is an emperor, a king, or a pope empowered and authorized to change the words spoken and written by God, or under his dictation as Moses did?


Having foreseen everything, even this question, Jesus gave his answer in advance, saying in Mat.5:17-18: “Do not think that I have come to abolish the law or the prophets; I came not to abolish, but to fulfill. For truly I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not one jot or one tittle will pass from the law until all is accomplished . » The same Jesus also announced that his words which he spoke will judge us, in John 12:47 to 49: “ If anyone hears my words and does not keep them, it is not I who judges him; for I came not to judge the world, but to save the world. He who rejects me and does not receive my words has his judge; the word that I have spoken will judge him in the last day . For I have not spoken of myself; but the Father, who sent me, has himself prescribed to me what I must say and proclaim. »

This is God's conception of his law. But Dan.7:25 revealed that the intention to " change " it was to appear in the Christian era, saying of Roman Catholic popery: " He will speak words against the Most High, he will oppress the saints of the Most High." -High, and he will hope to change the times and the law ; and the saints shall be delivered into his hands for a time, and times, and half a time. » An outrage which will cease and which he will know how to justly punish according to verse 26 which follows: “ Then judgment will come, and his dominion will be taken away from him, which will be destroyed and annihilated forever. » These “ times ” or prophetic years announce his persecuting reign accomplished for 1260 years, from 538 until 1798.

This “ judgment ” is accomplished in several phases.

The first phase is preparatory; it is the work of the separation and sanctification of the “Adventist” faith established by God since the spring of 1843. Adventism is separated from the Catholic and Protestant religions. In Revelation, this phase concerns the “ Sardis, Philadelphia and Laodicea ” eras in Rev.3:1-7-14.

The second phase is enforceable: “ we will take away his domination ”. It is the glorious return of Jesus Christ expected in the spring of 2030. The elected Adventists enter eternity separated from the unworthy Catholic, Protestant and Adventist rebels who are dying on earth. The action is accomplished at the end of the “ Laodicean ” era of Rev.3:14.

The third phase is that of the judgment of the fallen dead, put into action by the elect who have entered the celestial kingdom of God. The victims have become the judges and separately , the life of each of the rebels is judged and a final sentence proportional to their guilt is pronounced. These sentences determine the length of the time of “ torment ” that the action of their “ second death ” will cause. In Revelation, this theme is the subject of Rev.4; 11:18 and 20:4; this since Dan.7:9-10.

Fourth, at the end of the seventh millennium, the great Sabbath for God and his elect in Christ, comes the executive phase of the sentences rendered by Christ and his elect. In the land of sin where they are resurrected, the condemned rebels are annihilated, " forever ", by " the fire of second death . In Revelation, this executive judgment or “last judgment” is the theme of Rev.20:11-15.


At the time of the last choice, two irreconcilable religious conceptions separate definitively, because they are extremely opposed to each other. Christ's elect hear his voice and adapt to his demands at the time when he speaks to them and calls them. In the other position are Christians who follow centuries-old religious traditions as if truth were a matter of time and not of intelligence, reasoning and testimony. These people did not understand what “ the new covenant ” represented by the prophet Jeremiah in Jer.31:31 to 34: “ Behold, the days are coming, says YaHWéH, when I will do with the house of Israel and the house of Judah a new covenant, not like the covenant that I made with their fathers, the day I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt, a covenant which they violated, although I was their master , says YaHWéH. But this is the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel after those days, says Yahweh: I will put my law within them, I will write it on their hearts ; and I will be their God, and they will be my people. This one will no longer teach his neighbor, nor his brother, saying: Know YHWH! For everyone will know me, from the least to the greatest, says Yahweh; For I will forgive their iniquity, and remember their sin no more . » How can God succeed in “ writing in the heart » of man the love of his holy law, something that the norm of the old covenant had not succeeded in obtaining? The answer to this question, and the only difference between the two alliances, comes in the aspect of the demonstration of divine love accomplished by the atoning death of the substitute Jesus Christ in whom he was incarnated and revealed. However, the death of Jesus did not come to put an end to obedience but on the contrary, it gave the elect reasons to be even more obedient towards the God capable of loving so strongly. And when he wins the heart of man, the goal sought by God is achieved; he obtains an elect fit and worthy to share his eternity.

The last message that God presented to you in this work is the subject of separation . This is the vital point which makes all the difference between the chosen and the called. In his normal nature, man does not like to be disturbed in his habits and his conceptions of things. However, this disturbance is made necessary since accustomed to the established lie, to become its chosen one, man must be uprooted and diverted to adapt to the truth that God shows him. It is then that separation from those whom God does not approve of is made necessary . The chosen one must demonstrate his ability to concretely challenge his ideas, his habits, and his carnal ties with beings whose destiny will never be eternal life.

For elected officials, the religious priority is vertical; the goal is to create a solid bond with the creator God, even if it is to the detriment of human relationships. For the fallen, religion is horizontal; they give priority to the connection established with other humans, even if it is to the detriment of God.


Seventh-day Adventism: A separation, a name, a history


The last elect of the Christian faith are gathered together spiritually to form the Israel of the “ 12 tribes ” of Rev.7. Their selection was accomplished through a series of tests of faith based on the interest shown in the prophetic word which announces in Dan.8:14 the date 1843. It was to mark the resumption by God of Christianity, until there represented by the Catholic faith since 538 and by the Protestant faith resulting from the time of the Reformation since 1170. The verse of Dan.8:14 was interpreted as announcing the glorious return of Christ, his advent which caused his "waiting", in Latin "adventus" hence the Adventist name which was given to the experience and its followers between 1843 and 1844. Apparently, this message did not speak of the Sabbath, but only in appearance, because the return of Christ will mark the entry into the seventh millennium, the great Sabbath prophesied, each week, by the Sabbath of the seventh day: the Saturday of the Jews. Unaware of this connection, early Adventists did not discover the importance God gives to the Sabbath until after this time of trial. And when they understood this, the pioneers firmly taught the Sabbath truth remembered in the name of the church formed, "of the seventh day." But over time, the heirs of the work no longer gave the Sabbath the importance that God gives it, by attaching its exigibility to the time of the return of Jesus Christ instead of attaching it to the date 1843 indicated by Daniel's prophecy. Postponing such a fundamental divine requirement constituted a fault whose consequence was, in 1994, the rejection by God of the organization and its members whom he delivered to the rebel camp already condemned by him since 1843. This sad experience and this failure of the last official institution of the Christian faith testifies to this incapacity of false Christianity to accept the separation of human bonds . The absence of love for divine truth and therefore for God himself is at issue, and this is the ultimate lesson in the history of the Christian faith that I can explain to you, to teach you and warn you, in the name of the Almighty God, YaHWéH-Michael-Jesus Christ.

Finally, still in this same theme, because it cost me the price of a painful spiritual separation, I remind you of this verse from Matt.10:37 and, because the verses which precede it clearly summarize the separating character of the true Christian faith, I mention them all from verse 34 to verse 38:

Do not think that I have come to bring peace on earth; I did not come to bring peace, but the sword. For I have come to put a division between a man and his father, between a daughter and her mother, and between a daughter-in-law and her mother-in-law; and a man's enemies will be those of his own household. He who loves his father or his mother more than me is not worthy of me , and he who loves his son or his daughter more than me is not worthy of me ; he who does not take up his cross and follow me is not worthy of me. » This verse 37 justifies Abraham's blessing; he testified that he loved God more than his carnal son. And by reminding an Adventist brother of his duty, by quoting this verse to him, our paths parted and I received a special blessing from God. I was then called a fanatic by this “brother” and since this experience, he had followed the traditional Adventist path. He who introduced me to Adventism and the benefits of vegetarianism later died of Alseimer's disease, while I am still in good health, alive and active in the service of my God, aged 77, and n resorting neither to doctors nor to medicines. All the glory goes to the creator God and his precious advice. In truth !

To summarize the history of Adventism we must remember the following facts. Under this “Adventist” name, God groups together his last saints after a long domination of the Catholic faith which legitimized, religiously , the Sunday established under its pagan name “day of the unconquered sun” by Constantine I on March 7, 321. But the Early Adventists were Protestants or Catholics who devoutly honored the inherited Christian Sunday. They were therefore selected by God by their behavior having been rejoiced by the return of Jesus Christ which was announced to them successively for the spring of 1843 and October 22, 1844. It was only after this selection that the light of the Sabbath gave them was presented. Also, their interpretations of the prophecies of Daniel and Revelation contained enormous errors which I correct in this work. Without knowledge of the Sabbath, the pioneers constructed the theory of so-called “investigative” judgment which they were never able to question; even after light on the Sabbath was given to them. For those who do not know, I remind you that according to this theory, since 1843, then 1844, in heaven Jesus examines the books of testimonies to select his last elect who must be saved. Yet the clear identification of Sunday's sin gave precise meaning to the message of Dan.8:14, even in its poorly translated form of " cleansing the sanctuary ." And this bad translation created insoluble controversies, because this expression primarily concerned the fulfillment by the atoning death of Jesus Christ according to Heb.9:23: “It was therefore necessary, since the images of the things which are in the heavens were to be purified in this manner, whether the celestial things themselves were purified by sacrifices more excellent than these . For Christ has not entered into a sanctuary made with hands, in imitation of the true one, but into heaven itself, that now he may appear before the face of God for us .” Thus, everything that was to be purified in heaven was purified by the death of Jesus Christ: the investigative judgment therefore no longer has any logical meaning. After the death and resurrection of Jesus, no sin or sinner enters heaven to defile it again, because Jesus cleansed his heavenly area by driving Satan and his angelic followers to earth, according to Rev.12:7 at 12 and especially in verse 9: “ And the great dragon was cast out, the ancient serpent, called the devil and Satan, who deceives the whole earth, he was cast out to the earth , and his angels were cast out with him. »

The second error of official Adventism also arose from the original ignorance of the role of the Sabbath and it took on great importance much later. Adventists have wrongly focused their attention on the time of the last, the ultimate, test of faith which will in reality only concern those who will still be alive at the time of the true return of Jesus Christ. In particular, they wrongly thought that Sunday would become " the mark of the beast " only at the time of this last test, and this explains the search for friendship with practitioners of the cursed Sunday. by God, in reality, from its origin. The proof that I give is the existence of the “seven trumpets” of Rev. 8, 9 and 11, the first six of which warn after 321, throughout the Christian era, the people of their practice of the sin of the condemned Sunday by God. Which Dan.8:12 had already revealed by saying: “ The army was delivered up with the perpetual sacrifice , because of sin ; the horn threw the truth to the ground, and succeeded in his undertakings. » This “ sin ” was already, the practice of Sunday inherited civilly from Constantine I since 321 and justified religiously by papal Rome since 538, “ the mark of the beast ” cited in Apo.13:15; 14:9-11; 16:2. In 1995, after having manifested a rejection of the prophetic light that I proposed between 1982 and 1991, official Adventism committed the serious error of making an alliance with the declared and revealed enemies of God. The example of the numerous reproaches that God addressed to ancient Israel for its alliances with Egypt, a symbolic image of typical sin, is, in this action, entirely ignored; which makes the Adventist sin even greater.

In fact, upon becoming aware of the role of the Sabbath and the importance it gives to the title of Creator God, the Adventist people should have clearly identified their religious enemies and avoided any fraternal alliance with them. For, the Saturday Sabbath being the “ seal of the living God ” of Rev.7:2, the royal mark of the creator God, its adversary, Sunday , could only be “ the mark of the beast ” of Rev.13:15.

I recall here that the causes of the fall of official institutional Adventism are multiple, but the main and most serious concerns the refusal of the light shed on the true translation of Daniel 8:14 and the contempt shown towards the brand new explanation of Daniel 12, the lesson of which is to highlight the divine legitimacy of 7th day Adventism . Then comes the fault of not having placed their hope in the return of Jesus Christ announced for 1994; as the pioneers of the work had done in 1843 and 1844.



The main judgments of God


His creation of the earth and the heavens completed, on the sixth day God installs man on the earth. And it is because of the disobedient behavior of humanity, and therefore of sin, that God will subject it, successively, during its history of seven thousand years, to his numerous judgments. With each of these judgments, changes are made and perceived in a concrete and visible way. The excesses followed by humanity require these divine interventions which aim to place it back on the path of truth approved by its sovereign judgment.


The Judgments of the Old Covenant .

1st judgment: God judges the sin committed by Eve and Adam, who are cursed and driven out of the “ Garden of Eden ”.

2nd judgment: God destroys rebellious humanity by the waters of the global “ flood .

3rd judgment: God separates men by different languages after their elevation from the “ Tower of Babel ”.

4th judgment : God makes an alliance with Abram who then becomes Abraham. At this time, God destroys Sodom and Gomorrah, the cities where extreme sin is practiced; the odious and abominable “ knowledge ”.

5th judgment: God delivers Israel from the slavery of Egypt, Israel becomes a free and independent nation to which God presents his laws .

6th judgment: For 300 years, under his direction and through the action of 7 liberating judges, God delivers Israel invaded by its enemies because of sin.

7th judgment: At the request of the people, and for their curse, God is replaced by earthly kings and their long dynasties (Kings of Judah and kings of Israel) .

8th judgment : Israel is deported to Babylon.

9th judgment : Israel rejects the divine “Messiah” Jesus – End of the old covenant. The new covenant begins on perfect doctrinal foundations.

10th judgment: The national state of Israel is destroyed by the Romans in 70.


The Judgments of the New Covenant .

They are mentioned in Revelation by the “ seven trumpets ”.

1st judgment : Barbarian invasions after 321 between 395 and 538.

2nd judgment: Establishment of the dominating papal religious regime in 538.

3rd judgment: the Wars of Religions: they oppose the Catholics to the Protestant reformers disapproved by God: “ the hypocrites ” of Dan.11:34.

4th judgment: French revolutionary atheism overthrows the monarchy and puts an end to Roman Catholic despotism .

5th judgment : 1843-1844 and 1994.

– The beginning: The decree of Dan.8:14 comes into effect – it demands the completion of the work initiated by the Reformation since Peter Valdo, the perfect example, since 1170. The Protestant faith falls and Adventism is born victoriously : The religious practice of Roman Sunday is condemned and that of the Saturday Sabbath is justified and required by God in Jesus Christ since 1843. The work of reform is thus completed and completed.

– The end: “ vomited ” by Jesus, she died institutionally in 1994, in accordance with the message addressed to “ Laodicea ”. God's judgment began with His house undergoing a fatal test of prophetic faith. Disapproved, the former elected official joined the camp of Catholic and Protestant rebels.

6th judgment: The “ 6th trumpet ” is accomplished in the form of the Third World War, this time nuclear, described in Dan.11:40 to 45. The survivors organize the ultimate universal government and restore the rest of the first obligatory day by decree. Consequently, rest on the seventh-day Sabbath, Saturday, was prohibited, forbidden under penalty of social sanctions at first, then, finally, punished by death by a new decree.

7th judgment: preceded by the time of the last seven plagues described in Rev. 16, in the spring of 2030, the glorious return of Christ puts an end to the presence of human earthly civilization . Humanity is exterminated. Only Satan will remain a prisoner on the desolate earth, the “abyss” of Rev. 20, for “ a thousand years ”.

8th judgment: Taken up to heaven by Jesus Christ, his elect proceed to judge the wicked dead . This is the judgment cited in Rev.11:18.

9th judgment : The last judgment; the wicked dead are resurrected to suffer the standard of the “ second death ” due to the “lake of fire ” which covers the earth and consumes with them every trace of the works due to sin.

10th judgment : The defiled earth and heavens are renewed and glorified. Welcome the elect to God’s new, everlasting kingdom!


Divine from A to Z, from Aleph to Tav, from alpha to omega

The Bible has nothing in common with other books written by human beings except its surface visual appearance. Because in reality, we only see its surface which we read according to writing conventions specific to the languages of Hebrew and Greek, in which the original texts were transmitted to us. But in his writing of the Bible, Moses used archaic Hebrew whose letters of the alphabet were different from the current letters, they were replaced letter for letter during the exile in Babylon, without causing problems. But the letters were stuck together without spacing the words, which did not make them easy to read. But behind this disadvantage lies the advantage of forming different words depending on the choice of letter chosen to mark its beginning. This is possible and has been demonstrated, which proves that the Bible is truly far beyond the possibilities of human imagination and achievement. Only the thought and memory of the unlimited creator God can have conceived such a work. Because this observation of multiple readings of the Bible reveals that each word that appears there was chosen and inspired by God to the various writers of his books over time until the last one, his Revelation or Apocalypse.

Around 1890, Russian mathematician Yvan Panin demonstrated the existence of numerical figures in various aspects of the construction of biblical texts. Because Hebrew and Greek have in common the fact that the letters of their alphabets are also used as numerals and numbers. The demonstrations made by Yvan Panin have considerably aggravated the guilt of men who do not take God's Bible seriously. Because if these discoveries have no impact on making men capable of loving God, they nevertheless take away any legitimacy from not believing in his existence. Yvan Panin demonstrated how the number “seven” was omnipresent throughout the construction of the Bible, particularly in the very first verse of it, in Gen.1:1. Having myself demonstrated that the seventh-day Sabbath is the “ seal of the living God ” of Rev.7:2, this work only confirms the evidence discovered by this brilliant mathematician who offered demanding scientists, of his time and ours, incontestable scientific proof.

Since Yvan Panin, modern computing has analyzed the 304,805 signs of the letters which make up the Scripture of the only ancient alliance and software offers countless different readings by placing each letter on an immense checkerboard whose alignment possibilities begin with a a single horizontal line of the 304805 letters until finally obtaining a single vertical line of these 304805 letters; and between these two extreme alignments all the innumerable intermediate combinations. We discover messages concerning the terrestrial world, its international events and the names of ancient and modern people and the possibilities are immense because the only imperative is to keep an identical space (from 1 to n…) between each letter of the words formed. In addition to horizontal and vertical alignments, there are the multitude of oblique alignments, top to bottom and bottom to top, right to left and left to right.

Therefore, taking the image of the ocean, I confirm that our knowledge of the Bible is at the level of its surface. What has been hidden will be revealed to the elect during the eternity into which they will enter. And God will still amaze his beloved ones with his immense, unlimited power.

These dazzling demonstrations are unfortunately incapable of changing the hearts of human beings so that they come to love God “ with all their heart, with all their soul, with all their strength, with all their mind ” (Deu.6:5; Mat .22:37); according to his just request. Earthly experience will have proven it, reproaches, reprimands, and punishments do not change men, which is why God's saving project has been based since the beginning of free life on this verse: " love perfect casts out fear ” (1 John 4:18). The selection of the elect is based on their demonstration of perfect love for God, their Heavenly Father. In this “ perfect love ”, there is no longer any need for law or commandments, and the first to understand this was old Enoch who showed God his love by “ walking with ” him, careful not to do anything. to displease him. Because to obey is to love and to love consists of obeying with the aim of giving pleasure and joy to the loved one. In his divine perfection, Jesus in turn came to confirm this lesson of “ true ” love after the first human models, Abraham, Moses, Elijah, Daniel, Job and many others whose names only God knows.



Deformations due to time

There is not a single language on earth that has not undergone evolutions and transformations caused by the perverse spirit of humanity. And in this matter, Hebrew has not escaped this human perversion so that the Hebrew text that we consider original is already nothing more than the original of the writings of Moses in a partially distorted state. I owe this discovery to the work of Ivan Panin and the fact that in the version of the Hebrew text he used in 1890, in Gen.1:1, he digitized the word God with the Hebrew term "elohim". In Hebrew, “elohim” is the plural of “eloha” which means god in the singular. A third form exists: “Él”. It is used to connect the word God to names: Daniel; Samuel; Bethel; etc... These terms designating the true God receive a capital letter in our translations to mark the difference between the true God and the false pagan gods of humans.

The Bible rightly and insistently emphasizes the fact that God is “one” which makes him an “eloha”, the only true “eloha”. This is why, by attributing to himself the plural word "elohim", in Genesis 1 and elsewhere, God sends us a message by which he rightly claims to be already Father of multitudes of lives which pre-exist to the creation of our terrestrial system or dimension, and of all the lives that will appear on earth. These already created heavenly lives were already divided by the sin that appeared in his first free creature. By designating himself by the word “elohim”, the creator God asserts his authority over all that lives and is born of him. It is in this capacity that he will later be able, in Jesus Christ, to bear the sins of the multitude of his elect and save, through his atoning death alone, multitudes of human lives. The word “elohim”, plural, therefore designates God in his creative power of all that lives. This term also prophesies the multiple roles that he will play in his project of salvation in which he is already mainly and successively, “ Father, Son and Holy Spirit ” who will act after baptism to purify and sanctify the lives of his elect. This plural also concerns the various names that God will bear: Michael for his angels; Jesus Christ for his chosen human beings purchased by his blood.

As an example of the distortions due to human perversion I give that of the verb “bless”, expressed in Hebrew by the root “brq” and whose choice of vowels used will end up being translated as “bless” or “curse”. This perverse distortion distorts the meaning of the message regarding Job, to whom his wife actually says " bless God and die ", and not, " curse God and die ", as the translators propose. Another example of insidious perverse change, in the French language the expression “certainly” which originally means certain and absolute has taken on in human thought the meaning of “perhaps”, totally opposite. And this last example deserves to be cited because it will gain importance and have serious consequences. In the “petit Larousse” dictionary I noticed a change concerning the definition of the word “Sunday”. Introduced as the first day of the week in the 1980 version, it became the seventh day in the following year's version. The children of the God of truth must therefore be wary of the evolutionary conventions established by men because for his part, unlike them, the great creator God does not change and his values do not vary, just like the order of things and of the time which he established from his foundation of the world.

The perverse works of humanity have marked even the Hebrew text of the Bible, where vowels are unjustly assigned without consequences for salvation, but to protect its official version, God has prepared by the numerical method, the means of identifying the real text from the fake. This will allow us to verify and note the existence of numerous numerical figures which uniquely characterize the authentic biblical version, in Hebrew as in Greek, the signs of which have not been modified since the 2nd century BC .


The Spirit restores the truth about justification by faith (by one's faith)


I have just mentioned the distortions of the biblical text; things due to the multiple translators of the original writings. To enlighten his end-time people, the Spirit of truth restores their truth, directing the minds of his elect toward texts where significant distortions still remain. This is what has just been accomplished on this Sabbath of September 4, 2021, to the point that I gave it the name “crystal sabbath”. I left the choice of the theme to study to a Rwandan sister with whom we share the progress of our Sabbaths online. She proposed “justification by faith.” The study brought us some real important discoveries that make our understanding of this subject very clear.

In the Bible, in 1 Pet.1:7, the Spirit symbolizes faith by purified gold: “ that the test of your faith, which is more precious than gold that perishes, although tested by fire, result in praise, glory and honor when Jesus Christ appears .” We already understand from this comparison that faith, true faith, is an extremely rare thing; we find pebbles and stones everywhere, which is not the case with gold.

Then, from verse to verse, we first retained that: “ without faith it is impossible to please God ”, according to Heb.11:6: “ And without faith it is impossible to please him; for he who comes to God must believe that God exists, and that he is the rewarder of those who seek him. » Two teachings are linked to faith: belief in its existence, but also, the certainty that it blesses “ those who seek it ”, sincerely, an important detail on which it cannot be deceived. And since the goal of faith is to be pleasing to Him, the chosen one will respond to God's love by obeying all His ordinances and commandments that He presents in the very name of His love for His creatures. The fruit of this bond of love, which unites like a magnet those who love each other and love God in Christ, is presented to us in the famous teaching cited in 1 Cor.13 which describes true love pleasing to God. Following this reading, I thought of the no less famous message given in HabaKuk 2:4: “… the righteous shall live by his faith ”. But, in this verse the translation proposed by Louis Segond tells us: “ Behold, his soul is puffed up, it is not upright in him; but the righteous shall live by his faith. » For a long time, this verse posed a problem for me that I had not tried to resolve. How can a man “ puffed up ” with pride be judged “ righteous ” by God? He who, according to Pro.3:34, James 4:6 and 1 Peter 5:5, “ resists the proud, but gives grace to the humble ”? The solution appeared by finding in the Hebrew text the word " unbelieving " in place of the word " swollen " cited in Segond and with surprise we found, in a "Catholic" Vigouroux version, the good and so logical translation which makes the perfectly clear message from the Spirit. For, in fact, the Spirit inspires in Habakkuk a message in a style already inspired in King Solomon in the form of his proverbs in which he puts in opposition parameters of absolute opposites; here in Habakkuk, “ unbelief ” and “ faith ”. And according to Vigouroux and the Latin Vulgate basis of his translation, the verse reads: “ Behold, he who is unbelieving has not (an) right soul in him; but the righteous shall live by his faith . » By imputing both parts of the verse to the same subject, Louis Segond distorts the message of the Spirit and his readers are prevented from understanding the true message given by God. The thing having been repaired, we will now discover how Habakkuk precisely describes the “Adventist” trials of 1843-1844, 1994, and the ultimate date which concerns the true final return of Christ, the spring of 2030. Indeed, this recent new light which fixes the return of Christ for 2030 allows us to better understand and authenticate the successive Adventist experiences already confirmed, in Rev. 10:6-7, by the expression: "there will be no more delay but the mystery of God will be accomplished .” For this demonstration, I take the text of Habakkuk 2 from its beginning, interspersing the explanatory comments.

L.Segond version modified by me

Verse 1: “ I will be at my post, and I will stand on the tower; I will watch to see what YaHWéH will say to me, and what I will reply in my argument. »

Note the attitude of “waiting” of the prophet which will characterize the Adventist trial, the Spirit telling us in the message of Dan.12:12: “ Blessed is he who waits until 1335 days ”. To understand clearly, the meaning of this “ argument ” is given to us in the preceding chapter where the problem raised by Habakkuk is the prolongation of the prosperity of the wicked on the earth: “Will he empty his net for this, and slaughter- does he always nations, without sparing? » (Hab 1:17). In this reflection and this questioning, Habakkuk images the behavior of all men who make the same observation until the end of the world. Also, God will present his response by prophetically suggesting the subject of the return of Jesus Christ, which will put an end, definitively, to the domination of the wicked, contemptuous, unbelieving, unfaithful and rebellious.

Verse 2: “ YahWeH spoke to me, and said: Write the prophecy: engrave it on tablets, that it may be read commonly. »

Between 1831 and 1844, William Miller presented tables summarizing his announcements which prophesied the return of Jesus Christ for the spring of 1843 first, then for the fall of 1844. Between 1982 and 1994, I also proposed and still propose to Adventists and to other humans, on four tables, the summary of the new prophetic lights inspired by the Lord of Truth for our “ end time ”. If the real consequences attached to this ordeal of 1994 were only understood after the marked time, as was the case in 1844, the date and its calculation are to this day authenticated by the Spirit of the living God.

Verse 3: “ For it is a prophecy whose time is already appointed,

This time appointed by God has been revealed since 2018. Targeting the date of the return of Jesus Christ, this appointed time is spring 2030.

She is walking towards her end, and she will not lie; »

The return of the victorious Christ will be accomplished in its due time, and the prophecy which announces it “ will not lie ”. Jesus Christ will definitely return in the spring of 2030.

If it delays, wait for it, for it will happen, it will certainly happen. »

If the date was fixed by God, for him, the true return of Christ will be accomplished at this appointed time that only he knew until 2018. The suggested delay, " if it delays ", can therefore only concern men, because God reserves the right to use false announcements of the return of Jesus Christ which will allow him to test, successively, in 1843, 1844, 1994 and until our final time, the faith of Christians who claim to be his salvation, which allows him to select his elect. These false anticipated announcements of the return of Jesus Christ are used by God, to separate until the end of the world, " the wheat from the chaff, the sheep from the goats ", the faithful from the infidels, " the believers from the unbelievers », the chosen of the fallen.

The verse confirms the parameter of the Adventist “ waiting ” which remains a descriptive element of the last saints set apart and sealed by the practice of the true seventh-day Sabbath since the fall of 1844, the end of the second Adventist test. In this verse, the Spirit emphasizes the notion of certainty which characterizes this return of Christ the victor, liberator and avenger.

Vigouroux version

Verse 4: “ Behold, he who is an unbeliever does not have a right soul in him; but the righteous shall live by his faith . »

This message reveals the judgment that God carries on humans subjected to the four Adventist trials linked to the dates 1843, 1844, 1994 and 2030. God's verdict is sharp in each of the eras. Through the prophetic announcement God unmasks the “ hypocrites ” Christians who reveal their “ unbelieving ” nature, by scorning the prophetic announcements of his chosen messengers or his prophets. In stark contrast, the elect gives glory to God by receiving His prophetic messages and obeying the new directions they reveal. This obedience, judged by God to be “ pleasing, ” is, at the same time, judged worthy of preserving the righteousness imputed to the name of Jesus Christ.

Only this obedient faith “out of love” for God is judged worthy of entering into the eternity to come. Only he whom the blood of Christ cleanses from his sins is saved “ by his faith ". Because the response of faith is personal , this is why Jesus addresses his messages, individually , to his chosen ones, example: Matt.24:13: “ But he who perseveres until the end will be saved .” Faith can become collective if it meets a single standard. But beware ! Human claims are misleading, because Jesus alone decides who is to be saved or lost according to His judgment of the faith demonstrated by candidates desiring to enter heaven.

In summary, in these verses of Habakkuk, the Spirit reveals and confirms the close and inseparable bond of “ faith ” and “ the works ” it generates; something already raised by the apostle James (Jac.2:17: “ So it is with faith: if it does not have works, it is dead in itself .”); which implies the fact that from the beginning of evangelization, the subject of faith was misunderstood and misinterpreted. Some, like today , only attached the belief aspect to it, ignoring the testimony of the works which give it its value and its life. The behavior of men, to whom God makes known his announcements of the return of Jesus Christ, reveals the true nature of their faith. And at a time when God is pouring out his great light on his last servants, there is no longer any excuse for anyone who does not understand the new requirements established by God since 1843. Salvation by grace continues, but since this date, it only benefits the elect selected by Jesus Christ, through the testimony of real demonstrations of the love that they render to him. At first the Sabbath was the sign of this divine blessing, but since 1844 it has never been sufficient in itself, because the love of his prophetic truth, revealed between 1843 and until 2030, has also always been required by God. In fact, the new lights received since 2018 have a close connection with the seventh-day Sabbath which has become the prophetic image of the seventh millennium which will begin with the return of Jesus Christ in the spring of 2030. Since 2018, “justification by faith » comes to fruition and benefits the called who become the elect by manifesting their love for God and all his old and new lights revealed in the name of Jesus Christ as taught in Matt.13:52: “And he said to them: It is Therefore, every scribe who learns about the kingdom of heaven is like a master of a house who brings out of his treasure new things and old things . Anyone who loves God can only love discovering his projects and his secrets which have long remained hidden and ignored by humans.


 Habakkuk and the first coming of the Messiah

This prophecy also found fulfillment for Jewish national Israel, to which it announced the first coming of the Messiah. The time of this coming was fixed and announced in Dan.9:25. And the key to its calculation was found in the book of Ezra, in chapter 7. It turns out that the Jews placed the book of Daniel among the historical books, and it preceded the book of Ezra. But in this way his prophetic role was reduced and less visible to the reader. Jesus was the first prophet who drew the attention of his apostles and disciples to the prophecies of Daniel.

The announced delay, " if it delays, wait for it ", also had its fulfillment, because the Jews were waiting for a messiah who was avenger and liberator of the Romans, relying on Isaiah 61 where the Spirit says about Christ in the verse 1: “ The spirit of the Lord, YaHWéH, is upon me, For YaHWéH has anointed me to bring good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives, and deliverance to the prisoners; ". In verse 2, the Spirit specifies: “ To proclaim a year of favor from YaHWéH , and a day of vengeance from our God ; To comfort all the afflicted; ". The Jews did not know that between " the year of grace " and " the day of vengeance ", 2000 years still had to pass to lead the people to the return of Christ the victor, liberator and avenger, according to Isaiah 61:2. This lesson is clearly seen in the testimony cited in Luke 4:16-21: “ He went to Nazareth, where he had been brought up, and, according to his custom, he entered the synagogue on the Sabbath day. He stood up to read, and was given the book of the prophet Isaiah. Having unrolled it, he found the place where it was written: The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because he has anointed me to preach good news to the poor; He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim deliverance to the captives, and recovery of sight to the blind, to set the oppressed free, to proclaim the year of the Lord's favor. Then he rolled up the book, handed it to the servant, and sat down. » By stopping his reading here, he confirmed that his first coming only concerned this “ year of grace ” announced by the prophet Isaiah. Verse 21 continues, saying, “ All who were in the synagogue looked at him. Then he began to say to them: This day the scripture has been fulfilled which you have just heard. » The ignored and unread “ day of vengeance ” was set by God, for the spring of 2030, for His second coming, this time, in all His divine power. But before this return, Habakkuk's prophecy had to be fulfilled by “ delay ”, through the “Adventist” trials, in 1843-1844 and 1994, as we have just seen.

The final dedication


Face the truth

In the spring of 2021, the beginning of the divine year, rich but falsely Christian Western humanity has just demonstrated its desire to preserve the lives of the elderly, even if at the cost of national economic ruin. This is why God will deliver it to the Third World War which will take away multitudes of lives of people of all ages, knowing that there is no cure or vaccine for this second divine punishment. Before us, in 8 years, will be the year 6000 of earthly creation, the end of which will be marked by the return of Jesus Christ. Triumphant and victorious, he will lead his redeemed, his living elect and those he will resurrect, into his kingdom of heaven and he will destroy all human life on earth on which he will leave alone, isolated in darkness, the rebellious angel from the beginning, Satan, the devil.

Faith in the 6000 year principle is essential to accept this program. Precise calculations from the figures given in the Bible were made impossible because of a “vagueness” concerning the date of Abraham's birth (a single date for the three sons of Terah: Gen.11:26). But, the sequence of successions of human generations from Adam until the return of Christ confirms the approach of this number 6000. By giving our faith to this round, precise number, we attribute this choice to an “intelligent” being, that is, to the creator God, source of all intelligence and life. According to the principle of the “sabbath” cited in his fourth commandment, God gave man “six days” and six thousand years to do all his work, but the seventh day and the seventh millennium are “hallowed” times of rest. (set apart) for God and his elect.

intelligent or wise ” behavior of His elect who benefit from everything God says, prophesies or thinks (see Daniel 12:3: “ And the wise will shine like the splendor of the expanse, and those who taught righteousness to the multitude, like the stars, for ever and ever. " Acting thus, they justify God's choice to make them benefit from his redemptive justice manifested in Jesus Christ.

To close this work, just before the coming drama, I would like to dedicate, in my turn, to all the true children of God who will read it, and will welcome it with faith and joy, this verse from John 16:33 which was dedicated by two different sources on the occasion of my baptism on June 14, 1980; one on my baptism certificate from the institution, the other on the preface to the book “Jesus Christ” which was offered to me on this occasion by my fellow servant at the time, almost to the age when Jesus offered his life as a sacrifice: “ These things I have spoken to you, that in me you may have peace. You will have tribulation in the world; but take courage, I have conquered the world .”

Samuel, the blessed servant of Jesus Christ, “Verily”!




The last call




As I write this message, at the end of 2021, the world still enjoys appreciable and appreciated universal religious peace. However, based on my knowledge of the deciphered prophetic revelations prepared by God, I affirm, without the slightest doubt, that a terrible World War is in preparation and on track to be accomplished within the next 3 to 5 years. By presenting it under the symbolic name of " sixth trumpet " in Rev.9, the Spirit reminds us that already five terrible punishments have already come to punish the abandonment of fidelity to its holy Sabbath and its other ordinances disrespected since March 7 321. These punishments of the immortal God spanned 1600 years of human history organized on a divine religious program. His sixth punishment comes to warn, one last time, Christianity guilty of infidelity towards him. Apart from God and his saving project, human life has no meaning. This is why, the “ trumpets ” having a gradual character revealed by analogy in Leviticus 26, the murderous intensity of the “ sixth ” will reach heights of horrors that humanity has long feared and dreaded. The “ sixth trumpet ” concerns the ultimate World War which will wipe out multitudes of human beings, “ a third of men ” according to Rev.9:15. And this proportion can literally be reached in a war where 200,000,000 armed, trained and equipped professional fighters will confront each other, according to the precision given in Rev.9:16: “The number of horsemen in the army was two myriads of myriads: I heard the number of them ”; i.e., 2 x 10000 x 10000. Before this last conflict, during the 20th century , the two world wars of 1914-1918 and 1939-1945 were harbingers of the great punishment which is coming to end the time of free nations and independent. God has not provided cities of refuge for his chosen ones, but he has left us sufficiently clear indications for us to flee the areas targeted as a priority by his divine wrath. He will direct the blows that must be delivered by human beings called for this task. But none of them will be one of his chosen ones. The unbelieving rebels or unbelievers scattered throughout the earth will be the instruments and victims of his divine wrath. The Second World War was fought between Western peoples whose religions were Christian and competing. But in the coming Third, the motive for the clashes will be essentially religious, pitting competing religions against each other which have never been doctrinally compatible with each other. Only peace and trade have allowed this illusion to grow. But at the time chosen by God, according to Rev.7:2-3, the demonic universality held by the angels of God will be released to " do harm to the earth and the sea " or, the symbols being decoded , “ to harm ” “Protestants and Catholics” who are unfaithful to Jesus Christ. Very logically, the unfaithful Christian faith constitutes the main target of the anger of the just Judge Jesus Christ; just as in the old covenant, Israel was punished for its constant infidelities until its national destruction in the year 70. In parallel with this " sixth trumpet ", the prophecy of Dan.11:40 to 45, confirms, by evoking “ three kings ”, the implication of the three religions of monotheism: European Catholicism, Arab and North African Islam, and Russian Orthodoxy. The conflict ended with a reversal of the situation due to the intervention of American Protestantism, not named as king, but suggested as a traditional potential enemy of Russia. The elimination of competing powers opens access to its last domination under the title of “ the beast that comes up from the earth ,” described in Rev.13:11. Let us specify that in this final context, the American Protestant faith has become a minority, with the Roman Catholic faith being the majority, due to successive Hispanic immigrations. In 2022, its president of Irish origin is himself Catholic, like the assassinated president John Kennedy.

In Rev.18:4, in Almighty God, Jesus Christ commands all who believe and hope in Him, His chosen ones, to “ come out of Babylon the Great .” Identified with evidence in this work to the Papal Roman Catholic Church, “ Babylon ” is judged and condemned because of “ her sins ”. By historical inheritance of " its sins ", the guilt of Catholicism extends to Protestants and Orthodox people who justify, through their religious practice, the Sunday rest inherited from Rome. The exit from Babylon implies the abandonment of " one's sins ", the most important of which, because God makes it an identifying " mark ": the weekly day of rest, first day of the week of the divine order, Roman Sunday .

In this message, given the urgency of the times, I urge the sons and daughters of God to leave the northern zone of France centered on its capital, Paris. Because it will soon be struck by the wrath of God, suffering the “ fire from heaven ”, this time nuclear, like the city of “ Sodom ” to which he compares it, in his Revelation, in Rev. 11:8. He also designates it by the name " Egypt ", a symbolic image of " sin ", because of the rebellious attitude of its irreligious commitment which opposes God, like the pharaoh in the historical account of the Exodus of Hebrew people. In a war situation, with roads cut and prohibited, it will be impossible to leave the targeted area and escape the deadly tragedy.


Samuel servant of the living God, Jesus Christ



Those who want to discover, first, what is presented at the end of this work, will have difficulty understanding why I am so convinced of the irrevocable nature of the imminent destruction of France and Europe. But those who have read it, from its beginning to its end, will have collected, in the course of reading, the proofs which continually pile up, to the point of allowing them to ultimately share the unshakeable conviction that the The Spirit of God has built in me and in all who belong to him; in truth. TO HIM belongs all the GLORY.

Bad surprises will only come from those who stubbornly refuse to recognize his incomparable power, the most numerous, and his ability to lead everything according to his plan until its perfect accomplishment.

I close this work here, but the inspiration that Jesus continues to give me is noted and recorded perpetually in the form of messages presented in the work “ Heavenly manna of the last Adventist walkers ”.